Jueves, 02 de Enero de 2025

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: NILS mobility project



 Inherent and apparent traits in microbial nutrient uptake

Dag L. Aksnes, Francisco J. Cao

Marine Ecology Progress Series 440, 41-51 (2011). 


 Graphical representation of covariant-contravariant modal formulas

Luca Aceto, Ignacio Fabregas, David de Frutos Escrig, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Miguel Palomino

EXPRESS 2011, the 18th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2011.


 Modelling and Simulation of Real-Time Systems using Timed Rebeca

Luca Aceto, Matteo Cimini, Anna Ingolfsdottir, Arni Hermann Reynisson, Steinar Hugi Sigurdarson and Marjan Sirjani

FOCLASA 2011, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2011.


  Axiomatizing GSOS with Predicates

Luca Aceto, Georgiana Caltais, Eugen-Ioan Goriac and Anna Ingolfsdottir

SOS 2011, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 2011.


 A new 200 Ma paleomagnetic pole for Africa, and paleo-secular variation scatter from Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) intrusives in Morocco (Ighrem and Foum Zguid dykes)

V. C. Ruiz Martínez, T.H. Torsvik and D.J.J. van Hinsbergen

Geophysical Journal International


♦ Grid Connection Improvements by Control Strategy Selection for Wave Energy Converters

M. Santos, E. Tedeschi, P. Ricci, M. Molinas and J. L. Martin

Presented at the "International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ11)". 2011, Apr 13-15


♦ Constrained codes for passive RFID communication

Angela Isabel Barbero, Eirik Rosnes, Guang Yang and Øyvind Ytrehus

Electronic publication. Site IEEExplore. 2011 Feb 01


♦ The balance of weak and strong interactions in genetic networks

Juan Fernando Poyatos Adeva 

Electronic publication. PLoS One. 2011 Feb 10

On the Representability of Line Graphs

Sergey Kitaev, Pavel Salimov, Christopher Severs and Henning Ulfarsson

Electronic publication

♦ Word-Representability of Line Graphs

Sergey Kitaev, Pavel Salimov, Christopher Severs and Henning Ulfarsson

Open Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 2011, 1, 96-101

Patterns in Permutations and Words

Sergey Kitaev

Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series 


Rate of convergence in cooperative games in COPE-encoded wireless networks

Angela Isabel Barbero and Øyvind Ytrehus

AIP Conference Proceedings. American Institute of Physics. Greece 2010


♦ Queuing aspects of packet coding based bidirectional communication over satellite channels

Angela Isabel Barbero and Øyvind Ytrehus

Proceedings ASMS/SPSC 2010. Editors: Corazza, Scalise, Vanelli-Coralli


El pensamiento Museológico Contemporáneo en los países de lengua portuguesa y española

Isabel García

ICOFOM (Comité para la Museología del Consejo Internacional de Museos), II Seminario de Investigación Museológica


♦ The artist’s training in Madrid and Oslo

Noelia Antúnez del Cerro

KROMA - journal of the Painting department of Fine Arts School at UCM


♦ Rothschild Political Lessons

Irene García-Inés

Glemmeboka Press


♦ Ground Temperature and Periglacial Processes in a Tropical Stratovolcano: Iztaccíhuatl (Mexico)

Andrés N., Palacios D., Zamorano, J.J. and Vázquez-Selém, L.

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes


♦ Ground temperature and periglacial activity distribution on Chachani volcano, Southern Peru

Andrés, N; Palacios, D; Úbeda J and Alcalá, J.

Geografiska Annaler


♦ Distribución del permafrost e intensidad de los procesos periglaciares en el estratovolcán Iztaccíhuatl (México)

Andrés N., Palacios D., Zamorano, J.J. and Vázquez-Selém, L 



♦ Relación entre las anomalías geotérmicas y la ausencia de formas glaciares y periglaciares en el volcán el Misti (sur de Perú)

Andrés, N.; Palacios, D.; Úbeda and J & Alcalá, J

Boletín de la AGE


Glacial evolution of the Ampato Volcanic Complex (Southern Peru) from Late Pleistocene to the Present

Alcalá, J; Palacios, D; Zamorano and J.J & Vázquez, L.

