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Refrescante cascada de nuevos títulos electrónicos para disfrutar con el calor

5 de Agosto de 2011 a las 13:54 h

Privacidad e identidad digital, Arduino, Android Media, Windows Phone 7, PHP security, Drupal 7....Estas son algunas de las materias de los elibros publicados en Springer y Apress, recientemente adquiridos por la Biblioteca. ¡Al alcance de un solo click!

Por lo que respecta a Professional and Applied Computing (APress) ofrecemos:

Advanced BlackBerry 6 Development / Chris King.

Android Apps for Absolute Beginners / Wallace Jackson.

Beginning Arduino / Michael McRoberts.

Beginning Google SketchUp for 3D Printing / Sandeep Singh.

Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps : Scripting with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript / Chris Apers and Daniel Paterson.

Beginning Oracle Application Express 4 / Doug Gault, Karen Cannell, Patrick Cimolini, Martin D'Souza and Timothy St. Hilaire.

Beginning Windows Phone 7 Development / Henry Lee and Eugene Chuvyrov.

Cracking Windows Phone and Blackberry Native Development : Cross-Platform Mobile Apps Without the Kludge / Matthew Baxter-Reynolds.

Creative Blogging / Your First Steps to a Successful Blog / Heather Wright-Porto.

Learn iPhone and iPad cocos2d Game Development / Steffen Itterheim.

Learn Mac OS X Snow Leopard / Scott Meyers and Mike Lee.

PowerPivot for Business Intelligence Using Excel and SharePoint / Barry Ralston.

Pro Android Media : Developing Graphics, Music, Video and Rich Media Apps for Smartphones and Tablets / Shawn Van Every.

Pro Data Backup and Recovery / Steven Nelson.

Pro DLR in .NET 4 / Chaur Wu.

Pro DNS and BIND 10 / Ron Aitchison.

Pro Drupal 7 for Windows Developers / Brian Travis.

Pro Expression Blend 4 / Andrew Troelsen.

Pro Java ME Apps / Ovidiu Iliescu.

Pro JavaScript with MooTools : Learning Advanced JavaScript Programming / Mark Joseph Obcena.

Pro PHP Security : From Application Security Principles to the Implementation of XSS Defenses / Chris Snyder, Thomas Myer and Michael Southwell.

Windows Phone 7 Game Development / Adam Dawes.

Windows Phone 7 Recipes : A Problem-Solution Approach / Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati and Emanuele Garofalo.

Winning Design! : LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Design Patterns for Fun and Competition
/ James J. Trobaugh.

Entre las monografías de la Computer Science Collection (Springer) destacamos

Advanced Digital Preservation / David Giaretta.

Analyzing Computer System Performance with Perl::PDQ / Neil J. Gunther.

Cloud Computing : Web-Based Dynamic IT Services / Christian Baun, Marcel Kunze, Jens Nimis and Stefan Tai.

Computational Logic and Set Theory : Applying Formalized Logic to Analysis / Jacob T. Schwartz, Domenico Cantone and Eugenio G. Omodeo.

Design of Modern Heuristics : Principles and Application / Franz Rothlauf.

Grid and Cloud Database Management / Sandro Fiore and Giovanni Aloisio.

Handbook of Semantic Web Technologies / John Domingue, Dieter Fensel and James A. Hendler.

Introduction to Compiler Design / Torben Ægidius Mogensen.

The Language Grid : Service-Oriented Collective Intelligence for Language Resource Interoperability / Toru Ishida.

Ontologies in Urban Development Projects / Gilles Falquet, Claudine Métral, Jacques Teller and Christopher Tweed.

Privacy Online : Perspectives on Privacy and Self-Disclosure in the Social Web / Sabine Trepte and Leonard Reinecke.

Reinventing Ourselves: Contemporary Concepts of Identity in Virtual Worlds / Anna Peachey and Mark Childs.

Semantic Web Services / Dieter Fensel, Federico Michele Facca, Elena Simperl and Ioan Toma.

Sensing and Systems in Pervasive Computing : Engineering Context Aware Systems / Dan Chalmers.

Sensing Emotions : The impact of context on experience measurements / Joyce Westerink, Martijn Krans and Martin Ouwerkerk.

Socially Enhanced Services Computing : Modern Models and Algorithms for Distributed Systems / Schahram Dustdar, Daniel Schall, Florian Skopik, Lukasz Juszczyk and Harald Psaier.

Temporal Information Processing Technology and Its Application / Yong Tang, Xiaoping Ye and Na Tang.



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