Sabado, 25 de Mayo de 2024

Universidad Complutense de Madrid :: NILS mobility project

Abel Extraordinary Chair - Profiles

David de Frutos


Venue: Reykjiavik University, Iceland.

From: April 4, 2010

to: July 4, 2010 


David de Frutos is professor at the Department of Computer systems and computation, Unviersidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

His project, together with Luca Aceto, consists of the algebraic study of the semantics for processes. Another direction is considering a syntax with more operators that those defining the basic processes in BCCSP.


About his work:

"The main topic of our join work with Luca´s team will be the algebraic study of the semantics for processes. We will continue our (separated, but closely related) works on the subject during the last few years, that have produced in our side a generic characterization of the (strong) semantics in the ltbt spectrum, based on a coalgebraic presentation of the equivalences and preorders defining the different semantics, by means of our new notion of (bi)simulations up-to. The relation between the axiomatizations of both those equivalences and preorders has been another concrete topic where our two groups have obtained quite interesting results after several contacts that allowed to transfer from one to the other our new ideas on the problem.
Now it is time to extend all these results to the weak semantics. There has been already a few results on the relation between the axiomatizations of the equivalences and preorders defining them, and also on the possibility to (finitely) axiomatize some of the weak semantics for processes. We expect to afford the problem in a systematic way trying to translate to the weak case all the techniques developped for the strong case."


NILS mobility project
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas - Instituto de Matemática Interdisciplinar
Tel. +34913944385