Studies commenced abroad-Partial validation - Convalidación parcial

General Information:
Students who have already started or completed an undergraduate Degree abroad can apply for admission to continue and finish their studies at the UCM.
GRADES ADMISSION PROCESSES 2024/2025 (Information on admissions for the 2025/2026 academic year is pending publication)

Deadlines: 15th April to 14th May 2024 (*)

(*) The deadlines for the 2025/26 academic year have not yet been decided, although they will probably be similar to those for the 2024/25 academic year.
How to apply:
The transfer credit process is carried out by the Student Assistance Offices in the involved Faculty.
Application must be submitted across the following link(List of studies for which you can apply)

Supporting documentation:
  • Passport's copy or identity card (DNI, NIE...)
  • Official transcript of records.
  • Syllabus of each passed subject and the length of tuition.
  • Equivalence of the average score in the official studies. Apply here.
  • Certificated B2 level in Spanish. (Non-native Spanish speakers)
  • Payment receipt of fees: 70 € (contact the Student Assistance Offices for the payment process)

All documents must be official and translated into Spanish and legalised.

Exceptions to the legalization:
- Documents issued in the European Union or the E.E.E.S.
- Documents with "The Hague Appostille" don't need any certification

Please, check all of these informations and deadlines in the following link

Requirements:A minimum of 30 passed credits (ECTS) must be required to start the enrollment.
Only in case there are any vacancies for the degree you have applied for, you may be admitted if the UCM validates at least 30 credits (ECTS) of your previous studies.
  • The official enrollment will depend on a favourable resolution and will be valid for the present academic year and the following one, not later.
  • In case there will be more applications than available placements, the assessment of student’s academic records will be the prevailing criteria.
  • If for any reason you cannot carry out the partial validation (because you do not fulfill the requirements, or the Faculty responsible for the studies you are interested in does not offer places to access through this way), you can always finish your university studies at your university of origin and, once you have finished, take an Official Master's Degree with us. 
  • If you do not fullfill the official requirements, you may apply for general admission for international students.
If you are interested in taking part in the online informative sessions we offer concerning the partial validation of foreign studies, please click HERE.

NOTE: Our information is always updating, please surf in our web pages from time to time, in order to be correctly updated.
Administration Office: