Autor: | Ana Inés Gómez y Martin A. Barstow (eds.) |
Materia: | Astronomía |
Colección: | Sin colección |
Coedición: | |
Páginas: | 304 |
Formato: | 17 X 24 |
Encuadernación: | Rústica |
Año: | 2007 |
ISBN: | 9788474918526 |
Referencia: | 0100243 |
P.V.P.: | 25,00 euros |
"The joint Discussion on ""UV Astronomuy: Stars from Birth to Death"" was held during the IAU General Assembly of 2006, in August 2006. It was aimed to provide a forum where the accomplishments of UV astrophysics could be highlighted and a new roadmap for the future discussed"