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Universidad de Salamanca

Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
B iblioteca

Monográfico: OpenURL
InfoDoc 4 de febrero de 2008

OpenURL es un tipo de dirección de Internet (URL) que contiene metadatos para su uso fundamentalmente en bibliotecas. Una aplicación OpenURL es un servicio en red usado para transportar paquetes de información. Lo que se incluye en estos paquetes es la descripción de un recurso (metadatos).

Una aplicación OpenURL es un servicio en red en la cual se transportan paquetes de información. Estos paquetes llevan la descripción de un recurso y se trasladan con el propósito de obtener servicios sensibles al contexto donde se hallen, referentes a dicho recurso. Para permitir que los receptores de ese paquete puedan suministrar los citados servicios adecuados al contexto, cada paquete describe el propio recurso, el contexto de red en la cual está ese recurso y el contexto en el cual se solicita el servicio. En otras palabras, la aplicación suministra unos datos u otros sobre una fuente de información determinada según desde qué Biblioteca se le soliciten.
(Fuente: Tomás baiget. Aprobación de la norma OpenURL (Z39.88) URL:

La norma OpenURL se puede descargar gratuitamente de:

Para saber más
     1.    Alonso, J.,  "Norma Z39.83 para circulación de fondos".  Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2005.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: OpenURL/Préstamo/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Normas/Z39.83/Consorcios

Resumen: Resumen: Se describe la norma Z39.83, los motivos por los que hacía falta,sus orígenes desde la norma SIP (Standard interface protocol), documentos que la componen, estructura, servicios que la integran, perfiles que se usan para su implementación, su lenguaje de desarrollo (xml), y sus áreas de aplicación dentro de las bibliotecas, en especial en los consorcios. Así mismo se se ala la relación de esta norma con otras, como la ISO ILL, o las posibles aplicaciones a que puede dar lugar el uso de esta norma al interactuar con otras como OpenURL. .

     2.    Apps, v. and MacIntyre, R.,  "Why OpenURL?".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 5, 2006.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Hiperenlaces/Normalización

Resumen: The improvement of access to scholarly literature caused by electronic journal publishing quickly led to the wish for seamless linking to referenced articles. This article looks at the evolution of linking technologies with a particular focus on OpenURL, now a NISO standard. The implications for stakeholders in the supply chain are explored, including publishers, intermediaries, libraries and readers. The benefits, expectations and business drivers are examined. The article also highlights some novel, existing and potential future, uses, including increased user-empowerment and possibilities beyond referencing traditional bibliographic material.

     3.    Bailey, A. and Back, G.,  "LibX - a Firefox extension for enhanced library access ".  Library Hi Tech  , Vol. 24, No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: OpenURL/OPAC/Catálogos automatizados/Acceso a la información

Resumen:  This paper presents LibX, a software module that enhances library access for users by integrating access to the online public access catalog (OPAC) and to the OpenURL linking server into the Firefox browser. Design/methodology/approach - We developed LibX as a Firefox extension. It is implemented using XML user-interface language (XUL) and JavaScript. LibX offers library access through a toolbar user interface, through context menus, and via cues embedded into web pages. LibX can be branded for use in different libraries. Findings - LibX demonstrates the power of client-side technology in providing users with direct access to library resources while doing research on the web. Practical implications - LibX makes access to library resources immediate and effortless. Therefore, it has the potential to bring those users back to the library who in recent years have turned to internet search engines instead. Originality/value - LibX is available for adoption by librarians who wish to provide their user community with enhanced library access.

     4.    Bekaert, J., Balakireva, L., and Hochstenbach, P. S. H. V. d.,  "Using MPEG-21 DIP and NISO OpenURL for the Dynamic Dissemination of Complex Digital Objects in the Los Alamos National Laboratory Digital Library".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2004.

Descriptores: OpenURL/OAI-PMH/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales/Sistemas abiertos/Lenguajes de marcas/XML/Normas/Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: This paper focuses on the use of NISO OpenURL and MPEG-21 Digital Item Processing (DIP) to disseminate complex objects and their contained assets, in a repository architecture designed for the Research Library of the Los Alamos National Laboratory. In the architecture, the MPEG-21 Digital Item Declaration Language (DIDL) is used as the XML-based format to represent complex digital objects. Through an ingestion process, these objects are stored in a multitude of autonomous OAI-PMH repositories. An OAI-PMH compliant Repository Index keeps track of the creation and location of all those repositories, whereas an Identifier Resolver keeps track of the location of individual complex objects and contained assets. An MPEG-21 DIP Engine and an OpenURL Resolver facilitate the delivery of various disseminations of the stored objects. While these aspects of the architecture are described in the context of the LANL library, the paper will also briefly touch on their more general applicability.