Cuaternario y Geomorfología


♦ Equational Characterization of Covariant-Contravariant Simulation and Conformance Simulation Semantics

David de Frutos

Structural Operational Semantics, SOS 2010 CoRR abs(1008,2108, 2010)


♦ Parameter learning in MTE networks using incomplete data

Antonio Fernández, Helge Langseth, Thomas Dyhre Nielsen, and Antonio Salmerón

The Fifth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, pages 137–145, 2010. HIIT Publications 2010-2, ISBN 978- 952-60-3314-3.


♦ Motivic twisted k-theory

Ostvaer, Paul Arne and Markus Spitzweck


Relating modal refinements, covariant-contravariant simulations and partial bisimulations

Luca Aceto, Ignacio Fábregas, David de Frutos Escrig, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Miguel Palomino

Conference: FSEN 2011. - Journal: Lecture Notes in Computer Science


On irregular binomial D-modules

María Cruz Fernández Fernández and Francisco Jesús Castro Jiménez

First version of the paper is arXiv:0906.3478v1 [math.AG]. A final version with more results will appear in arxiv on Thursday 30th of December 2010.

Electronic Publication

Abstracts on financial modeling

Méndez Rodríguez, María de la Paz

Sent to the 47th Meeting of the EURO Working group on financial modelling


♦ THOR: A Transparent Heterogeneous Open Resource framework

Vázquez Poletti, José Luis

IEEE Computer Society Press (DOI: 10.1109/CLUSTERWKSP.2010.5613099).


♦ A Model for Efficient Onboard Actualization of an Instrumental Cyclogram for the Mars MetNet Mission on a Public Cloud Infrastructure

Vázquez Poletti, José Luis

To appear in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)


 Proving the validity of equations in GSOS languages using rule-matching bisimilarity

Luca Aceto, Matteo Cimini and Anna Ingolfsdottir

 IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN'11). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2011


 Resource bisimilarity and graded bisimilarity coincide

Luca Aceto, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Joshua Sack

Information Processing Letters 111(2):68--76, Elsevier, 31 December 2010


 Decompositional reasoning about the history of parallel processes

Luca Aceto, Arnar Birgisson, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Mohammad Reza Mousavi 

 IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN'11). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2011


♦ Complete and ready simulation semantics are not finitely based over BCCSP, even with a singleton alphabet

Luca Aceto, David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodriguez and Anna Ingolfsdottir

Information Processing Letters, Elsevier


 Rule Formats for Distributivity 

Luca Aceto, Matteo Cimini, Anna Ingolfsdottir, MohammadReza Mousavi and Michel Reniers

LATA 2011, Fifth International Conference on Languages and Automata Theory and Applications, 26-31 May 2011, Tarragona, Spain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2011


 The Algorithmics of Bisimilarity

Luca Aceto, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Jiri Srba

Advanced Topics on Bisimulation and Coinduction, edited by Jan Rutten and Davide Sangiorgi, to be published by Cambridge University Press


 Sigma Algebras in Probabilistic Epistemic Dynamics

Luca Aceto, Anna Ingolfsdottir and Joshua Sack

Proceedings of TARK 2011, ACM, 2011


 Axiomatizing Weak Simulation Semantics over BCCSP

Luca Aceto, David de Frutos Escrig, Carlos Gregorio Rodriguez and Anna Ingolfsdotti

Proceedings of ICTAC 2011, the 8th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, 2011.


 Palaeomagnetic and AMS Study of the Tarfaya Coastal Basin (Morocco): a new Cenomanian/Turonian Paleopole for the African Plate

V.C. Ruiz-Martínez, A. Palencia-Ortas , J.J Villalaín, G. Mcintosh and F. Martín Hernández

Geological Society of London” ‘Out of Africa: a synopsis of 3.8 Ga of Earth History’ 



NILS mobility project
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas - Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar
Tel. +34913944385