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Sistemas de información geográfica

U niversidad de S alamanca

F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca

Monográfico: Sistemas de Información Geográfica
 InfoDoc 27 de enero de 2008

¿Qué es?

Un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG o GIS, en su acrónimo inglés) es una integración organizada de hardware, software y datos geográficos diseñado para capturar, almacenar, manipular, analizar y desplegar en todas sus formas la información geográficamente referenciada con el fin de resolver problemas complejos de planificación y gestión. También puede definirse como un modelo de una parte de la realidad referido a un sistema de coordenadas terrestre y construido para satisfacer unas necesidades concretas de información En el sentido más estricto, es cualquier sistema de información capaz de integrar, almacenar, editar, analizar, compartir y mostrar la información geográficamente referenciada. En un sentido más genérico, los SIG son herramientas que permiten a los usuarios crear consultas interactivas, analizar la información espacial, editar datos, mapas y presentar los resultados de todas estas operaciones.

            1.                 "GeoMedia - El Cliente Geográfico Universal".  Jornadas sobre Tecnologías de la Información para la Modernización de las Administraciones Públicas, Vol. 10, 1998.

Descriptores: Internet/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: GeoMedia - El Cliente Geográfico Universal nos permitirá resolver la mayoría de las
situaciones nuevas a las que nos ha llevado el avance tecnológico de los sistemas de
información y las necesidades de nuestros clientes actuales y futuros. Como ya mencionáramos a lo largo de la presentación, GeoMedia es una línea de productos que incluye soluciones para puestos clientes de consulta simple o avanzada, creación y mantenimiento de información espacial, análisis de redes logísticas de transporte y por supuesto la capacidad de publicar su información espacial en forma inteligente vía Internet como una de las plataformas de distribución de información geográfica potencialmente más amplia. Sin embargo, más importante que lo que hacemos es como lo hacemos y eso en nuestro caso es una arquitectura abierta de almacén espacial soportada por Oracle8 Enterprise Spatial Cartridge para que Usted pueda diseñar su sistema de información como una unidad que incluya todo tipo de datos (espaciales incluidos) y no como muchos problemas de traducción de formatos e intercambio de datos entre sistemas propietarios

            2.                 "Normalisation : deux nouvelles normes dans le champ de l'information-documentation une alliance pour les normes bibliographiques (ICABS): ISO 19115:2003 «Information géographique : métadonnées » et ISO 11799: 2003 « Prescriptions pour le stockage des documents d'archives et de bibliothéques »".  Documentaliste-Sciences de l'information, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Normas/ISO 19115/ISO 11799/Almacenamiento/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Metadatos

Resumen: Deux nouvelles normes internationales sont récemment parues dans le champ de l'information-documentation : l'une concerne les métadonnées pour l'information géographique, l'autre le stockage des documents d'archives et de bibliothèques. Une nouvelle instance internationale, l'ICABS, que nous avons brièvement présentée dans notre dernier numéro, a été créée l'été dernier pour développer le travail de coordination en matière de normes bibliographiques. Présentation détaillée.

            3.                Abad, F., Garcia-Consuegra, J. D., and Martínez, A.,  "Una Introducción a las Bibliotecas Digitales Geográficas".  Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales, Vol. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas digitales/Servicios de información bibliográfica

Resumen: Las bibliotecas digitales geográficas (BDG) contienen documentos con una característica especial: están georreferenciados. Es decir, un documento está enlazado a una posición geográfica, lo que permite una serie de nuevas opciones de consulta. Mientras que para el mundo de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica, se presentan como la tercera generación, para el mundo de las bibliotecas digitales son una especialización de las mismas. En este trabajo se introduce la problemática específica asociada al diseño de las BDG, junto con alguna de las técnicas empleadas en su resolución. Además, se presentan algunos ejemplos de BDG en laWeb.

            4.                Altan, O., Toz, G., Kulur, S., Seker, D., Volz, S., Fritsch, D., and Sester, M.,  "Photogrammetry and geographic information systems for quick assessment, documentation and analysis of earthquakes".  ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 55, No. 5-6, 2001.

Descriptores: Fotografías/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: After a catastrophe like an earthquake, one on the most important problems is to provide shelter and housing for the homeless. To this end, it is necessary to decide if a building is still habitable, or if it is has to be renovated or even torn down. A prerequisite for such decisions is the detailed knowledge about the status of the building. Earlier earthquakes revealed problems in the processes of documenting and analysing the building damage, as they demanded much effort in terms of time and manpower. The main difficulties appeared to be because of the analogue damage assessments which created a great variety of unstructured information that had to be put in a line to allow further analysis. Apart from that, documentation of damage effects was not detailed and could only be carried out on the spot of a disaster. The aim of this study is to make an improvement, using combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a management and data analysis tool and photogrammetry as a documentation method. Photogrammetric data acquisition is achieved using a CCD camera and the digital photogrammetric software package PICTRAN by Technet. The information system part is the GIS package ArcView by ESRI. The combination of rapid data acquisition and GIS offers a quick assessment of the situation and the possibility of its objective and holistic analysis. This is the prerequisite for a quick initiation of appropriate measures to help people.

            5.                Aufmuth, J.,  "Centralized Vs. Distributed Systems: Academic Library Models for Gis and Remote Sensing Activities on Campus".  Library Trends, Vol. 55 , No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Modelos organizativos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Academic libraries are a prime example of an enterprise whose mission is to support the information needs of its institution. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) are popular topics for academic research and are used globally. Two major enterprise information service and data delivery models, centralized and distributed, describe how enterprises approach information sharing. Simply stated, centralized systems provide services and data through a single individual or departmental unit. Distributed systems rely on many interconnected individuals or units to supply services and data. There are advantages and disadvantages to both, which may lead to a hybrid model of combined elements or a movement away from one and toward the other. This article discusses centralized and distributed enterprise information service and data delivery models and how two Florida university libraries deploy these models to deliver enterprise GIS services and data to their institutions' user communities.

