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Los libros publicados por Editorial Complutense a partir de 2007 han obtenido una evaluación experta positiva

Libro seleccionado

Cooperation with middle income countries
Autor:José Antonio Alonso (dir.)
Colección:Estudios Internacionales
Coedición:En coedición con el ICEI (Instituto Complutense de Estudios Internacionales de la UCM)
Formato:17 x 24 cm.
P.V.P.:20,00 euros

Over the last few years, the international community has decided to concentrate the aid on the poorest countries of the world. It is a reasonable decision although is should be made compatible with the aim of preserving the international support given to middle income countries. Not only the prevent undesirable regressions in their social and economica achievements, but also to create an integral and coherent cooperation system, which stimulates and helps countries in their development efforts. We should not forget that middle income countries are home to the mayor part of the world's population, and to almost 40 % of the poorest people in the planet.

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