Sabado, 27 de Julio de 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: Modality in English 4

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Theme sessions

There will be three theme sessions at the Conference:

(i) The Modality of Intersubjectivity. This theme session focuses on the identification of the linguistic and non-linguistic (multimodal) overt and covert strategies exploited by the speaker/writer to convey their point, to involve the addressee(s) and, finally, to lead them to share such point. Papers for this theme session are welcome. Convenor: Prof. Roberta Facchinetti, Università degli Studi di Verona.

(ii) Modality in English and Spanish: functional and corpus-based perspectives. This theme session will focus on a number of functional and corpus-based aspects of the contrastive study of modality in English and Spanish as a topic of theoretical and applied relevance in a number of research contexts. Modality will be considered as the expression of a number of semantic categories clustered around the notions of speaker’s commitment and non-factuality. Special emphasis will be given to the relationship between modality and evaluative language. Convenor: Prof. Julia Lavid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

(iii) Evidentiality and Modality: Cross-linguistic perspectives. This theme session will focus on corpus-based contrastive studies of evidential and modal markers, on the overlap of the domains of evidentiality and modality, and the interplay of semantic meanings with pragmatic and discourse factors. Papers for this theme session are welcome. Convenors: Profs. Juana Marín and Marta Carretero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Modality in English 4
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
