niversidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación

Acceso abiertoInfoDocjunio de 2006

        1.      "Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) ".  Budapest Open Access Initiative, 2002.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Comunicación científica/Acceso a la información

Resumen: La convergencia entre una antigua tradición y una nueva tecnología ha hecho posible la aparición de un bien público sin precedentes. La vieja tradición es la voluntad de científicos y eruditos de publicar los frutos de su trabajo en revistas científicas sin remuneración alguna, solo por el bien de la investigación y la difusión del conocimiento. La nueva tecnología es Internet. El beneficio público que las dos posibilitan es la distribución electrónica a escala mundial de artículos de revistas científicas y técnicas dotadas de comité de selección (peer review), accesibles de forma gratuita y sin restricción para científicos, eruditos, universitarios, estudiantes y otras personas interesadas. La supresión de las barreras de acceso a la literatura científica ayudará a acelerar la investigación, a enriquecer la educación, a que se comparta el conocimiento del rico con el del pobre y el del pobre con el del rico, a convertir esta literatura en un bien útil, y a sentar las bases para unir a la humanidad a través del diálogo intelectual y de la búsqueda común del conocimiento. Por varias razones, este tipo de disponibilidad en red, gratuita y sin restricciones, a la que denominamos acceso abierto (open access) ha estado hasta el momento limitada a pequeñas áreas de la literatura científica. Pero aun dentro de la limitación de estas colecciones, distintas iniciativas han mostrado que el acceso abierto es económicamente viable, que proporciona a los lectores un poder extraordinario para acceder a literatura relevante, y que brinda a los autores y a sus trabajos una dimensión nueva, una nueva visibilidad, un nuevo impacto, y un público más amplio.

        2.      Acuña, M. J. d. and Agenjo, X.,  "Archivos en la era digital: problema (y solución) de los recursos electrónicos ".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2005, pp. 407-413 .

Descriptores: Visibilidad de la Información/Recuperación de la información/Web semántica/Open Archives Initiative/Metadatos/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso abierto/Archivos abiertos

Resumen: Son muy numerosos los artículos publicados acerca de lo que suponen, y pueden suponer, los recursos digitales para el mejor funcionamiento de las llamadas instituciones de memoria. Pero la mayoría de ellos se refieren a los recursos digitales como algo que se consume y se pone a disposición de los usuarios, rara vez como algo que se produce y se pone también a su disposición. A partir de las funciones propias de cualquier tipo de archivo, se propone crear recursos digitales acordes con una normativa dada (estructuras de metadatos, OAIPMH, web semántica, etc.) con la finalidad de incrementar la capacidad de recuperación de la información y la visibilidad de ésta, tanto para especialistas como para cualquier tipo de usuario. Europa debe marcarse como objetivo prioritario desarrollar nuevos sistemas de recuperación de la información y nuevos productos basados en estándares y protocolos que le proporcionen una más competitiva posición en la sociedad de la información.

        3.      Afifi, M.,  "Shibboleth: An Open-Source Solution To Resource Sharing".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso al documento/Gestión de la colección

Resumen: Shibboleth is a project of the National Science Foundation Internet2 Middleware Initiative. Its aim is to "develop an open, standards-based solution to the needs for organizations to exchange information about their users in a secure, and privacy-preserving manner."i Libraries and academic institutions see an increasing need for providing protected and validated access to online resources they produce, license, purchase, or share. Vendors and publishers are also interested in providing models of access that are different from the traditional IP-based, proxy server and username/password authentication. Researchers and teachers who use the web extensively have rapidly growing requirements for the exchange of information that gives participants certain rights as well as privacy.

        4.      Afifi, M.,  "Shibboleth: Una solución de Código Libre para compartir recursos".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso al documento/Gestión de la colección

Resumen: Shibboleth es un proyecto de la National Science Foundation Internet2 Middleware Initiative. Su objetivo es "desarrollar una solución abierta, basada en estándares, con el fin de cubrir las necesidades que tienen las organizaciones para intercambiar información sobre sus usuarios de forma segura y salvaguardando la privacidad"i. Las bibliotecas e instituciones académicas observan una necesidad cada vez mayor de proporcionar un acceso protegido y validado a los recursos en línea que ellos producen, licencian, compran o comparten. Los proveedores y editores también están interesados en ofrecer modelos de acceso diferentes a los tradicionales basados en las direcciones IP, servidores proxy y autenticación por nombre de usuario/contraseña. Los investigadores y profesores que utilizan continuamente la web han ido exigiendo, cada vez más, que el intercambio de información proporcione a los participantes ciertos derechos, además de privacidad. Shibboleth se ha desarrollado con el fin de hacer posible la interacción para compartir recursos entre estos miembros de forma sencilla basada en estándares.

        5.      Alonso Arévalo, J., "'Documents in Information Science' (DoIS): Información sobre información"Encontro de Bibliotecários da Região Centro e de Castilla y Léon, Vol. 3, 2004.

Descriptores: DoIS (Documents in Information Science)/Internet/Open Archives Initiative/Documentación/Biblioteconomía/Fuentes de información

Resumen: El aspecto más relevante de la Sociedad de la información ha sido la concreción de una red mundial de información que ha dejado una fuerte impronta en todas las áreas profesionales, especialmente entre aquellos que trabajan en el ámbito de la información. A pesar de todas sus bondades, Internet se está convirtiendo en un almacén dinámico donde se alberga información de muy diverso contenido, relevancia, accesibilidad y utilidad. La gestión y organización de estos recursos supone un reto y una oportunidad sin precedentes para los profesionales de la información. En esta ponencia ponemos de manifiesto cómo, a través del trabajo cooperativo de bibliotecarios de diferentes países que trabajan en el campo de la Documentación, pueden organizarse y estructurarse estos recursos en archivos abiertos accesibles para todos. Se describe el Portal de Información DoiS (Documents and Information Science), hoy por hoy un recurso profesional de primera relevancia que proporciona información útil y gratuita. Se analizan su estructura y organización, la gestión y los servicios del portal, la tecnología utilizada y los desarrollos futuros del mismo.

        6.      Alonso Arévalo, J.,  "'Documents in Information Science' (DoIS): Portal internacional de referencia para el profesional de la Información".  Info: Congreso Internacional de Información, Vol. 5, 2004.

Descriptores: DoIS (Documents in Information Science)/Internet/Open Archives Initiative/Documentación/Biblioteconomía/Fuentes de información

Resumen: El aspecto más relevante de la Sociedad de la información ha sido la concreción de una red mundial de información que ha dejado una fuerte impronta en todas los áreas profesionales, más aún entre aquellos que trabajan directamente en el ámbito de la información. A pesar de todas sus bondades Internet se está convirtiendo en un almacén dinámico donde se alberga información de muy diverso contenidos, relevancia, accesibilidad y utilidad. La gestión y organización de todos estos recursos supone un reto y una oportunidad sin precedentes para los profesionales de la información. En esta comunicación ponemos de manifiesto cómo a través del trabajo cooperativo de bibliotecarios de diferentes países que trabajan en el campo de la Documentación, pueden organizarse y estructurarse todos estos recursos en archivos abiertos accesibles a todos. Se describe el Portal de Información DoiS (Documents and Information Science) hoy por hoy un recurso profesional de primera relevancia en todo el mundo que proporciona información útil y gratuita para todos. Se analiza su estructura, organización, gestión y servicios del portal; la tecnología utilizada y los desarrollos futuros del mismo.

        7.      Altenhöner, R.,  "Open Source Software - definition, licensing models and organisational consequences (introduction)".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Software libre/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Increasingly, the international software development is dominated by the discussion on the "magic term" Open Source Software (OSS). The question is adjacent if that concept is also relevant for libraries. This paper, for a start, focusses on the subject in general terms: What was the origin of the Open Source movement, which predecessors did she have? Which conditions are tied to the usage of OSS, which ideas are behind the development of the term? How are the copyright and utilisation rights covered with OSS? And, finally: What are success factors for the usage of OSS especially in libraries, and which concepts already have been developed?

        8.      Anglada, L. and Reoyo, S.,  "Actividades open access de los consorcios del SELL y del CBUC".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 280-285.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Consorcios

Resumen: The article briefly introduces a variety of recent experiences from projects concerning Open Access information and institutional repositories developed within the boundaries of the Southern European Libraries Link (SELL) and, more specifically, the experience of the Catalan Consortium of Academic Libraries (CBUC), a member of SELL.

        10.     Arencibia Jorge, R., Santillán Aldana, J., and Subirats Coll, I.,  "Iniciativas de acceso abierto en Ciencias de la Información y Documentación. Evolución y perspectivas de E-LIS".  Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2005, pp. 221-232.

Descriptores: Ciencias de la Documentación/Ciencias de la información/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Para muchos especialistas, el acceso abierto a la literatura científica, específicamente a las publicaciones seriadas, ha de ser una meta a lograr en el ámbito académico, con vistas a facilitar el acceso a las fuentes de información y a las personas que la generan, así como contribuir a la disminución de la brecha tecnológica existente entre los países desarrollados y aquéllos que no logran, por falta de recursos, desarrollar políticas en ciencia y tecnología con éxito. Tanto físicos como psicólogos y numerosas instituciones universitarias han desarrollado estrategias alternativas en aras de lograr una divulgación más ráuida e inmediata HP »u piuuuccion cientmca, y garantizar un mayor impacto de la misma sobre sus correspondientes círculos o comunidades de especialistas afínes. Una de estas alternativas es la creación de archivos abiertos (libres de cualquier tipo de restricción), también conocidos como repositorios, donde los científicos, a través del denominado autoarchivo, self-ar-chiving (1), pueden depositar sus artículos incluso antes de su publicación, para que puedan ser difundidos con mayor rapidez y discutidos por la comunidad científica.

        11.     Arms, C. R.,  "Available and useful: OAI at the Library of Congress ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 129-139.

Descriptores: Metadatos /Library of Congress/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Library of Congress (LC) was an early adopter of the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. The protocol allows LC to make digitized historical collections available for integration into other services. The protocol was straightforward to implement and the harvesting traffic has no perceptible effect on the primary users of the American Memory project. Now that services can integrate records for cultural heritage resources from many sources, it is time to build on that experience to develop better services. How should the scarce resources available to produce metadata be deployed to most advantage to support discovery in different contexts? How might metadata harvesting be exploited to support new interfaces and enhanced navigation among related resources in digital libraries? This article starts a conversation between metadata providers and service builders by describing LC's experience and questions that have surfaced.

        12.     Arms, W. Y., Dushay, N., Fulker, D., and Lagoze, C.,  "A case study in metadata harvesting: the NSDL ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 228-237 .

Descriptores: Metadatos/Bibliotecas digitales/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: This paper describes the use of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting in the NSF's National Science Digital Library (NSDL). The protocol is used both as a method to ingest metadata into a central Metadata Repository and also as the means by which the repository exports metadata to service providers. The NSDL Search Service is used to illustrate this architecture. An early version of the Metadata Repository was an alpha test site for version 1 of the protocol and the production repository was a beta test site for version 2. This paper describes the implementation experience and early practical tests. Despite some teething troubles and the long-term difficulties of semantic compatibility, the overall conclusion is optimism that the Open Archive Initiative will be a successful part of the NSDL.

        13.     Barceló, J., Oliver, M., and Vives, M.,  "Implantación de un sistema multiproveedor para redes wireless".  Boletín de la Red Iris, No. 70-71, 2004-2005.

