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Puesto el 9 de Agosto de 2012 a las 18:11

El Seminario bajo el título A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE ON OLD AND NEW PROBLEMS OF CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL LAW ha sido organizado conjuntamente por el Real Colegio Complutense, el European Law Research Center (Harvard Law School) y el Departamento de Derecho mercantil de la Universidad Complutense.

El objetivo fundamental del curso es el análisis y debate acerca de algunas de las cuestiones más conflictivas en el ámbito del derecho de sociedades y del mercado financiero comparando la experiencia europea (con especial referencia a la situación española) con la norteamericana.

El seminario se celebrará entre los días 24-27 de septiembre de 2012 en la Universidad de Harvard.


La estructura y programa del Seminario tratan de impulsar un intercambio fructífero entre todos los ponentes, así como facilitar a los asistentes información y materiales especialmente válidos con respecto a los temas debatidos.

El Seminario se ha preparado pensando en que la asistencia al mismo va a estar integrada principalmente por jóvenes investigadores y profesores universitarios, así como por abogados y otros profesionales con experiencia en las materias a tratar.

Tanto para el seguimiento de determinadas clases (v. 4), como para un adecuado aprovechamiento de los materiales que se facilitarán a los alumnos, se requiere un buen nivel en el dominio del inglés.  El Seminario cuenta con la presencia como ponentes de Profesores Complutenses y de la Harvard Law School, conocidos por sus contribuciones en los temas asignados.

Las ponencias se desarrollarán en español e inglés, respectivamente, sin que exista un servicio de interpretación.

Los interesados en asistir al Seminario deberán remitir, antes del próximo 15 de septiembre de 2012 su solicitud. La matrícula del curso es de 200 dólares. Quienes estén interesados pueden contactar con Mónica Fuentes Naharro ( o Isabel Fernández Torres (

El importe de la matrícula se ingresará a nombre del "Real Colegio Complutense" en el Bank of America, 100 Federal Street Boston, MA 02110, Acct Num: 004614155363. Swift: BOFAUS3N.ABA: 011000138.

Para la organización del Seminario, los organizadores han contado con el patrocinio de Allen & Overy (Madrid), Banco Santander, J & A Garrigues, S.L.P, Ilustre Colegio Notarial de Madrid y Colegio de Registradores de España.

el programa puede consultarse  en:

Monday 24th September 2012

8.45h. Breakfast.

9.15-9.30h. Welcome to participants and opening of the Seminar: Prof. David Kennedy, Director of the Institute for Global Law and Policy. Harvard Law School. 

9.30-10.00h. "The post-trading of securities: operational impact of the new Spanish and European regulatory structure", J. A. García Pérez. Banco Santander.

10.00-11.45h. 1st Lecture: "Dealmaking and Corporate Law/Corporate governance Issues in the EU and US", Prof. Guhan Subramanian, Joseph Flom Professor of Law & Business, Harvard Law School, and H. Douglas Weaver Professor of Business Law. Harvard Business School.

11.45 h Coffe Break

12.00-13.45h. 2nd Lecture: "Insider Trading via the Corporation", Prof. Jesse Freid. Professor of Law, Harvard Law School.

Tuesday 25th September 2012

 8.30h. Breakfast.

9.00-9.45h. 3rd Lecture: "Hedge Funds. Crisis and regulation. Trues and lies", Prof. J. Sánchez-Calero and Prof. A. Tapia Hermida. Chaired Professors of Business Law, UCM.

9.45-10.15h Round Table (coord.) by Prof. I. Gómez-Jordana. UCM. 

  • "Shadow banking and de facto banking, similarities and differences", Prof. M. Fuentes Naharro. UCM.
  • "Should the commercialization of Hedge Funds be restricted to professional investors or should it be permitted among retail investors?". B. Villanueva García-Pomareda. Abogado
  • "Regulatory solutions to the risks posed by the interference of Hedge Funds in the capital markets", Prof. R. Palá Laguna. Universidad Zaragoza.
  • "Influence of hedge funds investments on listed and unlisted companies. Differences". L.M. García Martínez. UCM.
  • "Problems posed by the takeover of unlisted companies by Hedge Funds". Prof. A. Domínguez. UCM.
  • "Issues raised by the remuneration policy of the Hedge Fund Manager, its directives and employees". E.P. Lucas Martín. Becaria FPI. UCM.

10.15-11.00h. 4rd Lecture: "OTC in the era of financial reforms", Prof. C. Alonso Ledesma, Chaired Professor of Business Law. UCM.

11.00-11.30h. Round Table. (coord.) by Prof. E. Gallego Sánchez, Chaired Professor of Business Law. UA.

  • "Trade repositories". Prof. I. Fernández Torres. UCM.
  • "Transparency on OTC". Prof. M. S. Flores Doña. UCM.
  • "Clearing and settlement methods and its problems". Prof. C. Galán López. UCM.
  • "The close-out netting on OTC: regulatory attempts", Prof. L. Garnacho Cabanillas. URJC.
  • "Insolvency issues and OTC". Prof. J. Martínez Rosado. UCM. Prof. S. Navarro Lérida. UCLM.
  • "The impact of regulation on European and American CCPS in third countries: need for regulatory convergence?". L. M. García Martínez. UCM.
  • "Flip clauses". Prof. I. Fernández Torres. UCM.

