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Imagen profesional del bibliotecario


Imagen profesional
 Info Doc 19 de nov de 2008

"Anche Noi Siamo Protagonisti." Biblit  (2006).
Resumen: Piccolo elenco di romanzi che narrano di traduttori e interpreti Un grazie particolare a tutti i Biblitiani che hanno gentilmente raccolto i dati         
"Cultural Images of Librarians." TK421's Post  (2004).
Resumen: Librarian stereotypes in popular culture support the image of a librarian as a shushing school marm who does little more than stamp and shelve books. Maybe that's all you've seen librarians do. However, this perception is about as inaccurate as believing that Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is nothing more than a glorified bank teller.           
"The Image and Role of the Librarian." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: Número monog´rafico sobre la imagen y papel del bibliotecario, con especial atención al bibliotecario referencista           
"Librarians in Society." DMOZ open directory project  (2005).
Resumen: The Anti-Stereotype Stereotype - A young librarian's commentary on the recent wave of 'cool librarians'
"The Naked Librarian - Features Pictures and Links to Female Librarians Who Are Not Entirely Clothed."  (2005).
Resumen: If you're really looking for naked photos of real live women [with a librarian theme, of course...] you can check these out. Most of these links are so not work safe....   
"Status of Librarians - Homepage for the American Library Association Special Presidential Task Force, with History and Resources." American Library Association 13 (2005).
Resumen: Status of Librarians - Homepage for the American Library Association Special Presidential Task Force, with history and resources. 
"Stereotypes of Librarians - Discussion Questions About the 'Bun Lady' and Related Images."  (2005).
Resumen: Let's call her the 'bun lady,' with the stereotypical hair in a bun, spectacles on a chain, long covered up dress, and worried expression. The only thing she's missing is a finger across her lips to signify 'Shush!' And there are some people who say that 'shushing' has contributed to the image problem of librarians                    
"You Don't Look Like a Librarian!". Special Library Association  (2004).
Resumen: This is a list of information, articles, talks, conferences, and online resources I've found that relate to the topic at hand. They are sorted most recent to the top of the page, but don't let that stop you from reading through the whole pile; there's some great stuff in here! (Please note that most recent is a relative term; these are sorted based on when I found and added the entry, regardless of when said entry may have actually been published.)          
Arana Palacios, Jesús. "De La Imagen Del Bibliotecario Y De Una Biblioteca Imaginaria." TK.1 (1996).
Resumen: Incluso en países con una larga y fecunda tradición bibliotecaria, como Estados Unidos, se ha hecho a veces un retrato feroz de las personas que trabajan en las bibliotecas. Trabajar en una biblioteca era, en el mejor de los casos, una alternativa al matrimonio y, en ocasiones, una clara alternativa a la clínica psiquiátrica. El retrato que hace Frank Capra de una bibliotecaria al final de «jQué bello es vivir!» es despiadado. Recordemos: al protagonista de la película, a punto de suicidarse, le dan la posibilidad de contemplar cómo hubiera sido el mundo sin él. Realmente llega a comprender que todo -su familia, sus amigos, su ciudad- habría sido peor si él no hubiera llegado a nacer. Pero la puntilla, el detalle que le hace abrazarse a la vida como a un clavo ardiendo es ver que, sin él, su adorable mujercita habría sido un solterona, amargada, mal vestida y... bibliotecaria. y por ahí no pasa. Aunque seguramente lo que el ingenuo (?) director quería dar a entender era que, en general, las mujeres son mucho más felices si no son otra cosa que madres y amas de casa. Pero eso es otra historia. 
Bergson, Steven M. "Librarians in Comics: Sources." Libraries FAQ  (2005).
Resumen: Librarians in Comics - List of sources compiled by Steven M. Bergson.           
Bertrand, Anne-Marie. "Images De Bibliothèque - 2000." Bibliothèque Publique d'Information  (2000).
Resumen: Comunicação apresentada por Anne-Marie Bertrand no colóquio organizado pela Bibliothèque Publique d'Information em 2000. Este texto retrata a evolução dos edifícios das bibliotecas públicas francesas, partindo do conceito adoptado pela sociedade.
Bobrovitz, Jennifer,  Griebel Rosemary. "If the (Sensible) Shoe Fits: The Image of the Librarian." Special Library Association  (2004).
Resumen: Thirteen years ago, before the Internet had a world-wide stranglehold on the delivery of information, the Special Libraries Association's Inter Association Task Force on Image developed two surveys on library and information professionals for distribution to two distinctly different groups; members of the profession and community leaders. The study was designed to assess the status and image of professional librarians in America. Results indicated a clear relationship between status, image and compensation.  
Bukoff, Ronald N. "'a Trip to the Library'; or, the Curse of 'Marian the Librarian': Images of Libraries and Librarians on the Musical Stage." Studies in Popular Culture  (2004).
Resumen: Images of libraries and librarians abound in popular culture from literature, cinema, television, and the stage.1 These images are as varied as today's society, ranging from the spectral public librarian obsessed with silence in the film Ghostbusters (1994) to the vampire-slaying high school librarian Rupert Giles in television's Buffy the Vampire Slayer.2 On the musical stage, one immediately thinks of The Music Man's Marian 'The Librarian' Perdoo and the Madison Public Library of River City, Iowa. Beyond Marian, though, audience-goers are hard-pressed to identify additional depictions of libraries and librarians on the musical stage, from Broadway-style musical theater to opera          
Church, Gary Mason. "In the Eye of the Beholder: How Librarians Haye Been Viewed Ayer Time." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: As with beauty and other concepts,librarians have been viewed in many subjective ways. On the other hand, some attempts have also been made to obtain more objective views ollibrarians. This paper provides a summary olthese views, or images, thatextend back to the early 18th century.1tpresents the many traits that comprise these images, the sources or origins olthe images, the various groups that hold the images, and ends with a reason why current images are indefinite and 'blurry.'    
