Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación

Análisis de citas
InfoDoc febrero de 2007

        1.      Abt, H. A. and Garfield, E.,  "Is the Relationship Between Numbers of References and Paper Lengths the Same for All Science".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 13, 2002, pp. 1106-1113.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Investigación/Análisis de citas/Producción científica

Resumen: It has been shown in the physical sciences that a paper's length is related to its number of references in a linear manner. Abt and Garfield here look at the life and social sciences with the thought that if the relation holds the citation counts will provide a measure of relative importance across these disciplines. In the life sciences 200 research papers from 1999-2000 were scanned in each of 10 journals to produce counts of 1000 word normalized pages. In the social sciences an average of 70 research papers in nine journals were scanned for the two-year period. Papers of average length in the various sciences have the same average number of references within plus or minus 17%. A look at the 30 to 60 papers over the two years in 18 review journals indicates twice the references of research papers of the same length.

        2.      Ahlgren, P., Jarneving, B., and Rousseau, R.,  "Requirements for a Cocitation Similarity Measure, with Special Reference to Pearson's Correlation Coefficient".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 6, 2002, pp. 549-568 .

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Ahlgren,  Jarneving, and. Rousseau review accepted procedures for author co-citation analysis first pointing out that since in the raw data matrix the row and column values are identical i,e, the co-citation count of two authors, there is no clear choice for diagonal values. They suggest the number of times an author has been co-cited with himself excluding self citation rather than the common treatment as zeros or as missing values. When the matrix is converted to a similarity matrix the normal procedure is to create a matrix of Pearson's r coefficients between data vectors.

        3.      Aksnes, D. W.,  "Citation Rates and Perceptions of Scientific Contribution".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2006, pp. 169-185.

Descriptores: Impacto/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Producción científica

Resumen: In this study scientists were asked about their own publication history and their citation counts. The study shows that the citation counts of the publications correspond reasonably well with the authors' own assessments of scientific contribution. Generally, citations proved to have the highest accuracy in identifying either major or minor contributions. Nevertheless, according to these judgments, citations are not a reliable indicator of scientific contribution at the level of the individual article. In the construction of relative citation indicators, the average citation rate of the subfield appears to be slightly more appropriate as a reference standard than the journal citation rate. The study confirms that review articles are cited more frequently than other publication types. Compared to the significance authors attach to these articles they appear to be considerably 'overcited.' However, there were only marginal differences in the citation rates between empirical, methods, and theoretical contributions.

        4.      Alvarenga, L.,  "Bibliometria e arqueologia do saber de Michel Foucault  traços de identidade teórico-metodológica ".  Ciência da informaçao, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1998.

Descriptores: Intertextualidad/Bibliometría/Arqueología /Metodología/Análisis de citas

Resumen: O artigo tem por objetivo levantar e discutir as relações entre a arqueologia do saber de Michel Foucault e a bibliometria. Propõe categorias de análise comuns entre ambas as áreas. Reflete sobre temas de interesse comum entre as duas disciplinas, tais como intertextualidade, citações, pragmática, categorização dos discursos. Apresenta possibilidades de superação de limites teórico-epistemológicos da bibliometria, tais como o problema da dificuldade de se aferir a 'cientificidade' dos discursos selecionados para os estudos bibliométricos, assim como a incorporação de categorias que permitam superar as tendências de reificação identificadas nas pesquisas da ciência da informação.

        5.      Alvarez, P. and Pulgarin, A.,  "The Diffusion of Scientific Journals Analyzed through Citations.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 10, 1997, pp. 953-58.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Comunicación científica/Publicaciones periódicas/Difusión de la información/Física/Investigadores

Resumen: Describes method for analyzing the diffusion of scientific journals using the Rasch model as the measuring instrument. Explains why determining the information that underlies citations via diffusion variable is a powerful informetrics tool for uncovering regularities in information related processes when counts are used. Includes graphs and charts.

        6.      Anderson, K., Sack, J., Krauss, L., and O'Keefe, L.,  "Publishing Online-Only Peer-Reviewed Biomedical Literature: Three Years of Citation, Author Perception, and Usage Experience".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2001 .

Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Biomedicina/Ciencias de la salud/Análisis de citas/Autores

Resumen: Kent Anderson, John Sack, Lisa Krauss, and Lori O'Keefe tell us how Pediatrics electronic pages fared in the world of citations and author perceptions.

        7.      Araujo Ruiz, J. A. and Arencibia Jorge, R.,  "Los 50 artículos cubanos sobre ciencias biomédicas más citados en el WEB OF SCIENCE en el período 1988-2003 ".  ACIMED, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: Cuba/Ciencias de la salud/Biomedicina/World wide web/Análisis de citas/Estrategia de búsqueda/Bases de datos/Ciencia/Tecnología

Resumen: Se exponen los 50 artículos cubanos más citados en ciencias biomédicas en el Web of Science. Se explican las ventajas y problemas de los análisis de citas. Se utilizó como estrategia de búsqueda la palabra 'Cuba' en el campo 'Author Address'. Se obtuvieron 7 141 artículos escritos por autores cubanos o con su colaboración , entre 1988 y 2003; de ellos, se citó al menos una vez el 50,8%. El promedio de citas por cada artículo fue de 2.68. El 78% de los artículos fue generado con ayuda internacional. Se analizan brevemente los campos temáticos tratados por los 50 artículos más citados, así como las instituciones mejor representadas. Se concluye que los artículos compilados pueden considerarse como los que mayor influencia han ejercido sobre la comunidad científica internacional, si se considera su reconocimiento en la literatura médica indizada en la más importante base de datos bibliográfica en ciencia y tecnología.

        8.      Arencibia Jorge, R., Perezleo Solorzano, L., Achón Veloz, G., and Araújo Ruiz, J. A.,  "La informática biomédica desde una perspectiva bibliométrica".  ACIMED, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2001, pp. 201-208.

Descriptores: Informática/Biomedicina/Bibliometría/Impacto/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Se realizó un estudio bibliométrico para determinar la evolución de la informática biomédica durante la última década del siglo XX. Se seleccionaron 34 revistas especializadas en la materia e indizadas por el Institute for Scientific Information de Philadelphia, y se consultaron los Journal Citation Report correspondientes al período evaluado para determinar el factor de impacto promedio, así como el índice de incremento del factor de impacto de cada una de ellas. Se calculó además el factor de impacto promedio general de las revistas de 1992 a 1999, y se determinó el índice de incremento general del factor de impacto promedio. Los resultados fueron graficados, y se registraron las 10 mejores revistas de acuerdo con el factor de impacto promedio más elevado, el mayor índice de incremento de su factor de impacto y los mayores factores de impacto conseguidos en el período evaluado. Finalmente, se comentaron las aplicaciones principales de la informática en la Biomedicina y se destacó la utilidad de los análisis de citas realizados por el Institute for Scientific Information para evaluar el comportamiento de una disciplina biomédica.

        9.      Arquero Avilés, R.,  "Autores más citados en publicaciones periódicas del área de biblioteconomía y documentación: España, 1975-1984  ".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 11, No. 6, 2002, pp. 436-441.,1,1;

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Investigación/Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/España/Autoría/Producción científica 

Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta uno de los hallazgos del análisis de citación realizado a partir de un conjunto de publicaciones periódicas del área de biblioteconomía y documentación durante 1975-1984 en España. Concretamente se aporta la relación de autores más citados en dicha etapa en las publicaciones del área que han sido objeto de estudio. Adicionalmente, se establece una comparación con la relación de autores más citados en el período 1985-1998, estudiado por un grupo de investigadores de la Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Granada, con el fin de determinar la relación de los autores del área de Biblioteconomía y Documentación más citados desde el año 1975 (dotación de la primera cátedra de Documentación) hasta nuestros días.

        10.     Arquero Aviles, R. and García-Ochoa Roldán, M. L.,  "Bibliografía selectiva de los Autores más citados en el Area de Biblioteconomía y Documentación (1975-2000)".  Congreso Universitario de Ciencias de la Documentación, Vol. 1, 2000, pp. 587-611.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Investigación/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/España

Resumen: Se presenta una bibliografía selectiva de los autores más relevantes (según el criterio de citación) del ámbito de la Biblioteconomía y Documentación en el período 1975-2000, realizada a partir de la consulta de las siguientes fuentes de información: base de datos Compludoc, base de datos del ISOC, del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, catálogo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense, base de datos Teseo y base de datos del ISBN.

        11.     Awazu, Y.,  "Creation, Use, and Deployment of Digital Information. ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 12, 2006, pp. 1709-1710.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Documentos electrónicos/Internet/Cibermetria

Resumen: Creation, Use, and Deployment of Digital Information.  (Book review)

        12.     Barragán, M. J. R., Guerrero Bote, V., and Zapico Alonso, F.,  "Uso del algoritmo de Kohonen, aplicado al estudio de la localización y accesibilidad de revistas científicas en bibliotecas universitarias".  Congreso ISKO España, Vol. 5, 2001.

Descriptores: Algoritmos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de citas/Clusters/Bibliometría/Producción científica /Redes neuronales

Resumen: Tradicionalmente las revistas científicas utilizadas por los investigadores universitarios se han encontrado ubicadas físicamente en la sede de los distintos Departamentos, lo que ha producido la dispersión de títulos y la variación de condiciones en cuanto a su accesibilidad. El objeto del presente trabajo es racionalizar la accesibilidad a la información disponible. Con este fin hemos analizado los usos de revistas por los distintos departamentos basándonos en las citas recibidas en los trabajos realizados (ponderadas por el número de autores de cada trabajo).Para este análisis hemos utilizado el algoritmo de Kohonen, un modelo de red neuronal artificial, capaz de clasificar las entradas (las revistas). La ventaja que tiene este método sobre otros de reducción de la dimensión radica en la posibilidad de clasificar y representar un gran número de revistas junto a los departamentos en un espacio bidimensional.

        13.     Benoit, G.,  "Link Analysis: an Information Science Approach.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 13, 2006, pp. 1855-1858.

Descriptores: Hologramas/Documentación/Análisis de citas/Cibermetria

Resumen: Link Analysis: an Information Science Approach.  (Book review)

        14.     Bensman, S. J.,  "Urquhart's and Garfield's Laws: The British Controversy Over Their Validity".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 9, 2001, pp. 714-724.

Descriptores: Préstamo interbibliotecario/Publicaciones periódicas/Estadística/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Ley de Garfield

Resumen: Bensman, prior to his own reanalysis of the data, takes an historical look at the controversy over the apparent conflict between Urquart's contention that interlibrary loan demand for a journal is a measure of its total use and Garfield's contention that a small core of highly cited journals will provide the necessary communication channel for science. In 1976 Garfield's citation data was compared by Scales to National Lending Library for Science and Technology's use survey data for 1967 to 1969 excluding any titles not in the SSCI source journals using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. It was necessary to consider 250 titles before 50 common titles occurred and most correlations were not significant. These results were criticized on the basis that the lending library's loans were for material typical libraries did not collect, and were thus unlikely to be for core materials, but Urquart and Line argued that borrowing was from libraries that were not University libraries but special libraries that did not buy the core. Line later rejected any generalized use study whether based on citation or lending as not reflecting unique local needs. Brooks' statistical analysis of the Scales study pointed out the inappropriate design and left the question unanswered.

        15.     Bishop, N., Gillet, V. J., Holliday, J. D., and Willett, P.,  "Chemoinformatics Research at the University of Sheffield: A History and Citation Analysis ".  Journal of information science, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2003, pp. 249-267.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Análisis de citas

Resumen: This paper reviews the work of the Chemoinformatics Research Group in the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield, focusing particularly on the work carried out in the period 1985-2002. Four major research areas are discussed, these involving the development of methods for: substructure searching in databases of three-dimensional structures, including both rigid and flexible molecules; the representation and searching of the Markush structures that occur in chemical patents; similarity searching in databases of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures; and compound selection and the design of combinatorial libraries. An analysis of citations to 321 publications from the Group shows that it attracted a total of 3725 residual citations during the period 1980-2002. These citations appeared in 411 different journals, and involved 910 different citing organizations from 54 different countries, thus demonstrating the widespread impact of the Group's work.

        16.     Black, S.,  "Using Citation Analysis to Pursue a Core Collection of Journals for Communication Disorders".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 45, No. 1, 2001, pp. 3-9.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Comunicación/Publicaciones periódicas

Resumen:  A citation analysis from a purposive sample of two leading journals is employed to build a tentative core collection of journals in communication disorders. A core collection is defined for this study as those journals that provide 80% of the sample's article citations. The bibliometric concept of 'success-breeds-success ' is reviewed, and its application to this sample of journals is quantified. The special problems of defining a core collection in a multidisciplinary field are discussed. Data is also provided on the types of publications cited and the age distribution of cited journals.

        17.     Bonitz, M.,  "Ranking of Nations and Heightened Competition in Matthew Core Journals: Two Faces of the Matthew Effect for Countries ".  Library trends, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2002, pp. 440-460 .

Descriptores: Producción científica /Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Citas bibliográficas

Resumen: The Matthew effect for countries (MEC) consists of the systematic deviation in the number of actual (observed) citations from the number of expected citations: A few countries, expecting a high impact (i.e., a high number of cites per paper) receive a surplus of citations, while the majority of countries, expecting a lower impact, lose citations. The MEC is characterized by numerous facets, but two are the most impressive. The first is the possibility of ranking the science nations by their overall efficiency of scientific performance, thus making the MEC attractive for science policy. The second is the concentration of the MEC in a small number of scientific journals which happen to be the most competitive markets for scientific papers and, therefore, are of interest to librarians as well as scientists.

        18.     Borgman, C. L. and Furner, J.,  "Scholarly Communication and Bibliometrics ".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 36, 2002, pp. 3-72.

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Bibliometría/Producción científica /Análisis de citas

Resumen: Why devote an ARIST chapter to scholarly communication and bib- liometrics, and why now? Bibliometrics already is a frequently covered ARIST topic, with chapters such as that by White and McCain (1989) on bibliometrics generally, White and McCain (1997) on visualization oflit- eratures, Wilson and Hood (2001) on informetric laws, and Tabah (2001) on literature dynamics. Similarly, scholarly communication has been addressed in other ARIST chapters such as Bishop and Star (1996) on social informatics and digital libraries, Schamber (1994) on relevance and information behavior, and many earlier chapters on information needs and uses. More than a decade ago, the first author addressed the intersection of scholarly communication and bibliometrics with a journal special issue and an edited book (Borgman, 1990; Borgman & Paisley, 1989), and she recently examined interim developments (Borgman, 2000a, 2000c). This review covers the decade (1990-2000) since the com- prehensive 1990 volume, citing earlier works only when necessary to explain the foundation for recent developments.

        19.     Bórner, K., Chen, C., and Boyack, K. W.,  "Visualizing Knowledge Domains ".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 37, 2003, pp. 179-258.

Descriptores: Visualización/Visibilidad de la Información/Algoritmos/Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Organización del conocimiento

Resumen: This chapter reviews visualization techniques that can be used to map the evergrowing domain structure of scientific disciplines and to support information retrieval and classification. In contrast to the comprensive surveys conducted in traditional fashion by Howard White and Katherine McCain (1997, 1998), this survey not only reviews emerging techniques in interactive data analysis and information visualization, but also depicts the bibliographical structure of the field itself. The chapter starts by reviewing the history of knowledge domain visualization. We then present a general process flow for the visualization of knowledge domains and explain commonly used techniques. In arder to visualize the domain reviewed by this chapter, we introduce a bibliographic data set of considerable size, which includes articles from the citation analysis, bibliometrics, semantics, and visualization literatures. Using tutorial style, we then apply various algorithms to demonstrate the visualization effects produced by different approaches and compare the results.

        20.     Boyack, K. W. and Borner, K.,   "Indicator-Assisted Evaluation and Funding of Research: Visualizing the Influence of Grants on the Number and Citation Counts of Research Papers".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2003, pp. 447-461.

Descriptores: Investigación/Evaluación/Visualización/Análisis de citas

Resumen: In their article entitled Indicator-Assisted Evaluation and Funding of Research: Visualizing the Influence of Grants on the Number and Citation Counts of Research Papers, Kevin Boyack and Katy Borner report their research on analyzing and visualizing the relationship between the funding level and intellectual outputs of research, namely the quantity of research publications and their citations. They analyze grant and publication data from one of the research programs at the National Institue on Aging (NIA) using the VxInsight  system developed at Sandia National Laboratories.

