U niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca
I nfo D ocMAYO de 2008
¿Que es?
WikiWiki es un término hawaiano que que significa «rápido rápido» Comúnmente para abreviar esta palabra se utiliza Wiki y en términos tecnológicos es un software para la creación de contenido de forma colaborativa. Un wiki, o una wiki, es un sitio web cuyas páginas web pueden ser editadas por múltiples lectores a través del navegador web. Los usuarios pueden crear, modificar o borrar un mismo texto que comparten.»
Para saber más...
Wiki's little sister hits the ‘shelves’ The New Scientist, Vol. 192, No. 2575, 2006, pp. 29.
Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Web semántica
Resumen: Wiki's little sister hits the ‘shelves’
Adil Fathelrahamn and Mathew Shafaghi, "
Analyzing bloggers data on software design patterns and applications integration; methodology and implementation".
Information Management & Computer Security, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2007, pp. 84-101.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/Dise o
Resumen: Purpose – Blogs (a term that is short for weblogs) are one mean of getting public opinions about important topics. Several techniques could be used to reveal important views and directions from the analysis of blogs posted on the internet. The paper investigates issues concerning blogs. Design/methodology/approach – The paper applies a methodology to investigate blogs on domains of software design patterns and integration solutions within information technology community. Findings – The methodology developed and implemented is an end-to-end approach to the collection, cleansing and analysis of bloggers posts. Originality/value – While the paper addresses a specific sector of bloggers, the methodology and templates used could be implemented and further improved for use with any other bloggers segment.
Alex M. Andrew, "
Cybernetics and systems on the web".
Kybernetes, Vol. 35, No. 1/2, 2006, pp. 217-219.
Descriptores: Wiki/Cibermetria
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe grids, an important development of internet-like communication, with references to internet sources of additional information. The aim is to review developments on the internet, especially those of general cybernetic interest. Design/methodology/approach – The tenth anniversary of the World Wide Web Consortium is noted, as well as music festivals in the Lent district of Maribor, which was the venue for the recent WOSC Congress. Findings – The internet provides valuable information on each of the three topics. Practical implications – Grids are an important current development, especially but not exclusively in connection with particle physics research. Originality/value – It is hoped this is a valuable periodic review.
Alex M. Andrew, "
Fusion power; centralized computing".
Kybernetes, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2008, pp. 17-19.
Descriptores: Wiki/Cibermetria
Resumen: Purpose – This paper sets out to discuss a proposal for power generation by atomic fusion using the helium isotope of mass 3, obtained from the moon, and to compare it with the better-known proposed method using deuterium and tritium. It proposes to discuss a new trend by which computing power is made available “on tap” rather than in individual users' installations. Design/methodology/approach – The aim is to review developments on the internet, especially those of general cybernetic interest. Findings – The possibility of fusion power based on helium-3 should be kept in mind, but is subject to numerous difficulties. Centralized computing offers a number of benefits and is a current trend. Practical implications – Fusion power from helium-3 is a remote and uncertain possibility, and attention should not be diverted from efforts to reduce carbon emissions and global warming by other means. Large-scale users of computers might well consider subscribing to a central service. Originality/value – It is hoped that this will be a valuable periodic review.
Alvim, L., "
Camilo 2.0 -Wiki das Personagens Camilianas".
Jornadas Espa olas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007.
Descriptores: Wikis/Portugal/Literatura portuguesa/Web 2.0
Resumen: A Casa Museu Camilo Castelo Branco é a casa do escritor portugu s Camilo Castelo Branco (1825-1890), em Seide, onde viveu nos últimos anos de vida. Possui um museu e uma biblioteca / centro de documentaç o especializada, com mais de 3500 volumes de bibliografia activa (constituída por ediç es de originais, de prefácios e de traduç es) e de bibliografia passiva (muito extensa e de temática abrangente, que vai dos aspectos biográficos ou bio-bibliográficos aos estudos fecundos de exegese literária); 787 obras pertencentes biblioteca particular do escritor; cerca de 1700 cartas, de e para Camilo; cerca de 3500 recortes de imprensa de teor camiliano; uma centena de exemplares periódicos em que Camilo colaborou ou foi director. A Biblioteca tem procurado criar condiç es e estruturas que permitam o estudo e divulgaç o da vida e obra de Camilo Castelo Branco.
Amy Benson and Robert Favini, "
Evolving Web, Evolving Librarian".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2006, pp. 18-21.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas/World Wide Web/Wiki
Resumen: Purpose – To review and discuss significant developments in the evolving Web environment and how these developments impact librarians and library services. Design/methodology/approach – The article discusses how four major information industry trends, personalization, self service, mobility, and technology have helped to create a Web environment that is transforming how users are interacting with information and how libraries must adapt. Findings – The article puts these four trends in the context of library systems and services, illustrating how the role of the librarian has evolved. Originality/value – The examination of the evolving web as it relates to librarians and library services can provide a unique perspective for librarians who are thinking about, or are in the process of evaluating the effectiveness of services to users.
Arch, X., "
Electronic Resources & Libraries, 2nd Annual Conference 2007: Another Perspective".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 24, No. 9/10, 2007, pp. 17-18.
Descriptores: Wiki/Recursos electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on the “Electronic resources and libraries” 2nd annual conference. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an overview of the presentations given at the conference. Findings Presentations include discussions on Web 2.0 technologies and how librarians view Open Access. Originality/value – The paper provides a useful review of the conference, focusing on such topics as screencasting, Open Access and scholarly communications.
Bell, S. J., "
Time to Lose the Sticky and Try a Wiki.".
Reference Librarian, Vol. 47 , No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Difusión de la información/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Wikis/Internet
Resumen: This article focuses on the challenges of disseminating and sharing information in reference service departments or reference libraries. Particular focus is given to the advocacy of wikis, web-based software which provides services at minimal costs and effort. An overview of wiki and how they can be applied in the field of library science is presented. Several publicly accessed wikis are evaluated as examples, such as PBWiki and LibSuccess Wiki. The article also discusses the popularity of wiki services. This article focuses on the challenges of disseminating and sharing information in reference service departments or reference libraries. Particular focus is given to the advocacy of wikis, web-based software which provides services at minimal costs and effort. An overview of wiki and how they can be applied in the field of library science is presented. Several publicly accessed wikis are evaluated as examples, such as PBWiki and LibSuccess Wiki. The article also discusses the popularity of wiki services.
Besson, D., Downs, A., Durant, R., and Roman, M., "
The Tobin tax and Newcomb's paradox: Financial markets viewed from the perspective of Michel Serres".
Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2006, pp. 529-540.
Descriptores: Wiki/Gestión/Comercio /Finanzas
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine proposals for a Tobin tax to curb currency speculation in global markets. Design/methodology/approach – Financial markets are viewed from the perspective of Michel Serres. Findings – Managing volatility is really about managing relationships that can buffer governments against risk. The resolution of a paradox is embracing the paradox. Originality/value – The work of Michel Serres has not previously been used in analyses of global currency markets. His theory of parasitical relationships offers a novel response to proposals for a Tobin tax.
Black, E. W., "
Wikipedia and academic peer review: Wikipedia as a recognised medium for scholarly publication?".
Online Information Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2008, pp. 73-88.
Descriptores: Wiki/Wikipedia/Comunicación científica
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to engage in a thought experiment, exploring the use of Wikipedia or similar content-malleable systems for the review and dissemination of academic knowledge. Design/methodology/approach – By looking at other sources, the paper considers the current state of the academic peer-review process, discusses Wikipedia and reflects on dynamic content creation and management applications currently in use in academia. Findings – The traditional peer review process must be updated to match the rapid creation and diffusion of knowledge that characterises the 21st century. The Wikipedia concept is a potential model for more rapid and reliable dissemination of scholarly knowledge. The implications of such a concept would have a dramatic effect on the academic community. Originality/value – This paper promotes a radical idea for changing the methods by which academic knowledge is both constructed and disseminated.
Bryant, S., Forte, A., and Bruckman, A., "
Becoming Wikipedian: Transformation of Participation in a Collaborative Online Encyclopedia".