     5.    Blake, M. E. and Knudson, F. L.,  "Metadata and reference linking".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2002, pp. 219-230.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Metadatos/Hiperenlaces

Resumen: Reference linking is a broad term that generally means linking from one information object to another. The specific types of linking which have been addressed in most detail in recent years are those having to do with the links between journal articles. These would include the links from citation metadata to the electronic full-text article and links from references following an article (the bibliography) directly to the referred citation and/or article. A basic concept is that there must be a way to identify the work to be ‘linked-to.' A second concept is that in order to ‘link-to' an outside system, there must be an identifiable syntax, which often includes an identifier, for creating a query into that system to find the correct article. In this paper we focus on experiences in linking from an A&I database record to full-text and linking from a bibliography to full-text. Accomplishing this required implementing a system that uses metadata to determine the identifiers and the required elements for various ‘link-to' syntaxes across disparate systems.

     6.    Bocconi, S., Nack, F., and Hardman, L.,  "Automatic generation of matter-of-opinion video documentaries: Semantic Multimedia".  Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 6, No. 2, 2008, pp. 139-150.

Descriptores: OpenURL/V/Video/Web semántica/Multimedia/i

Resumen: In this paper we describe a model for automatically generating video documentaries. This allows viewers to specify the subject and the point of view of the documentary to be generated. The domain is matter-of-opinion documentaries based on interviews. The model combines rhetorical presentation patterns used by documentary makers with a data-driven approach. Rhetorical presentation patterns provide the viewer with an engaging viewing experience, while a data-driven approach can be applied to growing media repositories. To date, the modeling of rhetoric has been achieved in a top-down manner using closed repositories, while data-driven generation approaches were unable to implement non-trivial rhetorical presentation patterns. We describe an implementation of our model in a system, Vox Populi, and apply it to an online documentary shot by a group of independent amateur documentarists.

     7.    Bollen, J., Van de Sompel, H., Smith, J. A., and Luce, R.,  "Toward alternative metrics of journal impact: A comparison of download and citation data: Special Issue on Infometrics".  Information Processing & Management, Vol. 41, No. 6, 2005, pp. 1419-1440.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Bibliotecas digitales/ Uso/Impacto/Análisis de citas/Bibliometría

Resumen: We generated networks of journal relationships from citation and download data, and determined journal impact rankings from these networks using a set of social network centrality metrics. The resulting journal impact rankings were compared to the ISI IF. Results indicate that, although social network metrics and ISI IF rankings deviate moderately for citation-based journal networks, they differ considerably for journal networks derived from download data. We believe the results represent a unique aspect of general journal impact that is not captured by the ISI IF. These results furthermore raise questions regarding the validity of the ISI IF as the sole assessment of journal impact, and suggest the possibility of devising impact metrics based on usage information in general

     8.    Brand, A.,  "Publishers Joining Forces through CrossRef".  Serials Review, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2004, pp. 3-9.

Descriptores: Revistas electrónicas/OpenURL/Análisis de citas/Citas bibliográficas/Editores

Resumen: CrossRef is an independent membership association for building shared technologies. It has an unusual mission: to improve access to published scholarship through services that require collective agreement among competitors in scholarly and professional publishing. The CrossRef network today covers millions of articles and other content items from several hundred publishers. This article looks at how far CrossRef has come since it launched in 2000 and what has to happen going forward in order for the service to arrive at a truly comprehensive linking network for scholarly and professional content online. Serial Review 2004

     9.    Brandsma, T. W., Bernhardt, E. R., and Sally, D. M.,  "Journal Finder, a Second Look: Implications for Serials Access in Today's Library".  Serials Review, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2003, pp. 287-294.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Acceso a la información/Revistas electrónicas/Bibliotecas digitales

Resumen: Since The University of North Carolina at Greensboro's Jackson Library introduced Journal Finder in August 2001, the service has grown and evolved. Its features and capabilities have been expanded, enhanced, and refined, and a partnership program has been developed. Journal Finder enjoys significant initial success and appears to meet a real need in the research life of faculty and students. Additionally, Journal Finder has revealed several user trends with implications for the library, including the use of print serials, photocopying, interlibrary loan, and document delivery/pay-per-view, and it continues to provide insights and data for serials collection management decisions. Serials Review 2003; 29:287-294

   10.    Brown, L. A. ,  "Useful or Useless Use Statistics? A Summary of Conference Presentations on Usage Data from the 22nd Annual Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition".  Serials Review, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2003, pp. 145-150.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Estadísticas/Libros/Revisión científica/Adquisiciones

Resumen: The Charleston Conference is known for its lively discussions of issues and for attendee involvement in these exchanges. At the 22nd annual conference, October 31 through November 2, 2002, discussions of usage statistics and the connections between usage and pricing were no exception.

