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Recurso en pruebas: Libros -e OVID

Biblioteca de Óptica 11 de Julio de 2011 a las 19:08 h

Durante veinte días de julio la editorial Ovid da acceso en pruebas a los libros sobre visión que integran su fondo editorial.

Se trata de 22 títulos que pueden consultarse a texto completo:

. Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Comprehensive Textbook
. Clinical Manual of Contact Lenses
. Color Vision Examination Plates
. Color Vision Test Plates
. Diabetes and Ocular Disease: Past, Present, and Future Therapies
. Diabetic Retinopathy: The Essentials
. Digital Stereoscopic Test Plates
. Duane's Ophthalmology
. Dynamic Ophthalmic Ultrasonography: A Video Atlas for Ophthalmologists and Imaging Technicians
. Evidence-Based Eye Care
. Harley's Pediatric Ophthalmology
. Hospital for Sick Children's, The: Atlas of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
. Ocular Differential Diagnosis
. Ocular Inflammatory Disease and Uveitis Manual: Diagnosis and Treatment
. Ocular Syndromes and Systemic Diseases
. Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology
. Pediatric Retina: Medical and Surgical Approaches
. Retinal Detachment: Principles and Practice
. Review Questions in Ophthalmology: A Question and Answer Book
. SERI: Singapore's World-Class Research
. Shields Textbook of Glaucoma
. Smolin and Thoft's The Cornea: Scientific Foundations and Clinical Practice

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