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Mujeres en la Biblioteconomía

U niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca

Monográfico : Las Mujeres en la Biblioteconomía y Documentación
 I nfo D oc 3 de febrero de 2008

    1.    Adjabeng, A.,  "Las bibliotecas como recurso para Acrecentar y Apoyar el Desarrollo Económico para la Mujer".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Discriminaión social

Resumen: Los asuntos que se centran en la mujer han asumido una dimensión más profunda. Muchas actividades se han llevado a cabo para alarmar a los gobiernos, a organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, instituciones políticas, sociales y económicas sobre los problemas de la mujer en general. Una de dichas actividades la Década para la Mujer de las Naciones Unidas 1975-1985, un periodo creado por las Naciones Unidas para crear una amplia conciencia en todo el mundo sobre los asuntos centrados en la mujer.

     2.    Adjabeng, A.,  "Libraries as a source of relevant information to support and enhance economic development for women".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Discriminaión social

Resumen: Issues concerning women have assumed a wider dimension. Many activities have been carried out to alert governments, governmental and non-governmental organizations, political, social and economic and academic institutions about the problems of women in general. One of such activities was The United Nations Decade for Women 1975-1985, a period set aside by the United Nations to create a widespread awareness in the whole world on issues concerning women.

     3.    Agosto, D. E., Paone, K. L., and Ipock, G. S.,  "The Female-Friendly Public Library: Gender Differences in Adolescents' Uses and Perceptions of U.S. Public Libraries.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 387-401.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Estados Unidos/Bibliotecas públicas/Estudio de usuarios/Adolescentes/Diferencias sexuales

Resumen: This article reports the results of a written survey of ninety-seven female and male adolescents, ages fourteen through seventeen, at two U.S. public libraries. In addition to exploring gender-related variance in the reasons for which teenagers use public libraries, the survey investigated how frequently the respondents needed information relating to twelve major topic areas and how useful they considered public libraries in helping them to find information relating to these topics. For the most part, the results indicated no significant gender difference in the respondents' reasons for using libraries or in their frequency of information needs. The only major gender difference was the girls' tendency to rate libraries as more useful in helping them to meet their personal information needs, making public libraries 'female-friendly spaces' for adolescent girls. The authors conclude with suggestions for helping both female and male adolescents realize the full potential of public libraries and public library services.

     4.    Allison, M. M.,  "Women's Health: Librarian as Social Entrepreneur.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 423-448.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Estudio de usuarios/Servicios de información bibliográfica/Salud/Aspecto social

Resumen: It may take up to two decades before research findings become routinely used in clinical practice (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001). Librarians are uniquely positioned to maximize the accessibility of research. The author believes that research about gender biology and gender medicine needs to be integrated into clinical practice sooner than later, and that librarians can play a key role in connecting users with research. Utilizing the entrepreneurial approaches, techniques, methods, strategies, and tactics that are used for packaging and promoting their information products and services for social purpose, librarians can become social entrepreneurs., a gateway to news and resources about gender biology and gender medicine, was created to assist information and health care professionals and consumers in this endeavor (Allison, 2006). This article provides an introduction to gender biology and medicine with selected events leading up to the concept of gender-specific medicine, as well as specific ways that librarians can become important players in getting gender-specific biomedical research information translated to real world application.

     5.    Andersen, J.,  " The Concept of Genre in Information Studies".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 42, 2008.

Descriptores: Género/Documentación

Resumen: Jack Andersen. Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark . The Concept of Genre in Information Studies

     6.    Andrés Castellanos, S. d.,  "Sexismo y lenguaje. El estado de la cuestión. Reflejos en la Prensa (II)".  Espéculo : revista de estudios literarios, No. 17, 2001.

Descriptores: Género/Lengua/Prensa

Resumen: Género gramatical y sexo no son, como muchos ingenuos o espontáneos usuarios de la lengua puedan creer, conceptos equivalentes o idénticos: hay lenguas que no han desarrollado la expresión del género; en otras, como la nuestra, no siempre el género gramatical coincide con el sexo biológico. Masculino y femenino se corresponden a menudo con las diferencias sexuales en animales y personas; pero no siempre las cosas se desarrollan de modo tan simple: son abundantes en español los casos de género común y epiceno.

     7.    Argente i Jiménez, M. and Cabó i Cardona, A.,  "European women’s thesaurus".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35-36, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Europa/Tesauros

Resumen: Tot i que la participació de les dones en la societat i en el treball és tan antiga com la història, no ho és tant la seva valoració equiparada al llarg dels temps. I no serà fins a començaments del segle XX, amb l’obtenció de la ciutadania i el dret al vot, que el col·lectiu femení comenci a modificar els seus papers i funcions socials, incorporant-se progressivament i activa als àmbits públics d’una societat que, al llarg del segle, anirà transformant i canviant costums, valors culturals, sistemes de representació social i legislatius, propiciant en conseqüència, el reconeixement social de les dones i un millor equilibri entre homes i dones dins la societat.

     8.    Argente i Jiménez, M., Perpiñán Arias, M., and : Lora Lillo, N.,  "De com i per què biblioteca s'escriu en femení. Segona part ".  ITEM : Revista de Biblioteconomía i Documentació, Vol. 30,  2002.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas /Biblioteconomía/Mujeres

Resumen: Es descriu l'evolució social més recent del col·lectiu femení, des del seu confinament a la llar fins a la seva participació activa en la vida pública, així com les tendències actuals d'integració i igualtat d'oportunitats en tots els àmbits socials. En aquesta segona part s'estudia el paper actual de la dona en l'àmbit de la biblioteconomia. Per últim, es fa un breu apunt sobre com l'ús discriminatori del llenguatge per a obstaculitzar la visibilitat de les dones i, per tant, no fer una representació exacta de la realitat.

     9.    Argente Jiménez, M., Lora Lillo, N., and Perpiñán Arias, M.,  "De com i per què biblioteca s'escriu en femení. Primera part ".  ITEM : Revista de Biblioteconomía i Documentació, Vol. 29,  2001.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Biblioteconomía/Feminismo/Historia de las bibliotecas

Resumen:  L'article descriu l'evolució social més recent del col·lectiu femení, des del seu confinament a la llar fins a la seva participació activa en la vida pública, així com les tendències actuals d'integració i igualtat d'oportunitats en tots els àmbits socials. L'article s'estructura en dues parts, en la primera de les quals s'estudia el paper de la dona en l'àmbit de la biblioteconomia i es fa un recorregut històric pel que ha estat la seva participació en la professió. S'expliquen i s'avaluen les causes de la feminització de les tasques bibliotecàries.

   10.    Ayers, G.,  "The evolutionary nature of genre: An investigation of the short texts accompanying research articles in the scientific journal Nature ".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2008, pp. 22-41.

Descriptores: Género/Publicaciones periódicas/Biología

Resumen: The present empirical analysis of the short texts accompanying research articles in the scientific journal Nature covering a period from 1991 to 2005, not only shows that these texts are significantly different from prescriptive models of abstracts, but that they have also recently undergone a further change. Up until 1996, in contrast to the traditionally viewed structure of abstracts (Introduction-Methods-Results-Conclusion/Discussion (IMRC/D)), the short texts in Nature vary considerably in structure with only 18% of those studied having the basic IMRC/D format and the Results being the only obligatory move. This manipulation of structure, accompanied by the predominant use of the Present and Present Perfect active, the use of modifiers, the apparent removal of hedging to strengthen claims all contribute to make these texts eye-catching, to advertise a paper’s contribution. With the introduction of the e-version of the journal in 1997, further changes occurred. Many promotional elements have been retained, and though the texts have become much more standardized in their structure, the Methods have been completely removed and the Results incorporated into the Conclusion which becomes the only obligatory move. This change in structure, combined with the inclusion of a greater amount of commentary, greater inclusion of information concerning the study’s effect of the field as a whole, and the inclusion of explicit definitions, shows an evident concern for the “general reader” and indicates a kind of “democratization” of the scientific community. Technological advancements in the field of science appear to have also contributed to these modifications coming about.

   11.    Badawi, G.,  "Making a difference in the lives of prostitutes in the midst of a Muslim Sharia State: a voyage of discovery by a female librarian in Northern Nigeria".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Países en desarrollo/Africa/Mujeres/Bibliotecarios

Resumen: For over fifty years a community of women whose lives have been violated physically mentally or financially have been settling down as prostitutes in a local village outside the predominantly Muslim state of Kano in Northern Nigeria. The community started with four prostitutes in 1957 but has now grown to be the largest community of prostitutes in Nigeria with 1831 living permanently in 126 houses, 78 lodgings accommodating couples on a nightly basis. Over 90% of the prostitutes are not educated at all and as such are  not aware of and do not use any protection against sexually transmitted diseases and as such AIDs is so common that patients death is no longer kept on records. Dead prostitutes are hurriedly buried in the local graveyard of the settlement.

   12.    Baker, L. M.,  "Preference for physicians as information providers by women with multiple sclerosis: a potential cause for communication problems?".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1997.

Descriptores: Comunicación/Mujeres/Necesidades de información/Encuestas/Medicina

Resumen: Discussion of the causes of communication problems between physicians and chronically ill patients focuses on the information-seeking patterns of women with multiple sclerosis (MS). A survey investigated whether a woman's general orientation to information or the length of time she had MS affected her choice of information resource.

   13.    Berdigalieva, R. A. and Shaimardanova , Z. D.,  "The women of Kazakstan: the source of cultural development".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 66, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Países árabes/Países del Este/Cultura/Aspecto social

Resumen: The women of Kazakstan are extremely valuable political, economic and what's of interest to us cultural resource. Their role in culture and art can be defined as the transference from generation to generation of the memory of the tribe, nation, mankind on the whole. In the system of education 75% are women, in the cultural spherethere are employed more than 62% of women. They are active creators of intellectual values, carrying out the role of conductors and keepers of national tradition and memory.

   14.    Bertomeu Martínez, M. A.,  "Empujando las fronteras".  Métodos de información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1998.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Documentación

Resumen: El papel de la mujer en el desarrollo de las Ciencias de la Información.

   15.    Bhatia, V. K.,  "Genre analysis, ESP and professional practice".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008, pp. 161-174.

Descriptores: Género/Lenguaje especializado

Resumen: Studies of professional genres and professional practices are invariably seen as complementing each other, in that they not only influence each other but are often co-constructed in specific professional contexts. However, professional genres have often been analyzed in isolation, leaving the study of professional practice almost completely out, except as providing context for specific analyses, thus undermining the role of interdiscursivity in professional genres and practices. Drawing examples from a range of professional contexts, in particular from business and international arbitration practice, this paper argues for a shift towards an integration of discursive and professional practices, thus emphasizing the function of interdiscursivity in critical genre analysis.

   16.    Bibel, B.,  "A remedy for women's health collections.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 13, 1994.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Salud/Colecciones/Bibliografías/Cancer/Gestión de la colección/Selección/Sexualidad /España/Medicina

Resumen: Presents an annotated bibliography of 38 current women's health books that indicates essential purchases for libraries interested in developing a core collection. Topics addressed include general information; gynecological health; premenstrual syndrome; heart disease; cancer; menopause; sexuality; and a sidebar that includes relevant books in Spanish.

   17.    Boix, M.,  "Mujeres en Red Solidaridad y Cooperación entre las Mujeres".  Métodos de información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1999.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Cooperación/World wide web/Documentación

Resumen: Descripción del web 'Mujeres en Red'.

   18.    Bonella, I.,  "A century of pay inequity: is the end in sight?".  Australian Library Journal, Vol. 52, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Australia/Legislación/Diferencias sexuales

Resumen: Formalised disadvantage in female remuneration began in Australia in 1907 with the Federal 'Harvester Case' decision, which set in law the differential between male and female wages. It established a basic wage for males on the basis of their 'breadwinner' status. Further decisions of this nature followed. Throughout the second half of the twentieth century women have struggled to overcome the disadvantage imposed during the earlier decades. [This paper began life as part of the requirement for a Masters Degree at Charles Sturt University, Riverina. Subsequently revised, it was submitted for consideration in the Jean Arnot Memorial Fellowship award in 2003. The author, Irene Bonella, was judged joint winner of the Fellowship in May 2003. The other successful paper was also written on the subject of pay equity].

   19.    Broidy, E.,  "Gender and the Politics of Information: Reflections on Bringing the Library into the Classroom.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 494-508.

Descriptores: Educación/Feminismo/Alfabetización digital/Política de información/Discriminación sexual/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: New technologies offering different ways to generate and access information, as well as revolutionary changes in how (and why) we communicate, led to an effort to reconceptualize the nature of library instruction. Combining some key tenets of the information literacy movement with core feminist principles and critical theoretical approaches, two academic librarians created a course designed to explore the changing nature of information and to explode the myth of its neutrality. Through discussion of the development of the initial course proposal, the creation of the syllabus and the structure of the class, a case is presented for altering (and expanding) the role of the librarian in the classroom

   20.    Burnett, G., Besant, M., and Chatman , E. A.,  "Small Worlds: Normative Behavior in Virtual Communities and Feminist Bookselling ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 52, No. 7, 2001.

Descriptores: Comunidades virtuales/Mujeres /Internet

Resumen: Burnett, Besant, and Chatman take a preliminary look at small common cultural space communication as realized in both virtual communities and in the feminist book selling community through the lenses of normative behavior theory. After reviewing the literature on both groups, they point out that analysis of archived texts make study of the behavior of virtual communities as small worlds a serious possibility, just as does the existence of Feminist Bookstore News which has provided a communication channel for some 25 years despite the existence here of some face-to-face contact as well. Normative behavior theory (NBT) is seen as providing a framework for further study of these communities. The social norm context of NBT for a virtual community can be found in FAQ files and also observed in regular textual exchanges. The social norms of the feminist bookstore are more directly observable and focused, although one prevalent norm would appear to be a resistance to socially enforced norms.

   21.    Cachero, C.,  "Mujeres en la informática".  Métodos de Información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1999.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Informática

Resumen: El papel de la mujer en el desarrollo de las Ciencias de la Información e informàtica.

   22.    Cameron, D.,  "Language, Gender, and Sexuality: Current Issues and New Directions".  Applied Linguistics, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2005.

Descriptores: Lingüística aplicada/Lengua/Género/Sexualidad

Resumen: Sociolinguistic (and some applied linguistic) research dealing with questions of gender and sexuality has undergone significant change in the past 10û15 years, as a paradigm organized around the concept of binary difference has been superseded by one that is concerned with the diversity of gendered and sexual identities and practices. Here the theoretical foundations for the shift in approachùprovisionally characterized as a kind of æpostmodern turnÆùare discussed, along with the motivations for it; three areas of empirical research illustrating its practical consequences are then examined in more detail. Some present and future challenges facing researchers in this field of inquiry are also identified and assessed.

   23.    Cano Mazuecos, E.,  "Desde la frontera".  Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol. 18, No. 72, 2003.

Descriptores: Centros de documentación/Granada/Mujeres

Resumen: En este artículo queremos dar a conocer la existencia de un nuevo Centro de Documentación en Granada, en este caso dedicado al mundo de la mujer, en torno a la figura de Mariana Pineda. En él se hace una descripción del mismo, así como de sus funciones, fondos, usuarios y política en general del centro. Al final se muestra un organigrama de cómo queda constituido tal centro.

   24.    Casa Tirao, B.,  "Las bibliotecas para mujeres y las demandas del desarollo económico y social: un enfoque de género".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Bibliotecas/Bibliotecas especiales

Resumen: Hace algún tiempo, una información publicada en periódicos mexicanos decía que en unas próximas elecciones las mujeres de una región de Pakistán no podrían votar, por disposición expresa del jefe de la tribu. El conocimiento de la existencia de sucesos como éstos en la vida de las mujeres de diversos países del mundo y en circunstancias diversas, nos lleva necesariamente a examinar su situación en la sociedad actual en relación, entre otras cosas, con el ejercicio de los derechos de las mujeres en todas las áreas del quehacer humano. Esto lleva, necesariamente, a examinar la teoría feminista a partir de la cual se fundamentan esos derechos.

   25.    Casa Tirao, B.,  "Libraries for women and the requirements of economic and social development: a gender focus".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto económico/Aspecto social/Bibliotecas/Bibliotecas especiales

Resumen: Some time ago a piece of information published by Mexican newspapers told that in the upcoming elections, in one region of Pakistan, women could not vote because of the specific request made by the chief of the tribe. Knowing the existence of events like this in the life of women in different countries of the world and in varied circumstances makes it necessary for us to examine women’s situation in our current society in terms of, among other things, the exercise of women’s rights in all the areas of human activity. Out of necessity, this leads into examination of the feminist theory in which these rights have their basis.

   26.    Cascajero, J.,  "La descalificación de la mujer en la Paremiología griega. Los 'Monósticos' de Menandro".  Paremia, No. 11, 2002.

Descriptores: Condición de la mujer/Mujeres/Imagen social/Refranes/Paremiología/Historia antigua

Resumen: La descalificación de la mujer en la Paremiología griega. Los 'Monósticos' de Menandro

   27.    Cascajero, J.,  "La descalificación de la mujer en la Paremiología latina".  Paremia, No. 10, 2001.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Condición de la mujer/Refranes/Paremiología/Latín/Discriminaión social/Condición de la mujer

Resumen: La descalificación de la mujer en la Paremiología latina

   28.    Cassell, K. A. and Weibel, K.,  "Public Library Response to Women and Their Changing Roles Revisited.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 303-327.

Descriptores: Diferencias sexuales/Política de información/Bibliotecas públicas/Servicios bibliotecarios/Mujeres

Resumen: Updating research done in 1980, the authors survey the current status of programming for women in public libraries, concentrating on the largest U.S. public libraries. The designation of National Women's History Month was assumed to provide a legitimizing factor that libraries could use to develop women's programming. Many libraries have indeed developed programming for women during National Women's History Month, but many more have planned women's programming as part of their regular offering of programs. Women's programming has been strengthened by a greater visibility of the diverse needs and interests of women, funding for programs for women, and greatly expanded publishing activity that continually provides new titles on women's issues for public library collections. Women themselves have been a catalyst for programming as they have been avid users of public libraries and often the primary audience for library programs. Although librarians seem reluctant to identify their target audience by gender, they continue to develop programming that attracts more women than men.

   29.    Cheng, A.,  "Transferring generic features and recontextualizing genre awareness: Understanding writing performance in the ESP genre-based literacy framework".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007, pp. 287-307.

Descriptores: Género/Inglés para fines específicos

Resumen: Despite the impact of the ESP genre-based framework of teaching discipline-specific writing to L2 learners, especially to L2 graduate students, the writing performance of learners in such a framework is still not fully explored. In this paper, I analyze three article introductions written by a Chinese-speaking graduate student in electrical engineering. My analysis of the student’s writing samples, his annotations of his writing, his literacy narrative, and the interview transcript suggests that the student was able to transfer some previously noticed generic features into his writing. More important, his deployment of these features was motivated by various rhetorical considerations, as evidenced in his efforts to fulfill multiple purposes and to create certain projected reader responses through the rhetorical (re)organization in his writing. Based on the analysis, I argue that the significance of genre-based learning can be captured more fully through observing how learners recontextualize their genre awareness in their writing. Consequently, the goal of genre-based learning may be more productively conceptualized not only as the development of the awareness of genres, i.e., the awareness of generic features, but also the development of the awareness of genre, i.e., the increasingly sophisticated awareness of the rhetorical considerations motivating the generic features.

   30.    Crida ¦lvarez, C. A.,  "La mujer en los refraneros español y griego. Estudio sociocultural a través de paremias contrastadas".  Paremia, No. 10 , 2001.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Condición de la mujer/Discriminación sexual/Refranes/Paremiología/Español/Griego

Resumen: La mujer en los refraneros español y griego. Estudio sociocultural a través de paremias contrastadas

   31.    Cronin, B.,  "Women's studies: bibliometric and content analysis of the formative years.".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 53, No. 2, 1997.

Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Análisis del contenido/Publicaciones periódicas/Diferencias sexuales/Mujeres/Editoriales/Publicaciones periódicas/Bibliometría

Resumen: The social structure of women's studies is explored through a bibliometric analysis of all scholarly articles and acknowledgments appearing in three journals over a 20-year period. A content analysis was conducted of all editorial statements published by the journals. Results demonstrate the highly gendered nature of the field and the incompatibility of its stated objectives.

   32.    Dasgupta, K.,  "Information Needs of Women: Addressing Diverse Factors in the Indian Context".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 67, 2001.

Descriptores: Necesidades de información/Mujeres /India

Resumen: The information needs of women and their views on available information have hardly been studied as a research topic or as a critical issue within the information system. It is surely a pity that the need for information and access to information for women have not been taken as a serious matter in the field of library and information services. In the Indian context it is even more so because other than the academic and scientific sector where information is a scholarly commodity and the user is a serious information seeker whether a man or a women, the information need of an ordinary woman is seldom understood or appreciated. The status of women being a major subject of debate in India is dependent on several factors. However, in this paper I wish to address the diverse factors which will ultimately influence the information seeking behaviour of women.

   33.    Dasgupta, K.,  "Women as managers of libraries : adevelopmental process in India".  IFLA journal, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1998.

Descriptores: India/Bibliotecarios/Formación profesional/Asia/Mujeres

Resumen: Estatus de la mujer en las bibliotecas de la India, bajo el concepto de la biblioteconoma como una voación orientada a las mujeres. Esta dicotomia ha sido analizada bajo el punto de vista de los conceptos modernos de gestión. El autor sugiere el desarrollo de campos de la profesión para preparar a la mujer para preparar a la mujer en las tareas de mayor responsabilidad en las bibliotecas del mañana

   34.    Davies, M. M. and Bath, P. A.,  "Interpersonal sources of health and maternity information for Somali women living in the UK: Information seeking and evaluation".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58, No. 3, 2002.

Descriptores: Fuentes de información/Ciencias de la salud/Mujeres /Africa/Países en desarrollo/Evaluación

Resumen: Although the information needs of women receiving antenatal and postnatal care are well understood, few studies have examined the use of information by minority ethnic women. This paper describes a pilot study that aimed to identify the main maternity information sources used by Somali women living in a northern city in the UK. The study described here utilised unstructured exploratory focus group and semi-structured interviews with Somali women. All discussions and interviews were audiotaped, translated and transcribed in their entirety and then analysed using a variation of the theme analysis method. Sources of information emerged as a sub-theme from the data. Women sought and used information from several interpersonal sources. Many were dependent on general practitioners and health visitors for maternity information, although participants favoured community health forums addressed by health professionals. Women also sought maternity information from friends and neighbours. Interpersonal sources as a whole were viewed as having a number of advantages. Informal sources in particular were perceived as being approachable and providing a means through which further information could be sought, while each information source was also evaluated according to specific criteria. The implications of these findings for minority ethnic women are discussed and recommendations for further research are outlined.

   35.    Desser, D.,  "Who's On-Line?: Gender Morphing in Cyberspace ".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Feminismo/Internet

Resumen: In this article examine women's use of gender-masked or male pseudonyms in educational settings, specifically by students in my Spring 2000 graduate seminar on 'Computers and Writing.' In order to better understand the rhetorical effectiveness of women's discursive practices on line, we need to critically examine our new 'morphing' subjectivities on line for  their potential for both women's empowerment and disempowerment..

   36.    Dillon, A. and Gushrowski, B. A.,  "Genres and the web : is the personal home pages the first uniquely digital genre".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2000.

Descriptores: World wide web/Análisis del discurso/Género

Resumen: Las convenciones respecto a los géneros literarios han estado presentes a lo largo del tiempo para poder servir de base al discurso de las ideas y la información en sus formas sociales y cognitivas. Los géneros digitales frecuentemente toman diferentes formas, estructuras e interacciones desde los soportes impresos a los media. Este artículo intenta determinar la existencia y forma de un verdadero género digital. Los resultados de una encuesta sobre la percepción de los usuarios sobre el contenido de sus páginas personales en la Web pone de manifiesto una correlación significativa entre los elementos encontrados normalmente en las páginas Web y el uso de preferencias propias. Los datos dejan entreveer que en las páginas personales existen una preferencia de elementos de uso que pueden ser considerados el primer género digital

   37.    DiMattia, S.,  "Medical librarians: revitalized, credentialed, and upbeat.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 13 , 1993.

Descriptores: Congresos/Asociaciones profesionales/Etica profesional/Mujeres /Liderazgo/Bibliotecarios/Formación continuada/Medicina/Reconocimiento profesional

Resumen: Reviews the 1992 annual conference of the Medical Library Association (MLA). Highlights include elevating the professional authority of medical librarians; continuing education programs; the credentialing process; the proposed Code of Ethics; and a keynote address by Patricia Aburdene that discussed leadership traits for women.

   38.    Ding, H.,  "Genre analysis of personal statements: Analysis of moves in application essays to medical and dental schools".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007, pp. 368-392.

Descriptores: Género/Inglés para fines específicos/Medicina

Resumen: Despite the important role the personal statement plays in the graduate school application processes, little research has been done on its functional features and little instruction has been given about it in academic writing courses. The author conducted a multi-level discourse analysis on a corpus of 30 medical/dental school application letters, using both a hand-tagged move analysis and a computerized analysis of lexical features of texts. Five recurrent moves were identified, namely, explaining the reason to pursue the proposed study, establishing credentials related to the fields of medicine/dentistry, discussing relevant life experience, stating future career goals, and describing personality.

   39.    Dresang, E. T., Gross, M., and  Holt, L.,  "New Perspectives: An Analysis of Gender, Net-Generation Children, and Computers.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 360-386.

Descriptores: Ni os /Informática/Estudios de usuarios/Género

Resumen: In the Project GATE (Children's Access to and Use of Technology Evaluation), based on grades 4-8 children's responses from surveys, focus group participations, and observations in the Saint Louis Public Library, girls' attitudes toward computers and toward their skill level were equally as positive as those of their male counterparts. Girls differed little from boys in what they wanted to learn and how they used computers, with games the largest portion of observed computer use for both genders. Eighty-five parents queried by survey and ten by focus group responded very similarly about their children's attitudes and use. Juxtaposing this study with other contemporary research findings suggests that some former research results, as well as conventional wisdom about gender differences in relation to computers, no longer hold true for net-generation youth. The need for moving on beyond these already-addressed issues into more sophisticated analyses is established. The Project GATE study is unique in speaking to these gender-related questions in a public library setting. The results draw attention to the public library as a venue for studying informal use of computers and for self-generated information seeking and recreation, as well as homework-related use, in a gender-neutral environment.

   40.    Dressen-Hammouda, D.,  "From novice to disciplinary expert: Disciplinary identity and genre mastery".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008, pp. 233-252.

Descriptores: Formación profesional/Género

 Resumen: A studentGÇÖs emerging genre mastery is a complex process which involves learning not only relevant discoursal forms, but also a wide range of specialist knowledge frames. Recent research suggests that these knowledge frames are acquired during the development of a studentGÇÖs disciplinary identity. Although disciplinary identity clearly contributes to expert genre production, the relationship between the two has to date been relatively underexplored by EAP and ESP scholars. This paper presents a framework that describes how disciplinary identity may be structurally related to the specialist genres students must learn. A case study then examines how one geology studentGÇÖs developing disciplinary identity allowed him to gradually produce a key written genre in geology with increasing expertise. The study suggests that the specialist frames he embodied within his disciplinary identity enabled him to make increasing reference to geologyGÇÖs central concerns and practices, via a typified set of implicit textual cues. Expert writers use these implicit cues to situate themselves and their level of expertise with respect to their community of practice. In conclusion, it is argued that genre-based courses should also include instruction about both the target disciplineGÇÖs specialist knowledge frames as well as the implicit cues that help readers and writers reconstruct them.

   41.    Dunne, J. E.,  "Information seeking and use by battered women: A 'person-in-progressive-situations' approach ".  Library & information science research, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Necesidades de información/Estudio de usuarios

Resumen: Although little research has specifically focused on the information behavior of battered women, many studies designed with other intentions reveal useful insights into the role of information in battered women's lives. Studying battered women's information behavior offers insights that can serve as a basis for developing strategies to meet their information needs. This article develops an expanded version of the person-in-situation model: a 'person-in-progressive-situations' model. The proposed model creates a picture of the changes in information needs, seeking, and use at various stages in the progression of abuse. The expanded model also considers three categories of barriers that constrain the battered woman's information-seeking alternatives: personal, responsive, and situational. The model reveals many implications for librarians and other information providers seeking to address the information needs of battered women and implications for further research.

   42.    Fernández, L., Hernández, L., Gelonch, A., and Jovell, A. J.,  "Información de calidad para la población: la experiencia del Observatorio de Salud y Mujer (OBSYM).".  Jornadas de Información y Documentacion en Ciencias de la Salud , Vol. 10, 2003.

Descriptores: Calidad/Ciencias de la salud/Mujeres/Información/Información a la comunidad

Resumen: Tal como desveló el Estudio sobre Salud y Mujer 2002, la población femenina no sólo está interesada en su salud, sino que dentro de nuestra sociedad son las principales 'gestoras' de salud en el ámbito familiar. Según este estudio, llevado a cabo por el Observatorio, basado en 6500 entrevistas a mujeres españolas, el 94% estaban interesadas en la salud y un 34% consideraba que la información que recibía era insuficiente. Es por ello que OBSYM responde a las necesidades informativas específicas poniendo a disposición de la población contenidos de calidad y acreditados.

   43.    Fidishun, D.,  "Women and the Public Library: Using Technology, Using the Library.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 328-343.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Mujeres/Tecnologías de la información/Estudio de usuarios/Conducta informacional

Resumen: In today's rapidly changing world of technology and information, libraries find themselves trying to understand more about their users. The results of a qualitative survey of 184 women library patrons give insight into why and how they use library and information technology and how they learned to use that technology. Women discuss what services they particularly value, including traditional services like printed books and reference, but also their appreciation and use of the Internet, including the library's Web site and databases. Trends showed that women are still the ones who bring children to the library and encourage their use of books. They also value the library as a place of solitude where they can find books or just be by themselves. Women use a variety of resources outside of the library to locate information as they make choices about how to find information in everyday life. It will be important for public libraries to discover ways to increase their role in educating women about library use, particularly electronic resources, and how to effectively locate and evaluate information from the Web and other resources so libraries can remain a vital part of lifelong learning.

   44.    Forey, G. and Lockwood, J.,  "'I'd love to put someone in jail for this': An initial investigation of English in the business processing outsourcing (BPO) industry".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007, pp. 308-326.

Descriptores: Género/Inglés para fines específicos/Comercio /Industria

Resumen:  In the global workplace, there has been tremendous growth in business processing outsourcing (BPO). Many industries are establishing call centres, back offices and other offshore enterprises in developing countries in an attempt to reduce costs. This development has far-reaching implications for language in these offshore destinations. Despite complaints about the communication skills of non-native English speaking (NNES) agents in these outsourced destinations, the language of the calls has not been well-researched. This paper focuses on one area of the BPO industry, call centre communication. We limit the discussion to calls in the insurance industry, in one offshore destination, the Philippines. In this paper, we outline the development and problems faced in offshore outsource destinations. Based on an analysis of a sample of call centre interactions, we outline their generic structure, and we investigate some of the reasons for breakdowns in communication. We use some examples from the data and discuss the linguistic realisations to illustrate what is happening in such breakdowns. The findings from the analyses are important for the development of the industry, for the training of customer service representatives, and could help us understand why frustration is experienced by many.

   45.    Forteza Fernández, R. and Faedo Borges, C. A.,  "Períodos históricos de la enseñanza de la expresión escrita en lenguas extranjeras ".  ACIMED, Vol. 13, No. 6, 2005.

Descriptores: Retórica /Género

Resumen: A partir del uso del método histórico-lógico para el análisis científico, se propone una nueva reperiodización de la historia de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la expresión escrita en lenguas extranjeras. También, se realiza un breve recorrido por los métodos y enfoques de esta disciplina y las incidencias de   éstos en los modos de enseñar-aprender a como escribir.
Retórica, producto, proceso, género.

   46.    Fraile, M. Á.,  "Historia de una Asociación de Bibliotecas de Mujeres".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000.

Descriptores: Bibliotecarios /Asociaciones profesionales/Mujeres/Historia de las bibliotecas

Resumen: La Asociación de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres “María Moliner” tiene su ori-gen, como proyecto, en el 2º Encuentro de la Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres realizado en Madrid en 1995; y su fundación definitiva en 1998, en el 5º Encuentro de la Red en Telde (Canarias). Desde 1994, los centros de documentación y bibliotecas de mujeres del Estado Español, tanto dependientes de organismos oficiales, de la universidad y autónomos, como promovidos por el Movimiento Feminista, nos hemos coordinado a través de la Red para colaborar mutuamente e intercambiar información y materiales. Estos centros autónomos vimos la necesidad de agruparnos específicamente, para aunar esfuerzos, mejorar nuestros servicios y realizar actividades conjuntas. La Asociación ‘María Moliner’.

   47.    Fraile Seco, D.,  "Mujer y cultura: la educación de las mujeres en la Edad Moderna ".  Foro de educación : pensamiento, cultura y sociedad, Vol. 4, 2005.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Educación/Edad Moderna

Resumen: En la Edad Media, marco temporal con el que comienzo este artículo, la misoginia sigue con fuerza y se instala en buena parte de la literatura (en la educación) y en el pensar popular puesto que muchos son los refranes misóginos que podríamos dar cuenta como por ejemplo: 'Mujer refranera, mujer puñetera'

   48.    Franklin, R. E. and Jaeger, P. T.,  "A Decade of Doctorates: An Examination of Dissertations Written by African American Women in Library and Information Studies, 1993-2003.".  Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 48 , No. 3, 2007.

Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Investigación/Africa/Mujeres/Tesis doctorales/Enseñanza de postgrado

Resumen: This exploratory study examines the number of African American female doctoral recipients in library and information science (LIS) and their research interests in the past ten years. It enhances understanding of what African American female Ph.D. recipients plan to contribute to the LIS field through what they have found important to study in their dissertation research. These areas of study provide insight into the participation of African American women in LIS and the amount of research focus being given to information issues related to African Americans. This paper presents these data and findings within the context of diversity in doctoral education in LIS and historical issues of the participation of African Americans in LIS education. Recommendations and areas of future research generated from findings are proposed to further explore the implications of the findings discussed in this paper and to assist graduate school administrators in refining recruitment methods that will serve to attract more African American women to the LIS field.

   49.    Fuertes-Olivera, P. A.,  "A corpus-based view of lexical gender in written Business English".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2007, pp. 219-234.

Descriptores: Léxico/Género/Corpus textuales/Comercio /Inglés para fines específicos

Resumen: This article investigates lexical gender in specialized communication. The key method of analysis is that of forms of address, professional titles, and ‘generic man’ in a 10 million word corpus of written Business English. After a brief introduction and literature review on both gender in specialized communication and similar corpus-based views of lexical gender in General English, the results obtained are explained. Mixed results were found. On the one hand, the ‘male-as-norm’ principle contributes to reinforcing typical gender stereotypes: for example, for each woman referred to in the corpus, there are more than 100 occurrences for man. On the other hand, advocates of non-sexist English have also influenced written Business English: for example, Ms is more than 9 times as frequent as Mrs. and Miss, which sustains the claim that equates Ms with professional settings. This article ends by discussing the ways in which the research findings of this study could positively impact upon the teaching of Business English.

   50.    Gagnon, C.,  "Language plurality as power struggle, or: Translating politics in Canada".  Target: International Journal on Translation Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Canadá/Género/Bilingüismo/Bilingüismo/Política lingüística

Resumen: For this paper, heterolingualism or language plurality will be considered as the presence in a single text or in a social environment of both French and English, Canada's official languages. Language plurality will here be studied from an institutional viewpoint: the influence of the Canadian government on the translation of political speeches. The first part of this article will establish that political speeches are written in a bilingual environment where the two official languages are often in contact. This bilingualism, however, is often homogenised when it comes to speech delivery and publication. Therefore, the second part focuses on the speeches' paratextual features and the third looks at the speeches' textual features

   51.    Galyani Moghaddam, G.,  "Globalization and its Impacts on Womenâ_Ts Rights".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007.

Descriptores: Globalización/Mujeres

Resumen: Galyani Moghaddam, Golnessa (2003) Globalization and its Impacts on Womenâ_Ts Rights. In Proceedings Seminar on Globalization: Trends and Impacts, New Delhi, INDIA. Globalization is a complex economic, political, cultural, and geographic process in which all aspects of our life have been affected. Globalization is one of the most important impacts of the Internet and it is happening itself. This paper begins by defining of globalization and its various aspects. Then it goes on women’s rights through human rights and addresses the proletarianization and professionalization of women in the last thirty years. At the end, the impacts of globalization on women’s rights and women’s responses to globalization will be discussed. The scope of the paper is global.

   52.    Gannon-Leary, P. and Parker, S.,  "The Round Table on Women’s Issues snapshot project: the status of women in libraries, internationally".  IFLA journal, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Biblioteconomía

Resumen: Reports the results of an IFLA Round Table on Women’s Issues-sponsored survey on the status of women in libraries world-wide. The research was conducted via a questionnaire distributed at IFLA 2001, Boston, and followed up by e-mail. Reports on the findings in relation to women’s contribution to society in the information age and the degree of respect afforded to them and to the profession generally. Questions whether there is a glass ceiling in operation in the information world, meaning that men reach higher positions sooner. Salary issues, qualifications and staff training and development issues are also examined. Highlights sectors reported on by respondents as exhibiting inequities and makes suggestions for further reading and additional research.

   53.    Gannon-Leary, P. and Parker, S.,  "La situación de las mujeres en las bibliotecas a nivel internacional".  Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol. 18, No. 70, 2003.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Bibliotecas

Resumen: El artículo muestra los resultados de un estudio mundial sobre la posición de la mujer en las bibliotecas, realizado por la Mesa Redonda sobre Temas de la Mujer de la IFLA. La investigación se llevó a cabo mediante un cuestionario que se distribuyó durante el congreso de la IFLA 2001 en Boston y que se rellenó a través del correo electrónico. Se exponen los resultados que se refieren a la contribución de las mujeres a la sociedad en la era de la información y al grado de respeto que se muestra hacia ellas y hacia la profesión en general. Se pregunta si funciona en el mundo de la información una especie de “techo de cristal”, que significaría que los hombres llegan antes a puestos más elevados. También se abordan temas relacionados con los salarios, la cualificación, así como la formación y desarrollo del personal. Se destacan algunos casos expuestos por los participantes donde se muestran situaciones de desigualdad y se sugieren lecturas e investigaciones adicionales.

   54.    Genuis, S. K.,  "Exploring the Role of Medical and Consumer Literature in the Diffusion of Information Related to Hormone Therapy for Menopausal Women ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. 7, 2006.

Descriptores: Consumo de informacion Medicina/Mujeres

Resumen: Using content analysis, this study explored the role of the literature in the diffusion of new information; the influence of the literature on the innovation-decision process; and how the concept of tie strength can contribute to a greater understanding of the role of the literature in information transmission. Diffusion of innovations and strength of weak ties theories provided the framework that informed this research, and an illustrated medical case study, changing practices related to hormone therapy for menopausal women, provided context for the study. Findings suggest that published literature impacts the innovation-decision process and thus plays an integral role in the diffusion of medical innovation to physicians and consumers; that the view of literature as a bridging 'weak tie' in a multifactor communication network allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the role of published literature in information diffusion; and that medical and lay articles are not neutral channels, they function to provide information, reinforce knowledge, and produce and shape meaning.

   55.    González Muñoz, I. and Sevilla Muñoz, J.,  "Refranes relativos a las viudas".  Paremia, No. 11, 2002.

Descriptores: Condición de la mujer/Imagen social/Mujeres/Refranes/Español

Resumen:  v

   56.    Gordo García, M.,  "Género y libertad".  Espéculo : revista de estudios literarios, No. 19, 2002.

Descriptores: Lengua/Género/Mujeres

Resumen: El concepto de género es el concepto clave de la teoría feminista. La idea de que lo femenino y lo masculino no son hechos naturales, sino construcciones culturales, abre de inmediato la brecha por la que la reflexión feminista empieza a resquebrajar el orden ideológico establecido de la división de los sexos. Pero puede hacerlo desde presupuestos teóricos muy diferentes y a menudo enfrentados entre sí, como demuestra la existencia de vivas polémicas en torno a diferentes aspectos de la cuestión del género. Este texto pretende destacar la importancia de las aportaciones que pueden hacer al respecto las disciplinas de la estética y la semiótica. Para ello, y por razones de estrategia expositiva, se partirá de la lectura de la obra La dominación masculina, escrita por el pensador francés Pierre Bourdieu. La cuestión que articulará el texto es la del proceso de inmersión social en un mundo ordenado androcéntricamente que implica relaciones de dominación. ¿Cómo puede el individuo resistirse o enfrentarse al orden del mundo que establece el sistema de los géneros?

   57.    Goulding, A. and Cleeve, M.,  "Breaking down the barriers : the place of gender equuity in the LIS curriculum".  Education for information, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1998.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Documentación/Enseñanza/Mujeres/Gestión/Documentalistas/Bibliotecarios

Resumen: Numéricamente las mujeres dominan el mundo de la información, sin embargo los puestos de responsabilidad de dirección y gestión los ocupan hombres. Varias souciones se han arbitrado sobre este asunto, pero no se ha investigado su relación con los estudios de Biblioteconomía y Documentación (ILS), y como el diseño del curriculo puede contribuir a la equidad profesional

   58.    Goulding, A. and Spacey, R.,  "Women and the Information Society: barriers and participation".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2002.

Descriptores: Sociedad de la información/Mujeres

Resumen: The development and use of communication and information technologies, notably the Internet, have
stimulated huge changes in the organisation of work and daily life in Europe, leading to a process of transition from the “Industrial” to the “Information” society. The ultimate aim of the Information Society should be the empowerment of all its citizens through access to and use of knowledge but at present some people, including women, are more distant than others from the opportunities presented by the Information Society. Thus, although the Internet has been hailed as an emancipating and democratising force it is not gender-neutral. Evidence of a gender imbalance in the use of the Internet threatens the vision of a democratic space to which everyone has equal access and in which everyone is equal. This paper reviews the literature on the topic of women, the information society and the Internet. It also presents selected results of Masters research projects undertaken in the Department of Information Science at Loughborough University. Specifically, the paper discusses female access to the Internet and explores some of the barriers that may prevent women having the same access as men. It also examines differences in male and female Internet use. The point is made that, very often, the negative aspects of the Internet for women are emphasised but stresses that there are, in fact, positive reasons for women to use the Internet and advantages to this method of computer mediated communication for women. Finally, the concept of Cyberfeminism is discussed. It is concluded that although there are negative sides to the technology, women must engage with the Internet if they are to help shape the Information Society.

   59.    Goulding, A. and Spacey, R.,  "Women and the Information Society: barriers and participation.".  IFLA journal, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2003.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Sociedad de la información/Discriminaión social

Resumen:  Paper presented to the Women’s Issues Section of IFLA at the 68 th IFLA General Conference, held in Glasgow,Scotland, from 18–24 August 2002. Reviews the literature on the topic of women, the information society and the Internet. Also presents selected results of Masters’ research projects undertaken in the Department of Information Science at Loughborough University, United Kingdom. Discusses female access to the Internet and explores some of the barriers that may prevent women having the same access as men. Examines differences in male and female Internet use. The negative aspects of the Internet for women are very often emphasized, but there are positive reasons for women to use the Internet and advantages to this method of computer-mediated communication for women. 

   60.    Guardo Sánchez, E., Feijóo González, C., Castejón Martín, L., and Pérez Martínez, J.,  "C-Test: Desarrollo e Implementación de un Centro de Teleservicios".  Jornadas sobre Tecnologías de la Información para la Modernización de las Administraciones Públicas, Vol. 10, 1998.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Inserción laboral/España

Resumen: El Instituto de la Mujer junto con la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se encuentran comprometidos en el desarrollo y despliegue de las tecnologías que faciliten la incorporación de la mujer al mundo del trabajo. En este sentido, el proyecto C-Test constituye una oportunidad innovadora para el mercado laboral que aprovecha las ventajas que ofrece el teletrabajo y modera sus posibles inconvenientes. El Centro de Teleservicios C-Test satisface las demandas de las usuari@s en cuanto a oferta de trabajo, formación, comunicación, compartición de recursos y asesoría y, sobre todo, motivación y adaptación al cambiante escenario socio-laboral. Su objetivo final es constituirse en una empresa virtual que ofrezca las habilidades y capacidades de las trabajadoras asociadas.

   61.    Harris, R., Stickney, J., Grasley, C., Hutchinson, G., Greaves, L., and Boyd, T.,  "Searching for help and information: Abused women speak out".  Library & information science research, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2001.

Descriptores: Búsquedas bibliográficas/Evaluación /Mujeres

Resumen: One hundred and five women who were abused by their intimate partners described their experiences in searching for help and the outcome of their interactions with different services that comprise the formal help network in a city with an international reputation for its coordinated response to woman abuse. In the aftermath of violent incidents, the women most frequently sought protection, safe shelter, removal of their abusive partners, advice about managing their situations, a criminal charge against their partners, and medical treatment for their injuries. The women tended to use help-seeking pathways that led them first to the police or a hospital emergency department. In turn, these services often directed them toward community agencies with a specific mandate to assist abused women. The abuse-specific agencies then referred the women to a wide range of services in the community. Regardless of the type of assistance they were seeking, the women repeatedly mentioned the importance of the personal demeanor of service providers when they assessed the outcomes of their encounters with the formal help system. The findings are discussed with respect to designing community coordination mechanisms that overcome common barriers to seeking help and information.

   62.    Harris, R. M.,  "The mentoring trap.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 17, 1993.

Descriptores: Bibliotecarios/Mujeres /Gestión /Formación profesional/Discriminaión social/Diferencias sexuales

Resumen: Discusses mentoring among entry-level librarians and examines whether mentor-protege relationships are truly beneficial. Topics addressed include career advancement for women, the role of library management, staff training and development practices, and advocacy for the library profession.

   63.    Hawisher, G. E.,  "Accessing the Virtual Worlds of Cyberspace".  Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Enseñanza a distancia/Acceso a la información/Internet/Mujeres

Resumen: In the text from her keynote address, Gail E. Hawisher describes the compelling relationship of 'access' to
global discourse, women's identities, and pedagogical practice. She points out that just 'viewing' the Web has little pedagogical or practical value; it is by adding the 'doing' that the Web becomes a potent medium for  integration and enhancement.

   64.    Hickey, A.,  "Cataloguing Men: Charting the Male Librarian's Experience Through the Perceptions and Positions of Men in Libraries".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2006.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Catalogación/Género

Resumen: This study explores the perceptions of male librarians working in an academic library. Underpinning the methodology of this paper is a series of in depth interviews conducted over several years with a group of selected male librarians. This paper suggests that the meanings constructed by male librarians in the non-traditional work environment have broader implications within organisational contexts.

   65.    Hildenbrand, S.,  "The information age versus gender equity? technology and values in education for library and information science".  Library trends, Vol. 47, No. 4, 1999.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Aspecto social/Igualdad/Racismo/Minorías/Mujeres

Resumen: La profesión bibliotecaria proclama su propia propuesta de igualdad femenina y de la gente color. en la Era de la Información. Los cambios estrucuturales operados en la Era de la Información ponen de manifiesto la importancia del curriculum, respecto a otros aspectos en las áreas estuduadas

   66.    Hildenbrand, S.,  "Still not equal: closing the library gender gap.".  Library Journal, Vol. 122, No. 4, 1997.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecarios/Diferencias sexuales/Análisis comparativos/Directores/Biblioteconomía/Reconocimiento profesional/Satisfacción laboral/Promoción laboral

Resumen: Examined statistical data, structural changes in librarianship, and professional commitment to determine how the status of women in libraries has changed from 1976-96. Found an increase in the salary difference between women and men, more library directors are male in a profession that is more than 80% female, and more men in full-time faculty positions.

   67.    Hough, C.,  "Towards an explanation of phonetic differentiation in masculine and feminine personal names   ".  Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2000.

Descriptores: Fonética/Género/Nombres de persona/Lingüística

Resumen: Recent research has identified characteristic differences between the phonetic structures of names and of ordinary nouns, with particularly distinctive patterns being exhibited by feminine personal names. No explanation has yet been found. This paper suggests that the solution lies not in the English sound system, as has previously been assumed, but in differences between the linguistic origins of the various types of material..

   68.    Hyon, S.,  "Convention and inventiveness in an occluded academic genre: A case study of retention–promotion–tenure reports ".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008, pp. 175-192.

Descriptores: Inglés/Lenguaje especializado/Género

Resumen: Among Swales’ (1996) list of occluded academic genres, retention–promotion–tenure (RPT) evaluations have been little studied. These evaluative reports, however, can inform EAP researchers, teachers, and students about ways that writers both follow and transgress discourse conventions to fulfill various purposes through an institutional text. Drawing on a corpus of 34 RPT reports from one university context, this study examines report writers’ use of ”inventive” strategies, i.e., those that playfully deviate from RPT report conventions, and factors that may encourage inventiveness. Analysis of the reports reveals that writers’ playful strategies include hyperbole, irony/humor, and informal language features. These elements may fulfill not only the reports’ conventional function of evaluating faculty but also unofficial purposes such as entertaining and showing solidarity with readers. Inventiveness is used more frequently by some report writers than others, possibly due to their individual writing styles and/or greater familiarity with the evaluated faculty member. Writers also receive license to be playful through the “uptake” (Freadman, 2002) between different levels of reports in the university’s RPT genre chain. The paper considers applications of these findings for EAP graduate writing classes.

   69.    Ingold, C. and Searing, S. E.,  "Introduction: Gender Issues in Information Needs and Services.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 299-302.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Mujeres/Tecnologías de la información/Estudio de usuarios/Conducta informacional/Diferencias sexuales/Necesidad de información

Resumen:  The article provides an introduction to the Fall 2007 issue of 'Library Trends.'.

   70.    Ingold, C. and Searing, S. E.,  "Introduction: Gender Issues in Information Needs and Services.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 299-302.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas/Género/Necesidad de información/Conducta informacional/Mujeres

Resumen: The article provides an introduction to the Fall 2007 issue of "Library Trends."

   71.    Iwe, J. I.,  "Enhancing women's productivity in the library and information sector in Nigeria  ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Documentación/Producción científica/Africa/Países en desarrollo

Resumen: Purpose - Productivity in library and information entails efficient and timely information acquisition, processing, storage, retrieval and delivery. The purpose of this paper is to explore the reasons why the productivity of women in library and information should be enhanced; to describe problems which militate against this; and to highlight their future prospects. Design/methodology/approach - These objectives are achieved through the descriptive survey methodology. Findings - The finding is that, in spite of the fact that the productivity of women in Nigeria has generally been regarded as low because of traditional prejudices against women and lack of data on the productivity of women in the informal sector, the productivity of women in the library and information sector has remained high and needs enhancement to encourage them to aim higher in the profession. One way of achieving this is by getting them fully involved in information technology. Another way is government's financial support of their aspirations towards training and retraining; attendance to seminar-workshops, exchange programmes in connection with sabbatical leave appointments, etc. Research limitations/implications - For further research, this paper suggests an investigation into the implications of government's investment on women librarians for the harnessing of knowledge and information for sustainable rural development in Nigeria. Practical implications - The practical implication of the paper is that with government's focus on women librarians to tap their potentials, they will become more sensitive in their professional practice and will endeavour to show-case their enhanced productivity. Originality/value - The new value is the suggestion that women librarians should be incorporated to assist in producing national data on the productivity of women in the informal sector.

   72.    Judith L. Morley,  "Gender Differences and Distance Education: Major Research Findings and Implications for LIS Education.".  Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Diferencias sexuales/Género/Enseñanza a distancia

Resumen: Although few research studies to date of library and information science (LIS) distance-education students have addressed the possible effects of gender-related differences upon these students' learning experiences, the literatures of other disciplines include many significant studies of gender differences within distance education environments. This article reviews representative studies from the disciplines of education and psychology, identifying six factors that gender differences may influence: (1) motivation forenrolling, (2) learning style, (3) attitude toward and use of technology, (4) communication style, (5) level of support/sense of community, and (6) dropout or failure rate. Implications for US education are discussed.

   73.    Kublik, A., Clevette, V. D. W., and Olson, H. A.,  "Adapting Dominant Classifications to Particular Contexts".  Cataloging & classification quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 1-2,  2003.

Descriptores: Clasificación bibliográfica/Evaluación/Mujeres/Feminismo

Resumen:  This paper addresses the process of adapting to a particular culture or context a classification that has grown out of western culture to become a global standard. The authors use a project that adapts DDC for use in a feminist/women's issues context to demonstrate an approach taht works. The project is particularly useful as an interdisciplinary example. Discussion consists of four parts: (1) definition of the problem indicating the need for adaptation and efforts to date; (2) description of the methodology developed for creating an expansion; (3) description of the interface developed for actually doing the work, with its potential for a distributed group to work on it together (could even be internationally distributed); and (4) generalization of how the methodology could be used for particular contexts by country, ethnicity, perspective or other defining factors.

   74.    Kuhl, N.,  "Women’s Healthcare, Censorship, and the Library: Problems, Issues, Questions".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 67, 2001.

Descriptores: Censura/Derecho a la información/Bibliotecarios/Mujeres

Resumen: In a recent issue of American Libraries, Nancy Kranich, sitting president of the American Library Association, acknowledged the critical role that librarians play in preventing censorship and ensuring that individuals have unlimited access to all manner of information. “Librarians,” Kranich wrote “must act as trailblazers in promoting access to information, and serve as watchdogs in protecting the public’s information rights” (Kranich 7). Nowhere is the need for “trailblazers in promoting access to information” more apparent than in the area of women’s healthcare information. In the U.S. and abroad, women’s access to authoritative, clear, and thorough information about reproductive health and sexuality are increasingly under attack by religious organizations, political groups, and governmental agencies. In her essay, “Censorship and Manipulation of Reproductive Health Information: An Issue of Human Rights and Women’s Health,” Lynn P. Freedman tells us that “in the last century, contraception and abortion have been one key site of the struggle over reproductive sexuality . . . one key to controlling access to contraception and abortion is to control information about them and their uses”(31). Though censorship of information about women’s health is not a new phenomenon, it is increasingly aggressive and destructive to women and girls.

   75.    Large, A., Beheshti, J., and Rahman, T.,  "Gender differences in collaborative Web searching behavior: an elementary school study ".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 38, No. 3, 2001.

Descriptores: Necesidades de información/World Wide Web/Internet/Mujeres/Niños

Resumen: This paper reports the results of an empirical study into gender differences in collaborative Web searching, conducted in a grade-six classroom of a Canadian elementary school. Searches undertaken by 16 same-sex groups of two or three students (six of boys, ten of girls) for information to support a class assignment were captured on videotape. The multiple search sessions took place over several weeks. An analysis of the search sessions reveals that the groups of boys formulated queries comprising fewer keywords than the groups of girls, the boys spent less time on individual pages than the girls, the boys clicked more hypertext links per minute than the girls, and in general were more active while online. The study overall demonstrates academic, affective and behavior differences between grade-six boys and girls working in same-sex groups on a Web-based class project.

   76.    Latorre Zacarés, N.,  "Selección Bibliográfica en una Biblioteca Especializada de Mujer".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Fuentes de información/Bibliografía/Edición

Resumen: Sin duda, una de las tareas imprescindibles dentro de toda biblioteca especializada es la selección bibliográfica. Ésta es la labor esencial que permite tener una colección bibliográfica viva, útil y  actualizada. En nuestro caso, las bibliotecas especializadas de mujeres hemos visto como en unos pocos años se ha incrementado incesantemente los títulos del mercado que hacen referencia a nuestro ámbito. Hasta hace poco, casi todos los libros publicados sobre la mujer correspondían a colecciones de instituciones públicas (especialmente el Instituto de la Mujer de Madrid) y a alguna editorial comprometida con la causa como Icaria, Horas y horas, etc. Eran pocas las editoriales privadas de carácter generalista que editaban estudios de género y sólo acudíamos a ellas para comprar los libros de psicología, salud, maternidad, etc. Hoy ha cambiado bastante este panorama y vemos como muchas editoriales privadas no sólo publican libros sobre el tema mujer, sino que incluso destinan colecciones al mercado. También muchas organizaciones públicas o semi-públicas como ayuntamientos, universidades, sindicatos, asociaciones de mujeres, diputaciones, seminarios de investigación feminista, etc. se han incorporado al proceso de editar libros sobre nuestra especialidad. Este crecimiento de la información en torno al tema mujer, genera además una necesidad por parte del profesional de mayor control del mercado y que cada vez dedique más parte de su tiempo a saber qué es lo que se está publicando en torno a su especialidad hoy en día.

   77.    Lavín Forcada, S. and Reñé Ferrando, T.,  "Recursos para Mujeres en Internet".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Fuentes de información/Internet

Resumen: Este artículo pretende hacer una recopilación de recursos en Internet sobre o para las mujeres. En nuestra mente cuando escribimos estas líneas está el contribuir a romper con estereotipos y mostrar que la mujer utiliza la Red como medio de comunicación y que sus intereses se extienden a todos los ámbitos. Por las especiales características de la revista Métodos de información, hemos limitado esta recopilación a cuatro tipos de recursos: los directorios y motores de búsqueda , las bibliotecas y centros de documentación e información , las listas de distribución y las revistas electrónicas.

   78.    Licea de Arenas, J., Arenas, M., González, E., and Velázquez, S.,  "La mujer docente del área de bibliotecología en México. Presencia y desarrollo profesional".  Anales de Documentación, Vol. 8, 2005.

Descriptores: Mujeres/México/Bibliotecas

Resumen: Las estadísticas universitarias mexicanas indican que en la bibliotecología, como en otras titulaciones, se está experimentando un proceso de feminización. En las aulas la presencia de la mujer ha ido en aumento, si bien faltan datos que revelen de qué manera se ha dado su inserción a la fuerza laboral. Por tal motivo, intentamos analizar la situación de la mujer académica, la que dedica desde dos horas hasta el tiempo completo a actividades de docencia en la licenciatura o en el posgrado en bibliotecología que se imparte en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Se encuestaron 21 bibliotecólogas de origen, es decir, se excluyeron aquellas que llegaron a la docencia en bibliotecología con otra formación. Se obtuvo información sobre su nacionalidad, edad, estado civil, título o grado alcanzados, distinciones recibidas, puesto que ocupan, antigüedad docente, incluyendo la dedicación a la misma, y dificultades encontradas a lo largo de su vida profesional. Concluimos que las mujeres encuestadas han desempeñado un papel relevante en el desarrollo del campo, sin embargo, también han sido víctimas de prejuicios sociales.

   79.    Liu, Z. and Huang, X.,  "Gender differences in the online reading environment".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 64, No. 4, 2008, pp. 616-626.

Descriptores: Conducta informacional/Género/Estudio de usuarios/World Wide Web

Resumen:  Purpose ? The purpose of this study is to explore gender differences in the online reading environment. Design/methodology/approach ? Survey and analysis methods are employed. Findings ? Survey results reveal that female readers have a stronger preference for paper as a reading medium than male readers, whereas male readers exhibit a greater degree of satisfaction with online reading than females. Additionally, males and females differ significantly on the dimension of selective reading and sustained attention. Originality/value ? Understanding gender differences would enable a better understanding of the changing reading behavior in the online environment, and to develop more effective digital reading devices. Factors affecting gender differences in the online reading environment are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.

   80.    Lojo Rodríguez, L. M. and Sacido Romero, J.,  "norteamericano Michael Cunningham publica The Hours, una novela que Intertextualidad y (re)escritura en Virginia Woolf y Michael Cunningham".  Congreso internacional de AEDEAN, No. 27, 2003.

Descriptores: Ensayo/Intertextualidad/Mujeres

Resumen: En 1998 el escritor abiertamente presenta un juego intertextual consciente con Mrs Dalloway (1925) de Virginia Woolf. El presente ensayo muestra cómo la intertextualidad subyace a la estructura de la novela de Woolf, básicamente a través de la presentación de una tríada de personajes vinculados por los fuertes lazos de su pertenencia a una comunidad literaria. Por su parte, Cunningham presenta un momento crucial en la vida de tres generaciones de mujeres a lo largo del siglo XX, en el momento en que cada una de ellas adquiere consciencia de su identidad, aunque para ello deban romper, en un esfuerzo épico de renuncia y rebeldía, las constricciones que la sociedad patriarcal les impone.

   81.    Mabawonku, I.,  "The Information Environment of Women in Nigeria's Public Service".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 62, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Necesidades de información/Países en desarrollo/Africa/Nigeria

Resumen: Purpose - Women constitute a significant proportion of the Nigerian public servants. They have varied job related information needs and possess some information seeking behaviour. The study aimed to identify their job-related information needs and assess the existing office information environment. Design/methodology/approach - The survey method, using questionnaire and observation techniques were used in collecting data from 158 women in the top cadre of the federal and three selected state ministries and parastatals. Findings - The study found that most of the information needs were related to governance, education, religion, family and domestic matters. Only one-third of the respondents regarded information on women as very relevant to job performance. Newspapers, magazines, newsletters, colleagues, and conversations were the main sources of information. Although electronic sources, especially the internet were not widely available, the respondents were enthusiastic to use them. They also perceived positive relationship between good information environment and job performance. Research limitations/implications - A limitation of the study is the small sample considering that there are 36 states in Nigeria. Also, a study of all public servants, male and female, would have been better. The paper recommends an improvement to the information environment of the government establishments. Originality/value - As not many studies have been done on women in public service and their information needs and use, the findings of this study will be useful-to government and other decision makers in providing facilities and for infrastructural development to increase productivity of women and all public servants.

   82.    Magnéché Ndé, C.,  "Imágenes de la mujer en los refranes bánsoa y españoles: enfoque contrastivo".  Paremia, No. 12, 2003.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Condición de la mujer/Imagen social/Lexicología/Lingüística comparada/Español

Resumen: Imágenes de la mujer en los refranes bánsoa y españoles: enfoque contrastivo

   83.    Maloney, Y. and Alfaro, S.,  "El papel de las Bibliotecas Tradicionales en la Adquisición de Habilidades de las Mujeres con baja Representación".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Formación de usuarios

Resumen: El acceso a la información y a la tecnología es una herramienta necesaria para el desarrollo de los individuos, comunidades y sociedades como conjunto. Para la mujer en particular, el acceso a la información sin restricciones es necesario, no sólo para la adquisición de habilidades, sino también para su fortalecimiento como individuos. En una creciente sociedad de preparación técnica e informática, las mujeres que vuelven como fuerza de trabajo, mujeres pobres y mujeres en países en vías de desarrollo tienen que ser provistas con la oportunidad de obtener las habilidades necesarias para ser capaces de utilizar herramientas que aseguren su puesto de trabajo, así como instrumentos que mejoren su calidad de vida.

   84.    Maloney, Y. and Alfaro, S.,  "The Role of Traditional Libraries in the Skills Acquisition of Underrepresented Women".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Formación de usuarios

Resumen: Access to information and technology is a necessary tool for the advancement of individuals, communities and societies as a whole. For women in particular, unrestricted access to information is necessary not only for the acquisition of skills, but for their empowerment as individuals. In an increasingly technical, computer literate society, women returning to the workforce, poor women, and women in developing countries must be afforded the opportunity to obtain the skills necessary to use these tools to secure employment as well as improve their lives. In her speech at the World Bank and IMF Joint Library Meeting, Dr. Joan Challinor makes the point.

   85.    Marcella, R.,  "The need for European Union information amongst women in the United Kingdom: results of a survey ".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Encuestas/Cuestionario/Unión Europea

Resumen: This paper describes the results of an exploratory survey by questionnaire distributed via a variety of information agencies, designed to investigate women's information needs and patterns of information-seeking behaviour in relation to the European Union. The results explore women's attitudes to information and its value to them in a range of different life contexts, as well as their use of information agencies and of information and communications technologies. The results show that women value information highly and that they search for and use a wide range of categories of information in relation to education and their professional and personal life. Findings also suggest that respondents tend to predict high levels of future use of European information, in particular in relation to democratic participation and self development. Women were conscious of barriers to information access and suggested a range of measures that might improve access. They were generally positive about participating in training in the use of electronic networks and about the likelihood of their using networks to access information about the European Union.

   86.    Marcella, R.,  "Women on the Web: A critical appraisal of a sample reflecting the range and content of women's sites on the Internet, with particular reference to the support of women's interaction and participation".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 58, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Internet/Fuentes de información

Resumen: This paper investigates the availability of women's sites on the Internet in the light of the research that has been conducted into women, communications and technology. The paper draws upon a systematic evaluation of ten women's sites, covering a range of sectors including general sites, business, health and technology. The evaluation reveals that such sites offer useful sources of information on a range of subjects of potential interest to women and that they are stable and accessible resources. The sites tend to be freely accessible and apparently reputable, with little evidence of commercialism. However, there are concerns about the lack of security on the sites and a poor provision of the kind of information that is necessary to measure their authority and reliability. While all sites offer some form of interactivity, they tend to offer in each case only a small proportion of the interactive functions that might be enabled and demonstrate little awareness of the significance of these in helping women to network effectively.

   87.    Marton, C.,  "Environmental scan on women's health information resources in Ontario, Canada".  Information Research, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2002.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Fuentes de información/Canadá/Necesidades de información

Resumen: This paper describes the development of an environmental scanning system by a group of academics and health librarians for the purpose of conducting a consumer scan on women's health information resources on behalf of Ontario Women's Health Council, Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The focus of this paper is on the use of database technology in information acquisition for environmental scanning.

   88.    Mason, K. M. and Zanish-Belcher, T.,  "Raising the Archival Consciousness: How Women's Archives Challenge Traditional Approaches to Collecting and Use, Or, What's in a Name?".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 344-359.

Descriptores: Gestión de la colección/Bibliotecas/Mujeres/Estudio de usuarios/Conducta informacional/Diferencias sexuales/Necesidad de información/Archivos

Resumen: This article examines archival collecting, taking as case studies two women's archives. Drawing on their experiences building the collections of the Archives of Women in Science and Engineering (Iowa State University) and the Iowa Women's Archives (University of Iowa), the authors explore how such efforts challenge traditional approaches to collecting. Proactive collecting, such as oral history projects focused on Latinas or women scientists, helps fill gaps in the historical record by encouraging people who have not traditionally been donors to participate in building and using diverse archival collections.

   89.    Mayer, L.,  "Women, democracy and participation in the information society".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2002.

Descriptores: Sociedad de la información/Democracia/Mujeres

Resumen: She was approximately seventeen years old and about seven months pregnant. A two-year-old toddler was peeping out behind her tattered dress. In a shy whisper she asked me: “Do you perhaps have books with pictures where I can see where babies are coming from.” It was at this exact moment that I realised the intensity of the information and education task we as Librarians in post-apartheid South Africa are facing, especially towards the women of this wonderful Country. This happened four years back. Margaret is currently employed as a councilor specializing in assisting abused women. She attended the Literacy, Sex education and HIV/Aids education classes offered by the Community Library and Information Services. She is a regular visitor to the nearby Municipal Clinic and receives free contraceptives. She was referred by the Library Services to an institution providing Free Legal Aid to abused women and is currently receiving maintenance from the fathers of both her children. Both her children attend all the reading hours, educational activities and holiday programmes offered at their local Library. They are well cared for children, bright and eager to learn.

   90.    Mayer, L.,  "Women, democracy and participation in the information society".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2003.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Democracia/Sociedad de la información

Resumen: She was approximately seventeen years old and about seven months pregnant. A two-year-old toddler was peeping out behind her tattered dress. In a shy whisper she asked me: “Do you perhaps have books with pictures where I can see where babies are coming from.” It was at this exact moment that I realised the intensity of the information and education task we as Librarians in post-apartheid South Africa are facing, especially towards the women of this wonderful Country. 

   91.    McKimm, S.,  "Investing in financial planning books.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 14, 1993.

Descriptores: Colecciones/Selección/Financiación/Recursos económicos/Seguridad/Bibliografías/Mujeres/Gestión de la colección/Publicaciones periódicas/Planificación

Resumen: Presents an annotated bibliography of 34 sources of information on various aspects of financial planning for libraries interested in building a core collection. Highlights include general advice, insurance guidelines, buying and selling homes, investment guides, women's special needs, retirement planning, periodicals, and investment newsletters. 

   92.    Mehra, B. and Braquet, D.,  "Library and Information Science Professionals as Community Action Researchers in an Academic Setting: Top Ten Directions to Further Institutional Change for People of Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 542-565.

Descriptores: Conducta informacional/Mujeres/Diferencias sexuales/Investigación/Bibliotecas universitarias/Orientación sexual

Resumen: The need for progressive change in people's attitudes and behaviors is essential for a communitywide acceptance of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. This article examines our role as library and information science (US) professionals working in an academic environment to pro- mote equality of sexual minorities by taking community action and creating social awareness and acceptance on their behalf. Findings based on qualitative studies and action research conducted in the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) help identify typical barriers and challenges faced by local LGBTQ individuals toward self-fulfillment and social and political empowerment. Research participants share their marginalizing experiences that paint a picture of slow acceptance reflected in the lukewarm campus and community climate of support toward LGBTQ individuals. It forms the contextual motivation for the authors as openly gay US professionals to promote 'top ten' prioritized community actions of 'what do we need to do' and 'how do we do it' on behalf of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Current directions of progress made in the UTK academic environment over a period of two years are shared in this paper. Future efforts are also identified that require extending traditional library functions of information provision to reflect contemporary nontraditional expectations of relevance that include proactive social justice efforts for libraries and US professionals to come out of the closet in support of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

   93.    Mehra, B. and Braquet, D.,  "Library and Information Science Professionals as Community Action Researchers in an Academic Setting: Top Ten Directions to Further Institutional Change for People of Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 542-565.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Género/ Discriminación sexual/Mujeres

Resumen: The need for progressive change in people's attitudes and behaviors is essential for a communitywide acceptance of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals. This article examines our role as library and information science (US) professionals working in an academic environment to pro- mote equality of sexual minorities by taking community action and creating social awareness and acceptance on their behalf. Findings based on qualitative studies and action research conducted in the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK) help identify typical barriers and challenges faced by local LGBTQ individuals toward self-fulfillment and social and political empowerment. Research participants share their marginalizing experiences that paint a picture of slow acceptance reflected in the lukewarm campus and community climate of support toward LGBTQ individuals. It forms the contextual motivation for the authors as openly gay US professionals to promote "top ten" prioritized community actions of "what do we need to do" and "how do we do it" on behalf of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Current directions of progress made in the UTK academic environment over a period of two years are shared in this paper. Future efforts are also identified that require extending traditional library functions of information provision to reflect contemporary nontraditional expectations of relevance that include proactive social justice efforts for libraries and US professionals to come out of the closet in support of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

   94.    Miller, D. P.,  "Out from under: form/genre access in LCSH".  Cataloging & classification quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 1-2, 2000.

Descriptores: Encabezamientos de materia/Library of Congress subject headings/Materiales no librarios/Formatos documentales/Género

Resumen: The provisions for access to genres and forms of library materials in LCSH are examined through a survey of Library of Congress policy over the century. This article focuses on main headings for literature and moving-image materials, and form subdivisions. Policy documents in this area have become steadily more elaborate and explicit in their instructions, indicating an increased awareness of the importance of form and genre to the library community at large. Nevertheless, there remain doubts as to whether a general subject vocabulary is best suited to provide the full spectrum of form/genre access as well.

   95.    Moffitt, S.,  "Women and War: a Historical Encyclopedia From Antiquity to the Present.".  Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 3, 2007.

Descriptores: Obras de referencia/Mujeres/Guerras

Resumen: Women and War: a Historical Encyclopedia From Antiquity to the Present.

   96.    Molina Gutiérrez, M.,  "Los servicios de interpretación a disposición de las mujeres inmigrantes maltratadas y la nueva ley contra la violencia machista en España ".  The Translation Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2006.

Descriptores: Interpretación /Mujeres/Inmigrantes/España

Resumen: A lo largo de este artículo se analizan las posibilidades que se han creado en el ámbito de la interpretación en los servicios públicos para atender a las mujeres inmigrantes maltratadas que no hablan la lengua española y que recurren a los servicios sociales. Para demostrar la gravedad del problema, se presentan cifras sobre la violencia machista en nuestro país y los niveles de maltrato que sufren las inmigrantes residentes. Posteriormente, partiremos del análisis de los documentos jurídicos que amparan el derecho al acceso a intérprete en los servicios públicos, para, en último lugar, estudiar con detenimiento la Ley Orgánica 1/2004, de 28 de diciembre de 2004 de Protección integral contra la Violencia de Género. 

   97.    Montalli, K. M. L.,  "Perfil do profissional de informaçao tecnológica e empresarial".  Ciência da informaçao, Vol. 26, No. 3, 1997.

Descriptores: Documentalistas/Empresas/Sistemas de información/Mujeres

Resumen: Analiza la Rede de Núcleos de Informaçao Tecnológica de PADCT, junto al Sistema de Informaçao do Sebrae. Del total 62,9 % de las respuestas fueron tabuladas. Constatándose la existencia de una mayor peoporción de hombres que de mujeres en el mundo de los profesionales de la información en el ámbito de la empresa, y más de la mitad de ellos tienen la titulación académica superior. Administración y economía son las áreas de procedencia de la mayoría.

   98.    Moody, M. K.,  "Good government sources: 1992 notable government documents.".  Library Journal, Vol. 118, No. 9, 1993.

Descriptores: SIDA/Organizaciones internacionales/Administración pública/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliografías/Mujeres /Acceso a la información/Administración municipal/CD-ROM/Obras de referencia/Publicaciones oficiales/American Library Association

Resumen: Presents an annotated bibliography of 60 government information sources published by federal, international, and state and local agencies. Publications in the areas of the environment, women, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), everyday living, historical sources, reference materials, and electronic sources are highlighted; and a sidebar reviews the 'American Library Association Deskbook of Public Information.'

   99.    Mooko, N. P.,  "The information behaviors of rural women in Botswana ".  Library & information science research, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Conducta informacional/Mujeres/Africa

Resumen: This study investigates the information needs and information-seeking behavior of rural women residing in three non-urban villages in Botswana. The total population of the study was divided into two groups, opinion leaders and women residing in the three villages. The women residing in the villages were either single heads of households or married. The family situations that led them to seek information included health, agriculture, employment, family violence, and basic needs for the family. In addition, the women needed information on government aided funding, welfare subsidies and policies, and training. The sources of information used included village nurses, community welfare officers, traditional doctors, other women in the villages, village chiefs, and agricultural demonstrators.

100.    Morán, M. A. and Rodríguez, B.,  "La imagen de la mujer en la Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU).".  Congreso ISKO España, Vol. 5, 2001.

Descriptores: CDU/Mujeres /Clasificación bibliográfica

Resumen: Estudio comparativo de la imagen de la mujer en las dos últimas ediciones abreviadas de la CDU (Clasificación Decimal Universal) a través de su presencia en ellas. Con este fin se ha utilizado la
metodología del análisis del discurso y deconstrucción del mismo. Esta presencia se muestra escasa e inapropiada, ocupando las mujeres cuando se las nombra una parcela muy pequeña de la realidad, aunque se aprecia un cambio cualitativo positivo en la última edición.

101.    Mozaffarian, M. and Jamali, H. R.,  "Iranian women in science: a gender study of scientific productivity in an Islamic country".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2008, pp. 463-473 .

Descriptores: Mujeres/Iran/Productividad /Investigación

Resumen: Purpose ? The aim of the paper is to explore and test gender differences in the authorship of Iranian journal articles. Design/methodology/approach ? A list of articles published by Iranian authors in ISI journals in 2003 was obtained from the Web of Science. The names of authors were searched in a specific database as well as the web to find their first names and hence their gender. The articles were then broken down by gender and subject category. International collaborations of the authors were also investigated. Findings ? The productivity of female authors at the individual level as measured by article per author share was lower than male authors. In total, females accounted for 6 per cent and males for 94 per cent of the articles published in 2003. A chi-square test showed that female contribution was significantly lower than expected. Originality/value ? The study is the first to investigate gender participation in scientific productivity in Iran and most likely in a Muslim country. The article highlights the need for qualitative studies on the gender aspect of scientific productivity in Muslim countries.

102.    Muñoz Muñoz, A. M.,  "Representación de los Estudios de Género en los índices temáticos  ".  El profesional de la información, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2004.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: Mujeres/Producción científica 

Resumen: Se revisa como están representados los Estudios de Género en los directorios de recursos de información disponibles en la Red. Además, se muestran las estrategias de búsqueda óptimas para la localización de páginas web sobre Women’s Studies, Estudios de la Mujer. La metodología empleada se basa en la consulta de una muestra de cinco motores de recuperación de información de origen anglosajón con servidores en España y con traducción al castellano. Se estudian las diferencias entre ellos y, en concreto, el lugar en el que se ubican los estudios de la mujer en la estructura jerárquica de sus índices temáticos.

103.    Muñoz Muñoz, A. M.,  "Fondos bibliográficos e iconográficos del centro europeo de las mujeres 'Mariana Pineda': Proceso de recopilación".  Boletín de la ANABAD, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Centros de documentación/Procesos técnicos/Historia/Mujeres

Resumen:  Se presenta el Centro Europeo de las Mujeres. En concreto el centro de documentación y la sala histórica del mismo dedicado a la investigación en torno a la heroína granadina Mariana Pineda, así como el proceso de recopilación, distribución y la relación de los fondos bibliográficos e iconográficos que alberga.

104.    Muñoz Muñoz, A. M.,  "Tesis Doctorales defendidas por las profesoras de la Universidad de Granada (1975-1990): Análisis Cuantitativo".  Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2004.

Descriptores: Tesis doctorales/Universidad de Granada/Mujeres/Investigación

Resumen:  Se estudian las tesis doctorales defendidas por las profesoras de la Universidad de Granada durante el periodo 1975-1990 desde una perspectiva de género. A partir de un análisis cuantitativo se analiza su producción por disciplinas, áreas de conocimiento y años. También se estudian los aspectos de difusión y dirección o codirección de las tesis. El trabajo pretende dar respuesta a dos preguntas: ¿Quiénes han dirigido las tesis de las profesoras?, y ¿A quiénes han dirigido éstas una vez que han sido doctoras?

105.    Musoke, M. G. N.,  "Information behaviour of primary health care providers in rural Uganda: An interaction-value model".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 63, No. 3, 2007.

Descriptores: Conducta informacional/Ciencias de la salud/Información a la comunidad/Africa/Países en desarrollo/Mujeres

Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the accessibility and use of health information among primary health care providers. The study focused on women and health workers' experiences with information in rural Uganda.  Design/methodology/approach – Face-to-face interviews (82) were conducted using an interview schedule that consisted of open questions and one relating to health information critical incidents. A holistic inductive paradigm was used with a grounded theory analysis. An “Interaction-value model” emerged from the study. The model was driven by the value and impact of information, unlike previous information models which have been driven by information needs. Findings – The findings have a number of implications for improving information provision, and further research. Originality/value – This study has demonstrated that, although an information need could trigger off an information activity, the subsequent information processes could only be sustained by the value of information. The study has also shown that health workers were generally active information seekers, whereas women were mainly passive

106.    Navarrete González, C. A.,  "Las Bacantes de Eurípides: El menadismo y la androginia. Transformación delirante de la división genérica".  Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, No. 34, 2006.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Condición de la mujer/Cultura griega

Resumen: A continuación se propone una lectura de la tragedia Las Bacantes de Eurípides como una obra que plantea la identificación de la mujer -a través del menadismo- con la instancia de la androginia como posibilidad de breve acceso a una omnipotencia maníaca de lo femenino. Este intento desemboca inevitablemente en la usurpación identitaria de la mujer -Agavé-, tras la exclusión social que le provoca un orden moralizante que trasunta en la ideología de una sociedad patriarcal propia de la edad heroica. Además, se discutirán algunas implicancias de la androginia en los estudios de género que demarcan las teorías Queer y los planteamientos posfeministas, donde el andrógino proporcionaría la inspiración de un cuerpo político trasgresor.

107.    Nicolás Román, S.,  "Thatcher en el teatro: la voz femenina en resistencia desde Top Girls a Pravda".  Espéculo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, No. 34, 2006.

Descriptores: Política/Escritoras/Mujeres/Condición de la mujer/Feminismo/Teatro/Siglo 20º

Resumen: Thatcherism has probably been one of the most influential political periods in contemporary British drama because the monetarist perspective that the Prime Minister supported became an important focus of criticism for the majority of the playwrights of the eighties. On the one hand, this article exposes the central aspects of the Thatcherite vision of theatre as a new means of spreading her ideology of business and social uncommitment. Secondly, our aim is to show the revival of a new female voice in the plays of this period opposing the establishment with a completely different theatrical discourse. From Top Girls (1982) to Pravda (1985), the overview of these female characters reports the possibility of an alternative to mercantilism and a courageous attempt to change the system.

108.    Nosrat Riahinia  and Ali Azimi,  "Women and the web: An evaluation of academic Iranian women's use of the internet in Tarbiat Moalem University".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Iran/Mujeres/Evaluación/Internet/Ranking

Resumen: This paper aims to examine the use of the internet among the females of Tarbiat Moalem University (TMU) in Tehran. It further aims to consider their favourite sites, issues and their attitude toward using the internet in Iran. Design/methodology/approach – The study was implemented through a descriptive survey methodology. A self-designed questionnaire was distributed and 80 valid samples were collected. The population were all females affiliated to TMU including 21 academic staff, 40 masters and doctoral students and 19 staff members. Findings – The study found that there is a significant relation between academic females' use of the internet and their social ranking. As social ranking increases the use of the internet grows. The findings also revealed that as users navigate more through the internet they would find more hidden threats and vague content. Practical implications – Some suggestions provided by this study include providing suitable web pages for females according to their needs and culture; enhancing internet access especially from their homes; providing good information pertaining to internet security and proper use; and seeking to refine Iranian attitudes to international web pages. Originality/value – The paper provides insight into a group of Iranian academic females' use of the internet. It will help researchers to achieve a closer view to such women's conditions and it is therefore of use to web developers who might design better content related to female interests especially in Iran.

109.    Olorunda, O. O.,  "Las necesidades de Información para el desarrollo económico de la mujer".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Necesidades de información/Mujeres/Aspecto económico

Resumen: El mundo se ha dislocado desde la Era Industrial hasta la Era de la Información. Esta sociedad emergente de la información establece un premio en la inteligencia, conocimiento con valor añadido, y la aplicación del conocimiento en todos los procesos, productos y servicios. Esto reemplaza a una mera fuerza física cruda como un activo económico en la economía del día de hoy. El conocimiento de la información y la comunicación se han convertido, por lo tanto, en componentes críticos en una sociedad exitosa y próspera

110.    Olorunda, O. O.,  "Women’s information needs for economic development".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Necesidades de información/Mujeres/Aspecto económico

Resumen: The world has slipped almost unheralded from the Industrial Age into the Information Age. This emerging information society puts a premium on intelligence; value added knowledge, and the application of knowledge to all processes, products and services. This replaces raw sheer physical strength as an economic asset in today's economy. Information and communication knowledge have therefore become critical components of a successful and prosperous society.

111.    Olson, H. A.,  "How We Construct Subjects: A Feminist Analysis.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 509-541 .

Descriptores: Encabezamientos de materia/Clasificación bibliográfica/Mujeres/Tesauros

Resumen: To organize information, librarians create structures. These structurers grow from a logic that goes back at least as far as Aristotle. It is the basis of classification as we practice it, and thesauri and subject headings have developed from it. Feminist critiques of logic suggest that logic is gendered in nature. This article will explore how these critiques play out in contemporary standards for the organization of information. Our widely used classification schemes embody principles such as hierarchical force that conform to traditional/Aristotelian logic. Our subject heading strings follow a linear path of subdivision. Our thesauri bhreak down subjects into discrete concepts. In thesauri and subject heading lists we privilege hierarchical relationships, reflected in the syndetic structure of broader and narrower terms, over all other relationships. Are our classificatory and syndetic structures gendered? Are these other options? Carol Gilligan's In a Different Voice (1982), Women's Ways of Knowing (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, & Tarule, 1986), and more recent related research suggest a different type of structure for women's knowledge grounded in 'connected knowing.' This article explores current and potential elements of connected knowing in subject access with a focus on the relationships, both paradigmatic and syntagmatic, between concepts.

112.    Olson, H. A.,  "How We Construct Subjects: A Feminist Analysis.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 509-541.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía/Género/ Mujeres/Encabezamientos de materia/Clasificación

Resumen: To organize information, librarians create structures. These structures grow from a logic that goes back at least as far as Aristotle. It is the basis of classification as we practice it, and thesauri and subject headings have developed from it. Feminist critiques of logic suggest that logic is gendered in nature. This article will explore how these critiques play out in contemporary standards for the organization of information. Our widely used classification schemes embody principles such as hierarchical force that conform to traditional/Aristotelian logic. Our subject heading strings follow a linear path of subdivision. Our thesauri break down subjects into discrete concepts. In thesauri and subject heading lists we privilege hierarchical relationships, reflected in the syndetic structure of broader and narrower terms, over all other relationships. Are our classificatory and syndetic structures gendered? Are these other options? Carol Gilligan's In a Different Voice (1982), Women's Ways of Knowing (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, & Tarule, 1986), and more recent related research suggest a different type of structure for women's knowledge grounded in "connected knowing." This article explores current and potential elements of connected knowing in subject access with a focus on the relationships, both paradigmatic and syntagmatic, between concepts.

113.    Omotayo Bukky O Mrs,  "Women and Conflict in the New Information Age: Virtual Libraries to the Rescue".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71 , 2005.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Discriminaión social/Aspecto social/Sociedad de la información

Resumen: Peace is more than the absence of war, violence or conflict. The paper looks at feminist theories of peace. Since women and children are the majority persons displayed by war, they have important roles to play, both at national and international levels. Women are “beautiful souls” who love peace, with an innate ability for peace. Africa has suffered more armed conflict in the past decade. From 1960-80 Africa has fought 32 wars. Millions of lives were lost and over a million people are refugees. These conflicts, poverty and diseases have all threatened the stability of the continent. There are many concepts in peace building, amongst which a major one is creating clearer channels to disseminate information between the common people and policy makers, and this is the role of librarians, especially women librarians. Women librarians roles include provision and dissemination of useful and accurate information on peace and peace movements including NGOs, IFLA, U.N., women groups, fight for freedom of access to information, improve reading habits of women and children, organizing exhibitions/talks on peace, ensuring life-long education for women and girls, etc. It is submitted that virtual libraries provide a cheap digital bridge between male and female, and other interest groups.

114.    Oyelude, A. A., Subair, R. E., and Adewumi C.O. Bolajoko,  "Bibliotecas, Información y Centros de Recursos como Herramienta para el Desarrollo Económico de la Mujer en Nigeria".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto económico/Países en desarrollo/Bibliotecas

Resumen:  El papel de las bibliotecas de la Mujer, Centros de Documentación y Recursos en el desarrollo económico de la mujer se examina y los tipos de literatura recogidos, procesados y diseminados se miden. Las actividades de los Centros que atañen a la educación de la mujer, nivel de instrucción y las actividades económicas de la Mujer en la comunidad fueron observadas y dirigidos a descubrir el impacto que producen en la sociedad.

115.    Oyelude, A. A., Subair, R. E., and Adewumi C.O. Bolajoko,  "Libraries, Information and Resource Centres as a Tool for Women and Economic Development in Nigeria".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 70, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto económico/Países en desarrollo/Bibliotecas

Resumen:  The role of Women libraries, Documentation and Resource Centres in the economic development of women is examined and the types of literature gathered, processed and disseminated is surveyed The activities of the Centres concerning women education, information literacy level and the economic activities of the Women in the community were observed and  assessed to find out the impact they have on society.

116.    Palmer, K.,  "Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: an Encyclopedia. ".  Reference & User Services Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2007.

Descriptores: Obras de referencia/Mujeres/Edad Media

Resumen: Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: an Encyclopedia.

117.    Parker, S., Hare, C., and Gannon-Leary, P.,  "National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs): one route to improve the status of women in libraries?".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 66, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Bibliotecas/Aspecto social

Resumen: National Vocational Qualifications (NVQS) and Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQS) were introduced in Great Britain in the 1980s because it was thought that increasing the skills of the workforce was the way to improve the economic health of the country; to redress the imbalance as compared to other developed countries; and to co-ordinate a growing number of 'confusing' qualifications. The Department of Education and Science in the UK set up some 160 organisations called Lead Bodies to represent occupational sectors and to lead the way in developing S/NVQs with particular responsibility for developing the standards of work-based practice for the sector. The one for the information occupational sector was the Information and Library Services Lead Body. The information sector is wide ranging and this was reflected within the Lead Body which was subdivided into the specialist areas of Information and Library Services (ILS), Archives, Records and Tourist Information. Each specialist area was represented by nominated professionals and practitioners in the field.

118.    Pattee, A. S.,  "Mass Market Mortification: the Developmental Appropriateness of Teen Magazines and the Embarrassing Story Standard".  Library Quarterly, Vol. 74, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Publicaciones periódicas/Jovenes/Mujeres

Resumen: Magazines created for teenage girls are effective because of their developmental appropriateness; the relationship developed between magazine and reader represents a distinct feminine space, while the demands of the text itself are appropriate to the analytic ability of the adolescent. The inclusion of the confessional 'embarrassing story' column that has become the mainstay of the teen magazine is a unique example of the sympathetic space created between reader and text by the magazines. By examining theories of adolescent identity development and the implied effects of environment on self-esteem building, we can investigate the influence of teen magazines and their 'embarrassing stories' on adolescent girls and theorize the full impact of these texts. In addition, as we recognize magazine reading as a component of what Margaret Finders calls the 'literate underlife,' we may begin to realize the benefit of collecting these periodicals in our public and school libraries.

119.    Penzhorn, C.,  "The use of participatory research as an alternative approach for information needs research ".  Aslib proceedings, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2002.

Descriptores: Necesidades de información/Investigación/Mujeres /Africa

Resumen:  This article reports on a study undertaken to explore the feasibility of using a participatory research approach as a method for determining information needs. Dissatisfaction with the use of quantitative methods and techniques in information needs research resulted in a gradual move towards the use of qualitative methods focusing on the users themselves in determining their information needs. Participatory research is a qualitative research methodology that challenges the principles and practices of objective, detached, quantitative research approaches. The use of participatory research methods in this project resulted in the identification of reliable and relevant information needs. These results can serve as an example for the increasing use of qualitative techniques in information needs research and affirm that participatory research methods can be a valuable alternative in the area of information needs research.

120.    Popova-Gosart, U.,  "Role of libraries in enhancing status of women in post-war societies: the case of Kosovo".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 71, 2005.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Discriminaión social/Aspecto social

Resumen: Today peace is perceived as an absence of all forms of violence. Violence against women is interconnected with all forms of abuse against citizenry and shall be regarded as an issue of security within society. A capability of a state to provide safe environment for its citizens is no less important than its ability to protect its borders. The impact of conflict on women in Kosovo had been tremendous. According to the
data collected by the UNMIK Gender Office, and the UNFEM, ethnic-Albanian women have limited access to health care, education and employment opportunities. Many rape victims being stigmatized by their communities due to the prejudices of the traditional culture that also influence the domestic violence to stay a taboo. Women are underrepresented in every aspect of the political-administrative system,
where the area of education and libraries is of no exception: men occupy most of the positions in libraries, managerial and professional alike.

121.    Radford, M. L. and Radford, G. P.,  "Librarians and Party Girls: Cultural Studies and the Meaning of the Librarian".  Library Quarterly, Vol. 73 , No. 1, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecarios/Imagen profesional/Mujeres

Resumen: This article responds to Wayne Wiegand's argument that the library and information science field has failed in the past to extend its research and inquiry by exploring theoretical perspectives from disciplines outside the LIS field. It provides a brief introduction to the cultural studies approach using an application of the work of Stuart Hall to a popular and ever present cultural icon: the media stereotype of the female librarian. The film Party Girl is analyzed which contrasts two stereotypical images: the party girl and the female librarian. We argue that adopting a cultural studies approach to an analysis of a longstanding problematic image for LIS does allow a new vantage point for interpretation of media images of the profession. This wider focus allows a rethinking of the basic assumptions that have been made by the profession and acknowledges that there are potentially many different ways to see the same phenomenon, or perhaps to see phenomena for the first time, which were previously in our blind spots.

122.    Rajagopal, I. and Bojin, N.,   "Globalization of prurience: The Internet and degradation of women and children".  First Monday, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: Globalización/Mujeres/Niños/Internet/Pornografía/Censura

Resumen:  This paper explores some key questions: How does the Web facilitate the production and dissemination of pornographic materials? How, and why, does pornography that depraves and corrupts unwary children, and exploits women, go untrammeled through the Web?.

123.    Robles, L. and Mediavilla, M.,  "Las Librerías de Mujeres en España".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Librerías/Libreros/España/Fuentes de información

Resumen:  La elaboración de este artículo es resultado de nuestra participación en la mesa redonda “Selección de materias bibliográficas de Mujer. Las librerías especializadas” durante el VI Encuentro de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres celebrado en Mérida del 7 al 9 de octubre de 1999. El tema nos fue propuesto por Mª Angeles Fraile, de la Fundación 8 de Marzo, organizadora del Encuentro. Queda por hacer, sin duda, un estudio mucho más exhaustivo, por la importancia que las librerías de mujeres han tenido para el desarrollo del movimiento feminista en nuestro país. Por otra parte, y dado que nos ha sido imposible obtener datos sobre todas las librerías de mujeres que han existido en España, agradeceríamos cualquier nueva información.

124.    Samraj, B. and Monk, L.,  "The statement of purpose in graduate program applications: Genre structure and disciplinary variation".  English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2008, pp. 193-211.

Descriptores: Inglés/Lenguaje especializado/Género

Resumen: Recent research of student writing has included a few studies of the statement of purpose submitted as part of the admission process to programs of study, which have indicated variations in expectations by disciplinary gatekeepers. These studies indicate a need for further study of statements of purpose submitted to different departments, informed by the views of disciplinary specialists. In this paper, we first report on a survey of print and electronic resources on writing the statement, which revealed that information on writing statements for specific masterGÇÖs programs is not consistently available. This lends support to the GÇ£semi-occludedGÇ¥ status of this genre. We also discuss a genre analysis of successful statements submitted to three masterGÇÖs programs (Linguistics, Business Administration and Electrical Engineering) at a university in the US, drawing on the views of informants from these departments. Our findings indicate that, although statements from the three disciplines may contain the same rhetorical moves, they differ in the constituent steps used to realize some of the moves. These findings lead to implications not only for EAP instruction but also for masterGÇÖs programs soliciting statements from prospective graduate students.

125.    Sánchez Cuervo, M. E.,  "The Gendered Sentence in the Essays of Virginia Woolf".  Congreso internacional de AEDEAN, No. 27, 2003.

Descriptores: Feminismo

Resumen: The aim of this paper is to relate the concept of the gendered sentence that several feminist theories have developed, mainly in fiction, with the discourse of the essay. In particular, we centre on the “affiliation” theory that labels the style of an author either feminine or masculine if inserted in a dominant male or female literary tradition. In the case of Virginia Woolf, we argue that her so called “feminine” style does not depend so much on the linguistic cues and contextual factors that this theory suggests but on the essayistic nature of this type of discourse, which favours the inclusion of ideas, opinions and value-judgements that do not intend to impose an arbitrary criterion, just to offer a point of view that we can agree with or not.

126.    Sánchez Hernández, M. F. and Martín González, Y.,  "La mujer en Europa: análisis de fuentes y unidades de información para los estudios de género".  Scire, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2005.

Descriptores: Europa/Mujeres/Género/Fuentes de información

Resumen: Se ofrece un análisis comparativo de las fuentes documentales sobre estudios de género de tres unidades de información europeas de referencia­el Centro de Documentación del Instituto de la Mujer (Madrid), la Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison (Barcelona) y la Biblioteca Nazionale delle Donne-Centro di Documentazione delle Donne (Bolonia)­, y de las unidades de información sobre la temática “Mujer y Europa” ­el Centro di Documentazione delle Donne y el Archivio di Studi di Storia delle Donne (en Florencia), The Fawcett Library (1926, Londres), la Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand (1931, París) y el International Informatiecentrum en Archief voor de Vrouwenbeweging (1935, Ámsterdam). Se analizó en cada unidad de información mencionada el número de fuentes de información, su sistema de clasificación, organización y tratamiento documental de sus fondos bibliográficos, cómo se aplican las tecnologías de la información y su repercusión en la difusión digital de sus colecciones. Se realizó un análisis comparativo de los tres centros en función de su contenido temático y su organización, y se valoró el grado de implicación de estas tres unidades en la promoción de estudios de género en Europa y en la elaboración de nuevos productos documentales. Su papel es el de contribuir a los planes de igualdad de la mujer dispuestos a lo largo del siglo XX, en el territorio social eurocomunitario

127.    Sánchez Vignau, B. S.,  "The Role of Woman Librarian in the Development of Information Strategies at the University of Havana".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 65, 1999.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Bibliotecas /Bibliotecarios/Bibliotecas universitarias/Cuba/Centroamérica

Resumen: The use of information and communication technologies in the Cuban universities is a factor of vital importance for the development of these academic institutions. However, work in the process of computerization implies great changes in the current functions of our university libraries and their personnel. New times bring into development new modes of production, processing, access and transfer of information with the help of data suitable for the functions of our organizations, and in this process the woman librarian becomes a factor of vital importance. This paper will consider the marked preliminaries and describe the process of change which has been initiated, in the Department of Scientific-Technical Information (DSTI) of the University of Havana including the Department of Strategy, with the participation of our female professionals

128.    Sanchis Pérez, E. and Latorre Zacarés, N.,  "Red de centros de documentación y bibliotecas de mujeres".  Métodos de información, Vol. 6, No. 28, 1999.

Descriptores: Centros de documentación/Mujeres

Resumen: La Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres española fue creada en 1994 y en la actualidad está formada por 37 unidades especializadas en información sobre la mujer. La red es un conjunto muy heterogéneo de bibliotecas especializadas y centros de documentación que no depende de ningún organismo administrativo concreto y que está basado en el deseo de sus miembros en cooperar y aunar esfuerzos dentro del marco informativo para el que han sido creados.

129.    Searing, S. E.,  "Biographical Reference Works for and about Women, from the Advent of the Women's Liberation Movement to the Present: An Exploratory Analysis.".  Library trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 469-493.

Descriptores: Obras de referencia/Mujeres/Feminismo

Resumen: Hundreds of English-language biographical reference books devoted to women subjects were published between 1966 and 2006. These works compensated for underrepresentation of women in standard sources and responded to the intense interest in women's lives on the part of feminist scholars. The findings in this article are derived from a bibliographic database that includes works limited by nationality, race, occupation, and other factors, as well as general biographical dictionaries. A decade-by-decade analysis reveals trends in subject content that parallel developments in the scholarly field of women's studies and the public arena. Problems with duplicative content, subjectivity, and factual errors are described, and points for evaluation are recommended. As biographical information about women is increasingly available on the open Web, questions remain about the nature and future of this type of information source.

130.    Searing, S. E.,  "Biographical Reference Works for and about Women, from the Advent of the Women's Liberation Movement to the Present: An Exploratory Analysis.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 469-493.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Fuentes de información/Feminismo/Discriminación sexual/Género

Resumen: Hundreds of English-language biographical reference books devoted to women subjects were published between 1966 and 2006. These works compensated for underrepresentation of women in standard sources and responded to the intense interest in women's lives on the part of feminist scholars. The findings in this article are derived from a bibliographic database that includes works limited by nationality, race, occupation, and other factors, as well as general biographical dictionaries. A decade-by-decade analysis reveals trends in subject content that parallel developments in the scholarly field of women's studies and the public arena. Problems with duplicative content, subjectivity, and factual errors are described, and points for evaluation are recommended. As biographical information about women is increasingly available on the open Web, questions remain about the nature and future of this type of information source.

131.    Seco Salvador, O.,  "Deconstructing Revisionism: Violence and Sensibility in Clint Eastwood’s Unforgiven (1992) ".  Congreso internacional de AEDEAN, No. 27, 2003.

Descriptores: Cine/Mujeres

Resumen: This paper explores the ways in which Eastwood’s film both follows and departs from the traditional conventions of the western genre by taking as a starting point two central aspects presented in the film: the question of fatherhood and the representation of women. For my analysis, I will refer to the ‘New Sensitive Guy’ trend characteristic of some 1990s Hollywood productions and will investigate the possible (or not) link between the film and this trend.