   11.    Bucchioni, C. and Spinelli, S.,  "Teoria e pratica del linking citazionale".  Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 25, No. 8, 2007.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Análisis de citas/Cibermetria/Hiperenlaces

Resumen: The paper includes three parts. The first part offers a review of the debate on reference linking started in the 90ties, of the context, the discussions and its achievements, from the emerging of the 'appropriate copy' problem, through the pro­posal of permanent identifiers, until the rising of the OpenURL solution, which appears rather close to the library tradition since proposes an indirect linking based on a standard description and aimed at the delivery of extended services to final users. The second part of the paper focuses on a case study, the home grown OpenURL resolver at the University of Pisa: a link­ing tool under library control seemed a desirable addition to the Pisa library system, where no unique catalogue access to the different print and digital resources was available; it was self developed since linking tools appear to be more effective the more they deal with the local situation (i.e. the more they support customization), and in this case orientation toward the local situation has meant orientation toward the hybrid library, i.e. attention to opacs, traditional services, and not only to identifiers but also to bibliographic metadata. The application has been developed from the Perl script of Andy Powell known as UKOLN resolver, with relevant improvements: compliance to OpenURL 1.0, profile SAP1, interoperability with the local A-Z list of e-journals, inclusion of sources and targets actually subscribed to or used at the University of Pisa. It is not intended for generalization but for availability to the developer community under the GPL licence. The third part shortly traces a review of the newest applications of the OpenURL standard in the context of web 2.0.

   12.    Chen, L.-S.,  "Design and implementation of intelligent library system".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, 2009.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Inteligencia artificial/Dise o( mobilidad

Resumen: In this study, we combine swarm intelligence and Web Services to transform a conventional library system into an intelligent library system with high integrity, usability, correctness, and reliability software for readers. We select 300 readers to test this intelligent system and software, and compare it with a conventional library system. It is revealed that 64% of the readers are dissatisfied with the conventional library system, and 93% of the readers are satisfied with the intelligent library system when using personal digital assistants. The software integrity satisfaction was 99.99%; usability satisfaction, 93%; correctness, 95%; and reliability, 95%.

   13.    Cho, J.,  "A study on the application method of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) to the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in Korean libraries".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, 2006, pp. 202-213.

Descriptores: OpenURL/FRBR/Control de autoridades/OPAC/Corea

Resumen:  The work-set algorithm to automatically convert a bibliographic database into a Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) structure has been developed and operated. However, in case the authority control is not properly performed as in Korean catalogs, it is impossible to FRBRize using only the automechanism. In such a case, a visual check must accompany the process; unfortunately, this requires extensive time and cost. Thus, in this case, it is desirable to cluster work-sets for a large-scale bibliographic database like a union catalog and to share the resulting work-sets with local libraries. To that end, this paper presents a method for extracting work-sets from the Korean union catalog using a semi-automatic mechanism. Additionally, it proposes methods to allow local libraries to apply the FRBR to their own OPAC using work-sets that result from the union catalog.

   14.    Clemons, A., Banoun, S., Smailes, S., and Geer, B.,  "Mapping Our Way: New Formations in Technical Services: Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians Annual Conference".  Serials Review, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2007, pp. 262-269.

Descriptores: Revisión científica/Procesos técnicos/OpenURL

Resumen: The annual meeting of the Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians (OVGTSL) was held May 16-18, 2007, at the Holiday Inn-University Plaza in Bowling Green, Kentucky. One hundred twenty technical services librarians from Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and points beyond gathered for programming centered around the theme of "Mapping Our Way: New Formations in Technical Services."

   15.    Cochenour, D. and Jaramillo, G. R.,  "Access to E-Resources The Implementation of SFX".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2004.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Recursos electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso a la información/Hiperenlaces/Bases de datos /Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: During 2002, the Colorado State University Libraries were involved in the implementation of the Ex Libris software SFX. Through SFX users can easily identify library resources in aggregated databases and e-journals in a seamless and user friendly environment. This article describes the process of implementing SFX, the technical and public service considerations, and the benefits derived from SFX. Through its implementation of the OpenURL standard, which allows for context-sensitive reference linking from a citation to a resource, SFX helps the users to easily locate information within an array of online electronic resources.

   16.    Collins, M.,  "The Effects of E-journal Management Tools and Services on Serials Cataloging".  Serials Review, Vol. 31, No. 4, 2005, pp. 291-297.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Gestión de la colección/Revistas electrónicas/Catalogación

Resumen: E-journal management tools and services such as MARC record services, A-to-Z lists, and link resolvers are changing e-journal cataloging. This column explores these changes in the academic environment through interviews with ten librarians representing eight universities. Three areas of change in serials cataloging are explored: (1) changes to the MARC record, including how libraries are adding/creating MARC records for their catalogs, the number and type of MARC records being created and linking within MARC bibliographic and holdings records; (2) the manner in which serials catalogers are being informed of changes; and (3) the evolving role of the serials cataloger. Future trends and advice for evolving workflow practices conclude the discussion.

