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Preservación digital

Preservacion digital
U niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca

Preservacion digital
I nfo D ocJunio de 2008

¿Que es?

El objetivo de la preservación digital es mantener la capacidad de visualizar, recuperar y utilizar colecciones digitales frente a las infraestructuras y elementos tecnológicos y de organización que cambian con mucha rapidez


Para saber más...

     1.     "The National Library of Australia's Digital Preservation Agenda, an Interview with Colin Webb ".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 5, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Conservación/Preservación digital/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas nacionales/Australia

Resumen: We are pleased to present you the second Editors' Interview, a new occasional feature to RLG DigiNews that we introduced in August 2000. Our interviewee is Colin Webb, Director of Preservation, from the National Library of Australia. Webb has sought to bring a strong preservation perspective to the National Library's initiatives and even created the first­and still the only­specialist position in digital preservation in Australia.

     2.    Andolsen, A.,  "Get smart! About intellectual property".  Information Management Journal, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2006, pp. 36-42.

Descriptores: Gestión de documentos/Documentos administrativos/Archivos administrativos/Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Propiedad intelectual/Legislacion

Resumen: Highlights the advent of the concept of intellectual property and describes the different forms of intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, copyright, and trade secrets, and the role of the records and information management (RIM) manager in preserving records relating to these forms. Explains the importance of digital preservation.

     3.    Arb, J. v. and Laustad, L.,  "“Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects” - optimalizing quality access through digital preservation practice".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Audiovisuales/Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: Most libraries around the world have some of their holdings in an audio-format. This sound material, kept in its
analogue form, has a microscopic life expectancy compared to material found on a paper medium. To delay a migration
to a digital medium for another decade could be the coup de grace for many such sound collections, or cost an eye and
a leg because of the unavailability of adequate analogue replay machines. Both IFLA’s Audio-Visual Media Section and the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives (IASA) recommend digitization as the best means to safeguard the audio heritage for the future.

     4.    Beagrie, N.,  "Digital Preservation: Best Practice and its Dissemination".  Ariadne, No.  43, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Neil Beagrie describes the development and subsequent use of a digital preservation handbook and future plans for expansion of its use in training and professional practice. This work is an example of the various activities supported by a JISC programme described elsewhere in this issue.

     5.    Beagrie, N.,  "Towards a Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK".  Ariadne, No. 27, 2001.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Patrimonio bibliográfico

Resumen: Electronic resources form an increasingly large part of our cultural and intellectual heritage. In addition to electronic publications, the Web, and e-commerce, there is an array of new UK initiatives and legislation, from Modernising Government to the Freedom of Information Act, which is putting an onus on public organisations to provide access to, manage and archive their information in electronic form. In the research arena, there are also significant developments particularly in the sciences towards very large primary research data sets in electronic form e.g. in genomics or earth sciences.There are significant challenges associated.

     6.    Beebe, L. and Meyers, B.,  "The Unsettled State of Archiving".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1999.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Linda Beebe and Barbara Meyers take a broad look at archiving, reviewing current programs and new studies, and conclude that it's not time to declare a winner: more players have to put more effort into the game.

     7.    Besser, H.,  "Collaboration for Electronic Preservation.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Cooperación bibliotecaria/Cooperación internacional/Estados Unidos

Resumen: Resource-sharing and knowledge dissemination have been the driving forces behind late twentieth century preservation collaboration. But with the challenge of digital preservation that emerged at the turn of the twenty-first century, collaboration for the discovery of new ways of doing things took on increased importance. Collaborative projects tackled problems like developing new methodologies, establishing standards and best practices, and developing procedures and tools for areas such as emulation and data recovery. This article explains the different driving forces behind collaboration for preservation of electronic material and situates them within recent U.S. preservation and library collaboration history. It then provides two case studies of collaborative electronic preservation projects that the author participated in. Finally, it uses the experiences of those studies to identify, a modest set of predictors for success in such future projects.

     8.    Bradley, K.,  "Defining Digital Sustainability.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Digitalización

Resumen: This paper investigates what is meant by digital sustainability and establishes that it encompasses a range of issues and concerns that contribute to the longevity of digital information. A significant and integral part of digital sustainability is digital preservation, which has focused on one technical concern after another as issues and fashions have shifted over the last twenty years. Digital sustainability is demonstrated as providing an appropriate context for digital preservation because it requires consideration of the overall life cycle, technical, and socio-technical issues associated with the creation and management of digital items.

     9.    Burroughs, J. M. and Clark, K. J.,  "News You Can Use: Contemporary SDI and Anticipatory Reference for Government Information.".  Reference Librarian, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Publicaciones oficiales/Servicios de referencia en línea/Preservación digital/Digitalización/Blogs/RSS

Resumen: Government information is becoming available to citizens more quickly than ever before due to electronic dissemination via the Internet. Two projects that rapidly capture, organize, and publicize regionally relevant government information are examined: Government News for Montana and New Mexico News Plus. These news-based sites serve as tools for collection development and digital archiving, proactive reference, content alerting services, information literacy, promotion, and outreach. Issues to consider and suggestions for the application of these services at other libraries are discussed.

   10.    Caroline, B.,  "Collaboration in digital archiving in the UK ".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: This paper gives a brief outline of current collaborative developments in the UK towards the establishment of a national digital published archive. It looks at recent changes in legislation in support of the creation of a digital archive, building on the concept of the National Published Archive for print publications. It discusses collaborative pilot projects designed to further our knowledge and experience and examines the challenges they face. It also considers how vital a collaborative framework is to ensure future progress, not just between the libraries which will be responsible for the national digital archive, but for the publishing industry too.

   11.    Carou, A.,  "Archiver la vidéo sur le web : Des documents ? Quels documents ?".  Bulletin des biblioth ques de France, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Videos/Preservación digital/World Wide Web

Resumen: En une année et demie, la vidéo en ligne a connu un essor tel que, désormais, la grande question en suspens est celle des modèles économiques (business models) appelés à s’imposer, entre gratuit et payant, distribution des films par les fournisseurs d’accès à Internet (FAI) ou par les diffuseurs classiques (distributeurs, chaînes de télévision), sortie simultanée ou différée par rapport aux autres écrans.

   12.    Carpenter, L.,  "Supporting Digital Preservation and Asset Management in Institutions ".  Ariadne, No. 43, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Enseñanza a distancia

Resumen: Leona Carpenter describes a JISC development programme tackling the organisational and technical challenges facing Higher and Further Education in the UK.

   13.    Choi, H. N. and Park, E. G.,  "Preserving perpetual access to electronic journals: A Korean consortial approach".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Revistas electrónicas /Bibliotecas universitarias/Korea/Preservacion digital

Resumen: This study describes the key findings of the Korean Electronic Site License Initiative (KESLI), established by the National Digital Science Library to develop a digital archive of electronic journals in Korea. Research and relevant activities included developing a system architecture, suggesting journal selection criteria and publisher selection criteria, choosing a set of metadata elements, and addressing stakeholders' concerns. Recommendations for further tasks have been made in order to have the system fully operating by December 2007.

   14.    Cloonan, M. V. and Sanett, S.,  "Preservation strategies for electronic records: where we are now: obliquity".  American Archivist, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2002 .

Descriptores: Archivos/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Estados Unidos

Resumen: Reports on a survey of the activities of thirteen institutions and projects in the USA and abroad that employ or are exploring strategies to preserve authentic electronic records. These strategies include preservation techniques (refreshing, migration, emulation); selection for preservation; staffing configurations; cost modelling; access to preserved records; and policymaking. Particular attention is paid to three broad areas: the evolution of the definition of 'preservation', the role of costing in preserving electronic records, and the gap in policy development in which to situate and strategize the present and future preservation of electronic records. By documenting the variety of approaches that are being taken, the authors seek not only to shed light on current practices, but also to offer informed consideration on where preservation might be headed.

   15.    Cloonan, M. l. V. and Harvey, R.,  "Preserving Cultural Heritage: Introduction.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Patrimonio bibliográfico/Patrimonio cultural

Resumen: The authors offers a brief history of the way library and archive preservation has been viewed and carried out, and they introduce topics of this issue, including social aspects of preservation, the concept of authenticity, and the challenges of preserving collections during civil unrest. The authors offers a brief history of the way library and archive preservation has been viewed and carried out, and they introduce topics of this issue, including social aspects of preservation, the concept of authenticity, and the challenges of preserving collections during civil unrest.

   16.    Colorado Castellary, A.,  "Patrimonio y gestión del conocimiento en la era digital (Conferencia inaugural CALSI 2007).".  CALSI , 2007.

Descriptores: Patrimonio bibliográfico/Preservacion digital/Gestión del conocimiento

 Resumen: En fecha tan temprana como 1954, cuando Europa apenas había resurgido de las destrucciones de la guerra, creó el Convenio Cultural Europeo, en el que se planteaba como objetivo que “cada parte contratante tomará las medidas apropiadas para salvaguardar su aportación al patrimonio cultural común de Europa así como impulsar el desarrollo del mismo

   17.    Comunidades Europeas,  "Implementation of the commission recommendation on digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation report by Spain".  Comunidades Europeas, 2006.

Descriptores: Digitalización/España/Estadísticas/Preservacion digital

Resumen:  This report is structured according to the actions to be implemented by all Member States as recommended by the Commission in its Recommendation of 24 August 2006 on digitisation and online accessibility of cultural material and digital preservation and the related Council Conclusions of 13 November 2006. The deadline for submission of Member States' reports was 29/2/2008.