Cobrinik, Laura. "Librarians as Characters in Fiction: Biographies, Poetry and the History of Libraries, Including Textbooks for Library Studies." Marginal Librarian  (2003).
Resumen: From the bookshelves of Laura Cobrinik­Books for all readers. No matter what genre you like, enjoy, or love, you will be sure to meet a Librarian in a Library. Happy Reading!!
Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de, Catalunya. "El Laberinto De La Información No Tiene Secreto Para Nosotros." El profesional de la información 12.6 (2003).,1,1 ;
Resumen: Con este lema el Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya lanzó una campaña para dar a conocer el perfil profesional de los bibliotecarios-documentalistas con el propósito de proyectar una imagen dinámica e innovadora de la profesión y abrir nuevas perspectivas laborales. 
Cram, Jennifer. "Performance Measurement as Promotion: Demonstrating Benefit to Your Significant Others (New Window)." School Library Association of Queensland Conference, Southport, June 2004.  (2004).
Resumen: Traditionally, school libraries, in common with other libraries, have judged their effectiveness on flows, which are more a measure of workload than of library effectiveness. Libraries have to come to terms with the idea that converting knowledge to value might require that the amount and speed of the information that flows out of the library be reduced in order to provide users with quality "just for you" services. 21st century teacher-librarians need to be able to define and demonstrate value in the context of their libraries and demonstrate return on investment in terms of academic outcomes. A conceptual framework for value measurement is proposed, the deficiencies of current performance measurement practice are discussed, in particular, the tendency to gather information about process and to report in a way which obscures the value of the library to the parent organisation. A case study on designing, modifying and using a transaction based multi-faceted performance measurement mechanism is described. The rarity of linking personal performance evaluation to organisational performance is discussed and methods of doing so are proposed.      
---. "Self Love and Joy and Satisfaction in Librarianship." Australasian Public Libraries And Information Services  (1991).
Resumen: A review of factors affecting the image of librarians which concludes that librarians feed and support negative images of themselves. Basic to the promotion of libraries is the need to ensure that every library worker believe in his or her own worth.  
Danner, Richard A. "Redefining a Profession." Duke Law  (2005).
Resumen: It has always been difficult for library users to understand precisely what librarians do, or why some of the people employed in libraries pointedly identify themselves as professional workers, while the work of other library employees is not considered to be professional.(3) Now, in a time of massive change in the ways that information is produced and distributed, located and used, the continued relevance of both librarianship and the library as an institution are increasingly called into question
Dante, G. P. "Ser O Parecer: Reflexiones En Torno a La Imagen Del Profesional De La Informacion." Ciencias de la Información (Cuba) 29.1 (1998).
Resumen: Looks at current perceptions of the information professional arguing that a new interpretation of this image is necessary. Reports the results of a survey of information professionals and users in Cuba to determine how they see the information professional of today and of the future.         
Dickinson, Thad E. "Looking at the Male Librarian Stereotype." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: The library prolession is haunted by stereotypes. Perpetually raising its inlamous head is the portrayal oflibrarians as drab spinsters peering over the rim of their glasses and ready to 'shush' a library patronlor the offense oltalking toa loudly. It is an image that was born at the beginning olthe twentieth century, and persists, albeit considerably diluted, to this day. On the other hand, positive and negative images of male librarians are to a large extent either ignored or treated very lightly in popular culture, especially in motion pictures and television. Once the exclusive domain olmen, American librarianship evolved over the centuries to not just incorporate ''amen, but to embrace and become almost completely associated with them. Stereotypes olmale librarians have existed since colonial times; Jet, the stereotypes have undergone considerable translormation as a result of prolessional and societal changes. This article attempts to understand some olthe older stereotypes surrounding male librarianship in the United States by examining the posi/ion ol/he early librarian and /he environment in which he worked. Current portrayals of male librarians in motion pictures and television are then discussed. Thelocus olthis article is on academic male librarians; however, general male li- brarian stereotypes and issues are also discussed.      
Dupré, Deirdre. "The Perception of Image and Status in the Library Profession." HRC 8  (2001).
Resumen: Her research fascinated me, for I had experienced some of the situations she brought up. I remember first starting my job as an academic reference librarian and being told that the faculty in departments across campus don't think of librarians as equals; however, I had never experienced snubbing by any of the departmental faculty I worked with. I decided that my relations with faculty would determine the notions I formed of them and their ideas of me. I never passed on to newer librarians what I soon learned to be a common librarian's myth: we aren't valued.       
Dyer, Jonathon. "Seeing Ourselves as Others Do." Library & information science research  (2003).
Resumen: The release of the new Librarian Doll by the Archie McPhee toy company in Seattle ( by has stirred up a hornet's nest around the globe over the image of librarians. Newspapers all over the world have noticed the disgruntled rumblings of librarians who represent this "stereotype" (if you're curious about the kind of press we're getting, Blake Carver's excellent LISnews site ( will provide links to most of these stories - just type "doll" into the search box). List-servers are running hot with the contributions of information professionals who want to have their say on this burning topic.           
Engle, Michael. "Remythologizing Work: The Role of Archetypal Images in the Humanization of Librarianship." Association of College and Research Libraries, Eastern New York Fall Conference  (1993).