   17.    Collins, M.,  "Electronic Journal Forum: Electronic Resource Management Systems: Understanding the Players and How to Make the Right Choice for Your Library".  Serials Review, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 125-140.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Gestión de la colección/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: The Digital Library Federation's Electronic Resource Management Initiative (DLF ERMI) has served as a catalyst for the commercial development of electronic resource management (ERM) systems and functionality. A variety of companies including ILS vendors, subscription agents, and publication access management services (PAMS) are all involved in ERM development. The advantages and disadvantages each type of vendor offers are discussed. Eleven of these companies were surveyed about the availability, compatibility, functionality, and distinguishing features of their ERM system. These vendors also provided their advice and guidance on how a library can begin preparing for implementation of an ERM system.

   18.    Collins, M.,  "Electronic Resource Management Systems (ERMS) Review".  Serials Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2008, pp. 267-299.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Gestión de la colección/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: This column provides a status update of electronic resource management systems (ERMS) in addition to librarian comments concerning benefits, challenges and wish lists for ERM tools. Nine company/organization profiles are provided based on survey responses: the CUFTS ERM (an open source ERMS developed by Simon Frasier University), EBSCOGÇÖs ERM EssentialsGäó, Ex LibrisGÇÖ Verde, Colorado AllianceGÇÖs Gold Rush, HARRASSOWITZGÇÖs HERMIS, Innovative ERM, Serials Solutions 360 Resource Manager, SwetsWise eSource Manager and TDNet Open ERAM. Each profile describes availability, development, use of standards, compatibility, functionality and distinguishing features.

   19.    Collins, M. D. D. and Ferguson, C. L.,  "Context-Sensitive Linking: It's a Small World After All".  Serials Review, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2002, pp. 267-282.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Revistas electrónicas/DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)

Resumen: Linking services that provide seamless access to a library's e-journal collections are becoming increasingly prominent. This article outlines some of the hurdles to seamless linking and discusses the technologies that make linking services possible. These include the Digital Object Identifier, the CrossRef initiative, the development of emerging standards like the OpenURL, resolution servers, and an examination of how these are incorporated into a linking service. The authors interviewed representatives from four companies providing linking services­Ex Libris, Sirsi, Endeavor, and Openly Informatics­and describes features of their systems. Serials Review 2002; 28:267-282.

   20.    Coyle, K.,  "Standards in a time of constant change".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005 , pp. 280-283.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Normas

Resumen: Standards have everything to do with change. They hold change in check by fixing certain parts of a technology. They also allow innovation to happen in a controlled way by creating an area of certainty around which change can happen. The process of change, however, is itself changing due to the increased rate of technology development, and this is having a profound effect on how we create and manage standards.

   21.    Crawford, A.,  "TCLinker: A Locally-Developed OpenURL Resolver".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Open Archives Initiative/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: This article describes how the library staff at Trinity College Library in Hartford, CT, developed their own OpenURL resolver
as an alternative to purchasing a commercial product. Although Trinity's implementation choices were based on the local environment,
decision points are explained so that libraries contemplating either local development or purchase can weigh the options. Both public
views and backend processes are described. The underlying database structure is shown, and a logical skeleton of the coding is provided.

   22.    Cummings, J. ,  "Full-Text Aggregation: An Examination of Metadata Accuracy and Implications for Resource Sharing".  Serials Review, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2003, pp. 11-15.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Metadatos/Difusión de la información

Resumen: This study compared two lists of full-text content available in Academic Search Elite. EBSCO provided the lists to the University College of the Fraser Valley. In this study, focus was placed on the accuracy of the claims of full-text content, because the staff and library users at University College of the Fraser Valley (UCFV, British Columbia) depend on this database as part of the libraries' journal collection. Interlibrary loan staff routinely used a printed list of Academic Search Elite to check whether the journal was available at UCFV in electronic form; therefore, an accurate supplemental list or lists of the library's electronic journals was essential for cost-conscious interlibrary loan staff. The results of the study were that there were inaccuracies in the coverage of fifty-seven percent of the journals sampled. Serials Review 2003; 29:11-15.

