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I nfo D ocMAYO de 2008

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  • Clasificación de mayor a menor útil para establecer criterios de valoración. Normalmente, se refiere a instituciones educativas en atención a ...

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     1.     "Dossier: La verdad sobre la edición en España".  Delibros, Vol. 13, No. 128, 2000.

Descriptores: Comercio editorial/España/Mercado editorial/Ranking

Resumen: Sabemos cómo evoluciona el sector por las cifras que anualmente nos facilitan la Cámara del Libro y la Federación de Gremios de Editores de España, pero puede ocurrir que analizando esos datos con otras fuentes de información se obtenga más de una sorpresa. En este dossier ofrecemos a nuestros lectores un ranking de editoriales por su cifra de negocios y algunas pistas y consejos sobre la evolución del mercado

     2.    Adkins, D. and Budd, J.,  "Scholarly productivity of U.S. LIS faculty".  Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 28, No. 3, 2006.

Descriptores: Documentación/Investigación/Producción científica/Estados Unidos/Ranking

Resumen: One aspect of faculty effectiveness can be measured through research productivity, and publication and citation rates can serve as an indicator of that productivity. This study, the fourth in a series to examine LIS faculty and program productivity as measured by publication and citation, uses the same methodology as the previous investigations. A consistent data instrument (the Social Science Citation Index) provided publication and citation data for LIS faculty, covering the years 1999 to 2004. Tables show the faculty and programs with the highest publication and citation rates, both overall and per capita, as well as a cumulative ranking of LIS programs based on faculty research productivity. This study, in conjunction with the three previous, documents an increase in LIS research productivity, suggesting an increase in faculty effectiveness.

     3.    Aguillo, I. and Granadino, B.,   "Estudio cibermétrico sobre el impacto y posición institucional del CSIC en el web".  Revista general de información y documentación, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Indicadores/Instituciones/Cibermetria/Impacto/Visibilidad de la Información/Ranking

Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio de la presencia del CSIC en el Web. Los indicadores ciber-métricos utilizados se basan en la estima del volumen de contenidos de los diferentes subdominios institucionales del CSIC y la cuantificación de la naturaleza hipertextual de las páginas Web de dichos subdominios. Las áreas de Biología y Biomedicina, Recursos Naturales y Ciencia y Tecnología Físicas son las áreas con mayor tamaño y visibilidad del Web. Ciencias Agrarias y Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos son las áreas de menor tamaño y visibilidad del Web. El CSIC aparece en la posición 6.857 de popularidad según el Ranking Alexa, siendo la página Web principal del CSIC y la página Web del CINDOC las de mayor contribución.

     4.    Aguillo, I. F., Granadino, B., and Ortega, J. L.,  "Dise o, métodos y problemática documental en la construcción de un ranking Web de hospitales del mundo".  Jornadas Espa olas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007.

Descriptores: Hospitales/Ranking /Indicadores/Cibermetria

Resumen: La realización de un ranking de hospitales de acuerdo con su presencia en la Web pretende generalizar el uso de indicadores cibermétricos a la evaluación del compromiso de instituciones ligadas con la actividad académica e investigadora hacia la publicación electrónica de acceso libre. El carácter mundial de la propuesta, necesario para posibilitar tanto el análisis comparativo como para detectar la existencia de brechas digitales plantea problemas metodológicos importantes. Se han utilizado dominios institucionales como unidad de análisis y los motores de búsqueda como herramienta para la recolección de datos cuantitativos. Los resultados preliminares muestran un gran número de instituciones sin presencia independiente en la Web, y entre las que fue posible clasificar la absoluta preponderancia de las de origen estadounidense. Dados los niveles actuales de cobertura tales conclusiones son provisionales y deben ser exploradas en profundidad.

     5.    Ahlgren, P.,  "Query Expansion".  Human IT, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Expansión de la búsqueda/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Ranking

Resumen: The purpose of query expansion, the process of adding new terms to a query, is to improve the retrieval effectiveness. Query expansion can be divided into three types: manual, interactive and automatic. This article presents, and to some extent discusses, these three types of query expansion. The article also gives examples of ranking algorithms for query expansion. 

     6.    Ahlgren, P. and Gronqvist, L.,   "Evaluation of retrieval effectiveness with incomplete relevance data: Theoretical and experimental comparison of three measures: Evaluation of Interactive Information Retrieval Systems".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Evaluación/Efectividad/Ranking

Resumen: This paper investigates two relatively new measures of retrieval effectiveness in relation to the problem of incomplete relevance data. The measures, Bpref and RankEff, which do not take into account documents that have not been relevance judged, are compared theoretically and experimentally. The experimental comparisons involve a third measure, the well-known mean uninterpolated average precision. The results indicate that RankEff is the most stable of the three measures when the amount of relevance data is reduced, with respect to system ranking and absolute values. In addition, RankEff has the lowest error-rate.

     7.    Alcaín Partearroyo, M. D., Román, A. R., and Giménez Toledo, E.,  "Categorización de las revistas espa olas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas en RESH".  Revista espa ola de Documentación Científica, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Evaluación/Revistas científicas/Publicaciones periódicas/Ciencias sociales/Humanidades/Ranking

Resumen: El propósito de esta nota es comunicar y explicar las últimas mejoras incorporadas a la plataforma RESH, sistema integrado de evaluación que se basa en diversos tipos de indicadores de calidad en relación con el proceso editorial, la revisión por pares, la visibilidad internacional y los índices de impacto. El grupo que desarrolla RESH ha estado trabajando en la puesta a punto de un sistema de baremación que adjudica diferente peso a los indicadores que miden los diferentes aspectos de la calidad, con objeto de poder construir listas jerarquizadas (ranking) de las revistas en el contexto de sus disciplinas y/o de sus áreas del conocimiento. A partir de ahora, evaluadores, autores y editores podrán encontrar en RESH la posición que ocupa cada revista en el contexto de su especialidad, así como los datos que dan origen a la posición final alcanzada por cada revista.

     8.    Araghi, G. F.,  "Users Satisfaction Through Better Indexing".  Cataloging & classification quarterly, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: Satisfacción de usuarios/Indización/Ranking

Resumen: Classification and indexing are two main tools to organize information to serve the users. Information architecture is nothing more than to organize better to achieve this goal. Any user seeks easy access and speed to reach one’s information needs.Aclassifier/indexer must interpret or estimate the users’ need in the best possible terms. Ranking algorithms– such as Boolean, Vector, or others–is highly recommended and practiced. Some define Retrieval Strategies as a measure of similarity between a quarry and document. Relevance is a criterion for matching aboutness. Aboutness is a criterion for decision-making. Better indexing, as well as better classification, is a key to reaching the ultimate goal in record management. Some suggestions are made for those who create databases, provide information engines, or manage the information.

     9.    Arenas Franco, M. L., Covarrubias Escobar, V. G., and Anania Garib, G. A.,  "Estudio comparativo entre bibliotecas universitarias latinoamericanas y estadounidenses ".  Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Latinoamérica/Estados Unidos/Evaluación /Ranking

Resumen: Se presentan los primeros resultrados de un estudio comparativo (benchmarking) iniciado por el Sistema de Bibliotecas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (SIBUC) en conjunto con el Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial y de Sistemas de esta misma universidad. Su objetivo es el establecimiento de índices para bibliotecas universitarias, que les per- mitan a través del tiempo compararse e identificar su posición relativa respecto a otras instituciones pares o líderes en el ámbito nacional, latinoamericano e internacional. Para ello, se contó con la colaboración en Chile de cuatro de sus principales universidades, en Latinoamérica de dos uni- versidades de prestigio, y de Estados Unidos se obtuvo a través de internet de diez universidades incluidas en ranking establecido por la US News.

   10.    Atakan, C., Atilgan, D., Bayram, +., and Arslantekin, S.,  "An evaluation of the second survey on electronic databases usage at Ankara University Digital Library".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2008.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Bibliotecas digitales/Turquía/Estudios de usuarios/Ranking

Resumen:  The purpose of this paper is to encompass the assessment of the effectiveness of the digital library and the value of multidisciplinary databases in terms of user preferences and use frequency by academic ranking.

   11.    Baeza-Yates, R., Hurtado, C., and Mendoza, M.,  "Improving search engines by query clustering.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 12, 2007.

Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/Evaluación/Servicios de información/Servicios de información bibliográfica/MPEG/Preguntas de referencia/World Wide Web/Mineria de datos/Motores de búsquedas/Clusters/Ranking

Resumen: In this paper, we present a framework for clustering Web search engine queries whose aim is to identify groups of queries used to search for similar information on the Web. The framework is based on a novel term vector model of queries that integrates user selections and the content of selected documents extracted from the logs of a search engine. The query representation obtained allows us to treat query clustering similarly to standard document clustering. We study the application of the clustering framework to two problems: relevance ranking boosting and query recommendation. Finally, we evaluate with experiments the effectiveness of our approach.

   12.    Bar-Ilan, J. ,  "Web Links and Search Engine Ranking: the Case of Google and the Query 'Jew'".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 12, 2006.

Descriptores: Google/Visibilidad de la Información/Hiperenlaces/Ranking /Motores de búsqueda/Rango de página/Wikipedia

Resumen: The World Wide Web has become one of our more important information sources, and commercial search engines are the major tools for locating information; however, it is not enough for a Web page to be indexed by the search engines-it also must rank high on relevant queries. One of the parameters involved in ranking is the number and quality of links pointing to the page, based on the assumption that links convey appreciation for a page. This article presents the results of a content analysis of the links to two top pages retrieved by Google for the query 'jew' as of July 2004: the 'jew' entry on the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, and the home page of 'Jew Watch,' a highly anti-Semitic site. The top results for the query 'jew' gained public attention in April 2004, when it was noticed that the 'Jew Watch' homepage ranked number 1. From this point on, both sides engaged in 'Googlebombing' (i.e., increasing the number of links pointing to these pages). The results of the study show that most of the links to these pages come from blogs and discussion links, and the number of links pointing to these pages in appreciation of their content is extremely small. These findings have implications for ranking algorithms based on link counts, and emphasize the huge difference between Web links and citations in the scientific community.

   13.    Bar-Ilan, J., Levene, M., and Mat-Hassan, M.,  "Methods for Evaluating Dynamic Changes in Search Engine Rankings: a Case Study".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 6, 2006.

Descriptores: Google/Motores de búsqueda/Rango de página/Evaluación/Ranking /Posicionamiento

Resumen: Purpose - The objective of this paper is to characterize the changes in the rankings of the top ten results of major search engines over time and to compare the rankings between these engines. Design/methodology/approach - The papers compare rankings of the top-ten results of the search engines Google and AlltheWeb on ten identical queries over a period of three weeks. Only the top-ten results were considered, since users do not normally inspect more than the first results page returned by a search engine. The experiment was repeated twice, in October 2003 and in January 2004, in order to assess changes to the top-ten results of some of the queries during the three months interval. In order to assess the changes in the rankings, three measures were computed for each data collection point and each search engine. Findings - The findings in this paper show that the rankings of AlltheWeb were highly stable over each period, while the rankings of Google underwent constant yet minor changes, with occasional major ones. Changes over time can be explained by the dynamic nature of the web or by fluctuations in the search engines' indexes. The top-ten results of the two search engines had surprisingly low overlap. With such small overlap, the task of comparing the rankings of the two engines becomes extremely challenging. Originality/value - The paper shows that because of the abundance of information on the web, ranking search results is of extreme importance. The paper compares several measures for computing the similarity between rankings of search tools, and shows that none of the measures is fully satisfactory as a standalone measure. It also demonstrates the apparent differences in the ranking algorithms of two widely used search engines.

   14.    Bar-Ilan, J. ,  "Manipulating search engine algorithms: the case of Google".  Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, Vol. 5, No. 2/3, 2007, pp. 155-166.

Descriptores: Algoritmos/Etica profesional/Motores de búsqueda/Google/Censura/Ranking

Resumen: To investigate how search engine users manipulate the rankings of search results. Search engines employ different ranking methods in order to display the “best” results first. One of the ranking methods is PageRank, where the number of links pointing to the page influences its rank. The “anchor text,” the clickable text of the hypertext link is another “ingredient” in the ranking method. There are a number of cases where the public challenged the Google's ranking, by creating a so-called “Google bomb” – creating links to pages they wanted to be highly ranked for given query. Google is chosen as the search engine, because it is currently by far the most popular search engine

   15.    Bar-Ilan, J. , Keenoy, K., Yaari, E., and Levene, M.,  "User rankings of search engine results.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 9, 2007.

Descriptores: Ranking  /Motores de búsqueda

Resumen: In this study, we investigate the similarities and differences between rankings of search results by users and search engines. Sixty-seven students took part in a 3-week-long experiment, during which they were asked to identify and rank the top 10 documents from the set of URLs that were retrieved by three major search engines (Google, MSN Search, and Yahoo!) for 12 selected queries. The URLs and accompanying snippets were displayed in random order, without disclosing which search engine(s) retrieved any specific URL for the query. We computed the similarity of the rankings of the users and search engines using four nonparametric correlation measures in [0,1] that complement each other. The findings show that the similarities between the users' choices and the rankings of the search engines are low. We examined the effects of the presentation order of the results, and of the thinking styles of the participants. Presentation order influences the rankings, but overall the results indicate that there is no GÇ average user,GÇ and even if the users have the same basic knowledge of a topic, they evaluate information in their own context, which is influenced by cognitive, affective, and physical factors. This is the first large-scale experiment in which users were asked to rank the results of identical queries. The analysis of the experimental results demonstrates the potential for personalized search.

   16.    Bell, T. C.,  "Data compression in full-text retrieval systems.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 44, No. 9, 1993.

Descriptores: Recuperación a texto completo/Lenguaje natural/CD-ROM/Ranking

Resumen:  Describes compression methods for components of full-text systems such as text databases on CD-ROM. Topics discussed include storage media; structures for full-text retrieval, including indexes, inverted files, and bitmaps; compression tools; memory requirements during retrieval; and ranking and information retrieval.

   17.    Bonitz, M.,  "Ranking of Nations and Heightened Competition in Matthew Core Journals: Two Faces of the Matthew Effect for Countries ".  Library trends, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2002.

Descriptores: Producción científica /Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Citas bibliográficas/Ranking

Resumen: The Matthew effect for countries (MEC) consists of the systematic deviation in the number of actual (observed) citations from the number of expected citations: A few countries, expecting a high impact (i.e., a high number of cites per paper) receive a surplus of citations, while the majority of countries, expecting a lower impact, lose citations. The MEC is characterized by numerous facets, but two are the most impressive. The first is the possibility of ranking the science nations by their overall efficiency of scientific performance, thus making the MEC attractive for science policy. The second is the concentration of the MEC in a small number of scientific journals which happen to be the most competitive markets for scientific papers and, therefore, are of interest to librarians as well as scientists.

   18.    Bracho Riquelme, R., Pescador Salas, N., and Reyes Romer, M. A.,  "The change from French to English and its effect upon the impact factor and ranking of the Pasteur journals".  Journal of information science, Vol. 25, No. 5, 1999.