        21.     Boyack, K. W., Wylie, B. N., and Davidson, G. S.,  "A Call to Researchers: Digital Libraries Need Collaboration Across Disciplines ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 10, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Análisis de citas/Science Citation Index

Resumen:  Digital libraries stand to benefit from technology contributions from the fields of information visualization, human-computer interaction, and cognitive psychology, among others. However, the current state of interaction between these fields is not well understood. We have used our knowledge visualization tool, VxInsight®, to provide several domain visualizations (science maps) of the overlap between these fields. Relevant articles were extracted from the Science Citation Indexes (SCI and Social SCI) using keyword searches. An article map, a semantic (co-term) map, and a co-author network have been generated from the data. Analysis reveals that while there are overlaps between fields, they are not substantial. However, the most recent work suggests areas where future collaboration could have a great impact on digital libraries of the future.

        22.     Brand, A.,  "CrossRef Turns One ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 5, 2001 .

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: CrossRef, the only full-blown application of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System [1] to date, is now a little over a year old. What started as a cooperative effort among publishers and technologists to prototype DOI-based linking of citations in e-journals evolved into an independent, non-profit enterprise in early 2000. We have made considerable headway during our first year, but there is still much to be done. When CrossRef went live with its collaborative linking service last June, it had enabled reference links in roughly 1,100 journals from a member base of 33 publishers, using a functional prototype system. The DOI-X prototype was described in an article published in D-Lib Magazine in February of 2000. On the occasion of CrossRef's first birthday as a live service, this article provides a non-technical overview of our progress to date and the major hurdles ahead.

        23.     Brody, T., Harnad, S., and Carr, L.,  "Earlier Web Usage Statistics as Predictors of Later Citation Impact".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 8, 2006, pp. 1060-1072.

Descriptores: World-Wide-Web/Estadísticas/Impacto/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: The use of citation counts to assess the impact of research articles is well established. However, the citation impact of an article can only be measured several years after it has been published. As research articles are increasingly accessed through the Web, the number of times an article is downloaded can be instantly recorded and counted. One would expect the number of times an article is read to be related both to the number of times it is cited and to how old the article is. The authors analyze how short-term Web usage impact predicts medium-term citation impact. The physics e-print archive - - is used to test this.

        24.     Brown, C.,  "The Coming of Age of E-Prints in the Literature of Physics".  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No. 31, 2001.

Descriptores: Física /Ciencias/Documentos electrónicos/Análisis de citas/Bases de datos

Resumen: Examination of the role of e-prints in physics literature was conducted by citation analysis. Two databases were analyzed. Citation analysis was performed on e-prints from the Los Alamos e-print archive,, using the Stanford Public Information Retrieval System's High Energy Physics (SPIRES-HEP) and the Institute for Scientific Information's SciSearch databases. The SPIRES-HEP data represents citations to e-prints by e-prints while SciSearch data represents citations to e-prints by journal articles. Citations from 1991 to 1999 were examined. E-prints in the SPIRES-HEP database were cited approximately 10 times each by other e-prints, while those found in SciSearch were cited approximately 0.5 times each by journal articles. Despite this difference, the citation patterns were similar for both e-prints and journal articles. The citation rate by both e-prints and journals was highest from the high energy particle physics archives. The data from SPIRES-HEP indicates that e-prints are used to a greater extent by physicists than previously measured and that e-prints have become an integral and valid component of the literature of physics.

        25.     Brown, C.,  "The E-volution of preprints in the scholarly communication of physicists and astronomers".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2001, pp. 187-200.

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Física /Análisis de citas/Documentos electrónicos/Prepublicaciones/Investigación

Resumen: To learn how e-prints are cited, used, and accepted in the literature of physics and astronomy, the philosophies, policies, and practices of top-tier physics and astronomy journals regarding e-prints from the Los Alamos e-print archive,, were examined. Citation analysis illustrated e-prints were cited with increasing frequency by a variety of journals in a wide range of physics and astronomy fields from 1998 to 1999. The peak e-print citation rate of 3 years observed was comparable to that of print journals, suggesting a similarity in citation patterns of e-prints and printed articles. The number of  citations made to 37 premier physics and astronomy journals and their impact factors have remained constant since's inception in 1991, indicating that e-prints have yet to make an impact on the use of the printed literature. The degree of acceptance stated by the journals' editors and the policies given in the journal's instructions to authors sections concerning the citing of e-prints and subsequent publication of papers that have appeared as e-prints differed from journal to journal, ranging from emphatically unacceptable to why not? Even though the use of the traditional literature has not changed since began and the policies concerning e-print citation and publication were inconsistent, the number of citations (35,928) and citations rates (34.1%) to 12 archives were found to be large and increasing. It is, therefore, evident that e-prints have evolved into an important facet of the scholarly communication of physics and astronomy.

        26.     Brown, C.,  "The Role of Electronic Preprints in Chemical Communication: Analysis of Citation, Usage, and Acceptance in the Journal Literature   ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54 , No. 5, 2003, pp. 362-371.

Descriptores: Química/Prepublicaciones/Documentos electrónicos/Análisis de citas/Ciencias/Fuentes de información

Resumen: Brown uses 197 e-prints from Elsevier's Chemistry Preprint Server, CPS, for citation analysis to determine if they are cited in the chemical literature, as well as surveys of the 116 CPS authors and leading chemical journal editors ( as shown in Journal Citation Reports) to determine the use and influence of the e-print in chemistry.   The highest viewed and discussed e-prints in July of 2001 were checked for appearance as printed papers in December of 2001. Of these, 32% later appeared in the regular journal literature. The 28% of editors responding, with one exception, did not accept papers in the CPS or had no policy. On the acceptance of citations to e-prints, 27% said yes, 36% no, and 36% chose the other category. The 60 responding authors (52%) reported the submission of 1.7 papers to CPS, visit the site regularly, and 78% indicated they also contribute to peer reviewed journals.  No citations to e-prints were found in the Web of Science from 2000 to 2001. The only citations to CPS documents from CPS documents were two self citations. While CPS is utilized and valued by its users, it is not integrated into the web of chemistry citation. 

        27.     Burrell, Q. L.,  "Predicting Future Citation Behavior".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2003 , pp. 362-371.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Conducta

Resumen: Burrell predicts the future citation behavior for sources in an homogeneous set of papers  each having a given number of current citations with the thought that the estimate of a paper's total future citations is an indicator of its impact. Each paper is assumed to have a latent rate at which citations may be acquired which constitutes a random variable over the collection. Obsolescence is represented by a cumulative distribution function on time, and the number of total citations at a given time as a Poisson distribution, the mean of which increases with time to a finite limit. The distribution of the additional number of citations to a paper during an interval of time can then be found permitting the computation of an expected total number of citations. The latent rate distribution may be adequately modeled by the gamma distribution, leading to a negative binomial distribution for the conditional distribution of citations, and a proof that the mean number of additional citations is a linear function of the current number of citations, which expresses the success breeds success principle. It is also possible to find the probability that an un-cited paper will be cited in a given time interval, or that a paper having received a given number of citations will receive no more in such an interval. It is not totally clear how to estimate the gamma distribution parameters, and there is currently no empirical evidence to support the model. 

        28.     Burrell, Q. L.,  "Will This Paper Ever Be Cited? ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2002 , pp. 232-235.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: For a homogenous set of papers given the average rate at which a paper attracts citations, Burrell calculates the probability that a paper will ever be cited assuming it has not been cited in a given time. The longer the elapsed time without citation the greater the likelihood it will never be cited.

        29.     Campanario, J. M.,  "The Competition for Journal Space among Referees, Editors, and Other Authors and Its Influence on Journals' Impact Factors.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1996, pp. 184-192.

Descriptores: Autores/Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis comparativos/Psicología/Análisis de citas/Impacto/Estudio de usuarios

Resumen: Introduces a new approach to study competition for journals' space in academic publication by comparing the use of a given journal by journal-related authors and by other authors, based on a study of 18 educational psychology journals during a 2-year period.

        30.     Campanario, J. M.,  "Have Referees Rejected Some of the Most-Cited Articles of All Times?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 4, 1996, pp. 302-10.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/Documentación/Evaluación/Investigación

Resumen: Describes a quantitative study that examined the resistance that scientists may encounter when they do innovative work or when they attempt to publish articles that later become highly cited. The peer review system is discussed, and use of 'Citation Classics' is described.

        31.     Cañedo Andalia, R.,  "Los análisis de citas en la evaluación de los trabajos científicos y las publicaciones seriadas".  ACIMED, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1999, pp. 30-39.

Descriptores: Publicaciones periódicas/Impacto/Evaluación /Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Los análisis de citas constituyen actualmente uno de los tipos de investigaciones que se realizan con mayor frecuencia para determinar el impacto que obtienen distintas entidades informacionales como autores, instituciones, editoriales, países y publicaciones, en los procesos científicos. Se exponen los fundamentos teóricos de este tipo de valoraciones; las motivaciones de los autores para citar otros trabajos; algunos de los factores que influyen en el número de citas que alcanzan los trabajos y las publicaciones en el sector biomédico, así como el impacto de la correspondencia científica en el volumen total de citación de un título.

        32.     Chan, H. C., Kim, H. W., and Tan, W. C.,  "Information Systems Citation Patterns From International Conference on Information Systems Articles".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 9, 2006, pp. 1263-1274.

Descriptores: Congresos /Sistemas de información/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Research patterns could enhance understanding of the Information Systems (IS) field. Citation analysis is the methodology commonly used to determine such research patterns. In this study, the citation methodology is applied to one of the top-ranked Information Systems conferences-international Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Information is extracted from papers in the proceedings of ICIS 2000 to 2002. A total of 145 base articles and 4,226 citations are used. Research patterns are obtained using total citations, citations per journal or conference, and overlapping citations. We then provide the citation ranking of journals and conferences. We also examine the difference between the citation ranking in this study and the ranking of IS journals and IS conferences in other studies. Based on the comparison, we confirm that IS research is a multidisciplinary research area. We also identify the most cited papers and authors in the IS research area, and the organizations most active in producing papers in the top-rated IS conference. We discuss the findings and implications of the study.

        33.     Chaomei Chen , Paul, R. J., and O'Keefe, B.,  "Fitting the Jigsaw of Citation: Information Visualization in Domain Analysis ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001, pp. 315-330.

Descriptores: Visualización/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Chen, Paul, and O``Keefe, create a visualization of the discipline of computer graphics from the author cocitations of contributors above a five citation threshold in 18 years of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications using pathfinder network scaling. Raw cocitation counts were transformed into Pearson's correlation coefficients between author cocitation profiles and a principal component analysis preformed. The identified dimensions were associate with subfields of the domain by examining the work of the leading authors in each of five factors. The three most significant factors were used to color the appropriate areas of the spatial model produced, and the other two dimensions shown in a series of animated frames. 

        34.     Chen, C., Paul, R. J., and O'Keefe, B.,  "Fitting the Jigsaw of Citation: Information Visualization in Domain Analysis ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001, pp. 315-330.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Visualización

Resumen: Chen, Paul, and O`Keefe, create a visualization of the discipline of computer graphics from the author cocitations of contributors above a five citation threshold in 18 years of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications using pathfinder network scaling. Raw cocitation counts were transformed into Pearson's correlation coefficients between author cocitation profiles and a principal component analysis preformed. The identified dimensions were associate with subfields of the domain by examining the work of the leading authors in each of five factors. The three most significant factors were used to color the appropriate areas of the spatial model produced, and the other two dimensions shown in a series of animated frames. 

        35.     Clausen, H.,  "A bibliometric analysis of IOLEM conferences 1971-1999".  Journal of information science, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2001, pp. 157-169.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Documentación/Investigación/Congresos /Impacto

Resumen: Since 1977, the International Online Infurmation Meeting (IOLIM) in London has been the must important conference for users and producers of electrunic information. The organiser of the conference is Learned Infurmation Europe Ltd, a UK-based commercial organisation. In order to measure the impact of these conferences on the library and information science literature in general, a concept of conference impact factor (CIF) is explored for the first time. Following the pattern of journal impact factor (JIF), the study presents a methodology for exploring the characteristics of a core international conference and measuring its impact. The study used the online citations databases in DIALOG, as well as the CD-ROM version of Library and Infonnation Science Abstracts LISA. Through statistical and bibliometric anaiysis, the paper provides quantitative information about geographic distribution of members of Organising Committees, Referee Panels, authors, delegates and citations. Knowledge export of the conference is measured by the subject categories of citing journals. A list of the top must cited papers of the Proceedings is presented, as well as the names of the citing authors and titles of the journals. Via time series, the study highlights trends and developments reflected by IOLIM.

        36.     Coffey, D. P.,  "A Discipline's Composition: a Citation Analysis of Composition Studies".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2006, pp. 155-165.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen:  Citation patterns in the field of composition studies are analyzed and compared with patterns in other humanities fields. Results showed marked differences in citation patterns between composition studies and other humanities fields, including literary studies. Librarians can use this information to forge more productive relationships with composition studies faculty.

        37.     Collazo-Reyes, F.,  "Dinámica de la literatura citada en la Física mexicana en el período de mayor crecimiento. ".  Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2002, pp. 395-408.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Física /México

Resumen: Se realizó un análisis de las categorías temáticas de las referencias reportadas en la literatura científica de la física mexicana en el periodo de 1990-1999, con el fin de determinar las líneas temáticas de influencia del área en su momento de mayor crecimiento. Se utilizaron dos módulos: uno de referencias y otro de categorías temáticas JCR, y el sistema de clasificación PACS. Se encontraron dos situaciones distintas: por un lado, en términos cuantitativos un patrón de influencias claramente endógeno, fuertemente dependiente de la literatura central del área y, por otro lado, de acuerdo a la diversidad de áreas temáticas, un patrón de influencias naciente para la década de los años 90.

        38.     Cronin, B.,  "Bibliometrics and beyond: some thoughts on web-based citation analysis".  Journal of information science, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2001, pp. 1-7.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/World wide web/Internet/Science Citation Index/Webmetría

Resumen: The idea of a unified citation index to the literature of science was first outlined by Eugene Garfield [1] in 1955 in the journal Science. Science Citation Index has since established itself as the gold standard for scientific information retrieval. It has also become the database of choice for citation analysts and evaluative bibliometricians worldwide. As scientific publication moves to the web, and novel approaches to scholarly communication and peer review establish themselves, new methods of citation and link analysis will emerge to capture often liminal expressions of peer esteem, influence and approbation. The web thus affords bibliometricians rich opportunities to apply and adapt their techniques to new contexts and content: the age of ‘bibliometric spectroscopy’ [2] is dawning.

        39.     Cronin, B.,  "Comparative citation rankings of authors in monographic and journal literature: a study of sociology".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1997, pp. 263-73.

Descriptores: Autores /Citas bibliográficas/Publicaciones periódicas/Estadística/Análisis de citas/Análisis comparativos/Sociología/Análisis de datos/Libros/Ranking

Resumen: Describes a study of the scholarly literature of sociology that examined whether citation rankings derived exclusively from references appended to journal articles produce a skewed picture of scholarly impact, and whether the inclusion of references from monographs would uncover a different group of influential authors.

        40.     Cronin, B.,  "Let the credits roll: a preliminary examination of the role played by mentors and trusted assessors in disciplinary formation.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1991, pp. 227-239.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Investigación Metodología/Análisis de citas/Documentación/Necesidades de información/Investigación/Investigadores /Universidades

Resumen: Exploration of the social function and cognitive significance of acknowledgments in scholarly articles focuses on a study that bibliometrically analyzed all formal acknowledgments in research articles in the 'Journal of the American Society for Information Science' from 1970-90. The use of acknowledgments in addition to citations in research studies is advocated.

        41.     Cronin, B.,  "Patterns of acknowledgement.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 48, No. 2, 1992, pp. 107-122.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Documentación/Biblioteconomía/Publicaciones periódicas /Análisis de citas/Correlation /Estadística/Análisis de datos

Resumen: An analysis of the acknowledgments accompanying scholarly articles in 4 information and library science journals over a 20-year period showed that a small number of individuals are acknowledged frequently whereas most individuals are infrequently acknowledged. A positive correlation between frequency of acknowledgments and citations was found.

        42.     Cronin, B.,  "Women's studies: bibliometric and content analysis of the formative years.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 53, No. 2, 1997, pp. 123-138.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Análisis del contenido/Publicaciones periódicas/Diferencias sexuales/Mujeres/Editoriales/Publicaciones periódicas/Bibliometría

Resumen: The social structure of women's studies is explored through a bibliometric analysis of all scholarly articles and acknowledgments appearing in three journals over a 20-year period. A content analysis was conducted of all editorial statements published by the journals. Results demonstrate the highly gendered nature of the field and the incompatibility of its stated objectives.