   23.    Dahl, M.,  "OpenURLs and Reference Linking: Research and Practical Application in Libraries".  Oregon Library Asociation Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 2, 2002.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Sistemas abiertos/Servicios de información bibliográfica

Resumen: A long-standing problem in library reference work is connecting an article citation found in an index to the article itself. The OpenURL is a new tool that helps address this age-old problem in a world of Web-based information resources. Recently there has been much discussion in the library community surrounding OpenURLs. In fact, a new and somewhat confusing vocabulary has arisen around the whole concept. This article will seek to clarify what OpenURLs are and then explain some of the current implementations of OpenURLs in libraries today.

   24.    Dorn, K. and Klemperer, K.,  "E-journal aggregation systems: only part of the big picture".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2002, pp. 307-310.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: The terms "aggregation," "full-text database," and "full-text aggregation" have turned into buzzwords as electronic journals have become a major resource in scholarly research. For the purpose of this discussion we will define an aggregation as a collection of e-content in full text, packaged and sold as a single product, and accessible to users by means of a single user interface and a comprehensive search system. Generally such aggregations follow the model of a serials vendor or publisher mounting electronic content on its own platform - the vendor acquiring rights from the owner of the content, or the publisher providing access to all its own journals - and then selling the service to libraries in the form of a subscription. A variety of creative pricing models have appeared for such subscriptions, and it is likely that the variety will increase.

   25.    Ferguson, C. L., Collins, M. D. D., and Grogg, J. E.,  "Finding the Perfect E-Journal Access SolutionGǪ the Hard Way.".  Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2006.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Recursos electrónicos/Revistas electrónicas/Adquisiciones/Acceso a la información/OpenURL/Integracion de recursos/OPAC

Resumen: This article outlines the progression of electronic journal (e-journal) access at Mississippi State University Libraries. A number of e-journal access solutions are discussed, including cataloging of e-journal titles for inclusion in tile OPAC, the creation of e-journal title lists, and the use of Open URL link resolvers. The advantages and disadvantages of each solution are addressed. Data from a survey conducted by the MSU Libraries to determine patron preference for e-journal access are incorporated into the discussion.

   26.    Gallagher, J., Bauer, K., and  Dollar, D. M.,  "Evidence-based librarianship: Utilizing data from all available sources to make judicious print cancellation decisions".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2005, pp. 169-179.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Biblioteconomía basada en la evidencia/Suscripciones/Cancelación de suscripciones

Resumen: As the cost of periodicals continues to rise, libraries must consider the value of titles currently acquired or subscribed to. At Yale University's Cushing/Whitney Medical Library (CWML), staff employed an evidence-based librarianship (EBL) approach that combined use data from several disparate sources to make the best decisions regarding the cancellation of specific journals' print format. These best-evidence sources include the following: a 3-month usage study of 1249 current unbound print journals; statistics about 3465 MEDLINE-indexed electronic journals accessed via ExLibris' linking tool SFX; statistics from the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the American Association of Health Sciences Libraries; and various traditional library statistics.

   27.    González Fernández-Villavicencio, N.,  "Integración total del acceso a los recursos de información : MetaBUS".  Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía, Vol. 12, 2004.

Descriptores: OpenURL/OPAC/Integracion de recursos/Recursos electrónicos

Resumen: MetaBUS es un proyecto de la Biblioteca de Universidad de Sevilla que va a permitir la integración total del acceso a los recursos de información que la BUS ofrece: catálogo (FAMA), una amplia selección de recursos contratados por la Biblioteca (bases de datos, revistas electrónicas, portales...), materiales didácticos, bases de datos locales, así como los mejores buscadores (Google, Altavista). Por un lado el sistema ofrece la posibilidad de buscar simultáneamente en los recursos ofertados mediante una única interfaz de búsqueda y por otro permite que tanto el OpacWeb (FAMA) como aquellos recursos electrónicos que puedan pasar una OpenURL a un servidor de resolución, ofrezcan enlaces contextuales a otros recursos mostrando información adicional y enlaces relacionados con el recurso que el usuario ha seleccionado. La herramienta utilizada para la puesta en marcha de este proyecto ha sido MAP, Millennium Access Plus, de la empresa Innovative Interface. Estamos convencidos de que esta nueva herramienta de búsqueda de información electrónica será un aliado para la innovación docente en este nuevo contexto europeo de enseñanza superior.

   28.    Hawkins, L.,  "Electronic Journal Forum: Update on CONSER Summit Recommendations".  Serials Review, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 54-55.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Gestión de la colección/Revistas electrónicas/Catalogación cooperativa

Resumen: The CONSER Summit, held in March 2004, was a meeting of representatives from all library service areas, the serials industry, and standards communities. It was organized as an opportunity for the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) to shape strategies on the provision and sharing of metadata for electronic resources. This column is an update on actions taken on some of the summit recommendations

   29.    Hendricks, A.,  "The Development of the NISO Committee AX's OpenURL Standard".  Information technology and libraries, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: OpenURL/World Wide Web/Documentalistas/Metadatos/Referencias bibliográficas/Normas

Resumen: This paper describes the development of the OpenURL standard and how it will impact librarians and information technologists. This article is based on information provided via email inquires sent to members of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Committee AX responsible for producing this standard. The OpenURL syntax is designed to enable transportation of metadata and identifiers about referenced works and their context from any information resource to a local link server. This allows libraries to create locally-controlled and managed link servers that enable the delivery of context-sensitive linking in and across their collections.

   30.    Hiott, J.,  "Collecting and Using Networked Statistics: Current Status, Future Goals".  Library Quarterly, Vol. 74, No. 4, 2004.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Estadísticas/Bibliotecas públicas/Gestión de la colección/Servicios bibliotecarios

Resumen: For more than five years the Houston Public Library has collected statistics for measuring networked collections and services based on emerging guidelines. While the guidelines have provided authority and stability to the process, the clarification process continues. The development of information discovery software, such as federated search tools and OpenURL resolvers, guarantees that the discussion will be an ongoing one for the foreseeable future. The library has begun to use the data to improve the overall performance of collections and services. As guidelines and instruction develop in these areas, the potential of this data to inform decision making is rich.

   31.    Jackson, M. E.,  "The 'Bigger Deal' Is Openurl".  Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen:  Purpose - To provide a regular update on matters of interest to the interlending and document supply (ILDS) community. Design/methodology/approach - Informal. Findings - That there is a varied response to the impact of big deals on document supply. Originality/value - Insights from senior practitioners in the USA and comment by a prominent player in the area.

   32.    Kennedy, M. R.,  "Dreams of perfect programs: Managing the acquisition of electronic resources".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2004, pp. 449-458.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Bibliotecas/Gestión de la colección/Adquisiciones

Resumen: For more than a decade, academic libraries have been wrestling with the thorny issue of managing the acquisition of electronic resources. Where are we in the continuum from paper lists to vendor-designed management systems? This paper takes a look at several in-house initiatives around the country, commenting on the successes and failures of the homegrown programs built to track, update and manage the acquisition and behind-the-scenes maintenance of electronic resources. Realizing that libraries are now well equipped to identify what dream programs should entail, this paper also comments on how we can prepare for the future of electronic resource management.

   33.    Krueger, J., Ray, R. L., and Knight, L.,  "Applying web usability techniques to assess student awareness of library web resources".  The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2004 , pp. 285-293.

Descriptores: Usabilidad/Recursos electrónicos/World wide web/Bibliotecas/OpenURL

Resumen: The authors adapted Web usability techniques to assess student awareness of their library's Web site. Students performed search tasks using a Web browser. Approaches were categorized according to a student's preference for, and success with, the library's Web resources. Forty-five percent of the students utilized the library's Web site as first tool of choice.

   34.    Langston, M.  and Tyler, J.,  "Linking to journal articles in an online teaching environment: The persistent link, DOI, and OpenURL".  The Internet and Higher Education, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004, pp. 51-58.

Descriptores: DOI/OpenURL/Revistas electrónicas/Hiperenlaces

Resumen: The growing availability of online journal literature and the license agreements that make such literature useable in an academic environment present educators opportunities for using journal articles in online teaching. The use of online journal articles avoids logistical challenges associated with the use of printed copies of journal articles, particularly when assembling course packs. Technological developments have improved the reliability of linking to journal articles via the World Wide Web. Three linking methods are described: persistent linking services available in online databases and journal collections; the digital object identifier (DOI), and OpenURL. Faculty who wish to reliably integrate links to journal articles in online instruction should be familiar with these linking methods

   35.    Livingston, J., Sanford, D., and Bretthauer, D.,  "A comparison of OpenURL link resolvers: The results of a University of Connecticut Libraries environmental scan".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, 2006.

Descriptores: OpenURL/SFX/Hiperenlaces/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: Open URL link resolvers are emerging technological tools designed to increase use of library collections by automating the process of locating and accessing library holdings. This study examines the system architecture and capabilities of commercially available OpenURL link resolvers to assess viable options for the University of Connecticut Libraries. Data for the study, largely experiential feedback received from libraries employing OpenURL link resolvers, were gathered through a series of evaluative activities. These included a preliminary literature review, Web survey, follow-up e-mail survey, and on-site visits to libraries. Results were analyzed within the context of the University of Connecticut Libraries' resources and needs. Analysis revealed wide variation in library experiences with and perception of product functionality and performance, as well as requisite staff and financial investments.

   36.    Livingston, J., Sanford, D., and Bretthauer, D.,  "A comparison of OpenURL link resolvers: The results of a University of Connecticut Libraries environmental scan".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, 2006, pp. 179-201.