Descriptores: Producción científica/Publicaciones periódicas/Bibliometría/Impacto/Lengua/Inglés/Francés/Ranking

Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar el efecto que los cambios del Francés al Inglés tienen en el impacto de los 'Anales de l'Institut Pasteur'. La revista del Institute Pasteur tiene un prestigio confirmado en los más de 100 años de existencia y con ocho Premios Nobel en Filosofía y Medicina. Los cambios ocasionados en la publicación a lo largo del tiempo y su impacto está recogido en la base de datos de Institute for Scientific Information. El método para el análisis ha sido en estudio año a año desde 1974 hasta 1992, utilizando una estadística de regresión entre el poercentaje de artículos publicados en Inglés y su factor de impacto, así como el lugar ocupado en el ranking de algunos de los campos de conocimiento. Los resultados demuestran que la determinación entre el coeficiente de artículos en Inglés y el factor de impacto era de 0.108. Por series, el coeficiente entre el coeficiente de artículos en Ingles y el ranking de revistas y otra similar como 'Anales de Microbiologie' era de 0.178, con 'Anales d'Inmunologie 0,045 y con 'Anales de Virologie' 0,122. En conclusión, los cambios de lengua no incrementan el factor de impacto de la revista, ni mejora su ranking entre las publicaciones de la misma disciplina

   19.    Brajnik, G., Mizzaro, S., Tasso, C., and Venuti, F.,  "Strategic Help in User Interfaces for Information Retrieval ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 5, 2002.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Interfaces/Retroalimentación /Ranking

Resumen: Brajnik et alia describe their view of an effective retrieval interface, one which coaches the searcher using stored knowledge not only of database structure, but of strategic situations which are likely to occur, such as repeating failed tactics in a low return search, or failing to try relevance feedback techniques. The emphasis is on the system suggesting search strategy improvements by relating them to an analysis of work entered so far and selecting and ranking those found relevant. FIRE is an interface utilizing these techniques. It allows the user to assign documents to useful, topical and trash folders, maintains thesauri files automatically searchable on query terms, and it builds, using user entries and a rule system, a picture of the retrieval situation from which it generates suggestions.

   20.    Bridgeman, T.,  "Making worlds move: re-ranking contextual parameters in Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit".  Language and Literature, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Literatura/Inglés/Novela/Ranking

Resumen: Negotiating the loan of a car by a friend and writing a novel may appear to be very different linguistic activities, but both may call on participants to construct a set of contextual parameters for interaction which re-rank existing social and cultural parameters. Drawing on and developing particular aspects of Werth's cognitive work on text worlds (1999) and Fludernik's account of the schemata we bring to bear in processing narratives (1996), this article considers how interpersonal parameters are constructed in reading and their relationship to generic schemata. It then examines how two novels, Flaubert's Madame Bovary (1951 [1857]) and Céline's Voyage au bout de la nuit (1980 [1932]), rework the parameters of the relationship between author and audience through moves which resemble patterns of negotiation described in pragmatic accounts of conversational interactions.

   21.    Burnett, K., Bonnici, L. J., Miksa, S. D., and Kim, J.,  "Frequency, Intensity and Topicality in Online Learning: An Exploration of the Interaction Dimensions that Contribute to Student Satisfaction in Online Learning.".  Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Satisfacción de usuarios/Estudiantes/Enseñanza a distancia/Ranking

Resumen: This article analyzes dimensions of interaction that contribute to student satisfaction in Web-supported courses. Researchers examined chat logs and discussion board postings for eight graduate courses in fall 2000 at the Florida State University School of Information Studies, and conducted focus group interviews in spring 2001 with 14 online and local students. Interaction was examined along three dimensions: frequency, intensity and topicality (FIT). Of the eight courses, one received a FIT ranking of high, three received a FIT ranking of low, and four received a FIT ranking of medium. Dimensions of interaction contributing positively toward online learning in master's courses in library and information studies (LIS) were explored to help US educators design, develop, and implement online courses that are both more effective in their support of learning and more satisfying to students and instructors.

   22.    Carpjneto, C. and Romano, G.,   "Order-theoretical ranking".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 7, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Ranking

Resumen: Los sistemas que seleccionan los rankimg de los registros más pertinentes suponen una inestimable ayuda, pero sin embargo no pueden tener en cuenta la diferencia existente entre la pregunta y el documento. . La mejor alternativa conocida a este método, el agrupamiento jerárquico en que se basa el ranking, parece ser más adecuado que BMR (best-match ranking) con el respecto a este problema, aunque tiene una serie de limitaciones teóricas y prácticas.  Aquí se presenta un enfoque para establecer el rango, que explícitamente cuyo objetivo es soluionar el problema de la desigualdad a través del análisis de la similitud interdocumento de manera novedosa

   23.    Chan, H. C., Kim, H. W., and Tan, W. C.,  "Information Systems Citation Patterns From International Conference on Information Systems Articles".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 9, 2006.

Descriptores: Congresos /Sistemas de información/Análisis de citas/Ranking

Resumen:  Research patterns could enhance understanding of the Information Systems (IS) field. Citation analysis is the methodology commonly used to determine such research patterns. In this study, the citation methodology is applied to one of the top-ranked Information Systems conferences-international Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Information is extracted from papers in the proceedings of ICIS 2000 to 2002. A total of 145 base articles and 4,226 citations are used. Research patterns are obtained using total citations, citations per journal or conference, and overlapping citations. We then provide the citation ranking of journals and conferences. We also examine the difference between the citation ranking in this study and the ranking of IS journals and IS conferences in other studies. Based on the comparison, we confirm that IS research is a multidisciplinary research area. We also identify the most cited papers and authors in the IS research area, and the organizations most active in producing papers in the top-rated IS conference. We discuss the findings and implications of the study.

   24.    Cronin, B. and Meho, L.,  "Using the H-Index to Rank Influential Information Scientists".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 9, 2006.

Descriptores: Medición/Bibliometría/Impacto/Ranking

Resumen: The authors apply a new bibliometric measure, the h-index (Hirsch, 2005), to the literature of information science. Faculty rankings based on raw citation counts are compared with those based on h-counts. There is a strong positive correlation between the two sets of rankings. It is shown how the h-index can be used to express the broad impact of a scholar's research output over time in more nuanced fashion than straight citation counts.

   25.    Cronin, B.,  "Comparative citation rankings of authors in monographic and journal literature: a study of sociology".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1997.

Descriptores: Autores /Citas bibliográficas/Publicaciones periódicas/Estadística/Análisis de citas/Análisis comparativos/Sociología/Análisis de datos/Libros/Ranking

Resumen: Describes a study of the scholarly literature of sociology that examined whether citation rankings derived exclusively from references appended to journal articles produce a skewed picture of scholarly impact, and whether the inclusion of references from monographs would uncover a different group of influential authors.

   26.    Cronin, B. and Crawford, H.,  "Do deans publish what they preach?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 50, No. 5, 1999.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Estados Unidos/Investigadores/Evaluación/Ranking

Resumen: Evaluación de los estudios de de  Biblioteconomía y Documentación (LIS) en América del Norte desde el punto de vista de sus eruditos diplomados en cada una de ellas. El análisis de citación sugiere que la mayoría de los investigadores no son los que sacaron mejores notas. No se encontró ninguna correlación los investigadores y 'ranking' de las titulaciones

   27.    Crouch, C. J., Crouch, D. B., Chen, Q. Y., and Holtz, S. J.,  "Improving the Retrieval Effectiveness of Very Short Queries".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Estrategia de búsqueda/Retroalimentación /Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: This paper describes an automatic approach designed to improve the retrieval effectiveness of very short queries such as those used in web searching. The method is based on the observation that stemming, which is designed to maximize recall, often results in depressed precision. Our approach is based on pseudo-feedback and attempts to increase the number of relevant documents in the pseudo-relevant set by re-ranking those documents based on the presence of unstemmed query terms in the document text. The original experiments underlying this work were carried out using Smart 11.0 and the Inc.ltc weighting scheme on three sets of documents from the TREC collection with corresponding TREC (title only) topics as queries. (The average length of these queries after stoplisting ranges from 2.4 to 4.5 terms.) Results, evaluated in terms of P@20 and non-interpolated average precision, showed clearly that pseudo-feedback (PF) based on this approach was effective in increasing the number of relevant documents in the top ranks. Subsequent experiments, performed on the same data sets using Smart 13.0 and the improved Lnu. ltu weighting scheme, indicate that these results hold up even over the much higher baseline provided by the new weights. Query drift analysis presents a more detailed picture of the improvements produced by this process..

   28.    Davies, R.,  "Building an Internet Gateway".  Information technology and libraries, Vol.  22, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Portales/Internet/Planificación/Diseño/Ranking

Resumen: The Library of the International Labour Organization created a gateway to Internet sites in the areas of work, employment, and social issues titled WorkGate. This article describes the design decisions that went into the project, such as the number of information resources that could feasibly be maintained and the selection criteria for including these resources. The actual development of the gateway involved the building of an underlying database and Web-based interfaces, the selection and description of Internet sites, and the creation of taxonomy to be used in classifying sites and browsing. While the gateway has been favorably received, ranking search results in a small database of brief records remains a problem. An unexpected benefit of the project was the opportunity staff had to share information about sites that would prove useful in their daily work.

   29.    Davis, C. H. and McKim, G. W.,  "Systematic weighting and ranking : cutting the Cordian Knot".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 50, No. 7, 1999.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Algoritmos/Relevancia/Internet/Motores de búsqueda/World wide web/Ranking

Resumen: Potencialidad de dos algoritmos creados automaticamente, bien definidos y con un solo grupo de resultados, mostrados en orden decreciente de similar relevancia. Todos las operaciones son transparentes, tanto en la búsqueda simple a través de un solo término como en la compleja con una secuencia de términos de búsqueda. El programa es válido tanto para bases de datos tradicionales como para motores de búsqueda en World wide web, así como un sistema inteligente para búsquedas en la Web de cara a la recuperación de información

   30.    Delgado Domínguez, A. and Baeza-Yates, R.,  "Lenguajes de consulta para xml: un análisis comparativo ".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2002.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Bases de datos /Lenguajes de marcas/Lenguajes de programación/XML/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: Un lenguaje de consulta para xml debería ser lo suficientemente flexible para cubrir el espectro de fuentes de información que xml permite etiquetar, incluyendo bases de datos y documentos distribuidos a través del web. En este artículo se presenta un análisis comparativo de diversos lenguajes de consulta que han surgido para xml. Se estudian conjuntos de características deseables tanto desde la perspectiva de la comunidad de datos semiestructurados (la cual pone el énfasis principalmente en los grandes almacenes de datos, la integración de fuentes heterogéneas y la transformación de datos en formatos comunes de intercambio), como desde la perspectiva de la comunidad de recuperación de información (que pone el énfasis principalmente en las búsquedas de texto, la manipulación de conjuntos de resultados, las relaciones de inclusión, las distancias y la ordenación por relevancia de los documentos resultado). Title: Query languages for xml: a comparative analysis. Abstract: A query language for xml should be flexible enough to cover the whole range of information sources that can be labelled by xml, including databases and web documents. In this article we present a comparative analysis of several query languages that have been created for xml. We study sets of desirable traits both from the point of view of the semistructured data community (that emphasise especially very large databases, the integration of heterogeneous sources and data transformation into common interchange formats), and from the point of view of the information retrieval community (that emphasise especially full-text searches, manipulation of the sets of results, inclusion relationships, distances, and ranking of the result documents). 

   31.    Dominich, S. and Skrop, A.,  "PageRank and Interaction Information Retrieval ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Google/Recuperación de la información/Ranking /Bibliometría/World wide web/Rango de página/Webmetría

Resumen: The PageRank method is used by the Google Web search engine to compute the importance of Web pages. Two different views have been developed for the interpretation of the PageRank method and values: (a) stochastic (random surfer): the PageRank values can be conceived as the steady-state distribution of a Markov chain, and (b) algebraic: the PageRank values form the eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue 1 of the Web link matrix. The Interaction Information Retrieval (I2R) method is a nonclassical information retrieval paradigm, which represents a connectionist approach based on dynamic systems. In the present paper, a different interpretation of PageRank is proposed, namely, a dynamic systems viewpoint, by showing that the PageRank method can be formally interpreted as a particular case of the Interaction Information Retrieval method; and thus, the PageRank values may be interpreted as neutral equilibrium points of the Web.

   32.    East, J. W.,  "Ranking Journals in the Humanities: An Australian Case Study ".  AARL Australian Academic & Research Libraries, Vol. 37, No. 1, 2006 .

Descriptores: Humanidades/Indices de citas/Impacto/Australia/Ranking

Resumen: This article reviews the methods commonly used to evaluate journals, looking particularly at indicators relevant to journals in the humanities. It then applies these methods to a sample of Australian humanities journals. The indicators used are: level of holdings in large overseas academic libraries, coverage in international databases, standards of refereeing, peer evaluation by researchers, and frequency of citation in ISI source journals. The results obtained from each indicator are compared to establish the validity of the indicators.

   33.    Eastman, C. M.,  "30,000 Hits May Be Better Than 300 Precision Anomalies in Internet Searches".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 11, 2002.

Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/Internet/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: In this issue we begin with a paper where Eastman points out that conventional narrower queries (the use of conjunctions and phrases) in a web engine search will reduce returned number of hits but not necessarily increase precision in the top ranked documents in the return. Thus by precision anomalies Eastman means that search narrowing activity results in no precision change or a decrease in precision. Multiple queries with multiple engines were run by students for a three-year period and the formulation/engine combination was recorded as was the number of hits. Relevance was also recorded for the top ten and top twenty ranked retrievals. While narrower searches reduced total hits they did not usually improve precision. Initial high precision and poor query reformulation account for some of the results, as did Alta Vista's failure to use the ranking algorithm incorporated in its regular search in its advanced search feature. However, since the top listed returns often reoccurred in all formulations, it would seem that the ranking algorithms are doing a consistent job of practical precision ranking that is not improved by reformulation.

   34.    Egghe, L., Rousseau, R., and Rousseau, S.,  "TOP-curves".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 6, 2007 .

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Análisis de citas/Bradford, Ley de/Ranking

Resumen:  Several characteristics of classical Lorenz curves make them unsuitable for the study of a group of top-performers. TOP-curves, defined as a kind of mirror image of TIP-curves used in poverty studies, are shown to possess the properties necessary for adequate empirical ranking of various data arrays, based on the properties of the highest performers (i.e., the core). TOP-curves and essential TOP-curves, also introduced in this article, simultaneously represent the incidence, intensity, and inequality among the top. It is shown that TOP-dominance partial order, introduced in this article, is stronger than Lorenz dominance order. In this way, this article contributes to the study of cores, a central issue in applied informetrics.

   35.    Evatt, A. and Hibberd, B. J.,  "Mapping information flows: a practical guide".  Information Management Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2004, pp. 58, 60-62, 64.

Descriptores: Gestión de documentos/Documentos administrativos/Flujos de información/Mapas conceptuales/Ranking

Resumen: Defines information mapping and explains why it is important to map information flows. Presents the five steps of the information mapping process: describing the current situation; describing the potential clients; mapping potential clients; ranking solutions for prioritization; and creating an information map. Discusses how information mapping can help shift the information professionals natural bottom-up viewpoint to a top-down, strategic perspective. Examines how information mapping can help increase the information professionals visibility and perceived value. (Quotes from original text)

   36.    Falkowski, B. J.,  "On Certain Generalizations of Inner Product Similarity Measures.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 9, 1998.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Medición/Gestión de la información/Matemáticas/Modelos organizativos/Ranking

Resumen: Introduces a new generalization of inner product measures which removes the aesthetic deficiencies in previous research. Discusses linear similarity measures; proves the existence theorem for acceptable ranking functions in the case of a linear measure; and defines asymptotic inner product measures.

   37.    Feitelson, D. G. and Yovel, U.,  "Predictive ranking of computer scientists using CiteSeer data".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Impacto/Análisis de citas/Internet/Ranking

Resumen:  The increasing availability of digital libraries with cross-citation data on the Internet enables new studies in bibliometrics. The paper focuses on the list of 10,000 top-cited authors in computer science available as part of CiteSeer. Using data from several consecutive lists a model of how authors accrue citations with time is constructed. By comparing the rate at which individual authors accrue citations with the average rate, predictions are made of how their ranking in the list will change in the future.

   38.    Forgionne, G. A. and Kohlib , R.,  "Guisseppi A. Forgionne, , a and Rajiv Kohlib ".  Information & Management, Vol. 38, No. 7, 2001.