Descriptores: Redes de área local/Acceso abierto

Resumen: La Universitat Pompeu Fabra dispone desde enero de 2004 de un sistema de acceso a su red inalámbrica wifi, basado en al arquitectura de redes abiertas (OAN [1]. Este sistema le ha permitido crear una red inalábrica abierta, disponible para toda la comunidad universitaria, extendible a usuarios de organizaciones cercanas a la universidad, con una política de seguridad razonable y fácilmente escalable. El presente artículo describe el funcionamiento de una red de acceso abierta y explica la experiencia de su implantación en la Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

        14.     Barredo Sobrino, M. P.,  "BIOMED Central. Experiencia En La Universidad Autonoma De Madrid".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Repertorios/Ciencias de la salud

Resumen: Es una editorial independiente dedicada a la publicación de artículos de investigación en Biología y Medicina. Mantiene una política de acceso abierto a través de Internet. Cambio en la mentalidad del negocio editorial cobrando al autor, en vez de al lector

        15.     Barredo Sobrino, M. P.,  "Biomed Central. Experiencia En La Universidad Autonoma De Madrid".  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Biblioteca , 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Medicina/Biología

Resumen: Es una editorial independiente dedicada a la publicación de artículos de investigación en Biología y Medicina. Mantiene una política de acceso abierto a través de Internet. Cambio en la mentalidad del negocio editorial cobrando al autor, en vez de al lector

        16.     Barredo Sobrino, M. P.,  "Open Access: pasado, presente y futuro. BioMed Central. Un caso práctico".  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Biblioteca , 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Medicina/Biología

Resumen: Internet cambia los sistemas de difusión de la información. Los científicos pierden el acceso a sus propios trabajos. Barreras impuestas por monopolios editoriales. Surgen las publicaciones preliminares o preprints: Copias por correo Internet y listas de distribución, Eprints. Es una editorial independiente dedicada a la publicación de artículos de investigación en Biología y Medicina. Mantiene una política de acceso abierto a través de Internet. Cambio en la mentalidad del negocio editorial cobrando al autor, en vez de al lector

        17.     Barrueco Cruz, J. M. and Subirats Coll, I.,  "Open archives initiative. Protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH): descripción, funciones y aplicaciones de un protocolo ".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2003, pp. 99-106 .

Descriptores: DoIS (Documents in Information Science)/Metadatos/Protocolos de comunicaciones/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: Se describe el protocolo OAI-PMH (Open Archives InitiativeProtocol for Metadata Harvesting) utilizado para la transmisión de metadatos en internet. Se analiza el contexto en el que nació, las comunidades de depósitos de documentos científicos y cómo se ha desarrollando y extendido su alcance a cualquier material en formato electrónico. Se describe brevemente su arquitectura basada en el modelo clienteservidor donde los primeros, llamados archivos, ponen a disposición del público metadatos en formato Dublin Core para que puedan ser recuperados por los segundos. La comunicación se realiza mediante el protocolo http. Las respuestas están codificadas en xml. Finalmente se hace una revisión de las principales instituciones que lo han implementado, los servicios que se han basado en él y se presenta una serie de herramientas que facilitan la creación de archivos abiertos.

        18.     Barrueco Cruz, J. M. and Subirats Coll, I.,  "RcLIS: una biblioteca digital distribuida para Documentación".  Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales, Vol. 3, 2002.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Sistemas abiertos/DoIS (Documents in Information Science)/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: El concepto de biblioteca digital está sufriendo cambios y planteamientos nuevos de manera acelerada. El uso y objetivos que propongamos desde un principio para esta tipología de bibliotecas marcarán sin duda el desarrollo y evolución de las mismas. El esfuerzo en el ámbito internacional que presentamos aquí tiene como objetivo recoger la literatura de las ciencias de la documentación y informática, y ofrecer gratuitamente los documentos siguiendo la filosofía de la OAI (Open Archives Initiative). Crear un procedimiento de intercambio de información bibliográfica y documentos electrónicos entre instituciones, con el fin de facilitar el acceso por medios electrónicos a los últimos resultados de investigación en ciencias de la documentación, es sin duda una de las posibilidades que ofrecen las nuevas tecnologías a nuestra disciplina. Para ello se ha desarrollado una estructura en torno a dos normas, una que establece los principios y reglas de colaboración entre los participantes, denominada Protocolo de Guildford, y otra, ReDIF, que define el formato para la descripción bibliográfica de los documentos electrónicos.

        19.     Bekaert, J., Balakireva, L., and Hochstenbach, P. S. H. V. d.,  "Using MPEG-21 DIP and NISO OpenURL for the Dynamic Dissemination of Complex Digital Objects in the Los Alamos National Laboratory Digital Library".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Sistemas abiertos/Lenguajes de marcas/XML/Normas/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: This paper focuses on the use of NISO OpenURL and MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing (DIP) to disseminate complex objects and their contained assets, in a repository architecture designed for the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the architecture, the MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration Language (DIDL) is used as the XML-based format to represent complex digital objects. Through an ingestion process, these objects are stored in a multitude of autonomous OAI-PMH repositories. An OAI-PMH compliant Repository Index keeps track of the creation and location of all those repositories, whereas an Identifier Resolver keeps track of the location of individual complex objects and contained assets. An MPEG-21 DIP Engine and an OpenURL Resolver facilitate the delivery of various disseminations of the stored objects. While these aspects of the architecture are described in the context of the LANL library, the paper will also briefly touch on their more general applicability.

        20.     Bonaccorsi, A. and Rossi, C.,   "Altruistic individuals, selfish firms? The structure of motivation in Open Source software".  First Monday, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Programas informáticos/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: During 2002, we conducted a survey on 146 Italian firms supplying Open Source software. This paper compares our data on firms' motivations with data emerging from surveys made on individual programmers. We analyse the role played by different classes of motivations (social, economic and technological) in determining the involvement of different groups of agents in Open Source activities

        21.     Chan, L. and Kirsop, B.,  "Open Archiving Opportunities for Developing Countries: towards equitable distribution of global knowledge".  Ariadne, No. 30 , 2002.

Descriptores: Países en desarrollo/Internet/Aspecto social/Globalización/Gestión del conocimiento/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Leslie Chan and Barbara Kirsop on the great potential value for poorly-resourced countries of 'open archiving' - the deposition of scholarly research papers into networked servers accessible over the Internet.

        22.     Chan. Leslie , Kirsop, B., Costa, S., and Subbiah Arunachalam,  "Improving access to research literature in developing countries: challenges and opportunities provided by Open Access".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Países en desarrollo

Resumen: The Open Access movement has grown from pockets of regional initiatives to an increasingly coordinated world wide movement, facilitated by common technical standards and open source software. While debates on open access have focused on the so-called "serial crisis" and copyright issues, relatively little attention has been paid to the myriads of benefits OA provide, particularly to researchers in the developing countries. In this paper, we highlight important developments and experimentations in knowledge sharing enabled by different modes of open access, and point to collaborative and sustainable models that will be highly beneficial to research institutions in the developing world in the long term. The recommendations in this paper will have important implications for library and information professionals working in resource poor countries.

        23.     Chudnov, D., Cameron, R., Frumkin, J., Singer, R., and Yee, R.,  "Opening up OpenURLs with Autodiscovery".  Ariadne, No. 42, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Comunicación científica

Resumen: Daniel Chudnov, Richard Cameron, Jeremy Frumkin, Ross Singer and Raymond Yee demonstrate a 'gather locally, share globally' approach to OpenURLs and metadata autodiscovery in scholarly and non-scholarly environments.

        24.     Chudnov, D., Cameron, R., Frumkin, J., Singer, R., and Yee, R.,  "Opening up OpenURLs with Autodiscovery ".  Ariadne, No. 43, 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Metadatos

Resumen: Daniel Chudnov, Richard Cameron, Jeremy Frumkin, Ross Singer and Raymond Yee demonstrate a 'gather locally, share globally' approach to OpenURLs and metadata autodiscovery in scholarly and non-scholarly environments.

        25.     Church , J.,  "The evolving Information Commons".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005, pp. 75-81.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Acceso abierto

Resumen: To examine the changing nature and adaptation of the Information Commons concept at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Design/methodology/approach - This article is primarily a case study on the growth and development of technology at Lied Library, including its expansion beyond the physical confines of the original model of the Information Commons. Additionally, a cross-section of articles regarding the principles of providing services and systems within an Information Commons is surveyed. Findings - Stresses the importance of maintaining a flexible model for the integration of technology and library services. Practical implications - A matter-of-fact source for the implications of rethinking and reinventing the Information Commons concept. Originality/value - This article addresses considerations important to the integration and evolution of technology services and space within academic libraries. 

        26.     Cliff, P.,  "Building ResourceFinder".  Ariadne, No. 30, 2002.

Descriptores: Metadatos /Recuperación de la información/Internet/Fuentes de información/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: Pete Cliff on using the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol at the Resource Discovery Network (RDN).

        27.     Cole, T. W.,  "Using OAI: innovations in the sharing of information ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 115-117.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso a la información/Internet/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The tradition of union catalogs and similar broad-based, comprehensive bibliographic utilities and tools is one of long standing in the discipline of librarianship. As we move towards greater reliance on digital primary sources, the sharing of information about what we hold in our digital collections intuitively seems of increasing import and value as a way to organize and manage the explosion of online information resources. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting enables effective and efficient sharing of digital metadata and is being utilized across a wide spectrum of disciplines and digital library projects. Experience to date gives reason for optimism and provides evidence and confirmation that, even as the technologies we use evolve, the intellectual framework of our tradition persists and continues to be relevant.

        28.     Crawford, A.,  "TCLinker: A Locally-Developed OpenURL Resolver".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2005, pp. 55-66.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: This article describes how the library staff at Trinity College Library in Hartford, CT, developed their own OpenURL resolver as an alternative to purchasing a commercial product. Although Trinity's implementation choices were based on the local environment, decision points are explained so that libraries contemplating either local development or purchase can weigh the options. Both public views and backend processes are described. The underlying database structure is shown, and a logical skeleton of the coding is provided.

        29.     Dasgupta, K.,  "Digitization, sustainability and access in the Indian context".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Digitalización/Bibliotecas digitales/Acceso abierto/Sostenibilidad de la información/India

Resumen: Digitization and digital libraries are the present buzz words in the LIS profession in India. It is the 'in' thing of today just as thirty years ago all librarians only spoke of automating the library activities. This paper will describe some major digital library initiatives in India in different LIS sectors. The Digital divide within the LIS scenario due to diverse situations will be highlighted in the paper. Most of the present initiatives are in the area of Science and Technology, in the Government sector, and in Institutions of advanced research. Most of these efforts are project based which make them very vulnerable to changes in government policies, technological changes, economic support and socio-educational changes. The need for trained personnel to undertake the new responsibilities is also a major issue. Since there is no holistic policy regarding digital content generation, management of digital libraries, standards and services, most of these efforts are isolated ventures generally restricted only to the needs of a special group of users. As most of them are started by getting a one time grant without a follow up plan, sustainability is always in doubt. Also preservation of digital data is often not focused with the seriousness that it deserves. Digitization of India's vast and rich collections for access and preservation will need very special attention from many quarters. Sustaining the present efforts and continuing these activities in all the LIS sectors will need special efforts by the decision makers, librarians and the Information Industry. Sustainability of digital libraries in India will need continuous technical and economic support. The influence of social and educational sectors and awareness at the grass root levels will be significant in sustaining digitization initiatives and digital libraries. Manpower development is a necessary factor in continuing service-oriented access through digital libraries. However, the most important factor remains the political will of the government and the sustained well informed interest of the decision makers and the library professionals.

        30.     Davenport , N.,  "Open Access Is the Buzz".  Clir, No. 42, 2004.
Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The term appears in every article on the cost of journals and in every discussion of sustaining scholarly communities. It arises when the conversation turns to the quality of materials retrieved through a Google search. It's an issue CLIR is tracking but hasn't researched in depth. This essay discusses some of the questions that have been circulating about open access, particularly open access to scholarly work in the humanities. My goal is to open a dialogue on this issue with CLIR Issues' readers and to benefit from your ideas in developing a research agenda for CLIR.

        31.     Day, M.,  "Metadata: E-print Services and Long-term Access to the Record of Scholarly and Scientific Research".  Ariadne, No. 28, 2001.

Descriptores: Metadatos /Bibliotecas universitarias/Preservación/Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Michael Day looks at the long-term preservation implications of one of the OAI protocol's potential applications - e-print services

        32.     De Robbio, A.,  "History and mission of E-LIS".  First Workshop on Eprints in Library and Information Science, Vol. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/E-LIS/Biblioteconomía/Fuentes de información/Sindicación de contenidos/RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

Resumen: Established in 2003, E-LIS ( is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. It is freely accessible, aligned with Open Access movement and is a voluntary world wide enterprise. E-LIS contains over 2.700 documents and is the largest eprint archive in LIS. This presentation discusses the origins, history, the technical properties of the E-LIS system and organization of work in a world qwide dimension which is the factors we believe make E-LIS a success. All participants are volunteers who are motivated by sophisticated incentives, which include a system of national editors, the distribution of tasks within a small core team in addition to our experience with publishing procedures. E-LIS employs the JITA Classification Schema on two levels. It uses GNU Eprints software and is compatible with the OAI standards framework. The user may search and access full-text documents. Traditional LIS topics and all the disciplines relating to information science are covered. It employs the JITA Classification Schema at two levels. Any LIS scientific or technical finished document, published or unpublished, is accepted. It may be used by LIS communities in every country. Works can be deposited in any language and format; authors can self-archive; a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each one of 23 document types and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines by an international editorial committee. Its copyright metadata policy is cited by the Romeo project. Submission policy is open to proposals from new partners and there are agreements with institutions and library associations of various countries. E-LIS is divided into three sections: editorial, technical and administrative. The editorial section is devoted to metadata quality and guidelines. The technical section concentrates on software  its implementation, enhancement and develoment and added value functionality and operates inside the OAI framework. The Administrative section deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. Among the added-value features are Para Tools for reference linking (which also provides a 'seek' button that parses the citation and tries to find something in the archive or on the internet), automatic alerting for editors, full metadata display of metadata records, full-text search, browsing by user, counter in homepage and webalizer for statistics. Since last August we have implemented a new graphical look, with RSS feeds for new deposits and a completly new interface and layout more effective. The evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS. The library and information world is highly integrated with the areas of computing science and technology and it was felt that the LIS discipline should set an example to other communities by providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and digital libraries, particularly in relation to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. The extension of the OA concept to LIS works and the dissemination of material within the LIS community will contribute to the development of an international LIS network; E-LIS is mutually beneficial.

