Non-EU education systems. Access to first year for undergraduate degrees - Extranjeros no comunitarios

General Information:

Previous studies:

  • Students who have completed secondary studies (High School diploma) in non-EU countries or in educational systems that do not hold an International educational agreement for the recognition of the Baccalaureate degree.
  • Students who have completed their secondary studies (High School diploma) in any of the EU educational systems, who do not fulfill the general requirements for university entrance in their home countries.
How to apply:

Steps to the admission process at Complutense University


1.-Accreditation/recognition of the secondary studies certificate by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Information services for accreditation/recognition process

2.- UNEDassis accreditation. Ask for the following services:

Bachillerato Modality: Specific Competency Exams (PCE) that are taken at the UNED. PCE´s are essentials in order to apply for the different available Degrees (*). On line form

Deadlines to register for PCE
May/June session: from February 26 to May 2
  September session: from July 1 to July 22

Exams dates: May/June session in Spain: May 2024
                                                            Outside of Spain: June 2024
                      September session: September 2024

Two ways of awarding Bachillerato Modality:

*Obtaining a minimum of 5 points in three PCE subjects: one of each type according to the chosen modality

*Obtaining an average of 5 points between 4 PCE subjects, at least one of each type according to the chosen modality and a fourth which can be of any type of the chosen modality

* In order to choose the best optional subjects for the PCE´s that will get you the best scores for your degree, look up the following links: 

               Grade Average 2023/2024 (Group 1).

Language accreditation. Required a certified B2 Level of Spanish. 




Students with a non-Spanish speaking country nationality who, furthermore, come from the educational system of a country whose language is not Spanish, must certify a B2 level of Spanish, unless a different level has already been established in the corresponding degree program. This certification must be validated and accredited by UNEDassis.

This requirement of accreditation by UNEDassis will not be mandatory (although it is recommended) in the case of the following students:

  1. Students with a non-Spanish-speaking country nationality who have obtained their equivalent degrees in foreign teaching centers established in Spain that provide education in accordance with RD 806/93 (arts. 10, 11 and 12)
  2. Students who have studied in Spanish bilingual sections in countries with which the Ministry of Education has signed bilateral agreements with (Bulgaria, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia and China), who have passed the Bachillerato final exams, and who are entitled to be awarded the Título de Bachiller of the Spanish Educational System.


Administration Office:Sección de Admisión