17-18th Century Prints


                Very significant as well are the holdings from the 17th and 18th centuries. The 17th century collection gathers few but important literary works, shown at the recent Spanish theater exposition. One these works is the only copy in Spain of the ¨Segunda parte de las comedias¨ of Calderon (Madrid, 1637). There is however, a large group of works from this century regarding subjects such as Law, Theology, Geography, Mathematics or Medicine.


The Library treasures books produced by the most determinant Spanish printers from the 18th century, such as Ibarra, Sancha and Monfort. There is also an exceptional collection of foreign scientific and medical works.         



Constitutiones insignis Collegii Sancti Ildephonsi
Constitutiones insignis Collegii Sancti Ildephonsi. Compluti: Ioannes de Villodas et Orduña, 1627. [BH DER 16371]


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