news & events
Past Events
:: Past Events within the Coordinated Network
: | Granada, 9th and 10th October 2008: Causal and Classical Concepts in Science: IV International Workshop, Classical Concepts and Metaphysical Presuppositions in Quantum Theory. Further information and workshop programme available here. |
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Madrid, 30 May 2008: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "Robust Scientific Realism". Gerald Doppelt, University of California at San Diego (UCSD). - read more - |
: | Madrid, 30th October 2007: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "On Quantum Conditionalization". Isabel Guerra, UCM. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 16th October 2007: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "El Problema de las Trayectorias Surrealistas en Mecánica Bohmiana". Albert Solé, UCM. - read more - |
: | Barcelona, 12th and 13th September 2007: Causal and Classical Concepts in Science: III International Workshop, Causality and Relativity. Workshop information and tentative program available here. |
: | Madrid, 23rd February 2007: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "On Causal Loops in Retro-Causal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics". Joseph Berkovitz, University of Maryland and University of Sydney. - read more - |
: | Barcelona, 21st February 2007: Causation in General Relativity Theory Project-sponsored Colloquium, "On Causal Loops in Local Retro-Causal Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics". Joseph Berkovitz, University of Maryland and University of Sydney. |
: | Madrid, 13th February 2007: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "Cuestiones Filosóficas del la Teoría Estructural Qímica". Pedro J. Sánchez Gómez, UCM. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 13th December 2006: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "Quantum Probabilities as Subjective Degrees of Belief?". Isabel Guerra, UCM. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 28th November 2006: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "A Common Cause Model for EPR". Iñaki San Pedro, UCM/UPV-EHU. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 15th November 2006: Causation, Propensities and Causal Inference in Quantum Physics Research Project Seminar, "Contextualidad en la Mecánica Bohmiana". Albert Solé, UCM. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 6th and 7th October 2006: Causal and Classical Concepts in Science: II International Workshop, Probabilities, Causality and Propensities in Physics. Workshop information and tentative program available here. |
: | Barcelona, 1st June 2006: Causation in General Relativity Theory 1-Day Project Seminar/Workshop. Oliver Pooley (Oxford University) "Background Independence: What's so Special about GTR?"; Carl Hoefer (UAB-ICREA) "Considerations on the Brown-Pooley Dynamical Perpsective"; Adán Sus (UAB) "Noether's Theorems and Energy Conservation in GTR". |
: | Valladolid, 4th-6th November 2004: Causal and Classical Concepts in Science: I International Workshop, Causal Inference and Probability in the Physical Sciences. Symposium at the IV Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Symposium proposal and abstracts available here. |
:: Other Past Events
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Madrid, 28th January 2009: Complutense Research Group Methods of Causal Inference and Scientific Representation, "Composition is the matter of Chemistry". Pedro J. Sánchez Gómez, Complutense University (UCM). - read more - |
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Madrid, 19 November 2007: Workshop in honour of Michael Friedman, The Dynamics of Reason Reconsidered. Workshop information and programme available here. |
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Madrid, 15-17 November 2007: I Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA). Call for papers and detailed conference information available at the conference webpage. |
: | Madrid, 20th September 2006: Talk, "Scientific Collective Beliefs, Acceptance, and the Ambiguous Nature Of Commitments in Science". Alban Bouvier, University of Provence (Aix) and Institut Jean Nicod (CNRS, Paris). - read
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: | Madrid, 7ht July 2006: At the presentation of the project New Experimentalism: Its Historical Roots, lunch seminar "New Prospects for New Experimentalism". Prof. Nancy Cartwright, London School of Economics & University of California at San Diego. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 28th April 2006: I Seminar in Philosophy and Medicine, "The Statistical Proof and the Regulation of Biomedical Research". - read more (in Spanish) - |
: | Madrid, 19th April 2006: Talk, "Contextuality for Modality in Quantum Systems". Christian de Ronde, Free University Brussels. - read more - |
: | Madrid, 2nd - 4th February 2006: International Workshop (Seminario Internacional Complutense), Scientific Representation: Idealisations, Fictions, Reasons. Workshop information, program and abstracts available at the workshop webpage. |
:: | Events within the project "Causality, Determinism and Probability in Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory" |
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last updated 20/02/2009