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Eficiencia, eficacia y efectividad

Eficiencia, Eficacia y Efectividad
U niversidad de S
F acultad de Traducción y D
B iblioteca

Eficiencia, Eficacia y Efectividad
I nfo D ocABRIL de 2008

¿Que es?

: "Capacidad para lograr un fin empleando los mejores medios posibles". Aplicable preferiblemente, salvo contadas excepciones a personas y de allí el término eficiente.

Eficacia: "Capacidad de lograr el efecto que se desea o se espera, sin que priven para ello los recursos o los medios empleados". Esta es una acepción que obedece a la usanza y debe ser reevaluada por la real academia; por otra parte, debe referirse más bien a equipos.

Efectividad: "Cuantificación del logro de la meta". Compatible el uso con la norma; sin embargo, debe entenderse que puede ser sinónimo de eficacia cuando se define como "Capacidad de lograr el efecto que se desea".

Para saber más...
     1.    Abels, E. G. and and others,  "Studying the Cost and Value of Library and Information Services: Applying Functional Cost Analysis to the Library in Transition.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1996.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Costes /Distribuidores de libros/Servicios bibliotecarios/Efectividad/Universidades

Resumen: Discusses issues relating to costs of library and information services in the academic library in transition, reviews the functional cost analysis method, and presents selected data gathered from a larger study on the costs and value of various library services. Applications to a digital information environment are also discussed.

     2.    Ahlgren, P. and Gronqvist, L.,   "Evaluation of retrieval effectiveness with incomplete relevance data: Theoretical and experimental comparison of three measures: Evaluation of Interactive Information Retrieval Systems".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Evaluación/Efectividad

Resumen:  This paper investigates two relatively new measures of retrieval effectiveness in relation to the problem of incomplete relevance data. The measures, Bpref and RankEff, which do not take into account documents that have not been relevance judged, are compared theoretically and experimentally. The experimental comparisons involve a third measure, the well-known mean uninterpolated average precision. The results indicate that RankEff is the most stable of the three measures when the amount of relevance data is reduced, with respect to system ranking and absolute values. In addition, RankEff has the lowest error-rate.

     3.    Alberch i Fugueras, R.,  "Los sistemas de gestión integral de documentos como aliados de las politicas de eficiencia y rentabilidad en los ayuntamientos".  Gestión del Patrimonio Local: El Patrimonio Documental, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Eficiencia/Calidad /Administración municipal/Administración pública/Gestión de documentos/Archivos/Internet

Resumen: Esta ponencia tiene el objetivo de presentar de manera sistemática las ventajas que comporta en las administraciones públicas o en las empresas privadas la aplicación de un sistema de gestión documental, concebido como un instrumento que va mucho más allá de la pura y simple resolución de las problemáticas vinculadas al tratamiento de los documentos en los servicios de archivo (su organización, preservación y uso) y que supone una actuación de notable impacto de alcance más global en sintonía con las políticas corporativas destinadas a mejorar la gestión, acentuar la calidad de los servicios ofrecidos al ciudadano y producirse de manera eficiente.

     4.    Atlas, M. C., Little, K. R., and Purcell, M. O.,  "Flip Charts at the OPAC: Using Transaction Log Analysis to Judge Their Effectiveness".  Reference & user service quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 1, 1997.

Descriptores: OPAC/Efectividad/Visualización

Resumen: A development grant from the Kentucky Library Association's Academic Section enabled the authors to design and produce a number of flip charts for use at OPAC terminals in six of the University of Louisville libraries. The custom-made flip charts were designed as point-of-use instruction tools. To measure the success of the flip charts, OPAC transaction logs were analyzed. Comparisons were made among the types of searches conducted, the percentages of zero hits, and the types of errors found before and after the introduction of the flip charts to determine whether searching success rates had improved or if searching strategies had changed. [This article is based on a paper presented at the 1995 Joint Conference of the Kentucky Library Association and the Kentucky School Media Association, October 26, 1995, Paducah, Kentucky.]

     5.    Baker, R. L.,  "Evaluating quality and effectiveness: regional accreditation principles and practices ".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 28, No. 1-2, 2002.

Descriptores: Calidad/Eficiencia/Calidad/Evaluación /Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: This article outlines the philosophy and principles of regional accreditation as it responds to increasing calls for quality assurance while maintaining traditional values of self-regulation and quality improvement in higher education.

     6.    Banerjee, K.,  "Taking Advantage of Outsourcing Options: Using Purchased Records Sets to Maximize Cataloging Effectiveness".  Cataloging & classification quarterly, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Externalizacion de servicios/Catalogación/Efectividad

Resumen: Libraries have downloaded records created by other institutions from bibliographic utilities for many years, but purchasing record sets is often a controversial topic in technical services. However, as fewer staff are expected to manage a rapidly growing number of increasingly complex information resources, technical services departments are called upon to identify their core competencies and delegate operations that fall outside those areas to others. This paper examines the costs and benefits associated with the purchase and loading of record sets. It also establishes criteria for determining when record sets should be considered as an alternative to traditional cataloging.

     7.    Beall, J. and Kafadar, K.,  "The Effectiveness of Copy Cataloging at Eliminating Typographical Errors in Shared Bibliographic Records".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 48, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Catalogación/Detección de errores/OCLC

Resumen: Typographical errors in bibliographic records can cause retrieval problems in online catalogs. This study examined one hundred typographical errors in records in the OCLC WorldCat database. The local catalogs of five libraries holding the items described by the bibliographic records with typographical error were searched to determine whether each library had corrected the errors. The study found that only 35.8 percent of the errors hall been corrected. Knowledge of copy cataloging error rates can help underscore the importance of quality data in bibliographic utilities and, further, call serve as all indication to libraries whether they need to pay more, attention to correcting types in the copy cataloging process.

     8.    Brandt, K. A.,  "Reflections on Reference Services.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1996.

Descriptores: Servicios bibliotecarios/Medicina/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Efectividad /Futuro/Universidades/Tecnologías de la información

Resumen: Describes programmatic changes in reference services at the Johns Hopkins University (Maryland) medical library and speculates on the future. Topics include institutional restructuring and consolidation; improvements in technology infrastructure; external economic pressure; and fiscal accountability, including library funding and cost center methodology.

     9.    Byrd, S., Courson, G., Roderick, E., and Taylor, J. M.,  "Cost/benefit analysis for digital library projects: the Virginia Historical Inventory Project (VHI)".  The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2001.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Costes /Efectividad/Gestión/Evaluación

Resumen: Since 1995, the Library of Virginia's Digital Library Program (DLP) has created digital images of more than 700,000 original document pages, 1,100 maps, 36,000 photographs, and 1.6 million catalog card images, and has created 32 bibliographic databases with more than 330,000 MARC records, 50 electronic card indexes, and numerous electronic finding aids. The bulk of the DLP's funding comes from the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) federal program, but in 1997 the Library received a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to catalog and digitize the Virginia Historical Inventory Project (VHI). After an introduction to the DLP and VHI, this article will discuss the costs and benefits of creating the online version and will compare the one-time development cost and subsequent delivery of the digital resource to the long-term costs and benefits of providing access to these materials via traditional means.

   10.    Candalot dit Casaurang, C.,  "Formation à la maîtrise de l’information en premier cycle universitaire".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 50, No. 6, 2005.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Formación de usuarios/Impacto/Eficiencia/Control de la infomación

Resumen: Cet article rend compte d’une étude qualitative qui a été menée auprès de formateurs à la recherche documentaire en premier cycle universitaire. La diversité de leurs statuts (personnels de bibliothèque, enseignants, vacataires, tuteurs) peut-elle avoir un impact sur l’efficacité des formations à la maîtrise de l’information ? Ce questionnement initial a conduit l’auteur à les interroger sur la légitimité de leur intervention dans ce type de formation. C’est une analyse de leur discours qui est ici proposée.

   11.    Cannane, A. and Hugh E., W.,  "General Purpose Compression for Efficient Retrieval ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 5, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/Algoritmos

Resumen: The final paper in this issue is concerned with compression techniques that can speed up retrieval since disc seek and transfer cost savings can exceed decompression costs. Cannane and Williams describe an algorithm that identifies unique character strings occurring at least twice by way of multiple passes, replaces them with a reference number, and continues to form a hierarchy of longer strings that may contain references to shorter ones. The process terminates when no further duplicate strings are to be found. The representation created and an associated string dictionary allow decompression at any random access point. Using the Canterbury collection for compression experiments, and the TREC Wall Street Journal and WEBDOC files, and databases of genomic records, weather data, and geographic data, compression is found to be superior to GZIP, COMPRESS, and the Huffman coding scheme, but not as effective as BZIP2, although decompression is faster than BZIP2..

   12.    Coffman, S. and Saxton, M. L.,  "Staffing the reference desk in the largely - digital library".  Reference librarian, No. 66, 1999.

Descriptores: Servicios de información bibliográfica/Cooperación bibliotecaria/Gestión/Eficiencia/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas públicas/Redes de bibliotecas

Resumen: Este artículo examina como un servicio de referencia centralizado podría mejorar la eficiencia y reducir costos gestionando adecuadamente dos problemas aparentemente difíciles de resolver asociados con el proceso de referencia - por una parte los bibliotecarios coupan una pequeña porción de su tiempo en contestar a las preguntas planteadas, y que muchas de las preguntas que ellos contestan podrían ser satisfechas por personal no professional. Los autores estudian la factibilidad de una red de referencia centralizada frente al servicio de referencia tradicional. Los autores encuentran que un servicio de referencia en red podría reducir los requerimientos de personal de referencia para el caso estudiado de las bibliotecas públicas del Condado de Los Angeles en un 42% o más. Estos resultados son preliminares, y no se podrán extraer conclusiones definitivas hasta que no se dispongan de más datos, pero la evidencia sobre lo investigado sugiere que los servicios de referencia en red tienen la potencialidad para  revolucionar verdaderamente la manera en que hemos hecho servicios de  referencia en los últimos 100 años.