        43.     Cronin, B. and Shaw, D.,  "Banking (On) Different Forms of Symbolic Capital".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 14, 2002, pp. 1267-1272.

Descriptores: Documentación/Análisis de citas/Investigación/Internet

Resumen:  Using the 25 most cited Library and Information Science professors in Budd's study of faculty productivity, Cronin and Shaw gathered their total Web hits on Google, and total mentions in open media using LexisNexis, in an attempt to determine if this group constituted public intellectuals in Posner's sense. All have Web presence (123 to 18,520) but nine do not appear in the public media (0 to 310). Web hits and media mentions are highly correlated, while the correlations of these two measures with citation counts are .69 and .66, respectively. While it appears Hal Varian might qualify, it seems there are no outstanding public intellectuals in the group.

        44.     Davenport, E. and Snyder, H.,   "Who cites women? Whom do women cite?: An exploration of gender and scholarly citation in sociology.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 51, No. 4, 1995, pp. 404-410 .

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Citas bibliográficas/Investigación/Sociología/Documentación/Publicaciones periódicas/Diferencias sexuales

Resumen: Offers a brief analysis of citation practice in 25 American sociological journals, in an attempt to explore claims that citation may show gender bias. Findings suggest that there is gender bias in citation in sociology, and hypotheses are offered to explain the phenomenon.

        45.     Davis, P. M. and Cohen , S. A.,  "The Effect of the Web on Undergraduate Citation Behavior 1996-1999".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001, pp. 309-314.

Descriptores: World wide web/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Davis and Cohen collected 68 undergraduate student microeconomic term papers from 1996 and 69 from 1999 and extracted the bibliographies. These were coded as book, journal, magazine, newspaper, Web, other, or unidentifiable. Web source citations were verified online to see if they still existed and were classed as: found directly, not found directly but found elsewhere, found after correcting a typographical error, and not found (after a site and Google search). The average number of citations increased form 11.6 in 1996 to 11.9 in 1999. The mean number of journals and magazines did not change significantly. Overall median citations increased form 10 to 12. Book citations dropped from 30% to 19%, Web citation went from 9% to 21%, and newspapers increased form 7% to 16%. There was a significant decline in the use of books and journals in favor of the use of newspapers and magazines interpreted as a decline in the use of scholarly materials. For 1999 URLs, 55% went directly to a cited document, 19% were found elsewhere, and 10% contained errors. 16% were not found. Of the 1996 citations only 18% of the URLs still led directly to the cited document, 26%were found elsewhere, 3% had errors and 53% could not be found. The authors believe stricter guidelines for acceptable citations are called for, as is the creation of scholarly portals, and increased instruction on resource evaluation

        46.     Dimitroff, A. and Arlitsch, K.,  "Self-citations in the library and information science literature.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 51, No. 1, 1995, pp. 44-56.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Autores /Citas bibliográficas/Análisis comparativos/Publicaciones periódicas/Descriptores/Análisis de datos/Biblioteconomía

Resumen: Describes a study that examined characteristics of author self-citations in the library and information science literature based on a sample of 1,058 articles from 28 journals. Specific factors examined include frequency of self-citations, self-citations compared to total citations, professional characteristics of the authors, and subject analysis.

        47.     Ding, Y., Chowdhury, G. G., and Foo, S.,  "Bibliometric cartography of information retrieval research by using co-word analysis ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2001, pp. 817-842.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Science Citation Index/Social citation index/Recuperación de la información/Investigación/Bibliometría

Resumen: The aim of this study is to map the intellectual structure of the field of Information Retrieval (IR) during the period of 1987¯1997. Co-word analysis was employed to reveal patterns and trends in the IR field by measuring the association strengths of terms representative of relevant publications or other texts produced in IR field. Data were collected from Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for the period of 1987¯1997. In addition to the keywords added by the SCI and SSCI databases, other important keywords were extracted from titles and abstracts manually. These keywords were further standardized using vocabulary control tools. In order to trace the dynamic changes of the IR field, the whole 11-year period was further separated into two consecutive periods: 1987¯1991 and 1992¯1997. The results show that the IR field has some established research themes and it also changes rapidly to embrace new themes.

        48.     DiRenzo, S.,  "A Wireless Laptop-Lending Program: The University of Akron Experience ".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2003, pp. 1-13.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Circulación/Préstamo/Análisis de citas

Resumen: In January 2001, The University of Akron began a campus-wide wireless laptop initiative. The first phase of the initiative included a pilot project in which 350 IBM ThinkPad laptops were distributed to several university departments and organizations.Bierce Library received 60 of the laptops to lend to students for use in the library and currently circulates 150 of these computers. This article describes the challenges and rewards of planning, implementing, and maintaining a laptop-lending program in
an academic library environment.

        49.     Drori, O.,  "Finding a Paper's Subject Based on Cited and Citing Papers ".  Journal of information science, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2003, pp. 527-533.

Descriptores: Indización automática/Encabezamientos de materia/Análisis de citas/Recuperación de la información

Resumen: A series of experiments designed to examine the most effective way of presenting information in a list of search results, found that presenting the subject of the paper can be of benefit to the user. Several sources can be used to find the paper's subject, including citation elements found in a list of papers. The purpose of the study was to examine what constitutes the optimal elements in a list of citations for finding the paper's subject. The value of terms derived from the papers cited in the source article (title) and key works are ranked highest while journal name and author are less informative.

        50.     Duy, J. and Vaughan, L.,  "Can Electronic Journal Usage Data Replace Citation Data as a Measure of Journal Use? An Empirical Examination".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2006, pp. 512-517.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Revistas electrónicas /Análisis de citas/Medición

Resumen: Citation and print journal use data have been used to measure quality and usefulness of library journal titles. This study examined relationships among different measurements and found that electronic usage correlates with print usage and that local citation data are a valid reflection of total journal usage but Impact Factors are not as valid.

        51.     Egghe, L.,  "A Noninformetric Analysis of the Relationship between Citation Age and Journal Productivity ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2001, pp. 371-377.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Producción científica /Probabilidades/Lotka, Función de

Resumen: In this issue Egghe provides an explanation based upon the central limit theorem for a regularity observed by Wallace between citation age and journal productivity which implies that the there is no informetric explanation, but rather the observation of a statistical effect. He then examines the Leimkuhler curve, showing the arcs at the tail to be a mathematical rather informetric artifact. The relationship between the fraction of multinational publications of a country and the country's fractional score is also shown to be probabilistic in nature. However, the relationship between the Price index and median age requires both probabilistic and informetric explanation, and the cumulative first citation distribution seems best explained with a curve incorporating Lotka's exponent and thus has high informetric value.

        52.     Egghe, L.,  "Price Index and Its Relation to the Mean and Median Reference Age.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1997, pp. 867-81.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Costes/Análisis comparativos/Matemáticas/Modelos organizativos/Probabilidades/Publicaciones periódicas/Estadística

Resumen:  Proves price index (proportion of references within the last five years of literature) is not a pure function of the mean or median reference age, but a well-defined relation in the form of a typical cloud of points. Compares models for analyzing price index (decreasing exponential and lognormal aging) and explains cloud using results from probability theory and statistics.

        53.     Egghe, L.,  "Source-Item Production Laws for the Case That Items Have Multiple Sources with Fractional Counting of Credits.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 10, 1996, pp. 730-48.

Descriptores: Bibliografías/Telecomunicaciones-/Bibliometría-/Análisis de citas/Matemáticas/Productividad

Resumen: Discussion of bibliographies and sources focuses on the application of martingale theory to the generalized 'success breeds success' principle, generalized in order to comprise other phenomena such as 'failure breeds failure' and other production rhythms. Items are allowed to have multiple sources, and fractional assignment of weights occurs.

        54.     Egghe, L. and Rousseau, L.,  "A Measure for the Cohesion of Weighted Networks".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2003, pp. 193-202 .

Descriptores: Medición/Evaluación/Indicadores/Investigación/Hiperenlaces/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Measurement of the degree of interconnectedness in graph like networks of hyperlinks or citations can indicate the existence of research fields and assist in comparative evaluation of research efforts.  In this issue we begin with Egghe and  Rousseau who review compactness measures and investigate the compactness of a network as a weighted graph with dissimilarity values characterizing the arcs between nodes. They make use of a generalization of the Botofogo, Rivlin, Shneiderman,( BRS ) compaction measure which treats the distance between unreachable nodes not as infinity but rather as the number of nodes in the network. The dissimilarity values are determined by summing the reciprocals of the weights of the arcs in the shortest chain between two nodes where no weight is smaller than one. The BRS measure is then the maximum value for the sum of the dissimilarity measures less the actual sum divided by the difference between the maximum and minimum. The Wiener index,  the sum of all elements in the dissimilarity matrix divided by two, is then computed for Small's particle physics co-citation data as well as the BRS measure, the  dissimilarity values and shortest paths. The compactness measure for the weighted network is smaller than for the un-weighted. When the  bibliographic coupling network is utilized it is shown to be less compact than the co-citation network which indicates that the new measure produces results that confirm to an obvious case.

        55.     Feitelson, D. G. and Yovel, U.,  "Predictive ranking of computer scientists using CiteSeer data".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2004, pp. 44-61.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Impacto/Análisis de citas/Internet

Resumen: The increasing availability of digital libraries with cross-citation data on the Internet enables new studies in bibliometrics. The paper focuses on the list of 10,000 top-cited authors in computer science available as part of CiteSeer. Using data from several consecutive lists a model of how authors accrue citations with time is constructed. By comparing the rate at which individual authors accrue citations with the average rate, predictions are made of how their ranking in the list will change in the future.

        56.     Frandsen, T. F., Rousseau, R., and Rowlands, I.,  "Diffusion Factors".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2006, pp. 58-72.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Ciencias de la salud/Indicadores

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to clarify earlier work on journal diffusion metrics. Classical journal indicators such as the Garfield impact factor do not measure the breadth of influence across the literature of a particular journal title. As a new approach to measuring research influence, the study complements these existing metrics with a series of formally described diffusion factors. Design/methodology/approach - Using a publication-citation matrix as an organising construct, the paper develops formal descriptions of two forms of diffusion metric: 'relative diffusion factors' and 'journal diffusion factors' in both their synchronous and diachronous forms. It also provides worked examples for selected library and information science and economics journals, plus a sample of health information papers to illustrate their construction and use. Findings - Diffusion factors capture different aspects of the citation reception process than existing bibliometric measures. The paper shows that diffusion factors can be applied at the whole journal level or for sets of articles and that they provide a richer evidence base for citation analyses than traditional measures alone. Research limitations/implications - The focus of this paper is on clarifying the concepts underlying diffusion factors and there is unlimited scope for further work to apply these metrics to much larger and more comprehensive data sets than has been attempted here. Practical implications - These new tools extend the range of tools available for bibliometric, and possibly webometric, analysis. Diffusion factors might find particular application in studies where the research questions focus on the dynamic aspects of innovation and knowledge transfer. Originality/value - This paper will be of interest to those with theoretical interests in informetric distributions as well as those interested in science policy and innovation studies.

        57.     Frohlich, C. and Resler, L.,  "Analysis of Publications and Citations from a Geophysics Research Institute".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 9, 2001, pp. 701-713.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Física /Investigación/Bibliometría

Resumen:  In this issue we begin with the Frohlich and Resler report on the evaluation of research productivity at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics by bibliometric indicators using a four part categorization of journals into mainstream, archival, proceedings and other, and five different journal halflife computations. Halflife computations are drawn from work on earthquakes, which like citations do not decay strictly exponentially, requiring formulations avoiding such features. Weighting to emphasize points with more numerous and reliable data seem called for in both instances, and in both the discrete period of reporting can bias the results. This implies ignoring very high and low magnitude data as found in the first year or two of citation and data older than some point, weighting data with more observations more strongly when fitting, and perhaps correcting for the interval problem. A sequence of rates by year will yield a median age of citation, or by dividing 10 log2 by the difference in the logs of two rates, commonly the second and twelfth year rates, a two point halflife. If one determines the slope of the same 11 points, weighting each number by the number of articles used to determine the rate, a negative log2 divided by this slope will provide a weighted least squares halflife. If the sum of the products of the rates and their times in years is divided by the sum of the rates we get a rate averaged time and the maximum likelihood half life is natural log2 times the difference between the rate average time and the minimum rate time. This relatively easily computed method is in common use in earthquake analysis. A ratio method is also possible where the sum of the rates for a given period of years are divided by the sum of the rates for an equal period of years following.

        58.     Gao, S. J. and Yu, W. Z.,  "A Local Citation Analysis in China: From Wuhan University Faculty in Surveying and Mapping".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 31, No. 5, 2005, pp. 449-455.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Análisis de citas/China/Bibliometría/Mapas conceptuales

Resumen: Citations in journal articles published by Faculty in Departments of Surveying and Mapping at Wuhan University between 1994 and 2003 are counted and analyzed to form several available citation lists. The study discusses the importance of journal material and interdisciplinary journals to the field and is used for guiding collection development decisions.

        59.     García García, M. d. P., Hernández García, C., Sáez Galán, M. S., Sampedro Miranda, E., San José Ortiz, A., and Teja Gutiérrez, C.,  "Análisis de citas en el suplemento cultural de ABC".  Zaguán 2000, 1999.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Suplementos culturales/Prensa

Resumen: Hemos orientado este trabajo como un estudio de investigación con el objeto de analizar cuáles son las tendencias del suplemento Cultural ABC a la hora de citar editoriales y autores. Para ello hemos escogido aleatoriamente un período de tiempo de tres meses, que consideramos que puede ser suficientemente representativo de la línea habitual del suplemento y que se corresponde con los números publicados entre el 18 de diciembre de 1999 y el 11 de marzo de 2000.

        60.     Goodall, A. H.,  "Should Top Universities Be Led by Top Researchers and Are They? A Citations Analysis".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 3, 2006, pp. 388-411.

Descriptores: Universidades/Liderazgo/Investigación/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Purpose - This paper seeks to address the question: should the world's top universities be led by top researchers, and are they? Design/methodology/approach - The lifetime citations are counted by hand of the leaders of the world's top 100 universities identified in a global university ranking. These numbers are then normalised by adjusting for the different citation conventions across academic disciplines. Two statistical measures are used - Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's p. Findings - This study documents a positive correlation between the lifetime citations of a university's president and the position of that university in the global ranking. Better universities are run by better researchers. The results are not driven by outliers. That the top universities in the world - who have the widest choice of candidates L systematically appoint top researchers as their vice chancellors and presidents seems important to understand. This paper also shows that the pattern of presidents' life-time citations follows a version of Lotka's power law. Originality/value - There are two main areas of contribution. First, this paper attempts to use bibliometric data to address a performance-related question of a type not seen before (to the author's knowledge). Second, despite the importance of research to research universities - as described in many mission-statements - no studies currently exist that ask whether it matters if the head of a research university is himself or herself a committed researcher. Given the importance of universities in the world, and the difficulty that many have in appointing leaders, this question seems pertinent.

        61.     Gooden, A. M.,  "Citation Analysis of Chemistry Doctoral Dissertations: An Ohio State University Case Study".  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No. 32, 2001.

Descriptores: Tesis doctorales/Ciencias/Análisis de citas

Resumen: A citation analysis of dissertations accepted in the Department of Chemistry at The Ohio State University between 1996-2000 was performed as a way to determine material use. The 30 dissertations studied generated a total of 3,704 citations. Types of materials cited, currency of literature, and dissertation topics were all analyzed. The current results corroborate past research by other authors. Journal articles were cited more frequently than monographs: 85.8% of the citations were journal articles and 8.4% of the citations were monographs. The results of this study may be used to assist OSU and other universities in chemistry collection development.

        62.     Goodrum, A. A., McCaina, K. W., Lawrence, S., and Giles, C. L.,  "Scholarly publishing in the Internet age: a citation analysis of computer science literature ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 37, No. 6, 2001, pp. 661-675.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Informática/Internet/Edición/Producción científica

Resumen: The Web is revolutionizing the entire scholarly communication process and changing the way that researchers exchange information. In this paper, we analyze two views of information production and use in computer-related research based on citation analysis of PDF and Postcript formatted publications on the Web using autonomous citation indexing (ACI), and a parallel citation analysis of the journal literature indexed by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) in SCISEARCH. Our goal is to establish a baseline profile of computer science 'literature' as it appears in the published journals and as it appears on the publicly available Web. From this starting point, we hope to identify additional research areas dealing with information dissemination and citation practices in computer science and the utility of autonomous citation indexing on the Web as an adjunct to commercial indexing

        63.     Green, R.,  "Topical Relevance Relationships. I. Why Topic Matching Fails.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 9, 1995, pp. 646-653.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Relevancia/Análisis de citas/Psicología cognitiva/Encabezamientos de materia/Necesidades de información

Resumen: Examines retrieval theory in terms of free-text searching, citation analysis, and knowledge synthesis, and supports the claim that topical relevance relationships are not primarily matching relationships. Suggests that the assumption of topic matching between user needs and texts topically relevant to those needs is often erroneous.

