Relación de artículos publicados por docentes e investigadores MAT recogidos en Scopus durante los meses Abr. Mayo 2017
- Fenoy, M., Ibarrola, P., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B. Generalized p value for multivariate Gaussian stochastic processes in continuous time (2017) Statistical Papers, pp. 1-18. Article in Press. DOI: 10.1007/s00362-017-0907-7
- Roanes-Lozano, E. A Brief Note on the Approach to the Conic Sections of a Right Circular Cone from Dynamic Geometry (2017) Mathematics in Computer Science, pp. 1-10. Article in Press. DOI: 10.1007/s11786-017-0307-3
- Castro, A., Pardo, R. Infinitely Many Stability Switches in a Problem with Sublinear Oscillatory Boundary Conditions (2017) Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, pp. 1-15. Article in Press. DOI: 10.1007/s10884-017-9588-0
- Brú, A., Gómez-Castro, D., Nuño, J.C. Visibility to discern local from nonlocal dynamic processes (2017) Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 471, pp. 718-723.DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.12.078
- Mavinga, N., Pardo, R. A priori bounds and existence of positive solutions for semilinear elliptic systems (2017) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 449 (2), pp. 1172-1188. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.12.058
- Bernal-González, L., Jiménez-Rodríguez, P., Muñoz-Fernández, G.A., Seoane-Sepúlveda, J.B. Non-Lipschitz differentiable functions on slit domains (2017) Revista Matematica Complutense, 30 (2), pp. 269-279. DOI: 10.1007/s13163-016-0218-x
- Castro, A., Pardo, R. A priori estimates for positive solutions to subcritical elliptic problems in a class of non-convex regions (2017) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 22 (3), pp. 783-790. DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2017038
- Cholewa, J.W., Rodriguez-Bernal, A. Linear higher order parabolic problems in locally uniform Lebesgue's spaces (2017) Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 449 (1), pp. 1-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.11.085
- López-Gómez, J., Molina-Meyer, M., Rabinowitz, P.H. Global bifurcation diagrams of one node solutions in a class of degenerate boundary value problems (2017) Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 22 (3), pp. 923-946.DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2017047
- López-Gómez, J., Omari, P., Rivetti, S. Bifurcation of positive solutions for a one-dimensional indefinite quasilinear Neumann problem (2017) Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 155, pp. 1-51. DOI: 10.1016/