GROUP International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 2005.
Descriptores: Wiki/Web 2.0/Web social/Wikipedia/Enciclopedias/Internet/Obras de referencia
Resumen: Traditional activities change in surprising ways when computermediated communication becomes a component of the activity system. In this descriptive study, we leverage two perspectives on social activity to understand the experiences of individuals who became active collaborators in Wikipedia, a prolific, cooperatively-authored online encyclopedia. Legitimate peripheral participation provides a lens for understanding participation in a community as an adaptable process that evolves over time. We use ideas from activity theory as a framework to describe our results. Finally, we describe how activity on the Wikipe dia stands in striking contrast to traditional publishing and suggests a new paradigm for collaborative systems.
Buffa, M., Gandon, F., Ereteo, G., Sander, P., and Faron, C., "
SweetWiki: A semantic wiki: Semantic Web and Web 2.0".
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008, pp. 84-97.
Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Web semántica
Resumen: Everyone agrees that user interactions and social networks are among the cornerstones of GÇ Web 2.0GÇ . Web 2.0 applications generally run in a web browser, propose dynamic content with rich user interfaces, offer means to easily add or edit content of the web site they belong to and present social network aspects. Well-known applications that have helped spread Web 2.0 are blogs, wikis, and image/video sharing sites; they have dramatically increased sharing and participation among web users. It is possible to build knowledge using tools that can help analyze usersGÇÖ behavior behind the scenes: what they do, what they know, what they want. Tools that help share this knowledge across a network, and that can reason on that knowledge, will lead to users who can better use the knowledge available, i.e., to smarter users. Wikipedia, a wildly successful example of web technology, has helped knowledge-sharing between people by letting individuals freely create and modify its content. But Wikipedia is designed for peopleGÇötoday's software cannot understand and reason on Wikipedia's content. In parallel, the GÇ semantic webGÇ , a set of technologies that help knowledge-sharing across the web between different applications, is starting to gain attraction. Researchers have only recently started working on the concept of a GÇ semantic wikiGÇ , mixing the advantages of the wiki and the technologies of the semantic web. In this paper we will present a state-of-the-art of semantic wikis, and we will introduce SweetWiki, an example of an application reconciling two trends of the future web: a semantically augmented web and a web of social applications where every user is an active provider as well as a consumer of information. SweetWiki makes heavy use of semantic web concepts and languages, and demonstrates how the use of such paradigms can improve navigation, search, and usability.
Caraco, A., "
Wikipédia: une encyclopédie libre, gratuite et écrite coopérativement".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 49, No. 6, 2004.
Descriptores: Enciclopedías/Obras de referencia/Wikipedia
Resumen: Collection encyclopédique elle-même, la bibliothèque publique est depuis toujours un lieu de consultation des encyclopédies. Wikipédia est une encyclopédie libre, gratuite et écrite coopérativement. À première vue, ce projet paraît nettement utopiste, voire critiquable. Pourtant, international et multilingue, il fonctionne et connaît une croissance rapide. Il utilise la technologie Wiki et est publié sous licence de documentation libre. D'ici quelques années, voire quelques mois, Wikipédia pourrait avoir une place importante dans les bibliothèques. Les bibliothécaires francophones pourraient l'améliorer en y contribuant.
Caroline Drury, "
Building institutional repository infrastructure in regional Australia".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 395-402.
Descriptores: Wiki/Repositorios institucionales/Planificación/Australia
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the development of FOSTER, its anticipated use and outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – This paper reports on the RUBRIC project and the development of FOSTER. Findings – The FOSTER toolkit is not a static resource, and accordingly may never reach a fully “completed” state. As the area of institutional repositories continues to develop, and further generations of appropriate solutions emerge, the FOSTER concept and later, Toolkit, will also continue to develop. Originality/value – Provides a useful discussion on the development of FOSTER.
Charles Jobs and David Butler, "
A case study in the globalization of jobs in Ireland".
International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 33, No. 10, 2006, pp. 666-676.
Descriptores: Wiki/Irlanda/Globalización
Resumen: Purpose – The paper sets out to identify the challenges and potential responses Ireland has related to the potential loss of jobs due to offshoring in a key Irish employment sector. The following research question is addressed. How can Irish call centers effectively respond to offshore competition? Design/methodology/approach – This case study is a based on a field research project including interview and survey data. The project was supported by The Irish Development Agency (IDA) to obtain data about the workers, management and demographic trends of the Irish call center sector. A review of literature available on the subject and observations made during the data gathering phase of a field research project run during the summer of 2004. Findings – Shows that the global market for offshoring is growing at an accelerated rate due to economic drivers, cultural perceptions and expectations of corporate managers, SMEs, and IT systems integrators. Illustrates how Ireland can turn the problems associated with offshoring into strategic advantage. Practical implications – The paper proposes responses to the threat of lost jobs in Ireland due to the forces of globalization may offer useful insights for other countries facing similar economic threats. Originality/value – Very few papers have been published related to Irish job migration. The value is the paper studies a significant Irish industry sector in terms of employment and very real issues related to the globalization of jobs via offshoring. This is important to the IDA and to economic development practitioners in other countries facing the loss of jobs to globalization and offshoring.
Chawner, B. and Lewis, P., "
Wikiwikiwebs: New Ways to Communicate in a Web Environment".
Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2006.
Descriptores: World Wide Web/Wikis
Resumen: This paper introduces WikiWikiWeb software, also known as Wiki, for use in library and information management contexts. Wikis provide an environment for Web-based collaboration and can also be used for Web site content management. The article includes an overview of the history and development of Wiki, as well as discussing basic and advanced Wiki features. It compares three Wiki engines and describes seven case studies of real-world library and library-related Wiki applications. The paper concludes with a discussion of factors that can contribute to a successful Wiki project.
Clare Snowball, "
Enticing teenagers into the library".
Library Review, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2008, pp. 25-35.
Descriptores: Wiki/Adolescentes/Jovenes/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Purpose – Children and teenagers are the future adult users of libraries, and how they are treated in our libraries, particularly school and public libraries, can cement lifelong memories and habits in these young people. This paper aims to address this issue. Design/methodology/approach – The following paper is a review of the literature on young people's, particularly teenagers’ use (or lack thereof) of libraries, the importance of library use and methods to encourage library use in young people. Findings – Despite the findings from some of the literature that teenagers are less likely to visit libraries, there were many services and programmes in libraries that aim to reverse this trend. Research limitations/implications – Some of the literature is peer-reviewed, but selected pieces were written by librarians in the field about their interactions with young people in their libraries. Although the latter cannot be generalised to all young people, they are important in providing examples of what occurs in some cases and what might be replicated in other settings. Originality/value – Encouraging young people to visit and enjoy libraries can be a rewarding experience and is important in creating the next generation of library users.
Coakes, E., "
Storing and sharing knowledge: Supporting the management of knowledge made explicit in transnational organisations".
The Learning Organization, Vol. 13, No. 6, 2006, pp. 579-593.
Descriptores: Wiki/Gestión del conocimiento
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to indicate and illustrate the potential for use of different types of technologies to support knowledge process in transnational organisations. Design/methodology/approach – The paper uses a standard literature review plus illustrations from case organisations to demonstrate the potential applications and value of technology for knowledge sharing. Findings – Transnational organisations have specific issues relating to space and time, and increasingly virtuality, in their working practices. Technology can assist to alleviate these issues and can provide the organisations with ways to share and distribute knowledge throughout their processes, sites and workforces. Successful knowledge management however, continues to need a sociotechnical approach where the social aspects of knowledge creation, storage and sharing need to be considered alongside the technical. Sociotechnical theory tells us we must importantly consider people, task, process, and environment (both internal and external) when considering how best to implement technology into our organisations. Research limitations/implications – Case studies that specifically describe the work of transnationals are not common and thus the organisations used as illustrations may be atypical, however we believe this limitation is alleviated by using both a for-profit and a not-for-profit organisation to illustrate the variety of purposes to which technology can be put in transnational organisations. Originality/value – This paper has major practical implications. It is now common in the knowledge management literature to lower the value of technology for knowledge sharing and to emphasise the human aspects of knowledge sharing. This paper agrees with this perspective but illustrates how technology can be used successfully to assist in the knowledge sharing processes across time, space and virtuality.
