Miercoles, 25 de Septiembre de 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: NILS mobility project



Spain faces the challenge of making evolve its economic growth model, based in the last decades on low added value activities, to a more competitive, knowledge based economy. In this context, the improvement of the human capital and the increase of investment in research and development activities are key goals to be pursued. For achieving them, Spain needs to develop the ESHE, to increase success rates in higher eduation, and to improve the attractiveness and the mobility of our researchers and our research centres, among other. NILS mobility project will contribute to these aims.

Funded by EEA-EFTA Grants and some Spanish universities and research centers, the project will promote the exchange of degree students by means of additional funding to Erasmus grantees allowing them to face high level of life cost in EEA - EFTA countries. It will also fund exchange of high level scientists and artists between Spain on one side and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein on the other, in the fields of Mathematics and connected disciplines, and Fine Arts.



The purpose of the project is an increased mobility of students and researchers between Spain on the one side and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein on the other, as well as improved quantity and quality of research activities in mathematics and fine arts in collaboration between Spanish universities and universities from these three countries.

The project may contribute to strengthen relations between the EEA-EFTA States and Spain, as Erasmus granted students will follow degree studies in universities from donor countries. It will also contribute to the development and strengthening of the European Higher Education Space, by enhancing mutual recognition of learning quality by involved centres. Research programs will give rise to further and long term bilateral collaboration in the selected topics. At the same time, although researchers may be nationals from any country, their professional work will be undertaken in involved countries and in the frame of research centres, strengthening their mutual relations.





NILS mobility project
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas - Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar
Tel. +34913944385