   13.    Cox, A. and Yeates, R.,  "Library portal solutions ".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Bibliotecas/Internet/Portales

Resumen: This article reviews a significant range of new products developed by library management system (LMS) suppliers, which will be referred to for convenience as library portal solutions (LPS) and whose purpose is to manage access to e-content in an integrated way with books, journals and other library stock. The article reviews current understanding of user requirements and then describes the state of the current market place, based on a survey of suppliers conducted in May and June 2002, as well as on supplier Web sites and live demonstrations. The article concludes by summarising evaluation criteria for choosing a system, and makes some tentative predictions about the development of the market place in the next five years. The perspective is primarily that of a UK academic library, but the products are certainly of interest to libraries in many sectors in every country.

   14.    Creaser, C.,  "Assessing Ill/Dd Services: New Cost-Effective Alternatives".  Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: Préstamo interbibliotecario/Costes/Efectividad

Resumen: Assessing Ill/Dd Services: New Cost-Effective Alternatives

   15.    Crestani, F.,  "Combination of similarity measures for effective spoken document retrieval ".  Journal of information science, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/Medición/Evaluación

Resumen: Often users of information retrieval systems and document authors use different terms to refer to the same concept. For this simple reason, information retrieval is affected by the 'term mismatch' problem. The term mismatch problem does not only have the effect of hindering the retrieval of relevant documents, it also produces bad rankings of relevant documents. A similar problem can be found in spoken document retrieval, where terms misrecognized by the speech recognition process can hinder the retrieval of potentially relevant spoken documents. We will call this problem 'term misrecognition', by analogy to the term mismatch problem. This paper presents two classes of retrieval models that attempt to tackle both the term mismatch and the term misrecognition problems at retrieval time using term similarity information. The models use either complete or partial knowledge of semantic and phonetic term similarity, evaluated using statistical methods from the corpus.

   16.    Crouch, C. J., Crouch, D. B., Chen, Q. Y., and Holtz, S. J.,  "Improving the Retrieval Effectiveness of Very Short Queries".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Estrategia de búsqueda/Retroalimentación /Recuperación de la información

Resumen: This paper describes an automatic approach designed to improve the retrieval effectiveness of very short queries such as those used in web searching. The method is based on the observation that stemming, which is designed to maximize recall, often results in depressed precision. Our approach is based on pseudo-feedback and attempts to increase the number of relevant documents in the pseudo-relevant set by re-ranking those documents based on the presence of unstemmed query terms in the document text. The original experiments underlying this work were carried out using Smart 11.0 and the Inc.ltc weighting scheme on three sets of documents from the TREC collection with corresponding TREC (title only) topics as queries. (The average length of these queries after stoplisting ranges from 2.4 to 4.5 terms.) Results, evaluated in terms of P@20 and non-interpolated average precision, showed clearly that pseudo-feedback (PF) based on this approach was effective in increasing the number of relevant documents in the top ranks. Subsequent experiments, performed on the same data sets using Smart 13.0 and the improved Lnu. ltu weighting scheme, indicate that these results hold up even over the much higher baseline provided by the new weights. Query drift analysis presents a more detailed picture of the improvements produced by this process..

   17.    Crouch, C. J., Crouch, D. B., Chen, Q., and Holtz, S. J.,  "Improving the retrieval effectiveness of very short queries ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Retroalimentación /Efectividad

Resumen: This paper describes an automatic approach designed to improve the retrieval effectiveness of very short queries such as those used in web searching. The method is based on the observation that stemming, which is designed to maximize recall, often results in depressed precision. Our approach is based on pseudo-feedback and attempts to increase the number of relevant documents in the pseudo-relevant set by reranking those documents based on the presence of unstemmed query terms in the document text. The original experiments underlying this work were carried out using Smart 11.0 and the lnc.ltc weighting scheme on three sets of documents from the TREC collection with corresponding TREC (title only) topics as queries. (The average length of these queries after stoplisting ranges from 2.4 to 4.5 terms.) Results, evaluated in terms of P@20 and non-interpolated average precision, showed clearly that pseudo-feedback (PF) based on this approach was effective in increasing the number of relevant documents in the top ranks. Subsequent experiments, performed on the same data sets using Smart 13.0 and the improved Lnu.ltu weighting scheme, indicate that these results hold up even over the much higher baseline provided by the new weights. Query drift analysis presents a more detailed picture of the improvements produced by this process.

   18.    Daryl  Youngman,  "Process Flow Analysis in Academic Libraries".  Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Flujos de información/Efectividad

Resumen:  Academic libraries have faced a variety of challenges in recent years. New technologies and services, rising user expectations, increased materials costs, and spare budgets have all challenged library management. In many cases, staff should be increased, but budget will not support doing so. In other cases, circumstances cause service delivery to users to be impeded. By objectively documenting and analyzing library processes, problems and potential solutions can be identified. Process flow analysis is a technique commonly used in industry, but, when used as a management tool in academic libraries, it can enhance the effectiveness of existing resources and justify additional resources. doi:10.1300/ J124v24n01_03

   19.    Dugdale, D. and Dugdale, C.,  "Growing an electronic library: resources, utility, marketing and politics".  Journal of documentation, Vol. 56, No. 5, 2000 .

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Marketing /Usuarios/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Efectividad/Estudio de usuarios

Resumen: The development of the ResIDe Electronic Library at the University of the West of England, Bristol, is traced from its origins as an eLib funded research project. Different aspects of the system are analysed through their potential to increase economy, efficiency and effectiveness in library services. This analysis is related to the utility that it can provide to differing sponsors and the likelihood of their making supporting resources available. While economy and efficiency are relatively easy concepts to define and use, effectiveness can be both contested and multifaceted, varying in accordance with both subjective preference and interests represented. Competing views of effectiveness needed to be balanced whilst emphasising those aspects of the system that would appeal to senior UWE management in a time of the rising 'audit society' in higher education.

   20.    Edwardy, J. M. and Pontius, J. S.,  "Monitoring Book Reshelving in Libraries Using Statistical Sampling and Control Charts".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2001.

Descriptores: Estadísticas/Uso/Efectividad/Bibliotecas

Resumen: Maintaining library books in their proper locations is resource intensive. Typically shelf reading, where library personnel inspect every book on the shelves, is used to identify and relocate improperly shelved books. We propose a statistical approach to determine when shelf reading of books is necessary. We use sampling to obtain data on misshelved books over time. A control chart is used to assess when shelf reading is necessary. These statistical tools will provide library managers with cost-effective approaches to monitoring and implementing reshelving activities.

   21.    Efthimiadis, E. N.,  "Interactive query expansion: a user-based evaluation in a relevance feedback environment".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 11, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Retroalimentación/Bases de datos/Eficiencia/Evaluación/Relevancia

Resumen: A user-centred investigation of interactive query expansion within the context of a relevance feedback system is presented in this article. Data were collected from 25 searches using the INSPEC database. The data collection mechanisms included questionnaires, transaction logs, and relevance evaluations. The results discuss issues that relate to query expansion, retrieval effectiveness, the correspondence of the on-line-to-off-line relevance judgements, and the selection of terms for query expansion by users (interactive query expansion). The main conclusions drawn from the results of the study are that: (1) one-third of the terms presented to users in a list of candidate terms for query expansion was identified by the users as potentially useful for query expansion. (2) These terms were mainly judged as either variant expressions (synonyms) or alternative (related) terms to the initial query terms. However, a substantial portion of the selected terms were identified as representing new ideas. (3) The relationships identified between the five best terms selected by the users for query expansion and the initial query terms were that: (a) 34% of the query expansion terms have no relationship or other type of correspondence with a query term; (b) 66% of the remaining query expansion terms have a relationship to the query terms. These relationships were: narrower term (46%), broader term (3%), related term (17%). (4) The results provide evidence for the effectiveness of interactive query expansion. The initial search produced on average three highly relevant documents; the query expansion search produced on average nine further highly relevant documents. The conclusions highlight the need for more research on: interactive query expansion, the comparative evaluation of automatic vs. interactive query expansion, the study of weighted Web-based or Web-accessible retrieval systems in operational environments, and for user studies in searching ranked retrieval systems in general

   22.    Elbaz, S. W. and Stewart, C.,   "Breaking through with thin-client technology: a cost effective approach for academic libraries".  IATUL Proceedings, Vol. 9, 1999.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Efectividad/Costes/Tecnologías de la información/Evaluación 

Resumen: As the distribution of information on campus and library networks continues to evolve towards open platforms and the Web, the case for client server computing is being fundamentally altered by an increasingly host-based environment. This trend towards server side computing offers technology managers the opportunity to re-centralize computing resources along a network centric model via thin client technologies, which are being widely adopted by industry as methods to significantly reduce TCO and improve network performance. ICA independent computing architecture) is revo lutionizing the way we view the role of the traditional networked computer towards a more functional, lower cost network appliance. Colleges and universities in particular can benefit from thin client computing, especially in areas such as campus wide information systems, digital libraries, and computing labs. This paper will cover the basics of thin client computing and examine the evolution and recent proliferation of the technology and its profound implications for IT in higher education.

   23.    Espelt, C.,  "Improving subject retrieval: user-friendly interfaces and effectiveness".  BiD : Biblioteconomía y Documentació, No. 1, 1998.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/Bases de datos /Catálogos automatizados/Necesidades de información/Interfaces

Resumen: The need for locating information by subject goes back a long way, but has grown even more with the automation of library catalogues and with the explosion of Internet-based resources as well, as people are performing high volumes of subject searching  The above-mentioned problems concerning subject retrieval start in the very first stage: the information request. Users have a tendency towards limiting themselves in their requests. They are frequently conditioned by their current knowledge, asking only for the kind of information they already know. On the other hand, they often confuse what they need with what they want, and they want much more than they really need, but request nothing about what they do not already know.