   18.    David Dorman,  "The potential of metasearching as an “open” service".  Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Preservacion digital/Recuperación de la información/Bibliotecas

Resumen: Purpose – This paper has two objectives: to illustrate to non-technical librarians the elements that make up the process of metasearching and to discuss how the openness of each of those elements affects the quality and affordability of a metasearch service. Design/methodology/approach – The search flow is broken down into its primary component parts-user interface, interface software, metasearch middleware (search client and results processor), the various types of database connectors, database servers, metadata, and content. Diagrams and real world examples are used to illustrate the challenges faced by metasearch services and how those services could be improved by open source software, open standards and open access content. Findings – This paper finds that the lack of Z39.50/SRU-compliant database servers and rich metadata consistently encoded are the primary causes of the current functional problems of metasearch services; that wide use of open source metasearch software and widespread implementation of Z39.50/SRU-compliant database servers would significantly lower the cost of metasearch services. Practical implications – One practical implication of the findings of the paper is that widespread use of Z39.50/SRU by content providers is the best foundation on which to build improved metasearch services. Another is that libraries would save a great deal of money and be able to offer superior metasearch services if those services were based on open source software and provided access to open access content. Originality/value – The value of this paper will be realized to the extent that it promotes awareness of the importance of open standards, open source software and open access content for the continued advancement of cost-effective metasearch services.

   19.    Day, M.,  "Metadata for digital preservation: an update".  Ariadne, No. 22, 1999.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Michael Day returns to the topic of an earlier metadata column and reviews recent activities related to the development of metadata schemes for digital preservation.

   20.    De Lusenet, Y.,  "Tending the Garden or Harvesting the Fields: Digital Preservation and the UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of the Digital Heritage.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/UNESCO/Patrimonio bibliográfico

Resumen: The UNESCO Charter on the Preservation of Digital Heritage, adopted in October 2003, is important for affirming the role of (national) heritage institutions and extending existing systems for preservation of documentary heritage to cover digital materials. This approach has distinct advantages, but has also been criticized for taking too narrow a view of the dynamic diversity of the digital environment, particularly as found on the Web. To understand what digital heritage is, it is useful to look at the current debate on preservation of intangible heritage, as both share a number of characteristics. The charter is examined in the context of UNESCO programs on culture to indicate its relevance for UNESCO's mission and to point to political aspects of digital preservation that cannot be ignored.

   21.    De Stefano, P. and Walters, T. O.,  "A Natural Collaboration: Preservation for Archival Collections in ARL Libraries.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Patrimonio bibliográfico/Cooperación bibliotecaria/Archivos/Bibliotecas de investigación

Resumen: In-house collaboration between the archives and preservation departments of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member libraries is not well established. This article presents data from a survey of special collections repositories in ARL member libraries, conducted in 1995 and repeated in 2006, that document the low levels of collaboration. The authors probe the history and development of preservation efforts in archives and in libraries and make a case for further examination of how the expertise and resources of archives and preservation departments can be shared in managing the preservation of archival materials.

   22.    Dow, E. H., Chesnutt, D. R., Underwood, W. E., Tibbo, H. R., Kline, M. J., and Bickford, C. N.,  "The Burlington Agenda: research issues in intellectual access to electronically published historical documents.".  American Archivist, Vol. 64, No. 2, 2001.

Descriptores: Archivos/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Internet/World Wide Web

Resumen: As increasing numbers of primary historical documents appear on the World Wide Web, publishers of those documents will need ways to provide intellectual access to the contents. Ten experts from the fields of experimental electronic publishing and library and information science (LIS) research, documentary editing and computer science research convened for three days in 2000 at Vermont University at Burlington. They identified the following needs: for user studies to determine the needs and reactions of the audiences; for assessment of the implications for change in publication management; and the need to compare empirically various technological approaches to access to information as three areas of research that can contribute to an understanding of how to construct and improve intellectual access to historical documents on the Web. The Burlington Agenda is accessible on the Web (

   23.    Entlich, R.,  "RLG DigiNews: Taking Stock at Five Years, by the Editorial Staff Link Analysis in RLG DigiNews".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 6, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: Five years ago, RLG published the first issue of RLG DigiNews. A lot has changed since then­and a good bit has remained the same. We're using this anniversary issue as a case study to reflect on those changes. This feature article discusses key turning points for RLG DigiNews from the access and preservation perspectives. Our FAQ asks 'where are they now' as it follows up on two projects that were announced in the first issue. In the June 2002 issue, we'll report on several more. The fate of these projects, like the other changes that the editorial staff of RLG DigiNews has witnessed, are revealing of both the opportunities and the obstacles that line the shores of a swiftly moving technological sea.

   24.    Ferreira, M., Baptista, A. A., and Ramalho, J. C.,  "A Foundation for Automatic Digital Preservation ".  Ariadne, No. 47, 2006.

Descriptores: Preservación digital

Resumen: Miguel Ferreira, Ana Alice Baptista and José Carlos Ramalho propose a Service-Oriented Architecture to help cultural heritage institutions to accomplish automatic digital preservation.

   25.    Flecker, D.,  "Preserving Scholarly E-Journals ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2001.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Revistas electrónicas /Conservación/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: For research libraries, the long-term preservation of digital collections may well be the most important issue in digital libraries. In certain ways, digital materials are incredibly fragile, dependent for their continued utility upon technologies that undergo rapid and continual change. In the world of physical research materials, a great number of valuable research resources have been saved passively: acquired by individuals or organizations and stored in little-visited recesses. These physical resources are still viable decades later. This is not the case with the digital equivalents. Changes in computing technology will insure that, over relatively short timeframes, both the media and the technical format of old digital materials will become unusable. Keeping digital resources accessible for use by future generations will require conscious effort and continual investment.

   26.    Frangoudes, K., Marugan-Pintos, B., and Pascual-Fernandez, J. J.,  "From open access to co-governance and conservation: The case of women shellfish collectors in Galicia (Spain)".  Marine Policy, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008, pp. 223-232.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Galicia/Politica científica/Preservación digital

Resumen: Improving governability is an important objective in many fisheries and coastal areas. However, it may be difficult to modify the factors influencing this. Specifically, enhancing the capacity of user groups and civil society to cope with the tasks involved in co-governance situations may constitute a challenge, although the advantages in factors such as legitimacy and adaptability to local situations may reward the efforts. This paper attempts to analyze the process of transformation of on-foot shellfish gathering in Galicia, an activity that has traditionally been developed mainly by women in a regime similar to an open access regime. However, in recent decades this situation has changed, and nowadays many areas where this activity flourishes are in a situation of active co-governance, with a type of license system. Shellfisher organizations plan and control the exploitation with the support of the government, even using seeding techniques to regenerate areas that were previously degraded. Over the last decade, they have avoided overexploitation and have managed the marketing of the shellfish much better than ever before. We emphasize in the article that the role of the administration in this process has been decisive, investing in training and improving the organizations and the social dimension of the activity through different strategies. The empowerment of women has been an essential element in this process, which has also enhanced social valuation of the activity. This case may exemplify the possibilities open for progress in potential co-governing situations.

   27.    Galloway, P.,  "Preservation of digital objects".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 38, 2004.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: The preservation of digital objects (defined here as objects in digital form that require a computer to support their existence and display) is obviously an important practical issue for the information professions, with its importance growing daily as more information objects are produced in, or converted to, digital form. Yakel's ([2001]) review of the field provided a much-needed introduction. At the same time, the complexity of new digital objects continues to increase, challenging existing preservation efforts (Lee, Skattery, Lu, Tang, & McCrary, [2002]). The field of information science itself is beginning to pay some reflexive attention to the creation of fragile and unpreservable digital objects. But these concerns focus often on the practical problems of short-term repurposing of digital objects rather than actual preservation, by which I mean the activity of carrying digital objects from one software generation to another, undertaken for purposes beyond the original reasons for cresting the objects. For preservation in this sense to be possible, information science as a discipline needs to be active in the formulation of, and advocacy for, national information policies. Such policies will need to challenge the predominant cultural expectation of planned obsolescence for information resources, and cultural artifacts in general.

   28.    Gatenby, P.,  "Coleccionar y gestionar recursos web para su acceso a largo plazo: recolección web y directrices para apoyar la preservación (Acciones 3.3 y 3.4 de ICABS)".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas nacionales/Australia/Documentos electrónicos/World wide web/Bibliotecas digitales/Gestión de la colección/Preservación digital/Internet invisible

Resumen: La Biblioteca Nacional de Australia contribuye al plan de trabajo de ICABS a través de la Línea de Acción 3 – avanzar en el conocimiento de las cuestiones relacionadas con el archivo a largo plazo de los recursos digitales. La Biblioteca Nacional se comprometió al desarrollo de acciones para promover la colaboración en las áreas del archivo web (Acción 3.3.) y la preservación de recursos digitales (Acción 3.4) sirviéndose de sus propias experiencias en este campo. La acciones específicas incluyen dirigir el Grupo de Trabajo de Internet Invisible (Deep Web Working Group) del International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), acoger la celebración de una conferencia internacional sobre el archivo web, trabajar en la automatización del depósito y del archivo de las publicaciones gubernamentales en línea, promover la información sobre los métodos para archivar la web, y examinar la información disponible para guiar la toma de decisiones sobre preservación  digital. El objetivo es facilitar la disponibilidad de información referida a estas áreas de interés, y hacer la información fácilmente accesible a través del portal PADI (

   29.    Gatenby, P.,  "Collecting and managing web resources for long-term access: web harvesting and guidelines to support preservation (ICABS Actions 3.3 and 3.4)".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Bibliotecas nacionales/Australia/Documentos electrónicos/World wide web/Bibliotecas digitales/Gestión de la colección/Preservación digital

Resumen: The National Library of Australia is contributing to the ICABS work plan through Goal 3 – to advance understanding of issues related to long-term archiving of digital resources. It is committed to actions to advance collaboration in the areas of web archiving (Action 3.3) and preservation of digital resources (Action 3.4), drawing on its own experience in these areas. Specific actions include leading the Deep Web Working Group of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC), holding an international conference on web archiving, working on automating the deposit and archiving of online government publications, promoting information on approaches to web archiving, and surveying information available to guide digital preservation decision-making. The aim is to facilitate the availability of information relating to these areas of interest, and to make the information readily accessible through the PADI ( subject gateway.