Craig Henry, "
Periscopic media tour".
Strategy & Leadership, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2006, pp. 56-60.
Descriptores: Wiki/Liderazgo
Resumen: Purpose – Over a two-month period, the editor of this review has searched worldwide for the most interesting and useful media articles on the topic of strategic management. Design/methodology/approach – In addition to his own finds, the editor sorted through suggestions by a team of veteran top managers and senior academics. Findings – The result is a surprisingly diverse set of media articles about strategy and leadership on such topics as promoting innovation, knowledge bridging, enabling change management, capitalism in failed states, building the no-brand company, estimating the value of IT and the ignorance of crowds. Practical implications – URL links and references have been provided for the articles so that managers can easily follow up this quick scan of the media by reading the articles in full. Originality/value – Provides a snapshot of what managers are reading and a guide to trends and fresh thinking.
David P. Whelan, "
A Technology Sampler Platter".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 23, No. 5, 2006, pp. 25-26.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Servicios bibliotecarios
Resumen: Purpose – Aims to review some new technologies used in library environments. Design/methodology/approach – A review with descriptions of new technologies which might impact library services. Findings – With technology changing so quickly, it can be difficult to keep track of what is coming and how to apply these new technologies to services that your library can provide. Originality/value – Provides descriptions of some new technologies you can then start to identify that might support the library services in your local setting.
Davison-Turley, W., "
Blogs and RSS: Powerful Information Management Tools".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 22, No. 10, 2005, pp. 28-29.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/RSS (Really Simple Syndication)/Tecnologías de la información/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Purpose – An introduction to blogs and RSS. Design/methodology/approach – Describes what blogs and RSS are and what they can do Findings Blogs and RSS are a convenient and effective way to keep themselves informed, to share thoughts and ideas with each other, and to communicate with their patrons. Originality/value – This paper is useful for information management professionals who seek greater understanding of blogs and RSS implementations in libraries.
Devgan, L., Powe, N., Blakey, B., and Makary, M., "
Wiki-Surgery? Internal validity of Wikipedia as a medical and surgical reference: Abstracts for the 62nd Annual Sessions of the Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems, The American College of Surgeons 93rd Annual Clinical Congress".
Journal of the American College of Surgeons, Vol. 205, No. 3, Supplement 1, 2007, pp. S76-S77.
Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Web semántica/Wikipedia
Resumen: Wiki-Surgery? Internal validity of Wikipedia as a medical and surgical reference: Abstracts for the 62nd Annual Sessions of the Forum on Fundamental Surgical Problems, The American College of Surgeons 93rd Annual Clinical Congress
Dieterle, U., "
23rd Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 24, No. 9/10, 2007, pp. 15-16.
Descriptores: Ense anza a distancia/Ense anza a distancia/Bibliotecas/Wiki
Resumen: Purpose – To report on the 23rd Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning held August 8-10, 2007 in Madison, WI.Design/methodology/approach – Provides an overview of the conference and reviews of specific events. Findings – Outlines the pre-conference events and four limited presentations. Originality/value – A conference report of interest to librarians, information professionals, trainers and instructional designers about issues related to distance learning, teaching and technologies.
Eijkman, H., "
Web 2.0 as a non-foundational network-centric learning space".
Campus-Wide Information Systems, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2008, pp. 93-104.
Descriptores: Wiki/Web 2.0/Wikipedia
Resumen: Purpose – This paper aims to initiate a timely discussion about the epistemological advantages of Web 2.0 as a non-foundational network-centric learning space in higher education. Design/methodology/approach – A philosophical analysis of the underpinning design principles of Web 2.0 social media and of conventional “foundational” and emergent “non-foundational” learning and which uses Wikipedia as a case study. Findings – For academics in higher education to take a more informed approach to the use of Web 2.0 in formal learning settings and begin to consider integrating Web 2.0's architecture of participation with a non-foundational architecture of learning, focused on acculturation into networks of practice. Practical implications – The paper argues that the continuing dominance and therefore likely application of conventional old paradigm foundational learning theory will work against the grain of, if not undermine, the powerful affordances Web 2.0 social media provides for learning focused on social interaction and collaborative knowledge construction. The paper puts the case for non-foundational learning and draws attention to the importance of aligning Web 2.0's architecture of participation with a non-foundational architecture of acculturation as the latter is better epistemologically placed to more fully realise the potential of Web 2.0 to position students on trajectories of acculturation into their new networks of practice. Originality/value – This paper exposes the epistemological dilemma Web 2.0's participatory culture poses for academics wedded to conventional ideas about the nature of knowledge and learning as is, for instance, clearly evidenced by their sceptical disposition towards or outright rejection of, Wikipedia.
Farkas, M., "
Using Wikis to Create Online Communities. WebJunction.".
E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, Vol. 16, 2007.
Descriptores: Wikis/Comunidades virtuales
Resumen: A wiki allows anyone the ability to take part in the creation and editing of web content. With its simplified text-formatting rules that anyone can easily learn, it truly puts experienced web designers and web novices on equal footing. In public libraries, where the technological skills of employees can range from high to non-existent, wikis can allow everyone the ability to develop the website. The resulting website would reflect the imagination and good ideas of the entire organization, not just a select few with the requisite "tech-savvy." The possibilities for what libraries can do with wikis are endless. At their least, they are spaces for quick and easy collaborative work. At their best, they can become true community resources that can position the library as an online hub of their local community.
Forte, A. and Bruckman, A., "
Constructing text: wiki as a toolkit for (collaborative?) learning".
OOPSLA/ACM International Symposium on Wikis (WikiSym). ., 2007.
Descriptores: Wiki/Web 2.0/Web social
Resumen: Writing a book from which others can learn is itself a powerful learning experience. Based on this proposition, we have launched Science Online, a wiki to support learning in high school science classrooms through the collaborative production of an online science resource. Our approach to designing educational uses of technology is based on an approach to education called constructionism, which advocates learning by working on personally meaningful projects. Our research examines the ways that constructionism connects to collective models of knowledge production and learning such as Knowledge Building. In this paper, we explore ways that collaboration using wiki tools fits into the constructionist approach, we examine learning goals for youth growing up in a readwrite culture, and we discuss preliminary findings in an ongoing year-long study of Science Online in the classroom. Despite the radically open collaboration afforded by wiki, we observe that many factors conspired to stymie collaborative writing on the site. We expected to find cultural barriers to wiki adoption in schools. Unexpectedly, we are also finding that the design of the wiki tool itself contributed barriers to ollaborative writing in the classroom.
Forte, A. and Bruckman, A., "
From Wikipedia to the Classroom: Exploring Online Publication and Learning".
International Conference of the Learning Sciences, 2006.
Descriptores: Wikipedia/Enciclopedias/Edición electrónica/Enseñanza/Aprendizaje
Resumen: Wikipedia represents an intriguing new publishing paradigmcan it be used to engage students in authentic collaborative writing activities? How can we design wiki publishing tools and curricula to support learning among student authors? We suggest that wiki publishing environments can create learning opportunities that address four dimensions of authenticity: personal, real world, disciplinary, and assessment. We have begun a series of design studies to investigate links between wiki publishing experiences and writing-to-learn. The results of an initial study in an undergraduate government course indicate that perceived audience plays an important role in helping students monitor the quality of writing; however, students’ perception of audience on the Internet is not straightforward. This preliminary iteration resulted in several guidelines that are shaping efforts to design and implement new wiki publishing tools and
curricula for students and teachers.
Frumkin, J., "
The Wiki and the digital library".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2005, pp. 18-22.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Purpose – To look at how collaborative tools, such as Wikis, can be utilized in a digital library environment. Design/methodology/approach – A discussion of Wikis and postulation as to how such a tool might be used to facilitate research and collaboration in a digital library setting. Findings – Three potential applications of a digital library Wiki are discussed – the Wiki as a knowledge base tool, the Wiki as a content management tool, and the Wiki as a tool to empower interactive finding aids. Originality/value – Provides ideas for digital library developers and implementers, especially those looking for increasing collaboration and interactivity in digital libraries.
