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A dictionary of the Spanish and English and English and Spanish languages […]

Elwes, Alfred

Londres: John Weale,  1854


A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Language [...]

Seoane, Mateo

Londres: Longmann, Rees, and Co., et. al.,  1854


11ª ed. T. I, español-inglés.

A Dictionary of the Spanish and English Language […]

Seoane, Mateo

Londres: Longmann, et. Al.,  1862


T. I, español-inglés.

A dictionary of the Spanish and English languages [...]

Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano

Nueva York-Londres: D. Appleton and Company,  1883


A dictionary of the Spanish and English languages [...]

Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano

Nueva York-Cincinnati: D. Appleton and Company,  1858


A dictionary of the Spanish and English languages [...]

Velázquez de la Cadena, Mariano

Nueva York-Cincinnati: D. Appleton and Company-Rickey, Mallory & Company,  1865


A Dictionary Spanish and English, and English and Spanish […]

Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio

Londres: F. Wingrave et al.,  1794


Contiene las dos partes.

A Dictionary Spanish and English, and English and Spanish […]

Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio

Londres: F. Wingrave et al.,  1800


Contiene las dos partes.

A Dictionary Spanish and English, and English and Spanish […]

Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio

Londres: F. Wingrave et al.,  1809


T. I, español-inglés.

A Dictionary Spanish and English, and English and Spanish […]

Baretti, Giuseppe Marco Antonio

Londres: F. Wingrave et al.,  1807


T. I, español-inglés.

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