        33.     Dobratz, S.,  "The Open Archives Forum".  Ariadne, No. 31, 2002.

Descriptores: Archivos administrativos/Europa/Comunidades Europeas/Documentos electrónicos/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The Open Archives Forum provides a European focus for the dissemination of information about European activities in Open Archives. A particular focus is on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). The Open Archives Forum aims to promote the idea of globally distributed digital archives within Europe, to support the establishment of new digital archives and their related services, and to initiate European special interest groups. It is important to add particular European interests to already existing models such as the Open Archives Initiative. Doing this, the different approaches, standards and technologies can be evaluated in terms of their feasibility and their limitations.

        34.     Dorman, D.,  "The coming revolution in library software".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Software libre/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Few libraries have any experience with, or are even aware of, open source software distributed by a commercial vendor. Yet this emerging model of software development and distribution will have a dramatic effect on the library market once librarians understand its value and begin to act on that understanding. When the software code itself can be freely examined and used, the dynamics of the marketplace changes. The end result of these new market dynamics will be that vendors of open source software will produce higher quality software at lower prices than vendors of proprietary software.

        35.     Drott, M. C.,  "Open Access".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 40, 2006, pp. 79-109.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Acceso abierto

Resumen: An important role of library and information science has been the identification of better ways to understand and support the 'effectual transmission of information' (Weiner, 1948, p. 156) in an ever-changing intellectual and technological context. One of the important vehicles of scholarly information for the past 300-plus years has been the Journal. The fundamental nature of this long-established organ may seem des-tined for reshaping in the light of the recent so-called open access (OA) movement. At the heart of this phenomenon in publishing and distrib-uting information to the community of researchers is the principie that all those who want to read articles published in scholarly periodicals should be able to do so at no cost. In our current model, access costs are borne by libraries and other publicly and privately supported institu-tions, whereas open access implies broader access without institutional or technical constraints.

        36.     Duke, M.,  "Delivering OAI Records as RSS: An IMesh Toolkit module for facilitating resource sharing".  Ariadne, No. 37, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Difusión de la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen:  provides an overview of a means of providing records in RSS through the use of an IMesh Toolkit module that supports resource sharing. The content of this article was presented at the 4th Open Archives Forum Workshop.

        37.     EGadd, l., Oppenheim, C., and Probets, S.,  "The RoMEO Project: Protecting metadata in an open access environment".  Ariadne, No. 36, 2003.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Sistemas abiertos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: Elizabeth Gadd, Charles Oppenheim and Steve Probets describe how the RoMEO Project is seeking to safeguard freely available metadata disclosed and harvested under the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. The Open Archives Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) enables the 'disclosure' of metadata by Data Providers and the harvesting of that metadata by Service Providers. Although there is nothing to stop commercial providers from utilising this open-source protocol, it has its roots in the open access community and as such is used by many open archives. These include subject-based archives such as ArXiv, CogPrints , and the increasing number of Institutional Repositories, many of which have been established as a result of funding via the UK JISC FAIR (Focus on Access to Institutional Repositories) programme

        38.     Evans, R.,  "Delivering Sizzling Services and Solid Support with Open Source Software".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Software libre/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Good stewardship of scarce library resources demands that librarians consider the costs of implementing a new service. By using Open Source Software as a base for new Internet services, the library saves in 3 ways: 1) Open Source Software is free. The library saves licensing costs. These costs are significant (examples: Microsoft Office, Server, Oracle) 2) Open Source Software runs on cheaper hardware. The library saves investment in new machines . 3) Projects developed with Open Source Software can be shared between libraries, giving all participants access to new services to offer patrons. Libraries do not compete. They seek to complement and cooperate. By their very nature, they are ideal users of the Open Source Business Model.

        39.     Falk, H.,  "Open access gains momentum ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2004, pp. 527-530.

Descriptores: Revistas electrónicas /Documentos electrónicos/Acceso abierto

Resumen:  Journals being offered for open access have been on the increase for over a decade, growing to around 1,200 journals to date. Authors wishing to be published are charged a publication fee, and their papers are made available without any charge to the public. However, journals in the scientific and scholarly field, a total of approximately 25,000, are rarely offered for open access. International pressure from scientists wishing to unblock the barriers that stop the dissemination of research results has caused a rift with publishers, who fear a decrease in publishing revenues.

        40.     Fernández Morales, I.,  "El impacto de los archivos de e-prints en la comunicación científica entre los investigadores españoles: aceptación y uso".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Comunicación científica/España/Publicaciones periódicas/World wide web/Propiedad Intelectual /Producción científica

Resumen: Se discute la significación de los archivos de e-prints entre los científicos del CSIC, en un contexto donde la función de las revistas científicas tradicionales está siendo puesta en duda por los investigadores y el entorno académico. A través de una encuesta, una revisión bibliográfica y la navegación por sitios web estratégicos dedicados a los e-prints en todo el mundo se llega a la conclusión de que este nuevo modelo de comunicación no ha penetrado aún entre nuestros investigadores ni entre sus instituciones. Las causas que se desprenden de este estudio tienen que ver con: Desconocimiento de las ventajas de este sistema de publicación; arraigada cultura de publicación en revistas tradicionales con sistema de evaluación por expertos; infravaloración de estas publicaciones para evaluar la producción científica; miedo a perder el control sobre la propiedad intelectual. Sin embargo, los encuestados afirman mayoritariamente que los e-prints pueden redundar en una productividad científica más alta.

        41.     Fernández Sánchez, E., Rodríguez Yunta, L., and Heras, J. F.,  "La plataforma e-revist@s del portal Tecnociencia. Una experiencia basada en open access".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 290-296.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: The aim of this paper is to describe the objectives, requirements and contents of the e-revist@s platform, as well as the relations between the project and the different journal publishers.

        42.     Fraga Medín, C. A., Bojo Canales, C., and Hernández Villegas, S.,  "Pasado, presente y futuro del proyecto Scielo en España".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2006, pp. 23-28.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Revistas electrónicas /Acceso abierto/Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas/Ciencias de la salud

Resumen: El modelo SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library on-Line) es un repositorio open access centrado en la edición de contenidos científicos. Se describe su metodología, principales componentes y herramientas para búsqueda y recuperación de información. Asimismo, se analiza el caso concreto de SciELO-España, especializado en revistas españolas de ciencias de la salud: historia, evolución y perspectivas de futuro.

        43.     Friend, F. J.,  "Observatorio: The open access future".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 244-245 .

Descriptores: Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The possibility of open access to academic journal articles has already made an impact upon the strategies of funding agencies, universities, authors, publishers and librarians. So much publicity has been given to open access that even its severest critics have found it necessary to respond, often by modifying their own strategies to give either lip-service or real substance to improvements in access. When the Budapest Open Access Initiative1 was first launched in February 2002 it attracted some initial support, much interest and also a large measure of scepticism, even ridicule. The general response was that open access is a worthy vision but totally impracticable. Over the past three years those reactions are still there but in different proportions. The support for open access and the interest have both grown at the expense of scepticism and ridicule. Open access has been shown to be feasible as well as visionary.

        44.     Gadd, E.,  "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing Self-archiving Key Findings of the RoMEO Project ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 9, 2003.

Descriptores: Propiedad intelectual/Derechos de autor/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: Inspired by the Open Archives Initiative, the United Kingdom (UK) Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) established the FAIR (Focus on Access to Institutional Repositories) programme in 2002. One of the programme's objectives was to 'explore the challenges associated with disclosure and sharing [of content], including IPR and the role of institutional repositories'. To this end, the JISC funded a one-year project called RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). RoMEO, which took place between 20022003, specifically looked at the self-archiving of academic research papers, and the subsequent disclosure and harvesting of metadata about those papers using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) by OAI Data and Service Providers [Open Archives Initiative, 2002a].

        45.     Gadd, E., Oppenheim, C., and Probets, S.,  "The Intellectual Property Rights Issues Facing Self-archiving Key Findings of the RoMEO Project  ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 9, 2003.

Descriptores: Propiedad intelectual/Internet/Documentos electrónicos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: Inspired by the Open Archives Initiative, the United Kingdom (UK) Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) established the FAIR (Focus on Access to Institutional Repositories) programme in 2002. One of the programme's objectives was to 'explore the challenges associated with disclosure and sharing [of content], including IPR and the role of institutional repositories'. To this end, the JISC funded a one-year project called RoMEO (Rights Metadata for Open archiving). RoMEO, which took place between 20022003, specifically looked at the self-archiving of academic research papers, and the subsequent disclosure and harvesting of metadata about those papers using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) by OAI Data and Service Providers.

        46.     Gadd, E., Oppenheim, C., and Probets, S.,  "RoMEO studies 1: the impact of copyright ownership on academic author self-archiving ".  Journal of Documentation  , Vol. 59 , No. 3, 2003, pp. 243 -- 277  .

Descriptores: Propiedad intelectual/Impacto/Bibliotecas universitarias/Autores/Acceso abierto

Resumen: This is the first of a series of studies emanating from the UK JISC-funded RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open-archiving) which investigated the IPR issues relating to academic author self-archiving of research papers. It considers the claims for copyright ownership in research papers by universities, academics, and publishers by drawing on the literature, a survey of 542 academic authors and an analysis of 80 journal publisher copyright transfer agreements. The paper concludes that self-archiving is not best supported by copyright transfer to publishers. It recommends that universities assert their interest in copyright ownership in the long term, that academics retain rights in the short term, and that publishers consider new ways of protecting the value they add through journal publishing.

        47.     Gadd, E., Oppenheim, C., and Probets, S.,  "RoMEO Studies 2: How Academics Want to Protect their Open-Access Research Papers ".  Journal of information science, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2003, pp. 333-356 .

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: This paper is the second in a series of studies (see E. Gadd, C. Oppenheim and S. Probets. RoMEO studies 1: the impact of copyright ownership on author-self-archiving, Journal of Documentation 59(3) (2003) 243-277) emanating from the UK JISC-funded RoMEO Project (Rights Metadata for Open-archiving). It considers the protection for research papers afforded by UK copyright law, and by e-journal licences. It compares this with the protection required by academic authors for open-access research papers as discovered by the RoMEO academic author survey. The survey used the Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) as a framework for collecting views from 542 academics as to the permissions, restrictions and conditions they wanted to assert over their works. Responses from self-archivers and non-archivers are compared. The paper concludes that most academic authors are primarily interested in preserving their moral rights, and that the protection offered research papers by copyright law is way in excess of that required by most academics. It also raises concerns about the level of protection enforced by e-journal licence agreements.

        48.     Gerhardt, P.,  "Creative Archive".  Ariadne, No. 44, 2005.

Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Paul Gerhardt describes the origins and development of the Creative Archive Project at the BBC.

        49.     Glance, D. G., Kerr, J., and Reid, A.,  "Factors affecting the use of open source software in tertiary education institutions ".  First Monday, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative/Programas informáticos/Educación

Resumen: Open Source Software (OSS) is software that has been released under a license which requires the distribution of the software's source code with any binaries. It is often available at no cost and is mostly supported by developers providing their services for free. Considerable interest has been shown in OSS by tertiary education institutions (TEIs) because of the promise of a reduced total cost of ownership of the software, potentially better support, freedom from vendor lockin, ability to tailor the software and pedagogic benefits of being able to view the source code. To find out the extent of use of OSS by TEIs in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, a survey was sent out to technical personnel at all TEIs in these countries. The results of the survey show that OSS is already being used by all TEIs who responded to the survey and that the major reasons for this was lower Total Cost of Ownership and freedom from software vendor dependence. It is clear however that the majority of the OSS software being used is in server infrastructure with a lesser amount being used on normal desktop machines.