Descriptores: Sistemas de información/Toma de decisiones/Publicaciones periódicas/Calidad /Ranking

Resumen: Over the years, a number of researchers have assessed the quality of information systems (IS) journals. Most of these studies have assessed general IS journals, but few have specifically examined journals that focus on decision making support systems. Furthermore, even though there are many factors that measure journal quality, very few gauges have been used in the previous evaluations. This paper offers a multiple criteria quality assessment of decision making support journals. Initially, the article presents the criteria and a methodology for consolidating the multiple criteria into an integrated measure of journal quality. Next, there is a discussion of the data collection process and the resulting multiple criteria evaluation. The paper concludes with a summary of the evaluation and the implications for information systems theory and practice.

   39.    Gamon, M., Suzuki, H., and Corston Oliver, S.,  "Using Machine Learning for System-Internal Evaluation of Transferred Linguistic Representations".  Congreso sobre traducción automática , No. 8, 2001.

Descriptores: Traducción automática/Evaluación/Estudio de usuarios/Ranking

Resumen: We present an automated, system-internal evaluation technique for linguistic representations in a large-scale, multilingual MT system. We use machine-learned classifiers to recognize the differences between linguistic representations generated from transfer in an MT context from representations that are produced by 'native' analysis of the target language. In the MT scenario, convergence of the two is the desired result. Holding the feature set and the learning algorithm constant, the accuracy of the classifiers provides a measure of the overall difference between the two sets of linguistic representations: classifiers with higher accuracy correspond to more pronounced differences between representations. More importantly, the classifiers yield the basis for error-analysis by providing a ranking of the importance of linguistic features. The more salient a linguistic criterion is in discriminating transferred representations from 'native' representations, the more work will be needed in order to get closer to the goal of producing native-like MT. We present results from using this approach on the Microsoft MT system and discuss its advantages and possible extensions.

   40.    Garcia, A. M. M. and Garcia, A. D.,  "Evasof: sistema automatizado que permite determinar la idoneidad de las publicaciones seriadas sobre la base del method rsm.".  Ciencias de la Información (Cuba), Vol. 23, No. 4, 1992.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Publicaciones periódicas/Ranking

Resumen: EVASOF is a computer program characterized by its speed, comfort and ease of use together with the precision required for scientific evaluation. The system is designed on the basis of 12 variables to be selected in order to calculate selective multidimensional ranking, a useful method due to its holistic character. Describes the software which permits a maximum evaluation of 200 titles

   41.    Gerhart, S. L.,  "Do Web search engines suppress controversy?".  First Monday, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Internet/Recuperación de la información/Motores de búsqueda/Ranking

Resumen: Web behavior depends upon three interlocking communities: (1) authors whose Web pages link to other pages; (2) search engines indexing and ranking those pages; and (3) information seekers whose queries and surfing reward authors and support search engines. Systematic suppression of controversial topics would indicate a flaw in the Web’s ideology of openness and informativeness. This paper explores search engines’ bias by asking: Is a specific well–known controversy revealed in a simple search? Experimental topics include: distance learning, Albert Einstein, St. John’s Wort, female astronauts, and Belize. The experiments suggest simple queries tend to overly present the 'sunny side' of these topics, with minimal controversy. A more 'Objective Web' is analyzed where: (a) Web page authors adopt research citation practices; (b) search engines balance organizational and analytic content; and, (c) searchers practice more wary multi–searching.

   42.    Gilchrist, A.,  "Structure and Function in Retrieval".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Ranking /Inteligencia artificial

Resumen: Purpose - This paper forms part of the series '60 years of the best in information research', marking the 60th anniversary of the Journal of Documentation. It aims to review the influence of Brian Vickery's 1971 paper, 'Structure and function in retrieval languages'. The paper is not an update of Vickery's work, but a comment on a greatly changed environment, in which his analysis still has much validity. Design/methodology/approach - A commentary on selected literature illustrates the continuing relevance of Vickery's ideas. Findings - Generic survey and specific reference are still the main functions of retrieval languages, with minor functional additions such as relevance ranking. New structures are becoming increasingly significant, through developments such as XML. Future development in artificial intelligence hold out new prospects still. Originality/value - The paper shows the continuing relevance of 'traditional' ideas of information science from the 1960s and 1970s.

   43.    González Alcaide, G., Castelló Cogollos, L., Navarro Molina, C., Aleixandre Benavent, R., and Valderrama Zurián, J. C.,  "Tendencias actuales de investigación en biblioteconomía y documentación: principales ámbitos temáticos, relaciones conceptuales y áreas emergentes".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Investigación/Investigadores/Ranking

Resumen: Se identifican los principales ámbitos de investigación en Biblioteconomía y Documentación a partir de la cuantificación de la frecuencia de aparición de los descriptores asignados a los documentos indizados en la base de datos Library and Information Science Abstracts (LISA) correspondientes al período 2004-2005. Destacan en los primeros puestos del ranking los descriptores relacionados con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y en particular con la World Wide Web y aquellos relacionados con las bibliotecas, las búsquedas documentales, recuperación de la información y la Medicina. Se analizan asimismo los principales grupos temáticos y sus relaciones conceptuales a partir del análisis de la frecuencia de coocurrencia de los descriptores asignados a los documentos. Este análisis ha permitido identificar tres grandes áreas nucleares de investigación con un desarrollo específico: World Wide Web, bibliotecas y educación. Existen asimismo otros 12 ámbitos de investigación destacados relacionados con la World Wide Web e Internet: redes, seguridad informática, tecnologías de la información, recursos electrónicos, publicaciones electrónicas, Bibliometría, comercio electrónico, aplicaciones informáticas, Medicina, búsquedas y recuperación de información en línea, además de Biblioteconomía que se relaciona con el ámbito bibliotecario.

   44.    Goodall, A. H.,  "Should Top Universities Be Led by Top Researchers and Are They? A Citations Analysis".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 3, 2006.

Descriptores: Universidades/Liderazgo/Investigación/Análisis de citas/Ranking

Resumen: Purpose - This paper seeks to address the question: should the world's top universities be led by top researchers, and are they? Design/methodology/approach - The lifetime citations are counted by hand of the leaders of the world's top 100 universities identified in a global university ranking. These numbers are then normalised by adjusting for the different citation conventions across academic disciplines. Two statistical measures are used - Pearson's correlation coefficient and Spearman's p. Findings - This study documents a positive correlation between the lifetime citations of a university's president and the position of that university in the global ranking. Better universities are run by better researchers. The results are not driven by outliers. That the top universities in the world - who have the widest choice of candidates L systematically appoint top researchers as their vice chancellors and presidents seems important to understand. This paper also shows that the pattern of presidents' life-time citations follows a version of Lotka's power law. Originality/value - There are two main areas of contribution. First, this paper attempts to use bibliometric data to address a performance-related question of a type not seen before (to the author's knowledge). Second, despite the importance of research to research universities - as described in many mission-statements - no studies currently exist that ask whether it matters if the head of a research university is himself or herself a committed researcher. Given the importance of universities in the world, and the difficulty that many have in appointing leaders, this question seems pertinent.

   45.    Gorbunov, A. L.,  "Relevance of Web Documents Ghosts Consensus Method".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 10, 2002.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Relevancia/Ranking

Resumen: In this issue we begin we will discuss three papers not covered by the editor of the special topics section. In the first, Gorbunov suggests a method of refining results achieved from a vector space model search. After the cosine measure is computed as a relevance function and the documents ranked, searcher preferences are solicited as to the importance of author and searcher ideas conforming, the importance of searcher concurrence with majority users, the importance of little known documents, and the importance of topical closeness. These are used to form assertions about seven criteria of relevance in document frequency, number of links, presence of terms in metadata, presence in the title, presence in special zones of the document, distance between searched for words in the document, and evenness of the distribution of searched for words. These assertions may be expressed as constraint conditions to produce an objective function to re-rank the documents, thus providing a ranking more reflective of the searcher's needs than majority opinion based on links or citations.

   46.    Gordon, M. D. and Lenk, P.,  "A utility theoretic examination of the probability ranking principle in information retrieval.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 10, 1991.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Probabilidades/Ranking

Resumen: Discussion of probabilistic information retrieval (IR) systems challenges the probability ranking principle in IR from the perspective of (1) signal detection-decision theory and (2) utility theory. Calibration, certainty, and independent assessment are discussed in terms of the relevance of documents, and standard retrieval policies are analyzed.

   47.    Gordon, M. D. and Lenk, P.,  "When is the probability ranking principle suboptimal?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 43, No. 1, 1992.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Probabilidades/Relevancia/Ranking

Resumen: Discussion of probabilistic information retrieval systems highlights the probability ranking principle and discusses when the standard retrieval policy is optimal. Topics discussed include calibration and refinement; independent assessment of relevance by the inquirer; certainty about the computed probabilities of relevance; and confidence and highest predictive distribution (HPD) intervals.

   48.    Greenberg, J.,  "Automatic Query Expansion via Lexical-Semantic Relationships".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Lenguaje natural/Ranking

Resumen: Next, using 42 queries, in the form of Boolean statements with free text terminology, collected from MBA students and the ABI/Inform database, Greenberg maps against the ProQuest Controlled Vocabulary selecting those queries that contained at least one ProQuest term. These were searched in initial form, a form mapped from ProQuest, and using expansions that took all synonyms, all narrower terms, all broader terms, and all related terms. Greenberg conducted all searches on Dialog and subtracted the initial and mapped results form the other returns to gauge the expansions effectiveness. Relevance judgements were made on the basis of topical matching (aboutness) by the contributors of the queries reviewing the Union set of the responses to the query forms where each retrieved list was limited to a length 15 or less citations. If the retrieved set was under 16 all were presented, and if between 16 and 100 the top 15 ranked by similarity to the query (Dice Coefficient) were used, while if above 100 a random sample of size one hundred was used for the similarity ranking. Broader terms and Related terms each improved recall nearly 100%, while Narrower terms increased the baseline from .266 to .473. Synonyms improved from the .226 base to .369. The baseline precision of .794 was reduced to .766 by the use of synonyms, to .733 by the use of narrower terms, .544 by the use of related terms, and .595 by the use of Broader terms.

   49.    Grupo Scimago,  "Ranking de instituciones más productivas del sector sanitario español".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005 .,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Ranking /Biomedicina/Producción científica/Bibliometría

Resumen:  La producción científica española en biomedicina y ciencias de la salud constituye un volumen importante del total de la producción del país. Esta gran área temática constituye algo más del 45% del total de la producción española1. Su importancia y características la hacen
peculiar, tal es así, que ha merecido por sí misma la redacción de numerosos estudios e informes destacables

   50.    Grupo Scimago,  "SCImago journal & country rank: un nuevo portal, dos nuevos rankings".  El Profesional de la Informacion, Vol. 16, No. 5, 2007, pp. 510-511.,1:105302,1&linkin=633389948150332500

Descriptores: Science Citation Index/Producción científica/Indicadores/Ranking

Resumen: El Portal Scimago Journal & Country Rank1 nace de la alianza entre la empresa Elsevier B.V.2 y el grupo de investigación Scimago3. Como resultado de esta sinergia se ha desarrollado una plataforma de indicadores científicos a partir de la información contenida en la base de datos Scopus

   51.    Guerrero Argaín, R. and Suárez Balseiro, C.,  "Archivos médicos en la investigación en ciencias de la salud: un estudio informétrico utilizando MEDLINE".  ACIMED, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1998.

Descriptores: Medline/Bibliometría/Medicina/Ciencias de la salud/Archivos /Ranking

Resumen: Se presentan los resultados de un estudio informétrico, desarrollado con el objetivo de medir la presencia, a escala internacional, de los archivos médicos en los campos priorizados de investigación, definidos por la política del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba. A partir de una búsqueda automatizada en la base de datos Medline (CD-ROM) 1990-1996, se determinaron la recurrencia de términos, a partir de un ordenamiento por ranking, y las instituciones que han realizado mayor número de investigaciones con el apoyo de este recurso. Los resultados muestran la presencia de esta fuente de información, en once de los doce campos objeto de análisis, y cuatro instituciones norteamericanas con un número significativo de investigaciones en el período tomado como marco referencial.

   52.    Hansen, P. and Karlgren, J.,  "Effects of foreign language and task scenario on relevance assessment ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 61, No. 5, 2005.

Descriptores: Relevancia/Multilingüismo/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: This paper aims to investigate how readers assess relevance of retrieved documents in a foreign language they know well compared with their native language, and whether work-task scenario descriptions have effect on the assessment process. Design/methodology/approach – Queries, test collections, and relevance assessments were used from the 2002 Interactive CLEF. Swedish first-language speakers, fluent in English, were given simulated information-seeking scenarios and presented with retrieval results in both languages. Twenty-eight subjects in four groups were asked to rate the retrieved text documents by relevance. A two-level work-task scenario description framework was developed and applied to facilitate the study of context effects on the assessment process. Findings – Relevance assessment takes longer in a foreign language than in the user first language. The quality of assessments by comparison with pre-assessed results is inferior to those made in the users' first language. Work-task scenario descriptions had an effect on the assessment process, both by measured access time and by self-report by subjects. However, effects on results by traditional relevance ranking were detectable. This may be an argument for extending the traditional IR experimental topical relevance measures to cater for context effects. Originality/value – An extended two-level work-task scenario description framework was developed and applied. Contextual aspects had an effect on the relevance assessment process. English texts took longer to assess than Swedish and were assessed less well, especially for the most difficult queries. The IR research field needs to close this gap and to design information access systems with users' language competence in mind.

   53.    Harman, D. and Candela, G.,  "Retrieving records from a gigabyte of text on a minicomputer using statistical ranking.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1990.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Algebra de Boole/Estadística/Ranking

Resumen: Describes the advantages of a prototype retrieval system that uses statistically based ranked retrieval of records rather than traditional boolean methods, especially for end users. Several new techniques are also discussed including bit mapping, pruning, methods of building inverted files, and types of search engine.

   54.    Harter, S. P.,  "The Impact of Electronic Journals on Scholarly Communication: A Citation Analysis".  The Public-Access Computer Systems Review, Vol. 7, No. 5, 1996.

Descriptores: Revistas electrónicas /Análisis de citas/Impacto/Bibliometría/Ranking

Resumen: This article reports hard empirical data on the impact of the first wave of e-journals on the scholarly communities they serve. A citation analysis was conducted for 39 scholarly journals that began electronic publication no later than 1993. Citation data for these journals were tabulated and analyzed. For journals that publish both print and electronic versions, citations to articles published prior to parallel publication were eliminated. The eight most highly cited e-journals were identified. Citation and publication data for three high ranking e-journals in the study were compared to similar data for print journals in the same fields. The seven most highly cited articles from the e-journals in the study were determined. 

   55.    Henry, D. B. and Neville, T. A.,  "Research, Publication, and Service Patterns of Florida Academic Librarians".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2004.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas Universitarias/Benchmarking/Ranking

Resumen: In an effort to establish benchmarks for comparison to national trends, a web-based survey explored the research, publication, and service activities of Florida academic librarians. Participants ranked the importance of professional activities to the tenure/promotion process. Findings suggest that perceived tenure and promotion demands do influence research productivity.

   56.    Herrera-Viedma, E.,  "Modeling the Retrieval Process for an Information Retrieval System Using an Ordinal Fuzzy Linguistic Approach".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Modelos/Lenguaje natural/Ranking

Resumen: Herrera-Viedma, believes that quantitative weights computed from term occurrence are appropriate for the characterization of documents, but not for queries or the estimated relevance levels for ranking of retrieved documents, where human understanding argues for qualitative expression. Terms for queries are ranked in seven symmetric ordinal classes by searchers, or by an importance weight or by a weight indicating how many documents should be returned for that term. An RSV is computed for each document for each ordered representation of the query. These are then aggregated by the search system for final evaluation of documents. The aggregation is carried out by linguistic implication functions which provide varied definitions of disjunction and conjunction depending upon the relative importance of the logical sub-expressions of the query. Users will need to determine which, or how many of the ordering schemes to use.