   30.    Gayatri Doctor,  "Capturing intellectual capital with an institutional repository at a business school in India".  Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Empresas/Preservacion digital/India /Inteligencia competitiva

Resumen: Purpose – Digital repositories are emerging technologies for knowledge sharing and management in academic institutions. Digital repositories collect, store, preserve, index and share the intellectual capital of faculty and research staff, namely their scholarly publications and teaching material. In a developing country like India, capturing this intellectual capital is becoming important and unavoidable for business schools. Creation of a digital archive for scholarly and teaching material is a growing requirement and is feasible assuming faculties use digital resources for their creation and are ready to share them. The paper aims to discuss a survey conducted and a pilot implementation of an institutional repository at the Icfai Business School (Business School Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India), Ahmedabad, India. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was conducted at the Icfai Business School, with the questionnaire being used as a tool to collect data, to determine the usage of digital resources by faculty and research staff in scholarly activities and teaching; understand the need and use of an institutional repository by the faculty. The pilot implementation of the institutional repository at Icfai Business School, Ahmedabad is also described. Findings – The study indicates that faculty in business schools from different academic areas and teaching experience do use digital resources for scholarly publications and teaching material, they do indicate a knowledge sharing culture and tend to show a positive attitude towards the need and use of a Digital institutional repository. Implementing the pilot institutional repository using Open Source DSpace software was an experience and provided visibility to the institutional intellectual capital. Research limitations/implications – Infrastructure, funding and manpower were the initial limitations. Once the institutional repository was installed, management of the repository was necessary. Planning of communities and collections, system maintenance like backups, populating the repository with the seed collection, creating awareness for initiating faculty self-archiving for the growth of the repository were some of the challenges faced. Staff were to be trained to ensure that documents were properly uploaded and metadata submitted into the repository. Practical implications – The pilot institutional repository aims to collect, preserve, share the intellectual capital and enhance institutional visibility. The intellectual output of faculty and research staff is available at one centralized location for search. Information retrieval from this repository on the basis of communities, collections, keywords, author, and titles is possible. As the repository is OAI enabled, visibility to the work of the faculty and the institution is enhanced. Originality/value – Implementing the pilot institutional repository at Icfai Business School, Ahmedabad has created a central facility for systematic archiving of the intellectual output of faculty and research staff. The institutional repository is of utility and value to both the faculty and the institute as it gives visibility to the work done. It is one of the few business schools in India who have implemented an open access institutional digital repository to capture the intellectual capital and share knowledge.

   31.    Gertz, J.,  "Selection for preservation in the Digital Age: an overview ".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2000.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Conservación/Preservación digital/Digitalización de imágenes

Resumen: In this article, I address three sets of issues. First, is digital conversion a preservation technique or is selection for digitization fundamentally an issue of access? Second, how does the process of selection for digitization differ from selection for traditional preservation activities? What selection criteria apply? Finally, what effect might digitization have on preservation as a field?

   32.    Gilliland Swetland, A. J.,  "Testing our truths: delineating the parameters of the authentic archival".  American Archivist, Vol. 65, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Archivos/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Investigación

Resumen: Based on the work of the first phase of the International Research on Permanent Authentic Electronic Record Project (InterPARES 1), argues that emerging considerations specific to electronic records necessitate that the archival community delineate mechanisms for establishing, maintaining and certifying the authenticity of preserved and reference copies of electronic records. Reviews how the InterPARES 1 Project identified such mechanisms through the conduct of a series of case studies of electronic information and record keeping systems. Discusses the case study data collection, analysis and outcomes in the context of the quest and rationale for effective methods and a research design that would allow InterPARES researchers to discern the parameters of the electronic record and what supports a presumption of its authenticity

   33.    Gladney, H. M. and Bennett, J. L.,  "What Do We Mean by Authentic? What's the Real McCoy? ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 7-8, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Seguridad/Preservación digital

Resumen: Authenticity is among digital document security properties needing attention. Literature focused on preservation reveals uncertainty ­ even confusion ­ about what we might mean by authentic. The current article provides a definition that spans vernacular usage of 'authentic', ranging from digital documents through material artifacts to natural objects.

   34.    Gonzalez, M. E.,  "Preservation Reformatting Conference: Digital Technology vs. Analog Technology ".  Abbey Newsletter, Vol. 26, No. 5, 2002.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Congresos /Documentos electrónicos/Tecnologías de la información

Resumen: About 180 representatives of large and small institutions attended the 18th annual conference of the National Archives and Records Administration held March 27, 2003, in the auditorium of Archives II in College Park, Maryland. The theme of the conference was preservation reformatting, with an emphasis on digital technologies reflecting the current experience of the speakers. Speakers included Steven Puglia, Special Media Laboratory, NARA; Howard Besser, Moving Image Preservation Program, New York University; Carl Fleischhauer, National Digital Library, Library of Congress; Ed Zwaneveld, former member of National Film Board of Canada; Abby Smith, Director of Programs, Council on Library and Information Resources; Stephen Chapman, Weissman Preservation Center, Harvard University; and Ken Thibodeau, Electronic Records Archives (ERA) Program, NARA. NARA staff video-recorded the proceedings and will make available on their website, <>, the text of some of the presentations. Other presentations not linked to the NARA website are available from sources indicated below.

   35.    Gracy, K. F.,  "Moving Image Preservation and Cultural Capital.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Conservación/Restauración/Patrimonio bibliográfico

Resumen: This article examines the changing landscape of moving image archiving in the wake of recent developments in online video sharing services such as YouTube and Google Video. The most crucial change to moving image archives may not be in regard to the collections themselves, but rather the social order that sustains cultural institutions in their role as the creators and sustainers of objectified cultural capital. In the future, moving image stewardship may no longer be the exclusive province of institutions such as archives and libraries, and may soon be accomplished in part through the work of other interested individuals and organizations as they contribute to and define collections. The technologies being built and tested in the current Internet environment offer a new model for the reimagined moving image archive, which foregrounds the user in the process of creating the archive and strongly encourages the appropriation of moving images for new works. This new archetype, which in theory functions on democratic principles, considers moving images--along with most other types of cultural heritage material--to be building blocks of creative acts or public speech acts. One might argue that the latter represents a new model for creating an archive; this new democratic archive documents and facilitates social discourse.

   36.    Habibah Zon Yahaya  and Mahfuzah Yusuf,  "Défis technologiques et questions de préservation".  CITRA, No. 33, 1998.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Documentos administrativos/Gestión/Preservación digital

Resumen: Dificultades tecnológicas inherentes a la comunicabilidad de los archivos públicos y privados. Uno de los problemas actuales que se presentan al archivero es la conservación y preservación de los documentos electrónicos en un contexto de cambios dinámicos tanto en el sector público como en el privado. Los elementos esenciales de la gestión de documentos electrónicos  exige la participación de los archiveros en la creación de los documentos y en el diseño de los sistemas

   37.    Harada, H.,  "Digitizing, Archiving, and Preserving Japanese Cultural Heritage".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 7, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Conservación/Preservación digital/Bibliotecas nacionales/Patrimonio cultural

Resumen: One of the primary duties of the National Diet Library (NDL) of Japan is to collect and preserve Japanese publications as the nation's cultural and intellectual assets. For this purpose NDL depends greatly on the legal deposit system for its collection of materials. Moreover, the NDL collects, through purchase and donation, books published before the legal deposit system came into existence, as well as older materials and foreign reference and academic publications.

   38.    Harvey, R.,  "UNESCO'S Memory of the World Programme.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Conservación/Restauración/Patrimonio bibliográfico/UNESCO

Resumen: UNESCO's Memory of the World Programme is one response to the challenges of preserving cultural heritage. This paper describes its activities, indicates its relationship to other large-scale programs to promote understanding of the importance of preserving heritage, introduces the Australian Memory of the World Program as a case study, and examines some of the issues surrounding the program.

   39.    Hedstrom, M. and Lampe, C.,  "Emulation vs. Migration: Do Users Care?".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 5, No. 6, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Archivos/Migración de datos/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Determining user needs is a prevalent dilemma for librarians and archivists. For whom is information being saved, and how is that best accomplished? In recent discussions of emulation and migration as digital preservation strategies, the issue of adequate preservation has necessarily raised the specter of both current and future user needs as a factor in choosing preservation methods. This paper will discuss the application of user needs analysis to an evaluation of digital preservation strategies, present initial findings, and discuss additional research based on user testing to evaluate different approaches to digital preservation.