        50.     Gómez, N. D.,  "El cambio de paradigma en la comunicación científica".  Biblioteca Central Luis Federico Leloir (Argentina), 2002.

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Open Archives Initiative/Difusión de la información/Transferencia de la información

Resumen: Open Archives (OAI) es una iniciativa apoyada financieramente por la Federación de Bibliotecas Digitales (DLB) y la Liga para la Información en Red (CNI) que desarrolla y promueve la aplicación de estándares de interoperabilidad para facilitar la eficiente diseminación de contenido. Si bien tiene sus orígenes en la transferencia de la comunicación académica, que es la piedra angular de su trabajo al facilitar el acceso a e-prints, su labor tiende a independizarse del tipo de contenido y de los mecanismos económicos que lo rodean y promete una relevancia creciente en la facilitación del acceso a un rango amplio de materiales digitales.

        51.     González Guitián, C. and Sobrido Prieto, M.,  "Bases de datos sanitarias españolas gratuitas en internet".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005, pp. 349-357.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Ciencias de la salud/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Las bases de datos sanitarias con contenido español en internet de acceso gratuito han experimentado un importante incremento estos últimos años. Las hay multidisciplinares: Ibecs, IME, Medes, Biblioteca Cochrane, Guía Salud y Compludoc; especializadas en enfermería: BDIE, Cuiden, Cuidatge, Enfispo; en geriatría: Mayores; en enfermedades raras: Siere; o en historia de la ciencia y documentación: Documed y Bibliografía española de Historia de la Ciencia y de la Técnica. La mayoría dependen de instituciones públicas.

        52.     Graham, R. A.,  "Metadata Harvesting ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2001, pp. 290-295.

Descriptores: Metadatos /Catalogación/Open Archives Initiative/Dublin Core/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: For this fourth column in the IT I-V (information technology interview) series participants actively engaged or interested in the metadata harvesting protocol of the open archives initiative were interviewed. The metadata harvesting initiative targets information generally inaccessible through standard browser searches, such as information stored in databases or within library online public access catalogs. We selected this topic as an information technology-based initiative with the potential to provide information about the usefulness of metadata: in particular the Dublin Core metadata standard, but also about other metadata standards, as the protocol design supports community-specific schemas as well. The group interviewed represents developers, commercial information providers, funders, and members of the scholarly publishing community. Along with learning about the interests and concerns of each of these stakeholders and about specific applications of the protocol, we identify potential questions that will ultimately need to be addressed.

        53.     Grupo Scimago,  "Análisis de la cobertura de la base de datos Scopus".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2006, pp. 144-145 .

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Acceso abierto/Acceso abierto/Distribuidores

Resumen: A FINALES DE 2004, ELSEVIER lanzó al mercado un producto que sin lugar a dudas ha llamado la atención en el mundo de la información científica: Scopus1. Se trata de una gran base de datos multidisciplinar, la mayor en la actualidad y muchos son su puntos destacables. Un trabajo de Codina de principios del año pasado2, nos adelantaba algunas de sus funcionalidades relativas a la recuperación de información. Sin embargo creemos que lo que está animando un cierto debate en los medios profesionales es que además es una base de datos de citas, por lo que el monopolio de facto del ISI Web of Science (ISIWoS) de Thomson Scientific3, puede estar llegando a su fin.

        54.     Guallar Delgado, J. and Cornet Casals, A.,  "Fuentes de información digitales en los centros de documentación de prensa: recursos web gratuitos".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005.

Descriptores: Prensa/Acceso abierto/Centros de documentación

Resumen: Se describe en primer lugar el contexto de la utilización de las fuentes de información externas digitales en los centros de documentación de los medios de comunicación de prensa escrita. A continuación se presentan y comentan los resultados de una encuesta realizada entre los principales medios españoles sobre la utilización de recursos web gratuitos. Por último, se analizan brevemente los recursos seleccionados. 

        55.     Guy, M., Powell, A., and Day, M.,  "Improving the Quality of Metadata in Eprint Archives".  Ariadne, No. 38, 2003.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Bibliotecas digitales/Metadatos/Sistemas abiertos/Calidad/Documentos electrónicos/Open Archives Initiative/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen:  Marieke Guy, Andy Powell and Michael Day address the argument that the usefulness of OAI service providers is directly influenced by the consistency and accuracy of the harvested metadata on which they are based. They suggest a number of quality assurance procedures that may improve the standard of metadata in eprint archives.

        56.     Hagedorn, K.,  "OAIster: a 'no dead ends' OAI service provider ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 170-181  .

Descriptores: Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: OAIster, at the University of Michigan, University Libraries, Digital Library Production Service (DLPS), is an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant-funded project designed to test the feasibility of using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) to harvest digital object metadata from multiple and varied digital object repositories and develop a service to allow end-users to access that metadata. This article describes in-depth the development of our system to harvest, store, transform the metadata into Digital Library eXtension Service (DLXS) Bibliographic Class format, build indexes and make the metadata searchable through an interface using the XPAT search engine. Results of the testing of our service and statistics on usage are reported, as well as the issues that we have encountered during our harvesting and transformation operations. The article closes by discussing the future improvements and potential of OAIster and the OAI-PMH protocol.

        57.     Halbert, M.,  "The Metascholar Initiative: AmericanSouth.Org and MetaArchive.Org ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 182-198.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The MetaScholar Initiative is a collaborative endeavor to explore the feasibility and utility of scholarly portal services developed in conjunction with Open Archives Initiative (OAI) metadata harvesting technologies. The MetaScholar Initiative comprises two projects, the MetaArchive and AmericanSouth projects, both funded by grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation totaling $600,000. These two projects have created two metadata aggregation networks connecting some 24 libraries, archives, museums, and electronic text centers. Each network has an associated portal being created under the guidance of teams composed of scholars, librarians, archivists, and technologists. The MetaScholar Initiative is studying issues such as metadata normalization, alternative forms of scholarly communication through portals, and the process of facilitating smaller archival institutions in providing better access to their collections through the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). The MetaScholar Initiative is based at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

        58.     Harnad, S.,  "Fast-Forward on the Green Road to Open Access: The Case Against Mixing Up Green and Gold ".  Ariadne, No. 42, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen:  Stevan Harnad provides a summary of his critique of Jean-Claude Guédon's views on the green and gold roads to Open Access. This article is a critique of: The 'Green' and 'Gold' Roads to Open Access: The Case for Mixing and Matching by Jean-Claude Guédon. Open Access (OA) means: free online access to all peer-reviewed journal articles

        59.     Harnad, S., Carr, L., and Brody, T.,  "How and Why To Free All Refereed Research From Access- and Impact-Barriers Online, Now".  Libraries Webzine , No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Acceso a la documentación/Acceso a la información/Internet/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Researchers publish their findings in order to make an impact on research, not in order to sell their words. Access-tolls are barriers to research impact. Authors can now free their refereed research papers from all access tolls immediately by self-archiving them on-line in their own institution's Eprint Archives. Free software creates Archives compliant with the Open Archives Initiative metadata-tagging Protocol OAI 1.0. These distributed institutional Archives are interoperable and can hence be harvested into global 'virtual' archives, citation-linked and freely navigable by all. Self-archiving should enhance research productivity and impact as well as providing powerful new ways of monitoring and measuring it.

        60.     Hernández Sosa, G. and Pérez Peña, O. A.,  "Software propietario y software libre: una cuestión de equilibrio".  Info: Congreso Internacional de Información, Vol. 5, 2004.

Descriptores: Programas informáticos/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: En una sociedad globalizada, como en la que vivimos hoy, cada vez son más importantes los adelantos científicos y tecnológicos, estos son el resultado del desarrollo de la capacidad creativa del hombre y desde hace ya muchos años los ordenamientos jurídicos establecen normas con el fin de garantizar los derechos asociados a los mismos. La industria del software no ha estado ajena a esta realidad. En este sentido la Propiedad Intelectual hoy más que nunca desempeña un papel importante para lograr poner a disposición de todos las nuevas creaciones y adelantos científicos y, al mismo tiempo, establecer toda una infraestructura que permita estimular la creación.

        61.     Hey, J.,  "Targeting Academic Research with Southampton's Institutional Repository".  Ariadne, No. 40, 2004.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Documentos electrónicos/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Jessie Hey as part of her work on the TARDis Project describes how user needs have influenced the evolutionary development of 'e-Prints Soton' as the University of Southampton Research Repository

        62.     Hill, A.,  "The Information Environment Service Registry: Promoting the use of electronic resources".  Ariadne , No. 40, 2004.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The Information Environment Service Registry: Promoting the use of electronic resources. Amanda Hill outlines progress on the Information Environment Service Registry Project and explains what it will mean for service providers and portal developers.

        63.     Hitchcock, S., Bergmark, D., Brody, T., Gutteridge, C., Carr, L., Hall, C. L. W., and Harnad, S.,  "Open Citation Linking: The Way Forward ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 10, 2002.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Internet/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The speed of scientific communication  the rate of ideas affecting other researchers' ideas  is increasing dramatically. The factor driving this is free, unrestricted access to research papers. Measurements of user activity in mature eprint archives of research papers such as arXiv have shown, for the first time, the degree to which such services support an evolving network of texts commenting on, citing, classifying, abstracting, listing and revising other texts. The Open Citation project has built tools to measure this activity, to build new archives, and has been closely involved with the development of the infrastructure to support open access on which these new services depend. This is the story of the project, intertwined with the concurrent emergence of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). The paper describes the broad scope of the project's work, showing how it has progressed from early demonstrators of reference linking to produce Citebase, a Web-based citation and impact-ranked search service, and how it has supported the development of the software for building OAI-compliant archives. The work has been underpinned by analysis and experiments on the semantics of documents (digital objects) to determine the features required for formally perfect linking  instantiated as an application programming interface (API) for reference linking  that will enable other applications to build on this work in broader digital library information environments.

        64.     Hughes, C. A.,  "eScholarship at the University of California: sustainable innovation for Open Access".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 69, 2003.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Bibliotecas universitarias/Comunicación científica

Resumen: This presentation describes the history of the University of California eScholarship program, a joint effort of the University of California Libraries in collaboration with the California Digital Library. It discusses the context that gave rise to the creation of the eScholarship repository, the logistical issues involved in setting up a multi-campus persistent repository for scholarly output, and future issues to be  addressed in developing experimental reconfigurations of the components of scholarly communication in collaboration with communities of scholars.

        65.     Hunter, P.,  "Centering the Periphery: a new equity in information access? ".  Ariadne, No. 30, 2002.

Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: A focus of this issue of Ariadne is the Open Archives Initiative and the wider implications of the techniques and technology associated with it. A major impetus behind the take-up of the OAI idea is the wish to make research available more widely and more quickly than before, and also to counter the problems created by the nature of existing academic publishing. 

        66.     Jeffer, K. G.,  "CRIS + Open Access = The Route to Research Knowledge on the GRID".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Archivos abiertos/Gestión del conocimiento

Resumen: Linking CRISs (Current Research Information Systems) and OA (Open Access) Systems brings together systems for managing R&D with systems for providing open access to scholarly publishing  the major visible output of R&D  on the emerging European GRIDs infrastructure. The debate over OA is very active with 'green' (institutional repository selfarchiving) and 'gold' (author / institution pays publishing) as competing but also complementary processes. The major publishers are experimenting with 'gold' services while 'green' institutional repositories are growing fast. GRIDs, especially through the NGG (Next Generation GRID) Reports [NGG] has emerged as a vision for a European IT 'surface' now being implemented progressively especially under the auspices of EC DG INFSO F2 to provide easy-to-use access to information and computation. CRISs provide both a context for evaluation of - and understanding the background to  scholarly publication. CRISs also provide a management framework for R&D in institutions from funding agencies through national laboratories to universities, as well as a mechanism for interoperating research and development information

        67.     Keefer, A.,  "Observatorio Preservación digital y depósitos institucionales".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2005, pp. 404-406.

Descriptores: Preservación/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales

Resumen:  A finales de de septiembre de 2005 la Co-misión Europea publicó una co-municación con su estrategia sobre el patrimonio impreso y gráfico europeo y las bibliotecas digitales. Esta iniciativa, i2010: digital libraries, pretende garan-tizar el acceso a estos recursos mediante su digitalización y puesta en línea. Además, el pro-grama hace un llamamiento a la preservación.