        64.     Grogg, J. E.,  "Thinking About Reference Linking".  Searcher, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Hiperenlaces/Citas bibliográficas/Análisis de citas

Resumen: The very nature of scholarly research has fundamentally changed with the increased availability of reference or citation linking. With the ubiquity of the Web, it seems natural to users and information professionals alike that they be able to link painlessly among full-text articles, abstracting and indexing (A&I) bibliographic information, and article reference lists. In a perfect world, such linking would occur seamlessly. However, in reality, technical obstacles, as well as organizational concerns, blur the vision of perfect, seamless reference linking. Information professionals need to be aware of the technical and organizational interests and obstacles associated with reference linking in order to better serve their users.

        65.     Gupta, M. and Rousseau, R.,  "Further investigations into the first-citation process: the case of population genetics".  LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1999.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Investigación/Metodología

Resumen:  In this article the first-citation process is investigated. Former studies led to two double exponential models for this process. The first model resulted in a concave function, the other one in a function with an inflection point (an S-shaped function). Real data using a year as time unit could best be described by the first model, data using two weeks as a unit could best be described by the second one. In this note we show that for a group of nine related data sets in the field of population genetics, using one year as a unit, the first observation is confirmed: the concave model can adequately describe such data.

        66.     Haiqi, Z. and Yamazaki, S.,  "Citation Indicators of Japanese Journals.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 4, 1998 , pp. 375-79.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Indicadores/Publicaciones periódicas/Países extranjeros/Fuentes de información/Publicaciones periódicas

Resumen: Evaluates Japanese journals--128 indexed in the 1994 'Journal Citation Reports'--in bibliometric parameters such as impact factors (IFs), mean IFs from citing and cited journals, and self-citing and self-cited rates. Results: only 15 journals, with a wide variation of self-citing and self-cited rates, have obtained a current impact higher than 1.00; Japanese journals have not achieved a high international reputation.

        67.     Harter, S. P.,  "The Impact of Electronic Journals on Scholarly Communication: A Citation Analysis".  The Public-Access Computer Systems Review, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1996.

Descriptores: Revistas electrónicas /Análisis de citas/Impacto/Bibliometría

Resumen: This article reports hard empirical data on the impact of the first wave of e-journals on the scholarly communities they serve. A citation analysis was conducted for 39 scholarly journals that began electronic publication no later than 1993. Citation data for these journals were tabulated and analyzed. For journals that publish both print and electronic versions, citations to articles published prior to parallel publication were eliminated. The eight most highly cited e-journals were identified. Citation and publication data for three high ranking e-journals in the study were compared to similar data for print journals in the same fields. The seven most highly cited articles from the e-journals in the study were determined. 

        68.     Harter, S. P. and Cheng, Y. R.,  "Colinked Descriptors: Improving Vocabulary Selection for End-User Searching.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 4, 1996, pp. 311-25 .

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Encabezamientos de materia/Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Relevancia/Tesauros

Resumen: Introduces a new concept and technique for information retrieval called colinked descriptors. Highlights include bibliometrics and information retrieval, cited references and linked thesaurus terms, cocited references, examples of colinked descriptors in the 'Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors,' and experiments that tested the colinked descriptor hypothesis.

        69.     Harter, S. P. and Ford, C. E.,  "Web-Based Analyses of E-journal Impact: Approaches, Problems, and Issues ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 13, 2000, pp. 1159-1176.

Descriptores: Revistas electrónicas /Impacto/Evaluación /Análisis de citas

Resumen: This study assesses the ways in which citation searching of scholarly print journals is and is not analogous to backlink searching of scholarly e-journal articles on the WWW, and identifies problems and issues related to conducting and interpreting such searches. Backlink searches are defined here as searches for Web pages tat link to a given URL. Backlink searches were conducted on a sample of 39 scholarly electronic journals. Search results were processed to determine the number of backlinking pages, total backlinks, and external backlinks made to the e-journals and to their
articles. The results were compared to findings from a citation study performed on the same e-journals in 1996. A content analysis of a sample of the files backlinked to e-journal articles was also undertaken. The authors identify a number of reliability issues associated with the use of 'raw' search engine data to evaluate the impact of electronic journals and articles. No correlation was found between backlink measures and ISI citation measures of e-journal impact, suggesting that the two measures may be assessing something quite different. Major differences were found between the types of entities that cite, and those that backlink, e-journal articles, with scholarly works comprising a very small percentage of backlinking files. These findings call into question the legitimacy of using backlink searches to evaluate the scholarly impact of e-journals and e-journal articles (and by extension, e-journal authors).

        70.     Harter, S. P. and Nisonger, T. E.,  "ISI's Impact Factor as Misnomer: A Proposed New Measure To Assess Journal Impact.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 12, 1997, pp. 1146-48.

Descriptores: Medición/Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de citas/Evaluación/Impacto

Resumen: Discusses 'impact factor,' a measure of journal impact defined by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) and available in Journal Citation Reports. Argues that 'impact factor' is misnamed and misused, suggesting an alternative name and interpretation of the measure, and proposes two new measures to assess the impact of journals using citations.

        71.     Haycock, L. A.,  "Citation Analysis of Education Dissertations for Collection Development".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2004, pp. 102-106.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Gestión de la colección/Tesis doctorales

Resumen:  The reference lists of forty-three education dissertations on curriculum and instruction completed at the University of Minnesota during the calendar years 2000-2002 were analyzed to inform collection development. As one measure of use of the academic library collection, the citation analysis yielded data to guide journal selection, retention, and cancellation decisions. The project aimed to ensure that the most frequently cited journals were retained on subscription. The serial monograph ratio for citation also was evaluated in comparison with other studies and explored in the context of funding ratios. Results of citation studies can provide a basis for liaison conversations with faculty in addition to guiding selection decisions. This research project can serve as a model for similar projects in other libraries that look at literature in education as well as other fields.

        72.     Hitchcock, S., Bergmark, D., Brody, T., Gutteridge, C., Carr, L., Hall, C. L. W., and Harnad, S.,  "Open Citation Linking: The Way Forward ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 10, 2002.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Internet/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: The speed of scientific communication  the rate of ideas affecting other researchers' ideas  is increasing dramatically. The factor driving this is free, unrestricted access to research papers. Measurements of user activity in mature eprint archives of research papers such as arXiv have shown, for the first time, the degree to which such services support an evolving network of texts commenting on, citing, classifying, abstracting, listing and revising other texts. The Open Citation project has built tools to measure this activity, to build new archives, and has been closely involved with the development of the infrastructure to support open access on which these new services depend. This is the story of the project, intertwined with the concurrent emergence of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI). The paper describes the broad scope of the project's work, showing how it has progressed from early demonstrators of reference linking to produce Citebase, a Web-based citation and impact-ranked search service, and how it has supported the development of the software for building OAI-compliant archives. The work has been underpinned by analysis and experiments on the semantics of documents (digital objects) to determine the features required for formally perfect linking  instantiated as an application programming interface (API) for reference linking  that will enable other applications to build on this work in broader digital library information environments.

        73.     Hooydonk, G. V.,  "Fractional Counting of Multiauthored Publications: Consequences for the Impact of Authors.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 10, 1997, pp. 944-45 .

Descriptores: Autores/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Publicaciones periódicas/Edición/Impacto

Resumen: Reviews journal discussion of the problem of multiple-authorship in bibliometrics. Discusses three methods by Egghe and Rousseau: first author counting, normal counting and fractional counting.

        74.     Hooydonk, G. V.,  "Standardizing Relative Impacts: Estimating the Quality of Research from Citation Counts".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 10, 1998, pp. 932-941.

Descriptores: Normalización/Análisis de citas/Calidad/Evaluación/Impacto

Resumen:  Van Hooydonk notes that a large part of the observed impact factor of a journal, or impact of a discipline, is dependent on the number of publications therein. If we use the number of publications on a topic to predict an expected impact factor, the ratio of the observed factor to the expected factor can be used to provide a topically relative impact measure. In the 55 sub-disciplines of science in the Institute of Scientific Information database about 80% of the impact factor is correlated with disciplinary publication level. The removal of disciplinary differences leads to changed journal rankings, which should better indicate quality of research.

        75.     Hyland, K.,  "Self-citation and Self-reference: Credibility and Promotion in Academic Publication".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2003, pp. 251-259.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Editoriales institucionales/Universidades

Resumen:  Hyland examines self referencing practices by analyzing their textual uses in 240 randomly chosen research papers and 800 abstracts across 80 expert selected journals from 1997 and 1998 in eight disciplines, as a key to their author's assumptions as to their own role in the research process and to the practices of their disciplines. Scanned texts produced a corpus of nearly 1.5 million words which was searched using WordPilot for first person pronouns and all mentions of an author's previous work. There were 6,689 instances of self reference in the papers and 459 in the abstracts; on the average 28 cases per paper, 17% of which were self citations. There was one self mention in every two abstracts. Nearly 70% of self reference and mention occurred in humanities and social science papers, but biologists employed the most self citation overall and 12% of hard science citations were found to be self citations. Interviews indicated that self citation was deemed important in establishing authority by fitting oneself into the research framework. Self mention arises in four main contexts: stating the goal or the structure of the paper, explaining a procedure, stating results or a claim, and elaborating an argument.

        76.     Ingwersen, P., Larsen, B., and Noyons, E.,  "Mapping national research profiles in social science disciplines ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 57, No. 6, 2001, pp. 715-740.

Descriptores: Ciencias sociales/Análisis de citas/Producción científica /Bibliometría/Indicadores/Social citation index

Resumen: The paper investigates the advantages of graphical mapping of national research publication and citation profiles from scientific fields in order to provide additional information with respect to research performance. By means of multi-dimensional scaling techniques national social science profiles from seventeen OECD countries and two periods, 1989-1993 and 1994-1998, are mapped, each profile represented by a vector of either publication volumes or citation values for nine social science fields. Aside from demonstrating the developments of publication volumes and citedness ranges as well as patterns, the graphical maps display clusters and similarities of national profiles over time. Combined with international rankings of averaged national impact factors (NIF) relative to the average world impact of field (WIF) for the same number of fields and periods, the graphical display supplies additional otherwise concealed information of the differences in research patterns between countries - even when the NIFs are quite similar. The analyses show that low Pearson correlation coefficients can be applied to flag extraordinary instances of either high or low national citation impacts during a period. Most importantly, the graphical maps make a strong case for adjusting or tuning the baseline impact to the actual national publication profiles when comparing NIFs of different countries. A new indicator, the Tuned Citation Impact Index (TCII) is proposed. It is constructed from the amount of expected citations a country ought to have received in each research field aggregated over its true profile. Common baseline profiles, like those of the world or EU, are consequently not regarded as the ideal benchmark. 

        77.     Ingwersen, P. and Christensen, F. H.,  "Data Set Isolation for Bibliometric Online Analyses of Research Publications: Fundamental Methodological Issues.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 3, 1997, pp. 205-17.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Recuperación de la información/Sistemas de información/Documentación/Análisis de citas/Bases de datos

Resumen: Discusses the retrieval dimensions of data collection activity online and their influence on the research evaluation outcome to reinforce the link between online retrieval and bibliometrics. Topics include publication counts; citation analyses; citation databases from the Institute for Scientific Information; and data set isolation.

        78.     Johnson, B.,  "Citation Analysis of the Texas Tech University's Statistics Faculty: A Study Applied to Collection Development at the University Library".  LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1996.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Gestión de la colección/Estadística/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Texas Tech University is a part of the Texas State University System which opened its doors in 1925. The current enrollment is about 24,000 dispersed among six colleges. The Mathematics Department is one of thirteen in the College of Arts and Sciences with a Ph.D. program. One of those programs is in statistics. Seven faculty members were identified from that program. Their contribution to published research for 1993 and the first half of 1994 was collected and a citation analysis was conducted and subsequently applied to the collection development process at the University Library, where distinct discipline based collection development policies are now being formulated. Two citation patterns were identified: bibliographic and non-bibliographic citations. Bibliographic citations (from the bibliography) numbered 394 from 122 titles. Journals and monographs were the two formats most frequently cited, 46.7% and 36.9%, respectively. The average age of a citation was 12.3 years. The two most frequently cited journal titles were: Journal of Time Series Analysis and Stochastic Processes and Their Applications. Non-bibliographic citations (not found in the bibliography) were used to identify the more important research topics to this population of faculty: Hermitian operators, Appel polynomials, Laplace transform, Euclidean space, Drichlet polynomials, Lebesgue measure, Hilbert space, and Taylor expansion. Since the conclusion of this study, the most frequently cited journals and monographs have been acquired or recommended for acquisition in conjunction with the Library's collection development policy for Mathematics.

        79.     Johnson. William T.,  "Environmental Impact: A Preliminary Citation Analysis of Local Faculty in a New Academic Program in
Environmental and Human Health Applied to Collection Development at Texas Tech University Library ".  LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1, 1999.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Gestión de la colección/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Ciencias de la salud/Medicina

Resumen: New academic programs in environmental science prompted a citation analysis of local faculty by the Texas Tech University Library (TTU). The purpose of this study is to characterize the citation patterns of the interdisciplinary field of environmental and human health as compared with other disciplines and to apply the results to collection development. Twenty-four articles were selected from 1996 and 1997 with over 1600 citations to more than 950 listed references. The average age of citations was  10.5 years for journals and 9.4 years for books. On average, journals were cited 67% of the time while books were cited 17% of the time. Proceedings, theses, and technical reports were also cited but that data was not applied to collection development. The impact on collection development has been to identify a small number of specific books which were frequently cited but were not in the collection and to identify important subject terms with which to guide the selection of related books. Finally, 12 new subscriptions to frequently.

        80.     Julien, H.,  "A longitudinal analysis of the information needs and uses literature".  Library & information science research, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2000, pp. 291-310.

Descriptores: Necesidades de información/Interdisciplinariedad/Análisis de citas/Estudio de usuarios/Investigación/Psicología cognitiva

Resumen: This investigation used content analysis to examine the information needs and uses literature published 198~1989, and 1995-1998. Comparisons are made with similar analyses previously published for the period 1990-1994. Analyses measured degree of interdisciplinarity evident in refernces cited and identified subject areas cited, determined whether this literature was concerned with users' cognitive processes and with system design and use, and identified research methods used. Secondary analyses included journal type, author type, article type, whether the literature was grounded in theory, and user groups considered. This study extends results published previously, and demonstrates longitudinal development of research in this subfield of library and information science.

        81.     Kajberg, L.,  "A citation analysis of lis serial literature published in denmark 1957-1986".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 52, No. 1, 1996, pp. 69-85.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Documentación/Biblioteconomía/Citas bibliográficas/Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de datos/Dinamarca/Intercambio de información

Resumen: This study used citation analysis to investigate the characteristics of library and information science (LIS) literature published in Denmark from 1957 to 1986. The information exchange between the Danish library and information profession and LIS communities in other countries is examined, and the large proportion of hidden references is discussed.

        82.     Knievel, J. E. and Kellsey, C.,  "Citation Analysis for Collection Development: a Comparative Study of Eight Humanities Fields".  Library Quarterly, Vol. 75, No. 2, 2005, pp. 142-168.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Humanidades/Gestión de la colección

Resumen:  This study analyzes 9,131 citations from the 2002 volumes of journals in eight humanities fields: art, classics, history, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, and religion. This study found that citation patterns varied widely among humanities disciplines. Due to these differences, it is important for librarians with humanities collection development responsibilities to consider each field separately when making collection development decisions. The authors investigated the language of sources cited in each field. Foreign language citations continue to be dominated by French and German. This study also confirms that, in most humanities disciplines, monographs remain the dominant format of cited sources, although some fields cited monographs less frequently than expected.

        83.     Knothe, G.,  "Comparative Citation Analysis of Duplicate or Highly Related Publications".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 13, 2006, pp. 1830-1839.