   40.    Hernández Sánchez, M.,  "La gran avalancha: nueva ley para la conservación de los datos de las telecomunicaciones".  Archivamos, No. 61, 2006, pp. 46-47 .

Descriptores: Telecomunicaciones /Conservación/Preservación digital/Legislacion/Espa a

Resumen: La gran avalancha: nueva ley para la conservación de los datos de las telecomunicaciones. Marta Hernández Sánchez. Archivamos: Boletín ACAL, ISSN 1576-320X, N . 61, 2006 , pags. 46-47

   41.    Hey, J. B. T. H. S. and Carr, L.,  "PRESERV: Preservation Services for OAI-Compliant Repositories".  CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Libre acceso/OAI-PMH/Normalización/Recolectores de metadatos

Resumen: The OAI-PMH has become the de-facto standard for exposing metadata. In the PRESERV project we have explored new models for enabling thedigital preservation of and long-term access to content in Institutional Repositories (IRs).
We envision digital preservation being achieved through simple preservation services working with standards-based, interoperable repository software. As support for the OAI-PMH matures so repositories are providing more robust
mechanisms to access their content through OAI, e.g. community standards for using Dublin Core, support for METS or DIDL. Based on this, we have developed an exemplar File Format Profiling tool in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR), utilizing OAI and PRONOM DROID. PRONOM-ROAR is a first step to preserving digital content through simplifying content file format management for IR Managers by providing file format profiles and alerts.

   42.    Holdsworth, D. and Wheatley, P.,  "Emulation, Preservation, and Abstraction".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 5, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Emulation is a digital preservation strategy that holds great promise for the future. By emulation, we mean the re-creation on current hardware of the technical environment required to view and use digital objects from earlier times. As the digital preservation community increasingly takes emulation seriously there is still considerable debate about how to deploy the technique. Until recently, the lack of any real practical work has left these arguments on a purely theoretical (or more correctly hypothetical) level, and the CAMiLEON Project (1999-2002) is attempting to redress the balance. This is the project's first low level look at the use of emulation as a real and practical preservation strategy, which we will be developing and testing over the remaining period of the project.

   43.    Hubert, R.,  "Digital preservation and access systems, exemplified by the Österreichische Mediathek ".  Cuadernos de documentación multimedia, Vol. 14, 2003.

Descriptores: Archivos audiovisuales/Austria/Preservación digital/Fonotecas/Bibliotecas nacionales

Resumen: “Digital preservation and access systems, exemplified by the system of the Österreichische Mediathek”. This is a clarification necessary because I am not able to speak about digital systems in general. That would exceed my expertise considerably. So let me humbly show you what we have done in the field of digitisation. Doing this I will of course also deal with some general questions.

   44.    Jantz, R.,  "Public Opinion Polls and Digital Preservation: An Application of the Fedora Digital Object Repository System ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9 , No. 11, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Preservación digital

Resumen: The Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling (CPIP) has been sampling the opinions of New Jersey citizens since the early 1970s. Although much of the resulting data deals with government and political issues within the state of New Jersey, there are many questions that deal with other aspects of life in the state. In effect, the complete collection of polls offers a view of the rich diversity of life in New Jersey.

   45.    Japzon, A.,  "Theorizing digital cultural heritage: A critical discourse".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 8, 2008, pp. 1360-1361.

Descriptores: Patrimonio bibliográfico/Patrimonio cultural/Preservacion digital

Resumen: No abstract.

   46.    Jones, M.,  "Digital Preservation Activities in the U.K – building the infrastructure".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 69, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Bibliotecas digitales/Gran Bretaña

Resumen: Digital Preservation has been regarded as a matter of increasingly urgent priority in the U.K for a number of years. The Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the British Library hosted a Workshop at the University of Warwick in 1995 to determine what needed to be done. Since then, there has been a great deal of effort and progress, coupled with a growing imperative to move beyond theoretical research and into practical archiving efforts. This paper will provide an overview of the major digital preservation activities being undertaken in the U.K and the highly collaborative nature of digital preservation, recognising that the issues cross both sectoral and geographic boundaries. The Digital Preservation Coalition, launched in February 2002, aims to leverage maximum benefit from the activities being undertaken individually and co-operatively by member institutions, and to provide a catalyst for further action.

   47.    Keefer, A.,  "El reto de la preservación de publicaciones científicas digitales: ¿qué quedará para las futuras generaciones de investigadores?".  Jornadas de Información y Documentacion en Ciencias de la Salud , Vol. 10, 2003.

Descriptores: Publicaciones electronicas/Bibliotecas/Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Conservación

Resumen: La capacidad de recuperar la información de un soporte digital depende de la capacidad de reproducir el entorno original que le dio vida.  ¿Cuál fue el programa bajo el cual se creó?  ¿Sobre qué sistema operativo funcionó éste? ¿En qué formato fue codificado el documento? ¿Dónde encontraremos una máquina capaz de leer físicamente el soporte – por ejemplo un disquete de 8 pulgadas de hace 20 años?  Si todo esto no fuese suficiente para torpedear el proceso, los soportes en que se graba la información tienen una vida limitada:  se ha calculado que la vida de los soportes magnéticos – disquetes, cintas, etc.­es de 3 a 30 años, y la de los soportes ópticos,  algo más larga – de 5 a 100 años.  Imaginados la desilusión que tendríamos si – después de reunir todos los elementos del equipo original --descubriéramos que los datos grabados se deterioraron hasta el punto de resultarse ilegibles.

   48.    Keefer, A.,  "Laura Campbell, preservación digital en la LoC".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2006.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: A mediados de marzo de este año 2006 estuvo en España, dando Conferencias en Madrid y Barcelona, Laura Campbell, subdirectora y jefa de información de la Library of Congreso (LoC) de los Estados Unidos.

   49.    Keefer, A.,  "Observatorio Preservación digital y depósitos institucionales".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 6, 2005.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales

Resumen: A finales de de septiembre de 2005 la Co-misión Europea publicó una co-municación con su estrategia sobre el patrimonio impreso y gráfico europeo y las bibliotecas digitales. Esta iniciativa, i2010: digital libraries, pretende garan-tizar el acceso a estos recursos mediante su digitalización y puesta en línea. Además, el pro-grama hace un llamamiento a la preservación.

   50.    Knight, S.,  "Preservation Metadata: National Library of New Zealand Experience".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Preservación digital/Bibliotecas nacionales/Australia

Resumen:  Development of approaches to preservation metadata has been an integral component of international efforts in the field of digital preservation. The focus of the community engaged in this work is currently shifting, and there is, as yet, no formal agreement around a conceptual framework and identification of required data elements. At the same time attention is now turning to the more complex task of building sustainable technical, infrastructure, and policy frameworks that will enable organizations to implement preservation metadata strategies practically at a local level.

   51.    Lahr, T. F., Haun-Mohamed, R., and Frierson, E. G.,  "Developing the Digital World of Government Information and Official Publications: A View from the United States".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Internet/Administración electrónica/Estados Unidos/Preservación digital

Resumen: U.S. government agencies are creating new digital government information services, many through collaboration and partnerships within and outside the government. Massive digitization and digital preservation initiatives are proposed or in process. Support for eGovernment at the highest levels is creating opportunities for innovation and impetus for change in the way government information and official publications are created and made available. Initiatives discussed in the presentation will include two government-supported partnerships: the National Biological Information Infrastructure and the United States Government Printing Office national digitization plan followed by an overview of a cross-government partnership These innovative US Government systems and programs provide new value added access and retrieval options to U.S. government information which was previously unavailable or time consuming to locate.

   52.    Larry Brandt, V. G. a. S. S.,   "The National Science Foundation Digital Government Research Program’s Role in the Long-Term Preservation of Digital Materials".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 6, No. 5, 2002.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Conservación/Preservación digital/Política científica/Política de información/Administración electrónica

Resumen: As part of a major effort to preserve vital cultural heritage material, the National Science Foundation’s Digital Government Research Program (DG) and Digital Libraries Initiative Phase 2 are working closely with the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, The National Library of Medicine, the National Agricultural Library, Institute of Museum and Library Sciences, and other organizations to map out a comprehensive research agenda.  The intent of this collaboration is to establish a research program that will support and encourage the exploration of innovative information technologies (IT), policies, economic models, and education and training that could ensure long-term preservation and future availability of such digital materials.

   53.    Lefurgy, W.,  "Building Preservation Partnerships: the Library of Congress National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas nacionales/Preservación digital

Resumen: Congress authorized the Library of Congress to undertake the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) to prevent the loss of our digital heritage. This work, as with all digital preservation activities, is challenging because of technical issues and also because traditionally there have been few effective collaborative mechanisms to leverage resources and expertise. NDIIPP aims to address both issues while also ensuring the preservation of at-risk digital content. Concrete steps have been taken recently with the establishment of eight partnership consortia, each of which has committed to working with the other and the Library on collaborative digital preservation initiatives. The eight consortia represent the formal launch of an NDIIPP national network of preservation partners. Currently, NDIIPP is exploring how best to involve states and territories in the network.

   54.    Llueca, C.,  "Archivando la Web, el proyecto Padicat (Patrimonio Digital de Cataluna). ".  El Profesional de la Informacion, Vol. 15, No. 6, 2006, pp. 473-478.