García Aretio, L., "
Wiki en contextos educativos".
Uned, 2006.
Descriptores: Wikis/Enseñanza
Resumen: En 1995 W. Cunningham creó el concepto de wiki al aplicarlo al repositorio de ... y opiniones de una persona, mientras el wiki es más como una mezcla o ...
García Arias, J. and Guío Mena, S., "
Universidad Carlos III, 2006.
Descriptores: Wikipedia/Enciclopedias/Internet/Obras de referencia
Resumen: “Wiki”, termino que se extiende por Internet a la velocidad del rayo. Todo lo wiki está de moda y se ha vuelto muy popular por su relación con el usuario. Por parte de los servicios de Internet se busca rapidez, sencillez y una mayor interacción del usuario. Y el usuario por su parte quiere participar, formar parte del producto final, opinar y dejar constancia en la red. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un estudio tecnológico y sociológico del fenómeno “wiki” en concreto sobre el site “Wikipedia: la enciclopedia libre”. La Wikipedia, ha sido quizás el resultado más beneficioso para la comunidad de Internet a partir de la ideología wiki, pues desde su inicio ha demostrado que ha sido el mejor medio para la consecución del proyecto de una enciclopedia online.
Gorman, G. E., "
Editorial: Is the wiki concept really so wonderful?".
Online Information Review, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2005, pp. 225-226.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Purpose – To provide a brief viewpoint on wikis. A wiki is a web site that allows – and encourages – users to share information by freely writing new content, adding to existing content, and editing or commenting on content. Design/methodology/approach – An opinion piece based on the author's own experiences. Findings – Reflecting the chaotic nature of the web world in which wikis exist, the reality of the situation is that they often do not operate in a positive environment. The author's experience as a wiki participant on several occasions has been far from positive. Originality/value – Provides advice to users of wikis: use with caution.
Grassian, E., Trueman, R. B., and Clemson, P., "
Stumbling, bumbling, teleporting and flying… librarian avatars in Second Life: selected bibliography".
Reference Services Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2007, pp. 90-97.
Descriptores: Wiki/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Bibliografías
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a selective bibliography for librarians and adminstrators in all types of libraries, with sources that can help them understand virtual worlds and their applications for libraries. Second Life is used as an example of virtual worlds. Design/methodology/approach – The authors describe a range of primarily recent publications (2004-2006), which aim to provide practical advice and information, to aid librarians and administrators seeking to understand and utilize virtual worlds. Findings – Provides information about each source, indicating content and how the information can help. Acknowledges and explores the lack of knowledge among many librarians and administrators of expanded Web technologies like 3D virtual worlds and their reference, collections and information literacy applications, and provides an annotated list of helpful publications. Research limitations/implications – This is not an exhaustive list and is particularly limited in numbers of research publications due to the fact that this technology is new and research in this area is only just emerging. Practical implications – A useful source of information for librarians and administrators in all types of libraries considering exploring and experimenting with library services within virtual worlds. Originality/value – This selected bibliography fulfills an identified information/resources need by offering a varied list of publications which can provide practical help to library workers supporting and venturing into the rapidly developing and high profile virtual worlds arena.
Hancock, B., "
The Spectator Project: the eighteenth century mind in the twenty-first century machine".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2005, pp. 173-180.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to show how The Spectator Project was developed as a digital environment for the study of The Tatler (1709-1711), The Spectator (1711-14), and the eighteenth-century periodical in general. Design/methodology/approach – The project demonstrates the use of different file formats concluding that the DjVu file format is superior to other formats for the purposes of this project. Findings – The research finds that format, style, and even the content of The Tatler and The Spectator were closely imitated in some periodicals in Europe and the Americas. Practical implications – The Spectator Project allows users to compare periodicals from this era available on the same site. This environment presents page images and the corresponding text, which allows users not only to view the actual pages, but also to use search and concordance tools. Originality/value – Numerous scholarly web projects make their material simply and widely available but this project will also link relevant material and provide an interpretive editorial apparatus based on the special capabilities of the digital environment.
Herrera, K., "
From static files to collaborative workspace with SharePoint".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008, pp. 80-94.
Descriptores: Wiki/SharePoint/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the implementation of Microsoft SharePoint Services at the University of Mississippi Libraries with particular emphasis on the use of this technology in library departments. It aims to describe major components of the software, and to discuss examples of library use. This paper also seeks to explore some unanticipated benefits derived from using this software. Design/methodology/approach – This paper covers key points from the preparation, setup, and training phases of this implementation. Practical implications – Most twenty-first century organizations need to collaborate electronically on a variety of projects. The suite of tools available in SharePoint offers one approach to electronic collaboration. Originality/value – The University of Mississippi Libraries has been using SharePoint very successfully as a means of fostering online collaboration and communication. Other libraries could use this software in much the same way that University of Mississippi is using it. The discussion of specific library uses may help others identify potential uses in their libraries.
Holvoet, K., "
What Is RSS and How Can Libraries Use It to Improve Patron Service?".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 23, No. 8, 2006, pp. 32-33.
Descriptores: RSS (Really Simple Syndication)/Wiki/Bibliotecas/Tecnologías de la información/Servicios bibliotecarios
Resumen: Purpose – The aim is the provide an introduction to RSS feeds. Design/methodology/approach – Description of the basic disc-based audio-video technologies. Findings – Provides the baseline for types of RSS feeds and readers such as which are one of two categories, web-based, or desktop based. Originality/value – This paper is useful for information management professionals who seek greater understanding of the RSS feeds, uses in libraries and how to get started.
Jackson, M., Blackburn, J. D., and McDonald, R. H., "
Media Wiki Open-Source Software As Infrastructure for Electronic Resources Outreach.".
Reference Librarian, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2007, pp. 19-36.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Acceso abierto/Software libre/Recursos electrónicos/Web 2.0/Wikis
Resumen: This article describes the bundling of MediaWiki into the electronic resource access strategy to enable custom content that supports online training and course-based information literacy objectives.
Jayakanth, F., Minj, F., Silva, U., and Jagirdar, S., "
ePrints@IISc: India's first and fastest growing institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2008, pp. 59-70.
Descriptores: Wiki/Wiki/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to share NCSI's experiences in using GNU EPrints.org software to create and maintain the open-access institutional repository of IISc, ePrints@IISc. Design/methodology/approach – The GNU EPrints.org is the first generic software for creating Open Access Initiative (OAI)-compliant repositories, which enables the researchers to self-archive their research publications thus facilitating open access to their publications. NCSI has been using this software since early 2002. Some amount of customization and value additions to the software are being done periodically by NCSI to meet the local requirements. In this paper, authors are sharing NCSI's experiences in using GNU EPrints.org software. Findings – GNU EPrints.org software is an excellent tool for creating and maintaining OAI-compliant repositories. The best thing about it is that it can be set up easily even by those who are not too knowledgeable about computers. New features are being introduced on a regular basis. Also, the technical support for the software from the developers and the user community has been very encouraging. Originality/value – Outlines the work and history of the Indian Institute of Science and the development of the open access movement.
Johnson, I. M., "
Biblioteca de Babel: Developing University Libraries in Latin America".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 24, No. 9/10, 2007 , pp. 30-31.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas universitarias/Latinoamérica
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief review of a project in Latin American university libraries. Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes meetings, focus groups, and shared experiences. Findings – Guidelines on institutional repositories have been published, and others are expected to appear shortly on information literacy and digital reference. Research limitations/implications – This work was based on experience, rather than objective assessment. Practical implications – The guidelines are intended to win the support of university managers as well as their librarians, and tend therefore to be non-technical. Originality/value – If implemented, these guidelines will enhance the standing of university libraries in the region, as well as raise the level of professional practice and the contribution of university libraries to social and economic development.