   57.    Hoad, T. C. and Zobel, J.,  "Methods for Identifying Versioned and Plagiarized Documents".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Derechos de autor/Plagios/Etica profesional/Investigación/Ranking

Resumen: Hoad and Zobel term documents that originate from the same source, whether versions or plagiarisms, co-derivatives. Identification of co-derivatives is normally by a technique called fingerprinting, which uses  hashing to generate surrogates in the form of integer strings derived from substrings of text, for comparison purposes, or by ranking using a similarity measure as in information retrieval. Hoad and Zobel derive several variants of what they term an identity measure, where documents with similar numbers of occurrences of words benefit and those with dissimilar numbers are penalized, for use in a ranking technique. They then review fingerprinting strategies, and characterize them by the substring size utilized, i.e. granularity, character of the hashing function, the size of the document fingerprint, i.e. resolution, and the substring selection strategy.   In their experiments highest false match, HFM,  the highest percentage score given an incorrect result, and separation, the difference between the lowest correct result and HFM were the measures utilized in two collections, one of 3,300 documents, and the other of 80,000 with 53 query documents. The new identity measure demonstrates  superior performance  to the alternatives. Only one fingerprinting strategy was able to identify all human identified similar documents, the anchor strategy. The key parameter in fingerprinting appears to be granularity, with three to five words producing the best results. 

   58.    Hsieh-Yee, I.,  "The retrieval power of selected search engines: how well do they address general reference questions and subject questions?".  Reference librarian, No.  60, 1998.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Evaluación/Internet/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Internet/Ranking

Resumen: Evaluación de ocho de los más importantes ingénios de búsqueda respondiendo a 21 cuestiones de referencia y 5 de referencia por materias . El ranking de recuperación y relevancia se establece a través de los criterios de precisión, duplicidad, resultado más relevante y tante de relevancia. Los motores de búsqueda no producen buenos resultados a las cuestiones de referencia, pero si proporcionan unos resultados aceptables para las cuestiones de referencia por materias. Estos dos tipos de preguntas manifiestan diferente naturaleza, hasta tal punto que los mejores motores son identificados en funcion de ambos tipos de cuestiones. El resultado final concluye con que Open Text es el mejor motor para cuestiones de referencia, e InfoSeek es el mejor para búsquedas por materia.

   59.    Hutchinson, A.,  "Evaluations of individual scientists and research institutions".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 1, 2008, pp. 160-161 .

Descriptores: Investigadores/Investigación/Evaluación/Ranking /Producción científica

Resumen: No abstract.

   60.    Jacs£, P.,  "Google Scholar revisited".  Online Information Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2008, pp. 102-114.

Descriptores: Google Scholar/Ranking

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to revisit Google Scholar. Design/methodology/approach - This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Google Scholar. Findings - The Google Books project has given a massive and valuable boost to the already rich and diverse content of Google Scholar. The downside of the growth is that significant gaps remain for top ranking journals and serials, and the number of duplicate, triplicate and quadruplicate records for the same source documents (which Google Scholar cannot detect reliably) has increased. Originality/value - This paper discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Google Scholar.

   61.    Jepsen, E. T., Seiden, P., Ingwersen, P., Björneborn, L., and Borlund, P.,  "Characteristics of scientific Web publications: Preliminary data gathering and analysis".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 14, 2004.

Descriptores: Google/Ciencias de la información/Ranking

Resumen: Because of the increasing presence of scientific publications on the Web, combined with the existing difficulties in easily verifying and retrieving these publications, research on techniques and methods for retrieval of scientific Web publications is called for. In this article, we report on the initial steps taken toward the construction of a test collection of scientific Web publications within the subject domain of plant biology. The steps reported are those of data gathering and data analysis aiming at identifying characteristics of scientific Web publications. The data used in this article were generated based on specifically selected domain topics that are searched for in three publicly accessible search engines (Google, AllTheWeb, and AltaVista). A sample of the retrieved hits was analyzed with regard to how various publication attributes correlated with the scientific quality of the content and whether this information could be employed to harvest, filter, and rank Web publications. The attributes analyzed were inlinks, outlinks, bibliographic references, file format, language, search engine overlap, structural position (according to site structure), and the occurrence of various types of metadata. As could be expected, the ranked output differs between the three search engines. Apparently, this is caused by differences in ranking algorithms rather than the databases themselves. In fact, because scientific Web content in this subject domain receives few inlinks, both AltaVista and AllTheWeb retrieved a higher degree of accessible scientific content than Google. Because of the search engine cutoffs of accessible URLs, the feasibility of using search engine output for Web content analysis is also discussed.

   62.    Kai Gao , Yong-Cheng Wang , and Zhi-Qi Wang ,  "Similar interest clustering and partial back-propagation-based recommendation in digital library".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 23, No. 4, 2005.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Recuperación de la información/Clusters/Mineria de datos/Ranking

Resumen: This purpose of this paper is to propose a recommendation approach for information retrieval. Design/methodology/approach – Relevant results are presented on the basis of a novel data structure named FPT-tree, which is used to get common interests. Then, data is trained by using a partial back-propagation neural network. The learning is guided by users' click behaviors. Findings – Experimental results have shown the effectiveness of the approach. Originality/value – The approach attempts to integrate metric of interests (e.g., click behavior, ranking) into the strategy of the recommendation system. Relevant results are first presented on the basis of a novel data structure named FPT-tree, and then, those results are trained through a partial back-propagation neural network. The learning is guided by users' click behaviors.

   63.    Kaki, M.,  "Fkwic: Frequency-Based Keyword-in-Context Index for Filtering Web Search Results".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 12, 2006.

Descriptores: Descriptores/Indización/World-Wide-Web/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Frecuencia/Ranking

Resumen: Enormous Web search engine databases combined with short search queries result in large result sets that are often difficult to access. Result ranking works fairly well, but users need help when it fails. For these situations, we propose a filtering interface that is inspired by keyword-in-context (KWIC) indices. The user interface lists the most frequent keyword contexts (fKWIC). When a context is selected, the corresponding results are displayed in the result list, allowing users to concentrate on the specific context. We compared the keyword context index user interface to the rank order result listing in an experiment with 36 participants. The results show that the proposed user interface was 29% faster in finding relevant results, and the precision of the selected results was 19% higher. In addition, participants showed positive attitudes toward the system.

   64.    Kaszkiel, M. and Zobel , J.,  "Effective Ranking with Arbitrary Passages".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/Ranking

Resumen: Using cosine and a pivotedcosine similarity measure with a slope set to 0.2 and thus a normalization factor favoring longer documents, Kaszkiel and Zobel utilize five TREC test collections with both short (words from title fields) and long (full TREC topics) queries, average eleven point precision, and precision at 5, 10, 20, 30, and 200 document cutoffs, to compare various passage types as document representatives. Here, passages are constructed using Hearst's TextTile algorithm, where token sequences are conjoined into blocks that overlap with one another, and similarities between adjacent blocks are used to determine topic shifts, and thus the borders of two sets of blocks called tiles. These are supplemented by passages in the form of fixed length windows at 150 and 350 tokens, and discourse passages which use the document's paragraph or section structure. Retrieval based  on passages is up to 50% better than that based on whole document ranking.

   65.    Kaufman, D.,  "Turning search into knowledge management ".  Electronic library, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Gestión del conocimiento/Ranking

Resumen: Creating a high quality search algorithm is more of an art than a science. It is a balancing act, and as any tightrope walker will tell you, it takes years to master. But when the art of ranking a query against a set of documents is virtually mastered, one has the foundation upon which to build a system that can do more than just search; it can turn information into knowledge. By effectively finding, categorizing, summarizing, and proactively routing information, it is possible to take total control of the ever-growing mountain of unstructured data in the digital world.

   66.    Khang, P. T.,  "Mobile libraries in Vietnam in 21 st century".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 67, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas móviles/Vietnam/Siglo 21º /Asia/Ranking

Resumen: Vietnam is a small country in Southeast Asia, two thirds of the area are mountains, the population is 78 million, but the contribution of population is uneven, Vietnam’s economy is ranking among the poorest counties. The Vietnamese Government has made much endeavour, however, as the result of the economic and geographical difficulties, millions of people in mountainous and farmost areas have not had an access to books and newspapers enjoyment. With the encouragement from IFLA and the support from the Government, over 150 mobile libraries have been established and in active operation for the last 10 years. Various models of mobile libraries suited to different areas have been identified such as 'Libraries on Cultural boats, Book bags of border guards, Bookcases of Commune Cultural Post offices' etc. The role played by the Government in supporting mobile libraries is a very good experience (the Government has provided the support of 427 billion VND, equivalent to 33,2 million USD for 400 district libraries and 1,100 school libraries for the last 7 years). Mobile libraries have been recognized as the most suitable and effective model in realizing the equality to enjoy culture and information in the poor regions. In the 21 st century, with the development as it is now, 10-15 years later Vietnam will still face difficulties, it will not be easy at all to overcome the poverty and backwardness. The difference of cultural enjoyment among various regions will be existing. This explains as to why the Government advocates to continue developing mobile libraries. This is a strategic measure to improve the cultural life for the population, to carry out well the Declaration of UNESCO, particularly, the guidance from IFLA 'Libraries as Gateways to an Enlightened World... Books for All. All for Books...' The Vietnamese Government has just promulgated the Ordinance on Library and approved the support programme for District libraries and School libraries in the 2001-2005 plan. This is a solid basis for mobile libraries to develop, 'Delivering Lifelong Learning Access Across Space and Time', to create might to improve life. 

   67.    Khoo, C. S. G. and Wan, K.-W.,  "A simple relevancy-ranking strategy for an interface to Boolean OPACs  ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2004 .

Descriptores: OPAC/World wide web/Interfaces/Ranking

Resumen: A relevancy-ranking algorithm for a natural language interface to Boolean online public access catalogs (OPACs) was formulated and compared with that currently used in a knowledge-based search interface called the E-Referencer, being developed by the authors. The algorithm makes use of seven well-known ranking criteria: breadth of match, section weighting, proximity of query words, variant word forms (stemming), document frequency, term frequency and document length. The algorithm converts a natural language query into a series of increasingly broader Boolean search statements. In a small experiment with ten subjects in which the algorithm was simulated by hand, the algorithm obtained good results with a mean overall precision of 0.42 and mean average precision of 0.62, representing a 27 percent improvement in precision and 41 percent improvement in average precision compared to the E-Referencer. The usefulness of each step in the algorithm was analyzed and suggestions are made for improving the algorithm.

   68.    Kreider, J.,  "The correlation of local citation data with citation data from Journal Citation Report".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1999.

Descriptores: Gestión de la colección/Bibliotecas universitarias/Adquisiciones/Indices de citas/Evaluación/Colecciones/Publicaciones periódicas/Ranking

Resumen: Los responsables de bibliotecas universitarias se ven en el dilema de determinar cual son las revistas más importante de su colección en momentos de congelación de presupuestos y de inflación de precios de estas publicaciones. Un instrumento para la evaluación es el 'Journal Citation Report' (JCR) que ha aparecido recientemente en CD-ROM, y que establece un 'ranking' de revistas en función de sus citaciones. Pero el problema que se plantean algunos bibliotecarios es que este no se corrresponde con sus datos a cerca del uso de las mismas en sus centros. En este artículo se propone un proyecto para establecer una correlación entre las citaciones globales que aparecen en JCR con los datos locales de citación, a través de una experiencia llevada a cabo en la University of British Columbia en 20 campos del conocimiento de las áreas de ciencias y ciencias sociales

   69.    Krüger, S.,  "The PISA-shock and its consequences: The future of libraries for children in Germany".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 69, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas infantiles/Alemania/Ranking

Resumen: When the first results of the PISA-test („Programs for International Student Assessment“ ) were published in the beginning of December 2001, it was quite a shock for Germany. The German’s self-esteem was thoroughly shaken by the bad ranking (number 21 out of 32) and still today the entire nation is desperately searching for an answer as to how such bad results could occur. Librarians as well as their professional associations came into action almost immediately. They had prepared concepts all along  reading promotion as well as the promotion of media and „Information Literacy“. Librarians repeat again and again that PISA was nothing but a visuable proof for the importance of libraries and school-libraries  the Finnish school- and library-system was taken as a role model and positive example. The paper reports on the development and opportunities German Libraries have taken since the beginning of this discussion.

   70.    Langan, J., Perkins, M., Cobine, C., Dunham, C., Geck, C., and Meszaros, R.,  "Best Free Reference Web Sites - Ninth Annual List".  Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Servicios de información bibliográfica/World Wide Web/Ranking 

Resumen: Best Free Reference Web Sites - Ninth Annual List

   71.    Lee, J. H.,  "Information retrieval based on conceptual distance in is-a hierarchies.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 49, No. 2, 1993.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Recuperación de la información/Documentación/Matemáticas/Modelos organizativos/Semántica /Algebra de Boole/Ranking

Resumen: Discussion of document ranking methods to calculate the conceptual distance between a Boolean query and a document focuses on the Knowledge-Based Extension Boolean Model which evaluates weighted queries and documents effectively and avoids problems of previous methods. Semantic networks are discussed, and is-a hierarchies are explained.

   72.    Leighton, H. V. and Srivastava, J.,  "First 20 precision among World Wide Web search services (search engines)".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science , Vol. 50, No. 10, 1999.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Evaluación/Internet/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: Comparación de la precisión de búsqueda de cinco motores de búsqueda (Alta Vista, Excite, HotNot, Infoseek y Lycos) de los primeros 20 resultados de 15 búsquedas, estableciendo un ranking de efectividad. Las búsquedas se efecturaron de enero a marzo de 1997. El análisis muestra que Alta Vista, Excite e Infoseek se muestran como los tres mejores servicios, aunque el ranking depende de como se haya definido el concepto de relevancia de la operación. El analisis de correspondencia muestra que Lycos ejecuta mejor en las preguntas cortas, mientras que HotBot interpreta mejor las preguntas estructuradas

   73.    Lessard, G. and Levison, M.,  "Lexical creativity in L2 French ".  International Review of Applied Linguistics , Vol. 39, No. 3, 2001.

Descriptores: Francés/Léxico/Formación de palabras/Ranking

Resumen: Computer-based elicitation techniques are used to evaluate L2 French learners’ ability to judge the relative productivity of a class of deverbal suffixes, including -age, -ment, -ure, -tion, -able. Tests are based on dynamically generated new word forms for which subjects are requested to provide metalinguistic reactions on relative acceptability. L2 results are compared to those obtained from native French speakers by the same testing mechanism. Results show that while more advanced subjects show nativelike scores, less advanced speakers show a variety of divergent responses, including failure to distinguish relative productivity of suffixes or misordering of suffixes by relative productivity. The results obtained illustrate the value of the method and the software used (VINCI). They show as well that a ranking of subjects by their recognition of base verbs presented correlates well with their metalinguistic skills in dealing with suffixal productivity.

   74.    Lilly, E. B. and Fleet, C. V.,  "Wired but not connected: accessibility of academic library home pages".  Reference librarian, No. 67-68, 1999.