Descriptores: Library materials/Preservation/Electronic materials/World Wide Web/Spain/Catalonia/Preservación digital/Catalu a/Patrimonio bibliográfico

Resumen: Describes the Padicat project (Digital Heritage of Catalonia), initiated by the Biblioteca de Catalunya in Spain, which is devoted to archiving the contents of the Catalonian Web. The aim is to select, process, conserve and make permanently available digital resources concerning the Catalonian region. (Author abstract)

   55.    Lupovici, C.,  "Web archives long term access and interoperability: the International Internet Preservation consortium activity".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Interpolaridad

Resumen:  The International Internet Preservation Consortium was created in July 2003 by twelve pioneer institutions already involved in Web archiving and including eleven national libraries. The objectives of the consortium are to provide a forum for sharing knowledge about Internet content archiving and to develop interoperable tools, methods and standards to acquire, archive and provide access to the archived web sites. At the end of the first three years of IIPC a full set of open source free tools for the whole processing chain will be released. The IIPC standardization activity covers the web archives format, the preservation metadata, and the permanent identification aspects focussing on
very large archive specificity.

   56.    Lupovid, C.,  "Les stratégies de gestion et de conservation préventive des documents électroniques".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2000.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Conservación/Preservación digital/Internet

Resumen: Las estrategias de gestión y de conservación preventiva de los documentos electrónicos. La preservación y la garantía del acceso a la información numérica producida por las instituciones en operaciones de numerización de las colecciones o publicadas únicamente bajo forma electrónica es una preocupación mayor de todos los organismos que tienen una misión de memoria de patrimonio científico y cultural. El documento numérico,es como el documento clássico, vehicuiado y almacenado en un soporte que debe ser objeto de medidas de conservación preventiva, pero sobretodo lo amenaza la obsoleseencia tecnológica más rápida que el envejecimiento del soporte. Las técnicas de migración de la codificación de los soportes y de los contenidos intelectuales de los objetos numéricos y/o de emulación de las plataformas de acceso a estos contenidos pueden aplicarse. El modelo de referencla de los sistemas de archivamiento para la preservación a largo plazo de todos los documentos, comprendidos los documentos numéricos, está en curso de nomialización internacional ISO. Es en este modelo en el que se apoyan todos los progra-mas de investigación en biblioteca para definir las funciones y los datos de gestión de un sistema de arehivamiento de objetos numéricos que completa los sistemas de gestión de biblioteca. El objetivo es definir los componentes normalizados de un sistema fiable de gestión de los objetos numéricos que pueda garantizar la preservación y el acceso a largo plazo.

   57.    MacNeil, H. and Mak, B.,  "Constructions of Authenticity.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Conservación/Restauración/Patrimonio bibliográfico/Archivos

Resumen: Archivists and librarians play a critical role in preserving and making accessible cultural resources, but there is now an uncertainty as to whether their traditional expertise is sufficient when dealing with digital resources. A particular focus of concern is the authenticity of these resources. This article looks at how the concept of authenticity has been constructed in traditional environments, and specifically by philosophers, art conservators, textual critics,judges, and legislators. It is organized around three broad definitions of authenticity: authentic as true to oneself; authentic as original; and authentic as trustworthy statement of fact. The examination of these definitions of authenticity and their interpretation in different contexts suggests that authenticity is best understood as a social construction that has been put into place to achieve a particular aim. Its structures and goals vary from one field to the next and from one age to another. The article concludes that digital resources are comparable to traditional cultural resources such as art works, literary texts, and business records; they are in a continuous state of becoming and their authenticity is contingent and changeable.

   58.    Marcoux, Y. and Sevigny, M.,  "Why SGML? Why Now?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 7, 1997.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Normas/Acceso a la información/Análisis comparativos/Difusión de la información/Sistemas de información/Tecnologías de la información/Preservación digital/Lenguajes de programación/SGML

Resumen: Defines Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), a format for electronic documents that provides documentary information for efficient accessibility, dissemination, and preservation. Compares SGML to Open Document Architecture (ODA) based on standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and describes the principles and philosophy underlying SGML and future Document Type Definition (DTD) standardization.

   59.    Masanes, J.,  "Web Archiving Methods and Approaches: a Comparative Study".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Preservación digital

Resumen: The Web is a virtually infinite information space, and archiving its entirety, all its aspects, is a utopia. The volume of information presents a challenge, but it is neither the only nor the most limiting factor given the continuous drop in storage device costs. Significant challenges lie in the management and technical issues of the location and collection of Web sites. As a consequence of this, archiving the Web is a task that no single institution can carry out alone. This article will presentvarious approaches undertaken today by different institutions; it will discuss their focuses, strengths, and limits, as well as a model for appraisal and identifying potential complementary aspects amongst them. A comparison for discovery accuracy is presented between the snapshot approach done by the Internet Archive (IA) and the event-based collection done by the Biblioth que Nationale de France (BNF) in 2002 for the presidential and parliamentary elections. The balanced conclusion of this comparison allows for identification of future direction for improvement of the former approach.

   60.    Mason, I.,  "Virtual Preservation: How Has Digital Culture Influenced Our Ideas about Permanence? Changing Practice in a National Legal Deposit Library.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Conservación/Restauración/Patrimonio bibliográfico/Depósito legal

Resumen: This two-part article considers how digital culture has influenced ideas about permanence. It examines the change in collecting practices in one legal deposit library. The author considers how the idea of permanence, understood in cultural heritage terms, influences digital culture, and, thus, digital technology. The first part of the article addresses the concepts associated with permanence, digital culture, digital technology, social change, and cultural institutions, in relation to collecting digital cultural material. The second part focuses on changing collecting practices of the Alexander Turnbull Library at the National Library of New Zealand for electronically published material with the benefit of legal deposit.

   61.    Mellor, P.,  "CAMiLEON: Emulation and BBC Domesday".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 7, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Conservación/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Inglaterra

Resumen: In December 2002 a group convened at the University of Leeds to demonstrate and discuss CAMiLEON's work in preserving the BBC Domesday project a social record of UK life in the 1980s, which is now in danger of being lost through technological obsolescence. BBC Domesday was created to celebrate the 900th anniversary of the Domesday book of 1086, the original record of William the Conqueror's survey of England.

   62.    Moore, R. W. and Marciano, R.,  "Prototype Preservation Environments".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital

Resumen: The Persistent Archive Testbed and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) research prototype persistent archive are examples of preservation environments. Both projects are using data grids to implement data management infrastructure that can manage technology evolution. Data grids are software systems that provide persistent names to digital entities, manage data that are distributed across multiple types of storage systems, and provide support for preservation metadata. A persistent archive federates multiple data grids to provide the fault tolerance and disaster recovery mechanisms essential for long-term preservation. The capabilities of the prototype persistent archives will be presented, along with examples of how the capabilities are used to support the preservation of email, Web crawls, office products, image collections, and electronic records.

   63.    Muir, A.,  "Legal deposit and preservation of digital publications: a review of research and development activity".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 57, No. 5, 2001.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Depósito legal/Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: The aim of legal deposit is to ensure the preservation of and access to a nation's intellectual and cultural heritage ayer time. There is a global trend towards extending legal deposit to cover digital publications in arder to maintain comprehensive national archives. However, including digital publications in legal deposit regulations is not enough to ensure the long-term preservation of these publications. Indeed, there are many practical difficulties associated with the entire deposit process. Concepts, principIes and practices that are accepted and understood in the print environment, such as publication, publisher, place of publication and edition, may have new meanings or no longer be appropriate in a networked environment. Mechanisms for identifying, selecting and depositing digital material either do not exist or are inappropriate for some kinds of digital publication. There is a great deal of work on developing digital preservation strategies; ibis is at an early stage. National and other deposit libraries are at the forefront of research and development in ibis afea, often in partnership with other libraries, publishers and technology vendors. Most of ibis activity is of a technical nature. There is some work on developing policies and strategies for managing digital resources. However, not all management issues or users' needs are being addressed.

   64.    Muñoz de Solano y Palacios, B.,  "Propuesta de un plan de preservación de documentos digitales combinando para ello varias estrategias".  Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Planificación

Resumen:  Se presenta una guía práctica de las etapas que llevan a cabo aquellos quienes se embarcan en el proceso de la preservación digital o que proyectan hacerlo. El objetivo del plan de preservación que aquí se describe es el de preservar la integridad de los objetos digitales para permitir a los usuarios su localización, visualización y en último término utilización de los mismos haciendo frente a constantes cambios tecnológicos. En este sentido, es una necesidad el preservar a lo largo del tiempo tanto el documento creado directamente en digital como aquel que ha sido reconvertido o digitalizado. El artículo analiza el elenco de opciones existentes en cuanto a la preservación digital se refiere determinando las habilidades requeridas por el profesional de la información para que éste sea capaz de preservar dichos objetos.

   65.    Niu, J.,  "A Metadata Framework Developed at the Tsinghua University Library to Aid in the Preservation of Digital Resources".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 11, 2002.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Metadatos /Bibliotecas universitarias/Preservación digital/Conservación/Bibliotecas digitales

Resumen: This article provides an overview of work completed at Tsinghua University Library in which a metadata framework was developed to aid in the preservation of digital resources. The metadata framework is used for the creation of metadata to describe resources, and includes an encoding standard used to store metadata and resource structures in information systems. The author points out that the Tsinghua University Library metadata framework provides a successful digital preservation solution that may be an appropriate solution for other organizations as well.

