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Nuevos títulos de libros electrónicos

15 de Marzo de 2012 a las 20:04 h

 Lego Mindstorms, Android, iOS, SharePoint, Oracle y mucho más, en esta selección de los últimos libros electrónicos publicados por Apress.



Beginning Android Tablet Programming: Starting with Android Honeycomb for Tablets / Robbie Matthews.

Expert SharePoint 2010 Practices / Steve Wright.

European Founders at Work / Pedro Gairifo Santos.

LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT: Mars Base Command / James Floyd Kelly and Christopher Smith. 

PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA / David Kurtz.

Pro Android Apps Performance Optimization / Hervé Guihot.

Pro Core Data for iOS: Data Access and Persistence Engine for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch / Michael Privat and Robert Warner.

Pro iOS Design and Development: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript with Safari / Andrea Picchi.

Pro OpenGL ES for iOS / Mike Smithwick.

Pro Windows Embedded Compact 7: Producing Device Drivers / Abraham Kcholi.

Programming Reactive Extensions and LINQ / Jesse Liberty and Paul Betts.

Run for Elected Office-and Win / Jana M. Kemp.

Startup: An Insider's Guide to Launching and Running a Business / Kevin Ready.

Windows Phone Recipes: a Problem-Solution Approach / Fabio Claudio Ferracchiati and Emanuele Garofalo.


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