Descriptores: Duplicación de registros/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Four cases, illustrated by four examples, of duplicate or highly related publications can be distinguished and are analyzed here using citation data obtained from the Science Citation Index (SCI): (1) publication by different authors in the same journal; (2) the same author(s) publishing in different journals; (3) publication by different authors in different journals; (4) the same author(s) publishing highly related papers simultaneously in the same journal, often as part of a series of papers. Example 1, illustrating case 1, is an occurrence of highly related publications in mechanistic organic chemistry. Example 2, from analytical organic chemistry, contains elements of cases 2 and 3. Example 3, dealing solely with case 3, discusses two time-delayed publications from analytical biochemistry, which were highlighted by Garfield several times in the past to show how the SCI could be utilized to avoid duplicate publication. Example 4, derived from synthetic organic chemistry (total syntheses of taxol), contains elements of cases 1, 3, and 4 and, to a lesser extent, case 2. The citation records of the highly related or duplicate publications can deviate considerably from the journal impact factors; this was observed in three of the four examples relating to cases 2, 3, and 4. The examples suggest that citation of a paper may depend significantly on the journal in which it is published. As an indicator of this dependence, the journals in which the papers used in the present examples appeared were examined. Other factors such as key words in the paper title may also play a role.

        84.     Kopcsa, A. and Schiebel, E.,  "Science and Technology Mapping: A New Iteration Model for Representing Multidimensional Relationships.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 1, 1998, pp. 7-17.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Matemáticas/Estadística/Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Modelos organizativos/Estadística/Entrevistas

Resumen: Introduces a new iteration model for the calculation of co-word maps. Co-word analysis is an objective quantitative method for analyzing and integrating survey information about research trends and structures that avoids problems using statistical methods to produce mappings of reduced information.

        85.     Kostoff, R. N., Rio Portilla, J. A. d., Humenik, J. A., Ofilia Garcia, E., and Ramirez, A. M.,  "Citation Mining: Integrating Text Mining and Bibliometrics for Research User Profiling".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2001, pp. 1148-1156.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Investigación/Producción científica /Science Citation Index

Resumen: In order to determine the impact of specific published research on varied disciplines and to determine research user characteristics, Kostoff, et alia, test the viability of analyzing the free text fields of about 300 Science Citation Index records of papers that cited a fundamental paper on sand pile vibration. Abstracts were collected and a taxonomy of phrases and terms was created by manually analyzing the single words, word pairs and word triples extracted from the records. The same phrases were automatically clustered by the Mutual Information Index (co-occurrence frequency over the squared product of frequencies) for the high frequency phrases; and for the low frequency phrases those phrases associated with each high frequency phrase whose co-occurrence divided by its total occurrence exceeded .5. Extra-discipline basic research papers range from 15% to 25% of total citing papers each year with no evident latency period. There is a four year latency period for applications papers.

        86.     Langham, T.,  "Consistency in referencing.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 51, No. 4, 1995, pp. 360-369.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Citas bibliográficas/Documentación/Proceso informativo/Indices de citases/Clasificación bibliográfica

Resumen: Argues for precision (consistency) in citing, proposing an approach to citation analysis that ranks citation-signallers according to usefulness. Suggests that it is misguided to classify citation-signallers by the nature of the motivations inferred to underlie their use.

        87.     Leydesdorff, L.,  "Clusters and maps of science journals based on bi-connected graphs in Journal Citation Reports".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 60, No. 4, 2004, pp. 371-427.

Descriptores: Citas bibliográficas/Estadísticas/Análisis de citas

Resumen: The aggregated journal-journal citation matrix derived from Journal Citation Reports 2001 can be decomposed into a unique subject classification using the graph-analytical algorithm of bi-connected components. This technique was recently incorporated in software tools for social network analysis. The matrix can be assessed in terms of its decomposability using articulation points which indicate overlap between the components. The articulation points of this set did not exhibit a next-order network of 'general science' journals. However, the clusters differ in size and in terms of the internal density of their relations. A full classification of the journals is provided in the Appendix. The clusters can also be extracted and mapped for the visualization.

        88.     Leydesdorff , L.,  "Indicators of Innovation in a Knowledge-based Economy".  Cybermetrics, Vol. 5, 2001 .

Descriptores: Gestión del conocimiento/Análisis de citas/Economía de la información/Bibliometría/Farmacia/Producción científica /Webmetría

Resumen: The concept of ‘modes of knowledge production’ was used by Gibbons et al. (1994) [1] to distinguish between transdisciplinary (‘Mode 2’) R&D and more traditional (‘Mode 1’) research. This paper explores whether the Internet provides a means to operationalize ‘Mode 2’ knowledge production as containing a differently codified communication pattern which can be compared to co-word and citation patterns in scientometric databases (‘Mode 1’). Innovations on the drugs market, for example, can be indicated at the commercial end by using the trade names of the drugs (e.g., Evista), while the very same innovation can be retrieved in the patent and science citation databases using the generic names of the active substances involved (in this case, raloxifene). By using the generic names the new drugs can be traced back into their respective knowledge bases.

        89.     Leydesdorff, T.,  "Can Scientific Journals Be Classified in Terms of Aggregated Journal-Journal Citation Relations Using the Journal Citation Reports?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 5, 2006, pp. 601-613.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Clasificación /Journal Citation Reports

Resumen:  The aggregated citation relations among journals included in the Science Citation Index provide us with a huge matrix, which can be analyzed in various ways. By using principal component analysis or factor analysis, the factor scores can be employed as indicators of the position of the cited journals in the citing dimensions of the database. Unrotated factor scores are exact, and the extraction of principal components can be made stepwise because the principal components are independent. Rotation may be needed for the designation, but in the rotated solution a model is assumed. This assumption can be legitimated on pragmatic or theoretical grounds. Because the resulting outcomes remain sensitive to the assumptions in the model, an unambiguous classification is no longer possible in this case. However, the factor-analytic solutions allow us to test classifications against the structures contained in the database; in this article the process will be demonstrated for the delineation of a set of biochemistry journals.

        90.     Lindholm Romantschuk, Y. and Warner, J.,  "The role of monographs in scholarly communication: an empirical study of philosophy, sociology and economics.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1996, pp. 389-404.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Economía/Filosofía /Sociología /Humanidades/Publicaciones periódicas/Ciencias sociales/Libros/Comunicación científica/Arts and Humanities Citation Index/Indices de citas/Colecciones/Ciencias sociales/Indices de citas

Resumen: Using the 'Arts & Humanities Citation Index' and the 'Social Sciences Citation Index,' a citation analysis of 116 monographs in the humanities and social sciences published between 1973-90 found that scholarly monographs have greater impact than articles; that each discipline has a core group of monographs; and that a monograph's initial reception can predict its intellectual survival.

        91.     Lindquist, M.,  "Citations in the Digital Space".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1999.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Internet/Análisis de citas

Resumen:  Mats Lindquist offers an appealing solution to the Internet-wide problem of citing often-ephemeral electronic sources.

        92.     Line, M. B.,  " The Use of Citation and Other Statistics in Stock Management".  IFLA journal, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2001, pp. 247-252.

Descriptores: Gestión de calidad/Gestión de la colección/Análisis de citas/Estadística/Bibliometría/Planificación/Toma de decisiones

Resumen: All libraries have to make decisions on what to acquire and what to dispose of. For books, there are few useful statistical aids. For journals, the most valid measure of what to continue or cease acquiring  is actual usage; for what new to acquire, demand from and use of other sources provide some useful data.  Citation data have been advocated as a surrogate for use data, and are much easier to collect. However, in spite of a good general correlation between citations and supralibrary use, they have to be used with caution in individual libraries, and are of little help in with marginal decisions. Once data are collected, the most valid measure for purchase decisions is the number of uses per unit of cost per journal per year; for disposal decisions, use per unit of shelf space occupied. Data collection, which can be confined to journals that are not clear purchases, can be done by a variety of methods. In the future, if articles become the key unit rather than journals, the identification of most used articles might prove to have some practical value. A set of studies comparing uses with citations and other possible surrogates would be desirable.

        93.     Liu, Z.,  "Citation Theories in the Framework of International Flow of Information: New Evidence with Translation Analysis.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 1, 1997, pp. 80-87.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Segunda lengua/Traducción/Acceso a la información/Países extranjeros/Documentación/Obras de referencia

Resumen: Examines four common modalities (physical accessibility, cognitive accessibility, perceived quality, and perceived importance) underlying the complex citation practice by translation analysis. An analysis of Chinese literature in library and information science found a strong correlation between languages cited and languages translated. Highly cited publications are more likely to be translated.

        94.     Llana, A. d. l., Avila Barredo, v., Barredo Sobrino, M. P., and Martínez García. Sobrino, F.,  "La importancia de los recursos electrónicos en la citación bibliográfica".  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Biblioteca , 2004.

Descriptores: Citas bibliográficas/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Documentos electrónicos/Impacto

Resumen: Objetivos: Estudiar la tendencia y la repercusión de la citación de referencias de páginas Web en la bibliografía de los artículos científicos publicados en la revista española con mayor repercusión internacional.Métodos Se extrajeron todas las referencias bibliográficas electrónicas de los artículos publicados en un año en la revista Medicina Clínica para su análisis: comprobando las normas de citación, así como la mención de la fecha de acceso al documento, fecha de recepción del artículo y fecha de publicación. Se procedió al acceso en Internet de las citadas referencias desde dos IP distintas en, al menos, dos ocasiones con un intervalo de tiempo superior a dos semanas.Resultados: De un total de 504 artículos publicados en el año 2003 con, al menos, una cita bibliográfica, se obtuvieron 11622 referencias bibliográficas, de las cuales, 164 fueron electrónicas correspondiendo a 73 artículos. Por secciones de la revista, los Artículos Especiales y las Editoriales fueron el tipo de artículo con mayor porcentaje de citas electrónicas: 41 y 29%, respectivamente. El intento de acceso a las referencias dio algún mensaje de error en el 43% de los casos, siendo el error 404 el mensaje más frecuente (77%). La principal causa de dicho error fueron las incorrecciones en la escritura de la dirección URL. Además, el error 404 fue más frecuente a medida que aumentó el tiempo de la consulta en Internet con respecto a la fecha de publicación

        95.     López Yepes, J.,  "El análisis cualitativo de citas comoinstrumento para el estudio de la creación y transmisión de las ideas científicas ".  Documentación de las ciencias de la información, Vol. 26, 2003, pp. 41-70.

Descriptores: Investigación cuantitativa/Citas bibliográficas/Análisis de citas

Resumen: El trabajo se inscribe en el ámbito de las tres funciones que, al servicio del quehacer científico, desarrolla la disciplina documental, a saber, una función de apoyo al crecimiento de los saberes, otra función de apoyo a la difusión de los hallazgos científicos y una tercera función de evaluación de la ciencia, mediante el uso de indicadores bibliométricos y, muy especialmente, del análisis de citas. El resultado de tal actividad es lo que denominamos habitualmente trabajo científico que, dado a conocer generalmente por la publicación, es verdaderamente científico, cuando ofrece nuevas ideas y soluciones a problemas correctamente planteados. El autor destaca como objetivos del artículo: 1) Conocimiento de cómo se propagan las ideas científicas mediante el estudio de las citas; 2) Establecimiento de las líneas de investigación de un autor determinado; 3) Indicación de los hitos cronológicos de la transmisión de ¡deas; 4) contribuir a la historia y al diagnóstico de la investigación en Biblioteconomía y Documentación en el período 1975-2000; y 5) Aportación de algunos elementos a la metodología de la evaluación de los resultados científicos y, especialmente, de las aportaciones de los autores.

        96.     López Yepes, J.,  "Propuesta de método para evaluar trabajos científicos mediante el análisis cualitativo de citas".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2003, pp. 467-471.,1,1;

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Producción científica  /Bibliometría/Evaluación

Resumen: La presente contribución se basa en un artículo en curso de publicación en el número 26 de la revista Documentación de las ciencias de la información (Departamento de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid) titulado “El análisis cualitativo de citas como instrumento para el estudio de la creación y transmisión de las ideas científicas” (2003) y que, previamente, fue sometido a la consideración de los asistentes al congreso Ibersid 2002 (Universidad de Zaragoza)

        97.     MacRoberts, M. H. and MacRoberts, B. R.,  "Citation Content Analysis of a Botany Journal.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 3, 1997, pp. 274-75.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/Autores/Biología/Análisis comparativos

Resumen: Describes results of a citation analysis on a botany journal and compares the results with a previous study in a different discipline. Neither this study nor the previous one supports the basic assumption of citation analysis, that authors cite their influences.

        98.     Marion, L. S. and McCain , K. W.,  "Contrasting Views of Software Engineering Journals: Author Cocitation Choices and Indexer Vocabulary Assignments ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001, pp. 298-208.

Descriptores: Ingenieria/Análisis de citas/Indización/Tesauros/Frecuencia

Resumen:   Using the 1996 Journal Citation Reports and the 1992 to 1998 issues of six journals suggested by a software engineer and supplemented with a journal focused on the objectoriented approach, Marion and McCain identified parent journals providing 25% of the cites by the seed journal authors, and child journals that generated 50% of cites to the seed  group. Other candidate core lists came from journals frequently indexed by a set of INSPEC Thesaurus terms and codes, derived by ranking the terms and codes used to describe the papers in the seed journals and collecting two groups, each of whose disjunction was searched on the INSPEC database and the resulting journal lists ranked as to frequency. The associated codes, intersected with the term ``software engineering'' were also searched, and the titles ranked, to produce two more candidate lists. The union of all the JCR journals and the top twenty on each INSPEC list yielded 32 journals. Cocitation counts were collected and journals retained with a mean cocitation rate of seven or more.

        99.     Martín-Sempere, M. J. and Rey Rocha, J.,  "Pautas de publicación y citación de los cientificos de disciplinas con carácter marcadamente territorial. El caso de la Geología en España.".  Revista general de información y documentación, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2000, pp. 167-181.

Descriptores: Geología/España/Metodología/Investigación/Citas bibliográficas/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Se analizan los hábitos de publicación y de citación de los geólogos españoles, a través de los trabajos publicados en las revistas españolas de Geología durante los años 1995 y 1996, así como de la información obtenida por medio de una encuesta realizada entre los propios investigadores. El objetivo del estudio es conocer la tipología de los principales documentos que genera y consulta este colectivo de científicos en el desarrollo de sus investigaciones, así como identificar algunas de las características que definen su actividad científica. Los geólogos españoles publican los resultados de sus trabajos más frecuentemente en revistas nacionales que en extranjeras, si bien son estas últimas las que reciben, en conjunto, un mayor número de citas. El estudio pone de manifiesto asimismo la importancia de las monografías, informes y mapas, como documentos de publicación y de consulta. Del mismo modo, destaca el peso específico que para este colectivo de investigadores tienen los congresos, como exponente de los fréntes de la investigación geológica, y a su vez como el foro idóneo para la obtención de información contenida en documentos de difícil acceso

        100.    Masip, P.,  "L'impacte de la informació digital en la recerca de les ciències socials ".  ITEM : Revista de Biblioteconomía i Documentació, Vol. 31, 2002, pp. 111-127.

Descriptores: Impacto/Información electrónica/Investigación/Ciencias sociales/Internet/Análisis de citas/Revistas electrónicas/Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Fuentes de información

Resumen: S'analitza l'ús d'informació digital, especialment d'Internet, en cinc disciplines de les ciències socials. La recerca s'ha basat en l'anàlisi de les citacions de tots els articles publicats entre els anys 1997 i 2000 a 25 revistes acadèmiques. L'anàlisi dels resultats obtinguts mostra que els recursos digitals juguen encara un paper molt marginal entre les diverses formes de comunicació acadèmica. Malgrat tot, el rol que juguen els recursos digitals no és uniforme a totes les disciplines. Mentre que en Sociologia, Educació i Psicologia la seva presència és merament testimonial, en l'àmbit de la Biblioteconomia i la Documentació l'ús de recursos digitals es pot considerar plenament assumit.

        101.    McCain, K. W.,  "Biotechnology in Context: A Database-Filtering Approach to Identifying Core and Productive Non-Core Journals Supporting Multidisciplinary R & D.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1995, pp. 306-17.

Descriptores: Biología/Bases de datos/Interdisciplinariedad/Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de citas/Indización/Productividad /Encabezamientos de materia

Resumen: Describes a database-filtering approach that combines citation, indexing, and productivity analyses as an effective tool for identifying journals that support multidisciplinary research and development, based on a study of biotechnology research and development. Cocitation analysis, including cocitation maps; subject heading profile analysis; and productivity filtering are discussed.

        102.    Meadows, J.,  "A Practical Line in Bibliometrics".  Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2005, pp. 90-94.