            6.                Bm Zhu  and Hsinchun Chen,  "Validating a geographical image retrieval system".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 7, 2000.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Imágenes/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Algoritmos/Orientación a usuarios

Resumen: Prototipo de sistema de recuperación de imagenes geográficaa que demuestra como integrar las técnicas de análisis de información y procesamiento para apoyar contenidos a gran escala para la recuperación de imagen. Utilizando una imagen como interfaz, el sistema se aleja de los modelos tradicionales de recuperación, que requieren que usuarios tengan conocimientos completos del nivel y características de la imagen. Además se describe una experimentación para validar la eficacia del sistema de recuperación de imagen con respecto a la búsqueda efectuada por humanos a través de un  algoritmo. Los resultados de la experimentación indican que el sistema podría adecuarse a realizar tareas de análisis de similitud y representar categorización. Proporcionando un enfoque prometedor  al procesamiento de imagenes que integran algoritmos de recuperación de información y técnicas

            7.                Boston, J., Dean, C. W., Philips, H., and Pope, N. F.,  "The public electronic library : integrating GIS resources and tools".  Library hi tech, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, 1998.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Información a la comunidad/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Cooperación/Información geoespacial

Resumen: La University of Wisconsin garantiza las necesidades de información 'geoespacial' (información integral) de la comunidad universitaria. Para ello establece un convenio de colaboración con aquellas entidades que le proporcionan la información de este tipo, que junto a las posibilidades que brindan los recursos electrónicos puede ofrecer un servicio muy completo.

            8.                Caldera Serrano, J.,  "Información geográfica en la representación del contenido de los documentos de imagen en movimiento".  Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol. 17, No. 67, 2002.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Materiales no librarios/Televisión/Documentación/Audiovisuales

Resumen: Se presenta una opción de normativa de confección y alcance de campos geográficos para las bases de datos de imagen en movimiento para las televisiones, tanto estatales, autonómicas como locales. Se muestran los campos Lugar de acción, Plano lugar, Plano localización e Implicación geográfica. Para ello, en primer lugar, se analizan los campos geográficos de las televisiones estata-les y autonómicas que conforman la Federación Oficial de Radio Televisiones Autonómicas (FORTA) explicando su alcance como ofreciendo las diferentes denominaciones utilizadas.

            9.                Christian, E.,  "Global Information Locator Service: history and future developments".  Congreso Panamericano de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (CRICS), Vol. 4, 1998.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: The U.S. Geological Survey is one of many participants in the international 'Global Change Research Program'. Global Change encompasses many science and socio-political issues dealing with challenging problems such as climate change, loss of biological diversity, and population growth.

            10.              Downey, G.,  "Human Geography and Information Studies".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 41,  2007.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Volume 41 concludes with a chapter by Greg Downey, a geographer with a strong interest in the history of science and technology and author of the engaging Telegraph Messenger Boys (Downey, 2002). He makes the case that current thinking in human geography, especially notions of process, context, and relationality, should be of interest to the information science research community. Downey introduces us to 'the geographical turn'­shades of the 'cognitive turn' in information retrieval research (Ingwersen & Järvelin, 2005)­in the social sciences and humanities and reacquaints ARIST readers with concepts such as the space of flows and the social shaping of space. Downey is not the first, nor will he be the last, geographer to appear between the covers of ARIST; there are assuredly potential intellectual synergies between (classical) information science and (postmodern) human geography (e.g., Raper et al., Dykes, Wood, Mountain, Krause, & Rhind, 2002; Turner & Davenport, 2005). But, of course, the same could be said of information science and several other disciplines, a fact that is beginning to be recognized by scholars both within and outside our particular intellectual community, I am pleased to note.

            11.              Ercegovac, Z.,  "Introduction : Integrating multiple overlapping metadata standards".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 50, No. 13, 1999.

Descriptores: Internet/World wide web/Bibliotecas digitales/Recuperación de la información/Normalización/Metadatos/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Los Metadatos son un componente crítico en el contexto de la representación del conocimiento y explotación de datos en bibliotecas digitales. Actualmente las bibliotecas en entornos digitales, albergan colecciones de elementos muy heterogéneos que necesitan unificarse y normalizarse como un único recurso, sin embargo asistimos a la presentación de diferentes sistemas de metadatos, esperanzados de que haya una unificación de las características entre las normas que se solapan. El fín de de estos es facilitar el acceso a la información, en función de las necesidades de los usuarios. Este número especial de JASIS se centra en diferentes aplicaciones de las normas sobre metadatos como puede ser sobre información a la comunidad (geoespacial), educación, gestión de datos y recuperación de información en bibliotecas digitales

            12.              Ercegovac, Z.,  "Minimal level cataloging : what does it mean for maps in the contexts of card catalogs, online catalogs, and digital libraries?".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 49, No. 8, 1998.

Descriptores: Catalogación/Historia/Library of Congress/Estados Unidos/Información geoespacial

Resumen:  Revisión de lacrisis catálográfica de la LC en la decada de los 40, y en particular de la simplificación de las reglas de catalohación, denominada Minimun Level Catalogiging (MLC). Algunas estudios evidencian el valor del MLC. Sin embargo,
la falta de datos de referencia geoespacial, o la simplificación de los encabezamientos de materias limitan ampliamente la accesibilidad.

            13.              Florance, P.,  "Gis Collection Development Within an Academic Library ".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Gestión de la colección

Resumen: Locating usable spatial data is essential for the application and use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). GIS data collection development constitutes a core element of GIS services within academic libraries. Managers of geospatial resources require a fundamental understanding of the nature and use of GIS data. In the creation of a GIS collection development policy, library professionals should consider the established collection development policy, needs of the GIS user community, campus GIS services, and library infrastructure. Library professionals also need to employ a variety of online resource guides and spatial search engines and navigate a network of government agencies, academic institutions, commercial enterprises, and GIS professionals to locate, select, and acquire spatial datasets. When making decisions regarding GIS data acquisition, the selector should consider cost, availability, license agreements and distribution policies, documentation, data structures, and software and hardware.

            14.              Franqueville, P.,  "Les nouveaux outils de l'urbanisme au service de la Bibliothéconomie prospective".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 45, No. 3, 2000.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Gestión /Sistema de Información Geográfica/Planificación

Resumen: Las nuevas herramientas del urbanismo al servicio de la Biblioteconomía prospectiva. El objeto de este artículo es mostrar el interés que el bibliotecario pronto podrá sacar de los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG). Utilizados por los urbanistas, éstos permiten administrar un conjunto de datos que tienen que ver con la gestión de un territorio, de una ciudad o de un medio rural. Herramientas de análisis y de comprensión, de gestión, de prospección, de ayuda a la gestión estratégica, de mediación, deberían de permitir a los responsables de bibliotecas obtener un conocimiento preciso de los territorios y de las redes en los cuales tendrán que trabajar.

            15.              Givena, L. M. and Leckieb, G. J.,  "'Sweeping' the library: Mapping the social activity space of the public library".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Aspecto social/Estudio de usuarios/Información a la comunidad/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Although libraries are public spaces in which individuals engage in a range of social and informational activities, few researchers in library and information science use ethnographic approaches to study users' experiences in these settings. This article describes spatial analysis techniques used by geographers and other researchers of social space. It examines the ways in which these techniques may be used to map the physical layout of libraries and information centers, and patrons' uses of those spaces. The article focuses on one observational approach (the 'seating sweeps' method) used to study individuals' use of central public libraries in two large Canadian cities. In addition to a description of the design and implementation of the method, the article presents some of the study's findings that support the utility of this method for facilities redesign or planning to accommodate patrons' information behaviors and usage patterns and to emphasize the central library as a vibrant and vital public space.

            16.              Hertel, K. and Sprague, N.,  "GIS and census data: tools for library planning".  Library Hi Tech, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Planificación bibliotecaria

Resumen: This article seeks to demonstrate a technique for using a Geographic Information System (GIS) to analyze US Census data to better understand potential library users and improve library service planning.

            17.              Houser, R.,  "Building a Library Gis Service From the Ground up".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services in academic libraries tend to differ, based on availability of GIS data, software, hardware, and staff expertise. GIS services at the University of Kansas are closely aligned with support for government information, data, maps, and statistics. Thus, our responses to users' needs are often naturally collaborative, optimizing the expertise of multiple staff members and various types of resources. The GIS and Data Specialist assists campus researchers with spatial data and software, as well as facilitating access to GIS data. Lab space for research and coursework involving spatial data is a core component of GIS services. In addition, various levels and types of GIS workshops are offered each semester, and custom training sessions are also available. 'Word of mouth' and hands-on workshops are some of the most effective methods of outreach.

            18.              Hyland, N. C. and Mann, A. R.,  "GIS and Data Sharing in Libraries: Considerations for Digital Libraries".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2002.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas digitales

Resumen: The Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR) is a Web-based repository providing searching, browsing and download access to geospatial data and metadata for New York State. Subjects such as landforms and topography, soils, hydrology, environmental hazards, agricultural activities, and wildlife and natural resource management are appropriate for inclusion in CUGIR. Most data in CUGIR come from government sources.

            19.              Hyon-Sook, J. S. and Lee, A.,   "Embracing GIS services in libraries: the Washington State University
".  Reference librarian, No. 64, 1999.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Geografía/Servicios bibliotecarios/Información geoespacial

Resumen: La Washington State University Libraries dispone de un un contexto orgánico único sobre Servicios de Información Geográfica (GIS). Los autores consideran los aspectos sobre la creación de un servicio GIS  en la Washington State University Libraries, particularmente en la Holland/New Library. Se desarrollan los siguientes temas : Desarrollo del servicio, antecedentes históricos, proyecto y provisión, el servicio de referencia, política seguida en relación con la universidad, y perspectivas de futuro. Los servicios ofrecidos en principio eran los esenciales, proveyendo el acceso limitado al gobierno y a empresas comerciales. El enfoque dado en esta universidad a los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GIS) en el trabajo de referencia ha servido para analizar como un servicio especializado dentro de una estructura de referencia. Futuros planes para este servicio incluyen el cambio desde un sistema monopuesto actual a la creación de una  estación de trabajo con acceso de red a datos espaciales y el manteniendo un sistema centralizado para todos los datos espacializados

            20.              Jankowska, M. A. and Jankowski, P.,  "Is this a geolibrary? a case of the Idaho Geospatial Data Center".  Information technology and libraries, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Información geoespacial/Estados Unidos/Bibliotecas

Resumen: El artículo presenta el 'Idaho el Geospatial Datos Centro (IGDC)', una biblioteca digital de dominio público que contiene los datos geográficos del estado de Idaho. Se introduce el plan y aplicación de IGDC como parte del contexto más amplio de un modelo del geo-bibliotecario. El artículo presenta la metodología y herramientas utilizadas en la construcción del IGDC, por medio de un mapa visualizador de la geobiblioteca. Se evalúa el uso de IGDC desde el punto de ista de su acceso. Finalmente, el artículo ofrece recomendaciones para el desarrollo futuro de centros de datos de geospatial.

            21.              Jeong, W. and Gluck, M.,  "Multimodal Geographic Information Systems: Adding Haptic and Auditory Display".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Jeong and Gluck test the efficacy of haptic perception as realized by vibro-tactile stimulation along with auditory stimulus while transferring choroplethic information (showing different magnitudes of variables at locations)  from maps in a geographical information system to 51 useable subjects. User performance is measured by task completion times for 36 tasks, and user satisfaction by asking users for their assessments of the various modalities. The mode of the trial, (haptic, auditory, or combined), the presence or absence of a map legend, the classed or un-classed nature of the map, and the task (identifying the highest or middle value of a set of data) constituted the independent variables.  Participants were asked to identify the number of dogs, cats, male nurses, et cetera, shown on 9 state maps. The force feedback mouse provides a vibration proportional to the level of data for that location and a sound is played in one of nine different volume settings. Haptic displays produced faster and more accurate performance than auditory or combined displays although the participants expressed preference for the combined display.

            22.              Kinikin, J.,  "Applying Geographic - Information Systems to the Weber County Library System".  Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2004 .

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas

Resumen: The most powerful marketing, service, and information-distribution tool a library has today is its Web site, but providing Web content in many languages is complex. Before allocating scarce technical and financial resources, it is valuable to learn about writing systems, types of writing, how computers render and represent writing systems, and to study potential problem areas and their possible solutions. The accepted Web standard for presenting languages is Unicode and a full understanding of its history and the coding tools it provides is essential to making appropriate decisions for specific multilingual and internationalization projects. Actual coding examples, as well as a sampling of existing multilingual library services, also serve to illuminate the path of implementation

            23.              Koontz, C. and Jue, D. K.,  "Use of New Technologies for Better Library Management: GIS (Geographic Information System Software) and PDAs (Personal Digital Data Collectors)".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 66, 2000.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Tecnologías de la información/Gestión/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: New technology for any discipline is frequently technology that is not necessarily new from the broadest perspective, but technology that is finally capable of being widely adopted within the discipline. Two such technolgies are currently available and can now be used in the library and information discipline: GIS (geographic information system software) for library market profiling and location analysis; and PDAs (palm pilot type instruments) with built in bar code scanners, for better collecting in-library use. This paper describes and discusses applications and technologies.

            24.              Korsgaard, P.,  "Presenting maps and other spatial information on the Internet".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Internet/Información geoespacial/Dinamarca/Información a la comunidad

Resumen: Denmark being a small country has had a long tradition for central registers or at the least registers kept by decentralised state institutions. Most of these are now in the name of e-government digitised or in the process of being made digital. One of the first to be so was the Central Person Register (CPR) combining a person's name with his date and year of birth and his home address. Now a great number have been added. Most registers are not accessible without special permission, but in my field - land ownership and land use - almost all information is accessible for all people. Partly because of the wish for transparency in government, partly because of the great administrative advantages much of this information is now available through the Internet. Regarding a piece of land you can find the name of the owner, the government estimation of the value of the land and the buildings upon it, the cadastral map, the number and use of buildings on the land, whether pollution has been registered there and in a short time also the mortgage and other liabilities. If you have special permission, there is still  more to see

            25.              Lamble, W. H.,  "Genealogical geography: place identification in the map library".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 65, 1999.

Descriptores: Servicios de información bibliográfica/Información geoespacial

Resumen: This paper examines the factors, which govern identification of place in its environment, its literature and its description as presented to the reference librarian by the genealogical researcher. The concept of place seems a simple enough idea, but the more it is studied the greater grows the realisation of its complexity. The study of toponymy becomes more necessary in the effective identification of place and the retrieval of required spatial data.

            26.              LaRue, E. M.,  "Using GIS to establish a public library consumer health collection".  Biomedical Digital Libraries, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2004.

Descriptores: Biomedicina/Ciencias de la salud/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Consumo de información

Resumen: Learning the exact demographic characteristics of a neighborhood in which a public library serves, assists the collection development librarian in building an appropriate collection. Gathering that demographic information can be a lengthy process, and then formatting the information for the neighborhood in question becomes arduous. As society ages and the methods for health care evolve, people may take charge of their own health. With this prospectus, public libraries should consider creating a consumer health collection to assist the public in their health care needs. Using neighborhood demographic information can inform the collection development librarians as to the dominant age groups, sex, and races within the neighborhood. With this information, appropriate consumer health materials may be assembled in the public library.

            27.              Le Tourneau, C.,  "Un systeme d'information géographique: mise en oeuvre dans le cadre d'une bibliothèque departamentale".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2000.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Información a la comunidad

Resumen: Si los sistemas de infórmación geográfica van emergiendo poco a poco en el mundo de las bibliotecas la utilización de un SIG como herramienta de gestión en el marco de una biblioteca departamental conlleva mayor incidencia en el trabajo cotidiano. Permitiendo integrar, confrontar y representar en un mapa datos a menudo dispersos (Bases de datos, estadísticas, actividades, inforación general de la comunidad, censo, demandas de la comunidad, demandas de subvenciones.. etc.). El SIG da a la biblioteca departamental los medios de evaluar y legitimar sus opciones politicas.

            28.              Lopes, C.,  "Informaciones geocientificas: subsidios para el desarrollo sustentable".  Info: Congreso Internacional de Información, Vol. 5, 2004.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Países en desarrollo

Resumen:  El momento vivido hoy es único en la historia de la humanidad. Pues, es el momento de revisión de los paradigmas visando una nueva orden que comprende desde el ser humano, como individuo, hasta las relaciones en el planeta. La Sociedad de la Información que se delinea trae consigo toda una nueva gama de valores a que sean recapacitados, principalmente en el que dice respeto al desarrollo sustentable. En este contexto, las informaciones geocientificas ganan destaque, ya que a través de estas se puede delinear y construir un camino, no sólo de la ciencia, como también de la sociedad pautado en el respeto a la sostenibilidad y la ética planetaria.

            29.              Martindale, J.,  "Perspectives on ... Geographic Information Systems Librarianship: Suggestions for Entry-Level Academic Professionals".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecarios/Tecnologías de la información/Bibliotecas Universitarias

Resumen: Future Geographic Information Systems (GIS) librarians face a number of challenges that other Library and Information Studies (LIS) graduates may not when preparing for a career in academic librarianship. This article discusses these challenges and offers suggestions to help entry-level GIS librarians begin successful and rewarding careers.

            30.              McConnaughy, R. P. and Wilson, S. P.,  "Using geographic information systems to identify prospective marketing areas for a special library".  Biomedical Digital Libraries, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Marketing /Bibliotecas especializadas/Bibliotecas de investigación

Resumen: The Center for Disability Resources (CDR) Library is the largest collection of its kind in the Southeastern United States, consisting of over 5,200 books, videos/DVDs, brochures, and audiotapes covering a variety of disability-related topics, from autism to transition resources. The purpose of the library is to support the information needs of families, faculty, students, staff, and other professionals in South Carolina working with individuals with disabilities. The CDR Library is funded on a yearly basis; therefore, maintaining high usage is crucial. A variety of promotional efforts have been used to attract new patrons to the library. Anyone in South Carolina can check out materials from the library, and most of the patrons use the library remotely by requesting materials, which are then mailed to them. The goal of this project was to identify areas of low geographic usage as a means of identifying locations for future library marketing efforts.

            31.              McGlamery, P.,  "Issues of Authenticity of Spatial Data".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 66, 2000.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Formatos documentales

Resumen: Digital spatial data are generally in three formats; vector, raster and thematic. Vector data are points or nodes linked by arc to represent lines or polygons. This format is most appropriate for line features such as road and hydrographic networks and areal feature like towns, soil types or other geographic areas. Raster, or image data, is another major format of spatial data. Remotely sensed data such as satellite images, aerial photography, SLAR (Side Looking Airborne Radar) are a major component. Non-image data such as DEMs (Digital Elevation Models), heights above sea level at regularly spaced intervals are also rasters. In addition, paper copies of air photos, maps and plans become raster data when they are scanned. These data become digital spatial objects when they are geo-referenced, linking the rows and columns of numbers to a Cartesian coordinate system. Depending upon the geographic area covered and the resolution of the data, the resulting data files can be very, very large datasets; in the range of 50 Megabytes to several Gigabytes. Color, of course adds to the size and complexity of the data file.

            32.              Morehead, J.,  "Government information sources: the topography of names and places".  Reference librarian, No. 63, 1999.

Descriptores: Servicios de información bibliográfica/Geografía/Estados Unidos/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Los usos de los GIS (Geographic Information Systems) en los diferentes estados y entidades oficiales ha sido tam amplio que es difícil hacer una lista de las diferentes aplicaciones. La recopilación que se hace en este artículo se refiere sólo a las actividades federales

            33.              Morris, S. P.,  "Geospatial Web Services and Geoarchiving: New Opportunities and Challenges in Geographic Information Services".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Over the course of the past fifteen years the role of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has changed significantly. Initially the role of the map library was confined to that of building and providing access to collections of hard copy maps and imagery. Later, digital data, whether on CD-ROMs or network based, was added as a new type of resource within that collection and service model. By the late 1990s some academic libraries began to take on a Web map server role, providing interactive Web mapping access to collections of digital geospatial data. In the new era of distributed, interoperable map services, libraries will have an opportunity to explore new roles as portals to streaming content available in the form of geospatial Web services. At the same time, the increasingly ephemeral nature of digital geospatial content will make even more critical the need to address the long-term digital preservation challenges that are facing geospatial content.

            34.              Oser, A. K.,  "Using GIS to Map Genealogical Data: Getting Started".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Mapas

Resumen: Since each of us is born somewhere, lives his/her adult life somewhere, and dies somewhere, genealogical data has a built-in spatial component. It is this spatial component that makes it possible to map the location/residence of an individual during his/her lifetime. The tool that allows you to do this is GIS (Geographic Information System) software. This presentation is an introduction to the hardware, software, data, and expertise required to map genealogical data. Data about cemeteries in Jackson County, North Carolina, USA are used to demonstrate how genealogical data can be mapped using GIS software.

            35.              Parrish, A.,  "Improving Gis Consultations: a Case Study at Yale University Library".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen:  For the last decade and a half, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) services in academic libraries have been developing, and GIS librarians have been experimenting with different ways to provide these services. However, there has been virtually nothing in the literature with respect to GIS consultation statistics. One goal of this article is to discuss a four-year case study on the use of GIS consultation statistics to give a better understanding of what GIS librarians might typically expect as far as number of patrons, their characteristics, amount of time spent with them, and the amount of data distributed to them while running a GIS service at an academic library. Techniques for reducing the amount of time spent with patrons while developing a higher degree of efficiency and effectiveness in conducting GIS consultations will also be explored. Finally, a juxtaposition of GIS consultations with other types of library reference services will reveal significant differences between them.

            36.              Pienaar, M. and Brakel, P.,  "The changing face of geographic information on the web : a breakthrought in spatial data sharing".  Electronic library, Vol. 17, No. 6, 1999.

Descriptores: Geografía/Informática/Documentación/Internet/Bases de datos/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Los usuarios de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GIS Geographic Information Systems) tienen necesidad de acceso inmediato a datos e informacin para poder proceder a su análisis. En el pasado, las bases de datos proporcionaban este papel a las organizaciones, y ello suponía sustenaciales inversiones para cada una de las empresas que mantenían la suscripción a esas bases de datos especializadas, dando lugar a una exhorbitante duplicación de esfuerzos. Además de suponer una laguna en cuanto a acceso a la información digital existente que aparecía distribuida a escala nacional, que con la llegada de WWW ha supuesto una alternativa revolucionaria. El artículo destaca las limitaciones de los sistemas tradicionales y propone soluciones para la información distribuida en Internet

            37.              Ramsey, M. C., Chen, H., and Bin Zhu,  "A collection of visual thesauri for browsing large collections of geographic images".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 50, No. 9, 1999.