 11.30 Coffee Break

12.o0h-14.00. 5th Lecture: "The Interaction of Conflicts of Interest Among Bankers and Boards", Prof. John C. Coates, John F. Cogan, Jr. Professor of Law and Economics. Harvard Law School. 

Wednesday 26th September 2012

8.30h. Breakfast.

9.00-9.45h. 6th Lecture: "Minority Oppresion and Dividend Policy. The Spanish Case", Prof. L. Fernández del Pozo. Registrador de la Propiedad y Mercantil de Barcelona. Chaired Professor of Business Law. Universidad de Cataluña.

9.45-10.15 h. Round Table. (coord.) by J. Rodriguez Hernández. Director General de los Registros y del Notariado.

  • "The problem: abuse of majority shareholder in closed companies". Prof. J. Megías López. ICADE
  • "The logic of article 348 bis LSC". E. P.Lucas Martin. Becaria FPI. UCM.
  • "The function of the norm". Prof. A. Muñoz García. UCM.
  • "Enforcement of the withdrawal right". C. Guerrero Trevijano. Becaria FPI. UCM.
  • "Equal treatment of minorities as a general principle of EU law", J. I. Signes de Mesa. Letrado del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea.

 10.15-11.00h. 7th Lecture: "Loyalty duties of minority shareholders", Prof. J. Pulgar Ezquerra. Chaired Professor of Business Law. UCM.

11.00-11.30h. Round Table. (coord.) by Prof. R. Palá Laguna. Chaired Professor of Business Law. Universidad de Zaragoza

  • "Is the company's interest a material limit to the freedom of action?". Prof. J. Megías López. ICADE.
  • "Abuse of minority obstructionism behaviors in decision making essential for business continuity: capital increase, etc.)". Prof. M. Fuentes Naharro. UCM.
  • "Duties of cooperation partners and/or creditors in corporate restructuring scenarios and case law on the duty of loyalty of the minority shareholder in the reorganization". Prof. A. Muñoz García. UCM.
  • "Would it be possible to impose the abusing minority shareholder, in addition to a fine or possible exclusion from society, the judicial execution of the agreement not adopted or rejected?". S. Senent Martínez. Magistrado-Juez de lo Mercantil.
  • "Might the content of an insolvency agreement, on the Spanish model, affect the position of the partners? Might we negotiate a reestructuring of capital?) Prof. O. Fradejas Rueda. UCM.
  • "Analysis of possible conflicts between the interests of the partners, corporate interests in the restructuring and interest of the competition". S. Senent Martínez. Magistrado-Juez de lo Mercantil.

 11.30h. Coffee Break

12.00-12.45h. 8th Lecture: "Directors', liquidators' and managers' liability in the context of an insolvency proceeding where the debtor was declared guilty", Prof. J. Quijano González. Chaired Professor of Business Law. Universidad de Valladolid.

12.45-13.15h. Round Table. (coord.) by Prof. C. Galán López. Chaired Professor of Business Law. UCM.

  • "To what extent the assumptions of 164.2 LC contest involve objective facts of guilty, without having contributed to or aggravate the state of insolvency of the bankrupt subject? Relation with 164.1 LC". B. Villanueva García-Pomareda. Abogado
  • "Scope of the term administrators or liquidators of law or fact: determination of its existence and general proxies". C. Guerrero Trevijano. Becaria FPI. UCM.
  • "Influence on the nature of liability after the new art. 172 bis LC". Prof. L. Garnacho Cabanillas. URJC.
  • "Significance of the fact that the amounts obtained in enforcement of the judgment shall be integrated into the active mass instead of satisfying the creditors directly". Prof. C. Galán López. UCM
  • "Art. 241 LSC and insolvency proceeding: possibilities and consequences". Prof. O. Fradejas Rueda. UCM.

Thursday 27th Septiembre 2012

 7.45h  Breakfast.

8.15-10.00h. 9th Lecture: "The End of History for Corporate Law Revisited", Prof. Reinier H. Kraakman, Ezra Ripley Thayer Law Professor. Harvard Law School.

 10.00-10.30h. Coffee Break.

10.30-11.15h. 10th Lecture: "Adecuate resolution systems at international commerce disputes", F. Rodríguez Prieto. Notario. 

11.15-11.45h. Round Table (coord.) by Prof. M. S. Flores Doña. Chaired Professor of Business Law. UCM. 

  • "The inadequacy of the judicial methods of conflict resolution in international trade. The causes". Prof. M. S. Flores Doña. UCM.
  • "The commercial mediation: advantages and obstacles". Prof. J. Martínez Rosado. UCM.
  • "International arbitration, its evolution and its problems. The applicable law". Prof. A. Domínguez. UCM.

•·         "The situation in the exporting Spanish companies exporting and competitiveness costs". Prof. S. Navarro Lérida. UCLM.

•·         "The limits of international arbitration in the EU: brief reflections on the West Tanckers judgment". J.I. Signes de Mesa. Letrado del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea.

12.00h. Closing of the Seminar by Prof. José Manuel Martínez Sierra. Real Colegio Complutense Director.

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