Jones, P., "
Strategies and Technologies of Sharing in Contributor-Run Archives".
Library Trends, Vol. 53, No. 4, 2005.
Descriptores: Archivos /Listas de discusión/Difusión de la información/Wiki
Resumen: While we argue about and discuss the plusses and minuses of contributor-run archives, groups formed by people of shared interests and of varied technical competencies have been creating, maintaining, sustaining, and growing their archives for over a decade in several cases. These contributor-run archives make use of powerful open technologies to facilitate their projects. In this article I will focus on three different volunteer-run projects that involve worldwide cooperation using advanced technologies to further their ends. The Linux Documentation Project, the Degree Confluence Project, and Etree.org are all large projects that involve many contributors with technical teams of various sizes using a variety of technologies. Each project will be described in terms of its aims; its history; its rules, or lack thereof, for contribution; its technologies; and its current state of practice. From these examples we can draw some lessons as well as some enhanced awareness of technologies of cooperation. Among the technologies used by the projects are wiki, mailman, Shorten (SHN), FLAC, PHP, mySQL, PHPbb, Postnuke, BitTorrent, rsync, XML, and CVS. All of these technologies are 'open' and available for installation, customization, and further sharing of their code.
Kajewski, M., "
Emerging technologies changing our service delivery models".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2007, pp. 420-429.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Tecnologías de la información/Servicios bibliotecarios
Resumen: Purpose – This paper aims to explore the range of free and inexpensive technologies that are available and have been simply implemented with practical and immediate benefits both for library staff and clients. Design/methodology/approach – The paper demonstrates positive examples of integrating technologies such as blogs, wikis, RSS aggregators, podcasts, vodcasts, web conferencing, and instant messaging into library services and programs. The paper reports the take up of these technologies by public libraries nationally and internationally and examines Australian public library use and promotion of these services to their clients. Questions around the level of use or non-use by public libraries are also explored. Findings – The paper finds that these technologies have increased clients' interaction with and access to library services and collections. By providing information in various formats these technologies are meeting client's various and individual requirements, and reflect the increasing demand of services in virtual environments. A case study around the OPAL Training Project Emerging Technology course will examine library staff buy-in and involvement in the development of new services and explore the difference these emerging technologies can make to our clients. Originality/value – Emerging technologies provide librarians with a unique opportunity to substantially enhance user-centred services and to facilitate and promote collaboration between libraries and their clients.
Kondrasuk, J. N., "
A US view of terrorism".
Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005, pp. 644-656.
Descriptores: Wiki/Terrorismo
Resumen: Purpose – To analyze recent and future terrorism in the world from the viewpoint of the USA. Design/methodology/approach – Actions companies can take to help prevent and manage the negative effects of terrorist attacks are also discussed. A review of the literature from journals, the popular press and government sources was stressed to provide an official and public view of terrorism. Findings – It was found that “terrorism” is pervasive around the world although maybe more concentrated in the Middle East at present. It is seen as annually increasing in number and severity of events. There were minor terrorist events in the USA in the 1990s, but the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York forever changed the view of terrorism by US citizens. The USA subsequently changed its administrative structure, economic infrastructure, beliefs, behaviors, and relations to others in the world. The USA is seen as the main terrorist target in the world and Al-Qaeda, one of 40 foreign terrorist organizations, is seen as the main group attacking it. Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Sudan, Cuba, Libya, and Syria are seen as the main countries supporting terrorism. The main terrorist weapons are explosives, guns, biological, chemical, radiological, psychological, and to a lesser extent, nuclear. Research limitations/implications – Although future events and subsequent research must bear it out, it appears that cyber terrorism and radioactive explosives may be used more in the future. Executives can improve their odds of withstanding terrorist attacks by understanding past and present aspects of terrorism. Future dealings with terrorists are seen as problematic, but there are actions companies can take, such as adding working crisis management plans, to help prevent and manage the negative effects of terrorist attacks. Originality/value – This paper is an attempt to present and understand “terrorism” from a US perspective so that others in the world can better understand US motivations, actions, and rationale.
Kr+¦tzsch, M., Vrande- i-ç, D., V+¦lkel, M., Haller, H., and Studer, R., "
Semantic Wikipedia: World Wide Web Conference 2006Semantic Web Track".
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2007, pp. 251-261 .
Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Web semántica/Web semántica/Wikipedia
Resumen: Wikipedia is the worldGÇÖs largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its content is barely machine-interpretable and only weakly structured. With Semantic MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to semantically annotate wiki pages, based on which the wiki contents can be browsed, searched, and reused in novel ways. In this paper, we give an extended overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding performance and current applications.
Kr÷tzsch, M., Vrandecic, D., V÷lkel, M., Haller, H., and Studer, R., "
Semantic Wikipedia: World Wide Web Conference 2006Semantic Web Track".
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2007, pp. 251-261.
Descriptores: Wikipedia/Web 2.0/Web semántica
Resumen: Wikipedia is the world s largest collaboratively edited source of encyclopaedic knowledge. But in spite of its utility, its content is barely machine-interpretable and only weakly structured. With Semantic MediaWiki we provide an extension that enables wiki-users to semantically annotate wiki pages, based on which the wiki contents can be browsed, searched, and reused in novel ways. In this paper, we give an extended overview of Semantic MediaWiki and discuss experiences regarding performance and current applications.
Lasica, J. D., "
Ourmedia: An Overview".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2005, pp. 22-23.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/Cooperación/Web social/Difusión de la información
Resumen: Purpose – To describe Ourmedia. Design/methodology/approach – The piece includes descriptions of the various media types Ourmedia handles, preservation issues, fair-use interpretations and upcoming developments. Findings – Ourmedia is a free open-source global repository for digital media. Originality/value – Provides information of value to information management professionals.
Lih, A., "
Wikipedia as Participatory Journalism: Reliable Sources? Metrics for evaluating collaborative media as a news resource.".
Stargek, 2006.
Descriptores: Wikipedia/Edición electrónica/Obras de referencia/Enciclopedias/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Wikipedia is an Internet-based, volunteer-contributed encyclopedia that has become a popular online reference in just three years of existence (Figure 1). It has thousands of international contributors and is the largest current example of an open content wiki3. (The Hawaiian word for “quick,” WikiWiki, is the basis for the wiki name.) The goal of Wikipedia is to create an encyclopedia that can be shared and copied freely while encouraging people to easily change and improve the content. Each and every article has an “Edit this page” button, allowing anyone, even anonymous passersby, to add or delete any content on any page. What would surely seem to create chaos has actually produced increasingly respected content which has been evaluated and revised by the thousands of visitors to the site over time.
Lipczynska, S., "
Power to the people: the case for Wikipedia".
Reference Reviews, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2005, pp. 6-7.
Descriptores: Wiki/Servicios de referencia en línea/Wikipedia
Resumen: Purpose – To examine the case for the Wikipedia as a major reference tool.Design/methodology/approach – Summarises content of the Wikipedia and looks at the controversy its development has engendered. The controversy is examined with reference to recent press articles and internet postings. The aim is to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the Wikipedia in the light of this controversy, with a view to arriving at a balanced assessment of its value.Findings – Finds that the Wikipedia, through its editorial and up-keep systems and ability to reflect very recent developments, is a source of unquestioned reference value.Research limitations/implications – The assessment of Wikipedia is brief and the analysis of the controversy surrounding it is confined to a small selection of recent articles and web postings.Practical implications – This assessment provides further exposure of the newly developed Wikipedia and contributes to the growing debate about its value and usefulness.Originality/value – Responds to the growing need for a dispassionate assessment of the Wikipedia and offers informed opinion to library and information workers considering exploiting it as a reference resource.
Liziard, D., "
Travail collaboratif avec un wiki : Pistes partir d’expériences de bibliothécaires".