Descriptores: Indización automática/Tesauros/Imágenes/Fotografías/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Las bibliotecas digitales con información geoespacial normalmente carecen de un sistema de recuperación de información adaptado a los hábitos de búsqueda de los usuarios. Los procesos de indización y elaboración de tesauros son extremadamente trabajosos para su trabajo con documentos, y especialmente con imágenes. Recientemente una cantidad de 800.000 fotografías de satélite disponibles en el United States Geological Survey han sido archivadas en bibliotecas nacionales y locales, con esta cantidad de fotografías es dificil efectuar un proceso de indización por métodos humanos. En el artículo se propone la creación de un tesauro visual generado automáticamente de una gran colección geoespacial.

            38.              Raper J. , Dykes J. , Wood J. , Mountain D. , Krause A. , and Rhind D.,  "A framework for evaluating geographical information".  Journal of information science, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Evaluación

Resumen: This paper introduces a framework for the evaluation of geographic information (GI), divided into representational and communicative aspects. The representational component is concerned with how ‘real-worldrsquo; phenomena situated in space and time come to be represented or modelled in GI, considered at ontological, modelling and system levels. The communicative component of GI is concerned with how representations of GI are understood by the users of the information, considered at relevance, commodification, exploration and management levels. This paper attempts to bring together the previous work in all these areas into an evaluative framework so that creators and users can assess the validity and success of the representational and communicative process overall. This paper also outlines the architecture of a client/server geolibrary designed for information sharing. This kind of architecture provides a distributed and open platform for the development of GI networks, upon which more productive use of GI can be built in future.

            39.              Raper, J.,  "Geographic relevance".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 63, No. 6, 2007.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: The purpose of this paper concerns the dimensions of relevance in information retrieval systems and their completeness in new retrieval contexts such as mobile search. Geography as a factor in relevance is little understood and information seeking is assumed to take place in indoor environments. Yet the rise of information seeking on the move using mobile devices implies the need to better understand the kind of situational relevance operating in this kind of context. Design/methodology/approach - The paper outlines and explores a geographic information seeking process in which geographic information needs (conditioned by needs and tasks, in context) drive the acquisition and use of geographic information objects, which in turn influence geographic behaviour in the environment. Geographic relevance is defined as "a relation between a geographic information need" (like an attention span) and "the spatio-temporal expression of the geographic information objects needed to satisfy it" (like an area of influence). Some empirical examples are given to indicate the theoretical and practical application of this work. Findings - The paper sets out definitions of geographical information needs based on cognitive and geographic criteria, and proposes four canonical cases, which might be theorised as anomalous states of geographic knowledge (ASGK). The paper argues that geographic relevance is best defined as a spatio-temporally extended relation between information need (an "attention" span) and geographic information object (a zone of "influence"), and it defines four domains of geographic relevance. Finally a model of geographic relevance is suggested in which attention and influence are modelled as map layers whose intersection can define the nature of the relation. Originality/value - Geographic relevance is a new field of research that has so far been poorly defined and little researched. This paper sets out new principles for the study of geographic information behaviour.

            40.              Raper, J.,  "Geographical Information Science ".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 43, 2009, pp. 73-147.,M1

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: With the incipient rise of the mobile web, this book describes potentially vast new applications for Geographic Information Systems. New cellphones now often have GIS locator capability builtin. Plus, we can easily imagine other mobile devices like laptops, PDAs and vehicles having GIS by default. Combine this with an ever-increasing pervasive web, as suggested by WiFi and next generation WiFi, and you can see the need for ever more GIS databases. Where these would have street information, for example.

            41.              Ricker, K. M.,  "Gis Mentoring".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: The implementation and development of effective mentoring is crucial to the growth and success of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) librarianship and staffing. Mentoring is necessary to fill the gaps for all staff members, especially students. I propose that mentoring can assuage many of the staffing obstacles to successful GIS programs. Effective mentoring will create a healthy and productive work environment as well as nurture future GIS librarians and staff members. Although mentoring within librarianship has been discussed in library literature, unfortunately work on the area of GIS mentoring is lacking. This article discusses the benefits of mentoring and demonstrates how the need for GIS mentoring is different from other library mentoring, specifically because of staffing. It also offers strategies for effective GIS mentoring.

            42.              Shawa, T. W.,  "Building a System to Disseminate Digital Map and Geospatial Data Online".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Mapas/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: The expectation of library patrons to get all of the information they need, including geographic information, accessible on their desktops has created challenges to map and Geographic Information System (GIS) libraries. This new expectation has forced libraries to think about how to design a system that will allow diverse geographical information to be available over the Internet. Some libraries have built a site to distribute localized data, others have developed a system to make only maps accessible online. Princeton University Library's Digital Map and Geospatial Information Center started a pilot map scanning project in early 2004 to build a system, to develop specifications for scanning maps and compressing TIFF images to JPEG2000 file format, and to establish workflows. The system was built using many off-the-shelf commercial software packages. This article discusses challenges of building a system and explains how Princeton developed a scanning process and standards, workflows, and what lessons were learned in building such a system.

            43.              Smits, J.,  "Spatial metadata: an international survey on clearinghouses and infrastructures".  Cataloging & classification quarterly, Vol. 27, No. 3-4, 1999.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Información geoespacial/Mapas/Materiales cartográficos/Catalogación/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: La consistencia e interoperatividad son los objetivos que se proponen con la utilización de metadatos. Aparte  de la norma FGDC-METADATA  algunas otras normas internacionales están en el uso o estarán en el uso pronto. El uso de estas normas forma la base para la estrucutras de información geoespacial (GDI). Aunque la mayoría de GDIS están en la etapa de planificación, las bases para una infraestructura geoespacial regional y global van consolidándose lentamente. Los mapas deberían ser la parte de los interfaces, que provee acceso al GDIS

            44.              Steinhart, G.,  "Libraries as Distributors of Geospatial Data: Data Management Policies as Tools for Managing Partnerships".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Libraries can bring substantial expertise to bear on the collection, curation, and distribution of digital geospatial information, making them trusted and competent partners for organizations that wish to distribute geospatial data. By developing a well-thought-out data management and distribution policy, libraries can define the parameters of a data distribution partnership and reinforce a data provider's confidence in the library's role as a data custodian and distributor. In developing a policy, data distributors are advised to consider such issues as intellectual property rights, liability issues, distribution methods and services, data and metadata management practices, security risks posed by geospatial data, and user limitations. This article describes the most common elements of data sharing and distribution agreements and describes the development of a data management policy for the Cornell University Geospatial Information Repository (CUGIR).

            45.              Stoltenberg, J.,  "Geographic Information Systems and Libraries - Introduction".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Geographic Information Systems and Libraries - Introduction (monográpics)

            46.              Strasser, T. C.,  "Geographic information systems and the New York State Library : mapping new pathways for Library Science".  Library hi tech, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, 1998.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas nacionales/Servicios bibliotecarios/Geografía/Información a la comunidad/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Información geoespacial

Resumen: La New York State Library in Albany dispone de la sección New York State GIS (Geographic Information System) Clearinghouse, como parte de su servicio de referencia. Ello implica una nueva concepción social y reporta un beneficio para los ciudadanos neoyorkinos. Este artículo se centra en los servicios bibliotecarios integrales para uso de la comunidad y de los ciudadanos.

            47.              Sweetkind-Singer, J., Larsgaard, M. L., and Erwin, T.,  "Digital Preservation of Geospatial Data".  Library Trends, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Preservación digital/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen:  The selection, acquisition, and management of digital data are now part and parcel of the work librarians handle on a day-to-day basis. While much thought goes into this work, little consideration may be given to the long-term preservation of the collected data. Digital data cannot be retained for the future in the same way paper-based materials have traditionally been handled. Specific issues arise when archiving digital data and especially geospatial data. This article will discuss some of those issues, including data versioning, file size, proprietary data formats, copyright, and the complexity of file formats. Collection development topics, including what to collect and why, will also be explored. The work underlying this article is being done as part of an award from the Library of Congress's National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP).

            48.              Tourneau, C. L.,  "Un système d'information géographique : mise en œuvre dans le cadre d'une bibliothèque départementale".  Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2000.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas públicas/Información a la comunidad

Resumen: Si les systèmes d'information géographique émergent peu à peu dans le monde des bibliothèques, l'utilisation d'un SIG comme outil de gestion dans le cadre d'une bibliothèque départementale représente un atout majeur dans son travail quotidien. Permettant d'intégrer, de confronter et de représenter sur une carte des données souvent éparses (base de données des relais et leurs statistiques d'activité annuelles, informations générales sur les communes, demandes de subventions, chiffres du recensement, etc.), le SIG donne à la bibliothèque départementale les moyens d'évaluer et de légitimer ses choix politiques.

            49.              Walters, W. H.,  "Building and maintining a numeric data collection".  Journal of documentation, Vol. 55, No. 3, 1999.

Descriptores: Gestión de la colección/Documentos electrónicos/Almacenamiento/Adquisiciones/Estadísticas/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Estrategias de gestión para la identificación, evaluación y selección de recursos de datos numéricos. Se establecen tres prácticas preliminares: 1. Establecer el alcance y elemento organizador de la colección. 2. Identificación de la potencialidad de los recursos. 3. Evaluación de las fuentes en función del objetivo. Las políticas seguidas para la gestión de trecursos impresos y digitales, incluyendo archivos legibles por ordenador, obras de referencia, gráficos y cuadrod, o datos de información geoespacial. Para concluir con la discusión sobre las prácticas no resueltas del almacenamiento  y adquisición de archivos de datos numéricos

            50.              Weimer, K. H. and Reehling, P.,  "A New Model of Geographic Information Librarianship: Description, Curriculum and Program Proposal.".  Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 47, No. 4, 2006.

Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Sistema de Información Geográfica

Resumen: Traditional map librarianship has evolved and now takes in many digital resources, including GIS (geographic information systems) data. Historically, ALA-accredited schools of library/information science have not provided comprehensive programs to support traditional print map librarianship nor more recently G1S librarianship professions, as compared to other specializations, such as music librarianship, archives management and others which have been established for many years. Currently, we are experiencing a merging and expansion of the map and GIS librarianship specialties into the field of Geographic Information Librarianship. This paper defines this new area of specialization, describes the need for this expertise in the profession and outlines a proposed curriculum and student recruitment in an interdisciplinary setting.

            51.              Williams, E. F.,  "Navigating from the Sky: Using GIS for Digital Indexing ".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 2, 2003.

Descriptores: Indización automática/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Navegación/Fotografías digitales

Resumen: Aerial photos are a unique resource many librarians have not encountered. They resemble regular photographs, but are taken of the earth from the sky, thereby producing an aerial view. Aerial photos can be of great interest to librarians and patrons across many disciplines. This article demonstrates why aerial photos should be considered valuable information sources and describes an indexing project, a prototype system developed at the University of Colorado Map Library. The prototype is the creation of a digital index of aerial photos using a GIS (Geographic Information System), which allows both novice and advanced patrons to search the collection. 