   66.    Nuys, C. v.,  "The Paradigma Project".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 7, No. 2, 2003 .

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Conservación/Preservación digital/Patrimonio cultural

Resumen: Digital documents of all kinds are disappearing daily, and with them the opportunity for new generations of readers to study and enjoy today's documents in the future. The preservation of our digital cultural heritage is an increasingly important and challenging issue. In response to the situation, about fifteen European countries have started some type of Web archiving activity.

   67.    Ockerbloom, J. M.,  "Archiving and Preserving PDF Files".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 5, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Conservación/Preservación digital/Bibliotecas digitales/Adobe Acrobat/PDF

Resumen: Since its release in mid 1993, Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) has become a widely used standard for electronic document distribution worldwide in many institutional settings. Much of its popularity comes from its ability to faithfully encode both the text and the visual appearance of source documents, preserving their fonts, formatting, colors, and graphics. PDF files can be viewed, navigated, and printed with a free Adobe Acrobat Reader, available on all major computing platforms. PDF has many applications and is commonly used to publish government, public, and academic documents. Many of the electronic journals and other digital resources acquired by libraries are published in PDF format.

   68.    Ogden, S.,  "Understanding, Respect, and Collaboration in Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Conservator's Developing Perspective.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Conservación/Restauración/Patrimonio bibliográfico/Estados Unidos

Resumen: Attitudes appear to be changing in the museum world about the preservation of cultural objects and of the cultures to which these objects are connected. The intangible nature of cultural objects is being addressed and is seen as equal in importance to, or in some cases greater, than an object's tangible nature. This significant trend in cultural heritage preservation is increasingly evident in professional conferences, publications, and discussions, and is beginning to have an impact on preservation methodologies. It is affecting the way preservation professionals approach their work and manage collections. Understanding, respect, and collaboration are more important than ever in carrying out work. Understanding all aspects of the nature of the significance of objects, respecting an object's intangible as well as tangible nature, and collaborating in a meaningful way with the cultural groups to which the items are connected are playing an increasingly prominent role. In this article I shall address a few of the insights I have gained regarding cultural heritage preservation. I will talk about cultural considerations in the care of objects, particularly those of indigenous people, and the questions these considerations raise for all of us who are charged with the protection of cultural heritage. Because I shall be discussing cultures different from mine, I will use the voices of people from those various cultures as much as possible. My examples will be mostly American Indian, but I shall refer in more general terms to other cultures as well. Of course the specific practices of different cultures vary, but the considerations and issues these practices raise are similar. I would like to acknowledge at the outset the American Indian people who provided gracious and patient guidance

   69.    Pasch, G. and Arias, R.,  "eLearning Libraries: Managing rich media content in an academic institution".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Enseñanza a distancia/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Preservación digital

Resumen: The New Media department of the Francisco Marroquín University (UFM) in Guatemala supports students and faculty in the use, creation, and management of digital resources. This paper reports the insights gained by the UFM after a three-year project that focused on the design and production of rich media content, i.e., the integration of video, text, images, and navigational devices that complement web-based and traditional learning. The toolset used for rich media development was created by nTropic, Inc. and beta-tested at the UFM. The rich media production process, as well as cataloging and digital preservation are addressed.

   70.    Perminova, O., Stepanova, T., Burtseva, I., Manturovskaya, N., Popunova, V., and Sharikcova, A.,  "Influence of copying machines on the preservation of originals".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2006.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas nacionales/Rusia/Digitalización/Preservación digital

Resumen: Purpose ? The purpose of this article and the subsequent research within the Russian State Library, was to determine whether the scanning process influences the state of library documents ? a question asked by librarians and scanning personnel alike. Design/methodology/approach ? The biological stability, mechanical and thermal properties of three types of paper were investigated after digitizing by three scanners (Minolta PS 7000, Bookeye and Epson JT 9000) used in the Russian State Library. Findings ? It was discovered that there were differences in the scanned paper properties in the comparison with control samples just after the digitizing and during natural and artificial aging. The conclusion is made that this treatment influences paper surface and may accelerate its decomposition. Practical implications ? It is possible to draw conclusions that digitizing promotes the onset of paper destruction, and artificial ageing catalyzes this process, i.e. stability of scanned samples will decrease in time. Originality/value ? This paper contributes to the discussion of providing access to original documents through digitization preserving and the effects on paper of the scanning process. It should be welcomed by both librarians responsible for digitization and manufacturers of scanning equipment alike.

   71.    Phillips, M. E.,  "What Should We Preserve? The Question for Heritage Libraries in a Digital World".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Patrimonio bibliográfico

Resumen: A primary role of national libraries is to document the published output of their respective countries. Traditionally, this has meant collecting, describing, and preserving for future generations at least one copy of every item published in print, including books, serials, newspapers, maps, music, posters, and pamphlets. In the last decade, online publishing has had a revolutionary impact on the creation, publication (dissemination), and use of information. This has presented libraries, particularly national (deposit) libraries and other cultural collecting institutions, with the daunting task of collecting, storing, describing, managing, and preserving the vast quantities of information that are being produced online.

   72.    Phillips, M. E.,  "Ensuring Long-Term Access to Online Publications".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1999.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas nacionales/Conservación/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso a la información/Normas

Resumen: Margaret E. Phillips tells how the National Library of Australia has cobbled together custom and off-the-shelf software, and established some standards and relationships to begin the process of archiving online publications.

   73.    Pinfield, S.,  "The Digital Preservation of e-Prints ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 9, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: The first question that needs to be addressed when discussing the digital preservation of e-prints is 'do we need to preserve e-prints at all?' Whilst many people in the digital preservation community may instinctively answer this question 'yes', or at least 'some of them', many people from the e-prints community would say 'no', or at least 'preservation should not be a priority'. This paper addresses the question of whether or not e-prints should be preserved and then goes on to make some comments about the practical issues that arise from the suggested answer.

   74.    Pinfield, S.,  "How Do Physicists Use an E-Print Archive?: Implications for Institutional E-Print Services ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 12, 2001.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Derechos de autor/Preservación digital

Resumen: It has been suggested that institutional e-print services will become an important way of achieving the wide availability of e-prints across a broad range of subject disciplines. However, as yet there are few exemplars of this sort of service. This paper describes how physicists make use of an established centralized subject-based e-prints service, arXiv (formerly known as the Los Alamos XXX service), and discusses the possible implications of this use for institutional multidisciplinary e-print archives. A number of key points are identified, including technical issues (such as file formats and user interface design), management issues (such as submission procedures and administrative staff support), economic issues (such as installation and support costs), quality issues (such as peer review and quality control criteria), policy issues (such as digital preservation and collection development standards), academic issues (such as scholarly communication cultures and publishing trends), and legal issues (such as copyright and intellectual property rights). These are discussed with reference to the project to set up a pilot institutional e-print service at the University of Nottingham, UK. This project is being used as a pragmatic way of investigating the issues surrounding institutional e-print services, particularly in seeing how flexible the e-prints model actually is and how easily it can adapt itself to disciplines other than physics.

   75.    Pinfield, S. and James, H.,  "The Digital Preservation of e-Prints ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol.  9, No. 9, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: The first question that needs to be addressed when discussing the digital preservation of e-prints is 'do we need to preserve e-prints at all?' Whilst many people in the digital preservation community may instinctively answer this question 'yes', or at least 'some of them', many people from the e-prints community would say 'no', or at least 'preservation should not be a priority'. This paper addresses the question of whether or not e-prints should be preserved and then goes on to make some comments about the practical issues that arise from the suggested answer.

   76.    Potter, M.,  "Researching Long Term Digital Preservation Approaches in the Digital Preservation Testbed (Dutch Testbed Digitale Bewaring)".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 6, No. 3, 2002.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: In 1996, the Netherlands Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences initiated a collaborative programme entitled Digital Longevity (Digitale Duurzaamheid). This programme, run in conjunction with the National Archives, sponsored Jeff Rothenberg's 1999 publication, Carrying Authentic, Understandable and Usable Records Through Time, which proposed establishing a testbed to carry out research into possible approaches for the long term digital preservation of archival records. The Digital Preservation Testbed (Testbed Digitale Bewaring) was born the following year.

   77.    Pymm, B.,  "Building Collections for All Time: The Issue of Significance ".  AARL Australian Academic & Research Libraries, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Gestión de la colección/Preservación digital

Resumen: One of the major roles adopted by libraries is the long-term preservation of selected material within their collections. Traditionally, this role comprised identifying individual physical objects or collections based upon the library’s own view of its role and the significance of items in its collections. With the rapid growth of digital materials there has been a blurring of the divide between museum, archive and library collections, with a growing concern amongst all cultural heritage sectors about the identification and ongoing preservation of digital objects. Due to the size and complexity of the issues and, in particular, the volume of digital material and costs involved in its long-term preservation, there has been a resurgence in the debate on identifying significance in materials and thus their priority in preservation programs. This debate has sparked widespread discussion in the museum, archives and record-keeping professions which can inform the more recent concerns now being voiced within librarianship. This paper looks at the concept of significance within all of the ‘memory institutions’ and considers
how the theory is shaped, how it has been put into practice and the applicability of such a notion to digital preservation.

   78.    Rusbridge, C.,  "Excuse Me … Some Digital Preservation Fallacies? ".  Ariadne, No. 45, 2005.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Preservación digital

Resumen: Chris Rusbridge argues with himself about some of the assumptions behind digital preservation thinking.

   79.    Rusbridge, C.,  "Excuse Me … Some Digital Preservation Fallacies? ".  Ariadne, No. 46, 2006.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Chris Rusbridge argues with himself about some of the assumptions behind digital preservation thinking.