   24.    Estrin , J. W.,  "Instructional Communication as a Core Service Competancy: A Call for Curricular Change in Professional Library Education ".  Katharine Sharp Review, No. 6, 1998.

Descriptores: Formación profesional/Bibliotecarios /Efectividad/Calidad

Resumen: The promise of libraries to educate the citizenry has long been a purpose of the library as an institution.     Instruction occurs in public, academic, and special libraries and is manifested in many ways beyond the     traditional classroom environment. This article suggests that instruction is a professional competency    intrinsically linked to enhancing service quality and organizational effectiveness. While the merits of library instruction as an effective tool have long been debated in the literature, the emphasis has been on technical needs rather than service issues. A current concern for the acquisition of critical thinking and other information literacy skills is changing the nature of such a debate. Because the value of instruction is reemerging as both a conceptual and practical skill for library professionals, it is increasingly necessary to provide adequate training and education to librarians. The most suitable place for such an activity is during the course of formal library science education.

   25.    Faulhaber, C. B.,  "Distance Learning and Digital Libraries: Two Sides of a Single Coin.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 11, 1996.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Enseñanza a distancia/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bibliotecas digitales/Correo electrónico/Universidades/World Wide Web

Resumen: Describes the use of distance learning for a lesser-taught foreign language course at the University of California at Berkeley that was sent to two other campuses and lowered the per-pupil cost. The use of videoconferencing, electronic mail, and a World Wide Web home page are explained, and problems are discussed

   26.    Ferro García, R. and Vives Montero, M. ª. C.,  "Un análisis de los conceptos de efectividad, eficacia y eficiencia en psicología".  Panacea : boletín de medicina y traducción, Vol. 5, No. 16, 2004.

Descriptores: Psicología/Terminología/Eficiencia/Efectividad

Resumen: Últimamente han sido publicadas una gran cantidad de guías de tratamientos eficaces en psicología. Estas publicaciones son de diversa calidad y reflejan posiciones teóricas muy diferentes. Por reseñar algunos ejemplos, la revista Psicothema dedica el número 3 del volumen 13 (publicado en 2001) a los tratamientos psicológicos eficaces en trastornos muy diferentes. Asociaciones de prestigio, como la American Psychiatric Association (< >) y la American Psychological Association () tienen sendas guías de tratamientos eficaces en sus páginas en la red. El Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de España, en su pagina web, tiene un artículo sobre tratamientos eficaces (< >).

   27.    Ford, N.,  "Improving the 'Darkness to Light' ratio in user-related information retrieval research".  Journal of documentation, Vol. 56, No. 5, 2000.

Descriptores: Sistemas de información/Recuperación de la información/Eficiencia/Investigación/Diseño/Medicina basada en la evidencia

Resumen: Research into information retrieval (IR) cannot yet answer the basic question of how we can design IR systems to help people search for information with optimal levels of effectiveness. In relation to human-system interaction, we have failed to develop any valid and at the same time robust user models capable of driving practical system development. If we strip away assumptions and over-optimism relating to the generalisability of what are essentially sporadic and fragmented research efforts, the great 'darkness of light' ratio characterising our knowledge of human aspects of IR becomes apparent. From a more critical and pessimistic (but by no means less realistic) perspective, we are getting nowhere fast. A range of strategies is proposed to improve the situation by supporting relatively 'horizontal' as well as 'vertical' knowledge integration. These consist of : greater use of pluralistic research approaches; enhanced access to research data; more multidisciplinary and multi-perspective integrative reviews and conceptual mappings; and establishing a greater critical mass of published research findings sufficient to support the generation of a less sparse and fragmented evidence-based knowledge map. The potential of electronic publishing and data access for helping achieve these goals is discussed.

   28.    Ford, N., Miller, David , and Moss, N.,  "Web search strategies and retrieval effectiveness: an empirical study ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58 , No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Internet/Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/World wide web

Resumen: The paper discusses the consistency of fiction indexing of library professionals and patrons based on an empirical test. Indexing was carried out with a Finnish fictional thesaurus and all of the test persons indexed the same five novels. The consistency of indexing was determined to be low; several reasons are postulated. Also an algorithm for typified indexing of fiction is given as well as some suggestions for the development of fiction information retrieval systems and content representation.

   29.    Fox, B. and Fox, C. J.,  "Efficient Stemmer Generation".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Indización automática/Algoritmos/Recuperación de la información/Eficiencia

Resumen:  This paper presents an algorithm for generating stemmers from text stemmer specification files. A small study shows that the generated stemmers are computationally efficient, often running faster than stemmers custom written to implement particular stemming algorithms. The stemmer specification files are easily written and modified by non-programmers. making it much easier to create a stemmer. or tune a stemmer's performance, than would be the case with a custom stemmer program. Stemmer generation is thus also human-resource efficient.

   30.    Fox, B. L.,  "Everything old is new again.".  Library Journal, Vol. 120, No. 20, 1995.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Costes /Edificios/Bibliotecas públicas/Efectividad/Gestión/Estadísticas/Datos estadísticos

Resumen: Presents statistics for construction activities in academic and public libraries for new buildings, additions, and renovations for July 1, 1994, to June 30, 1995, and a six-year cost summary for 1990-95. Determines that library administrators have found that it is more economical to renovate and add on than to start new construction. Also provides a list of library building architects.

   31.    Fox, B. L. and Cassin, E.,  "Beating the high cost of libraries.".  Library Journal, Vol. 121, No. 20, 1996.

Descriptores: Costes/Efectividad/Estadísticas/Bibliotecas universitarias/Edificios/Bibliotecas públicas/Datos estadísticos

Resumen: A number of library projects show the cost-effectiveness of sharing space in buildings. Six tables provide statistics for new academic and public library buildings; additions and renovations; renovations only; and a six-year cost summary. Photographs of library interiors and exteriors illustrate the article.

   32.    Fox, B. and Fox, C. J.,  "Efficient stemmer generation ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Indización automática/Eficiencia/Recuperación de la información/Algoritmos

Resumen:  This paper presents an algorithm for generating stemmers from text stemmer specification files. A small study shows that the generated stemmers are computationally efficient, often running faster than stemmers custom written to implement particular stemming algorithms. The stemmer specification files are easily written and modified by non-programmers, making it much easier to create a stemmer, or tune a stemmer's performance, than would be the case with a custom stemmer program. Stemmer generation is thus also human-resource efficient.

   33.    Gardner, B.,  "Effective and responsive needs assessment".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2003.

Descriptores: Calidad/Eficiencia/Efectividad/Evaluación

Resumen: Why bother about client needs assessment research – aren’t we in the business of providing direct services? In fact, I think understanding client needs is the essential foundation of good service delivery. We all have broadly similar mandates of providing research and information services to help our Members and legislatures do their work. And we all see ourselves as client driven. This means we need to know what services our clients need and how well the services we are providing actually meet those needs. Is needs assessment something that only the richer parliaments can afford? Are comprehensive studies and consultants a frill or luxury beyond most of us? While we all have to live within our means, I think there is a wide range of effective needs assessment we can do within limited resources.

   34.    Glorieux, I. , Kuppens, T., and Vandebroeck, D.,  "Mind the gap: Societal limits to public library effectiveness".  Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2007, pp. 188-208.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Estadísticas/Aspecto social/Efectividad/Evaluación

Resumen: This article focuses on the effectiveness of Flemish (Belgian) public libraries in reaching a large and socially diverse public. A statistical model is developed which incorporates unique data gathered through a large-scale visitor survey, a survey of librarians and municipal demographic information. By taking into account both characteristics of the public library and its surrounding community, the impact public libraries themselves have on the number and composition of their visitors can be clearly assessed. Factors such as the percentage of CDs, videos, and DVDs in the collection, and the opening hours are positively associated with the overall number of visitors and also the amount of male visitors. However, the model reveals a rather limited impact of the library on the percentage of lower-educated visitors; this percentage seems to be largely determined by municipality characteristics. The results hope to contribute to a discussion on library effectiveness and the current demands being placed on libraries and their staff.

   35.    Glorieux, I. , Kuppens, T., and Vandebroeck, D.,  "Mind the gap: Societal limits to public library effectiveness".  Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2007, pp. 188-208.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Evaluación/Efectividad

Resumen: This article focuses on the effectiveness of Flemish (Belgian) public libraries in reaching a large and socially diverse public. A statistical model is developed which incorporates unique data gathered through a large-scale visitor survey, a survey of librarians and municipal demographic information. By taking into account both characteristics of the public library and its surrounding community, the impact public libraries themselves have on the number and composition of their visitors can be clearly assessed. Factors such as the percentage of CDs, videos, and DVDs in the collection, and the opening hours are positively associated with the overall number of visitors and also the amount of male visitors. However, the model reveals a rather limited impact of the library on the percentage of lower-educated visitors; this percentage seems to be largely determined by municipality characteristics. The results hope to contribute to a discussion on library effectiveness and the current demands being placed on libraries and their staff.

   36.    Gordon, M. D.,  "Evaluating the effectiveness of information retrieval systems using simulated queries.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 5, 1990.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Probabilidades/Tasa de precisión

Resumen: Describes a simulation method for estimating recall and fallout in a document retrieval system. Earlier research on simulating document retrieval systems is reviewed, examples are presented of the current method, a probabilistic justification of the method is given, theoretical concerns dealing with retrieval precision are discussed, and further research is suggested.

   37.    Gordon, M. D.,  "User-based document clustering by redescribing subject descriptions with a genetic algorithm.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 5, 1991.