        68.     Kuil, A. v. d. and Feijen, M.,  "The Dawning of DARE: A Shared Experience ".  Ariadne, No. 41, 2004.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Annemiek van der Kuil and Martin Feijen describe the first year of the DARE Project and its foundation of the OAI repositories of Dutch academic output./

        69.     Labastida i Juan, I.,  "Nota al artículo "El sistema de las Creative commons"".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005, pp. 349-357.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Propiedad Intelectual /Derechos de autor

Resumen: Después de leer el artículo "El sistema de las Creative Commons" de Marco Marandola, me gustaría presentar de manera más completa el proyecto de las licencias de Creative commons. Actualmente las palabras copyleft, copyright, open access, creative commons, procomún, se utilizan mucho pero a veces se mezclan conceptos y se informa de manera errónea. Agradezco a los editores la posibilidad de escribir esta nota que personalmente considero de rectificación. unos textos legales para que los autores pudieran ceder algunos derechos sobre sus obras y se pudieran reservar otros. Creative commons no está contra los derechos de autor, sino todo lo contrario, de hecho su objetivo es promover la cultura ayudando a los creadores a ejercer sus derechos.

        70.     Lagoze, C. and Sompel, H. V. d.,  "The making of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003 , pp. 118-128.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso a la información/Internet/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The authors, who jointly serve as the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) executive, reflect on the three-year history of the OAI. Three years of technical work recently culminated in the release of a stable production version 2 of the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). This technical product, the work that led up to it, and the process that made it possible have attracted some favor from the digital library and information community. The paper explores a number of factors in the history of the OAI that the authors believe have contributed to this positive response. The factors include focus on a defined problem statement, an operational model in which strong leadership is balanced with solicited participation, a healthy dose of community building and support, and sensible technical decisions. 

        71.     Little, D.,  "Sharing history of science and medicine gateway metadata using OAI-PMH".  Ariadne, No. 34, 2003.

Descriptores: Metadatos /Ciencias de la salud/Medicina/Historia/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata /Portales

Resumen: David Little outlines the resource sharing arrangements between the MedHist gateway and the Humbul hub, using the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, and some of the issues it has raised.

        72.     MacCallum, C. J. and Parthasarath, H.,  "Open Access Increases Citation Rate ".  PLoS Biology, Vol. 4, No. 5, 2006.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Impacto/Visibilidad de la Información

Resumen: PLoS Biology has published a research article that investigates a bibliometric rather than a biological question: do open-access articles have a citation advantage?

        73.     MacFarlane, A.,  "On open source IR ".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 55, No. 4, 2003, pp. 217-222.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Recuperación de la información/Indicadores/Software libre

Resumen: Open source software development is becoming increasingly popular as a way of producing software, due to a number of factors. It is argued in this paper that these factors may have a significant impact on the future of information retrieval (IR) systems, and that it is desirable that these systems are made open to all. Some problems are outlined that may prevent the uptake of open source IR systems and a number of open source IR systems are described.

        74.     Mackie, M.,  "Filling Institutional Repositories: Practical strategies from the DAEDALUS Project".  Ariadne , No. 39, 2003.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Morag Mackie describes some strategies that can be used to help populate an institutional repository.

        75.     Marandola, M.,  "El sistema de las Creative Commons".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 285-289.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Licencias/Derechos de autor

Resumen: Creative Commons is the first attempt to provide a valid legal framework for open access. This text analyses the beginnings of the movement and the different types of licences that have been prepared, as well as offering considerations regarding Creative Commons applications.

        76.     Marchionini, G.,  "The Open Video Digital Library: Balancing Theory and Practice".  Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales, Vol. 4, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Open Archives Initiative/Video

Resumen: Over the past five years we have been building a digital library of video content ( that is open to the education and research community. Part of our motivation was to build a test collection for digital video researchers and a useful collection of video materials for teachers and students at all levels.

        77.     Marcondes, C. H. and Sayão, L. F.,  "Documentos digitais e novas formas de cooperação entre sistemas de informação em c&t".  Ciência da informaçao, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2002.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Cooperación bibliotecaria/Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: São discutidos os novos mecanismos de cooperação entre sistemas de informação em ciência e tecnologia surgidos a partir da emergência de arquivos de publicações digitais livres  os open archives  e de mecanismos de interoperabilidade entre estes arquivos, como o protocolo Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. É apresentado um histórico do surgimento das publicações digitais e dos arquivos abertos como uma alternativa aos mecanismos tradicionais de comunicação científica, baseados nos periódicos acadêmicos tradicionais. São discutidas as novas formas de cooperação e os novos serviços informacionais viabilizados a partir do surgimento dos open archives e das tecnologias a eles associados. As conseqüências e oportunidades desta situação para a ciência e para os sistemas e redes de informação dos países em desenvolvimento são analisadas.

        78.     Martin, R.,  "ePrints UK: Developing a national e-prints archive".  Ariadne, No. 35, 2003.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Acceso abierto/Edición electrónica/Documentos electrónicos/Inglaterra/Bibliografías nacionales/Bibliotecas nacionales

Resumen: Ruth Martin describes the technical work of the ePrints UK project, and outlines the non-technical issues that must also addressed if the project is to deliver a national e-prints service.

        79.     Melero, R.,  "Acceso abierto a las publicaciones científicas: definición, recursos, copyright e impacto".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 255-266.

Descriptores: Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative/Edición electrónica

Resumen: The Open access movement has attracted increased support over the past few years from both institutions and members of the scientific community. There has also been a growing interest in projects linked to open access initiatives. This article analyses the significance of open access --in accordance with the BOAI, Bethesda and Berlin declarations-- to scientific publications on the internet. An overview is provided on issues related to the impact of open access resources and to the implications of copyright concessions in an open access environment. Finally, the future perspective of open access is evaluated from the standpoint of governmental policies.

        80.     Millán, J. A.,  "Edición científica y difusión libre".  Página personal de José Antonio Millán, 2002.

Descriptores: Difusión de la información/Comunicación científica/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Hoy en día existen en el mundo unas veinte mil revistas científicas y técnicas dotadas de comité de selección (refereed journals) y anualmente se publican en ellas dos millones de artículos. Cada artículo cuesta colectivamente al conjunto de las instituciones que lo pagan unos 2.000 dólares: a cambio de ese desembolso, sólo los miembros de esas instituciones tienen derecho a leerlo, y por cierto: ninguna institución, ni siquiera Harvard, se puede permitir dar acceso a sus miembros a todos los artículos que se publican. Mientras tanto, recordemos que los científicos no cobran por sus artículos, ni en su función de comité de selección de sus colegas. Estos datos (que Stevan Harnad publicó en Nature, en abril del 2001) pueden justificar la profunda revolución que está recorriendo el mundo de la edición científica. Hace unos meses, concretamente en agosto del año pasado, recogíamos en estas páginas la iniciativa de la Public Library of Science a favor de la apertura de la información científica en la red (véase La revuelta de los científicos). Si a 29 de agosto del 2001 había reunido 26.000 firmas, ahora cuenta con 29.000 firmantes, de 175 países.Desde entonces han ocurrido varias cosas. La más llamativa es la Budapest Open Access Initiative, patrocinada por el filántropo George Soros, de origen húngaro y afincado en los EEUU desde los años 50. Soros se ha mostrado muy activo en iniciativas a favor de la sociedad abierta, que gestiona a través de una red de fundaciones. Pues bien: a las acciones en favor de países de la Europa del Este, y a sus intervenciones sobre el sistema financiero mundial se ha unido curiosamente una iniciativa directamente relacionada con la edición electrónica de material científico.

        81.     Millán, J. A.,  "La revuelta de los científicos o El editor como comadrona".  Página personal de José Antonio Millán, 2002.

Descriptores: Difusión de la información/Comunicación científica/Open Archives Initiative/Edición/Editores/Distribuidores

Resumen: El día 1 de septiembre vence el plazo que la Public Library of Science, una asociación de científicos de ciencias biológicas y médicas, ha fijado para que las compañías que rigen el mercado de la edición científica digital cambien su política. La iniciativa de la Public Library of Science lleva reunidas más de 26.000 firmas de científicos (casi 1.300 de ellos españoles), entre ellos varios premios Nobel. Su propuesta es que a los seis meses de aparición de los artículos estos se pongan abiertos en la Red, en sitios que reúnan lo más importante de la investigacion de un sector. Si el 1de septiembre las compañías no han actuado así, los firmantes se negarán a contribuir a sus publicaciones o a actuar de asesores para ellas. Las empresas objeto del ultimátum son bien conocidas: la canadiense Thomson y la anglo-holandesa Reed Elsevier, entre otras.

        82.     Mongin, L., Fu, Y., Mostafa, and Javed,  "Open Archives Data Service Prototype and Automated Subject Indexing Using D-Lib® Archive Content As a Testbed ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 12, 2003.

Descriptores: Sistemas abiertos/Indización automática/Bibliotecas universitarias/Visualización/Recuperación de la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The Indiana University School of Library and Information Science opened a new research laboratory in January 2003; The Indiana University School of Library and Information Science Information Processing Laboratory [IU IP Lab]. The purpose of the new laboratory is to facilitate collaboration between scientists in the department in the areas of information retrieval (IR) and information visualization (IV) research. The lab has several areas of focus. These include grid and cluster computing, and a standard Java-based software platform to support plug and play research datasets, a selection of standard IR modules and standard IV algorithms. Future development includes software to enable researchers to contribute datasets, IR algorithms, and visualization algorithms into the standard environment. We decided early on to use OAI-PMH as a resource discovery tool because it is consistent with our mission.

        83.     Morley, G.,  "Free Access, Quality and Translation : A report on the CINDOC Workshop Las revistas científicas españolas ante los retos tecnológicos".  Panacea : boletín de medicina y traducción, Vol. 5, No. 15, 2004, pp. 85-86.

Descriptores: Traducción/Calidad/Acceso a la información/Publicaciones periódicas/Revistas electrónicas /España/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Before the Internet, translators relied on expensive dictionaries and reference books for information. Now a decent Internet connection has become one of the most important tools of our trade. In the biomedical field for example, MEDLINE can be used to retrieve abstracts from hundreds of journals. And then of course there is Google, the omnipotent search engine that can dig out web pages on almost anything. Suppose a translator is uncertain whether to write "extrapyramidal adverse effects" or "adverse extrapyramidal effects." He or she consults Google and finds that "extrapyramidal adverse effects" gets ten times as many hits, so "extrapyramidal adverse effects" seems to be the preferred expression in this "Google democracy." The method is not perfect because Google counts web pages not web sites, so some "votes" could have been counted more than once and a web page published by a geeky 16-year-old will carry the same weight as a web page published by a Nobel laureate. This is the crux of the debate about the Internet as an information source: the Internet holds a vast store of information, but can we be sure of its reliability

        84.     Muñoz Tinoco, C.,  "Open access y repositorios: nuevas tendencias: Open Access, Open Archive Initiatives frente a los sistemas de edición tradicional. ¿Convivencia en las Ciencias de la Salud? : Mesa redonda".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Repertorios/Ciencias de la salud

Resumen: Si durante la década de los noventa hemos visto como se consolidaron los servicios de información electrónica, y podemos definirla como la década-e, la primera década del siglo XXI empieza a sentirse como la década-o. Los movimientos del Open Access y  Open Archives pueden llegar a cambiar completamente el sistema de edición científica en el mundo. Si la manera de hacer del autor cambia, tanto editores como distribuidores de información y bibliotecas están emplazados a modificar sus sistemas de edición, distribución y archivo de información. La nuevas tendencias, Open Access y Open Archives, ocuparán esta Actividad Paralela, con especial atención al avance imparable que ya tiene la edición de acuerdo al modelo Open Access en las áreas relacionadas con las Ciencias de la Salud. Un grupo de profesionales contará sus experiencias más recientes sobre temas que cada vez tienen más presencia en los foros del sector.

        85.     Nelson, M. L., Harrison, T. L., and Rocker, J.,  "OAI and NASA's scientific and technical information ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 140-150  .

Descriptores: Metadatos/Bibliotecas digitales/Mineria de datos/Tecnología/Aeronaútica/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is an evolving protocol and philosophy regarding interoperability for digital libraries (DLs). Previously, 'distributed searching' models were popular for DL interoperability. However, experience has shown distributed searching systems across large numbers of DLs to be difficult to maintain in an Internet environment. The OAI-PMH is a move away from distributed searching, focusing on the arguably simpler model of 'metadata harvesting'. We detail NASA's involvement in defining and testing the OAI-PMH and experience to date with adapting existing NASA distributed searching DLs (such as the NASA Technical Report Server) to use the OAI-PMH and metadata harvesting. We discuss some of the entirely new DL projects that the OAI-PMH has made possible, such as the Technical Report Interchange Project. We explain the strategic importance of the OAI-PMH to the mission of NASA's Scientific and Technical Information Program.