Descriptores: World wide web/Bibliotecas universitarias/Evaluación/Discapacitados/Ranking

Resumen: Las principales páginas web de bibliotecas que aparecen en las '100 Most Wired Colleges' de Yahoo son analizadas en en relación a la accesibilidad que proporcionan a las personas con minusvalías. En cuarenta de ellas se evalúa la accesibilidad usando Bobby, un servicio en línea desarrollado por el Center for Applied Special Technology. Se aportan datos sobre frecuencias de accesibilidad, errores, recomenaciones, cuestiones, tipos, visualización. Entre las conclusiones que se pueden extraer del presente estudio es la no existencia de una relación directa entre accesibilidad e indicadores de recursos que es una de las valoraciones que hace el 'ranking' de Yahoo, Association of Research Libraries y Carnegie Classification. Se incluye recomendaciones sobre la accesibilidad de las páginas web y adapataciones de ordenadores personales

   75.    Losee, R. M. and Paris, L. A. H.,  "Measuring search-engine quality and query difficulty: ranking with Target and Freestyle".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science , Vol. 50, No. 10, 1999.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Evaluación/Recuperación de la información/Internet/Ranking

Resumen: Utilización de las medidas de eficacia, precisión y llamada para la evaluación del rendimiento optimo de los motores de búsqueda, y que dificultades asociadas a  en la recuperación de documentos con las preguntas o temas deseados. Esta medición es más fácil y directamente interpretable con los sistema de medida tradicionales. Se ejemplifica con la medición de los ingenios Target y Freestyle. Para ello se asigna un nivel de dificultad a cada pregunta, y a estos números tienen una estrecha relación con otras medidas de eficacia

   76.    Marion, L. S. and McCain , K. W.,  "Contrasting Views of Software Engineering Journals: Author Cocitation Choices and Indexer Vocabulary Assignments ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Ingenieria/Análisis de citas/Indización/Tesauros/Frecuencia/Ranking

Resumen:  Using the 1996 Journal Citation Reports and the 1992 to 1998 issues of six journals suggested by a software engineer and supplemented with a journal focused on the objectoriented approach, Marion and McCain identified parent journals providing 25% of the cites by the seed journal authors, and child journals that generated 50% of cites to the seed  group. Other candidate core lists came from journals frequently indexed by a set of INSPEC Thesaurus terms and codes, derived by ranking the terms and codes used to describe the papers in the seed journals and collecting two groups, each of whose disjunction was searched on the INSPEC database and the resulting journal lists ranked as to frequency. The associated codes, intersected with the term ``software engineering'' were also searched, and the titles ranked, to produce two more candidate lists. The union of all the JCR journals and the top twenty on each INSPEC list yielded 32 journals. Cocitation counts were collected and journals retained with a mean cocitation rate of seven or more.

   77.    Meghabghab, G.,  "Google's Web Page Ranking Applied to Different Topological Web Graph Structures".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 9, 2001.

Descriptores: Google/World wide web/Motores de búsqueda/Acceso a la información/Grafos/Algoritmos/Ranking

Resumen: After showing that Web page relationships can be represented by a graph structure based upon their links, Meghabghab plots Web pages both by the intersection of their number of outgoing links to unique pages and by their number of source unique incoming links. This permits the computation of a distance between different web page graphs and the application of the Google Web page ranking algorithm. He shows that equal Google rank will be assigned to nodes at the same level in a complete bipartite graph, in outdegree trees, and in indegree trees, but that this algorithm will not work well on bipartite or general graphs.

   78.    Meho, L. and Sonnenwald, D. H.,  "Citation ranking versus peer evaluation of senior faculty research performance : a case study of Kurdish scholarship".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2000 .

Descriptores: Investigación/Evaluación/Producción científica/Universidades/Indices de citas/Ranking

Resumen: Propuesta de un estudio para analizar las relaciones entre el ranling de citas y evaluación directa (Peer evaluation) en la evaluación del rendimiento de la investigación.. Unos estudios utilizan para la evaluación uno de ambos aspecto, este estudio utiliza las dos fuentes. Se investigan dos cuestiones fundamentales: 1. El grado de citación correlativo en el ranking en relación al análisis de citas y revisión de citas en la evaluación directa 2. Si es el ranking un indicador valido para la evaluación entre los miembreos de una entidad académica. Para ello se toma como ejemplo un grupo de académicos que trabajan sobre estudios Kurdos, y los resultados muestran que ambos tipos de métodos arrojan resultados similares, dando validez al ranking de citas como indicador para la evaluación comparativo del rendimiento de la investigación en entidades académicas

   79.    Meho, L. I. and Rogers, Y.,  "Citation counting, citation ranking, and h-index of human-computer interaction researchers: A comparison of Scopus and Web of Science".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, 2008.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Scopus/Web of Science/Análisis comparativo/Ranking

Resumen: This study examines the differences between Scopus and Web of Science in the citation counting, citation ranking, and h-index of 22 top human-computer interaction (HCI) researchers from EQUATOR - a large British Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration project. Results indicate that Scopus provides significantly more coverage of HCI literature than Web of Science, primarily due to coverage of relevant ACM and IEEE peer-reviewed conference proceedings. No significant differences exist between the two databases if citations in journals only are compared. Although broader coverage of the literature does not significantly alter the relative citation ranking of individual researchers, Scopus helps distinguish between the researchers in a more nuanced fashion than Web of Science in both citation counting and h-index. Scopus also generates significantly different maps of citation networks of individual scholars than those generated by Web of Science. The study also presents a comparison of h-index scores based on Google Scholar with those based on the union of Scopus and Web of Science. The study concludes that Scopus can be used as a sole data source for citation-based research and evaluation in HCI, especially when citations in conference proceedings are sought, and that researchers should manually calculate h scores instead of relying on system calculations.

   80.    Meuss, H., Schulz, K. U., Weigel, F., Leonardi, S., and Bry, F.,  "Visual exploration and retrieval of XML document collections with the generic system X<sup>2</sup>.".  International Journal on Digital Libraries: International Journal on Digital Libraries, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: XML/Normas/Visualización/Ranking

Resumen: This article reports on the XML retrieval system x<sup>2</sup> that has been developed at the University of Munich over the last 5 years. In a typical session with x<sup>2</sup>, the user first browses a structural summary of the XML database in order to select interesting elements and keywords occurring in documents. Using this intermediate result, queries combining structure and textual references are composed semiautomatically. After query evaluation, the full set of answers is presented in a visual and structured way. x<sup>2</sup> largely exploits the structure found in documents, queries and answers to enable new interactive visualization and exploration techniques that support mixed IR and database-oriented querying, thus bridging the gap between these three views on the data to be retrieved. Another salient characteristic of x<sup>2</sup> that distinguishes it from other visual query systems for XML is that it supports various degrees of detailedness in the presentation of answers, as well as techniques for dynamically reordering, grouping and ranking retrieved elements once the complete answer set has been computed.

   81.    Miller, J. D.,  "Creating A Subpoena-Proof Diary: A Technological Solution to A Legal Problem".  Journal of information law & technology, Vol. 3, 2001.

Descriptores: Citas bibliográficas/Criptografía/Legislación/Internet/Ranking

Resumen: Many high ranking government officials are afraid to keep a diary because of the possibility that it will be subpoenaed. This will undoubtedly be a great loss to future historians. This paper describes a method by which a subpoena-proof diary can be kept. The diary can be encrypted in a way such that no one, not even the author, can read it until some period of time has elapsed. In this way, the diary can be read by future historians but not by contemporary political enemies.

   82.    Montes Hernández, A.,  "Posibilidades de consulta en los buscadores.".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1999.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Internet/Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Ranking

Resumen: Análisis de las posibilidades de consulta que ofrecen algunos motores e índices de búsqueda en internet, a partir de operadores booleanos, truncamientos, campos de fecha, ranking, idioma, consulta por campos y acotamiento o filtrado de términos.

   83.    Morales Morejon, M. and Baez Cardenas, L.,  "Criterios para evaluar el desempeno de los cientificos: tema para un debate.".  Ciencias de la Información (Cuba), Vol. 30, No. 3, 1999.

Descriptores: Investigación/Evaluación/Investigadores  /Ranking

Resumen: Outlines some considerations relating to scientific performance. Analyzes 3 aspects of the scientific performance of researchers: scientific output; information generation; and citation generation. Suggests some performance indicators for measuring each of these activities. Looks at the need for synergistic integration of these criteria and proposes a method of multidimensional selective ranking for classifying scientists according to the 3 kinds of performance criteria.

   84.    Moya, F. d. and Jiménez Contreras, E.,  "Autores españoles mñas citados en Biblioteconomía y Dcoumentación".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1999.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Impacto/Producción científica/Bibliometría/Autores/Indices de citas/Ranking

Resumen: La investigación en el campo de la Biblioteconomía y la Documetación en España ha experimentado en la última década cambios importantes, debido especialmente a la ampliación del número de investigadores como consecuencia de la aparición de los centros universitarios de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Se da una relación de la revistas españolas de mayor impacto, y un 'ranking' de los autores más citados en este campo

   85.    Moya, F. d. and Jiménez Contreras, E.,  "Evolución de la producción cinetífica española en los últimos 25 años".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 8, No. 5, 1999.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Producción científica/Science citation index/Bibliometría/España/Ranking

Resumen: La capacidad científica de los países es un tema que se puede abordar desde distintas perspectivas, una de las más frecuentemente adoptadas es la de presentar un ranking en función de las respectivas producciones. La fuente normalmente empleada en estos recuentos es la base de datos alimentada por el ISI Science Citation Index, que tiene la ventaja de ser multidisciplinar y recoger las mejores revistas científicas del mundo

   86.    Moya, F. d. and Jiménez Contreras, E.,  "Topografía de la ciencia mundial".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 8, No. 7-8, 1999.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Producción científica/Países del Este/Países en desarrollo/Países occidentales/Europa/Latinoamérica/Science citation index/Ranking

Resumen: En 1972 la URSS aparecía en el ranking científico internacional como la segunda potencia en producción científica según el ISI, solamente aventajada por los Estados Unidos; en 1998 su producción la situa en octavo lugar, inmediatamente por delante de España, que por aquellas fechas ocupaba el puesto 28 del ranking. Los primeros 25 países del mundo acumulan alrededor del 90 % de todos los trabajos recogidos en ISI. El mayor aumento porcentual lo experimentan los países latinoamericanos. Europa Occidental es el primer productor científico por regiones, junto al catastrófico retroceso de los países del Este. En conclusión la producción científica es un indicador muy sensible de la situación general de un país

   87.    Muh-Chyun Tang  and Ying Sun,   "Evaluation of Web-Based Search Engines Using User-Effort Measures".  LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Google/Evaluación/World Wide Web/Motores de búsqueda/Medición/Ranking

Resumen: This paper presents a study of the applicability of three user-effort-sensitive evaluation measures­“first 20 full precision,” “search length,” and “rank correlation”­on four Web-based search engines (Google, AltaVista, Excite and Metacrawler). The authors argue that these measures are better alternatives than precision and recall in Web search situations because of their emphasis on the quality of ranking. Eight sets of search topics were collected from four Ph.D. students in four different disciplines (biochemistry, industrial engineering, economics, and urban planning). Each participant was asked to provide two topics along with the corresponding query terms. Their relevance and credibility judgment of the Web pages were then used to compare the performance of the search engines using these three measures. The results show consistency among these three ranking evaluation measures, more so between “first 20 full precision” and search length than between rank correlation and the other two measures. Possible reasons for rank correlation’s disagreement with the other two measures are discussed. Possible future research to improve these measures is also addressed.

   88.    Mukhopadhyay, S., Peng, S., Raje, R., and Palakal, M.,  "Multi-Agent Information Classification Using Dynamic Acquaintance Lists".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 10, 2003.

Descriptores: Clasificación bibliográfica/Indización automática/Vectores/Ranking

Resumen: Mukhopadhyay, Peng, Raje, Palakal  and Mostafa use a vector space model, term frequency-inverse document frequency method, with various and disparate document collections to produce classification agents with varying vocabularies that classify new documents by similarity to generated centroids. If an agent generates a null vector the document is unclassified, but might be classified by an agent with a different vocabulary.  An 81 term computer science vocabulary was broken into nine disjoint sub-vocabularies creating agents that attempt to classify their own document sets, and time permitting, try to assist other remote agents. In the multi-opinion model all remote agents try to classify unclassified documents but as the number of agents available increases a saturation point is reached where more agents result in a small incremental increase in successful classification while response time increases linearly with the number of agents. Thus proper selection of a small number of remote agents could achieve high performance at low response time and could be achieved by creating a small acquaintance list for each agent using a Pursuit Learning algorithm. On the basis of quickest return, or highest similarity value return, a best acquaintance is chosen and given a positive ranking weight which will modify the probability that its future choice will result in a reward. Algorithm performance compared to four best off line chosen agents resulted was 39% better than a random selection and 363% better than a worst four performance.

   89.    Munoo, R.,  "The challenge of creating and sustaining a socially inclusive e-citizenry: the proactive advocacy role of the National Library Board, Singapore".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Internet/Administración electrónica/Bibliotecas nacionales/Asia/Ranking

Resumen: embraced infocomm technologies for economic sustainability and global competitiveness. Singapore has been accoladed with a second ranking in the world’s e-government leadership survey in 2003. The dilemma faced by Singapore is that with almost no natural resources, she relies heavily on its citizens as its human resource and the need to renew and reskill as an
imperative for survival. Key points from the roadmap will be shared with participants in the form of an illustrated history of Singapore’s e-government development. The presenter will contextualize the Singapore’s e-government framework and agenda for creating an e-citizen, highlighting the growing digital divide, the large graying population and the blue-collar workers. Participants will learn how the government is addressing this by setting in motion to a series of innovative public
education programmes and incentives with key partners such as the public and private sectors. The National Library Board, Singapore (NLB) has been proactive in using its critical mass of over 31 million vistorship and its network of 40 borderless libraries to offer a range of programmes. The presenter will provide vignettes of how the NLB worked in collaboration with the Infocomm Development Agency (iDA) to promote e-government applications and foster e-citizenry to further

   90.    Nakashima, M., Sato, K., Qu, Y., and Ito, T.,  " Browsing-based Conceptual Information Retrieval Incorporating Dictionary Term Relations, Keyword Association, and a User's Interest ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2003.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Descriptores/Diccionarios/Visualización/Estudio de usuarios/Ranking

Resumen: Nakashima et al. consider that an initial search engine query on the World Wide Web creates a personal digital library containing the desired documents, which must then be browsed by the user for a precision search. The traditional top-down browse may not be the most effective strategy,given that the query terms on which the engine's ranking algorithm is based may not adequately reflect the user' desires. They use standard controlled vocabularies to replace and expand query terms, but also create a local dictionary as the personal digital library is browsed by storing documents judged relevant and not relevant in separate sets and using their terminology to suggest the most likely remaining documents to view. The standard thesauri terms replace any word they include, and closeness for document ranking is measured by finding the most specific generic term for both document and query terms. The initial display organization is maintained, but when documents have been judged relevant or not, those yet-to-be-judged documents with several terms in common with documents judged relevant are considered to be worth examining, and suggested to the user. Experiments on the CACM, MED, and CISI collections using the ACM Classification, MeSH, and the ASIS Thesaurus were preformed using the provided relevance judgements with ranking compared to a ranking by cosine function. Both the Global dictionary expansion and the local dictionary feedback system were statistically superior in average precision for 10 recall points. The combination of the two techniques improved performance over cosine ranking by 66% in CACM, 34% in MED, and 33% in CISI.

   91.    Nisonger, T. E.,  "JASIS and Library and Information Science journal rankings: a review and analysis of the last half-century".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 50, No. 11, 1999.

Descriptores: Documentación/Publicaciones periódicas/Impacto/Bibliometría/Investigación/Citas bibliográficas/Indices de citas/Ranking

Resumen: El concepto de revistas de mayor impacto es tratado en la mayoría de las publicaciones desde su punto de vista teórico y práctico. Encontrándose ocho modelos diferentes de clasificación de revistas. Una revisión de ranking de las revistas de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la segunda mitad de siglo identifica 178 publicaciones entre 1952 y 1997 que recogen ranking de revistas de documentación. La mayoría de ellas utiliza algún tipo de medición de la citación, estableciendo un ranking basado en la producción, juicios subjetivos y lectura respectivamente. El análisis de JASIS y su inmediato predecesor American Documentation, arroja un balance de 18 estudios en los que estás no se incluyen, en 20 de esos estudios JASIS aparece como la número 1, y entre las primeras 5 en 88 estudios. En conclusión JASIS aparece como una de las de mayor impacto, y es objeto de investigación en numerosos estudios

   92.    Noruzi, A.,  "The web impact factor: a critical review".  The Electronic Library, Vol.  24, No. 4, 2006.

Descriptores: Impacto/World wide web/Webmetría/Ranking

Resumen: Purpose ? The purpose of this article is to analyze the link-based web site impact measure known as the web impact factor (WIF). It is a quantitative tool for evaluating and ranking web sites, top-level domains and sub-domains. The paper also aims to discuss the WIF's advantages and disadvantages, data collection problems, and validity and reliability of WIF results. Design/methodology/approach ? A key to webometric studies has been the use of large-scale search engines, such as Yahoo! and AltaVista that allow measurements to be made of the total number of pages in a web site and the total number of back-links to the web site. These search engines provide similar possibilities for the investigation of links between web sites/pages to those provided by the academic journals citation databases from the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI). But the content of the web is not of the same nature and quality as the databases maintained by the ISI. Findings ? This paper reviews how the WIF has been developed and applied. It has been suggested that web impact factors can be calculated as a way of comparing the attractiveness of web sites or domains on the web. It is concluded that, while the WIF is arguably useful for quantitative intra-country comparison, application beyond this (i.e. to inter-country assessment) has little value. Originality/value ? The paper offers a critical review of literature on the WIF and associated indicators.

   93.    Nosrat Riahinia  and Ali Azimi,  "Women and the web: An evaluation of academic Iranian women's use of the internet in Tarbiat Moalem University".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Iran/Mujeres/Evaluación/Internet/Ranking

Resumen: This paper aims to examine the use of the internet among the females of Tarbiat Moalem University (TMU) in Tehran. It further aims to consider their favourite sites, issues and their attitude toward using the internet in Iran. Design/methodology/approach – The study was implemented through a descriptive survey methodology. A self-designed questionnaire was distributed and 80 valid samples were collected. The population were all females affiliated to TMU including 21 academic staff, 40 masters and doctoral students and 19 staff members. Findings – The study found that there is a significant relation between academic females' use of the internet and their social ranking. As social ranking increases the use of the internet grows. The findings also revealed that as users navigate more through the internet they would find more hidden threats and vague content. Practical implications – Some suggestions provided by this study include providing suitable web pages for females according to their needs and culture; enhancing internet access especially from their homes; providing good information pertaining to internet security and proper use; and seeking to refine Iranian attitudes to international web pages. Originality/value – The paper provides insight into a group of Iranian academic females' use of the internet. It will help researchers to achieve a closer view to such women's conditions and it is therefore of use to web developers who might design better content related to female interests especially in Iran.

   94.    Olvera Lobo, M. D.,  "Buscadores de informacion en la world wide web: caracteristicas y tendencias. ".  Ciencias de la Información (Cuba), Vol. 31, No. 1-2, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Internet/Motores de búsqueda/Ranking

Resumen: Analyzes the main characteristics and services of the major Internet search engines and suggests new methods for ranking the results. Looks at plans for the improvement of information searching and retrieval tools. (Original abstract - amended)

   95.    Otero, M.,  "Las cifras de la distribución en Espñaa".  Delibros, Vol. 13, No. 133,  2000.

Descriptores: Distribución /Distribuidores de libros/España/Estadísticas/Edición/Ranking

Resumen:  Con los datos obtenidos del Registro Mercantil en los últimos cinco años hemos realizado un profundo análisis de la situación económica-financiera de los distribuidores en España. A las interesantes conclusiones se añade un ranking que clasifica a las principales distribuidores de libros y publicaciones periódicas por cifra de negocio

   96.    Persin, M. and and others,  "Filtered Document Retrieval with Frequency-Sorted Indexes.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 10, 1996.

Descriptores: Indicadores/Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Algoritmos/Almacenamiento/Costes/Evaluación/Matemáticas/Sistemas de información/Ranking

Resumen: Discusses ranking techniques for document retrieval and proposes an evaluation, or filtering, technique that reduces costs and memory usage by early recognition of which documents are likely to be highly ranked. Highlights include index design, ranked query evaluation, reducing the number of accumulators, inverted file structures, and experimental results.

   97.    Picard, J. and Savoy, J.,  "Enhancing Retrieval with Hyperlinks: A General Model Based on Propositional Argumentation Systems".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2003.

Descriptores: Google/Recuperación de la información/Hiperenlaces/Visibilidad de la Información/Ranking

Resumen: One of the main characteristics of the World Wide Web is that its pages are/can be hyperlinked. This feature does/should influence retrieval effectiveness. This article proposes a formal model for this that uses a logical technique, which is referred to as Probabilistic Argumentation System (PAS). In PAS, the drawback of classical propositional logic of not being able to handle uncertainty is removed by introducing special and new propositions, called assumptions, expressing conditions the propositions (rules) depend on. A formalism for PAS is described, which allows for improving the original ranking of documents provided by a search engine. A discussion of Web page popularity measures is presented, and it is shown how applying PAS techniques can enhance these. The visibility equal popularity philosophy used by the Page Rank algorithm of Google has to do next to nothing with quality, which would only be incorporated if user preferences would be taken into account; this could be formally modeled in PAS. Drawbacks of the Kleinberg algorithm to find hubs and authorities are presented together with possible solutions based on PAS techniques. 

   98.    Pirkola, A. and Jarvelin , K.,  "Employing the Resolution Power of Search Keys ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 7, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Estadística/Efectividad/Ranking

Resumen: In any database some search terms will more effectively discriminate between relevant and non-relevant documents for a given search. By resolution power Pirkola, and Jarvelin mean a term's ability relative to other terms in a search to increase query performance. Utilizing the InQuery retrieval system which computes a probability value for a document for each term, a 515,825 document TREC subset and the 47 queries from topic set 101-150 that contained at least 5 substantive terms, they attempt to identify the good and bad terms, their statistical properties, and how such knowledge can improve effectiveness. All possible non empty combinations of the five terms for each query were generated and utilized, resulting in 1457 searches which were then ranked by average precision. The order of terms in the best case was then used to rank the terms, with the lead term considered best, terms that were in a combination that exceeded the best term searched alone were considered good, and others bad. For each term, document frequency, collection frequency, and within document frequency were calculated. Terms were assumed to have high resolution power if collection frequency over document frequency exceeded some threshold and either within document frequency over document frequency was greater than the same measure for other query terms times some constant or alternatively whose document frequency was less than or equal to that of any other term in the query divided by a constant.The frequency statistics of good and bad keys are quite similar. High resolution power terms can be identified automatically, but ranking in between does not correspond well to after the fact analysis. Use of the best term in a structured query will improve performance.

   99.    Plaunt, C. and Norgard, B. A.,  "An Association-Based Method for Automatic Indexing with a Controlled Vocabulary".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 10, 1998.

Descriptores: Indización automática/Lenguajes documentales/Ranking

Resumen: Using a sample of 4,626 INSPEC records, Plaunt and Norgard associated assigned subject headings with extracted lexical units from author, title, and abstract fields creating an association dictionary of word, subject heading pairs with a strength of association value. Extracted lexical units from a reserved 10% of the sample were then passed against the dictionary and the matching subject headings and their weights used to create document vectors for these new documents. Where multiple units are associated with the same subject heading the weights are summed and then an arbitrary number of the highest ranking headings are chosen to represent the document

100.    Raan, A. F. J. v.,  "Bibliometric statistical properties of the 100 largest European research universities: Prevalent scaling rules in the science system".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2008, pp. 461-475.

Descriptores: Bibliometría/Estadística/Europa/Universidades/Ranking

Resumen: The statistical properties of bibliometric indicators related to research performance, field citation density, and journal impact were studied for the 100 largest European research universities. A size-dependent cumulative advantage was found for the impact of universities in terms of total number of citations. In the author's previous work, a similar scaling rule was found at the level of research groups. Therefore, this scaling rule is conjectured to be a prevalent property of the science system. The lower performance universities have a larger size-dependent cumulative advantage for receiving citations than top performance universities. For the lower performance universities, the fraction of noncited publications decreases considerably with size. Generally, the higher the average journal impact of the publications of a university, the lower the number of noncited publications. The average research performance was found not to dilute with size. Evidently, large universities, particularly top performance universities are characterized by being ôbig and beautiful.ö They succeed in keeping a high performance over a broad range of activities. This most probably is an indication of their overall attractive scientific and intellectual power. It was also found that particularly for the lower performance universities, the field citation density provides a strong cumulative advantage in citations per publication. The relation between number of citations and field citation density found in this study can be considered as a second basic scaling rule of the science system. Top performance universities publish in journals with significantly higher journal impact as compared to the lower performance universities. A significant decrease of the fraction of self-citations with increasing research performance, average field citation density, and average journal impact was found.

101.    Rada, R.,  "Document ranking using an enriched thesaurus.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1991.

Descriptores: Documentación /Recuperación de la información/Tesauros/Algoritmos  /Bases de datos/Medicina/Comunidades Europeas/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Descriptores/Ranking

Resumen: Describes a study funded by the Commission of the European Community that applied document retrieval algorithms to the 'Excerpta Medica' database using the EMTREE thesaurus. Nonhierarchical relations were added to enrich the thesaurus, and document ranking is discussed in terms of the conceptual distance between the documents and the query.

102.    Rada, R. and Bicknell, E.,  "Ranking documents with a thesaurus.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 40, No. 5, 1989.

Descriptores: Tesauros/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Ranking

Resumen: Describes exploratory experiments in evaluating and improving a thesaurus through studying its effect on retrieval. A formula was developed to measure the conceptual distance between queries and documents encoded as sets of thesaurus terms. Comparison to the performance of people judging conceptual distance shows that the formula accurately simulates human performance.

103.    Radev, D., Weiguo Fan , Hong Qi , Wu, H., and Grewal, A.,  "Probabilistic question answering on the Web ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 6, 2005.

Descriptores: Google/Motores de búsqueda/Evaluación/Recuperación de la información/World wide web/Probabilidades/Ranking

Resumen: Web-based search engines such as Google and NorthernLight return documents that are relevant to a user query, not answers to user questions. We have developed an architecture that augments existing search engines so that they support natural language question answering. The process entails five steps: query modulation, document retrieval, passage extraction, phrase extraction, and answer ranking. In this article, we describe some probabilistic approaches to the last three of these stages. We show how our techniques apply to a number of existing search engines, and we also present results contrasting three different methods for question answering. Our algorithm, probabilistic phrase reranking (PPR), uses proximity and question type features and achieves a total reciprocal document rank of .20 on the TREC8 corpus. Our techniques have been implemented as a Web-accessible system, called NSIR.

104.    Reenen, J. v.,  "Library budgets and academic library rankings in times of transition ".  The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, Vol. 14, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Presupuestos/Gestión/Ranking

Resumen: An analysis of the ability of a particular library to significantly increase its Association of Research Libraries (ARL) ranking in a reasonable time period is presented. A discussion follows to show why this is not a useful objective at a time when academic libraries are transitioning to new types of products and services made possible by emerging technologies. Various initiatives are under way in the USA and Europe to create more meaningful performance measures for academic libraries.

105.    Robb, D. J. and McCormick, A.,  "Decision Support for Serials Deselection and Acquisition: A Case Study.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 3, 1997.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Toma de decisiones/Adquisiciones/Distribuidores de libros/Publicaciones periódicas/Costes/Servicios bibliotecarios/CD-ROM/Ranking

Resumen:  Discusses the financial pressures libraries face as the number and cost of serials escalate while funding is reduced. Presents a case study of a small library that eliminated physical subscriptions to journals and enhanced its service to include CD-ROM technology after ranking journals according to a cost benefit analysis.

106.    Robertson, A. M. and Willett, P.,  "An upperbound to the performance of ranked-output searching: optimal weighting of query terms using a genetic algorithm.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 52, No. 4, 1996.

Descriptores: Algoritmos/Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Redes de ordenadores/Análisis comparativos/Ranking /Estadística/Estrategia de búsqueda

Resumen: Describes a genetic algorithm (GA) that assigns weights to query terms in a ranked-output document retrieval system. Experiments showed the GA often found weights slightly superior to those produced by deterministic weighting (F4). Many times, however, the two methods gave the same results and sometimes the F4 results were superior, indicating that F4 weights are an excellent alternative.

107.    Rousseau, R.,  "Journal Evaluation: Technical and Practical Issues ".  Library trends, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2002.

Descriptores: Indicadores/Evaluación/Publicaciones periódicas/Visibilidad de la Información/Ranking

Resumen: This essay provides an overview of journal evaluation indicators. It highlights the strengths and weaknesses of different indicators, together with their range of applicability. The definition of a 'quality journal,' different notions of impact factors, the meaning of ranking journals, and possible biases in citation databases are also discussed. Attention is given to using the journal impact in evaluation studies. The quality of a journal is a multifaceted notion. Journals can be evaluated for different purposes, and hence the results of such evaluation exercises can be quite different depending on the indicator(s) used. The impact factor, in one of its versions, is probably the most used indicator when it comes to gauging the visibility of a journal on the research front. Generalized impact factors, over periods longer than the traditional two years, are better indicators for the long-term value of a journal. As with all evaluation studies, care must be exercised when considering journal impact factors as a quality indicator. It seems best to use a whole battery of indicators (including several impact factors) and to change this group of indicators depending on the purpose of the evaluation study. Nowadays it goes without saying that special attention is paid to e-journals and specific indicators for this type of journal.

108.    Rousseau, R. and Zuccala, A.,  "A classification of author co-citations: Definitions and search strategies ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2004.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Clasificación /Ranking

Resumen:  The term author co-citation is defined and classified according to four distinct forms: the pure first-author co-citation, the pure author co-citation, the general author co-citation, and the special co-author/co-citation. Each form can be used to obtain one count in an author co-citation study, based on a binary counting rule, which either recognizes the co-citedness of two authors in a given reference list (1) or does not (0). Most studies using author co-citations have relied solely on first-author co-citation counts as evidence of an author's oeuvre or body of work contributed to a research field. In this article, we argue that an author's contribution to a selected field of study should not be limited, but should be based on his/her complete list of publications, regardless of author ranking. We discuss the implications associated with using each co-citation form and show where simple first-author co-citations fit within our classification scheme. Examples are given to substantiate each author co-citation form defined in our classification, including a set of sample DialogTM searches using references extracted from the SciSearch database.

109.    Ruthven, I., Lalmas, M., and Rijsbergen, K. v.,  "Incorporating User Search Behavior into Relevance Feedback".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 6, 2002.

Descriptores: Acuicultura/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Relevancia/Retroalimentación /Ranking

Resumen: Ruthvewn,  Mounia, and van Rijsbergen rank and select terms for query expansion using information gathered on searcher evaluation behavior. Using the TREC Financial Times and Los Angeles Times collections and search topics from TREC-6 placed in simulated work situations, six student subjects each preformed three searches on an experimental system and three on a control system with instructions to search by natural language expression in any way they found comfortable. Searching was analyzed for behavior differences between experimental and control situations, and for effectiveness and perceptions. In three experiments paired t-tests were the analysis tool with controls being a no relevance feedback system, a standard ranking for automatic expansion system, and a standard ranking for interactive expansion while the  experimental systems based ranking upon user information on temporal relevance and partial relevance.  Two further experiments compare using user behavior (number assessed relevant and similarity of relevant documents) to choose a query expansion technique against a non-selective technique and finally the effect of providing the user with knowledge of the process. When partial relevance data and time of assessment data are incorporated in term ranking more relevant documents were recovered in fewer iterations, however retrieval effectiveness overall was not improved. The subjects, none-the-less, rated the suggested terms as more useful and used them more heavily. Explanations of what the feedback techniques were doing led to higher use of the techniques.

110.    Sanderson, M.,  "Revisiting hmeasured on UK LIS and IR academics".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 7, 2008, pp. 1184-1190.

Descriptores: Web of Science/Inglaterra/Recuperación de la información/ Ranking

Resumen: A brief communication appearing in this journal ranked UKbased LIS and some IR academics by their hindexusing data derived from the Thomson ISI Web of ScienceÖ WoS. In this brief communication, the same academics were reranked, using other popular citation databases. It was found that for academics who publish more in computer science forums, their hwas significantly different due to highly cited papers missed by WoS; consequently, their rank changed substantially. The study was widened to a broader set of UKbased LIS and IR academics in which results showed similar statistically significant differences. A variant of h, hmx, was introduced that allowed a ranking of the academics using all citation databases together.

111.    Savoy, J.,  "Ranking Schemes in Hybrid Boolean Systems: A New Approach.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 3, 1997 .

Descriptores: Hipertexto/Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Indices de citas/Indización/Matemáticas/Encabezamientos de materia/Ranking

Resumen: Suggests a new ranking scheme especially adapted for hypertext environments in order to produce more effective retrieval results and still use Boolean search strategies. Topics include Boolean ranking schemes; single-term indexing and term weighting; fuzzy set theory extension; and citation indexing.

112.    Schlieder, T. and Meuss, H.,   "Result Ranking for Structured Queries against XML Documents".  DELOS Network of Excellence Workshop , No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/XML/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: XML allows to represent both content and structure of documents. Querying XML data therefore requires a combination of a formal query language with the concept of relevance used in Information Retrieval. In this paper we present such a combination: First, we review Tree Matching as a simple and elegant means to formulate queries without knowing the exact structure of the data. Second, we propose a dynamic document concept by deciding on the document boundaries at query time. Third, we marry structured queries with term-based ranking by extending the term concept to structural terms which include substructures of queries and documents. We show how the notions of term frequency and inverse document frequency can be adopted to dynamically de ned documents and structural terms. We introduce an eÆcient technique to calculate both term frequencies and inverse document frequencies at query time. By adjusting parameters of the retrieval process we are able to model two contrary approaches: the classical Vector Space Model, and the original Tree Matching approach.

113.    Scimago, G.,  "Ranking of Latin American Research Institutions".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2007.,1:105302,1&linkin=633213712730937500

Descriptores: Ranking
114.    Sen, B. K., Pandalai, T. A., and Karanjai, A.,  "Ranking of scientists - a new approach".  Journal of documentation, Vol. 54, No. 5, 1998.

Descriptores: Indices de citas/Bibliometría/Ranking

Resumen: Elaboración de una lista de impacto basada indices de citas. Teniendo en cuenta que la generación de citas potenciales (CGP) no es igual en todos los documentos y también que en cierta medida depende la matería dominante en cada documento. La metodología propuesta en alguna manera reemplaza el metodo tradicional y supone una ayuda para establecer una aproximación más efectiva

115.    Shadbolt, N., Brody, T., Carr, L., and Harnad, S.,  "The Open Research Web: A Preview of the Optimal and the Inevitable".  Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects, No. 20, 2006.

Descriptores: Google/Autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Ranking

Resumen: Further development of GNU EPrints and Citebase, together with the growing webwide database of Open Access (OA) articles, and the data we will collect and analyse from it, will allow us to do several things for which the unique historic moment has arrived with the Research Assessment Exercise's recent transition to metrics: (1) Motivate more researchers to provide OA by self-archiving; (2) map the growth of OA across disciplines, countries and languages; (3) navigate the OA literature using citation-linking and impact ranking; (4) measure, extrapolate and predict the research impact of individuals, groups, institutions, disciplines, languages and countries; (5) measure research performance and productivity, (6) assess candidates for research funding; (7) assess the outcome of research funding, (8) map the course of prior research lines, in terms of individuals, institutions, journals, fields, nations; (9) analyze and predict the direction of current and future research trajectories;(10) provide teaching and learning resources that guide students (via impact navigation) through the large and growing OA research literature in a way that navigating the web via google alone cannot come close to doing.

116.    Silva, W. T. d. and Milidiu, R. L.,  "Belief function model for information retrieval.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 44, No. 1, 1993.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Lenguajes documentales/Indización automática/Relevancia/Frecuencia/Ranking

Resumen: Describes the Belief Function Model for automatic indexing and ranking of documents which is based on a controlled vocabulary and on term frequencies in each document. Belief Function Theory is explained, and the Belief Function Model is compared to the Standard Vector Space Model.

117.    Solomon, D. J.,  "Talking past each other: Making Sense of the Debate over Electronic Publication".  Cogprints, 2002.

Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Derechos de autor/Comunicación científica/Suscripciones/Costes/Precios/Ranking

Resumen: This paper discusses the implications electronic dissemination for the peer-reviewed serial publication system. To make sense of this complex issue, it is helpful to view it from the perspective of the origins of the system and its three core functions, the ranking of scholarship, facilitating interactive communication among scholars, and creating a comprehensive archive of scholarly and scientific knowledge. Each of these core functions has different requirements that are to some extent overlapping but also to some extent in conflict. The Internet opens the possibility of developing a variety of different models of scholarly communication each fulfilling to a greater or lesser extent these three roles paper journals have served and possibly other roles that were not even conceivable prior to the development of world-wide electronic networks. The implications of electronic distribution for ownership and access to the scholarly literature are profound and likely to exacerbate the already serious serial pricing crisis that is hindering the widespread access to scientific and scholarly information.  The scholarly community, which both authors the material contained in these publications and largely consumes the finish product holds the key to solving this crisis and allowing the Internet to be a vehicle for facilitating the dissemination of publicly funded research and scholarship rather than resulting in its transfer to private ownership.

118.    Soo Young Rieh,  "Judgment of Information Quality and Cognitive Authority in the Web ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 53, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: World wide web/Información/Calidad /Evaluación /Psicología cognitiva/Ranking

Resumen: The empirical study by Rieh shows that Web users make two distinct judgments of information quality: a predictive judgment and an evaluative judgment. Rieh identifies factors that influence each judgment, including the characteristics of information objects and sources, knowledge, situation, ranking of search output, and general assumptions.

119.    Sormunen, E., Kek˜L˜Inen, J., Koivisto, J., and J˜Rvelin, K.,  "Document Text Characteristics Affect The Ranking Of The Most Relevant Documents By Expanded Structured Queries".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 57, No. 3, 2001 .

Descriptores: Relevancia/Búsquedas /Recuperación de la información/Expansión de la búsqueda/Ranking

Resumen: The increasing flood of documentary information through the Internet and other information sources challenges the developers of information retrieval systems. It is not enough that an IR system is able to make a distinction between relevant and non-relevant documents. The reduction of information overload requires that IR systems provide the capability of screening the most valuable documents out of the mass of potentially or marginally relevant documents. This paper introduces a new concept-based method to analyse the text characteristics of documents at varying relevance levels. The results of the document analysis were applied in an experiment on query expansion (QE) in a probabilistic IR system

120.    Spoerri, A. ,  "Authority and ranking effects in data fusion".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2008, pp. 450-460.

Descriptores: Ranking  /Autoría

Resumen: This paper provides empirical support for some of the key assumptions guiding the design of data fusion methods. It computes and analyzes the overlap structures between the search results of retrieval systems that participated in the short, long, and manual tracks in TREC 3, 6, 7, and 8 to examine what can be learned to infer a document's probability of being relevant. This paper shows that the potential relevance of a document increases exponentially as the number of systems retrieving it increases called the Authority Effect. It also shows that documents higher up in ranked lists and found by more systems are more likely to be relevant called the Ranking Effect. A contribution of this paper is that it shows that the Authority and Ranking Effects can be observed regardless of whether a query is generated manually or automatically and short or long queries are used. Further, it is illustrated that the Authority and Ranking Effects can be observed if the result sets of random groupings of five retrieval systems are compared and only the top 50 results are used in the overlap computation. Also discussed is how the Authority and Ranking Effects can help explain why major data fusion methods perform well.

121.    Stock, M. and Stock, W. G.,  "Intellectual Property Information: a Comparative Analysis of Main Information Providers".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 13, 2006.

Descriptores: Propiedad Intelectual /Distribuidores /Ranking

Resumen: After modeling expert user needs with regard to intellectual property information, we analyze and compare the main providers in this specific information area (Thomson DIALOG, Esp@cenet by the European Patent Office, Questel-Orbit, and STN International) in terms of system content and system functionality. The key question is whether the main providers are able to satisfy these expert user needs. For patent information, some special retrieval features such as chemical structure search (including Markush search), patent family references and citations search, biosequence search, and basic informetric functionality such as ranking, mapping, and visualization of information flows are realized. Considering the results of information science research the practice of patent information shows unexhauste improvement opportunities (e.g., the application of bibliographic patent coupling and co-patent-citation for mapping patents, patent assignees, and technology specialties). For trademark search, users need multiple truncated search (realized) as well as phonetic search and image retrieval (not realized yet).

122.    Stock, W. G.,  "On Relevance Distributions".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 8, 2006.

Descriptores: Relevancia/Estadística/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: There are at least three possible ways that documents are distributed by relevance: informetric (power law), inverse logistic, and dichotomous. The nature of the type of distribution has implications for the construction of relevance ranking algorithms for search engines, for automated (blind) relevance feedback, for user behavior when using Web search engines, for combining of outputs of search engines for metasearch, for topic detection and tracking, and for the methodology of evaluation of information retrieval systems.

123.    Su, L. T.,  "A Comprehensive and Systematic Model of User Evaluation of Web Search Engines II. An Evaluation by Undergraduates".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 13, 2003.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Modelos/Evaluación/Motores de búsqueda/Ranking

Resumen:  In her second paper she tests her model on 36 volunteer junior and senior students at the University of Pittsburgh, each of whom had an information need and some online search experience. AltaVista, Excite, Infoseek, and Lycos were run under Netscape 4.0 with each subject searching on all four engines and each engine searched in all four possible order positions. Relevance judgements were made in a second session with the five most user relevant drops ranked. Both online questionnaires and post search interviews were utilized and a log program recorded times, terms, and search results. ANOVA tests were run to find the effect of engine and participant discipline, while system and user rankings were tested for correlation, and non-parametric tests run on nominal and ordinal data. Disciplines are significantly different as to their requirement for comprehensiveness. Engine effect is significant for precision and relative recall with the ranking for all measures being AltaVista, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos. The ranking provided by Lycos was closest to the participants (Pearson's .28) with AltaVista and Infoseek following closely. Infoseek had the lowest mean search times and participants used between 3 and 5 queries on each engine, but efficiency measures did not vary significantly. User satisfaction ratings vary depending upon the measure utilized, but valuation of results as a whole find both AltaVista and Excite significantly better than Lycos. Content analysis of interview data indicate four user criteria for satisfaction interaction, value, precision, and overall performance.

124.    Sun, Q., Shaw, D., and Davis, C. H.,  "A model for estimating the occurrence of same-frequency words and the boundary between high-and low-frequency words in texts".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 50, No. 3, 1999.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Frecuencia/Relevancia/Métodos estadísticos/Estadística/Ranking

Resumen: Modelo para la estimación de la frecuencia y ocurrencia de las palabras para la identificación del límite del punto límite de la alta frecuencia de las palabras y baja frecuencia en un texto. El modelo, basado en un método de un máximo 'ranking' asigna etiquetas a las palabras y estima su frecuencia a través de una fórmula matemática. El valor límite entre alta frecuencia y baja frecuencia se obtiene a partir del examen de las raíces de las diferentes palabras de un texto. Este modelo ha sido utilizado con éxito aplicado a textos en chino y en inglés, demostrando que la frecuencia de las palabras y la misma frecuencia dependen únicamente del vocabulario de un texto, pero no de su extensión de un texto. Como ocurre con la ley de Zipf, el modelo puede ser desarrollado para una aplicación universal.

125.    Swanson, D. R., Smalheiser, N. R., and Torvik, V. I.,  "Ranking Indirect Connections in Literature-Based Discovery: the Role of Medical Subject Headings".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 11, 2006.

Descriptores: Ranking /Medicina/Encabezamientos de materia /Medical Subject Headings (MSH)

Resumen: Arrowsmith, a computer-assisted process for literature-based discovery, takes as input two disjoint sets of records (A, C) from the Medline database. It produces a list of title words and phrases, B, that are common to A and C, and displays the title context in which each B-term occurs within A and within C. Subject experts then can try to find A-B and B-C title-pairs that together may suggest novel and plausible indirect A-C relationships (via B-terms) that are of particular interest in the absence of any known direct A-C relationship. The list of B-terms typically is so large that it is difficult to find the relatively few that contribute to scientifically interesting connections. The purpose of the present article is to propose and test several techniques for improving the quality of the B-list. These techniques exploit the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) that are assigned to each input record. A MesH-based concept of literature cohesiveness is defined and plays a key role. The proposed techniques are tested on a published example of indirect connections between migraine and magnesium deficiency. The tests demonstrate how the earlier results can be replicated with a more efficient and more systematic computer-aided process.

126.    Tenopir, C.,  "Reference use statistics.".  Library Journal, Vol. 123, No. 8, 1998.

Descriptores: Servicios bibliotecarios/Estadísticas/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Bibliotecas universitarias/Universidades/Servicios bibliotecarios/Internet /Bibliotecarios/Estadística/Estudio de usuarios/Ranking

Resumen: Discusses reference-use statistics in academic libraries. Highlights include new functions and resources, limits of traditional counting methods, ranking the sources, the Internet's impact on instruction, computer-assisted versus one-on-one instruction, and creative solutions to reference services.

127.    Thelwall, M.,  "The top 100 linked-to pages on UK university web sites: high inlink counts are not usually associated with quality scholarly content".  Journal of information science, Vol. 28, No. 6, 2002.

Descriptores: Google/World wide web/Universidades/Calidad/Ranking

Resumen: High citation counts are usually indicators of high-quality research, but is the same true for counts of links to academic web pages? The belief that links can be used to indicate quality or utility on the Web in general drives the highly successful search engine Google, lending additional pertinence to this question. The 100 highest linked-to pages on university web sites were obtained from link counts between institutions in the UK, excluding same university links. The results split into two parts. (1) It is discovered that 23 of the original top pages owed their high counts to the automatic inclusion of links in web pages on other sites, usually on one other university site. It is concluded that simple link counts are highly unreliable indicators of the average behaviour of scholars. (2) After excluding these 23 pages only one of the top 100 contained scholarly content equivalent to a journal article, although several were e-journals or databases of academic publications. Aside from the 45 university home pages, the most common targets were collections of external links and home pages of collections of subject-specific information or resources. It is concluded that the most highly linked-to pages are those that facilitate access to a wide range of information, rather than providing specific content. Implications of these two findings for the newly emerging area of cybermetrics are discussed.

128.    Thelwall, M.,  "Extracting Macroscopic Information from Web Links".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 13, 2001.