Descriptores: Clusters/Recuperación de la información/Algoritmos/Eficiencia

Resumen:  Discussion of clustering of documents and queries in information retrieval systems focuses on the use of a genetic algorithm to adapt subject descriptions so that documents become more effective in matching relevant queries. Various types of clustering are explained, and simulation experiments used to test the genetic algorithm are described.

   38.    Hayes, R. M.,  "Cost of Electronic Reference Resources and LCM: The Library Costing Model.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 3, 1996.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Costes /Distribuidores de libros/Servicios bibliotecarios/Obras de referencia/Modelos organizativos

Resumen: Views assessment of 'Costs of Electronic Reference Resources' both in a general descriptive framework and within the context of a specific model for costing of library operations and services called LCM, the Library Costing Model. Examples of costing data uses are provided, and categories of costs are related to types of electronic reference resources.

   39.    Hayslett, M. M. and Wildemuth, B. M.,  "Pixels or pencils? The relative effectiveness of Web-based versus paper surveys ".  Library & information science research, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Internet/Efectividad/World wide web/Comunicación científica/Encuestas

Resumen: A survey of academic reference librarians provided data for an examination of differences in survey administration on paper and the World Wide Web, with particular attention to response rates, response time/quickness, sampling bias, and differences in responses that are related to the medium of administration. Three methods of survey distribution were compared: paper survey distributed by mail, Web survey announced by mail, and Web survey announced by e-mail. Response rates for the Web survey were not as high as with traditional survey methods. Responses to the Web survey were returned more quickly, but not by a great deal. E-mail notices were more effective for promoting the Web survey than paper notices. The study detected no sampling bias or differences in the content of responses. Although the advantages of Web survey administration are alluring, researchers must use carefully designed follow-up procedures and avoid technology-related implementation problems to match the effectiveness of traditional paper surveys.

   40.    Heczko, M., Keim, D., and Weber, R.,  "Analysis of the Effectiveness-Efficiency Dependence for Image Retrieval".  DELOS Network of Excellence Workshop , No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/Eficiencia/Imágenes/Calidad/Bases de datos

Resumen: Similarity search in image database is commonly implemented as nearest-neighbor search in a feature space of the images. For that purpose, a large number of different features as well as different search algorithms have been proposed in literature. While the efficiency aspect of similarity search has attracted a great interest in the past few years, the effectiveness of the search was often neglected. In this work, however, we argue that these two measures interplay with each other. The longer the feature representation is, the better the quality of the retrieval gets, but the larger the execution costs become. In other words, an improvement in effectiveness leads to a deterioration of performance and vice versa. The aim of this work is to explicitly take both measures into account to optimize the retrieval both form a quality perspective and a performance perspective. To this end, we define a benchmark including a measure for the efficiency and the effectiveness of a feature. Then one can compare different features or feature combinations using simple two-dimensional plots. Based on the quality and performance constraints of a user, the search engine can easily determine the optimal feature or feature combination. Finally, we have applied our benchmark to a large number of different feature types to compare their effectiveness-efficiency relationship.

   41.    Heinz, S. and Zobel, J.,  "Efficient Single-Pass Index Construction for Text Databases".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 8, 2003.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Indización/Eficiencia/Efectividad/Algoritmos

Resumen:  Zobel and Heinz review file inversion processes for the creation of text indices and suggest an efficient single pass approach. Complete in memory indexing remains impractical for very large files. Current rapid algorithms require that the entire vocabulary of the collection be kept in memory. This approach creates inverted files in memory for sequences of documents until memory resources are exhausted, then transferring the lexicon and inverted file in lexicographical order to disk for subsequent merger. Each term is assigned a dynamic in-memory bi-vector that accumulates postings in a compressed d-gap format. The lexicon is maintained in a burst trie file structure where leaves are containers of strings with common prefixes. Performance on five gigabyte to twenty gigabyte files is fifteen to twenty percent faster than a sort based approach.

   42.    Hersh, W. R.,  "The Electronic Medical Record: Promises and Problems. ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 10, 1995.

Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Documentos administrativos/Acceso a la información/Seguridad/Derecho a la intimidad/Efectividad/Medicina/Normas

Resumen: Describes the state of electronic medical records, their advantage over existing paper records, the problems impeding their implementation, and concerns over their security and confidentiality. Topics include challenges for the new health care era, including managed care systems, cost benefits, lack of standards, and future possibilities.

   43.    Hert, C. A. J. E. K. and Dawson, P.,  "A usability assessment of online indexing structures in the networked environment".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 11, 2000.

Descriptores: World wide web/Diseño/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Satisfacción de usuarios/Usabilidad

Resumen: Usability of Web sites has become an increasingly important area of research as Web sites proliferate and problems with use are noted. Generally, aspects of Web sites that have been investigated focus on such areas as overall design and navigation. The exploratory study reported on here investigates one specific component of a Web site - the index structure. By employing index usability metrics developed by Liddy and Jörgensen (1993; Jörgensen & Liddy, 1996) and modified to accommodate a hypertext environment, the study compared the effectiveness and efficiency of 20 subjects who used one existing index (the A-Z index on the FedStats Web site at and three experimental variants to complete five researcher-generated tasks. User satisfaction with the indexes was also evaluated. The findings indicate that a hypertext index with multiple access points for each concept, all linked to the same resource, led to greater effectiveness and efficiency of retrieval on almost all measures. Satisfaction measures were more variable. The study offers insight into potential improvements in the design of Web-based indexes and provides assessment of the validity of the measures employed.

   44.    Hmeidi, I., Kanaan, G., and Evens, M.,  "Design and Implementation of Automatic Indexing for Information Retrieval with Arabic Documents.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 10, 1997.

Descriptores: Arabe/Indización automática/Recuperación de la información/Resúmenes/Diseño/Efectividad /Publicaciones periódicas/Indización/Morfología/Programas /Frecuencia

Resumen: Describes automatic information retrieval system designed and built to handle Arabic data. Discusses cost-effectiveness of automatic indexing. Compares retrieval results using words as index terms versus stems and roots. Includes 19 tables; 60 queries using full words and relevance judgments are appended.

   45.    Holland, M. P.,  "Collaborative Technologies in Inter-University Instruction.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 11, 1996.

Descriptores: Enseñanza a distancia/Cooperación/Presupuestos/Efectividad/Universidades/Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Estudiantes/Conducta/Evaluación

Resumen: Describes an inter-university graduate library and information science course developed at the University of Michigan and the University of Illinois to investigate cost-effective distance independent learning. Highlights include technology/task fit; instruction and assignments; course evaluation; and student and faculty course evaluations.

   46.    Huling, N.,  "Peer reflection: collegial coaching and reference effectiveness".  Reference librarian, No. 66, 1999.

Descriptores: Servicios de información bibliográfica/Entrevistas/Formación de usuarios/Evaluación/Eficiencia

Resumen: Uno de los aspectos que más atención despierta es el relativo al comportamiento de comunicación que se dan en la entrevista de referencia. Como preludio a la evaluación formal de los servicios de referencia, la técnica de formación bis a bis entre los usuarios (peer coaching) puede usarse como una forma de evaluación continua respecto a como son ofertados los servicios a los usuarios. Este artículo se centra en la formación bis a bis entre los usuarios en el contexto de referencia, se sugieren estrategias para su uso y relaciona este tipo de formación con con la evaluación de eficacia de referencia.

   47.    Hurlbert, T. and Dujmic, L. L.,  "Factors Affecting Cataloging Time: An In-House Survey".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: Catalogación/Efectividad/Evaluación/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: Using a survey sheet devised in-house in the spring of 2001, cataloging staff at Carnegie Mellon University Libraries monitored
the amount of time required to catalog materials from receipt in the Acquisitions Department to shelf-ready status and the factors affecting
cataloging time. Monographs, music scores, videos, and theses were among the materials cataloged by a combined total of 7 1/2 catalogers and library associates who completed the survey. Among the factors tracked by participants were how materials were acquired (e.g., order or gift), existence/ completeness of cataloging copy, and issues related to the use of OCLC and the local library management system. This article reports some of the results of the survey and what they revealed about the amount of time required to catalog broad categories of materials as well as detailed information about the effects of specific factors on cataloging time.

   48.    Jansen, L.,  "The Craft of Local Practice: How Catalogers are Gaining Efficiency but Losing Control ".  Oregon Library Asociation Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2003.

Descriptores: Catalogación/Catalogadores/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Externalizacion de servicios

Resumen: Ever since the Library of Congress (LC) began distributing catalog cards to libraries in the early 20th century, catalogers have found new ways to decrease redundancy and improve efficiency. Automation in the form of time saving devices such as bibliographic utilities, outsourcing with third-party vendors, and sophisticated editing capabilities in Integrated Library Systems have moved cataloging light years beyond the days of filing cards written meticulously in 'library hand.' The Anglo-American Cataloging Rules (AACR2) and LC's companion rule interpretations, LC subject headings, the development of the MARC format, continual revision of the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress classification schemes, the growth of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging, and the development of Z39.50 are all intended to make it easier for libraries to share cataloging, and, in theory, to catalog things more or less the same way. But with the increased productivity also comes a loss of autonomy. While these advances have allowed even the smallest libraries to boast quality catalogs, the more catalogers rely on centralized cataloging and vendor outsourcing, the less control they wield over their local databases.

   49.    Joho, H. and Jose, J. M.,  "Effectiveness of additional representations for the search result presentation on the web: Evaluation of Interactive Information Retrieval Systems".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2008 .

Descriptores: Search result presentation/Poly-representation/Task-based user study/Estudio de usuarios/Efectividad/Búsquedas bibliográficas

Resumen: The presentation of search results on the web has been dominated by the textual form of document representation. On the other hand, the document’s visual aspects such as the layout, colour scheme, or presence of images have been studied in a limited context with regard to their effectiveness of search result presentation. This article presents a comparative evaluation of textual and visual forms of document representation as additional components of document surrogates. A total of 24 people were recruited for our task-based user study. The experimental results suggest that an increased level of document representation available in the search results can facilitate users’ interaction with a search interface. The results also suggest that the two forms of additional representations are likely beneficial to users’ information searching process in different contexts.

   50.    Kaszkiel, M. and Zobel , J.,  "Effective Ranking with Arbitrary Passages".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad

Resumen: Using cosine and a pivotedcosine similarity measure with a slope set to 0.2 and thus a normalization factor favoring longer documents, Kaszkiel and Zobel utilize five TREC test collections with both short (words from title fields) and long (full TREC topics) queries, average eleven point precision, and precision at 5, 10, 20, 30, and 200 document cutoffs, to compare various passage types as document representatives. Here, passages are constructed using Hearst's TextTile algorithm, where token sequences are conjoined into blocks that overlap with one another, and similarities between adjacent blocks are used to determine topic shifts, and thus the borders of two sets of blocks called tiles. These are supplemented by passages in the form of fixed length windows at 150 and 350 tokens, and discourse passages which use the document's paragraph or section structure. Retrieval based  on passages is up to 50% better than that based on whole document ranking.

   51.    Kilgour, F. G.,  "Cataloging for a Specific Miniature Catalog.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 9, 1995.

Descriptores: Catalogación/Efectividad/Catálogos/Acceso a la información/Autores/Libros/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Bibliotecas de investigación/Usuarios

Resumen: The percentage of books in a research library having personal authors that were cataloged and entered in a one-screen minicatalog was determined to be 36.6 percent when searched. Libraries can reduce cataloging costs and increase user access to information by simplifying cataloging. (AEF)

   52.    King, S., McMenemy, D., and Poulter, A.,  "Effectiveness of ICT training for public library staff in the UK: staff views ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Tecnologías de la información/Efectividad/Formación profesional

Resumen: The aim of this paper is to report the findings of a survey into staff perceptions of the UK-wide information and communications technology (ICT) training conducted under the People's Network programme for public library staff. Design/methodology/approach – A web-based survey was undertaken across several prominent UK mailing lists, seeking staff views on issues such as the usefulness of the training provided, and any perceived gaps in training that existed. The survey also asked what types of ICT queries staff regularly encountered. Findings – It was found that while the staff found the training rewarding, there were concerns at the lack of ICT troubleshooting in the programme, and the reliance on an off-the-shelf training programme not specifically designed for libraries, namely the European Computer Driving License, or ECDL. The paper suggests that ICT training for library staff should be built around problem solving and troubleshooting, rather than generic skills, in order to match the kinds of queries encountered in the front line of libraries. Originality/value – The paper is useful for anyone involved in designing library training programmes, or for researchers or students interested in the ICT skills necessary for librarians and the types of ICT queries encountered in the workplace

   53.    Kohl, D. F.,  "Ohiolink: plugging into progress.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 16, 1993.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Redes de ordenadores/Redes de información/Redes de bibliotecas/Programas/Efectividad/Financiación/Política bibliotecaria/Universidades/Cooperación bibliotecaria/Encuestas

Resumen: Describes OhioLINK, a statewide information network that was developed to cost effectively link and enhance the information resources of Ohio's academic institutions. Highlights include cooperation; funding; the governing structure; and sidebars that discuss the results of a survey of statewide networks.

   54.    LaGuardia, C.,  "Renegade library instruction.".  Library Journal, Vol. 117, No. 16, 1992.

Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Estudiantes/Bibliotecas universitarias/Universidades/Eficiencia/Enseñanza

Resumen: Experience at the reference desk motivated this librarian to redesign a library skills course to meet the basic and practical needs of undergraduates. Activity-based rather than conceptual, this 'crash library survival course' resulted in increased student success and enthusiasm.

   55.    Lang, W. S. and Grigsby, M.,  "Statistics for Measuring the Efficiency of Electronic Information Retrieval.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 2, 1996.

Descriptores: Eficiencia/Recuperación de la información/Medición/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Metodología/Matemáticas/Relevancia/Evaluación

Resumen:  Describes the use of the tetrachoric correlation for experimental research and hypothesis testing of the efficiency of computerized information searching. Highlights include recall, relevance, and precision in information retrieval; use of a spreadsheet; examples; and limitations.

   56.    Laufer, B. and Levitzky-Aviad, T.,  "Examining the Effectiveness of ‘Bilingual Dictionary Plus’ – A Dictionary for Production in a Foreign Language".  International Journal of Lexicography, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Diccionarios bilingües/Efectividad/Segunda lengua

Resumen: The study investigated the usefulness of a Hebrew-English-English (L1-L2-L2) mini-dictionary, for production in a foreign language. The dictionary entries included L1 (Hebrew) words, their L2 (English) translation options, usage specifications, semantically related English words, and additional L2 meanings for each translation option. Seventy five students translated thirty six sentences from Hebrew into English using four dictionaries, one dictionary for nine sentences: a Hebrew-English-English electronic dictionary, a Hebrew-English-English paper dictionary, an English-English-Hebrew bilingualized dictionary, and a Hebrew-English bilingual dictionary. Each sentence contained one target word, defined as æsimpleÆ or æcomplexÆ. Learners also rated them in terms of usefulness. All electronic dictionary activity was recorded in log files. The four dictionaries were compared on the number of correct translations and on dictionary ratings. Log files were analyzed for lookup preferences. Results demonstrated the superiority of L1-L2-L2 dictionaries in terms of the effectiveness for a production task and learnersÆ preferences.

   57.    Lazo Rodríguez, B. C., González Martínez, M. d. C., and Díaz del Campo, S.,  " Eficiencia y efectividad del servicio de catálogo colectivo de publicaciones seriadas".  ACIMED, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1994.

Descriptores: Publicaciones seriadas/Catálogos colectivos/Eficiencia/Efectividad/Cuba

Resumen: Se realiza un estudio de la eficiencia y efectividad del servicio de catálogo colectivo de publicaciones seriadas del Sistema Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas de Cuba, en el que se consideran los indicadores costo-tiempo-productividad para medir la eficacia. La efectividad se evalúa mediante el análisis de la necesidad. Los resultados obtenidos muestran valores positivos en cuanto a la eficiencia, aunque en relación con la efectividad no son tan satisfactorios. Se ofrecen los resultados en forma de números absolutos y en valores porcentuales, que se representan en gráficos estadísticos y tablas.

   58.    Lewis, A. L.,  "The Practical Implications of a Minimum Machine Translation Unit".  Babel: Revue internationale de la traduction/International Journal of Translation, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1997.

Descriptores: Traducción automática/Evaluación/Efectividad

Resumen: A great deal of speculation dominates the translation industry with regard to the effectiveness of (MT) Machine Translation, or translation software. This project investigates the conclusions of Bennet (1994) about the size of the UT (unit of translation), based on the raw translations of a sample text as produced by four competitive PC programs. These programs are all transfer systems, which employ a minimum UT, such as a single noun phrase. The sample text is an authentic business correspondence text. A linguistic analysis of the four translations is performed. Results of the analysis show that numerous errors are committed which require the intervention of the professional translator. This research concludes that, for this type of text, a transfer system is not cost-effective because it will still require extensive human editing. The semantic errors particularly demonstrate the need to emphasize research towards the development of translation software which incorporates a larger UT.

   59.    Mancini, D. D.,  "Nashville revival.".  Library Journal, Vol. 122, No. 9, 1997.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Planificación/Financiación/Tecnologías de la información/Directores/Bibliotecarios/Servicios bibliotecarios/Eficiencia

Resumen: The director of the Public Library of Nashville & Davidson County (Tennessee) discusses the library's development since 1995. Highlights include Nashville's growth potential and political climate; improving the efficiency of internal operations; staff involvement in problem-solving (technology training and systemwide programming); 'selling' an expansion plan; and strengthening the Friends Council and a new library foundation.

   60.    Martínez Méndez, F. J. and Rodríguez Muñoz, J. V.,  "Síntesis y crítica de las evaluaciones de la efectividad de los motores de búsqueda en la Web.".  Information Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Motores de búsqueda/Internet/Evaluación/Efectividad

Resumen: La necesidad de un análisis crítico de la evaluación de los sistemas de recuperación de información subyace tras su traslado al contexto de la web. En este nuevo escenario han surgido nuevos tipos de sistemas y de problemas que han dado lugar, al desarrollo de una serie de trabajos específicamente concebidos para analizar la viabilidad de la recuperación de información. En estos trabajos destacan tres grandes grupos: los dedicados a analizar las características formales o externas del sistemas, los que someten a estos sistemas a algún tipo de ensayo o experimentación y finalmente, una serie de propuestas orientadas a proponer una metodología científica de carácter global para su evaluación.

   61.    Mathews, V. H.,  "In the matter of nclis...hold On there!".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 8, 1993.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Política de información/Historia /Servicios bibliotecarios/Programas/Planificación/Efectividad/American Library Association

Resumen:  Reviews the mandate and mission of the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) and describes its successful initiatives supporting library issues and community library programs. Excerpts from a letter written by Marilyn L. Miller, president of the American Library Association, in support of NCLIS are included

   62.    Mccain, C. and Shorten, J.,  "Cataloging Efficiency and Effectiveness".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Catalogación/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Efectividad

Resumen: Efficiency and effectiveness of technical services units are difficult to measure, analyze, and compare, partly because operations are complex and vary substantially from one library to another Cost studies have been widely conducted as a means of measuring the cost efficiency of specific technical services tasks. Since data on costs are not necessarily comparable among institutions, other quantifiable measures of efficiency and effectiveness would enhance managerial decision-making. This article reports the analysis of data compiled from a survey of twenty-six academic libraries. It seeks to supplement the findings of cost studies by providing measures of efficiency and effectiveness for cataloging departments based on reported productivity, number of staff, task distribution, and quality measures such as backlogs, authority control, and database maintenance. Benchmark productivity levels for six libraries with 'best practices' are identified.

   63.    Mea, V. D. and Mizzaro, S.,  "Measuring retrieval effectiveness: A new proposal and a first experimental validation".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 6, 2004.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Eficiencia/Medición/Recuperación de la información

Resumen: Most common effectiveness measures for information retrieval systems are based on the assumptions of binary relevance (either a document is relevant to a given query or it is not) and binary retrieval (either a document is retrieved or it is not). In this article, these assumptions are questioned, and a new measure named ADM (average distance measure) is proposed, discussed from a conceptual point of view, and experimentally validated on Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) data. Both conceptual analysis and experimental evidence demonstrate ADM's adequacy in measuring the effectiveness of information retrieval systems. Some potential problems about precision and recall are also highlighted and discussed.

   64.    Morris, D. E., Hobert, C. B., Osmus, L., and Wool, G.,  "Cataloging staff costs revisited".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2000 .

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Costes /Catalogación/Recursos humanos/Productividad /Eficiencia/Calidad

Resumen: Staff costs for cataloging have declined at Iowa State University Library. This is demonstrated by data from a longitudinal time and cost study begun in 1987. We discuss the national developments, technological advancements, and reengineering efforts that have supported greater cataloging effectiveness and quality. We use the ISU findings as an example of a nationwide phenomenon resulting from the remarkable ability of catalogers to share work through national bibliographic utilities

   65.    Newman, D. R., Johnson, C., Webb, B., and Cochrane, C.,  "Evaluating the Quality of Learning in Computer Supported Co-Operative Learning.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1997.

Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Listas de discusión/Cooperación/Calidad/Efectividad/Formación de usuarios/Universidades/Gestión de la información/Evaluación/Videoconferencias

Resumen: This study compared face-to-face seminars with asynchronous computer conferencing in the same information management class to determine if computer supported co-operative learning (CSCL) could maintain learning quality and if computer mediated communication (CMC) could promote critical thinking. Concludes face-to-face seminars are better for creative problem exploration and idea generation and computer conferencing for linking ideas, interpretation, and problem integration.

   66.    Ng, K. B. and Kantor, P. B.,  "Predicting the Effectiveness of Naïve Data Fusion on the Basis of System Characteristics".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 13, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Efectividad

Resumen: Effective automation of the information retrieval task has long been an active area of research, leading to sophisticated retrieval models. With many IR schemes available, researchers have begun to investigate the benefits of combining the results of different IR schemes to improve performance, in the process called 'data fusion'. There are many successful data fusion experiments reported in IR literature, but there are also cases in which it did not work well. Thus, it would be quite valuable to have a theory that can predict, in advance, whether fusion of two or more retrieval schemes will be worth doing. In previous study (Ng & Kantor, 1998), we identified two predictive variables for the effectiveness of fusion: (a) a list-based measure of output dissimilarity, and (b) a pair-wise measure of the similarity of performance of the two schemes. In this article we investigate the predictive power of these two variables in simple symmetrical data fusion. We use the IR systems participating in the TREC 4 routing task to test that model. The model asks, 'when will fusion perform better than an oracle who uses the best scheme from each pair?' We explore statistical techniques for fitting the model to the training data and use the receiver operating characteristic curve of signal detection theory to represent the power of the resulting models. The trained prediction methods predict whether fusion will beat an oracle, at levels much higher than could by achieved by chance.

   67.    Noh, Y.-H.,  "A study on the estimation of performance of the concept-based information retrieval model for searching the Web".  Journal of information science, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2002.

Descriptores: World wide web/Internet/Recuperación de la información/Modelos/Efectividad

Resumen: This paper examines the possibilities of improving the performance of the concept-based information retrieval model on web documents. In order to address this performance issue, an experiment was conducted by applying the concept exploration algorithm in collecting a large number of resources from the Internet and accessing them using keyword retrieval techniques in a large knowledge network. The result of this experiment revealed that the concept-based retrieval technique showed much better performance than other retrieval techniques on randomly selected web documents.

   68.    Oliver, R. and Oliver, H.,  "Using Context To Promote Learning from Information-Seeking Tasks.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1997.

Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/Efectividad /Psicología cognitiva/Calidad/Investigación/Enseñanza primaria/Países extranjeros/Redes de información/Telecomunicaciones

Resumen: This study of 51 Australian elementary school students found that information seeking, driven by a contextual and practical need, resulted in greater retention. Research in the use of electronic information sources has shown that while students can retrieve information, they often fail to retain the information. Attributes the gain to an increased level of engagement and cognitive processing.

   69.    Oppenheim, C., Stenson, J., and Wilson, R. M. S.,  "The attributes of information as an asset".  New Library World , Vol. 102, No. 11-12, 2001.

Descriptores: Tecnologías de la información/Investigación/Cultura organizacional/Efectividad

Resumen: This paper reports first stage findings from an ongoing three-year research project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB). The research is being conducted jointly by the Department of Information Science and The Business School at Loughborough University. Information assets of organisations are identified and attributes of information assets from the information science literature are discussed. Finally, future research plans for practical testing of attributes of information assets using case studies are briefly outlined.

   70.    Paternon F. and Mancini, C.,  "Effective Levels of Adaptation to Different Types of Users in Interactive Museum Systems".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Usuarios/Efectividad/World wide web/Museos/Internet/Impacto

Resumen: At its most basic, this concern for the visitor is manifest in the design of museum spaces. Paterno ask of web design what every museum exhibition designer faces with every exhibition: Why should each visitor to an information resource see it in the  same way, when their knowledge, expertise and purposes are so different? Although   they arrive by way of a requirement of museum informatics, the problem they are confronting is central to the future of e-commerce - if people don't see themselves in what they find presented to them on the web, and if the responses from the system are addressed to some one else, they will leave unsatisfied. By taking the problem in two       stages - first creating some test response-types and allowing visitors to self identify,and then exploring how this model could be made more complex in the types it presents and in its response to visitor input, these researchers are providing usable answers, on their way towards analysis of an exceptionally complex research  problem..     

   71.    Pirkola, A. and Jarvelin , K.,  "Employing the Resolution Power of Search Keys ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 7, 2001.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Estadística/Efectividad

Resumen:  In any database some search terms will more effectively discriminate between relevant and non-relevant documents for a given search. By resolution power Pirkola, and Jarvelin mean a term's ability relative to other terms in a search to increase query performance. Utilizing the InQuery retrieval system which computes a probability value for a document for each term, a 515,825 document TREC subset and the 47 queries from topic set 101-150 that contained at least 5 substantive terms, they attempt to identify the good and bad terms, their statistical properties, and how such knowledge can improve effectiveness. All possible non empty combinations of the five terms for each query were generated and utilized, resulting in 1457 searches which were then ranked by average precision. The order of terms in the best case was then used to rank the terms, with the lead term considered best, terms that were in a combination that exceeded the best term searched alone were considered good, and others bad. For each term, document frequency, collection frequency, and within document frequency were calculated. Terms were assumed to have high resolution power if collection frequency over document frequency exceeded some threshold and either within document frequency over document frequency was greater than the same measure for other query terms times some constant or alternatively whose document frequency was less than or equal to that of any other term in the query divided by a constant.The frequency statistics of good and bad keys are quite similar. High resolution power terms can be identified automatically, but ranking in between does not correspond well to after the fact analysis. Use of the best term in a structured query will improve performance.

   72.    Rimland, E. L.,  "Do We Do It Well? A Bibliographic Essay on the Evaluation of Reference Effectiveness.".  Reference Librarian, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2007 .

Descriptores: Efectividad/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Evaluación/Bibliotecarios de referencia

Resumen: This bibliographic essay examines recent (1994-2006) research into the evaluation of reference effectiveness. Different methods for evaluating traditional in-person reference services are compared and contrasted from an unobtrusive or obtrusive methodology perspective, including those that use the 'Willingness to Return' factor and the Wisconsin-Ohio Reference Evaluation Program (WOREP). A review of emerging trends is provided as well as recommendations for future research.

   73.    Robb, D. J. and McCormick, A.,  "Decision Support for Serials Deselection and Acquisition: A Case Study.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 48, No. 3, 1997.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Toma de decisiones/Adquisiciones/Distribuidores de libros/Publicaciones periódicas/Costes/Servicios bibliotecarios/CD-ROM

Resumen: Discusses the financial pressures libraries face as the number and cost of serials escalate while funding is reduced. Presents a case study of a small library that eliminated physical subscriptions to journals and enhanced its service to include CD-ROM technology after ranking journals according to a cost benefit analysis.

   74.    Roberts, J. M.,  "The Story of Distance Education: A Practitioner's Perspective.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 47, No. 11, 1996.

Descriptores: Enseñanza a distancia/Formación de usuarios/Redes de ordenadores/Efectividad/Futuro/Tecnologías de la información

Resumen: Provides an historical overview of the issues and opportunities presented by distance education throughout the world and discusses future possibilities such as digital and networked technologies, the increased use of homes as learning sites and of computers rather than printed materials, and the economic impact and costs of distance education.

   75.    Rodwell, J. and Fairbairn, L.,  "Dangerous liaisons?: Defining the faculty liaison librarian service model, its effectiveness and sustainability".  Library Management, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2008, pp. 116-124.