Descriptores: Préstamo interbibliotecario/Indice de obsolescencia/Ciencias sociales/Documentación/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this article is to describe Maurice Line ' s continuing interest in bibliometrics and in its possible application to library problems since the 1970s. He has especially emphasized two strands. One is the concept of obsolescence and how it applies in practice. The other is citation studies of the social sciences, which tend to have been ignored in comparison with the sciences. He has particularly explored the limitations that need to be taken into account when trying to apply bibliometric ideas in practical contexts. Design/methodology/approach - An analysis of Line ' s publications on bibliometrics led to a selection of major themes in his writings. A subsequent study of the publications of others who wrote on this topic over the same period provided a framework for assessing his work. Findings - Maurice Line played an important role in the development of this area of bibliometrics, though he slightly modified some of his early ideas as time has passed. Originality/value - Provides a background to Maurice Line ' s interest in bibliometrics since the 1970s.

        103.    Meadows, J.,  "The immediacy effect - then and now ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 60, No. 6, 2004, pp. 601-608 .

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliotecas/Literatura

Resumen: The 1960s saw the birth of what is now called 'scientometrics'. One of the queries that arose then related to citations of previous literature. Was recent literature cited proportionately more than older literature? Studies by Price, along with that reprinted here, seemed to indicate that the answer was 'yes'. This 'immediacy effect', as it was labelled, could be measured in quantitative terms, but how to do so required some thought. For example, what was the best form of index for representing immediacy, and what errors were involved in estimating the effect? Discussions of the usage of past literature could have practical implications for libraries. One question, therefore, was what implications, if any, citation studies had for the provision of journals to library users. On the scientometrics side, there were such questions as why an immediacy effect occurred and to what extent it could be discerned in different subject areas. This article surveys attempts to examine questions like these over the period from the 1960s to the present day, updating an article published in Journal of Documentation in 1967.

        104.    Meghabghab, G.,  "Discovering authorities and hubs in different topological web graph structures ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2001, pp. 111-140.

Descriptores: Algoritmos/Grafos/World wide web/Análisis de citas/Algebra lineal/Control de autoridades

Resumen: This research is a part of ongoing study to better understand citation analysis on the Web. It builds on Kleinberg's research (J. Kleinberg, R. Kumar, P. Raghavan, P. Rajagopalan, A. Tomkins, Invited survey at the International Conference on Combinatorics and Computing, 1999) that hyperlinks between web pages constitute a web graph structure and tries to classify different web graphs in the new coordinate space: out-degree, in-degree. The out-degree coordinate is defined as the number of outgoing web pages from a given web page. The in-degree coordinate is the number of web pages that point to a given web page. In this new coordinate space a metric is built to classify how close or far are different web graphs. Kleinberg's web algorithm (J. Kleinberg, Proceedings of the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 1998, pp. 668¯677) on discovering 'hub web pages' and 'authorities web pages' is applied in this new coordinate space. Some very uncommon phenomenon has been discovered and new interesting results interpreted. This study does not look at enhancing web retrieval by adding context information. It only considers web hyperlinks as a source to analyze citations on the web. The author believes that understanding the underlying web page as a graph will help design better web algorithms, enhance retrieval and web performance, and recommends using graphs as a part of visual aid for search engine designers.

        105.    Melucci, M.,  "Making digital libraries effective: Automatic generation of links for similarity search across hyper-textbooks ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 5, 2004, pp. 414-430.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Análisis de citas/Hiperenlaces

Resumen: Textbooks are more available in electronic format now than in the past. Because textbooks are typically large, the end user needs effective tools to rapidly access information encapsulated in textbooks stored in digital libraries. Statistical similarity-based links among hyper-textbooks are a means to provide those tools. In this paper, the design and the implementation of a tool that generates networks of links within and across hyper-textbooks through a completely automatic and unsupervised procedure is described. The design is based on statistical techniques. The overall methodology is presented together with the results of a case study reached through a working prototype that shows that connecting hyper-textbooks is an efficient way to provide an effective retrieval capability.

        106.    Moed, H. F. and Van Leeuwen, T. N.,  "Improving the Accuracy of the Institute for Scientific Information's Journal Impact Factors.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 6, 1995, pp. 461-67.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/Documentación

Resumen:  Discussion of impact factors of scientific journals focuses on a study that examined the Institute for Scientific Information's annual listing based upon data from the Science Citation Index. This article presents evidence that the values of the impact factors are often inaccurate due to an inappropriate definition of citable documents.

        107.    Moed, H. F., Van Leeuwen, Th. N., and Reedijk, J.,  "A new classification system to describe the ageing of scientific journals and their impact factors.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 54, No. 4, 1998, pp. 387-419.

Descriptores: Publicaciones periódicas/Información/Análisis de citas/Clasificación bibliográfica /Edición /Estudio de usuarios/Indices de citas/Science Citation Index

Resumen: Aging patterns are examined in 'formal' use or impact of all scientific journals processed for the 'Science Citation Index' during 1981 to 1995. A new classification system of journals in terms of their aging characteristics is introduced. It is shown that the cited half-life, printed in the 'Journal Citation Reports,' is an inappropriate measure of decline of journal impact.

        108.    Moed, H. F.,  "Statistical relationships between downloads and citations at the level of individual documents within a single journal ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 10, 2005, pp. 1088-1097.

Descriptores: Webmetría/Análisis de citas/Estadísticas/Visibilidad de la Información/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: Statistical relationships between downloads from ScienceDirect of documents in Elsevier's electronic journal Tetrahedron Letters and citations to these documents recorded in journals processed by the Institute for Scientific Information/Thomson Scientific for the Science Citation Index (SCI) are examined. A synchronous approach revealed that downloads and citations show different patterns of obsolescence of the used materials. The former can be adequately described by a model consisting of the sum of two negative exponential functions, representing an ephemeral and a residual factor, whereas the decline phase of the latter conforms to a simple exponential function with a decay constant statistically similar to that of the downloads residual factor. A diachronous approach showed that, as a cohort of documents grows older, its download distribution becomes more and more skewed, and more statistically similar to its citation distribution. A method is proposed to estimate the effect of citations upon downloads using obsolescence patterns. It was found that during the first 3 months after an article is cited, its number of downloads increased 25% compared to what one would expect this number to be if the article had not been cited. Moreover, more downloads of citing documents led to more downloads of the cited article through the citation. An analysis of 1,190 papers in the journal during a time interval of 2 years after publication date revealed that there is about one citation for every 100 downloads. A Spearman rank correlation coefficient of 0.22 was found between the number of times an article was downloaded and its citation rate recorded in the SCI. When initial downloads - defined as downloads made during the first 3 months after publication - were discarded, the correlation raised to 0.35. However, both outcomes measure the joint effect of downloads upon citation and that of citation upon downloads. Correlating initial downloads to later citation counts, the correlation coefficient drops to 0.11. Findings suggest that initial downloads and citations relate to distinct phases in the process of collecting and processing relevant scientific information that eventually leads to the publication of a journal article.

        109.    Mora, M. C. M.,  "Citar documentos electronicos; revision de propuestas y planteamiento de pautas generales.".  Ciencias de la Información (Cuba), Vol. 32, No. 2, 2001, pp. 69-74.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Normas

Resumen: Reviews the proposals for the standardization of electronic document citations. Sets out some recommendations for standards based on the International Standards Organization, American Psychological Association standards and those of the Modern Language Association.

        110.    Nebelong-Bonnevie, E. and Frandsen, T. F.,  "Journal Citation Identity and Journal Citation Image: a Portrait of the Journal of Documentation".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2006, pp. 30-57.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Indicadores/Imágenes/Publicaciones periódicas/Documentación/Países del Este

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to propose a multiple set of journal evaluation indicators using methods and theories from author analysis. Among those are the journal citation identity and the journal citation image. Design/methodology/approach - The Journal of Documentation is celebrating its 60th anniversary, and for that reason it is portrayed in a bibliometric study using the two indicators, based, e.g. on analyses of references in journal articles and journal co-citation analyses. Findings - The Journal of Documentation, which is portrayed in this study is characterized by high impact and high visibility. It publishes a relatively low number of documents with scientific content compared to other journals in the same field. It reaches far into the scientific community and belongs to a field that is more and more visible. The journal is relatively closely bounded to Western Europe, which is an increasing tendency. Research limitations/implications - The research is based on analyses of just three LIS journals. Practical implications - journal citation identity and the journal citation image indicators contribute in giving a more detailed multifaceted picture of a single journal. Originality/value - The multiple set of indicators give rise to a journal evaluation of a more qualitative nature.

        111.    Nicolaisen, J.,  "Citation Analysis".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 41, 2007, pp. 609-641.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Other chapters, in particular those by Christina Courtright, Jeppe Nicolaisen, Soo Young Rieh and David Danielson, and Diane Sonnenwald, approach familiar topics from an original, or revised, angle: context in the case of information seeking; signaling in the case of citation behavior; credibility in the case of information systems use; factors and stages in the case of scientific collaboration.

        112.    Norris, M. and Oppenheim, C.,  "Citation counts and the Research Assessment Exercise V: Archaeology and the 2001 RAE ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 59, No. 6, 2003, pp. 709-730.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Investigación/Arqueología /Bibliotecas/Inglaterra

Resumen: A citation study of the 692 staff that makes up unit of assessment 58 (archaeology), in the 2001 UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) was undertaken. Unlike earlier studies, which were obliged to make assumptions on who and what had been submitted for assessment, these were, for the first time available from the RAE Web site. This study, therefore, used the specific submission details of authors and their publications. Using the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, all results showed high statistically significant correlation between the RAE result and citation counts. The results were significant at 0.01 per cent. The findings confirm earlier studies. Given the comparative cost and ease of citation analysis, it is recommended that, correctly applied, it should be the initial tool of assessment for the RAE. Panel members would then exercise their judgement and skill to confirm final rankings.

        113.    Okiy, R. B.,  "A citation analysis of education dissertations at the Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria  ".  Collection Building, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2003, pp. 158-161.

Descriptores: Tesis doctorales/Análisis de citas/Africa/Países en desarrollo

Resumen: A total of 4,012 citations in 70 postgraduate dissertations in education submitted to the Delta State University Library between 1992 and 2002 were studied. Most post graduate students in education used more textbooks (60.3 per cent), than other forms of library materials. Four of the top ranked journals, including the most popularly used - the West African Journal of Education (WAJE) - are available in the library. A total of 12 (66.7 per cent) of the 18 most popularly used journals are US publications, thus creating the need for Delta State University Library to improve on its local journal collection. Of the 18 most cited journals, six (33.3 per cent) ranked among the list of significant journals in the field of education.

        114.    Oppenheim, C.,  "The correlation between citation counts and the 1992 research assessment exercise rating for british research in genetics, anatomy and archaeology.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 54, No. 5, 1998, pp. 477-487.

Descriptores: Medicina /Arqueología /Análisis de citas/Evaluación/Investigadores /Biología /Citas bibliográficas/Universidades/Producción científica /Investigación /Inglaterra

Resumen: The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) graded research output of academic departments in the United Kingdom. A citation study of anatomy, genetics, and archaeology articles (1988-1992) found a relationship between the total number of citations received, or average number of citations per faculty member, and the RAE score, suggesting that citation counting provides a reliable indicator of research performance.

        115.    Ortega Priego, J. L.,  "Análisis de referencias basado en un modelo de espacios vectoriales: la investigación en historia contemporánea en jaén durante 1990-1995".  Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2001, pp. 369-381.

Descriptores: Referencias bibliográficas/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Vectores/Historia/Humanidades

Resumen:  La representación espacial de las relaciones que existen entre los in- vestigadores en Historia Contemporánea de Jaén durante el periodo 1990- 1995 a través de su comportamiento en la realización de las citas es el objetivo de este trabajo. A través de un análisis de referencias basado en un Modelo de Espacios Vectoriales (VSM) y representado gráficamente a tra- vés del Escalamiento Multidimensional (MDS) se obtienen resultados sobre los frentes de investigación, quién los encabeza y quiénes forman parte de los mismos, y las relaciones 'discípulo / maestro' existentes entre los in- vestigadores.

        116.    Pentz, E.,  "CrossRef: A Collaborative Linking Network".  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No. 29, 2001.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Comunicación científica

Resumen: References are at the heart of scholarly journal publishing and therefore reference links are seen as an essential feature of online scholarly journals. Scholarly publishers created CrossRef, run by the non-profit Publishers International Linking Association, Inc., in order to make broad-based linking efficient and scalable across a wide range of primary publishers, secondary publishers, abstracting and indexing services, and libraries. CrossRef runs a system that enables publishers to assign unique identifiers -- Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) -- to articles and collects standardized metadata so that the identifiers can be retrieved using bibliographic data. Once the DOI for an article is known, a persistent link to the full-text article can be created. CrossRef is a milestone for the scholarly information industry.

        117.    Persson, O.,  "The intellectual base and research fronts of jasis 1986-1990.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1994, pp. 31-38.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Documentación/Publicaciones periódicas/Investigación

Resumen: Describes results of a citation analysis of 209 articles from the 'Journal of the American Society for Information Science' (JASIS) that was conducted to determine the intellectual base and the research front. Topics discussed include citation-based mapping techniques, including bibliographic coupling and cocitation analysis; and clustering.

        118.    Peters, H. F. P. and van Raan, A. F. J.,  "On determinants of citation scores: a case study in chemical engineering.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1994, pp. 39-49.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Ingenieria

Resumen: Describes a study that identified factors influencing the number of citations received by articles published in the field of chemical engineering, based on a set of 226 papers by 18 internationally recognized scientists and citations to those papers. Factors identified include how prolific the author is and the number of references.

        119.    Peters, H. P. F.,  "Cognitive Resemblance and Citation Relations in Chemical Engineering Publications.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 1, 1995, pp. 9-21.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/Clasificación bibliográfica/Frecuencia

Resumen: Describes an empirical study that measured word-profile similarities between citing and cited publications in the chemical engineering field. Highlights include cognitive resemblance and bibliographic coupling; data collection techniques; analysis of word-profile similarity; bibliographic coupled publications; mapping of cognitive resemblance; and mapping of classification relations.

        120.    Pettigrew, K. E. and McKechnie, L. E. F.,  "The Use of Theory in Information Science Research".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2001, pp. 62-73.

Descriptores: Documentación/Investigación/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Autoría

Resumen: We report on our findings regarding authors' use of theory in 1,160 articles that appeared in six information science (IS) journals from 1993-1998. Our findings mdicate that theory was discussed in 34.1% of the articles (0.93 theory incidents per article; 2.73 incidents per article when considering only those articles employing theory). The majority of these theories were from the social sciences (45.4%), followed by IS (29.9%), the sciences (19.3%), and humanities (5.4%). New IS theories were proposed by 71 authors. When compared with previous studies, our results suggest an increase in the use of theory within IS. However, clear discrepancies were evident in terms of how researchers working in different subfields define theory. Results from citation analysis indicate that ES theory 15 not heavily cited outside the field, except by IS authors publishing in other literatures. Suggestions for further research are discussed.

        121.    Reyes Barragán, M. J. R., Guerrero Bote, V. P., Pulgarin Guerrero, A., and Zapico Alonso, F.,  "Revistas científicas: determinación de necesidades y usos".  Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2001, pp. 417-436.

Descriptores: Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de citas/Impacto/Extremadura/Redes neuronales

Resumen: Se analizan tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente las necesidades de información de la comunidad científica en las áreas de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Universidad de Extremadura a través de las citas a revistas. Para ello se lleva a cabo una búsqueda retrospectiva en la base de datos del Science Citation Index. Se consideran múltiples variables, como usos por departamento, factor de impacto, citas a revista, disponibilidad, localización, accesibilidad y cobertura. A estas variables le fueron aplicando una serie de indicadores (simples y complejos), recurriendo a modelos de asociacionismo múltiple ( y en concreto el algoritmo de Kohonen) para determinar el grado de solapamiento interdepartamental en el consumo real de la información

        122.    Robinson, M. D.,  "Applied bibliometrics: using citation analysis in the journal submission process.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1991, pp. 308-10.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Discusses the use of citation analysis as an effective tool for scholars to determine what journals would be appropriate for publication of their work. Calculating citation distance is explained, and a study with economics journals is described that computed citation distance between previously published articles and journals in the field.

        123.    Ronda Laín, C., Primo Peña, E., and Vázquez Valero, M.,  "Análisis de las referencias bibliográficas incluidas en los artículos de Zoología publicados en revistas españolas".  Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2005, pp. 334-348.