Bulletin des biblioth ques de France, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Bibliotecas/Wikipedia
Resumen: Les sites wikis sont des outils permettant de partager rapidement de l’information, puis de la compléter et de l’organiser progressivement. Si ce mode de rédaction collaboratif a d’abord été popularisé travers le projet encyclopédique Wikipédia 1, des applications plus limitées en sont également possibles, autour de th mes spécifiques et de communautés d’utilisateurs déterminées. La facilité d’utilisation et de mise en place des wikis en fait l’un des instruments privilégiés que les professionnels de l’information peuvent maintenant utiliser pour mutualiser leurs connaissances ou pour accompagner leurs projets. Cet article propose quelques conseils d’utilisation de ces sites, fondés sur les expériences de bibliothécaires français et américains.
Luke Tredinnick, "
Post-structuralism, hypertext, and the World Wide Web".
Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 59, No. 2, 2007, pp. 169-186.
Descriptores: Wiki/Hipertexto
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the application of post-structuralist theory to understanding hypertext and the World Wide Web, and the challenge posed by digital information technology to the practices of the information profession. Design/methodology/approach – The method adopted is that of a critical study. Findings – The paper argues for the importance of post-structuralism for an understanding of the implications of digital information for the information management profession. Originality/value – Focuses on an epistemological gap between the traditional practices of the information profession, and the structure of the World Wide Web.
Malone, E. and Lipson, H., "
Fab@Home: the personal desktop fabricator kit".
Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2007, pp. 245-255.
Descriptores: Wiki
Resumen: Purpose – Solid freeform fabrication (SFF) has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing, even to allow individuals to invent, customize, and manufacture goods cost-effectively in their own homes. Commercial freeform fabrication systems – while successful in industrial settings – are costly, proprietary, and work with few, expensive, and proprietary materials, limiting the growth and advancement of the technology. The open-source Fab@Home Project has been created to promote SFF technology by placing it in the hands of hobbyists, inventors, and artists in a form which is simple, cheap, and without restrictions on experimentation. This paper aims to examine this. Design/methodology/approach – A simple, low-cost, user modifiable freeform fabrication system has been designed, called the Fab@Home Model 1, and the designs, documentation, software, and source code have been published on a user-editable “wiki” web site under the open-source BSD License. Six systems have been built, and three of them given away to interested users in return for feedback on the system and contributions to the web site. Findings – The Fab@Home Model 1 can build objects comprising multiple materials, with sub-millimeter-scale features, and overall dimensions larger than 20?cm. In its first six months of operation, the project has received more than 13 million web site hits, and media coverage by several international news and technology magazines, web sites, and programs. Model 1s are being used in a university engineering course, a Model 1 will be included in an exhibit on the history of plastics at the Science Museum London, UK, and kits can now be purchased commercially. Research limitations/implications – The ease of construction and operation of the Model 1 has not been well tested. The materials cost for construction (US$2,300) has prevented some interested people from building systems of their own. Practical implications – The energetic public response to the Fab@Home project confirms the broad appeal of personal freeform fabrication technology. The diversity of interests and desired applications expressed by the public suggests that the open-source approach to accelerating the expansion of SFF technology embodied in the Fab@Home project may well be successful. Originality/value – Fab@Home is unique in its goal of popularizing and advancing SFF technology for its own sake. The RepRap project in the UK predates Fab@Home, but aims to build machines which can make most of their own parts. The two projects are complementary in many respects, and fruitful exchanges of ideas and designs between them are expected.
Marco Neumann , Ina O'Murchu , John Breslin , Stefan Decker , Deirdre Hogan , and Ciaran MacDonaill, "
Semantic social network portal for collaborative online communities".
Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2005, pp. 472-487.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/Cooperación/Web social/Difusión de la información/Industria
Resumen: Purpose – The motivation for this investigation is to apply social networking features to a semantic network portal, which supports the efforts in enterprise training units to up-skill the employee in the company, and facilitates the creation and reuse of knowledge in online communities. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides an overview of an emerging area for work-related research in the field of knowledge management and collaborative online communities. Findings – The growing number of social network online communities requires a systematic assessment of the application and design of social network technologies, which makes this study relevant and timely. Practical implications – This paper gives guidance in an emerging research area with major implications for online communities and human resources management. Originality/value – Fulfils a need, since a lack of literature in the field is apparent.
Mattila, M., "
Studying Corporate Social Responsibility in Finland: Genuine Gesture or Pursuit of a Big(ger) Profit?".
Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2006, pp. 159-164.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/Aspecto social/Finlandia/Wikipedia
Resumen: Corporate Social Responsibility is a crucial element of today's company strategies. Today's heightened interest in the proper role of businesses in society has been promoted by increased sensitivity to environmental and ethical issues (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corporate social responsibility) . CSR is said to be good for society and good for business. Better understanding of the potential benefits of CSR for the competitiveness of individual companies and for national economies can help encourage the spread of CSR practice. Business and society are interdependent. The wellbeing of one depends on the wellbeing of the other, (
http://www.societyandbusiness.gov.uk/html) Especially in big companies and corporations it's seen as a vital tool to promote and improve the public image. Companies are called “corporate citizens”. This study concentrates in three companies in Finland: forest industry, banking and market. This paper is a part of a dissertation about company values. Data is gathered by interviewing personnel in the head office and at the local level in companies with multiple hierarchial levels.
Maxymuk, J., "
Online communities".
The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2007, pp. 54-57.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Comunidades virtuales/Web social
Resumen: Purpose – This paper seeks to explore how new communication technologies could be used in a library. Design/methodology/approach – Discusses the implications of using podcasts, blogs, and wikis in a library environment. Findings – While the author remains skeptical of the widespread application of podcasts and vodcasts for most libraries due to the dry nature of the content generally on offer, there are exceptions with special collections, music and art libraries especially. Blogs and wikis present more potential to most libraries in disseminating the type of information and assistance that libraries tend to provide. Originality/value – The article looks at how libraries could implement the use of podcasts, blogs, and wikis.
McKelvie, G., Dotsika, F., and Patrick, K., "
Interactive business development, capturing business knowledge and practice: A case study".
The Learning Organization, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2007, pp. 407-422.
Descriptores: Wiki/Comercio /Empresas
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to follow the planning and development of MapaWiki, a Knowledge Management System for Mapa, an independent research company that specialises in competitor benchmarking. Starting with the standard requirements to capture, store and share information and knowledge, a system was sought that would allow growth and expansion whilst supporting the quick and easy recording and maintenance of interactions between employees. Design/methodology/approach – Trying to identify the optimum KM solution, the social and technical systems within the organisation cooperated in the investigation of different approaches and in the system's design and development. From the case study perspective the Yin (1994) approach was adopted as a framing and guiding schema. This was further shaped through the action research aspect, involving problem-solving and generating new knowledge and awareness. The solution selection methodology followed was based on the framework proposed by Despres and Chauvel (1999). Findings – The application of MapaWiki as a KM system has been very successful. It has already become the central tool for collaboration within the company as well as the central knowledge repository where users add comments and suggestions to articles related to product development, meetings minutes, conference notes etc. Originality/value – This case study has highlighted the underlying power of the wiki concept and has shown how it can be extended substantially from its original use, typically a notice board or brainstorming tool. Our example demonstrates an interactive collaborative environment that allows for the capture, storage, and sharing of information, knowledge and knowledge sharing practice, that has improved efficiency and the adoption of good practices.
McKiernan, G., "
E-profile ebrary: A User-Centered Digital Library of Interactive Content".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2005, pp. 31-39.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas digitales/Interactividad
Resumen: Purpose – This article aims to describe ebrary, a new digital library. Design/methodology/approach – The article is prepared by a library professional and provides a summary of the main features. Findings – A new digital library, ebrary is powerful system that cost effectively and efficiently creates highly interactive, online databases of content. ebrary creates databases of books, maps, sheet music, reports and other authoritative content from leading publishers, which they license to libraries and other institutions worldwide. Originality/value – This article is a useful summary of a development of interest to library and information management professionals.
McKiernan, G., "
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 22, No. 8, 2005, pp. 46-54.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Wikipedia
Resumen: Purpose – This article of part 1 of a two part series on wikis. Part 1 focuses on wikipedia. Design/methodology/approach – The article is prepared by a library professional and provides a summary of the main features. Findings – A wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit web page content using any web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and crosslinks between internal pages on the fly. Originality/value – This article is a useful summary of a development of interest to library and information management professionals.
