En Professional and Applied Computing (APress) se han publicado dos nuevos títulos: Expert SQL Server 2008 Encryption / Michael Coles and Rodney Landrum y The Definitive Guide to GCC / William von Hagen...
En Computer Science Collection (Springer) destacamos las siguientes novedades:
Computer science and educational software design:
a resource for multidisciplinary work in technology enhanced learning / Pierre Tchounikine...
Web data miningexploring hyperlinks, contents, and usage data / Bing Liu
Grid computing towards a global interconnected infrastructure / Nikolaos P. Preve
Foundations for the web of information and Services: a review of 20 years of semantic web research / Dieter Fensel
Working with preferences: less is more / Souhila Kaci
Knowledge in formation: a computational theory of interpretation / Janos J. Sarbo et al.
Multiparadigm constraint programming languages / Petra Hofstedt.