Resumen: When I first became a librarian my curiosity was aroused by the recurring appearance of stereotype articles in the literature of librarianship. Why, I wondered, were librarians were so concerned about their image? I have since discovered that the image issue has been inherent in discussions of the professionalization of librarians since the 19th century. An article by Allan Angoff in 1959 indirectly presents the image issue as a challenge to the manliness of male librarians. In the debates over image and professional status, the stereotype has carried a lot emotional weight over the years. Librarians tend to have one of two reactions: distress or denial. As I thought about it during the 1980s, it seemed that the response of ALA and many librarians--highlighting examples of the stereotype in the media and writing critical letters to the people or corporations responsible for disseminating the image--left out something important. 
Fagan, Jody. "Students' Perceptions of Academic Librarians." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: Academic librarians, eager to participate in the education of college students, have been researching libraryanxiety, students' aversion to asking questions, and other problems with interactions between students and library staff lor decades. Misconceptions about librarians' prolessional status, teaching roles, knowledge and expertise, and attitudes toward students are often proposed as causes of dysfunctional interactions and as reasons why some students don' t ask questions. It is importantfor students to know that librarians are willing and able to help, so that they feel free to ask questions that will help them advance their education. This study reports thefindings ola surveyof48 undergraduate students regarding their perception.of academic librarians, and discuses ideas for addressing existing misconceptions.           
Ford, Paul. "Librarians and Tigers: A Hypothesis Regarding Portrayals of Librarians, Intermixed with Images of Tigers in Libraries. A Fiction, Sort Of." Stories for the Boxglow  (2002).
Resumen: Where does the stereotype of librarian as dour spinster come from? Authors, screenwriters, librettists. And where did they come into their vocations? Lonely Saturday afternoons at the library. Take each portrait of the undersexed spinster or the pale shh-ing crank in film, play, novel, or musical. The artists who draw librarians this way may have the confidence of success in their craft today, but spin the world counterclockwise a dozen years or more and you'll see them as an under- or over-fed boy or girl, sitting among the old oak desks of the closest library accessible by bicycle, cultivating a love of words when their fingers could reach no other love.          
Galvão Baptista, Sofia. "A Importância Do Estudo Sobre a Imagem Organizacional Para as Unidades De Informação E Para Seus Gestores." Biblios.18 (2004).
Resumen: It intends to demonstrate how to consolidate the information units' image (library, etc), showing how Marketing tools may help to promote products and information services. It also points the most used techniques to plan and implement the necessary actions for effective change.        
Garralón, Ana. "La Biblioteca En La Ilustración De Libros Infantiles Y Juveniles." Educación y Biblioteca 14.128 (2002).
Resumen: En 1996 EDUCACIÓN Y BIBLIOTECA, con la ayuda del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, se propuso realizar un interesante proyecto: analizar la imagen social de la biblioteca en España. El análisis se haría en cuatro bloques: narrativa, cine, prensa y literatura infantil. El motivo principal era mostrar la imagen pública de la biblioteca reflejada en esos medios.   
Gomez Hernandez, Jose Antonio. "Las Metáforas Sobre El Mundo De La Información Y Los Bibliotecarios." El Profesional de la Informacion 17.3 (2008): 340-43.,11,14;journal,3,61;homemainpublications,1,1 ;
Resumen: This essay on librarians' roles uses some of the metaphors used to talk about books and the information world as its theoretical approach. The purpose is to justify the role of the librarian as beacon and especially as educator: to teach, to facilitate or to mediate in order to help people improve their information skills for life in the information world, become information literate, and live with other people, training them and still being among them. For that reason we invented a new Spanish word, "entrenauta," with which we synthesized this proposed role. Adapted from the source document.           
Gómez Hernández, José Antonio,  Saorín Pérez Tomás. "La Imagen Actual De Las Bibliotecas Públicas En La Cultura De Masas." Las Bibliotecas Públicas en España : una realidad abierta  (2001).
Resumen: La imagen pública de una institución puede ser el resultado tanto de una "proyección" consciente, esto es, de una difusión de información por su parte, como de la transmisión de mensajes por los mediadores de la comunicación y los creadores en la cultura de masas. De modo habitualmente no reflexivo, los ciudadanos construyen su visión de la biblioteca integrando sus percepciones y vivencias como usuarios (en caso de serlo) y las procedentes de sus relaciones sociales (familia, amigos, compañeros) con los mensajes que les llegan de los medios que influyen en la opinión pública y en la socialización.     
Graham, Antoinette. "Movie Librarians: Notable Librarians & Libraries in Films."  (2005).
Resumen: The label 'librarian' evokes a strong mental picture in our culture, and as such provides a handy short-cut for movie scriptwriters who want to get to the point with the minimum of exposition. The label says it all. The most common reason a librarian appears in a film is task-related: the librarian acts as a human interface to information, usually in a brief exchange of no import to the plot. Three reasons a film might FEATURE a librarian are: (1) the character's image is confirmed (librarians are really like their stereotype), (2) to evoke irony (betcha didn't expect a librarian to behave this way!); or (3) to expand on the traits and behaviors of the stereotype, good and bad          
Guardiola Giménez, Plácido,  Hernández Pedreño Manuel. "La Imagen Social De Las Bibliotecas En La Prensa Digital Y Escrita." Anales de Documentación 5 (2002).
Resumen: En el artículo se analiza la imagen social de las bibliotecas a través de las noticias de la base de datos de prensa digital NIDo y el periódico regional La Verdad. Mediante la técnica del análisis de contenido se realiza el estudio del discurso social que emana de ambas fuentes de información en relación a las bibliote-cas, el libro y otros aspectos relacionados con ellos, así como las diferencias y similitudes propias de cada uno de los dos medios de información.           
Gunn, James. "Libraries in Science Fiction." Center for the Study of Science Fiction at the University of Kansas  (2005).
Resumen: What is a library? A room or a building housing a collection of books? The collection itself? Or is it information organized into some accessible form? One of science fiction's techniques is to analyze concepts for their irreducible meanings and then to synthesize new and sometimes surprising combinations of ideas out of that basic material. A science-fiction writer, then, might define a library as a collection of data organized so that information can be identified and withdrawn quickly and usefully. By that definition, the first library was the human brain. It was sufficient for many centuries, and still is the source of information we rely on the most, but it has certain hard-wired flaws: uncertain capacity, potential for loss or alteration while in storage, and problems of access. Those difficulties eventually led to writing and then to the collection of writings.      
Heintzelman, Matthew Z. "Children's Picture Books with Librarians and Libraries:An Annotated Bibliography." Foundations of Library and Information Science  (2000).
Resumen: Building upon the article by Marie L. Radford and Gary P. Radford ('Power, knowledge, and fear: feminism, Foucault, and the stereotype of the female librarian'), the following study considers the means by which invalidating stereotypes of librarians are passed on from generation to generation. One of the more overlooked aspects of defining librarianship is in the realm of children's literature. While the (usually 'de-powering') stereotypes of librarians most often catch our attention in the adult world of film, television, advertising, literature, and the like, the earliest and most formative time for the development of attitudes is really during childhood. Most children have probably established their cultural definition of librarians by the time they have become teenagers. Indeed, it is likely that negative responses to reference help reported by Dewdney and Ross may also be colored by existing prejudices. After all, the reference interview is between two or more people, both (or all) of whom are bringing their past experiences and current expectations into the situation. 
Heredia Herrera, Antonia. "Cuestiones De Identidad Archivística." Boletín de la ANABAD 55.3 (2005).
Resumen: Desde mi punto de vista son del todo coherentes con dicho título los contenidos de las tres sesiones plenarias previstas, empezando por la naturaleza del conocimiento archivísü'co: principios, fronteras, administración de documentos y de Archivos, a la que sigue la segunda sesión que se ocupará de la formación y de la enseñanza de ese conocimiento, continuando por la tercera sobre «políticas y prácticas» que quizá no sea sino la exposición del acercamiento o alejamiento entre la legislación y su aplicación. En definitiva confrontación entre teoría y práctica. No cabe duda que, iniciado el siglo XXI, los archiveros en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías necesitamos reflexionar sobre nuestra identidad. ¿Qué somos? ¿para qué servimos? ¿cómo nos ven?. La identidad es algo que hoy preocupa y se busca en todos los entornos. En mi país, por poner un ejemplo, hoy y ahora, está entablada una fuerte discusión sobre la identidad de España. Y sobre la identidad de Europa existe otra discusión paralela a raíz de los desastres electorales en Francia y Holanda. Si hubiera que apostillar el VT Congreso de Mercosul yo no dudaría en proponer la expresión: identidad archivística, para abarcar la propia de la disciplina y con ella la identidad del archivero o archivista.        
Highsmith, Doug. "The Long, Strange Trip of Barbara Gordon: Images of Librarians in Comic Books." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: Historically, the medium of comic books and the profession of librarianship have both suffered image problems. The former is deemed unrespectable; the lalter lacks the sume level of prestige afforded many other professions. Does having this in common result in comic books offering images of librarians and librarianship ; more informed (and, therefore, more positive) than are generally to be found in other media? Or do they employ the sume clichés about librarians that are the bane of so many in the profession? To examine these questions, some ofthe more prominent depictions of librarians in mainstream American comic books and graphic novels were reviewed. . . with mixed results. Recent depictions of librari- ans do seem to be more informed and more sympathetic than in lhe past, but even today, comic book writers still employ some ofthe more negative stereotypes about librarians as a way to provide their relationship with some quick and easy laughs.
Kneale, Ruth A. "Where's the Librarian? Patron's Views of Public Perception in the Internet Age." Special Library Association  (2004).
Resumen: Here we are again, in the latest of an ever-increasing line of talks on librarian image and perception. In 2001, Alison Hall presented 'Batgirl was a Librarian, and so was Casanova'; in 2002 I was lucky enough to present 'You don't look like a librarian!'; in 2003 Jennifer Tobias gave a talk on 'AdLib: the Advertised Librarian'. And here we are, in 2004, with 'Where's the Librarian?' - a kind of Where's Waldo in the stacks. That's all fine and dandy, but what, exactly, am I talking about anyway? Sure, the topic is fun, and sometimes teeth-gnashing, but what's the point - how is it relevant to us? Why are we interested in what people think about librarians?  
---. "You Don't Look Like a Librarian!: Librarians' Views of Public Perception in the Internet Age." Special Library Association  (2004).
Resumen: 'You don't look like a librarian!' I heard that so often while I was in library school in 1997-99 that I set my email signature file to be that quote, and vowed that I wouldn't change it until I went two months without hearing it. Well, I finally changed my signature file in the spring of 2002! Do you look like a librarian?       
Lajeunesse, Marcel. "Le Bibliothecaire Quebecois : D'un Homme De Lettres a Un Professionnel De L'information." Documentation et bibliothèques 51.2 (2005).
Resumen: Les Romain, pere et fils, furent connus au tournant des annees 1800 comme les premiers bibliothecaires du Quebec, tant a la Bibliotheque de Quebec qu'a celle de la nouvelle Assemblee legislative. Jusque vers 1930, les bibliothecaires etaient des ecrivains, des hommes de lettres sans formation specialisee. Il en fut ainsi pour Etienne Parent, Pamphile LeMay, Narcisse-Eutrope Dionne, AEgidius Fauteux, Hector Garneau et Pierre Boucher de Crevecoeur. Au cours des annees 1930-1960, on constate une structuration de la profession, avec l'agrement par l'American Library Association (ALA) de l'Ecole de McGill (1928), de la fondation de l'Ecole de bibliothecaires (1937), de la Quebec Library Association (1932) et d'une association francophone (1943). Les annees 1960 apportent des changements majeurs dans la bibliotheconomie quebecoise. LAssemblee legislative vote, en decembre 1959, la premiere loi sur les bibliotheques publiques. Les colleges classiques se dotent en ces annees de veritables bibliotheques. En raison du developpement des etudes superieures et de la recherche, les universites ont besoin de bibliotheques beaucoup mieux pourvues. L'Ecole de bibliotheconomie de l'Universite de Montreal est creee en 1961. Les bibliothecaires eux-memes, diplomes d'universite, privilegient dorenavant une vision scientifique de leur profession. Ils mettent sur pied en 1969 la Corporation des bibliothecaires professionnels du Quebec.         
Leah Plumb, Abigail. "Chicas Listas: Tres Bibliotecarias De Cine." Educación y Biblioteca 14.130 (2002).
Resumen: Todos sabemos qué aspecto tiene una bibliotecaria. Se recoge el pelo, lleva gafas y normalmente, a la hora de vestir, opta por el tweed. En general, no suele considerarse que sea una mujer atractiva. No va a fiestas: las fiestas son siempre ruidosas y las bibliotecarias son esclavas del silencio (1). Las bibliotecarias compensan su triste carencia de vida social cuidando gatos. Son cortas de vista a fuerza de fijarse en tantos y tantos libros. Es de todos conocido su gusto por las rebecas, los zapatones cómodos y unos enormes pendientes que cuelgan de sus orejas. Y claro, no son precisamente famosas por su trato amable con las personas que necesitan ayuda a la hora de buscar cualquier cosa en las dependencias donde trabajan. (Por cierto, ¿he mencionado ya que las bibliotecarias existen precisamente para impedir que este tipo de personas toquen los libros?).    
Lester, Dan. "Librarians in Pornography - Dan Lester's Text Bibliography of Racy Books Featuring Librarians."  (2005).
Resumen: The Image of Librarians in Pornography. Librarians are always concerned about their image, and much attention has been paid to that image in novels, television programs, and advertising. However, there has been little attention paid to that image in pornography. I presented a paper on this topic at the 1990 Conference of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association in Toronto.          
Liestman, Daniel. "Looking Back to the Future: Tum of the Last Century Librarians Look Ahead to the Twentieth Century." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: This article reviews the American and British library literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries to see what librarians of this period expected libraries and librarianship to be like in the mid to late twentieth century. They expected librarians would be involved in a variety of services and outreach activities such as teaching children in the schools.          
Love, Johnnieque B. "The Enhanced and Changing Role of the Specialist Librarian: Survey of Education Librarians." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: Much like the role of other academic librarians. the education librarian' s reponsibilities are in a constant state of transition. Major factors contributing to these changes are demands being placed on teacher training programs in colleges of ed- ucation. demands placed on teachers and administrators in the nation' s schools, demographic shifts, globalization. declining accessibility of resources along with the digital divide, ando most of all, greater demandsfor accountability of student achievement at alllevels of education.   
Martínez-Lage, Miguel. "Imágenes De La Traducción, O Cómo Nos Ven Los Novelistas." Vasos comunicantes.13 (1999).
Resumen: No innumerables, pero sí numerosas son las novelas en cuyo entramado tiene la traducción no ya mucho que decir, sino también un peso argumental y/o estructural determinante. Desde el Quijote a Pálido fuego, de Nabokov, el recurso del manuscrito encontrado y anotado o comentado, cuando no explícitamente traducido, ha prestado un juego más que notable a muchas narraciones. Por ejemplo, de la cosecha de estos últimos años cabe mencionar las siguientes novelas, que tienen su pivote argumental en la traducción: N. P. de Banana Yoshimoto (1990); La casa del lago de la luna, de Francesca Duranti (1984); Los ojos vendados, de Siri Hustvedt (1992); «El caso del traductor infiel», relato de J. M. Merino incluido en Cuentos del Barrio del Refugio (1994); Susan McLennan, The Scene of the Letter (1993). (Las tres primeras, por cierto, se han traducidas al castellano. Las fechas corresponden a la publicación en su lengua original.).           
Mosley, Pixey Anne. "Shedding the Stereotypes: Librarians in the 21st Century." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: While it is very difficult to predict exactly what a librarían' s job will entail in 50 years, there is no doubt in the author' s mind that the profession will be a .successful one. Exploring today'.societal and technological trends allows one to propose an idea of patterns and expectations typical of the next generation of librarians and the challenges that come in managing this talented. Jet demanding, group.   
Mouraby, Claire. "Apprendre a Transmettre : Un Nouvel Element De L'identite Du Bibliothecaire ?" Bulletin des bibliothèques de France 51.6 (2006).
Resumen: En bibliotheque universitaire, la fonction de formateur du bibliothecaire necessite des competences specifiques, en particulier pedagogiques, pour transmettre un savoir professionnel et former les etudiants a la maitrise documentaire. Cette facette du metier doit etre reconnue, non seulement par les enseignants-chercheurs avec lesquels le bibliothecaire-formateur est amene a collaborer en depit de prejuges reciproques, mais aussi au sein de la profession parfois reticente devant cette 'nouvelle' mission.. 
Nemitz, DarLynn. "Male Librarians: Stereotypes and Role Models." Foundations of Library and Information Science.
Resumen: A positive public image is vital to practitioners in any profession and library science is no exception. Stereotypical images of librarians in popular culture has resulted in many male librarians feeling limited or even ostracized as a result of their occupational title. Librarians have suffered with a terrible image problem which ranges from the bespectacled spinster librarian with her hair in a bun to the effeminate male librarian with a penchant for orderliness. The question posed is whether it popular culture, society, or librarians themselves that are at fault for perpetuating this stereotype? Research provides a clue to this question and provides some useful suggestions for those working in the library field to improve this dismal public image.          
Niubo, D. G.,  Farinas N. d l T. "Reflexiones En Torno a Un Profesional Sin Nombre." Ciencias de la Información (Cuba) 30.1 (1999).
Resumen: Presents the results of an investigation of the semantic structure of the category of information professional and offers thoughts on the influence of the information professional based on his or her image.        
Oclc. "Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition." OCLC Reports  (2003).
Resumen: The 2003 OCLC Environmental Scan: Pattern Recognition report was produced for OCLC's worldwide membership to examine the significant issues and trends impacting OCLC, libraries, museums, archives and other allied organizations, both now and in the future. The scan provides a high-level view of the information landscape, intended both to inform and stimulate discussion about future strategic directions.    
---. "Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources : A Report to the Oclc Membership." OCLC Reports  (2005).
Resumen: The Perceptions report provides the findings and responses from the online survey in an effort to learn more about: Library use Awareness and use of library electronic resources - The Internet search engine, the library and the librarian - Free vs. for-fee information The 'Library' brand - The findings indicate that information consumers view libraries as places to borrow print books, but they are unaware of the rich electronic content they can access through libraries. Even though information consumers make limited use of these resources, they continue to trust libraries as reliable sources of information.      
---. "Reconocimiento De Patrones." OCLC Reports  (2003).
Resumen: Las transformaciones rápidas, en especial en la esfera tecnológica del mundo público, son más profundas y más frecuentes ahora que en cualquier otra etapa de la historia de la humanidad. La realidad diaria de cualquier ámbito de trabajo es el cambio. Pero este "cambio" está conformado por tantos eventos, inventos, ideas, reemplazos, introducciones, alteraciones y modificaciones que la complejidad del entorno abruma el vocabulario. Nos vemos reducidos a clichés y, en un intento por identificar y comprender cómo estos cambios afectan nuestro entorno, perdemos la capacidad de apreciar aquello que no hemos advertido.          
Paz Vanes, Claudia. "Bibliotecas De Cine: Una Revisión De La Imagen De Las Bibliotecas Y Los Bibliotecarios En El Séptimo Arte (Tópicos Y Estereotipos)." Scire 8.2 (2002).
Resumen: Revisión de la representación de las bibliotecas y los bibliotecarios en el cine. Se estudian, por un lado, las representaciones cinematográficas de las bibliotecas, y, por otro, los clichés asociados a la imagen de bibliotecarios/as. Se hace hincapié en el estereotipo de la bibliotecaria 'estándar' (con gafas, moño, etc.) estudiando su posible origen y su pervivencia en el imaginario colectivo, así como en el del bibliotecario masculino. Se estudian pasajes de algunas películas en las que aparecen bibliotecarios y bibliotecas más o menos relevantes en la historia narrada; pasando desde la biblioteca como símbolo (Babel, Alejandría), hasta llegar a las bibliotecas y archivos en el cine negro, el género de espionaje, la documentación y el periodismo, entre otros.          
Pérez Iglesias, Javier. "Nosotras Red(Volucionarias): Sobre Las Tecnologías Y La Imagen De Las Bibliotecarias." Educación y Biblioteca 14.131 (2002).
Resumen: NOSOTRAS [bibliotecarias de diversos sexos y orientaciones sexuales] seguimos preocupadas por nuestra imagen, por cómo nos ven y nos imaginan las gentes que van o no van a las bibliotecas. 
Pizarro Bonilla, Lucy. "La Imagen Corporativa, Una Estrategia Del Nuevo Perfil Del Bibliotecario." El profesional de la información 12.6 (2003).
Resumen: Se plantea la importancia de la imagen corporativa en el rol del bibliotecario, la cual da pie al posicionamiento cultural y social de las bibliotecas y los bibliotecarios. Se señala la imagen como la causante de diversos problemas que afectan a las unidades de información y los bibliotecarios. También se define y explica en qué consiste la imagen corporativa, identidad corporativa y el programa de imagen, indicando cuándo es necesario un programa de imagen y los beneficios que produce. Además se proporciona una bibliografía recomendada sobre el tema.         
Posner, Beth. "Know-It-All Librarians." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: Librarians are depicted as know-it-alls by some and as know-nothings by others. Similarly, they are seen as both utterly powerless and preternaturally powerful. This essay offers examples olthese contradictory images, examines their implica- tions, and propases a more realistic view of librarians and their relation to knowledge and power. 
Praed, Michael. "Library Cartoons: An Annotated Bibliography."  (2005).
Resumen: Library Cartoons - An annotated bibliography of cartoons dealing with aspects of librarianship.  
Radford, G. P.,  Radford M. L. "Libraries, Librarians, and the Discourse of Fear." Library Quarterly 71.3 (2001).
Resumen: This article presents examples of representations of libraries and librarians taken from modern popular culture, including popular film, television, and novels. Using Michel Foucault's approach to discourse, we assert that such representations are made possible by, and decoded within, the structures of a discourse of fear, a practice of speech and symbols that equates the control and fear of discourse in fundamental ways. The library as an institution falls squarely into the lived tensions of this discourse, and these tensions are made apparent in the themes of the threshold: the librarian as formidable gatekeeper between order and chaos, the other-worldliness of the library, the library as cathedral, the humiliation of the user, the power of surveillance, and the consequences of disrupting the sacred order of texts. The discourse of fear is a language and a vocabulary. It is a way of speaking about the library and the librarian that transcends any specific image or portrayal. Outside of the discourse of fear, such representations would not be recognizable as libraries or librarians at all.        
Radford, M. L.,  Radford G. P. "Librarians and Party Girls: Cultural Studies and the Meaning of the Librarian." Library Quarterly 73.1 (2003).
Resumen: This article responds to Wayne Wiegand's argument that the library and information science field has failed in the past to extend its research and inquiry by exploring theoretical perspectives from disciplines outside the LIS field. It provides a brief introduction to the cultural studies approach using an application of the work of Stuart Hall to a popular and ever present cultural icon: the media stereotype of the female librarian. The film Party Girl is analyzed which contrasts two stereotypical images: the party girl and the female librarian. We argue that adopting a cultural studies approach to an analysis of a longstanding problematic image for LIS does allow a new vantage point for interpretation of media images of the profession. This wider focus allows a rethinking of the basic assumptions that have been made by the profession and acknowledges that there are potentially many different ways to see the same phenomenon, or perhaps to see phenomena for the first time, which were previously in our blind spots.    
Raish, Martin. "Librarians in the Movies: An Annotated Filmography." Brigham Young University - Idaho  (2005).
Resumen: The 'librarian stereotype' has long been the focus of articles, letters, workshops, conversations, and possibly even dreams and nightmares, but analyses have usually been based on limited personal experience with a small number of examples, whether books, television programs, or in this case, commercial motion pictures.        
Revelli, Carlo. "L'immagine Della Biblioteca. [the Image of the Library.]." Biblioteche Oggi 24.8 (2006).
Resumen: Reflects on the image that libraries present, and the impact this image has on the public,through brief reviews of about 40 international articles. A selection of titles is as follows: The legacy of the baroque in virtual representations of library space; Resurrecting a neglected idea -- the reintroduction of library-museum hybrids; A conceptual framework for the holistic measurement and cumulative evaluation of library services; Usage of academic libraries -- the role of service quality, resources, and user characteristics; Rational choice and valuation of public libraries -- can economic models for evaluating non-market goods be applied to public libraries?; Leisure role of public libraries -- user views; La mort du livre -- c'est un canard d e saison (The death of the book -- it's a fashionable myth); Libraries and politics -- where two worlds meet; and, Mother Goose, Spud Murphy and the Librarian Knights -- representations of librarians and their libraries in modern children's fiction. Original article in Italian.          
Spooner, Carolyn. "Repositioning the State Library of South Australia through a Building Redevelopment and Promoting Libraries through a 2003@Yourlibrary Campaign." AARL Australian Academic & Research Libraries 34.4 (2003).
Resumen: A two-year major building redevelopment project at the State Library of South Australia is nearing completion. The building project has been a catalyst for the library to rethink the uses of its buildings and to change its organisational structure to achieve a higher profile, and to promote itself through a major rebranding and a new approach to exhibitions and artworks. With public programs being reduced during the redevelopment, the library became a key player in a year long statewide campaign, 2003@yourlibrary, designed to enhance the image of libraries and librarians.    
Sstrecker, Candi. "Sex in the Stacks." Chip's Closet Cleaner 13 (2005).
Resumen: Anyone who has ever checked out a book knows the stereotype about librarians: Thick glasses. Hair pinned up in a bun. Nymphomaniacs. Nymphomaniacs? Maybe that isn't the first word that pops to mind when you're asking for the name of the seventh dwarf at your local reference desk, but that's definitely the view that reigns within my private collection of librarian porn.        
Tin, Lay. "Promoting & Branding Librarians: Image and Perception of Librarians." CONSAL  (2004).
Resumen: Promoting & Branding Librarians BY Lay Tin KOH Reference Librarian Introduction Historically, librarians around the world has been stereotyped and described as 'dull', 'boring', 'dowdy', and someone who shelves books, checks books in and out, and goes around shushing the library customer. These impressions often trace back to the users' earliest experience in a library, perhaps to elementary school. Some of these impressions still hold until today. As such, there is a need for librarians to stand up and defend themselves. Some are already doing it. However, more coordinated efforts are needed to combat the stereotypical image altogether     
Torres, Ingrid. "Représentation Et Perception Du Marketing Par Les Professionnels De L'information Et Documentation." Documentaliste-Sciences de l'information 41.1 (2004).
Resumen: Cet article est consacré à l'étude de la perception du marketing des services d'information et de documentation par les professionnels de la région Midi-Pyrénées. Il présente les principales conclusions de deux enquêtes, qualitative et quantitative, menées auprès d'eux en 2003. Comment les professionnels de l'information se représentent-ils le marketing ? Comment le mettraient-ils en application dans leurs services de documentation ? Quelles sont leurs motivations et leurs réticences face au marketing ? Cet article propose une analyse de l'ensemble des réponses reçues des professionnels de l'I-D de Midi-Pyrénées lors de ces deux enquêtes. Le détail des réponses données à plusieurs questions peut être consulté en cliquant ci-après sur Annexes.  