Descriptores: OpenURL/SFX/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: Open URL link resolvers are emerging technological tools designed to increase use of library collections by automating the process of locating and accessing library holdings. This study examines the system architecture and capabilities of commercially available OpenURL link resolvers to assess viable options for the University of Connecticut Libraries. Data for the study, largely experiential feedback received from libraries employing OpenURL link resolvers, were gathered through a series of evaluative activities. These included a preliminary literature review, Web survey, follow-up e-mail survey, and on-site visits to libraries. Results were analyzed within the context of the University of Connecticut Libraries' resources and needs. Analysis revealed wide variation in library experiences with and perception of product functionality and performance, as well as requisite staff and financial investments.

   37.    McElroy, E.,  "An Interview with Steve Shadle".  Serials Review, Vol. 28, No. 4, 2002, pp. 321-326.

Descriptores: Revistas científicas/Catalogación/Catalogadores/Entrevistas/OpenURL

Resumen: Bonnie Parks interviewed Steve Shadle, serials cataloger for University of Washington Libraries, in August 2002. In this interview Shadle provides a cataloger's perspective on the challenges he and other serials catalogers face in the organization and management of electronic and print serial titles. Serials Review 2002; 28:321-326

   38.    Naun, C. C. and Braxton, S. M.,  "Developing recommendations for consortial cataloging of electronic resources: Lessons learned".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2005, pp. 307-325.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Recursos electrónicos/Revistas electrónicas/Catalogación/Consorcios

Resumen: In 2003, the Illinois Library Computer Systems Organization (ILCSO) consortium convened a task force to recommend a set of consortial standards for cataloging electronic resources in its new Voyager integrated library management system (ILMS). The CatER group faced the task of producing proposals that would embrace coherently a variety of local practices, and do so within a distributed system architecture. In the course of its work, CatER considered the interplay of many factors, including historical practice, user expectations, MARC standards, system functionality, conflicting cataloging philosophies, and the impact of new technologies. This paper summarizes some instructive aspects of the group's deliberations and elaborates upon the main themes that emerged.

   39.    Needleman, M.,  "The OpenURL : An Emerging Standard for Linking ".  Serials Review, Vol. 28, 2002, pp. 74-76.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Bibliotecas digitales/ Recursos electrónicos/Normas

Resumen: This article describes the OpenURL standard, an emerging standard for creating URLs that can be used for reference linking and potentially many other applications. The article describes some of the uses and advantages of the OpenURL standard and some of the applications it enables, the actual syntax of the standard, as well as some work occurring at the National Information Standards Organization to develop a US national standard for the OpenURL syntax. Serials Review 2002; 28:74-76.

   40.    Oberg, S.,  "Gold Rush: An Electronic Journal Management and Linking Project".  Serials Review, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2003, pp. 230-232.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Gestión de la colección/Recursos electrónicos

Resumen: Originally conceived in mid-1999 as a project to serve member libraries of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, a nonprofit consortium, Gold Rush has recently been transformed by the Alliance into a commercial service available to any library. The service is described here in some detail, including its project goals, technical underpinnings, and features. Among the features described are the project's OpenURL linkage capabilities (known as Gold Rush Linker), its A-Z journal list, its subscription management functionality, and its reporting capabilities. Serials Review 2003; 29:230-232.

   41.    Powell, A.,  "OpenResolver: a Simple OpenURL Resolver".  Ariadne, No. 28, 2001.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Servicios de Información/Internet

Resumen: Andy Powell describes UKOLN's OpenResolver, a freely available demonstration OpenURL resolver.

   42.    Powell, A. and Apps, A.,  "Encoding OpenURLs in Dublin Core metadata".  Ariadne, No. 27, 2001.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Metadatos /Sumarios /Bases de datos

Resumen: This article proposes a mechanism for embedding machine parsable citations into Dublin Core (DC) metadata records based on the OpenURL. It suggests providing partial OpenURLs using the DC Identifier, Source and Relation elements together with an associated 'OpenURL' encoding scheme. It summarises the relevance of this technique to support reference linking and considers mechanisms for providing richer bibliographic citations. A mapping between OpenURL attributes and Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) elements is provided.

   43.    Qin Zhu,  "Understanding OpenURL standard and electronic resources: effective use of available resources".  Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2004, pp. 251-256 .

Descriptores: OpenURL/Bibliotecas digitales/Recursos electrónicos/Efectividad

Resumen: The OpenURL standard provides a mechanism to transport metadata or identifiers of a digital item from one resource to another as well as a way to construct links in a dynamic linking environment. The OpenURL standard provides a means of integrating electronic resources. This article first describes some integration issues for electronic resources in the library and continues to discuss types of URL before giving an overview of the OpenURL standard and the OpenURL linking system, the link resolver. The major OpenURL linking products and host solution options are described, and the impact of the OpenURL standard and OpenURL linking system on library users and library services are discussed. New developments in the OpenURL standard and OpenURL linking systems are provided in the concluding section.