Nakata, N., Fukuda, Y., Fukuda, K., and Suzuki, N., "
DICOM Wiki: Web-based collaboration and knowledge database system for radiologists: CARS 2005: Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery".
International Congress Series , Vol. 1281, 2005, pp. 980-985.
Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Web semántica
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the clinical feasibility and discuss the novel communication methodology among doctors using Wiki content management system (CMS). The hardware consists of a mobile wireless Linux PC and wireless client devices (PCs and PDAs). Wiki CMS is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit webpage content using a simple markup language with any web browser. We completed some Wiki plugins for DICOM viewer and teaching files. Radiologists can easily author and edit their own Wiki webpages, DICOM images, and thumbnail images with suitable layout using accessible client devices. The length of source scripts for Wiki web page is shorter than that of HTML scripts and a Wiki editable source document is easy to master for radiologists. We conclude this CMS is a useful web collaboration tool for education, conference, and research for radiologists.
O'Sullivan, K. J., "
Creating and executing an internal communications plan for knowledge management systems deployments".
Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2007, pp. 102-108.
Descriptores: Wiki/Gestión del conocimiento
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of the article is to identify and define an internal communications plan that may assist in the successful deployment of a knowledge management system. Design/methodology/approach – This article focuses on communications strategies that may be adopted by organizations deploying knowledge management systems where resistance to the implementation of such systems may exist. Such resistance may be a result of issues such as trust, organizational culture and misunderstandings as to the nature of knowledge management and knowledge management systems. An internal communications plan is proposed with a focus on knowledge management systems which details target audiences, timing strategies and suggests possible media solutions including traditional collaterals and conversational support technologies to facilitate improved deployments of such systems. Findings – The article proposes a framework of communications methodologies, timings and target audiences to be considered during the deployment, pilot and pre-pilot phases of a KM system implementation. It concludes by discussing the opportunities to use conversational technologies in deploying KM systems to knowledge workers. Originality/value – The deployment issues raised in this article are expected to be of value to KM system developers, project managers, systems analysts, business executives and academic researchers.
O’Connor, P., "
How We Enhance Information, and How We Are Enhanced . . . Conference Report: Managing and Enhancing Information: Cultures and Conflicts, the ASIST Annual Conference, Providence, Rhode Island, November 12-17, 2004".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2005, pp. 9-10.
Descriptores: Wiki/Wiki/Blogs/Web social/Difusión de la información
Resumen: Purpose – Aims to report on the 2004 Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), which had the theme of Managing and Enhancing Information: Cultures and Conflicts. The conference was held in November in Providence, Rhode Island. Design/methodology/approach – Reviews some of the events of the conference. Findings – Finds that the hot topics of the conference were: Google, blogs, wikis, virtual reference and the Semantic Web. Originality/value – A report that will be of interest to library and information management professionals.
Panda, K. C. and Mandal, M., "
Corporate culture in libraries and information centers to promote “knowledge-based business” in IT era".
Library Management, Vol. 27, No. 6/7, 2006, pp. 446-459.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Gestión/Empresas
Resumen: Purpose – The phrase, “corporate culture”, refers to a company's values, beliefs, business principles, traditions, ways of operating, and internal work environment. In the perspective of corporate culture, the paper attempts to trace the changes in some libraries round the world. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides a conjectural approach to corporate culture and how the same could be applied to contemporary libraries and information centers and to show how the five laws of Library Science coupled with the evolution of IT have not only made the library services more competitive, but also profoundly influenced the ethics of twenty-first century librarianship. Findings – The paper finds that contemporary libraries will have to adapt corporate culture to promote knowledge-based business so as to make their services customer-friendly. Originality/value – The paper portrays the different aspects of corporate culture and cites the contributions of well-known authors on “organization culture”.
Payne, J., "
Using wikis and blogs to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing".
Strategic HR Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2008, pp. 5-12.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/Cooperación/Web social/Difusión de la información
Resumen: Purpose – Leading business thinkers agree that knowing how to collaborate is the key to effective knowledge creation and sharing, and to future business success. But collaboration is voluntary, and difficult to manage for hierarchical organizations accustomed to top-down control. This is reflected in the difficulties organizations typically encounter when trying to persuade people to use technology tools designed to support collaboration. Social software, such as wikis and blogs, appears to be different. Wikis and blogs have become established outside the business world in phenomena such as Wikipedia and are now moving into mainstream business practice. The purpose of this article is to explore the role of wikis and blogs in supporting collaboration. Design/methodology/approach – The article explores the use of social software in organizations through three case studies produced as part of a Henley Knowledge Management Forum research project. Findings – The findings suggest that social software has the potential to help organizations develop collaboration capability, but the bottom-up features that make it attractive to users can also make it unattractive to groups of people with a stake in preserving existing organizational structures. Originality/value – The paper suggests that the impact of social software in an organization depends on the nature of the existing hierarchy and bureaucracy, and that social software can help organizations break down traditional hierarchies that impede collaboration and knowledge sharing. Preliminary work to develop a framework for understanding and managing these interactions is also presented.
Prensky, M., "
Proposal for educational software development sites: an open source tool to create the learning software we need".
On the Horizon, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2004, pp. 41-44.
Descriptores: Wiki/Aprendizaje/Programas informáticos/Programas informáticos/Educación
Resumen: Argues that to get educational software that is state-of-the-art along all dimensions, works together, and is free to users, one must involve the “world mind” and open source software. Proposes a model whereby colleges and universities each take charge of certain areas of learning, searching for the best developments, and writing new tools, which are then shared among all sites. Offers an example in the area of educational games, and suggests a way to get started.
Priedhorsky, R., Jordan, B., and Terveen, L., "
How a Personalized Geowiki Can Help Bicyclists Share Information More Effectively".
University of Minesota, 2006.
Descriptores: Wiki/Difusión de la información
Resumen: The bicycling community is focused around a real-world activity – navigating a bicycle – which requires planning
within a complex and ever-changing space. While all the knowledge needed to find good routes exists, it is highly
distributed. We show, using the results of surveys and interviews, that cyclists need a comprehensive, up-to-date, and
personalized information resource.We introduce the personalized geowiki, a new type of wiki which meets these requirements, and we formalize the notion of geowiki. Finally, we state some general prerequisites for wiki contribution and show that they are met by cyclists.
Ramos, M. and Piper, P. S., "
Letting the grass grow: grassroots information on blogs and wikis".
Reference Services Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2006, pp. 570-574.
Descriptores: Blogs/Wikis/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to illustrate some of the major uses and limiting factors of blogs and wikis, as well as the ways that these resources can be used by librarians and educators. Design/methodology/approach - This paper analyses blog and wiki use from set-up to practice in real-world events including citizen journalism, disaster response and education. Findings - The paper highlights the many ways that socially mediated, group-edited web pages add value to research, information sharing, and collaborative, asynchronous modes of education. Originality/value - This paper provides insights for educators and librarians about the ways that blogs and wikis can be used in classrooms and as primary sources of information.
Ramos, M. and Piper, P. S., "
Letting the grass grow: grassroots information on blogs and wikis".
Reference Services Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2006, pp. 570-574.
Descriptores: Wiki/Blogs/Servicios de referencia en línea
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to illustrate some of the major uses and limiting factors of blogs and wikis, as well as the ways that these resources can be used by librarians and educators. Design/methodology/approach – This paper analyses blog and wiki use from set-up to practice in real-world events including citizen journalism, disaster response and education. Findings – The paper highlights the many ways that socially mediated, group-edited web pages add value to research, information sharing, and collaborative, asynchronous modes of education. Originality/value – This paper provides insights for educators and librarians about the ways that blogs and wikis can be used in classrooms and as primary sources of information.
Reeves, S., Hagen, J., and Jewell, C., "
Unlocking Scholarly Access: ETDs, Institutional Repositories and Creators: Highlights of ETD 2006, the 9th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations".
Library Hi Tech News, Vol. 23, No. 7, 2006, pp. 12-15.