Descriptores: Referencias bibliográficas/Publicaciones periódicas/España/Análisis de citas/Biología

Resumen: Con objeto de identificar las publicaciones que influyen en la producción científica de los investigadores españoles del campo de la Biología Animal, se han estudiado las referencias incluidas en los artículos de zoología publicados en revistas españolas, determinando su tipología documental, la antigüedad de las citas, su origen geográfico y la materia general de las mismas, y se han obtenido clasificaciones por número de citas de las revistas y los libros citados. Los resultados muestran que las publicaciones periódicas constituyen más del 70% de los documentos citados, seguidas de los libros que superan el 23%. En las clasificaciones de revistas y monografías por número de citas, las publicadas en España ocupan el primer lugar.

        124.    Rostaing, H.,  "La Web et ses outils d'orientation: comment mieux appréheder l'information disponiblesur l'Internet par l'analyse des citations?".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2001, pp. 68-77.

Descriptores: Fuentes de información/Internet/Organización del conocimiento/Evaluación /Análisis de citas/Clasificación bibliográfica

Resumen: En el torbellino incesante y caótico que es Internet, hace urgente poner a disposición de los profesionales de la información herramientas y técnicas adaptadas. Internet se ha convertido en un lugar destacado de comunicación entre los investigadores, cientificos. El papel de mediación de estos profesionales nunca ha sido tan importante, esto se debe a las deficiencias actuales de los sistemas de investigación en internet. Este artículo presenta las herramientas actuaimente disponibles en la identificación y evaluación de las fuentes procedentes de internet. Después de haber discutido de las técnicas de discriminación y de cartogratía, aquí se expone un método de construcción de un mapa de orientación de laWeb mediante el analisis red de las citas.

        125.    Rousseau, R.,  "Observations Concerning The Two- And Three-Year Synchronous Impact Factor, Based On The Chinese Science Citation Database".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2001, pp. 349-357.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bases de datos/Science Citation Index/Impacto

Resumen:  Generally speaking, the three-year synchronous impact factor is larger than the two-year one. This follows from theoretical models derived from observations based on ISIÒs database. In this article we present an exception to this general rule, based on data from the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD). In 1998 42% of this databaseÒs source journals did not follow the expected trend. As a possible explanation we note that, contrary to intuition, in the CSCD the changes in the number of both publications and citations are largely independent. It is, however, not ruled out that the observed discrepancies are nothing but statistical fluctuations of the basic publication-citation model.

        126.    Rousseau, R. and Zuccala, A.,  "A classification of author co-citations: Definitions and search strategies ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2004, pp. 513-529.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Clasificación

Resumen: The term author co-citation is defined and classified according to four distinct forms: the pure first-author co-citation, the pure author co-citation, the general author co-citation, and the special co-author/co-citation. Each form can be used to obtain one count in an author co-citation study, based on a binary counting rule, which either recognizes the co-citedness of two authors in a given reference list (1) or does not (0). Most studies using author co-citations have relied solely on first-author co-citation counts as evidence of an author's oeuvre or body of work contributed to a research field. In this article, we argue that an author's contribution to a selected field of study should not be limited, but should be based on his/her complete list of publications, regardless of author ranking. We discuss the implications associated with using each co-citation form and show where simple first-author co-citations fit within our classification scheme. Examples are given to substantiate each author co-citation form defined in our classification, including a set of sample DialogTM searches using references extracted from the SciSearch database.

        127.    Schaffer, T.,  "Psychology Citations Revisited: Behavioral Research in the Age of Electronic Resources".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 30, No. 5, 2004, pp. 354-360.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas Universitarias/Bibliometría/Necesidades de información/Psicología/Análisis de citas

Resumen: This bibliometric study focused on the research needs of psychology faculty and quantified the availability throughout the library of articles cited recently by the faculty. More than social sciences faculty generally, psychology faculty report relying on the journal literature rather than on the monographic literature. Less than one- third of the articles cited were available online and 89% of these were found in Ebsco databases, Science Direct, JSTOR, or society publications with deep backfiles.

        128.    Seglen, P. O.,  "The skewness of science.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 43, No. 9, 1992, pp. 628-38.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas

Resumen: Examines the citation patterns for scientific journal articles and discusses reasons for the skewed distributions of article citedness. Topics discussed include the article age distribution; citations to articles from single journals; citedness of articles written by the same author; possible model distributions of citedness; and citedness as an evaluation method.

        129.    Sellitto, C.,  "The impact of impermanent Web-located citations: A study of 123 scholarly conference publications ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 7, 2005, pp. 695-703.

Descriptores: Impacto/Análisis de citas/Congresos /Webmetría

Resumen: In this article the results of research that examined the permanence of 1,068 Web-located citations in 123 academic conference articles published between 1995 and 2003 are reported. The study is one of the few but increasing number of investigations that examines the growing practice of authors citing URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) in their publications to support and argue their scholarly research. It was found that some 46% of all citations to Web-located sources could not be accessed - with the HTTP 404 (Page not found) message (61.5%) being the greatest cause of missing citations. Collectively, the missing citations accounted for 22.0% of all citations, which represents a significant reduction in the theoretical knowledge base underpinning many scholarly articles. It is argued that the consequences of disappearing Web-located citations has led to diminishing opportunities for future researchers to examination the underlaying foundations of discourse and argument in scholarly articles.

        130.    Shapiro, F. R.,  "Origins of bibliometrics, citation indexing, and citation analysis: the neglected legal literature.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 43, No. 5, 1992, pp. 337-39.

Descriptores: Indices de citas/Análisis de citas/Historia del libro/Bibliometría

Resumen: Reports on the history of bibliometrics, citation indexing, and citation analysis in the legal field. Private and commercial ventures dating back to the nineteenth century, the influence of legal bibliometrics on bibliometrics in other fields, and possibilities for future development of legal citation analysis are discussed.

        131.    Shin, E.-J.,  "Do Impact Factors change with a change of medium? A comparison of Impact Factors when publication is by paper and through parallel publishing ".  Journal of information science, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2003, pp. 527-533.

Descriptores: Impacto/Edición electrónica/Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: This paper reports the results of a bibliometric analysis of scholarly journals in the field of psychology. The Impact Factors of a sample of journals have been collected from Journal Citation Reports (JCR) provided by ISI. Changes in the Impact Factors were monitored annually over two periods, 1994-1995 and 2000-2001, the years before and after electronic journals appeared. The collected Impact Factors of scholarly journals from these two periods are compared in the available media. As a result, it is found that Impact Factors of 2000 and 2001 were significantly higher than those of 1994 and 1995 in the journals published by parallel publishing (combination journals-simultaneous publication of paper and electronic journals). In particular, the Impact Factors of the combination journals increased after the journals transformed their available media from paper journals to combination ones. By contrast, in the case of paper journals, there was no significant difference betweenthe Impact Factors of 1994 and 1995 and those of 2000 and 2001. Additionally, it is possible to infer from later analyses that the citation rate is not changed by the available media in the authoritative journals which have comparatively high Impact Factors. In journals with low Impact Factors, on the other hand, the available media influences the citation rate.

        132.    Siegler, S. and Simboli, B.,   "EndNote At Lehigh".  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No. 34, 2002.

Descriptores: EndNote/Análisis de citas/Bases de datos/Gestores de referencias bibliográficas

Resumen: We detail the experiences of librarians in implementing campus-wide use of EndNote, a citation management software package and describe a variety of approaches that librarians at other institutions may wish to employ. Librarian effort in promotion and support of EndNote is a rewarding way to enhance the library's presence on campus because of the close interaction with faculty and graduate students.

        133.    Sievert, M. and Haughawout, M.,  "An editor's influence on citation patterns: a case study of 'elementary school journal.'".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 40, No. 5, 1989, pp. 334-41.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Impacto/Editores

Resumen: Describes a study that examined the editorial goals of three editors of 'Elementary School Journal' and the citation patterns of the journal under each editor. Variables examined were number of citations received, number of citations given, immediacy index, and impact factor. It is concluded that editorial policy may have an impact on citation patterns.

        134.    Sievert, M. C.,  "Ten years of the literature of online searching: an analysis of 'online' and 'online review.'".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1990, pp. 560-68.

Descriptores: Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de citas

Resumen: The first 10 years of 2 journals on online searching are compared in terms of vital statistics, editorial policies, citation data, author affiliations, subject analysis of titles, circulation, impact factors, and immediacy using data from SSCI Journal Citation Reports

        135.    Small, H.,  "Paradigms, Citations, and Maps of Science: A Personal History  ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2003, pp. 394-399 .

Descriptores: Análisis de citas

Resumen: The opening article is Henry Small's personal account of the endeavor in probing scientific paradigms using science mapping. His article, entitled Paradigms, Citations and Maps of Science: A Personal History, provides a valuable introduction to the key issues involved in this area and reveals an overview of promising avenues as well as challenging routes. He identifies an emerging trend that reflects and redefines Kuhn's paradigms and emphasizes the empirical viability of research methodologies in understanding the growth of scientific knowledge. He suggests that revolutionary and normal science should be seen as extremes on a continuum of rates of change rather than, as Kuhn originally asserted, as an all-or-none proposition.

        136.    Smith, A. G.,  "Citations and links as a measure of effectiveness of online LIS journals".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Hiperenlaces/Medición/Efectividad/Publicaciones periódicas/Investigación/Documentación

Resumen: Alastair Smith teaches library and information management at Victoria University of Wellington. Prior to entering academia, he worked in database development at the National Library of New Zealand, as a special librarian and as a sci/tech reference librarian. His research interests are in the use of online learning and the evaluation of Internet information resources and Web search engines.

        137.    Smith, K. J.,  "Citation Mining Using the World Wide Web".  Transforming Traditional Libraries, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: World wide web/Internet/Análisis de citas/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Motores de búsqueda

Resumen: The immensity and labyrinthine nature of the World Wide Web can impede information location, but it can also increase the chances of finding desired material due to the rapidly multiplying mass of data available for searching. Utilizing the most comprehensive search engines to mine the Web for needed citations often can be a productive method of tracking down incomplete references for library clients when the library's standard tools prove inadequate. This article discusses a procedure for citation mining via the Web and provides examples of its practical application.

        138.    Sombatsompop, N. and Markpin, T.,  "Making an equality of ISI impact factors for different subject fields ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 7, 2005, pp. 676-683.

Descriptores: Impacto/Análisis de citas/Science citation index

Resumen: The journal impact factors, published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI; Philadelphia, PA), are widely known and are used to evaluate overall journal quality and the quality of the papers published therein. However, when making comparisons between subject fields, the work of individual scientists and their research institutions as reflected in their articles' ISI impact factors can become meaningless. This inequality will remain as long as ISI impact factors are employed as an instrument to assess the quality of international research. Here we propose a new mathematical index entitled Impact Factor Point Average (IFPA) for assessment of the quality of individual research work in different subject fields. The index is established based on a normalization of differences in impact factors, rankings, and number of journal titles in different subject fields. The proposed index is simple and enables the ISI impact factors to be used with equality, especially when evaluating the quality of research work in different subject fields.

        139.    Szava-Kovats, E.,  "Indirect-Collective Referencing (ICR) in the Elite Journal Literature of Physics. II. A Literature Study on the Level of Communications ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2002, pp. 47-56.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Física /Bibliometría

Resumen: The use of the phrase ``and the references therein'' within citations both in footnotes and in bibliographies, has become common in the Physics literature with such Indirect-Collective Referencing (ICR) occurring in 17% of a recent sample. Here, Szava-Kovats examines the 458 papers in the 2,662-paper sample which exhibited ICR. The contributions of the regular and letter journals were treated separately as were short communications. For each paper the number of references, the number of references per page, and the number of works cited with ICR, were noted. All three characteristics vary widely over the population. There is only a medium positive correlation between absolute reference use and the intensity of ICR use in the full population and this weakens when letters alone are considered. The papers from the normal journal portion of the population determine the correlation in the total population and the degree to which papers are documented does not correlate with the intensity of ICR. These variables are independent although both depend upon the subjective decisions of the referencing author.

        140.    Szava Kovats, E.,  "Non-Indexed Indirect-Collective Citedness (NIICC).".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 5, 1998 , pp. 477-81.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Publicaciones periódicas/Física/Publicaciones periódicas/Fuentes de información/Metodología/Investigadores

Resumen:  In addition to 'formal' reference citations in scientific journals, articles also contain further references. The main findings of an examination of non-indexed indirect-collective citedness (NIICC) are presented; two representative, elite physics journals were examined. Further research is needed to reveal the life course and nature of the ICC phenomenon in physics journals

        141.    Száva-Kováts, E.,  "Indirect-collective referencing (ICR) in the elite journal literature of physics. I. A literature science study on the journal level".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2001, pp. 201-211 .

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Física /Análisis de citas/Documentos electrónicos/Publicaciones periódicas/Science Citation Index/Investigación

Resumen: In the author's previous article (JASIS, 50, [1999], 1284-1294) it was shown that the quantity of nonindexed indirect-collective references in the representative elite general physics journal, The Physical Review, now alone exceeds many times over the quantity of references taken into account by the ISI as citations and listed in the Science Citation Index. The present article reports the findings of a new ICR investigation carried out in a representative sample of the elite journal literature of physics: in the January 1997 issue of 44 source journals covering the domain of physics, i.e., in 2,662 scientific communications of 38 normal and 6 letter journals. The methods of the investigation were most rigorous, and consequently, only the indisputable minimum of the literature phenomenon examined was revealed. It is demonstrated that the ICR phenomenon is present in all source journals processed of bibliometrically very heterogeneous nature, in both the normal and  the letter journals. The frequency of the generally occurring ICR phenomenon is very high: it is found in 17.2% of the sample. There is very little scattering in the rate of frequency: it is 17.0% in the group of normal journals and 17.9% in the letter journals. The bibliometrically very heterogeneous representative sample is very homogeneous regarding the presence and frequency of the ICR phenomenon. On the basis of these facts it can be stated that the quantity of nonindexed indirect-collective references in the elite physics journal literature now alone exceeds many times over the quantity of references listed in the Science Citation Index. The meaning of this fact and its logical consequences must be taken into  consideration in the evaluation of results of sciento- and other -metrics studies based only on the reference stock of the Citation Indexes.

        142.    Testa, J.,  "La base de datos del ISI y su proceso de selección de revistas".  ACIMED, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Publicaciones periódicas/Selección/Adquisiciones/Science Citation Index/Análisis de citas

Resumen: Se describe el proceso de selección de revistas científicas, adoptado por el Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) para incorporar publicaciones en su base de datos. Se discuten criterios tales como periodicidad, contenido editorial, internacionalidad y análisis de citas.

        143.    Thanasankit, T. and Corbitt, B.,  "Cultural Context and its Impact on Requirements Elicitation in Thailand".  The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries , Vol. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Internet/Asia/Tailandia

Resumen: This paper reports one part of an ethnographic study of how software analysts in Thai software houses undertake the requirements engineering process. In this paper the impact of Thai culture on the elicitation of requirements in information systems developed will be reported. The important role of requirements for software and systems development can be traced to the early study of software engineering. Software developers realised that errors during the requirements phase caused high cost in fixing systems and often led to rejection of systems (Laudon and Laudon 1995). This paper compares the nature of elicitation of requirements by systems analysts in Thailand with standard descriptions of elicitation in requirements engineering research. Detailed descriptions of elicitation processes and an evaluation of text are used to suggest that elicitation in Thailand is affected by different use of analytical and elicitation tools, different adaptation of those tools to the elicitation process, an inability to gain full access to all users where requirements can be identified, increased time needed to uncover requirements and an inability to develop requirements specification. This has important implications for Software Houses using western consultants or organisations employing consultants not familiar with Thai Culture. Understanding the nature of the impact of Thai culture on Requirements engineering processes should ensure that project failure due to poor understanding of requirements for systems would be lessened.

        144.    Tijssen, R. J. W. and Raan, A. F. J. v.,  "Net citation balances: a measure of influence between scientific journals.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1990, pp. 298-304.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Frecuencia/Probabilidades

Resumen: Applies a probabilistic model to a contingency table with cross-citation frequency counts between scientific journals. The differences between model-based expected citation frequencies and observed frequencies (net citation balances) are used to derive an interjournal influence score. This measure of overall influence is compared with two other citation-based discipline-oriented methods for ranking journals.