        86.     Nicholas, D., Huntington, P., and Rowlands, I.,  "Open access journal publishing: the views of some of the world's senior authors ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 61, No. 4, 2005, pp. 419-519 .

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: Purpose  The main aims of the survey were to determine: the volume of open access (OA) publishing; what the attitudes of authors to publishing in OA journals were; and what authors felt were the implications of OA publishing. Design/methodology/approach  The questionnaire survey was administered on behalf of Ciber by NOP and the sample derived from mailing lists supplied by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI®). Nearly, 4,000 authors responded.  Findings  The detailed results of a major survey of the views and experiences of nearly 4,000 senior authors in regard to OA publishing. A number of statistical analyses were employed to drill down into the data to obtain an understanding of the figures. Views were divided sharply along subject and geographical lines, demonstrating the need to survey large and robust samples of authors. Research limitations/implications  A snapshot study which while providing robust data requires a follow-up study to monitor opinion shifts in this fast-changing area. Practical implications  Highlights the knowledge gap that exists between authors and publishers. Originality/value  One of the biggest, if not the biggest, author survey conducted into scholarly publishing and OA publishing.

        87.     Palafox Parejo, M.,  "Actuación de la Biblioteca en el ámbito de la difusión y gestión de los contenidos científicos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Bibliotecas universitarias/Gestión de contenidos

Resumen: Un archivo institucional es un conjunto de servicios que una universidad ofrece a los miembros de su comunidad para la gestión y difusión de los materiales digitales creados por la institución y los miembros de la comunidad universitaria. El archivo E-PrintsUCM ha sido desarrollado por la Biblioteca Complutense para gestionar la documentación digital creada por el personal docente e investigador de la Universidad Complutense.

        88.     Parada, A. and Parada, A.,  "El acceso abierto (open access) y el futuro de la edición en el ámbito biomédico: una figura con múltiples aristas".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005, pp. 326-334.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Biomedicina/Suscripciones

Resumen:  La posibilidad de generalizar el acceso abierto (open access), gratuito y universal a la literatura científica se ha convertido en un terreno abonado a la controversia, que sobrepasa los límites de lo científico y editorial y trasciende al ámbito económico e incluso político. El fenómeno open access se proyecta, fundamentalmente, en las publicaciones sobre ciencia, tecnología y biomedicina, pero es quizás en esta última disciplina donde la polémica se hace más ostensible. En el presente artículo se revisa el estado de la cuestión sobre los cambios que el movimiento del acceso abierto está propiciando en el ámbito de las ciencias de la salud. Se exponen los principales argumentos, tanto a favor como en contra del mismo, de las diferentes partes implicadas que se centran en aspectos tales como la accesibilidad a los trabajos de investigación publicados en las revistas, el mantenimiento de la calidad y el rigor de las publicaciones científicas, y las propuestas sobre si es posible transformar, sin que su viabilidad se resienta, un sector editorial que hasta el momento se ha sostenido económicamente sobre la base del modelo de suscripciones.

        89.     Peña Escobio, R. and Rodríguez Mederos, M.,  "Desarrollo de las comunidades Open Source y Free Software en Cuba y el mundo".  Info: Congreso Internacional de Información, Vol. 5, 2004 .

Descriptores: Programas informáticos/Open Archives Initiative/Cuba

Resumen: Los movimientos Open Source y Free Software han alcanzado gran relevancia en el mundo, cada día son mas los gobiernos que radicalizan su postura  informática a favor de los mismos y el numero de desarrolladores y usuarios se calculan en cientos de miles y millones respectivamente. En nuestro país este fenómeno avanza con pasos firmes y cada vez mas acelerados, matizados por las dificultades materiales que atravesamos pero respaldados por una comunidad joven, pero fuerte. En este trabajo veremos un poco de historia de estos movimientos y su estado actual así como la situación respectiva en nuestro país. Analizaremos los principales retos a que se enfrenta nuestro movimiento nacional.

        90.     Powell, A. and Barker, P.,  "RDN/LTSN Partnerships: Learning resource discovery based on the LOM and the OAI-PMH".  Ariadne, No. 39, 2003.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Andy Powell and Phil Barker explore the technical collaboration currently underway between the RDN and the LTSN and describe the RDN/LTSN LOM Application Profile and its use to support resource discovery.

        91.     Prom, C. J.,  "Reengineering archival access through the OAI protocols ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 199-209.

Descriptores: Archivos/Acceso a la documentación/Metadatos/Manuscritos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) Protocol for Metadata Harvesting presents one promising method by which metadata regarding archives and manuscripts can be shared and made more interoperable with metadata from other sources. Against the background of archival descriptive theory and practice, this article outlines a method for exposing deep, hierarchical metadata from encoded archival description (EAD) files and assesses some theoretical and practical issues that will need to be confronted by institutions choosing to provide or harvest OAI records generated from EAD files. Using OAI on top of existing EAD implementations would allow institutions to repurpose their data and potentially reach more users but would also accelerate the process of reengineering archival access mechanisms. Archivists and technologists using OAI with EAD must pay careful attention to the necessity of preserving archival context and provenance.

        92.     Prudlo, M.,  "E-Archiving: An Overview of Some Repository Management Software Tools ".  Ariadne, No. 42, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Marion Prudlo discusses LOCKSS, EPrints, and DSpace in terms of who uses them, their cost, underlying technology, the required know-how, and functionalities.

        93.     Prudlo, M.,  "E-Archiving: An Overview of Some Repository Management Software Tools".  Ariadne, No. 43, 2005.

Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Gestión/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Marion Prudlo discusses LOCKSS, EPrints, and DSpace in terms of who uses them, their cost, underlying technology, the required know-how, and functionalities.

        94.     Ramos Simón, F.,  "La promesa de las iniciativas del acceso abierto al conocimiento científico".  Boletín de la ANABAD, Vol. 55, No. 1-2, 2005, pp. 393-410.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica

Resumen: En este trabajo nos proponemos examinar la naturaleza y características de las llamadas iniciativas de acceso abierto en el ámbito académico, así como su potencial expansión y barreras a las que ha de hacer frente.Las iniciativas de acceso abierto son propuestas formuladas en distintos ámbitos del sector mundial de la comunicación científica, orientadas todas ellas a procurar un acceso libre, abierto y gratuito a los resultados de la investigación. Estas propuestas se asientan sobre dos premisas. La primera es que la difusión de los resultados de la investigación científica ha estado siempre al margen del lucro económico de los autores y la segunda es que la naturaleza abierta de Internet favorece que sus usuarios y el público en general puedan acceder de modo gratuito a las creaciones de esos científicos.

        95.     Richardson, S. and Powell, A.,  "Exposing information resources for e-learning".  Ariadne, No. 34, 2003.

Descriptores: Metadatos /Protocolos de comunicaciones/Z39.50/Open Archives Initiative/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: Andy Powell on Harvesting and searching IMS metadata using both the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting, and the Z39.50 Protocol .

        96.     Rodrigues, E.,  "Promoviendo el Acceso Libre : el Repositorio Institucional y la política de auto-archivo de la Universidade do Minho".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Repertorios/Portugal

Resumen: Creación y desarrollo de RepositóriUM. La Política de Auto-Archivo de Publicaciones de la Universidade do Minho.

        97.     Rodríguez, J.,  "Ciencia y comunicación científica: edición digital y libre acceso al conocimiento.".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso a la información/Comunicación científica/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Se pretende plantear un intercambio de opiniones en torno a estos aspectos: necesidades de normalización en las pautas de edición de revistas científicas electrónicas, aplicaciones de la iniciativa de archivos abiertos (OAI) a la edición de revistas, preservación y mantenimiento de colecciones digitales de revistas y nuevo papel de los bibliotecarios y documentalistas ante la edición electrónica de revistas científicas españolas.

        98.     Rodríguez López, J.,  "Ciencia y comunicación científica: edición digital y otros fundamentos del libre acceso al conocimiento".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 246-254 .

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative/Edición electrónica/Software libre

Resumen: The logic of scientific discovery requires the community of peers to validate and sanction the authenticity and specific contribution of a finding or a solution to a problem, so that the knowledge generated can be published and shared. To publish is, consequently, innate to the work of scientists. Therefore, when a set of tools and licenses are created and placed within their reach simultaneously, allowing them to take full control over all operations related to the process (to create, publish, communicate, distribute, reproduce, transform) with no need of any intermediaries, a revolution takes place. This revolution goes beyond publishing itself and transforms fundamental aspects concerning the circulation of knowledge, its use and availability.

        99.     Rodríguez López, J.,  "La locomotora digital: Lo que las revistas científicas pueden hacer por el futuro de la edición".  Página personal de José Antonio Millán, 2002.

Descriptores: Difusión de la información/Comunicación científica/Open Archives Initiative/Edición electrónica

 Resumen: La cuestión no es ya, hoy en día, saber si los textos serán o no digitalizados, si el futuro de la edición pasa o no por la digitalización y la difusión electrónica, porque es ya evidente, incluso para un lector de periódicos medianamente informado, que la metamorfosis de los soportes de la escritura en las últimas décadas ha sido y sigue siendo un fenómeno ubicuo; la cuestión es, y no es un matiz desdeñable, qué nos asegura que la transposición de los textos a otro soporte, a otro medio, va a ser una migración duradera, no una mera etapa apenas perceptible en la historia de las formas escritas de comunicación; la cuestión es, quién reclama esa mutación si es que lo hay, a quién sirve esa transformación, quién hará uso del material almacenado de esa nueva manera, a quién puede beneficiar la mudanza y qué objetivos y necesidades cubre y alcanza. Más aún, qué visos hay de que esa todavía pequeña revolución llegue a propagarse, a asumirse e, incluso, a hacerse deseable para del resto de la sociedad, porque no se sabe todavía de transformación tecnológica alguna en la historia de la humanidad que haya permanecido y se haya perpetuado que no haya sido el resultado de una necesidad presentida de la sociedad. Algo tan elemental como caer en la cuenta de que en la oficina de patentes duermen miles de inventos sin nadie deseoso de asumirlos o de utilizarlos, podría ser suficiente para entender que la tecnología no es unívoca ni todopoderosa; también, que en nuestra sociedad contemporánea, particularmente, todo invento viene acompañado de un esfuerzo formidable por imponer la necesidad de ese invento que no otra cosa es el marketing, algo que no sería necesario si el invento tuviera el poder de imponerse sin ninguna colaboración social.

        100.    Sacchi, S.,  "L'Open Access negli atenei italiani ".  Biblioteche oggi, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2005, pp. 44-58.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Italia/Comunicación científica

Resumen: La Budapest Open Access Initiative1 descrive in modo molto chiaro le intenzioni del movimento dell'Open Access: rendere disponibile liberamente e gratuitamente la letteratura scientifica validata per supportare l'attività di ricerca e le sue ricadute sociali. Con questa dichiarazione, che può sembrare utopica nei suoi intenti, il movimento Open Access negli ultimi anni ha di fatto richiamato l'interesse del mondo accademico e stimolato molta riflessione in ambito biblioteconomico. Sempre più spazio e attenzione sono infatti stati dedicati ai progetti in questo ambito da parte della letteratura professionale sulle scienze dell'informazione, dando una visibilità insperata a un fenomeno che affonda le sue radici in un'iniziativa nata poco più di cinque anni fa.

        101.    Sai Ho Kwok   and Yang, C. C.,  "Searching the peer-to-peer networks: The community and their queries ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 9, 2004, pp. 783-793.

Descriptores: Difusión de la información/Open Archives Initiative/Redes de información

Resumen: Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks provide a new distributed computing paradigm on the Internet for file sharing. The decentralized nature of P2P networks fosters cooperative and non-cooperative behaviors in sharing resources. Searching is a major component of P2P file sharing. Several studies have been reported on the nature of queries of World Wide Web (WWW) search engines, but studies on queries of P2P networks have not been reported yet. In this report, we present our study on the Gnutella network, a decentralized and unstructured P2P network. We found that the majority of Gnutella users are located in the United States. Most queries are repeated. This may be because the hosts of the target files connect or disconnect from the network any time, so clients resubmit their queries. Queries are also forwarded from peers to peers. Findings are compared with the data from two other studies of Web queries. The length of queries in the Gnutella network is longer than those reported in the studies of WWW search engines. Queries with the highest frequency are mostly related to the names of movies, songs, artists, singers, and directors. Terms with the highest frequency are related to file formats, entertainment, and sexuality. This study is important for the future design of applications, architecture, and services of P2P networks.