Descriptores: Wiki/Repositorios institucionales/Tesis doctorales/Bibliotecas/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose – To report on the 9th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) held at the Universite Laval in Quebec City. Design/methodology/approach – A review of the main activities of the symposium. Findings – Building on the successes of previous ETD symposia, the content presented at this one demonstrated how the ETD has matured and captured the attention of the higher education communities worldwide. With more organizational interest in the growing Institutional Repository movement, the links between ETDs and institutional repositories is not only natural but well positioned as open access and archival preservation techniques become common in electronic and scholarly publishing. Originality/value – A piece that of value to all involved with information management.
Sarah Ann Long, "
Exploring the wiki world: the new face of collaboration".
New Library World , Vol. 107, No. 3/4, 2006, pp. 157-159.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Cooperación/Web social
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this article is to examine a new collaborative electronic platform available to libraries of all types. Design/methodology/approach – Introduces potential application of wikis discussed by academics and librarians, along with personal viewpoint. Findings – A wiki is a very good example of the best of democracy in which self-organizing behavior enforces community norms. Typically, wikis are open to everyone and erroneous information could easily be entered, but they are monitored by dedicated members and information is corrected quickly. While viewed as a platform with many advantages for timely and efficient collaborative efforts, there is still a sense of lack of accountability and cumbersome technological hurdles. Originality/value – Wikis offer the opportunity for wide project collaboration and the possibility of a better product in the end.
Sarah Ann Long, "
The perfect partnership of service and entrepreneurship in San Miguel de Allende".
New Library World, Vol. 107, No. 7/8, 2006, pp. 352-354.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas/Cooperación/Web social
Resumen: Purpose – Examines the unique funding and service model of a successful community-centered library. Design/methodology/approach – Introduces the history and demographics of San Miguel de Allende, a city in Mexico with a large English speaking population, and outlines how the library maintains its role as community centre. Findings – The San Miguel de Allende library thrives through careful attention to the demographics of the community, an innovative and aggressive approach to funding issues, and an awareness of the need for change. The library collection is the largest bilingual privately funded, publicly accessible library in Mexico. This, along with an extensive scholarship and outreach program to students in both rural and urban areas, is funded by a diverse array of revenue generating efforts including a weekly newspaper, weekly sale of books and household items, a café and gift shop. Originality/value – The San Miguel de Allende Library models how creativity, strong community responsive and lack of fear of change can build and sustain libraries.
Tonkin, E., "
Making the Case for a Wiki".
Ariadne, No. 42, 2005.
Descriptores: Tecnologías de la información/Software libre /Wiki
Resumen: Emma Tonkin considers wikis in the context of emerging technologies and while explaining the benefits they may offer, provides a timely warning on the feasibility of their deployment. The wiki is another such concept, that could be christened 'simple user-editable data storage'. It was born in 1995 to hold a pattern repository, the term 'Wiki' famously being taken from the Hawaiian term 'WikiWiki', or 'Super fast'. The image below shows a simple wiki such as I might have used to gather my thoughts before beginning to write this article, one theme, or WikiWord, per page, with various links between the pages showing where I have referenced one from another
Triana, S., "
Los wiki’s una herramienta para la educacion de hoy".
E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Wikis
Resumen: In the technological communities, industrial and educative it is spoken of the application of Web 2,0 like a tool that allows that the users create, change and disclose contents of all class, like books, videos, music, the news, etc., and simultaneously are used by other users by means of blogs and of the communities that can be created within the Web, everything this free to manage a greater accessibility to Internet and little by little to be ending the technological illiteracy.
Viégas, F. B., Wattenberg, M., and McKeon, M. M., "
The Hidden Order of Wikipedia".
Visual Communication Lab, IBM Research, 2006.
Descriptores: Wikipedia/Edición electrónica/Obras de referencia/Enciclopedias
Resumen: We examine the procedural side of Wikipedia, the well-known internet encyclopedia. Despite the lack of structure in the underlying wiki technology, users abide by hundreds of rules and follow well-defined processes. Our case study is the Featured Article (FA) process, one of the best established procedures on the site. We analyze the FA process through the theoretical framework of commons governance, and demonstrate how this process blends elements of traditional workflow with peer production. We conclude that rather than encouraging anarchy, many aspects of wiki technology lend themselves to the collective creation of formalized process and policy.
Voss, J., "
Measuring Wikipedia. In Proceedings International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics : 10th, Stockholm (Sweden).".
E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2005.
Descriptores: Wikis/Web social/Wikipedia
Resumen: Wikipedia, an international project that uses Wiki software to collaboratively create an encyclopaedia, is becoming more and more popular. Everyone can directly edit articles and every edit is recorded. The version history of all articles is freely available and allows a multitude of examinations. This paper gives an overview on Wikipedia research. Wikipedia’s fundamental components, i.e. articles, authors, edits, and links, as well as content and quality are analysed. Possibilities of research are explored including examples and first results. Several characteristics that are found in Wikipedia, such as exponential growth and scale-free networks are already known in other context. However the Wiki architecture also possesses some intrinsic specialities. General trends are measured that are typical for all Wikipedias but vary between languages in detail.
Xin Li, "
Library as incubating space for innovations: practices, trends and skill sets".
Library Management, Vol. 27, No. 6/7, 2006, pp. 370-378.
Descriptores: Wiki/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss library transformation and creative approaches in public services. Design/methodology/approach – Using classic business concept and drawing on Cornell University service examples, changing customer demands and library's ability to innovate and respond to customers are assessed. The critical skills needed for library to remain competitive are outlined. Findings – In order for libraries to remain relevant to their customers, they must follow the fundamental rule of business, that is, to supply what is demanded by their market. Library staff skills and library services all have to shift from book-centric to user-centric. Practical implications – As the academic library continues to redefine its role in teaching and research in the digital environment, it needs to leverage its strengths, such as physical space and collections, and to innovate responsive and convenient services. Originality/value – The ideas presented in this paper are most useful to library managers and leaders as they address service weak points or the design and development of user-centric, value-added library services.
Ying-Chieh Chen , Chen, P. S., Jing-Jang Hwang , Korba, L., Ronggong Song , and Yee, G., "
An analysis of online gaming crime characteristics".
Internet Research, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2005, pp. 246-261.
Descriptores: Wiki
Resumen: Purpose – To arouse the public awareness of online gaming-related crimes and other societal influences so that these problems can be solved through education, laws and appropriate technologies. Design/methodology/approach – A total of 613 criminal cases of online gaming crimes that happened in Taiwan during 2002 were gathered and analyzed. They were analyzed for special features then focusing on the tendency for online gaming crime. Related prosecutions, offenders, victims, criminal methods, and so on, were analyzed. Findings – According to our analysis of online gaming characteristics in Taiwan, the majority of online gaming crime is theft (73.7 percent) and fraud (20.2 percent). The crime scene is mainly in internet cafés (54.8 percent). Most crimes are committed within the 12:00 to 14:00 time period (11.9 percent). Identity theft (43.4 percent) and social engineering (43.9 percent) are the major criminal means. The offenders (95.8 percent) and victims (87.8 percent) are mainly male and offenders always proceed alone (88.3 percent). The age of offenders is quite low (63.3 percent in the age range of 15-20), and 8.3 percent of offenders are under 15 years old. The offenders are mostly students (46.7 percent) and the unemployed (24 percent), most of them (81.9 percent) not having criminal records. The type of game giving rise to most of the criminal cases is Lineage Online (93.3 percent). The average value of the online gaming loss is about US$459 and 34.3 percent of criminal loss is between $100 and $300. Research limitations/implications – These criminal cases were retrieved from Taiwan in 2002. Some criminal behavior may have been limited to a certain area or a certain period. Practical implications – Provides a useful source of information and constructive advice for the public who will sense the seriousness and influence of online gaming crimes. Further, this topic may have implications on e-commence, e-services, or web-based activities beyond gaming. Originality/value – Since there is little published research in this area, this paper provides the public with a good and original introduction to a topic of growing importance.
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