Descriptores: Planificación estratégica/Bibliotecas universitarias/Servicios bibliotecarios/Efectividad

Resumen: Purpose - Many university libraries are adopting a faculty liaison librarian structure as an integral part of their organization and service delivery model. This paper aims to examine, in a pragmatic way, the variations in the definition of the role of the faculty liaison librarian, the expectations of those librarians, their library managers and their clients and the impact of environmental factors. The faculty liaison librarian role is not entirely new, evolving from the traditional subject librarian and university special/branch library role. However the emerging role is characterized by a more outward-looking perspective and complexity, emphasizing stronger involvement and partnership with the faculty and direct engagement in the University's teaching and research programs. Design/methodology/approach - Following a review of the literature and other sources on the rationale and role of library liaison, the current developments, drivers and expectations are discussed. Findings - The study finds that dynamic external and internal environments of universities are driving the evolution of library liaison, so the role description is still fluid. However, the breadth and weight of expectations is now such that the effectiveness and sustainability of the role has to be addressed. Practical implications - While a dynamic, broader and more intensive role for the faculty liaison librarian is emerging, more thinking is needed about the extent of that role and its sustainability. What, for example, are the priorities for the faculty liaison librarian? What traditional activities can, and may, have to be abandoned? These considerations are necessary not only to guide the librarians, but also to help define the attributes and skills required for the position and to determine the institutional support it requires. Originality/value - This is a contemporary critique of the well-established, but diverse library service - the faculty liaison librarian structure.

   76.    Ruge, G. and And Others,  "Effectiveness and efficiency in natural language processing for large amounts of text.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 6, 1991.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Lenguaje natural/Alemán/Eficiencia/Efectividad

Resumen:  Describes a system that was developed in Germany for natural language processing (NLP) to improve free text analysis for information retrieval. Techniques from empirical linguistics are discussed, system architecture is explained, and rules for dealing with conjunctions in dependency analysis for free text processing are proposed

   77.    Said Mirza Pahlevi and Kitagawa, H.,  "Conveying taxonomy context for topic-focused Web search ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology and Technology , Vol. 56, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: Gestión de contenidos/Clasificación /Efectividad/Directorios/World wide web/Algebra de Boole/Búsquedas bibliográficas

Resumen: Introducing context to a user query is effective to improve the search effectiveness. In this article we propose a method employing the taxonomy-based search services such as Web directories to facilitate searches in any Web search interfaces that support Boolean queries. The proposed method enables one to convey current search context on taxonomy of a taxonomy-based search service to the searches conducted with the Web search interfaces. The basic idea is to learn the search context in the form of a Boolean condition that is commonly accepted by many Web search interfaces, and to use the condition to modify the user query before forwarding it to the Web search interfaces. To guarantee that the modified query can always be processed by the Web search interfaces and to make the method adaptive to different user requirements on search result effectiveness, we have developed new fast classification learning algorithms.

   78.    Schuman, P. G.,  "The selling of the public library.".  Library Journal, Vol. 123, No. 13, 1998.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Contabilidad/Costes/Efectividad/Gestión/Gestión de la colección/Procesos técnicos/Sector privado/Administración pública/Externalizacion de servicios

Resumen: Argues that recent decisions to outsource library collection development are not isolated incidents but attempts to privatize whole core services and even management of libraries. Examines three misconceptions about the private sector: that it can do it better and cheaper, that accountability to the marketplace is more effective than government, and that libraries have always outsourced.

   79.    Sfansberry, S. L.,  "Effective Assessment of Online Discourse in LIS Courses.".  Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2006 .

Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Enseñanza a distancia/Efectividad

Resumen:  Since the use of online instruction is a necessity in Library and Information Science (US) education, and since asynchronous discussion is the most popular pedagogical technique employed by online instructors, an alternative assessment means for evaluating student learning is imperative. This study sought to further research on effective assessment of online discourse in LIS education by analyzing the quality of student knowledge construction and learning in relation to the type of questions posed by the instructor and the nature of student interaction using a combination of two theoretical frameworks.

   80.    Shan Li  , Lee, M.-C., and Adjeroh, D.,  "Effective invariant features for shape-based image retrieval ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 7, 2005.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Imágenes/Efectividad/Eficiencia

Resumen: The success of content-based image retrieval (CBIR) relies critically on the ability to find effective image features to represent the database images. The shape of an object is a fundamental image feature and belongs to one of the most important image features used in CBIR. In this article we propose a robust and effective shape feature known as the compound image descriptor (CID), which combines the Fourier transform (FT) magnitude and phase coefficients with the global features. The underlying FT coefficients have been shown analytically to be invariant to rotation, translation, and scaling. We also present details of the underlying innovative shape feature extraction method. The global features, besides being incorporated with the FT coefficients to form the CID, are also used to filter out the highly dissimilar images during the image retrieval process. Thus, they serve a dual purpose of improving the accuracy and hence the robustness of the shape descriptor, and of speeding up the retrieval process, leading to a reduced query response time. Experiment results show that the proposed shape descriptor is, in general, robust to changes caused by image shape rotation, translation, and/or scaling. It also outperforms other recently published proposals, such as the generic Fourier descriptor (Zhang & Lu, 2002).

   81.    Shaw, W. M. Jr.,  "Subject and citation indexing. Part I: the clustering structure of composite representations in the cystic fibrosis document collection. Part ii: the optimal, cluster-based retrieval performance of composite representations.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 9, 1991.

Descriptores: Medline/Medicina/Descriptores/Recuperación de la información/Indización/Evaluación/Efectividad/Encabezamientos de materia

Resumen: Two articles discuss the clustering of composite representations in the Cystic Fibrosis Document Collection from the National Library of Medicine's MEDLINE file. Clustering is evaluated as a function of the exhaustivity of composite representations based on Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and citation indexes, and evaluation of retrieval performance is based on effectiveness measures.

   82.    Simón de Blas, C., Arias Coello, A., and Simón Martín, J.,  "Aplicación de la técnica DEA en la medición de la eficiencia de las bibliotecas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid".  Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Resumen: En este trabajo presentamos una aplicación de la técnica DEA paramedir la eficiencia de las 26 bibliotecas pertenecientes a los centros de laUniversidad Complutense de Madrid. Para el cálculo de los valores de eficienciahemos seleccionado los siguientes datos correspondientes al año2004: el número de personas adscritas a la biblioteca, el número de becarios,el número de volúmenes de libros de que dispone, y el número derevistas vivas como variables representativas de los recursos que utilizanlas bibliotecas. Como variables representativas de los servicios que prestanlas bibliotecas a sus usuarios hemos seleccionado: el número de préstamosa domicilio, el volumen de libros y artículos suministrados a otrasbibliotecas, y el volumen de artículos y libros solicitados a otras bibliotecas.De las 26 bibliotecas analizadas, 15 son valoradas como eficientes.A partir del análisis de sensibilidad realizado sobre las bibliotecas ineficientes,se infiere que la fuente más importante de ineficiencia en el conjuntode bibliotecas estudiadas reside en la aplicación de los recursos queutilizan las mismas para prestar sus servicios.

   83.    Smith, A. G.,  "Citations and links as a measure of effectiveness of online LIS journals".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Hiperenlaces/Medición/Efectividad/Publicaciones periódicas/Investigación/Documentación

Resumen: Alastair Smith teaches library and information management at Victoria University of Wellington. Prior to entering academia, he worked in database development at the National Library of New Zealand, as a special librarian and as a sci/tech reference librarian. His research interests are in the use of online learning and the evaluation of Internet information resources and Web search engines.

   84.    Smith, W.,  "Fee-based services: are they worth it?".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 11, 1993.

Descriptores: Servicios bibliotecarios/Bibliotecas públicas/Bibliotecas universitarias/Efectividad/Video/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Búsquedas bibliográficas

Resumen: Discusses the benefits and drawbacks of fee-based services offered by tax-supported libraries and describes their rationale, extent, and cost-benefit potential. Research services, video rentals, online searching, and interlibrary loan services are among the fee-based services described.

   85.    St. Lifer, E.,  "New orleans public beats budget blues.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 10, 1993.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Presupuestos/Gestión/Bibliotecas públicas/Tecnologías de la información/Servicios bibliotecarios/Usuarios/Directores

Resumen: Describes strategies library director Dan Wilson used to keep the New Orleans Public Library ahead of budget shortfalls. Successful lobbying efforts to get a tax levy; growth in the library budget, technology, and services; changes in the service population; and Wilson's role as a facilitator are covered.

   86.    Stenson, J., Oppenheim, C., and Wilson, R.,  "The Attributes of Information as an Asset, its Measurement and Role in Enhancing Organisational Effectiveness".  Northumbria International Conference on Performance Measurement in Libraries & Information Services, Vol. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Evaluación/Medición/Indicadores/Información

Resumen:  This paper reports early findings of current research being conducted by the Department of Information Science and The Business School at Loughborough University. The research project is entitled “The attributes of information as an asset, its measurement and role in enhancing organisational effectiveness”. The research is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board and runs from January 2000 to December 2002. The research addresses the following areas in the identification of information assets, their attributes and their role in enhancing organisational effectiveness: What are the information assets held and used in information intensive organisations? What are the commonly identified attributes of information assets? What is the role of information assets and their attributes in enhancing organisational effectiveness? Is the impact of information assets and their attributes on organisational effectiveness measurable?

   87.    Thelwall, M.,  "Can Google's PageRank be used to find the most important academic Web pages? ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 59, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Google/Motores de búsqueda/Recuperación de la información/Efectividad/Algoritmos

Resumen: Google's PageRank is an influential algorithm that uses a model of Web use that is dominated by its link structure in order to rank pages by their estimated value to the Web community. This paper reports on the outcome of applying the algorithm to the Web sites of three national university systems in order to test whether it is capable of identifying the most important Web pages. The results are also compared with simple inlink counts. It was discovered that the highest inlinked pages do not always have the highest PageRank, indicating that the two metrics are genuinely different, even for the top pages. More significantly, however, internal links dominated external links for the high ranks in either method and superficial reasons accounted for high scores in both cases. It is concluded that PageRank is not useful for identifying the top pages in a site and that it must be combined with a powerful text matching techniques in order to get the quality of information retrieval results provided by Google.

