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Conferencia Internacional "New Sources for Book History: Combined Methodological Approaches for Manuscripts and Printed Books" (British Library, 28 noviembre 2017)

13 de Noviembre de 2017 a las 15:07 h

Por si fuera de interés para nuestro lectores, publicamos la noticia de la Conferencia Internacional New Sources for Book History: Combined Methodological Approaches for Manuscripts and Printed Books que se celebrará en la British Library el 28 de noviembre de 2017, organizada por el Consortium of European Research Libraries and the British Library, London. Más información [Seguir leyendo]. 




British Library, 28th November 2017


New Sources for Book History:

Combined Methodological Approaches for Manuscripts and Printed Books

(text and images; material evidence; historical bibliographical and documentary sources; sale and auction catalogues; etc....)




8.30 - 9.00        Registration

9.00 - 9.15        Welcome: Kristian Jensen, Head of Collections and Curation, BL

Introduction: Stephen Parkin, Curator, Printed Heritage Collections (1450-1600), BL


1st Session

9.15 - 9.35        Richard Sharpe (University of Oxford), A hidden collection of Irish manuscripts

9.35 - 9.55        Ivan Boserup (The Royal Library, Copenhagen), Strategies for Separating Authentic and Forged Colonial Manuscripts of the Private Collezione Miccinelli in Naples

9.55 - 10.15      Angéline Rais (University of Oxford), Sir Thomas Phillipps's purchases of manuscripts in Switzerland: an analysis of sources

10.15 - 10.45    Discussion

10.45 - 11.15    Coffee and tea


2nd Session

11.15 - 11.35    Bettina Wagner (Staatsbibliothek, Bamberg), Methodological approaches to 15th-century blockbooks

11.35 - 11.55    Claire Bolton (Oxford), Measuring skeletons - discovering the printer

11.55 - 12.15    Cristina Dondi (University of Oxford, CERL), From liturgical data to historical evidence in the study of books of hours

12.15 - 12.35    Sabrina Minuzzi (University of Oxford), New tricks for provenance lost in miscellanies: documentary evidence, coloured edges and historical catalogues in MEI

12.35 - 13.00    Discussion

13.00 - 14.00    Lunch


3rd Session

14.00 - 14.20    Paolo Sachet (Università della Svizzera Italiana), Exploiting Antiquarian Sale Catalogues: Blueprint for the Study of Sixteenth-Century Books on Blue Paper

14.20 - 14.40    Francesca Tancini (University of Bologna), New sources for dating illustrated Victorian popular books: illustrators' diaries, printers' ledgers, woodblocks and drawings

14.40 - 15.00    Laura Carnelos (CERL), The study of rare popular books through PATRIMONiT: a combined methodological approach

15.00 - 15.30    Discussion

15.30 - 16.00    Coffee and tea


16.00 - 17.00    Posters

16.00-16.10      Toby Burrows (University of Western Australia and of Oxford), Combining and visualising evidence for manuscript provenance: a digital environment for reconstructing the collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps

16.10-16.20      Ilaria Andreoli (CNRS-ITEM, Paris), Ilenia Maschietto (Giorgio Cini Foundation, Venice), The Essling project: the census and the copies

16.20-16.30      Veronika Girininkaitė (University Library of Vilnius), Creating the database of the correspondence of Early Modern Vilnius university professors

16.30-16.40      William Stoneman (Houghton Library, Harvard), Temporary Exhibition Catalogues as a Source for Book History

16.40-16.50      Helwi Blom, Rindert Jagersma, Juliette Reboul (Radboud University, The Netherlands), MEDIATE: Printed catalogues of private libraries as a source for European Book History; Potentialities and Challenges

16.50-17.00      Sofie Arneberg (National Library of Norway), A digital pursuit of mass produced images of the 19th century


17.00 - 17.30    Conclusions



The fee to attend is £ 10 (50 places available).

Please fill the registration form and send it to


Organizing Committee:

Laura Carnelos, Marie Curie Fellow at CERL

Stephen Parkin, Curator, Printed Heritage Collections (1450-1600), British Library

Cristina Dondi, Oakeshott Senior Research Fellow at Lincoln College (Oxford), Secretary of CERL and creator of Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI)




Consortium of European Research Libraries and the British Library, London


International Conference on "New Sources for Book History: Combined Methodological Approaches for Manuscripts and Printed Books". 


Venue: The British Library, 96 Euston Rd, Kings Cross, London NW1 2DB


Please send this form to


I would like to attend the Conference on 28 November 2017









The fee to attend is £10.  Please indicate below how you would like to pay. 


If you choose to pay in advance by bank transfer details of the Consortium's Sterling bank account will be sent to you by e-mail with an invoice. 


If you choose to pay in advance by cheque, an invoice will be sent to you by e-mail.  The cheque should then be sent to Dr Cristina Dondi at Consortium of European Research Libraries, 40 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R ONE (the cheque should be made payable to the Consortium of European Research Libraries)


If you choose to pay on the day by cheque or cash, you will be given a receipt. 


Please note we cannot process credit or debit card payments.


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Bank transfer






In cash/cheque on the day of the Conference







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