Miercoles, 17 de Julio de 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: NILS Science and Sustainability




Researchers mobility is aimed at developing and deepening scientific and academic cooperation among researchers and institutions in Spain on the one hand, and in Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein on the other hand, in experimental fields related to Sustainability.


Two mobility modalities are promoted within NILS Science and Sustainability:


Abel - Individual Mobility of Researchers


Abel - Coordinated Mobility of Researchers


Besides, Preparatory Visits may be funded by the programme, in order to explore joint research opportunities and to prepare proposals to be submitted to the mobility calls:


Preparatory Visits  
 Supported activities must:
  • focus on strategic issues under the frame of "Science and Sustainability"; priority shall be given to research dealing with problems related to, for example, climatic change and its impact on socioeconomic changes, migration flows, natural resources (including renewable energies and sustainability), health (public and individual), population ageing, social dynamics (social change, social phase transitions, resources distribution,...), or methodologies (modeling, simulation, validation,...).
  • funded research should have either a multidisciplinary approach, either a clear mathematical approach. Scientific and / or technological content should be clear.




NILS Science and Sustainability
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales e Institucionales
Tel. 913943696