   88.    Tombros, A., Villa, R., and Van Rijsbergen, C. J.,  "The Effectiveness of Query-Specific Hierarchic Clustering in Information Retrieval".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Efectividad/Evaluación/Recuperación de la información/Categorización/Clusters/Estrategia de búsqueda/Representación del conocimiento

Resumen: Hierarchic document clustering has been widely applied to information retrieval (IR) on the grounds of its potential improved effectiveness over inverted file search (IFS). However, previous research has been inconclusive as to whether clustering does bring improvements. In this paper we take the view that if hierarchic clustering is applied to search results (query-specific clustering), then it has the potential to increase the retrieval effectiveness compared both to that or static clustering and of conventional IFS. We conducted a number of experiments using five document collections and four hierarchic clustering methods. Our results show that the effectiveness of query-specific clustering is indeed higher, and suggest that there is scope for its application to IR.

   89.    Tombros, A., Villa, R., and Rijsbergen, C. J. V.,  "The effectiveness of query-specific hierarchic clustering in information retrieval ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Eficiencia/Recuperación de la información/Clusters/Evaluación /Efectividad

Resumen: Hierarchic document clustering has been widely applied to information retrieval (IR) on the grounds of its potential improved effectiveness over inverted file search (IFS). However, previous research has been inconclusive as to whether clustering does bring improvements. In this paper we take the view that if hierarchic clustering is applied to search results (query-specific clustering), then it has the potential to increase the retrieval effectiveness compared both to that of static clustering and of conventional IFS. We conducted a number of experiments using five document collections and four hierarchic clustering methods. Our results show that the effectiveness of query-specific clustering is indeed higher, and suggest that there is scope for its application to IR.

   90.    Vakkari, P. and Hakala, N.,  "Changes in relevance criteria and problem stages in task performance".  Journal of documentation, Vol. 56, No. 5, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Eficiencia/Evaluación

Resumen: The objective of this study is to analyse how changes in relevance criteria are related to changes in problem stages during the task performance process. Relevance is understood as a task- and process-orientated user construct. The assessment of relevance is based on both retrieved bibliographical information and the documents acquired and read on the basis of this information. The participants of the study were eleven students who attended a course for one term for preparing a research proposal for the master's thesis. The students were asked to make an IR search at the beginning, middle and end of the course. Data for describing their understanding of the work task, search goals and tactics as well as relevance assessments were collected during the search sessions. Pre- and post-search interviews were conducted during each session. The students were asked to think aloud during the search session. The transaction logs were captured and the thinking aloud was recorded. Research and search diaries were also collected. The findings support to a certain extent the overall hypotheses that a person's problem stage during task performance is related to his or her use of relevance criteria in assessing retrieved references and documents. There is a connection between an individual's changing understanding of his or her task and how the relevance of references and full texts is judged. The more structured the task in the process, the more able the person is to distinguish between relevant and other sources. The relevance criteria of documents changed more than the criteria of references during the process. Moreover, it seems that understanding of topicality varies depending on the phase of the process.

   91.    Vakkari, P. and Sormunen, E.,   "The influence of relevance levels on the effectiveness of interactive information retrieval ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 11, 2004.

Descriptores: Relevancia/Recuperación de la información/Eficiencia/Efectividad

Resumen: In this paper, we focus on the effect of graded relevance on the results of interactive information retrieval (IR) experiments based on assigned search tasks in a test collection. A group of 26 subjects searched for four Text REtrieval Conference (TREC) topics using automatic and interactive query expansion based on relevance feedback. The TREC- and user-suggested pools of relevant documents were reassessed on a four-level relevance scale. The results show that the users could identify nearly all highly relevant documents and about half of the marginal ones. Users also selected a fair number of irrelevant documents for query expansion. The findings suggest that the effectiveness of query expansion is closely related to the searchers' success in retrieving and identifying highly relevant documents for feedback. The implications of the results on interpreting the findings of past experiments with liberal relevance thresholds are also discussed.

   92.    Waldman, M.,  "Freshmen's use of library electronic resources and self-efficacy".  Information Research, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Estudio de usuarios/Internet/Bibliotecas digitales/Eficiencia/Evaluación

Resumen: To encourage students' use of the library, and in particular of its electronic resources, we need to understand what factors encourage students to seek out information in the library setting. Research has shown that self-efficacy influences academic achievement. This paper looks at the role self-efficacy plays in their search for information and use of the library's electronic resources, by surveying a class of freshmen at Baruch College. Their library and computer use were analyzed and correlated with their self-efficacy scores. Through statistical analysis, we found that use of the library correlated to the students' use of the library's electronic resources. We also found out that students who express an interest in learning about the library's electronic resources will be more likely to have higher self-efficacy.

   93.    Westland, J. C.,  "Economic constraints in hypertext.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1991.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Hipertexto/Costes /Efectividad

Resumen: Discusses the cost of constructing a hypertext database and suggests cost forecasting approaches that can be used to determine whether organizations can internally fund a hypertext database, or whether producers can afford to market hypertext databases. Production costs in differing hypertext strategies are also compared.

   94.    White, R. W., Jose, J. M., and Ruthven, I.,  "Using top-ranking sentences to facilitate effective information ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 56, No. 10, 2005.

Descriptores: Impacto/Efectividad/Información/Ranking

Resumen: Web searchers typically fail to view search results beyond the first page nor fully examine those results presented to them. In this article we describe an approach that encourages a deeper examination of the contents of the document set retrieved in response to a searcher's query. The approach shifts the focus of perusal and interaction away from potentially uninformative document surrogates (such as titles, sentence fragments, and URLs) to actual document content, and uses this content to drive the information seeking process. Current search interfaces assume searchers examine results document-by-document. In contrast our approach extracts, ranks, and presents the contents of the top-ranked document set. We use query-relevant top-ranking sentences extracted from the top documents at retrieval time as fine-grained representations of top-ranked document content and, when combined in a ranked list, an overview of these documents. The interaction of the searcher provides implicit evidence that is used to reorder the sentences where appropriate. We evaluate our approach in three separate user studies, each applying these sentences in a different way. The findings of these studies show that top-ranking sentences can facilitate effective information access.

   95.    Wilson, P.,  "Communication efficiency in research and development. ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 44, No. 7, 1993.

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Eficiencia

Resumen: Discusses communication in research and development, hypotheses of efficiency, and implications for information science. Topics addressed include cognitive situations of individuals and groups; the use of information; the adequacy of available information; the inefficiency of scientific communication; and the unpredictable impact of the same information on different cognitive systems.

   96.    Wilson, P.,  "Unused Relevant Information in Research and Development.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 1, 1995 .

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Relevancia/Eficiencia

Resumen: Discussion of efficient communication in research and development focuses on the use and nonuse of relevant information. Highlights include information overload and efficiency; nonuse of relevant information as policy; two kinds of overload; and implications for information science.

   97.    Witbrock, M. J. and Hauptmann, A. G.,  "Speech Recognition for A Digital Video Library.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 7, 1998.

Descriptores: Inteligencia artificial/Interfaces/Bibliotecas digitales/Recuperación de la información/Automatización/Video/Programas informáticos/Efectividad/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Lenguaje natural/Sistemas de información

Resumen: Production of the meta-data supporting the Informedia Digital Video Library interface is automated using techniques derived from artificial intelligence research. Speech recognition and natural-language processing, information retrieval, and image analysis are applied to produce an interface that helps users locate information and navigate more effectively.

   98.    Yannakoudakis, E. J.,  "Matching of citations between non-standardized databases.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 41, No. 8, 1990.

Descriptores: Bases de datos/Análisis de citas/Recuperación de la información/Eficiencia/Efectividad

Resumen: Presents an approach to automatic matching and linkage of citations between databases which applied 14 coding techniques and measured their effectiveness in terms of efficiency of retrieval of duplicates with minimal false hits, reliability, and performance.

   99.    Yao, Y. Y.,  "Measuring Retrieval Effectiveness Based on User Preference of Documents.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1995.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Medición/Relevancia/Matemáticas/Evaluación/Eficiencia/Necesidades de información

Resumen: Discusses user preferences for the representation, interpretation, and measurement of the relevance or usefulness of retrieved documents. Highlights include measurement of user judgments on documents; distance between rankings; measures of retrieval effectiveness; normalized performance measure; and the relationship of distance-based measures to other performance measures.

100.    Zainab Abu Bakar, T. M. T. S. and Mohammed Yusoft,  "An evaluation of retrieval effectiveness using spelling correction and string-similarity matching methods on Malay texts".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 8, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Lingüística/Eficiencia/Algoritmos

Resumen: Se evalúa la efectividad de los métodos de deletreo-corrección y agrupación-similitud en recuperación de información de palabras similares asociando un diccionario Malayo con un conjunto de preguntas palabras. Las técnicas de deletreo-corrección usadas son SPEEDCOP, Soundex, Davidson, Phonix, y Hartlib. A través de dos programas que miden la longitud de las secuencias y subsecuencias comunes y mide la distancia con la que son utilizadas. En el experimento se utilizaron diversas combinaciones de palabras en la pregunta y diccionario utilizando un algoritmo específico para el Malayo. La eficacia de recuperación (el E), recuperación y pertinencia (R&R) se calculan desde la combinación ponderada de llamada y los valores de precisión. Se comparan los resultados de ambas experiencias.


Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
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País: ES - España
Teléfono: +34-923 294 580
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Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Dirección: Francisco Vitoria 6-16
Código postal: 37008
País: ES - España
Teléfono: +34-923 294 580
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