        102.    Schmitt, J.-P.,  "Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and Peer Review Journals in Europe: A Report
CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research".  Libraries Webzine , No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Sistemas abiertos/Publicaciones periódicas/Ciencias/Europa/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen:  A workshop on the Open Archives Initiative and Peer Review Journals in Europe was held at CERN, in Geneva, from March 22nd to 24th. The purpose of this workshop was to mobilise a group of European scientists and librarians who want to play an active role in organizing a self-managed system for electronic scholarly communication. Such a system should be compliant with the technical standards proposed by the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). The immediate deployment of OAI-compliant e-print repositories was a concrete objective of the workshop. The workshop had a second (exploratory) objective, related to the certification of writings submitted to archives.

        103.    Sena, N. K.,  "Open archives: caminho alternativo para a comunicação científica".  Ciência da informaçao, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2000.

Descriptores: Archivos /Comunicación científica/Investigación/Investigadores/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: A comunicação científica ampliou seus horizontes de troca de dados, informações e conhecimentos com o aparecimento dos open archives, arquivos que congregam e-prints das diversas áreas do saber e que são abertos à consulta pública, bem como à publicação automatizada dos trabalhos por parte dos pesquisadores. A experiência americana em áreas da física, matemática e ciência da computação, entre outras, demonstra a viabilidade e utilidade dos arquivos abertos como ponto de convergência para comunidades de pesquisadores que se vêem sem fronteiras geográficas ou institucionais para o intercâmbio de seus resultados de pesquisas.

        104.    Shien-Chiang Yu , Hsueh-hua Chen , and Huai-wen Chang,  "Building an open archive union catalog for digital archives ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2005, pp. 410-418. 

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Planificación/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Purpose - In January 2002, the National Science Council of Taiwan launched a National Digital Archives Program (NDAP) and has proceeded with the implementation of a system related to the open archives initiative (OAI) framework. This paper aims to introduce the protocol and the prototype system of the project. Design/methodology/approach - A general review of the project. Findings - The OAI interoperability framework has received much attention from scholars of library and information sciences. In Europe and North America, many academic organizations and universities have undertaken theoretical studies, system design, and implementation of the OAI framework. In January 2002, the National Science Council of Taiwan launched a NDAP, and the institutional project of the National Taiwan University is one of its institutional projects. Now, the project has proceeded with the implementation of a system related to the OAI framework. Originality/value - Provides information of value to information professionals. 

        105.    Shreeves, Sarah L , Kaczmarek, J. S., and Cole, T. W.,  "Harvesting cultural heritage metadata using the OAI Protocol ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 159-169.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Patrimonio cultural/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: In July of 2001, with funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign undertook a project to test the efficacy of using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting to construct a search and discovery service focused on information resources in the domain of cultural heritage. To date, the Illinois project has indexed over two million Dublin Core metadata records contributed by 39 metadata repositories in the museum, academic library, and digital library project communities. These records describe a mix of digital and analog primary content. Our analysis of these metadata records demonstrates wide divergence in descriptive metadata practices and the use and interpretation of Dublin Core metadata elements. Differences are particularly notable by community. This article provides an overview of the Illinois project, presents quantitative data about divergent metadata practices and element usage patterns, and details implications for metadata providers and harvesting services.

        106.    Silió, T.,  "Fundamentos tecnológicos del acceso abierto: Open Archives Initiative y Open Archival Information System".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005, pp. 365-380 .

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Open Archives Initiative/Metadatos/Acceso abierto

Resumen:  El propósito de este artículo es estudiar las tecnologías que hacen posible el acceso abierto y la preservación de los documentos digitales. Por un lado, se analiza la Open Archives Initiative (OAI)  que se ha desarrollado para posibilitar el acceso al contenido de archivos distribuidos, y sus componentes: los Proveedores de Datos, los Proveedores de Servicios y el protocolo OAI-PMH. Éste se creó para la extracción normalizada de metadatos de los archivos electrónicos, asegurando con ello la infraestructura para la preservación y la interoperabilidad entre archivos, independientemente de las organizaciones a las que pertenezcan o de donde se encuentren. También se analiza el papel de los enlaces y los metadatos en el acceso abierto, en concreto CrossRef, DOI y OpenURL Por otro lado, se analiza el estándar del modelo de referencia Open Archival Information System (OAIS) para un sistema abierto de información en archivos, cuya  doble finalidad es la preservación y el acceso a largo plazo de la información en formato digital, obviando los previsibles cambios tecnológicos. Estas dos iniciativas, OAI y OAIS, tienen un interés generalizado para las distintas instituciones académicas y para la información científica de las diferentes áreas del conocimiento.

        107.    Simons, G. and Bird, S.,  "Building an Open Language Archives Community on the OAI foundation ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 210-218  .

Descriptores: Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative

 Resumen: The Open Language Archives Community (OLAC) is an international partnership of institutions and individuals who are creating a worldwide virtual library of language resources. The Dublin Core (DC) Element Set and the OAI Protocol have provided a solid foundation for the OLAC framework. However, we need more precision in community-specific aspects of resource description than is offered by DC. Furthermore, many of the institutions and individuals who might participate in OLAC do not have the technical resources to support the OAI protocol. This paper presents our solutions to these two problems.

        108.    Singer, P.,  "When Shall We Be Free?".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2000.

Descriptores: Acceso a la información/Ciencias de la salud/Difusión de la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: When shall we be free? Only when incentives in science are designed to reward rather than penalize open access publication. In the past year, we have witnessed the creation of exciting new vehicles for disseminating health research, including the Open Archives Initiative, PubMed Central, British Medical Journal's NetPrints, The Lancet eprint server in international health, BioMed Central, and  others. These initiatives have the potential to 'free the literature,' which would be wonderful  for researchers around the world, and might accelerate the pace of health research. However, use of these vehicles in academic science and medicine will not be optimized -- and the literature will not be truly free -- until incentives are realigned to reward, or at least  not penalize, their use.

        109.    Solbakk, S. A.,  "Critical technological and architectural choices for access and preservation in a digital library environment".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2002.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas nacionales  /Bibliotecas digitales/Preservación/Acceso a la información/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The article describes some basic architectural choices for the access to and preservation of digital objects at the National Library of Norway. A digital repository is a core element for the handling of both access to and preservation of the digital objects. Strategies for giving access to the complete holdings include the use of a powerful search engine and the OAI protocol to harvest metadata from conventional catalogue systems to make textual or structured indexes.

        110.    Solbakk, S. A.,  "Critical technological and architectural choices for access and preservation in a digital library environment ".  Library Review , Vol. 52, No. 6, 2003, pp. 250-256.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Preservación/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen:  The article describes some basic architectural choices for the access to and preservation of digital objects at the National Library of Norway. A digital repository is a core element for the handling of both access to and preservation of the digital objects. Strategies for giving access to the complete holdings include the use of a powerful search engine and the OAI protocol to harvest metadata from conventional catalogue systems to make textual or structured indexes.

        111.    Sompel, H. V. d., Young, J. A., and Hickey, T. B.,  "Using the OAI-PMH ... Differently ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 7-8, 2003.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Open Archives Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) was created to facilitate discovery of distributed resources. The OAI-PMH achieves this by providing a simple, yet powerful framework for metadata harvesting. Harvesters can incrementally gather records contained in OAI-PMH repositories and use them to create services covering the content of several repositories. The OAI-PMH has been widely accepted, and until recently, it has mainly been applied to make Dublin Core metadata about scholarly objects contained in distributed repositories searchable through a single user interface. This article describes innovative applications of the OAI-PMH that we have introduced in recent projects. In these projects, OAI-PMH concepts such as resource and metadata format have been interpreted in novel ways. The result of doing so illustrates the usefulness of the OAI-PMH beyond the typical resource discovery using Dublin Core metadata. Also, through the inclusion of XSL1 stylesheets in protocol responses, OAI-PMH repositories have been directly overlaid with an interface that allows users to navigate the contained metadata by means of a Web browser. In addition, through the introduction of PURL2 partial redirects, complex OAI-PMH protocol requests have been turned into simple URIs that can more easily be published and used in downstream applications.

        112.    Soria Ramírez, V.,  "La literatura gris y los e-print".  Biblioteca Universitaria: Revista de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas de la UNAM, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2003, pp. 127-137.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Literatura gris

Resumen: El sello de la comunicación científica ha sido históricamente presentar los resultados de la investigación en una publicación arbitrada; no obstante, la investigación se puede comunicar en muchas otras formas o canales paralelos, como conferencias, informes técnicos o corpus documental que integra la llamada literatura gris. Recientemente, gracias a los avances de las tecnologías de información y comunicación y aunado al inherente interés de los investigadores de difundir sus ideas, con el desarrollo de nuevos recursos de información se han actualizado los modelos de comunicación científica para incluir los e-print.

        113.    Subirats Coll, I., Arencibia Jorge, R., and Robbio, A. d.,  "Eprints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS): La tecnología al servicio de la investigación en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información".  ACIMED, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2004.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Biblioteconomía/Documentación

Resumen: Con el presente trabajo, se pretende difundir el servicio Eprints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) entre los bibliotecarios de Cuba. E-LIS es el mayor archivo de acceso abierto sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información. Su propósito es hacer visible, accesible y recuperable el texto completo de los documentos científicos sobre la especialidad para cualquier usuario potencial con acceso a Internet. Además, con este servicio, especialistas, técnicos y estudiantes, pueden difundir a la comunidad científica internacional sus ponencias y trabajos científicos, estén publicados o no, para fomentar el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias entre ellos.

        114.    Subirats Coll, I. and Barrueco, J. M.,  "Un archivo abierto en ciencias de la documentación e información".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2004, pp. 346-352  .

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Acceso a la información/Bibliotecas digitales/Metadatos

Resumen: E-LIS (E-prints in Library and Information Science) es un archivo abierto dedicado a las ciencias de la documentación e información. Se trata de una biblioteca digital a nivel internacional en funcionamiento desde enero de 2003 que tiene el objetivo de difundir la filosofía open access en nuestra disciplina. Se describen brevemente sus características y funcionalidades principales así como el contexto donde se enmarca y el porqué de su creación. Se explica cómo el uso del software GNU Eprints ha sido determinante en su actual estructura. Finalmente se ofrece a la comunidad de bibliotecarios, documentalistas y archiveros el uso de este archivo no sólo como fuente de información donde pueden recuperar los documentos a texto completo sino como archivo abierto desarrollado con el ánimo de difundir dentro de nuestra profesión los cambios que se están llevando a cabo en el sistema de comunicación científica.

        115.    Subirats i Coll, I.,  "Los archivos abiertos : factores de desarrollo".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 9, 2005.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Archivos abiertos y el autoarchivo. Nos vamos a centrar en: Sus objetivos, Variedad de repositorios, La calidad de los metadatos, El Copyright, Información y difusión, Y el doble rol de los bibliotecarios. Los archivos abiertos son unos de los ejes principales del Acceso Abierto a la Literatura Científica Es el autor quién deposita una copia de sus documentos  Se almacena el texto completo de colecciones de documentos de investigación en formato digital . En un archivo abierto no se publica!, No es un substituto a la publicación tradicional, Es un complemento.

        116.    Suleman, H., Atkins, A., Gonçalves, M. A., France, R. K., and Fox, E. A.,  "Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: Bridging the Gaps for Global Access - Part 1: Mission and Progress".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Tesis doctorales/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is a collaborative effort of universities around the world to promote creating, archiving, distributing and accessing Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). Since its inception in 1996, over a hundred universities have joined the initiative, underscoring the importance institutions place on training their graduates in the emerging forms of digital publishing and information access. The outreach and training mission of NDLTD is an ongoing project so in this article we report on the current status of membership and support activities. Recent research has focused on creating a union database that will provide a means to search and retrieve ETDs from the combined collections of NDLTD member institutions. The Virtua system developed by VTLS will serve as the heart of this union database. In order to bridge the gap between the existing distributed institutional archives and a unified collection of ETDs, we have developed a metadata standard especially suited to ETDs - this is then used by partner sites to export their freely-available metadata using the Metadata Harvesting Protocol of the Open Archives Initiative. We also link name authority information into the metadata records to support unique identification of authors and others associated with the works. Additional research efforts include advanced search mechanisms, semantic interoperability, the design and development of multi- and cross-lingual search systems, and software modules that support the development of higher-level services to aid researchers in seeking relevant ETDs.