            52.              Wise, M., Spiro, L., Henry, G., and Byrd, S.,  "Expanding roles for the institutional repository".  OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: XML/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales

Resumen: Purpose - Rice University has adopted the DSpace platform for its institutional repository, but has pushed the traditional limits of how that is defined. To accommodate a wider range of scholarship that includes digitized multimedia source materials integrated with educational modules and geospatial resources, the technical infrastructure of DSpace has been enriched. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the developments and decisions required to support this range of scholarship beyond born-digital scholarly pre-prints and reports.
Design/methodology/approach - This paper presents the Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), a digital archive that makes use of DSpace to preserve and present images and texts, as a case study in using DSpace as both a repository and archive framework. TIMEA integrates two additional systems for presenting digital content, Connexions, which focuses on educational modules, and ArcIMS, which makes available dynamic GIS (Geographic Information Systems) maps. Findings - Although DSpace was originally intended to be an "institutional repository" for born-digital materials such as scholarly reports, it can also serve as an archive for digitized items such as XML-encoded texts and digital images. However, making DSpace work as a digital archive for TIMEA has required customization, including building-in XML support, working with DSpace's flat metadata structure, implementing a customized, XML-driven user interface using Manakin, and performing additional programming to integrate functionality for GIS and educational modules. Practical implications - The practical implications of using DSpace as both institutional repository and digital archive have required a number of modifications, including additional functional software development, reworking the metadata structure, redefining repository policies, format access modifications, and customizing the look and feel of the repository. Originality/value - The discussion in this paper, of the challenges and decisions inherent in using an institutional repository with a digital archive will assist other institutions working to integrate resources as will the portal structure to facilitate harvesting from multiple relevant repositories and direct users to digital resources independent of their native repositories. Likewise, enhancements to DSpace, such as support for XML document presentation, are contributions to the institutional repository community.

            53.              Xia, J.,  "Using Gis to Measure in-Library Book-Use Behavior".  Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2004.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Estudio de usuarios/Bibliotecas/Evaluación/Uso/Préstamo

Resumen: This article is an attempt to develop Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology into an analytical tool for examining the relationships between the height of the bookshelves and the behavior of library readers in utilizing books within a library. The tool would contain a database to store book-use information and some GIS maps to represent bookshelves. Upon analyzing the data stored in the database, different frequencies of book use across bookshelf layers are displayed on the maps. The tool would provide a wonderful means of visualization through which analysts can quickly realize the spatial distribution of books used in a library. This article reveals that readers tend to pull books out of the bookshelf layers that are easily reachable by human eyes and hands, and thus opens some issues for librarians to reconsider the management of library collections.

            54.              Xia , J.,  "GIS in the management of library pick-up books ".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 22, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas/Gestión de la colección/Libros

Resumen: The management of library 'pick-up books' - a phrase that refers to books pulled off the shelves by readers, discarded in the library after use, and picked up by library assistants for reshelving - is an issue for many collection managers. This research attempts to use geographic information system (GIS) software as a tool to monitor the use of such books so that their distributions by book shelf-ranges can be displayed visually. With GIS, library floor layouts are drawn as maps. This research produces some explanations of the habits of library patrons browsing shelved materials, and makes suggestions to librarians on the expansion of library collections and the rearrangement potential for library space.

            55.              Xia, J.,  "Library space management: a GIS proposal ".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 22, No. 4, 2004.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas universitarias/Edificios

Resumen: This paper identifies the importance of space management in support of the functions of academic libraries. It reviews current solutions on library space management by pinpointing their advantages and disadvantages, and it introduces GIS (geographic information systems) as a tool for library space management, because of its capacity for analyzing spatial data and interactive information. A proposal is outlined that attempts to highlight the process of developing, implementing, maintaining, and utilizing a GIS system for academic libraries.

            56.              Yu, L.,  " Geographic information systems in library reference services: development and challenge".  Reference librarian, No. 60, 1998.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Usuarios/Geografía/Mapas/Información geoespacial

Resumen: Introducción a los Sistemas Geográficos de Información (GIS) a los usuarios proporcinados en bibliotecas. Se presenta el concepto y las funciones de GIS, y compara el uso de GIS con las colecciones de mapas de la biblioteca. Se revisa el proyecto GIS en bibliotecas. Se examinan los diferentes tipos de servicios GIS de información al usuarios.

            57.              Zarazaga, F. J., Batiares, J. A., Betnabé, M. A., Gould, M., and Muro-Medrano, P. R.,  "La Infraestructura Nacional de Información Geográfica desde la Perspectiva de Bibliotecas Digitales Distribuidas".  Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales, Vol. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Bibliotecas digitales/Servicios de información bibliográfica

Resumen: Existe una gran cantidad de datos geográficos que han sido recogidos durante más de 35 años. Para que esta información pueda ser accesible fácilmente por usuarios especializados y público en general es necesario contar con una infraestructura específica de información geográfica que aporte los servicios necesarios para su clasificación y búsqueda. En muchos países de nuestro entorno este cometido se está abordando desde un punto de vista de alcance nacional, tratando de crear los mecanismos necesanos para que toda información de carácter geográfico que se refiera al país pueda ser encontrada a través de los mismos. España no cuenta con dicho tipo de infraestructura. En este trabajo se van a presentar las bases técnicas, prototípicas de las bibliotecas digitales, que están siendo utilizadas para el desarrollo de una aproximación a la construcción de una infraestructura nacional de información geográfica por parte de un conjunto de investigadores pertenecientes a las Universidades de Zaragoza, Jaume I (Castellón) y Politécnica de Madrid.

            58.              Zook, M.,  "The Geographies of the Internet".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 40, 2006.

Descriptores: Sistema de Información Geográfica/Internet

Resumen: The word 'geography' derives from the Greek term meaning 'to write about the Earth,' and geography has been a dynamic field of study throughout recorded history. Although many equate geography with simply memorizing ñames on a map, it is better defined as 'the study of the Earth's surface as the space within which the human population Uves' with particular attention to the 'spatial variation that can occur' (Haggett, 1993, p. 220). The definition of the Earth's surface may seem self-explanatory, in other words, the physical landscape around us, but communication media and technologies have created new nonphysical spaces for human interaction, Although these communication spaces have long existed and shaped the development of civilizations (Innis, 1950, 1951), the rise of electronic information technologies has created a communication space that is categorically richer, more flexible, and more accessible for larger numbers of people. Of particular ínterest for geographers is the creation­via the widespread diffusion of the Internet­of complex new geographies of interaction and connection between people and places, both near and distant, that blend virtual spaces and physical places.

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