Descriptores: Hiperenlaces/World wide web/Investigación/Bibliometría/Producción científica /Webmetría/Ranking

Resumen: Thelwall investigates whether any of four web link calculations can be shown to correlate with university research productivity as shown by a government research assessment exercise. U.K. university web sites were indexed by a crawler designed for comprehensive coverage of their pages and sub domains. From the results of the crawl lists of all pages linked to at least one page from another U.K. university were extracted with counts of the pages linking to them. For a sample of 25, target pages were classified by information type, and for each university a summary was created of the number of external links from other U.K. universities, to each of the classed types. The results were used to calculate web impact factors, first all back links normalized by full time faculty FTE, then only those back links classified as research related with the same denominator. These were compared with the 1996 official rating exercise with the all link measure attaining a significant .8 Pearson correlation coefficient, and the research only numerator yielding a significant.9. A search was also made using Alta Vista's advanced query syntax to acquire the number of pages to which back links exist, and these used to create web impact factors for the sample universities. The correlation with the external ranking was a significant .78. Using AltaVista page counts for denominators, web impact factors still significantly correlated with the external rankings although with a lower coefficient.

129.    Thelwall, M., Harries, G., and Wilkinson, D.,  "Why Do Web Sites from Different Academic Subjects Interlink? ".  Journal of information science, Vol. 29, No. 6, 2003.

Descriptores: World wide web/Bibliometría/Comunicación científica/Hiperenlaces/Webmetría/Ranking

Resumen: On the Web, hyperlinks have been used both to assess the impact of academic Web sites and to trace aspects of online informal scholarly communication. They are also used in Web information retrieval algorithms to identify important pages and to cluster pages by topic, both of which help in ranking search engine results. In this paper we investigate a type of link that is of particular interest for all of these applications: one that crosses subject boundaries. We took a sample of 586 linked pairs of domains in different UK academic sites, and extracted those that represented different subjects, resulting in 52 pairs of domains with different subjects. These were then grouped by the type of relationship between the source and target page. Over a third of the links formed a scholarly connection between similar subjects, but in 8% of cases dissimilar subjects also had a scholarly connection. Additionally, higher education teaching links were seen to form an extensive crossdisciplinary network, accounting for 19% of the links. A significant number of links (12%) also targeted nonsubjectspecific general resources. The results suggest that mapping disciplinary collaboration on the Web should be feasible but that this process and topic identification in academic Webs would both be helped by the prior removal of key higher education teaching and popular general pages from the data set. These, and computing pages to a lesser extent, play a role more pernicious than 'stop words' in traditional information retrieval. The conclusions are of a qualitative rather than quantitative nature because of the small effective sample size, so an initial set of thousands of links would be required to remedy this.

130.    Thelwall, M. and Vaughan, L.,  "New versions of PageRank employing alternative Web document models".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 56, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: World wide web/Visibilidad de la Información/Impacto/Ranking

Resumen:   Introduces several new versions of PageRank (the link based Web page ranking algorithm), based on an information science perspective on the concept of the Web document. Although the Web page is the typical indivisible unit of information in search engine results and most Web information retrieval algorithms, other research has suggested that aggregating pages based on directories and domains gives promising alternatives, particularly when Web links are the object of study. The new algorithms introduced based on these alternatives were used to rank four sets of Web pages. The ranking results were compared with human subjects' rankings. The results of the tests were somewhat inconclusive: the new approach worked well for the set that includes pages from different Web sites; however, it does not work well in ranking pages that are from the same site. It seems that the new algorithms may be effective for some tasks but not for others, especially when only low numbers of links are involved or the pages to be ranked are from the same site or directory.

131.    Thompson, P.,  "A sensitivity analysis of a probabilistic information retrieval system.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 5, 1990.

Descriptores: Probabilidades/Ranking

Resumen: Presents results of simulations that were conducted to test the effects of errors in estimation of individual term probabilities on the performance of a probabilistic information retrieval (PIR) system. Assigning index terms to documents is described; an information retrieval system called Helpnet is explained; and relevance, ranking, and retrieval performance are examined.

132.    Tijssen, R. J. W. and Raan, A. F. J. v.,  "Net citation balances: a measure of influence between scientific journals.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 4, 1990.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Frecuencia/Probabilidades/Ranking

Resumen: Applies a probabilistic model to a contingency table with cross-citation frequency counts between scientific journals. The differences between model-based expected citation frequencies and observed frequencies (net citation balances) are used to derive an interjournal influence score. This measure of overall influence is compared with two other citation-based discipline-oriented methods for ranking journals.

133.    Tod A. Olson,  "Utility of a faceted catalog for scholarly research".  Library Hi Tech, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2007, pp. 550-561.

Descriptores: OPAC/Descubrimiento de la información /Investigación/Humanidades/Clasificación facetada/Ranking

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to determine whether a faceted OPAC interface offers improvements to information discovery in scholarly research. Design/methodology/approach - The 5.2 million records of an entire library catalog were loaded into a faceted navigation interface and an attractive search term suggestion tool. Humanities PhD students at the dissertation level and familiar with this collection were observed while using this interface to continue their research into the literature on their dissertation topic. Findings - From a group of 12 subjects, nine reported finding materials that they had not found in their previous use of the traditional catalog interface. Research limitations/implications - No attempt is made to isolate the effects of relevance ranking on discovery from those of faceted navigation or the search term suggestions. The differences between the circumstances of scholars who did and did not find previously undiscovered materials are not examined. Practical implications - Faceted interface and search term suggestion in a library catalog may enable those scholars who are highly dependent on library materials to find materials that would remain hidden in a traditional library catalog. Originality/value - This article considers whether faceted navigation increases the range of relevant materials that scholars discover, and is of interest to libraries which are considering adding faceted navigation and other features to their catalog interface.

134.    Vries, A. P. d.,  "Challenging Ubiquitous Inverted Files".  DELOS Network of Excellence Workshop , No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Recuperación de la información/Optimización/Bases de datos /Ranking

Resumen: Stand-alone ranking systems based on highly optimized inverted file structures are generally considered ‘the’ solution for building search engines. Observing various developments in software and hardware, we argue however that IR research faces a complex engineering problem in the quest for more flexible yet efficient retrieval systems. We propose to base the development of retrieval systems on ‘the database approach’: mapping high-level declarative specifications of the retrieval process into efficient query plans. We present the Mirror DBMS as a prototype implementation of a retrieval system based on this approach.

135.    Watters, C. and Amoudi, G.,  "Geosearcher: Location-based Ranking of Search Engine Results".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol.  54, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Tesauros/Ranking

Resumen: Waters and Amoudi describe GeoSearcher, a prototype ranking program that arranges search engine results along a geo-spatial dimension without the provision of geo-spatial meta-tags or the use of geo-spatial feature extraction. GeoSearcher uses URL analysis, IptoLL,  Whois, and the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names to determine site location.  It accepts the first 200 sites returned by a search engine, identifies the coordinates, calculates their distance from a reference point and ranks in ascending order by this value.  For any retrieved site the system checks if it has already been located in the current session, then sends the domain name to Whois to generate a return of a two letter country code and an area code. With no success the name is stripped one level and resent. If this fails the top level domain is tested for being a country code. Any remaining unmatched names go to IptoLL. Distance is calculated using the center point of the geographic area and a provided reference location. A test run on a set of 100 URLs from a search was successful in locating 90 sites. Eighty three pages could be manually found and 68 had sufficient information to verify location determination. Of these 65 ( 95%) had been assigned reasonably correct geographic locations. A random set of URLs used instead of a search result, yielded 80% success.

136.    Weiguo Fan , Fox, E. A., Pathak, P., and Wu, H.,  "The effects of fitness functions on genetic programming-based ranking discovery for Web search ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 7, 2004.

Descriptores: Visibilidad de la Información/Ranking /World Wide Web

Resumen: Genetic-based evolutionary learning algorithms, such as genetic algorithms (GAs) and genetic programming (GP), have been applied to information retrieval (IR) since the 1980s. Recently, GP has been applied to a new IR task - discovery of ranking functions for Web search - and has achieved very promising results. However, in our prior research, only one fitness function has been used for GP-based learning. It is unclear how other fitness functions may affect ranking function discovery for Web search, especially since it is well known that choosing a proper fitness function is very important for the effectiveness and efficiency of evolutionary algorithms. In this article, we report our experience in contrasting different fitness function designs on GP-based learning using a very large Web corpus. Our results indicate that the design of fitness functions is instrumental in performance improvement. We also give recommendations on the design of fitness functions for genetic-based information retrieval experiments.

137.    White, H. D.,  "Authors as Citers over Time ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2001.

Descriptores: Autores/Citas bibliográficas/DIALOG /Ranking

Resumen:  We begin with White's look at recitations (citations to a person more than once in an author's career) in order to gather a profile of the author's interests, a citation identity in the form of the set of authors cited. This is in contrast to the set of all authors with whom a given author has been co-cited, the author's citation image. The image is determined by others citing habits; the identity by one's own. By forming an author's oeuvre on DIALOG and then ranking her cited authors continuously, one forms the author's identity. By selecting all papers that contain the author as a cited author and then ranking the cited          authors in this set, one produces the author's image. Citation identities were created for eight information scientists using only first or sole author papers. Documents with no references were eliminated from consideration. The limited set of ISI journals and their time of coverage limits accuracy as does the lack of credit for other than first author pieces. Homonymic names and multiple names for the same person are common problems. The eight author sets are Bradfordian and individualized with 3% to 8% self citation. Three citing styles are apparent: scientific, with heavy recitation; bibliographic essay, with little recitation; and literature review, with many authors and much recitation.

138.    White, R. W., Jose, J. M., and Ruthven, I.,  "Using top-ranking sentences to facilitate effective information ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 10, 2005.

Descriptores: Impacto/Efectividad/Información/Ranking

Resumen: Web searchers typically fail to view search results beyond the first page nor fully examine those results presented to them. In this article we describe an approach that encourages a deeper examination of the contents of the document set retrieved in response to a searcher's query. The approach shifts the focus of perusal and interaction away from potentially uninformative document surrogates (such as titles, sentence fragments, and URLs) to actual document content, and uses this content to drive the information seeking process. Current search interfaces assume searchers examine results document-by-document. In contrast our approach extracts, ranks, and presents the contents of the top-ranked document set. We use query-relevant top-ranking sentences extracted from the top documents at retrieval time as fine-grained representations of top-ranked document content and, when combined in a ranked list, an overview of these documents. The interaction of the searcher provides implicit evidence that is used to reorder the sentences where appropriate. We evaluate our approach in three separate user studies, each applying these sentences in a different way. The findings of these studies show that top-ranking sentences can facilitate effective information access.

139.    Wilbur, W. J.,  "Retrieval testing by the comparison of statistically independent retrieval methods.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol.  43, No. 5, 1992.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Recuperación de la información/Medline/Evaluación/Estadística/Relevancia/Ranking

Resumen: Describes a procedure for information retrieval testing that is based on the comparison of statistically independent methods of retrieval applied to the same database. The probability ranking principle is discussed, the statistical meaning of relevance is examined, and the methodology is illustrated on a large database of MEDLINE records.

140.    Wong, S. K. M. and Yao, Y. Y.,  "A probabilistic method for computing term-by-term relationships.".  Journal-of-the-American-Society-for-Information-Science, Vol. 44, No. 8, 1993.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Probabilidades/Ranking

Resumen: Suggests a probabilistic method to compute the term relationships from relevance information, which complements the studies on a nonprobabilistic technique called pseudo-classification. A quadratic ranking function is derived by incorporating the term-by-term relationships. Procedures for estimating the required parameters are provided by exploring different views of probability.

141.    Wong, S. K. M. and Yao, Y. Y.,  "Query formulation in linear retrieval models.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 5, 1990.

Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/Retroalimentación/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: Discusses query formulation in information retrieval systems within the framework of adaptive linear models. User preference is emphasized, acceptable ranking strategies are described, query formulation and inductive learning are discussed, relevance feedback and probabilistic approaches are examined, and problems encountered in the design of an adaptive system are considered.

142.    Wormell, I.,  "Libri's golden jubilee in a bibliometric mirror".  Libri, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2000.

Descriptores: Publicaciones periódicas/Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Citas bibliográficas/Impacto/Evaluación/Visibilidad de la Información/Ranking

Resumen: Para la celebración del 50 aniversario de Libri :  International Journal of Libraries and Information Services, se ha llevado a cabo un amplio estudio bibliométrico para presentar algunos datos cualitativos y cuantitativos sobre importancia de la revista en el mercado de la información y su contribución a los desarrollos profesionales en el campo de la Biblioteconomía la la Documentación. El estudio se basa un análisis de citas desarrollado por el Centre for Informetric Studies in Copenhagen, para facilitar una comprensión más profunda de procedimientos de evaluación de la revista y, consiguientemente, de la evaluación de la investigación que se publicó en ella. Los aspectos analizados son:  la representación de libri en las diferentes bases de datos; las características de autoría; usuarios, influencias, análisis de citas sincrónico y diacrónico, impacto, vida media de las citas, ranking de los artículos más citaos de la revista,  y números especiales publicados en los años 90. La finalidad de este estuio es presentar una perspectiva histórica de la visibilidad e impacto de la revista., así como presentar un método de evaluación de revistas que promueva el uso de los análisi de citas

143.    Wu, H. C., Luk, R. W. P., Wong, K. F., and Kwok, K. L.,  "A retrospective study of a hybrid document-context based retrieval model: Patent Processing ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 43, No. 5, 2007.

Descriptores: Patentes/Literatura gris/Modelos/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: This paper describes our novel retrieval model that is based on contexts of query terms in documents (i.e., document contexts). Our model is novel because it explicitly takes into account of the document contexts instead of implicitly using the document contexts to find query expansion terms. Our model is based on simulating a user making relevance decisions, and it is a hybrid of various existing effective models and techniques. It estimates the relevance decision preference of a document context as the log-odds and uses smoothing techniques as found in language models to solve the problem of zero probabilities. It combines these estimated preferences of document contexts using different types of aggregation operators that comply with different relevance decision principles (e.g., aggregate relevance principle). Our model is evaluated using retrospective experiments (i.e., with full relevance information), because such experiments can (a) reveal the potential of our model, (b) isolate the problems of the model from those of the parameter estimation, (c) provide information about the major factors affecting the retrieval effectiveness of the model, and (d) show that whether the model obeys the probability ranking principle. Our model is promising as its mean average precision is 60-80% in our experiments using different TREC ad hoc English collections and the NTCIR-5 ad hoc Chinese collection. Our experiments showed that (a) the operators that are consistent with aggregate relevance principle were effective in combining the estimated preferences, and (b) that estimating probabilities using the contexts in the relevant documents can produce better retrieval effectiveness than using the entire relevant documents.

144.    Yew-Huey Liu, D. P., Sachs, M., Corey, J. T., Hinnebusch, M. T., Damashek, M., and Cohen, J.,  "Visualizing document classification: A search aid for the digital library".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Technology, Vol. 51, No. 3, 2000.

Descriptores: Clasificación bibliográfica/Visualización/Bibliotecas digitales/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Recuperación de la información/Ranking

Resumen: The recent explosion of the Internet and the World Wide Web has made digital libraries popular. Easy access to a digital library is provided by commercially available Web browsers, which provide a user-friendly interface. To retrieve documents of interest, the user is provided with a search interface that may only consist of one input field and one push button. Most users type in a single keyword, click the button, and hope for the best. The result of a query using this kind of search interface can consist of a large unordered set of documents, or a ranked list of documents based on the frequency of the keywords. Both lists can contain articles unrelated to the user's inquiry unless a sophisticated search was performed and the user knows exactly what to look for. More sophisticated algorithms for ranking the search results according to how well they meet the users' needs as expressed in the search input may help. However, what is desperately needed are software tools that can analyze the search result and manipulate large hierarchies of data graphically. In this article we describe the design of a language-independent document classification system being developed to help users of the Florida Center for Library Automation analyze search query results. Easy access through the Web is provided, as well as a graphical user interface to display the classification results. We also describe the use of this system to retrieve and analyze sets of documents from public Web sites. 

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