Troya Salas, Ildefonso. "Los Usuarios De Las Bibliotecas Públicas. Las Bibliotecas Que (No) Cambian." Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios 19.75-76 (2004).
Resumen: Si tuviésemos que hablar de las antiguas bibliotecas nuestra imagen sería la que pudiera ofrecer la mente del pequeño que las merodeaba allá por los años ochenta. Y estos años no están tan alejados todavía de esa visión de antigua. Pero como el tiempo es relativo y los cambios también los son, uno puede acercarse a este examen basándose en las experiencias propias y, con todo, acertar de lleno. Acertar de lleno porque uno puede a?rmar concluyendo, sin aún haber comenzado el análisis, que las bibliotecas han cambiado mucho, pero que no han cambiado nada. Ustedes lo entenderán, no se preocupen.   
Utard, Jean-Claude. "Entre Clichés Anciens Et Représentations Réalistes: Quelques Images Récentes De Bibliothécaires." Bulletin des bibliothèques de France 50.1 (2005).
Resumen: Dans maintes œuvres de fiction, les images de bibliothécaires renvoient à une perception négative de ce métier, encore largement reprise par les médias d'aujourd'hui. Cependant, des représentations récentes proposent des portraits moins caricaturaux. Les usagers ont une image plutôt positive des bibliothèques qui rejaillit sur leur personnel. Quant aux bibliothécaires, leur représentation d'eux-mêmes est très contrastée.      
Vicente Tena, Laura. "El Prestigi De La Intèrpret." Papers Lextra 1 (2005).
Resumen: Des de sempre hi ha hagut professions amb un prestigi social major que d'altres i, encara que resulta difícil establir quins són els factors que fan que aquest prestigi siga tan inestable, diferents motius van fer que m'interessara per estudiar els factors que conflueixen en la concepció del fet social, principalment del prestigi de la nostra professió d'intèrprets. Aquest estudi realitza una primera anàlisi del prestigi que la nostra societat assigna en l'actualitat a traductors i intèrprets i, gràcies a l'opinió dels espectadors de la darrera pel·lícula de Nicole Kidman, The Interpreter, també de la influència dels mitjans de comunicació en l'opinió que la societat té dels distints grups socials, amb la hipòtesi que gaudeixen d'un impacte considerable i que poden ser grans aliats per defensar els interessos del nostre grup.   
Walker, Stephen,  Lawson V. Lonnie. "The Librarian Stereotype and the Movies." MC Journal: The Journal of Academic Media Librarianship 8.2 (2002).
Resumen: Hollywood movies influence the public's thinking about the image of librarians, but how much is hard to say. However, by looking at Hollywood's treatment of librarians we discover indications of how the public is viewing us. To the general public the word 'librarian' is a readily recognizable label. The label need not include those aspects of librarianship that librarians want to claim. Several years ago on the 'Family Feud' game show a group of 100 people were surveyed and asked what they believed to be typical 'librarian' characteristics. 
Williamson, Jeanine. "Jungian/Myers-Briggs Personality Types of Librarians in Films." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: The Myers-Briggs personality typology provides a useful toolfor characterizing the probable personality types of librarians portrayed infilms. In this study, the probable personality types of librarians in 28 films are determined. Then comparisons with the personality types reported in Scherdin (1994) are mude. Sex roles and stereotyping are revealed by these comparisons and are discussed.  
Willis, Amy R. "The Differences in Perception of Librarians' Roles in Supporting the Practice of Evidence-Based Medicine as They Are Represented in the Literature Targeted toward Healthcare Professionals Versus the Literature Targeted toward Librarians." SILS Electronic Theses and Dissertations  (2004).
Resumen: This paper explores what, if any, identifiable differences exist in the way health care professionals and library professionals perceive the potential contributions of librarians to the practice of evidence-based medicine. The question this paper seeks to answer is: Are the actions performed by health science librarians in supporting the practice of evidence-based medicine presented differently in the literature targeted toward healthcare professionals than in the literature targeted toward health science librarians? Forty-five journal articles were analyzed to determine what actions librarians were depicted as performing in order to support evidence-based medicine. Nine of the articles were from healthcare provider-oriented journals, and 36 of the articles were from librarian-oriented journals. The results of this study suggest that librarians' roles in supporting the practice of evidence-based medicine are represented as having more variety and depth in the librarian-oriented li...      
Yontz, Elaine. "Librarians in Children's Literature, 1909-2000." Reference librarian.78 (2002).
Resumen: The presentations of librarians in thirtyfive children' s book.published between 1909 and 2000 in the United States were described, compared, and analyzed to discover indications of altitudes and beliefs about librarians and to discern evidence of changing roles within the profession of librarianship. In regard to gender and ethnicity, most of the librarians depicted are female and Caucasian, including those in booksfrom recent decades.          
Zapirain Sagaseta, Pedro José. "Docencia Y Cultura Bibliotecaria Americana Frente a La Española: Una Experiencia." El profesional de la información 15.1 (2006).
Resumen: El trabajo desempeñado en la Davis Library de la "University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill" y mi formación en la "School of Information and Library Science" me ha permitido conocer la realidad de las bibliotecas y facultades universitarias americanas en la actualidad. Toda esta experiencia me da pie para contrastarla con el caso español y entresacar una serie de reflexiones y valoraciones. Los departamentos de desarrollo de la colección, las redes de bibliotecas como TRLN, la utilización del chat en los servicios de referencia y la docencia en las facultades de biblioteconomía y documentación nos permiten conocer un mundo y una cultura diferente que nos enriquece, ampliando nuestras miras, y de la que todos podemos aprender.    
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