        145.    Urbano, C.,  "El análisis de citas en trabajos de investigadores como método para el estudio del uso de información en bibliotecas".  Anales de Documentación, Vol. 4, 2001, pp. 243-266.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bibliotecas de investigación/Estudio de usuarios/Investigadores 

Resumen: Revisión bibliográfica sobre el análisis de citas como método para el estudio del uso y las necesidades de información por parte de los investigadores como usuarios de bibliotecas. Una vez comparados los estudios locales basados en las publicaciones de los usuarios potenciales de una biblioteca con los estudios de análisis de citas basados en la bibliografía circulante a nivel internacional o nacional, se analizan las diferentes fuentes a partir de las cuales se pueden extraer y estudiar las referencias bibliográficas citadas por los autores estudiados a nivel local. Como un método indirecto para los estudios de usuarios y de uso de información, el análisis de citas es un método eficiente que no interfiere el comportamiento del colectivo estudiado, y que permite obtener un nivel de detalle en la información obtenida difícilmente comparable con el que se consigue por otros métodos.

        146.    Urbano, C.,  "Tipología documental citada en tesis doctorales de informática: bases empíricas para la gestión equilibrada de colecciones".  BiD : Biblioteconomía y Documentació, No. 5, 2000.

Descriptores: Tesis doctorales/Análisis de citas/Informática/Bibliometría

Resumen: A partir del análisis de citas bibliográficas presentes en las tesis doctorales de informática de la Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC), leídas entre 1996-1998, se determina el uso de información según la tipología y el soporte documental. Los datos obtenidos son consistentes con las características apuntadas en la bibliografía sobre los investigadores del área de ciencias de la computación: una elevada obsolescencia de la bibliografía profesional, el control de la bibliografía mediante las citas en las lecturas efectuadas, la prioridad por las fuentes más próximas y accesibles, la consulta de buscadores de recursos web, la visita a sitios web de investigadores e instituciones de solvencia en su terreno, y el contacto con los colegas mediante la comunicación electrónica. Todo ello configura un uso por categorías documentales que prima los congresos y la literatura gris en mayor medida que otras áreas científico-técnicas.

        147.    Urbano Salido, C.,  "Análisis de citas en publicaciones de usuarios de bibliotecas universitarias, El. Estudio de las tesis doctorales en informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, 1996-1998. ".  Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, 2000.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Análisis de citas/Informática/Tesis doctorales

Resumen: Los estudios sobre el uso de la información y sobre el comportamiento de los usuarios en la búsqueda de la misma ofrecen un conjunto de indicadores que son de un gran valor en la evaluación bibliotecaria. Si bien los estudios de usuarios han adquirido una importancia creciente en la evaluación bibliotecaria en España, son pocos los proyectos y estudios que han tratado los medios bibliométricos aplicados a los trabajos y publicaciones generadas por los usuarios de bibliotecas.

        148.    Van den Besselaar, P.,  "Empirical Evidence of Self-organization?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2003, pp. 87-90.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Finally, Van den Besselaar comments on Leydesdorff and Heimeriks' JASIST article that found a relationship between words in titles and the region of origin of documents by discriminant analysis using title word sets to predict the region of production in 78% of the cases in a Biotechnology literature. Van den Besselaar repeats the method with an information science and a science and technology literature finding an even higher percentage of correct classification. He then points out that the data used do not meet the conditions for discriminant analysis in that the independent variables are nominal rather than on an interval scale, which has the effect, because of the near uniqueness of the words, of making it trivial to find a relationship with any classification. Indeed, random groupings of the Biotechnology documents can equally well be predicted. Testing random splits of the database yields strong prediction for the first half, but less than the a priori probabilities on the second half, implying every test results in a different model and the relation of region to word use needs to be rejected.

        149.    Vaughan, L. and Shaw, D.,  "Web citation data for impact assessment: A comparison of four science disciplines ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 10, 2005, pp. 1075-1087.

Descriptores: Webmetría/Análisis de citas/Análisis comparativos

Resumen: The number and type of Web citations to journal articles in four areas of science are examined: biology, genetics, medicine, and multidisciplinary sciences. For a sample of 5,972 articles published in 114 journals, the median Web citation counts per journal article range from 6.2 in medicine to 10.4 in genetics. About 30% of Web citations in each area indicate intellectual impact (citations from articles or class readings, in contrast to citations from bibliographic services or the author's or journal's home page). Journals receiving more Web citations also have higher percentages of citations indicating intellectual impact. There is significant correlation between the number of citations reported in the databases from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, now Thomson Scientific) and the number of citations retrieved using the Google search engine (Web citations). The correlation is much weaker for journals published outside the United Kingdom or United States and for multidisciplinary journals. Web citation numbers are higher than ISI citation counts, suggesting that Web searches might be conducted for an earlier or a more fine-grained assessment of an article's impact. The Web-evident impact of non-UK/USA publications might provide a balance to the geographic or cultural biases observed in ISI's data, although the stability of Web citation counts is debatable.

        150.    Wagner Dobler, R.,  "Science-Technology Coupling: The Case of Mathematical Logic and Computer Science.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 2, 1997, pp. 171-83.

Descriptores: Informática/Transferencia de la información/Matemáticas/Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Tecnologías de la información/Publicaciones periódicas

Resumen: In the history of science, there have often been periods of sudden rapprochements between pure science and technology-oriented branches of science. Mathematical logic as pure science and computer science as technology-oriented science have experienced such a rapprochement, which is studied in this article in a bibliometric manner.

        151.    Walker, T. D.,  "'Journal of Documentary Reproduction', 1938-1942: Domain as Reflected in Characteristics of Authorship and Citation.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 4, 1997, pp. 361-68.

Descriptores: Documentación/Reprografía/Publicaciones periódicas/Análisis de citas/Autoría/Microformas

Resumen: Places the 'Journal of Documentary Reproduction', published by the American Library Association, in an historical context and defines its domain in terms of the characteristics of its contributors. Authorship characteristics include occupation, institutional affiliation, geographic distribution, and gender.

        152.    Warner, A. J.,  "Quantitative and qualitative assessments of the impact of linguistic theory on information science.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1991, pp. 64-71.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Documentación/Lingüística/Impacto/Investigación

Resumen: Describes a citation analysis that was performed to explore the extent and nature of the contributions of linguistic theory to information science research from 1950 to 1984. Quantitative and qualitative assessments are discussed, hypotheses tested are described, and recent developments in linguistic theory are addressed.

        153.    Warner, J.,  "A critical review of the application of citation studies tu tile Research Assessment Exercises".  Journal of information science, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2000, pp. 453-460.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Investigación

Resumen: The Research Assessment Exercises (RAE) conducted in the UK have attracted various types of published response. Those include citation analyses aund a review of the public reception of the RAE 1995, which included a brief critique of the citation studies. This paper develops the critique. Largely unexplored issues in the theory or assumptions of bibliometrics, e.g. the level of citation which corresponds to a quanturn of research quality, are found to emerge in the studios.

        154.    Warner, J.,  "Modelling the diffusion of specialised knowledge  ".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 55, No. 1-2, 2003, pp. 75-83.

Descriptores: Difusión de la información/Modelos organizativos/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Gestión del conocimiento

Resumen: This paper reviews developments from a study of the reception of the Research Assessment Exercise 1996. Research evaluation, including the value of citation analysis and the responsibilities attaching to publication of citation analyses, is considered. The distinctions made in the communication model for analysing reception, between dissemination and diffusion and between esoteric and exoteric media and communities, are developed further. Information transfer is represented as an explicable process. Possible further developments, including the appropriate relation to disciplines with related interests in the social communication of knowledge, are anticipated.

        155.    Waugh, C. K. and Ruppel, M.,   "Citation Analysis of Dissertation, Thesis, and Research Paper References in Workforce Education and Development".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2004, pp. 276-284.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas Universitarias/Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Tesis doctorales

Resumen: Citation analysis of 265 Workforce Education and Development (WED) dissertations, theses, and graduate research papers at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC) was used to (1) determine core serials in the discipline, (2) provide Morris Library with a guide to serials acquisition and maintenance in the discipline, and (3) provide future WED students with a core list of WED journals. This study has applicability as a specific instance of applied citation analysis as well as for academic librarians faced with acquiring and maintaining serials in WED.

        156.    White, H. D.,  "Author Cocitation Analysis and Pearson's r".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 13, 2003, pp. 1250-1260.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas

Resumen: White responds to a previously published criticism of the use of Pearson's r as similarity measure in author co-citation analysis which suggested that r over responds to dissimilarity when a second group of authors with minimal co-citation to an initial group is combined with that group. Cosine and chi square were suggested as replacements. The criticism appears to focus on the simultaneous study of disjoint literatures, which seems an unlikely circumstance. Large blocks of cells with zero co-citation will destabilize Pearson's r but such have not appeared in actual data and are likely only do so when author-pairs are chosen for lack of co-citation or a less than cohesive set of authors has been chosen rather than a literature. Using the disjoint data with Pearson's r, the cosine measure and chi square, multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering routines yield maps that are all very similar.

        157.    White, H. D.,  "Citation Analysis and Discourse Analysis Revisited  ".  Applied Linguistics, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2004, pp. 89-116.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Análisis del discurso

Resumen: John Swales's 1986 article 'Citation analysis and discourse analysis' was written by a discourse analyst to introduce citation research from other fields, mainly sociology of science, to his own discipline. Here, I introduce applied linguists and discourse analysts to citation studies from information science, a complementary tradition not emphasized by Swales. Using replicable biblio-metric techniques, I show that interdisciplinary ties have grown among citation researchers from discourse analysis, sociology of science, and information science in the years since Swales wrote. Key authors, journals, articles, and books are presented in tables based on cocitation data from the Institute for Scientific Information. While theoretical integration of the different strands of research is far from complete, this article carries the effort forward by reviewing contributions from the 1970s to the present in three major lines of research: citation classification, content analysis of citation contexts, and studies of citer motivations. I pay particular attention to ideas that bear on teaching the art of citing--for example, in courses in English for research purposes--and to controversies in citation research of interest to discourse analysts.

        158.    White, H. D.,  "Pathfinder Networks and Author Cocitation Analysis: A Remapping of Paradigmatic Information Scientists".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 5, 2003, pp. 423-434.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas

Resumen: Howard White's article, entitled Pathfinder Networks and Author Cocitation Analysis: A Remapping of Paradigmatic Information Scientists, clarifies an important methodological issue, whereas Chen and Kuljis focus on a general framework for visualizing scientific paradigms in their article. 

        159.    White, H. D. and McCain, K. W.,  "Visualizing a Discipline: An Author Co-Citation Analysis of Information Science, 1972-1995.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 4, 1998, pp. 327-55.

Descriptores: Autores-/Análisis de citas/Análisis de citas/Clasificación bibliográfica/Historia de las bibliotecas/Documentación/Fuentes de información/Publicaciones periódicas

Resumen: Presents an extensive domain analysis of information science in terms of its authors. Names of those most frequently cited in 12 key journals from 1972 through 1995 were retrieved from Social Scisearch via DIALOG. The top 120 were submitted to author co-citation analyses, yielding automatic classifications relevant to histories of the field. Fourteen tables and figures show results.

        160.    Wikgren, M.,  "Health discussions on the Internet : A study of knowledge communication through citations ".  Library & information science research, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2001, pp. 305-318.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Internet/Comunicación científica/Medicina/Ciencias de la salud

Resumen: The Internet is a convenient but complex source for health information used by an increasing number of health consumers. Especially for people suffering from a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes), information seeking forms a part of the daily management of the disease, a 'project of life.' This study of Web texts examines the citation patterns for a specific and controversial health issue: the beneficial or hazardous use of dietary chromium supplementation in diabetes self-management. Texts from different categories of Web sources (scientific, professional, educational, and commercial sources, as well as diabetes discussion groups) were analyzed in order to study how knowledge is transferred between sources, and how diabetics participating in discussion groups refer to and make sense of the information from different sources on the Internet. The citation patterns suggest that deviations from the traditional models of scientific knowledge dissemination can occur in the Internet environment.

        161.    Williams, J. F. I. and Winstonb, M. D.,  "Leadership competencies and the importance of research methods and statistical analysis in decision making and research and publication: A study of citation patterns ".  Library & information science research, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2003, pp. 387-402 .

Descriptores: Documentación/Metodología/Toma de decisiones/Estadística/Liderazgo/Bibliotecas universitarias/Investigación/Gestión de la colección/Análisis de citas

Resumen: The roles of academic librarians and administrators include the use of statistical analysis and general analytical abilities in their decision-making processes, as well as in their roles as researchers, in developing research collections, and in providing instruction and reference assistance for students and other researchers. The research presented in this article addresses the original research published in frequently cited library and information science (LIS) journals to consider the extent to which academic librarians and administrators conduct and publish original research and to evaluate the range of research methodologies used and the level of collaboration among academic librarians, LIS faculty members, and others. The research results extend the prior self-report research in this area and indicate that academic librarians, administrators, and LIS faculty are authors of most of the published research in highly ranked journals. The level of collaboration among those in different types of roles is limited, however. In addition, most of the research articles have been authored or coauthored by those in research university libraries.

        162.    Yannakoudakis, E. J.,  "Matching of citations between non-standardized databases.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1990, pp. 599-610.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Análisis de citas/Recuperación de la información/Eficiencia/Efectividad

Resumen: Presents an approach to automatic matching and linkage of citations between databases which applied 14 coding techniques and measured their effectiveness in terms of efficiency of retrieval of duplicates with minimal false hits, reliability, and performance.

        163.    Yaru, D.,  "Structural Modeling of Network Systems in Citation Analysis.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 10, 1997, pp. 953-58.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Redes de ordenadores/Diseño/Cooperación/Modelos organizativos/Investigación/Investigadores

Resumen: Describes construction of citation network systems and some subsystems (time sequence network, cocitation network, couple network). Establishes structural modeling of these systems by means of system engineering. Explains and analyzes citation network systems. Includes graphs and charts.

        164.    Yerkey, N. and Glogowski, M.,  "Scatter of library and information science topics among bibliographic databases.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1990, pp. 245-53.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Análisis de citas/Documentación/Clusters

Resumen: Describes research which examined whether there are clusters of non-library and information science (LIS) databases that contain citations of interest to LIS researchers, the conceptual relationships of those databases, and approaches to gathering data that might be used to develop search paths and database selection guides on particular LIS topics.

        165.    Yulan He  and Siu Cheung Hui,  "Mining a Web Citation Database for author co-citation analysis ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2001, pp. 491-508.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Análisis de citas/World wide web/Recuperación de la información/Inteligencia artificial/Bases de datos

Resumen: Author co-citation analysis (ACA) has been widely used in bibliometrics as an analytical method in analyzing the intellectual structure of science studies. It can be used to identify authors from the same or similar research fields. However, such analysis method relies heavily on statistical tools to perform the analysis and requires human interpretation. Web Citation Database is a data warehouse used for storing citation indices of Web publications. In this paper, we propose a mining process to automate the ACA based on the Web Citation Database. The mining process uses agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) as the mining technique for author clustering and multidimensional scaling (MDS) for displaying author cluster maps. The clustering results and author cluster map have been incorporated into a citation-based retrieval system known as PubSearch to support author retrieval of Web publications.

        166.    Zitt, M., Perrot, F., and Barre, R.,  "The Transition from 'National' to 'Transnational' Model and Related Measures of Countries' Performance.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 1, 1998, pp. 30-42 .

Descriptores: Inglés/Comunicación/Telecomunicaciones/Publicidad/Industria/Publicaciones periódicas/Documentación/Análisis de citas/Análisis de citas/Comunicaciones/Modelos organizativos

Resumen: The transition to a transnational model in which the English-language and Anglo-Saxon publishers dominate scientific publications and communication is examined for 1981-92. This study analyzed the Science Citation Index database and found that numbers of publications and citations followed the expected trend, while changes in impact have been influenced by non-transitional factors.

        167.    Zuccala, A.,  "Author Cocitation Analysis Is to Intellectual Structure as Web Colink Analysis Is to ... ?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 11, 2006, pp. 1487-1502.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA) and Web Colink Analysis (WCA) are examined as sister techniques in the related fields of bibliometrics and webometrics. Comparisons are made between the two techniques based on their data retrieval, mapping, and interpretation procedures, using mathematics as the subject in focus. An ACA is carried out and interpreted for a group of participants (authors) involved in an Isaac Newton Institute (2000) workshop-Singularity Theory and Its Applications to Wave Propagation Theory and Dynamical Systems-and compared/contrasted with a WCA for a list of international mathematics research institute home pages on the Web. Although the practice of ACA may be used to inform a WCA, the two techniques do not share many elements in common. The most important departure between ACA and WCA exists at the interpretive stage when ACA maps become meaningful in light of citation theory, and WCA maps require interpretation based on hyperlink theory. Much of the research concerning link theory and motivations for linking is still new; therefore further studies based on colinking are needed, mainly map-based studies, to understand what makes a Web colink structure meaningful.

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