        117.    Suleman, H., Atkins, A., Gonçalves, M. A., France, R. K., and Fox, E. A.,  "Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: Bridging the Gaps for Global Access - Part 2: Services and Research".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Tesis doctorales/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is a collaborative effort of universities around the world to promote creating, archiving, distributing and accessing Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). Since its inception in 1996, over a hundred universities have joined the initiative, underscoring the importance institutions place on training their graduates in the emerging forms of digital publishing and information access. The outreach and training mission of NDLTD is an ongoing project so in this article we report on the current status of membership and support activities. Recent research has focused on creating a union database that will provide a means to search and retrieve ETDs from the combined collections of NDLTD member institutions. The Virtua system developed by VTLS will serve as the heart of this union database. In order to bridge the gap between the existing distributed institutional archives and a unified collection of ETDs, we have developed a metadata standard especially suited to ETDs - this is then used by partner sites to export their freely-available metadata using the Metadata Harvesting Protocol of the Open Archives Initiative. We also link name authority information into the metadata records to support unique identification of authors and others associated with the works. Additional research efforts include advanced search mechanisms, semantic interoperability, the design and development of multi- and cross-lingual search systems, and software modules that support the development of higher-level services to aid researchers in seeking relevant ETDs.

        118.    Suleman, H. and Fox, E. A.,  "A Framework for Building Open Digital Libraries".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 12, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen:  Digital Libraries (DLs) have traditionally been positioned at the intersection of library science, computer science, and networked information systems. The different underlying philosophies of these three fields has had an unsettling influence on the development of DLs. While library science is fairly mature, networked information systems are constantly evolving to keep pace with Internet innovation. DLs are thus expected to demonstrate the careful management of libraries while supporting standards that evolve at an astonishing pace. This architectural moving target is a predicament that all DLs face sooner or later in their lifecycle, and one that few manage to deal with effectively. To exacerbate this problem, there has been a general desire for systems to be interoperable at the levels of data exchange and service collaboration. Such interoperability requirements necessitated the development of standards such as the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set and the Open Archives Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). These standards have achieved a degree of success in the DL community largely because of their generality and simplicity. Informed by those lessons, this project is an attempt to consistently extend known interoperability standards to form the basis of a framework of components for building extensible DLs.

        119.    Suleman, H. and Fox, E. A.,  "Leveraging OAI harvesting to disseminate theses ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 219-227 .

Descriptores: Metadatos/Tesis doctorales/Bibliotecas digitales/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: NDLTD, the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, supports and encourages the production and archiving of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). While many current NDLTD member institutions and consortia have individual collections accessible online, there has until recently been no single mechanism to aggregate all ETDs to provide NDLTD-wide services (e.g. searching). With the emergence of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), that has changed. The OAI's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a robust interoperability solution that defines a standard method of exchanging metadata. While working with the OAI to develop and test the metadata harvesting standard, we have set up and actively maintain a central NDLTD metadata collection and multiple user portals. We discuss in this article our experiences in building this distributed digital library based upon the work of the OAI.

        120.    Summers, E.,  "Building OAI-PMH Harvesters with Net::OAI::Harvester".  Ariadne, No. 38, 2003.

Descriptores: Sistemas abiertos/Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Ed Summers provides practical examples of how to build OAI-PMH harvesters in Perl using the Net::OAI::Harvester toolkit.

        121.    Tammaro, A. M. and Gregori, T. D.,  "Ruolo e funzionalità dei depositi istituzionali : Uno spazio virtuale al servizio della comunicazione scientifica".  Biblioteche oggi, Vol. 22, No. 10, 2004, pp. 7-21.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative/Acceso al documento

Resumen: Cosa sono i depositi istituzionali? Per chiarezza espositiva, è più facile iniziare il discorso dicendo che cosa non sono. Il concetto di deposito istituzionale non è quello dell'archiviazione di una collezione di documenti su supporto digitale. Questa è infatti l'opinione più diffusa, anche tra i bibliotecari che dovrebbero essere i più esperti. Questa opinione non solo limita le potenzialità dei depositi istituzionali ma rappresenta l'ostacolo maggiore al loro sviluppo in vere e proprie biblioteche digitali, così che le risorse impiegate rischiano davvero di essere sprecate senza ottenere i benefici desiderati per i destinatari del servizio.

        122.    Taylor-Johnston, J.,  "Une bibliographie en ligne des Lettres : un modèle à code source libre. Le cas de".  Documentation et bibliothèques, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2004, pp. 177-188.

Descriptores: Bibliografías/Internet/Fuentes de información /Open Archives Initiative/Literatura

Resumen: Lorsque la Bibliographie d'études comparées des littératures canadienne, québécoise et étrangères/Bibliography of Comparative Studies in Canadian, Québec and Foreign Literatures (Bibliographie CCL) a été publiée en ligne pour la première fois, en 1995, à l'Université de Sherbrooke, les chercheurs n'étaient pas prêts à composer avec la technologie requise. Par conséquent, ses premières tentatives en ligne sont tombées à plat. Cet état de fait a toutefois changé, en 2002, lorsque la Bibliographie CCL permettait l'accès à ses données en utilisant un script PHP-MySQL et un serveur Apache Web, adoptant un modèle de recherche à code source libre (Open Source Initiative) et une nouvelle approche à la publication en ligne d'une bibliographie des Lettres.

        123.    Tramullas, J. and Garrido Picazo, P.,  "Software libre para repositorios institucionales: propuestas para un modelo de evaluación de prestaciones ".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2006.

Descriptores: Software libre/Acceso abierto/Evaluación

Resumen:  Los repositorios institucionales se han convertido en la principal forma de publicar, preservar y difundir la información digital de las organizaciones. La mayoría de ellos están soportados por software libre, elegidos tras la evaluación de sus prestaciones. Sin embargo, los análisis que se han realizado han sido comparativos, atendiendo a las funciones que ofrecen, antes que a otros factores. Para superar esta limitación, este trabajo analiza los diferentes modelos publicados de evaluación de software para repositorios institucionales, estudia los enfoques adoptados y propone un modelo orientado a la definición de procesos informativodocumentales, a la comunidad de usuarios, a las características de las colecciones, y al contexto del proyecto en el que se enmarcan

        124.    Triska, R.,  "Arquivos abertos: subprojeto da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira".  Ciência da informaçao, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Brasil/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Apresentação e descrição do subprojeto de implantação dos Arquivos Abertos coordenado pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT). Após breve histórico sobre esta mecânica da comunicação científica, relatamos as experiências realizadas junto a comunidade científica da genética e os futuros empreendimentos pretendidos pelo IBICT. Open Archives: the Brazilian Digital Library subproject.

        125.    Turner, C.,  "Cornucopia: An open collection description service".  Ariadne, No. 40, 2004.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Chris Turner describes the latest phase of Cornucopia development and the opportunities this is opening up for the future.

        126.    Vives i Gràcia, J.,  "Aspectos de propiedad intelectual en la creación y gestión de repositorios institucionales".  El profesional de la información, Vol.  14, No. 4, 2005, pp. 267-278 .

Descriptores: Propiedad Intelectual /Acceso abierto/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen:  Recent technical advances have allowed for the emergence of different means for making information available through open access. Although these initiatives usually are non-profit, they still must respect intellectual property issues inherent to literary, technical or scientific works. This article offers some recommendations which, while respectful of authors' rights, can permit information to be made available in open access for the entire user community. Conscious of the many scenarios possible, we have focused on the creation of an institutional repository containing documents generated within the organisation.

        127.    Warner, S.,  "E-prints and the Open Archives Initiative".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003, pp. 140-150  .

Descriptores: Metadatos/Sistemas abiertos/Documentos electrónicos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) was created as a practical way to promote interoperability between e-print repositories. Although the scope of the OAI has been broadened, e-print repositories still represent a significant fraction of OAI data providers. This article presents a brief survey of OAI e-print repositories, and of services using metadata harvested from e-print repositories using the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting (OAI-PMH). It then discusses several situations where metadata harvesting may be used to further improve the utility of e-print archives as a component of the scholarly communication infrastructure.

        128.    Warner, S.,  "Exposing and Harvesting Metadata Using the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol: A Tutorial".  Libraries Webzine , No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Protocolos de comunicaciones/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: In this article I outline the ideas behind the Open Archives Initiative metadata harvesting protocol (OAIMH), and attempt to clarify some common misconceptions. I then consider how the OAIMH protocol can be used to expose and harvest metadata. Perl code examples are given as practical illustration.

        129.    Wusteman, J.,  "Patently ridiculous ".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 22, No. 2, 2004, pp. 231-237 .

Descriptores: Software libre/Lenguajes de marcas/Bibliotecas/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The Open Source Software movement has much to offer the library community. But can it survive the onslaught of patent applications?.

        130.    Xiaoming Liu , Maly, K., Mohammad Zubair , Nelson, M. L., Brody, T., Harnad, S., and Carr, L.,  "A Scalable Architecture for Harvest-Based Digital Libraries: The ODU/Southampton Experiments".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2002.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Diseño/Open Archives Initiative/Arquitectura de la información

Resumen: This article discusses the requirements of current and emerging applications based on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and emphasizes the need for a common infrastructure to support them. Inspired by HTTP proxy, cache, gateway and web service concepts, a design for a scalable and reliable infrastructure that aims at satisfying these requirements is presented. Moreover, it is shown how various applications can exploit the services included in the proposed infrastructure. The article concludes by discussing the current status of several prototype implementations

        131.    Xiaoming Liu , Maly, K., Zubair, M., and Nelson, M. L.,  "Arc - An OAI Service Provider for Digital Library Federation ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Revistas electrónicas /Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: The usefulness of the many on-line journals and scientific digital libraries that exist today is limited by the inability to federate these resources through a unified interface. The Open Archive Initiative (OAI) is one major effort to address technical interoperability among distributed archives. The objective of OAI is to develop a framework to facilitate the discovery of content in distributed archives. In this paper, we describe our experience and lessons learned in building Arc, the first federated searching service based on the OAI protocol. Arc harvests metadata from several OAI compliant archives, normalizes them, and stores them in a search service based on a relational database (MySQL or Oracle). At present we have over 320,000 metadata records from 18 data providers from various subject domains. We have also implemented an OAI layer over Arc, thus making hierarchical harvesting possible. The experiences described within should be applicable to others who seek to build an OAI service provider.

        132.    Xiaoming Liu , Maly, K., Zubair, M., and Nelson, M. L.,  "Kepler - An OAI Data/Service Provider for the Individual ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2001 .

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Revistas electrónicas /Metadatos/Open Archives Initiative/Harvesting metadata

Resumen: There are a number of ways a service provider can provide a resource discovery service across several data providers, that is, several digital libraries. In the harvesting approach, the service provider harvests the metadata of the digital libraries and uses them for unified resource discovery. A recent standardization effort, the Open Archive Initiative (OAI), defines a standard, open interface between data providers and service providers to implement digital library interoperability based on the harvesting approach. The intention of OAI is to support data providers (archives) that exist at an organizational level. A typical data provider is a digital library that has no constraints on how it implements its services with its own set of publishing tools and policies. However, to be part of OAI, a data provider needs to be 'open' in as far as it needs to support the OAI metadata harvesting protocol. In this paper, we propose the Kepler framework1 based on OAI to support what we call 'personal data providers' or 'archivelets'. The objective of the Kepler framework is to satisfy the need for average researchers at an average university to publish results and disseminate them quickly and conveniently to a wide audience. While this primary objective is the result of our personal experience, we believe the concept can be extended to any community that wishes its publications to be made available to a wide audience over the Internet. We have a reference implementation for the Kepler framework that we call a digital library of many 'little' publishers. In particular, we have implemented (a) an easy-to-use archivelet that is downloadable and self-installing, (b) an automated registration service to support tens of thousands of publishers, and (c) a simple service provider to harvest metadata from archivelets.

        133.    Zhang Xiaolin,  "Sustainable Digital Library Development for Scientific Communities".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Digitalización/Bibliotecas digitales/Acceso abierto/Sostenibilidad de la información/China

Resumen: The paper analyses the digital library services for China's scientific communities, explores the challenges toward sustainable digital libraries, presents a development strategy for digital libraries using Chinese Academy of Sciences as an example, and provides a layered design framework for a digital library in an e-science environment. Keywords: digital library, sustainable development, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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