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79. Halcón de cola roja = A red-tailed hawk

Simon Grant 30 de Mayo de 2011 a las 15:29 h

I spent 10 weeks last summer at University Western Ontario in London, Canada. A pair of red-tailed hawks had a nest in the woods near the campus & I often saw them flying over-head and, sometimes, sitting on the roof of University buildings screeching at each other.
I became bit obsessed about seeing them up-close-and-personal, and succeeded one Sunday afternoon when they were sitting together on a fence around the baseball diamond on the playing fields. This foto was the last of about 12 that I took as I walked slowly towards them across the field. I particularly like the fact that the bird fixated me with an ‘evil eye', immediately before flying off.

[Seguir leyendo] 79. Halcón de cola roja = A red-tailed hawk

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