132.    Simon, A.,  "Women's perceptions of technological change in the information society".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 58, No. 6, 2006.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Tecnologías de la información/Sociedad de la información

Resumen: Purpose ? The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of empirical research and focus on specific aspects of the data that relate to the concept of the 'information rich and information poor'. Design/methodology/approach ? Exploratory in nature and as such utilises an interpretive, qualitative methodology. In depth interviews and focus group interviews were analysed using tools from grounded theory methodology. Findings ? There was a positive, yet ambivalent, attitude towards new information and communication technologies (ICTs) amongst the women interviewed. It is shown that although the interview data resonates with the theory, it also differs in interesting ways that are linked to everyday experience and social contexts. Research limitations/implications ? It is clearly focussed on a particular group of individuals and could be developed on a conceptual level to refer to wider contexts. Originality/value ? It presents a 'grass roots' view of responses to technological change and life in an information society, and emphasises the variety inherent in people's interpretations of and responses to ICT.

133.    Sridhar, M. S.,  "Information and communication behaviour of women space technologists".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Información/Documentación/Conducta informacional

Resumen:  The study is based on a survey inquiring into the information and communication behaviour of men and women space technologists in India. Members of a population of about 800, of whom about 70 were women, were questioned about their information seeking and transmission activities. The survey showed that on almost all aspects, including time spent on collecting information, number of contacts outside the organization, consultations with library staff, dependence on informal sources of information, and so on, there were no significant difference between the sexes. The only important differences were that women used formal sources such as library documentation and consulted internal sources of information more than men, and were much less likely to be gatekeepers. But women space technologists appeared to have low information potential in the sociometric analysis of informal contacts of the respondents, as they were less likely to be chosen for discussion, advice and information by respondents than were men space technologists.

134.    Stafford, B.,  "Freeing access to women's information: an overview".  IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 66, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Información/Acceso a la información/Aspecto social

Resumen:  As major gatekeepers of knowledge and culture, libraries and their decisions regarding which materials to acquire, which to ignore, and on how to make their contents accessible through cataloging and classification, codify knowledge. By virtue of such decisions, libraries have essentially controlled access to, and imposed a structure and relational value system on, all forms of information. A wide range of difficulties has hampered access to information about, by and of particular concern to females of all ages. In recent years, librarians all across the globe have ororganized to modify existing practices in libraries and documentation centers. They are working with national and international government and grassroots agencies to make information about women and girls more easily available so that public policies can be better informed on issues that disproportionately affect females. Previously, many countries did not even compile statistics on social, political, and economic indicators on females. Any national statistics kept were not disaggregated by sex. As a result, public policy was crafted to coincide with beliefs rather than facts. This paper gives an overview of activities undertaken by librarians and other information professionals worldwide over the past decade or so and currently. An impressive variety of agencies either specialize in women's information entirely or have specialized units within larger institutions that make information about women's and gender issues accessible, in paper and all electronic formats from the Internet to video and sound recordings to specialized discrete databases.

135.    Stauffer, S. M.,  "Developing Children's Interest in Reading.".  Library Trends, Vol. 56, No. 2, 2007, pp. 402-422.

Descriptores: Animación a la lectura/Ni os/Mujeres/Género

Resumen: Librarians have always discussed methods of developing children's interest in reading, but they have focused more on the books being read than on the act of reading. Although many touted the need to "establish the reading habit," a closer reading of the literature reveals that this referred specifically to reading "good books," those which socialized children into culturally acceptable sex roles. As early as 1876, articles warned of the dangers of sensational fiction for both girls and boys. By the 1940s, comic books had replaced sensational fiction as a potential "corrupting influence." Only in the late 1950s did public librarians begin to address the new problem of a reluctance to read at all among children in general and among boys in particular. This paper will examine the effect of gender role expectations on librarians' efforts to promote reading to children in the twentieth century. In particular it will explore the questions of whether these strategies continue to be designed to promote reading literature that reinforces society's gender role expectations and of whether they are designed to promote reading to both boys and girls equally, or whether one group is privileged at the expense of the other. [

136.    Stieger, S., Reips, U.-D., and Voracek, M.,  "Forced-response in online surveys: Bias from reactance and an increase in sex-specific dropout.".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 11, 2007.

Descriptores: Cuestionario/Bibliotecas universitarias/Encuestas/Diferencias sexuales/Internet/Estudiantes/Género

Resumen: Due to computer technology, a forced-response can be easily achieved in online questionnaires and is frequently used to gather complete datasets. An Internet-based quasi-experiment was conducted on the student server at the University of Vienna to study the influence of forced-response on dropout, demographic reports, and the content of the results. Forced-response was shown to substantially increase dropout. In addition, forced-response interacted with reported sex in eliminating a naturally occurring sex difference in dropout that was observed for the questionnaire whenever responses did not need to be enforced. Also reported sex turned out to have a mediating effect on time of dropout: Men dropped out earlier than did women. Further analyses revealed a reactance effect, as predicted by reactance theory. It is concluded that data from online questionnaires with forced-response designs are in danger of being hampered by dropout and reactance.

137.    Stoll, C.,  "Romance Gender Benders: Gender of Nouns in the Romance languages ".  The Translation Journal , Vol. 11, No. 4, 2007.

Descriptores: Lenguas románicas/Español/Francés/Italiano/Portugués/Nombres de persona/Género

Resumen: The purpose of this list is to aid learners of a second Romance language avoid gender confusions with their first Romance language. Mutatis mutandis, the same goes for third and fourth languages. The list covers Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian, in geographical order from west to east on the map of Europe. The purpose is didactic, so logical elegance is mostly sacrificed to practical considerations. This list tries to tread the narrow line between completeness and prolixity. I have generally avoided the obscure. Nonetheless, I am certain to have omitted important items. This is inevitable, since there is no foolproof way to detect gender differences among cognates.

138.    Swan, M.,  "Florencia Franceschina: Fossilised Second Language Grammars: The Acquisition of Grammatical Gender.".  Applied Linguistics, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Lingüística aplicada/Segunda lengua/Adquisición de lenguas/Gramática/Género

Resumen: Critica de libros. Florencia Franceschina: Fossilised Second Language Grammars: The Acquisition of Grammatical Gender.

139.    Torres Ramirez, I. and Torres-Salinas, D.,  "Tesis doctorales sobre estudios de las mujeres en las universidades de Espa+_a (1976-2005): An+ílisis bibliom+_trico y repertorio bibliogr+ífico".  E-LIS, 2007.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Aspecto social/Tesis doctorales/España

Resumen: Torres Ramirez, Isabel and Torres-Salinas, Daniel (2007) Tesis doctorales sobre estudios de las mujeres en las universidades de Espa+_a (1976-2005): An+ílisis bibliom+_trico y repertorio bibliogr+ífico. Instituto Andaluz de la Mujer. Se proporciona una visión de la aplicación de la gestión de documentos en las organizaciones en el momento actual en el que la regulación sobre records management/gestión de documentos (ISO 15489) está permitiendo normalizar la implantación en las organizaciones de sistemas de gestión documental.

140.    Torres Ramírez, I. d.,  "El Feminismo Académico en España Hoy".  Métodos de información, Vol. 7, No. 35, 2000.

Descriptores: Mujeres/España/Investigación

 Resumen: Es un hecho constatable que las temáticas relacionadas con la mujer, o las mujeres, gozan hoy de gran predicamento, como ponen de manifiesto la gran atención y el espacio que les dedican los medios de comunicación en general, autopistas de la información incluidas. Se habla menos en los medios de lo que Françoise Collin considera la gran novedad y especificidad del feminismo plural de los últimos años: su capacidad para generar no sólo efectos políticos y sociales, sino también resultados en el campo del conocimiento (Collin, 1993), hecho que ha propiciado la aparición de los llamados 'Estudios de las Mujeres', a los que Mary Evans califica como 'la parte académica del feminismo' (Evans, 1998: 9). como ha sido puesto de manifiesto tras el análisis y el balance realizado en el encuentro científico mencionado.

141.    Torres Ramírez, I. d.,  "'Mujeres y libros siempre mal avenidos'. A vueltas con las bibliotecas de mujeres".  Boletín de la ANABAD, Vol. 55, No. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Bibliotecas/Legislación/Bibliotecarios

Resumen: Partiendo del comentario de un refrán popular: «Mujeres y libros siempre mal avenidos», se analizan en este artículo las razones por las que el acceso a los libros, que es tanto como decir a la lectura y el saber, ha sido secularmente vetado y/o dificultado a las mujeres, mostrando, igualmente, como, pese a todo, éstas aprendieron a leer y escribir, fueron propietarias y coleccionistas de libros, practicaron la biblioíília y propiciaron la creación de bibliotecas, que en sentido amplio podrían llamarse «bibliotecas de Mujeres». Se estudian las que smsu striclo pueden denominarse como tales: su razón de ser, sus objetivos, su origen e historia y la descripción de algunas que es imprescindible conocer. Se termina con un breve apunte sobre la presencia de las mujeres en la profesión bibliotecaria.

142.    Torres Ramírez, I. d. and Daza Bonachela. Aure,  "Unidades de información especializadas en la temática 'Mujer' en España y en Andalucía La Red de Centros de Documentación y Bibliotecas de Mujeres".  Jornadas Andaluzas de Documentación, Vol. 1, 1997.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Centros de documentación/Aspecto social/Redes de bibliotecas/España/Andalucía

Resumen: El objetivo esencial de esta Comunicación es presentar las unidades de información y documentación especializadas en Estudios de las Mujeres o específicamente destinadas a mujeres existentes hoy en España, haciendo una mención especial de las ubicadas en Andalucía. Junto a lo dicho, se persigue también informar sobre una red de centros de documentación y bibliotecas de mujeres, nacida hace sólo un par de años, que constituye un sistema de información en el que se engloban muchas de las unidades estudiadas aquí. El trabajo se inicia con una introducción histórica, continúa con el análisis de los datos contenidos en la Guía de Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación de Mujeres. España 1966, subrayando los centros andaluces, y se cierra con una descripción sucinta de la mencionada Red de Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación de Mujeres, también de carácter nacional y poco conocida aún, incluso entre los profesionales

143.    Vargas Quesada, B., Doménech Coullaut, I., García Gómez, G., Sánchez Domínguez, C., Extremeño Placer, A., and Zulueta García, M. Á.,  "La identificación temática a partir de la visualización de la información: una aproximación mediante el caso de women en Medline".  Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Medline/Visibilidad

Resumen: La salud de las mujeres es un aspecto de gran interés que surge con fuerza en la década de los 90. El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en delimitar un tema de gran actualidad y relevancia como es la investigación sobre la mujer, desde el punto de vista de las ciencias de la salud, reflejada en las publicaciones científicas. Consideramos que la mejor fuente para este objetivo es Medline. Para ello, desarrollamos una metodología en tres niveles consecutivos que nos permite poner de manifiesto la estructura intelectual del concepto de mujer en Medline, así como detectar e identificar sus principales descriptores en la base de datos seleccionada.

144.    Warner, D.,  "Toward wellness: Women seeking health information ".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 55, No. 8, 2004.

Descriptores: Mujeres/Conducta informacional/Recuperación de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Ciencias de la salud

Resumen: As health information seekers pursue their right to know when investigating medical options, the question of reliable health information resources becomes paramount. Previous research has not addressed widely the connection between women as the health information seeker and quality health information, nor has women's awareness of specific health and medical resources been adequately evaluated. A study with a convenience sample of 119 women assessed the process of seeking health information (women's health information needs, the search strategies they employed for filling the information need, and the use of the health information found), and their awareness of specific health and medical information resources. Our survey instrument was based on Kuhlthau's Information Search Process (ISP) model. Results appeared to address the uncertainty stage of the ISP model, as there were conflicting responses regarding the facility of locating information, the usefulness of the information found, and whether or not the subjects' health questions were answered. The study also identified a low awareness by our respondents of specific health and medical information resources. There is an opportunity for health information providers to play a role in mediating at this uncertainty stage to connect health information seekers with reliable information.

145.    Westbrook, L.,  "E-government support for people in crisis: An evaluation of police department website support for domestic violence survivors using GÇ£person-in-situationGÇ¥ information need analysis".  Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Violencia/Mujeres/Administración electrónica/Servicios de Información

Resumen: The crisis of intimate partner violence (IPV) requires a comprehensive array of government services in law enforcement, health, and social services. Impacting over 5 million victims in the U.S. annually, the beating, rape, stalking, assault, and other abuse of IPV force survivors to face multiple points of crisis. Repeatedly, most of these individuals move through separate dynamic situations that require different types of information. Building from the research literature on IPV survivors' experiences, this paper presents an original four-part framework of the Everyday Life Information Seeking (ELIS) information needs of IPV survivors. Using the person-in-progressive-situation approach of ELIS, this framework delineates 16 concrete information needs which occur throughout the four points of change: considering leaving an abuser, actually leaving an abuser, surviving after leaving, and long-term survival after leaving. Police departments are the local government first-responders most directly responsible for IPV survivors at the point of crisis. Their well-established use of community policing techniques requires police to serve as key information gatekeepers for all crime victims but particularly for IPV survivors. Police departments are examined in light of this original framework to determine the extent to which their websites address these situational information needs of IPV survivors. Using the original four-part framework as an analytic lens, this examination of 172 police department websites in the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas reveals major gaps in provision of essential information. Solving these problems requires more than simply filling the information gaps. The fundamental approach to local e-government social service information delivery must be firmly rooted in the information experiences of individuals' situations. Findings are contextualized in terms of information theory most relevant to individuals in crisis; future research needs are delineated.

146.    Willett, P.,  "The Victorian Women Writers Project: The Library as a Creator and Publisher of Electronic Texts".  The Public-Access Computer Systems Review, Vol. 7, No. 6, 1996.

Descriptores: Mujeres /Siglo 19º/Investigación/Internet /Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: The Victorian Women Writers Project provides Web access to poems, novels, children's books, political pamphlets, religious tracts, and other works written by women in the late 19th century. By utilizing SGML and the Text Encoding Initiative's Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, the VWW Project is creating a collection of electronic texts that will remain useable in spite of technological changes in document delivery tools, such as the Web.

147.    Yoo, E.-Y. and Robbins, L. S.,  "Understanding middle-aged women's health information seeking on the web: A theoretical approach".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 4, 2008, pp. 577-590.

Descriptores: Necesidad de información/Mujeres/World Wide Web

Resumen: No abstract.

148.    Zipkowitz, F.,  "Placements and salaries 1991: jobs tight, salaries holding.".  Library Journal, Vol. 117, No. 17, 1992.

Descriptores: Empleo/Mercado de trabajo/Bibliotecarios/Bibliotecas escolares/Salarios/Análisis comparativos/Enseñanza/Mujeres/Universidades/Formación profesional/Encuestas /Diferencias sexuales/Datos estadísticos

Resumen: Presents results of the 1991 placement survey of accredited library schools. Highlights include status of graduates; placements by type of library; full-time salaries of graduates; comparison of salaries by type of library; women's salaries; institutional data and trends; and a sidebar that relates the experiences of one recent graduate.

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