Se relacionan a continuación artículos, ponencias, etc. del personal docente e investigador de la Facultad de Informática, recogidos en Scopus durante el mes de septiembre pasado.
Accelerating fluid-solid simulations (Lattice-Boltzmann & Immersed-Boundary) on heterogeneous architectures (Article) / Valero-Lara, P., Igual, F.D., Prieto-Matías, M., Pinelli, A., Favier, J.
Message from the workshop chairs for SORT 2014 (Editorial) / Brinkschulte, U., Higuera-Toledano, M.T., Rettberg, A
A methodology for validating cloud models using metamorphic testing (Article) / Núñez, A., Hierons, R.M.
Minimum time search in uncertain dynamic domains with complex sensorial platforms (Article) / Lanillos, P., Besada-Portas, E., Lopez-Orozco, J.A., de la Cruz, J.M.
A power measurement environment for PCIe accelerators: Application to the Intel Xeon Phi (Article) /
Igual, F.D., Jara, L.M., Gómez-Pérez, J.I., Piñuel, L., Prieto-Matías, M.
A practical comparator of cost functions and its applications (Article) / Albert, E., Arenas, P., Genaim, S., Puebla, G.
Proteogenomics dashboard for the human proteome project (Article) / Tabas-Madrid, D., Alves-Cruzeiro, J., Segura, V., Guruceaga, E., Vialas, V., Prieto, G., García, C., Corrales, F.J., Albar, J.P., Pascual-Montano, A.
Shape analysis in a functional language by using regular languages (Article) / Montenegro, M., Peña, R., Segura, C.
Solving technological isolation to build virtual learning communities (Article) / Rodríguez Ribón, J.C., García Villalba, L.J., de Miguel Moro, T.P., Kim, T.-H.
Space consumption analysis by abstract interpretation: Reductivity properties (Article) / Montenegro, M., Peña, R., Segura, C.
Special issue on formal active and passive testing of distributed and networked systems (Editorial) / Cavalli, A.R., Higashino, T., Núñez, M.
Threshold-based context change detection for ubiquitous environments (Conference Paper) / Khabou, N., Rodriguez, I.B., Jmaiel, M.
Two type extensions for the constraint modeling language MiniZinc (Article) / Caballero, R., Stuckey, P.J., Tenorio-Fornés, A.
Understanding Agent-Oriented Software Engineering methodologies (Review) / Gómez-Sanz, J.J., Fuentes-Fernández, R.
Virtual learning communities: unsolved troubles (Article) / Rodríguez Ribón, J.C., García Villalba, L.J., Kim, T.-H.
Web from preprocessor for crawling (Article) / Muñoz, F.R., García Villalba, L.J.
Write-aware replacement policies for PCM-based systems (Article) / Rodríguez-Rodríguez, R., Castro, F., Chaver, D., Gonzalez-Alberquilla, R., Piñuel, L., Tirado, F.