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Artículos de docentes e investigadores FDI recogidos en WOS durante julio 2013

6 de Agosto de 2013 a las 10:26 h

Foto: Tim Keppens

Se relacionan a continuación artículos de profesores e investigadores de la Facultad de Informática UCM recogidos por Web of Science durante julio pasado.

Analyzing the capabilities of crowdsourcing services for text summarization / Lloret, Elena; Plaza, Laura; Aker, Ahmet.

Assessing the influence of personal preferences on the choice of vocabulary for natural language generation / Hervas, Raquel; Francisco, Virginia; Gervas, Pablo.

Bioinspired temporal filter modeling for motion estimation / Botella, Guillermo; Antonio Martin H, Jose; Recas, Joaquin; et al.

Fractional Duffing's equation and geometrical resonance / Jimenez, S.; Gonzalez, J. A.; Vazquez, L.

Hybrid ACO Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks / Ruperez Canas, D.; Sandoval Orozco, A. L.; Garcia Villalba, L. J.; et al.

Key Challenges in Cloud Computing Enabling the Future Internet of Services / Moreno-Vozmediano, Rafael; Montero, Ruben S.; Llorente, Ignacio M.

Matching island topologies to problem structure in parallel evolutionary algorithms / Arnaldo, Ignacio; Contreras, Ivan; Millan-Ruiz, David; Ignacio Hidalgo, J.; Krasnogor, Natalio.

Multi-GPU based on multicriteria optimization for motion estimation system / Garcia, Carlos; Botella, Guillermo; Ayuso, Fermin; Prieto, Manuel; Tirado, Francisco.

On the performance comparison of multi-objective evolutionary UAV path planners / Besada-Portas, Eva; de la Torre, Luis; Moreno, Alejandro; Risco-Martin, Jose L.

A parallel evolutionary algorithm for technical market indicators optimization / Jose Bodas-Sagi, Diego; Fernandez-Blanco, Pablo; Ignacio Hidalgo, Jose; Jose Soltero-Domingo, Francisco.

Robust motion estimation on a low-power multi-core DSP / Igual, Francisco D.; Botella, Guillermo; Garcia, Carlos; et al.

Survey of Energy-Cognizant Scheduling Techniques / Zhuravlev, Sergey; Carlos Saez, Juan; Blagodurov, Sergey; et al.

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