   80.    Russell, A.,  "Training Professionals to Preserve Digital Heritage: The School for Scanning.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Conservación/Restauración/Patrimonio bibliográfico/Formación profesional

Resumen: From 1995 to 2005, the Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) presented its School for Scanning conference eleven times in cities across the United Slates, serving a total of nearly four thousand professionals. The program addressed a seemingly insatiable need for training on building, managing, and preserving digital collections. Because the conference was presented by an organization whose mission is preservation, the emphasis was on standards, quality, and assuring long-term access to digital collections. Since 1995 the content of the conference has evolved as institutional digitization programs have matured and as standards and best practices have developed. The succession of conference agendas provides a series of snapshots of the effort that has gone into bringing digital programs into being. This article, originally written as a paper for the 2006 Congress of the International Federation of Library Associations [IFLA] in Seoul, Korea, looks at how the needs of the audience changed over the decade. It evaluates the factors that have contributed to the school's ongoing success and at current challenges to this continuing education program as the experience level of professions in the field advances rapidly.

   81.    Sardelli, A. ,  "Deposito legale: un'occasione da non perdere".  Biblioteche oggi, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2007.

Descriptores: Preservacion digital/Depósito legal

Resumen: On 3rd May 2006 the rules for the implementation of the new Italian law on legal deposit (law nr. 106/2004) have been approved. This law re­places, at last, the ancient one, conceived during the fascist regime and come in force in 1939. The big delay in updating it depended on the ambiguous modernization of Italian society (the so called “modernization without development”), whose symptoms are, in historical perspective, a highly bureaucratic public administration and a political élite that shows little interest in public good. The article suggests a pragmatic approach to the application of the new law, toward a “process for creation of the National Archive” where the whole editorial production of Italy could be comprehended by means of a decentraliz­ed organization of deposit institutions. The work would have to be carried out using the principles of “business process reengineering”. It ought to treat not only monographs and serials, but also the great (and nowadays increasing) amount of publications and documents – prin­t­e­d or on-line, however very “volatile” – produced by non-profit institutions, local groups, social, professional, political organizations etcetera. In this way, the new law on legal deposit could become a great opportunity for the Italian library system, in order to rethink the concept of national collection, to improve the conservation of the national herit­age, making it really useful for cultural, social and economic development. “Books and libraries – writes the author – serve not only to know the past, but also to understand the present and project the future.”

   82.    Seadie, M.,  "The Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis conference".  Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Folklore/Patrimonio cultural/Acceso a la información/Derechos de autor/Preservación digital

Resumen: The Folk Heritage Collections in Crisis conference pursued three themes: access, preservation, and intellectual property. The 100 invited participants were mainly middle-aged, established, upper-echelon professionals. What is interesting is how much agreement there was on issues like digital preservation and the use of Encoded Archival Description. Participants saw the US copyright law as a barrier which neither upheld the rights of people of nonEuropean origin, flor facilitated the free movement of information.

   83.    Seadle, M.,  "Preserving the spoken word : six issues in search of digital solution".  Library hi tech, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1999.

Descriptores: Digitalización de imágenes/Conservación/Preservación digital/Derechos de autor/Propiedad intelectual/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: ¿Como podemos digitalizar la palabra hablada de manera que se pueda maximizar su uso y accesibilidad durante el mayor tiempo posible? Esta editorial propone seis prácticas: Propiedad y derechos de autor, selección de la colección y nivel de los contenidos, conversión, formatos 

   84.    Seadle , M.,  "Selection for a digital preservation".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 22, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: Gestión de documentos/Preservación digital/Almacenamiento/Archivos/Documentos electrónicos/Internet

Resumen: This editorial discusses long-term archiving and long-term access to digital documents, with an emphasis on criteria for selection. Selecting materials for digital preservation depends on whether the materials are both valuable and endangered, whether appropriate digitization procedures and standards for these materials exist, and whether copyright allows reasonable access for educational and research purposes.

   85.    Semple, N. and Jones, M.,  "UK Digital Preservation Needs Assessment: Where We Go From Here ".  Ariadne, No. 47, 2006.

Descriptores: Inglaterra/Preservación digital/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Najla Semple and Maggie Jones outline the background and findings of the Digital Preservation Coalition's UK Needs Assessment and the Mind the Gap report.

   86.    Serra Serra, J.,  "Estrategias de preservación de documentos electrónicos: el National Archives and Records Administration y el Public Record Office".  Jornadas de Archivos Electrónicos, Vol. 6, 2004.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Archivos /Preservación digital/Documentos archivísticos/Estados Unidos

Resumen:  Todo sistema de preservación concebido como una solución final, incluso si resuelve todos los problemas de obsolescencia y fragilidad de los medios conocidos, va a devenir inevitablemente obsoleto en un período de tiempo relativamente corto desde el punto de vista archivístico. Por esta razón, cualquier solución al reto de la preservación digital debe incorporar la capacidad de acomodarse a los cambios tecnológicos, e incorporar los nuevos productos que generen las tecnologías de la información, hoy por hoy imposibles de predecir. Lo único relativamente perdurable en una solución de preservación digital es el esquema conceptual que se aplique, acorde con la naturaleza de una determinada organización, es decir la estrategia.

   87.    Serra Serra, J.,  "La implantación de un servicio para la administración electrónica: el sistema BAULA.".  CALSI , 2007.

Descriptores: Gestión de documentos/Administración electrónica/Preservacion digital

Resumen: Cuando una administración pública desea ofrecer al ciudadano servicios telemáticos utilizando medios digitales, necesita disponer, además del entorno de interacción con el ciudadano, de un sistema interno de gestión de las tramitaciones y de un archivo digital que permita conservar los documentos generados. Con este objetivo el Departament d'Universitats, Recerca i Societat de la Informació de la Generalitat de Catalunya puso en marcha en 2005 el proyecto BAULA. Este artículo expone los principios, conceptos y metodología utilizados para la definición funcional, el desarrollo y la implantación del sistema BAULA, y reflexiona a partir de esta experiencia sobre los aspectos clave a tener en cuenta durante el proceso de implantación y gestión del cambio.

   88.    Smith, C.,  "Building an Internet Archive System for the British Broadcasting Corporation".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Preservación digital

Resumen: Since its beginnings as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Networking Club in April 1994, the BBC's Web site has grown to over two million pages. While inarguably offers a valuable source of information, entertainment, and education for its users and provides an online arena for peer-to-peer communication, it also brings into focus the challenge of digital preservation. Apart from the sheer volume of material the site represents, the nature of that material is forever changing both to reflect editorial strategy and to benefit from new technologies and improved production techniques. To support its own internal business requirements and to satisfy external legislative requirements, the BBC's Information and Archives Department is building a Legal and Historical Internet Archive System to capture a selection of content as it is published to the 'live' site. This article looks at how the design and development of that system supports the preservation of heterogeneous digital material in the wider context of archiving the BBC's new media output.

   89.    Smith, M.,  "Exploring Variety in Digital Collections and the Implications for Digital Preservation".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Gestión de la colección

Resumen: The amount of digital content produced at academic research institutions is large, and libraries and archives at these institutions have a responsibility to bring this digital material under curatorial control in order to manage and preserve it over time. But this is a daunting task with few proven models, requiring new technology, policies, procedures, core staff competencies, and cost models. The MIT Libraries are working with the DSpace (TM) open-source digital repository platform to explore the problem of capturing research and teaching material in any digital format and preserving it over time. By collaborating on this problem with other research institutions using the DSpace platform in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, and other parts of the world, as well as with other important efforts in the digital preservation arena, we are beginning to see ways of managing arbitrary digital content that might make digital preservation an achievable goal.

   90.    Solar, R. and Radovan, D.,  "Use of Gis for Presentation of the Map and Pictorial Collection of the National and University Library of Slovenia".  Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2005.

Descriptores: Mapas/Preservación/Preservación digital/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bibliotecas nacionales

Resumen: The Map and Pictorial Collection of the National and University Library of Slovenia encompasses map and pictorial documents that are part of the national collection. New technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS) provide a novel way to display, access, and research the valuable, interdisciplinary holdings of an institution. This paper discusses a pilot, Web-based application that explores the possibilities of GIS by creating a virtual collection of diverse materials. Spatial data are the basis for this digital archive on which other pictorial elements, such as views and portrait images, are connected by hyperlinks.

   91.    Steenbakkers, J. F.,  "Digital Archiving in the Twenty-First Century: Practice at the National Library of the Netherlands".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Bibliotecas nacionales/Holanda

Resumen: Research journals are increasingly being published digitally. The advantage of digital publishing is obvious: immediate accessibility anywhere. Gradually a disadvantage is also becoming clear: digital publishing endangers the continuity of research information. As a consequence of the obsolescence of formats, hardware, software, and carriers, digital information will be lost unless we act. Digital publishing is also causing a shift in the roles and responsibilities of publishers and libraries concerned with archiving digital publications for future use. Archiving digital publications requires a major turnaround in the policy and practice of national libraries. Although some actions have been taken, digital preservation research and implementation are still in their infancy. National libraries will need substantial funding for venture research activities and development of archival infrastructures. They will also have to work together more closely to successfully organize digital archiving in the twenty-first century.

   92.    Stielow, F.,  "Digital Copiers and Scribal Musings".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 6, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital

Resumen: A funny thing happened while shopping for photocopiers for the Walter P. Reuther Library of Wayne State University. They are apparently becoming obsolete­going the way of the phonograph record, punch card, and fountain pen. The industry is quietly converging on digital scanning and the microchip. This new technology goes beyond a simple replacement. It has significant implications for the future of libraries and archives along with interesting echoes from their past.

