ZZZ-Applying for PhD programmes - Preinscripción Doctorado NO ENVIAR



March 4. to September 30.

Just one application form should be filled in containing all the programmes the student is interested in (maximum 3 options).

PhD programmes

Where to apply:Online application

Previous step: Access Permit

International students from countries other than the ones within the European Higher Education Area, with no recognition of their university degree, may have access to PhD studies as long as they get a previous access permit at:

Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes. Negociado de Convalidaciones
Avda. Complutense, s/n
Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 MADRID
+(34) 91 394 1288 

Application deadlines for the access permit: January 15. to September 30.

The documents needed for the access permit are the following:

  • Application form
  • A copy of passport/identity card.
  • Attested copy of the master degree diploma (if already issued) or a certification stating its issuing is in progress.
  • Attested copy of the transcript of records issued by the competent authority stating the studies enable the holder the access to PhD study programmes.
  • Additional specific requirements might be needed for some of the doctorate programmes, so the applicant should contact the coordinator before registration.
Supporting Documentation:
  • National identity card (DNI), passport, NIE
  • Curriculum Vitae with the applicant's academic and professional training
  • Legalised transcript of the holder's record, translated into Spanish, containing the length, structure of the whole programme and grades.
  • If admission is applied for part-time: documentation supporting the request.
  • Specific requirements stated for each Doctorate programme, if any.
  • Health Area students: must submit a certificate issued by the Hospital Administration certifying a positive evaluation of at least two years of training.
  • EU students. Within the European Higher Education Area:
    • Accreditation of University degree or Europass Diploma Supplement, issued by any of the European Higher Education Area countries (EEES) which entitles the access to Doctorate programmes, with 300 credits (at least 60 of them must be master credits)
  • Non-EU international students: must meet one of these requirements: 
All the documents, with official translation into Spanish language, must be scanned (pdf).
Results and Claims:
  • Results: October 15, 2019 , will be published in the Department where the PhD program is held, and also on the web.

  • Claims: October 16, 17 and 18., 2019 and will be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty or centre where the course is to be held.
Waiting List:
Only for those programmes with more applicants than places.
  • International applicants whose mother language is not Spanish are recommended getting in touch with the Student Office involved as they may be requested to assess their Spanish level.
  • Documents must be official ones, issued by the competent authorities in their home countries, legalised through diplomatic means or the Hague Convention and translated into Spanish by an official translator. No legalisation is required for documents issued by any of the EU countries and those that signed the agreement within the EU Area.
Administration Office:Escuela de Doctorado (EDUCM)