Relacionamos a continuación los artículos de docentes e investigadores de la Facultad de Informática recogidos por el ISI Web of Science durante el mes de agosto de 2011.
Decidability and complexity of Petri nets with unordered data / Rosa-Velardo, Fernando; de Frutos-Escrig, David. En THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE 412 (34): 4439-4451 10.1016/j.tcs.2011.05.007 AUG 5 2011.
Efficient Shortened Cyclic Codes Correcting Either Random Errors or Bursts / Garcia Villalba, L. J.; Fuentes Cortez, J. R.; Sandoval Orozco, A. L.; Blaum, M. En IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS 15 (7): 749-751 10.1109/LCOMM.2011.060111.110338 JUL 2011.
From Newton's Equation to Fractional Diffusion and Wave Equations / Vazquez, Luis. En ADVANCES IN DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 10.1155/2011/169421 2011.
Generic Techniques to Reduce SVC Enhancement Layer Encoding Complexity / Van Leuven, Sebastiaan; De Cock, Jan; Garrido-Cantos, Rosario; Luis Martinez, Jose; Van de Walle, Rik. En IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS 57 (2): 827-832 MAY 2011.
Modeling, Simulation and Control of Satellites in the Lagrangian Points of the Earth-Moon System / Alonso Zotes, F.; Santos Penas, M. En REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE AUTOMATICA E INFORMATICA INDUSTRIAL 8 (3): 204-215 10.1016/j.riai.2011.06.008 JUL 2011.
Iterative method based on CFD data for the assessment of seakeeping control effects, considering amplitude and rate saturation / Giron-Sierra, J. M.; Recas, J.; Esteban, S. En INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL 21 (13): 1562-1573 10.1002/rnc.1653 SEP 10 2011.