   93.    Sweetkind-Singer, J., Larsgaard, M. L., and Erwin, T.,  "Digital Preservation of Geospatial Data".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen:  The selection, acquisition, and management of digital data are now part and parcel of the work librarians handle on a day-to-day basis. While much thought goes into this work, little consideration may be given to the long-term preservation of the collected data. Digital data cannot be retained for the future in the same way paper-based materials have traditionally been handled. Specific issues arise when archiving digital data and especially geospatial data. This article will discuss some of those issues, including data versioning, file size, proprietary data formats, copyright, and the complexity of file formats. Collection development topics, including what to collect and why, will also be explored. The work underlying this article is being done as part of an award from the Library of Congress's National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP).

   94.    Tennant, R.,  "Digital libraries: the grand challenges.".  Library Journal, Vol. 122, No. 20, 1997.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Tecnologías de la información/Interfaces/Derechos de autor /Costes/Derechos de autor/Redes de bibliotecas/Preservación digital/Materiales impresos/Normas/World Wide Web/Compatibilidad/Documentos electrónicos/Metadatos

Resumen: Digital libraries of the future will be shaped by the technologies, standards, and models adopted today. This article examines interoperability of library systems, metadata standards, copyright management, fair use, preservation of digital information, problems resulting from technological advancement, costs, print versus Web resources, and interface design. Includes a bibliography of Web resources. (PEN)

   95.    Thibodeau, K.,  "Rupture ou continuite: l'evolution des archives au seuil de l'epoque numérique".  Archives , Vol. 31, No. 3, 2000.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Archivos/Valoración de documentos/Conservación/Preservación digital

Resumen: Consecuencias que tienen los cambios producidos en el mundo de la información  sobre la evolución de los archivos. Estas se pueden definir desde tres puntos de vista: los documentos en sí mismos, funciones de la institución archivística, y valor de prueba y testimonio que tienen los documentos para quienes los generaron. Estas íltimas son las más importantes, no sólo por los efectos de las nuevas tecnologías de la información para asegurar y establecer los mecanismos necesarios para la conservación permanente, sino que también en el contexto mismo de la creación y utilización de los mismos

   96.    Turner, J. M. and Ide, M.,  "Improving access to audiovisual and multimedia materials: the Moving Image Case Study of InterPARES2".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Audiovisuales/Preservación digital/Acceso al documento/Multimedia

Resumen: As the IFLA Guidelines for Audiovisual and Multimedia Materials in Libraries and other Institutions remind us, access to audiovisual materials should be as open and free as access to print-based materials. However, such a reality is little more than a dream for the moment. The nature of audiovisual and multimedia materials is such that methods useful for organising print-based materials do not work well when applied to audiovisual and multimedia materials, and much work remains to be done in developing adequate ways to provide good access to users. InterPARES2 is an international research project with 74 researchers in 15 countries on 4 continents. It focuses on records produced in complex digital environments in the course of artistic, scientific and e-government activities. As part of the work of Inter- PARES2, the Moving Image Case Study attempts to model the production processes of making moving images, to identify the documentation created at each stage of the process, and to reflect upon useful metadata for managing this documentation.

   97.    Verheul, I.,  "Emerging Standards in digital preservation".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Normas/Archivos digitales/Preservación digital

Resumen: This presentation will give an overview of two surveys carried out in 2004-2005 on behalf of ICABS by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), the national library of the Netherlands, and by the National Library of Australia (NLA). One of the objectives of ICABS, as formulated in its mission statement, is to advance understanding of issues related to long-term archiving of electronic resources, including the promotion of new and recommended conventions for such archiving. This objective is taken up by the KB, in close co-operation with the NLA. The draft version of both reports will be available for review by the ICABS partners by the end of May. The final reports will be available in June 2005.

   98.    Waibel, G.,  "Like Russian Dolls: Nesting Standards for Digital Preservation".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 7, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Conservación/Preservación digital/Normas

Resumen: On February 14, 2003, the Library of Congress announced the approval of Congress for its plan to build a national infrastructure for the collection and long-term preservation of digital content. The establishment of the initiative, called National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), formally recognizes the importance of digital preservation at the highest level and promises guidance through project outcomes and published research in the years to come (see Editor's Interview). While the Library of Congress engages in some heavy lifting to benefit the entire community, the constituents of the community cannot afford to remain passive. With digital preservation looming large on the national agenda, understanding the terminology and standards emerging in the field becomes the ticket for following or participating in the upcoming discussions.

   99.    Webb, C.,  "Saving Digital Heritage­A UNESCO Campaign".  RLG DigiNews , Vol. 7, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Conservación/Preservación digital/Normas

Resumen: Considering that the disappearance of heritage in whatever form constitutes an impoverishment of the heritage of all nations … Recognising that … resources of information and creative expression are increasingly produced, distributed, accessed and maintained in digital form, creating a new legacy­the digital heritage … Understanding that this digital heritage is at risk of being lost and that its preservation for the benefit of present and future generations is an urgent issue of worldwide concern

100.    Wheatley, P.,  "Migration - a CAMiLEON discussion paper".  Ariadne, No. 29, 2001.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Migración de datos/Preservación digital

Resumen: Paul Wheatley explores migration issues for the long-term preservation of digital materials.This paper is intended to continue the debate on the different uses of migration for the long-term preservation of digital materials. This discussion will hopefully form the basis of future comparisons between migration and emulation as part of the CAMiLEON project's investigation of emulation as a digital preservation strategy (A look at some of the practical aspects of an emulation preservation strategy can be found in 'Emulation, Preservation and Abstraction' by David Holdsworth and Paul Wheatley).

101.    Wijngaarden, H. v.,  "Análisis de las estrategias y novedades en la preservación digital: esbozo de una investigación internacional de la Koninklijke Bibliotheek".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Internet/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: Este artículo describe la investigación internacional que la Biblioteca Nacional de Holanda (Koninklijke Bobliotheek, KB) llevará a cabo para ICABS. La investigación tratará las condiciones y/o requisitos necesarios para el archivo a largo plazo de los recursos electrónicos y examinará estrategias, métodos y estándares para la migración y la emulación. Ambos temas se centrarán en las cuestiones que tengan mayor relevancia para la comunidad bibliotecaria. Se escribirá un informe basándonos en la investigación de campo, entrevistas y análisis de las últimas novedades, que incluirá las mejores prácticas, evaluación de los nuevos estándares y recomendaciones para la investigación y desarrollo futuros. Tras años analizando el problema y sus posibles soluciones, en lo últimos tiempos ha habido un incremento en el número de medidas tomadas para crear archivos digitales, organizar la gestión de los recursos digitales y definir estrategias para un acceso permanente. Ello quiere decir que ahora es un buen momento para hacer recuento y definir las mejores prácticas, evaluar los nuevos estándares y describir las cuestiones que necesitan más atención.

102.    Wijngaarden, H. v.,  "An exploration of strategies and recent developments in digital preservation: outline of an international inquiry by the Koninklijke".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Internet/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: This paper describes the international inquiry the National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek or KB) will perform for ICABS. The inquiry will address the requirements/conditions for long-term archiving of electronic resources and explore strategies, methods and standards for migration and emulation. The focus for both subjects will lie with issues that are most relevant for the library community. Based on desk-research, interviews and analysis of new developments a report will be written containing best practices, evaluation of emerging standards and recommendations for future research and development. After years of discussing the problem and possible solutions, the last few years have seen an increase in actions that are taken to set up digital archives, organize the management of digital resources and define strategies for permanent access. This means now is a good time to take inventory and define best practices, evaluate emerging standards and describe issues that need extra attention.sitan más atención.

103.    Woodyard-Robinson, D.,  "Digital Preservation: Finding Balance - Introduction".  Library Trends, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Preservación digital

Resumen: Digital Preservation: Finding Balance - Introduction (monographic)

104.    Yakel, E.,  "Digital Preservation".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 35, 2001.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Conservación

Resumen:  The term digital preservation is viewed by many as an oxyrnoron. ACKERMAN & FIELDlNG assert that fue long-term maintenance of digital docurnents will pose significantly more difficult challenges than collection maintenance for paper-based materials. However, a great deal of research on digital preservation issues is currently being conducted around fue world. The past several years have witnessed a significant increase in collaborative intemational efforts addressing a variety of questions on digital preservation (BERlHON & WEBB). These and similar efforts are working to make digital preservation a reality.

105.    Zeidberg, D. S.,  "The archive view of technology: resources for the scholar of the future".  Library trends, Vol. 47, No. 4, 1999.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Preservación digital/Conservación/Gestión de documentos

Resumen: Los manuscritos y primeros impresos han llegado hasta nosotros porque se hicieron en materiales duraderos, los registros electrónicos son vulnerables a la pérdida de datos y la alteración. Los investigadores puedentrabajar con la mayoría de los materiales tradicionales en la fuente original mediante diversas ediciones de un trabajo, pero no tiene las mismas posibilidades de  investigación con registros electrónicos. Los archiveros necesitan aplicar principios tradicionales de gestión de registros a documentos electrónicos, en función de que estos registros sirvan para la investigación  futura. Por demás, los archivistas deben asegurar que los registros electrónicos sean accesible independientemente de los cambios de programas como de soporte físco
a través del tiempo


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