   44.    Reynolds, R. R. and Pellé, F.,  "Comments on "The Role of the ISSN in the Electronic Linking Environment" ".  Serials Review, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2003, pp. 97-99.

Descriptores: OpenURL/ISSN/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: The authors respond to an article on the role of the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as a manifestation (format) identifier of serials. They discuss some of the challenges that multiple manifestations present for the ISSN Network, some proposed solutions to this problem, and invite further input and dialogue on the topic. Serials Review 2003; 29:97-99.

   45.    Schaffner, M. B., Luther, J., and Ivins, O.,  "Project MUSE's New Pricing Model: A Case Study in Collaboration".  Serials Review, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 192-199.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Fuentes de información/Arte/Humanidades/Revistas científicas

Resumen: Project MUSE®, an online collection of scholarly journals in the humanities, social sciences, and the arts, undertook an extensive revision of its pricing and subscription model in 2003, the first since the project's inception in 1995. A collaborative effort of MUSE staff, industry consultants, participating libraries, and publishers produced a new pricing scheme for 2005 based on two factors: peer institutions grouped by Carnegie Class and then divided into quadrants based on their usage. This article discusses the background and implementation of the new business model and next steps.

   46.    Scherlen, A.  and Norman, M.,  "The Balance Point: Keeping Serial Bibliographic Records Viable in a Digital Age".  Serials Review, Vol. 30, No. 4, 2004, pp. 329-333.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Revistas científicas/Catalogación/Sistemas integrados de gestión

Resumen: Michael Norman, head of serials cataloging at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) library, describes his library's development of an integrated management system for serials, the Online Research Resources (ORR). The ORR was designed to draw together and deliver to the public a wide range of information related to the library's serial holdings that previously could only be obtained by consulting a number of sources. With a single search, UIUC patrons can now consult the ORR for serials information such as variant titles, online availability, subject categories, print summary statements, ISI impact factor, where the title is indexed, and whether it is peer reviewedGÇöan innovation sorely needed and highly welcomed by librarians and patrons alike.

   47.    Silió, T.,  "Fundamentos tecnológicos del acceso abierto: Open Archives Initiative y Open Archival Information System".  Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 14, No. 5, 2005.,1,1 ;

Descriptores: OpenURL/OAI-PMH/Acceso abierto/Open Archives Initiative/Metadatos/Acceso abierto /CrossRef

Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es estudiar las tecnologías que hacen posible el acceso abierto y la preservación de los documentos digitales. Por un lado, se analiza la Open Archives Initiative (OAI) ­ que se ha desarrollado para posibilitar el acceso al contenido de archivos distribuidos­, y sus componentes: los Proveedores de Datos, los Proveedores de Servicios y el protocolo OAI-PMH. Éste se creó para la extracción normalizada de metadatos de los archivos electrónicos, asegurando con ello la infraestructura para la preservación y la interoperabilidad entre archivos, independientemente de las organizaciones a las que pertenezcan o de donde se encuentren. También se analiza el papel de los enlaces y los metadatos en el acceso abierto, en concreto CrossRef, DOI y OpenURL Por otro lado, se analiza el estándar del modelo de referencia Open Archival Information System (OAIS) para un sistema abierto de información en archivos, cuya  doble finalidad es la preservación y el acceso a largo plazo de la información en formato digital, obviando los previsibles cambios tecnológicos. Estas dos iniciativas, OAI y OAIS, tienen un interés generalizado para las distintas instituciones académicas y para la información científica de las diferentes áreas del conocimiento.

   48.    Sommers, P. C.,  "The role of the library in a wired society - compete or withdraw: a business perspective  ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2004.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Google/Sociedad de la información/Bibliotecas/Conceptos teóricos

Resumen: Purpose - The paper aims to extend remarks made during a keynote speech at the Australian Library and Information Association annual conference on the Gold Coast on 24 September 2004. The paper discusses the strategic imperatives for the players in the library world and asserts that they must compete or withdraw. Design/methodology/approach - Key trends towards a more connected society, more connected enterprises and connected objects and places are discussed. Several technology and process innovations are recommended as tactics to compete against the new players in the marketplace such as Google[tm]. These include software and hardware innovations for federated search, OpenURL resolvers, federated identity management, next generation interfaces and third party content integration. Findings - The author asserts that change in a changing world is possible and desirable. To not change and develop competitive strategies to differentiate library service offerings is to choose a slow decline and is, in reality, a choice to withdraw from the competition. Originality/value - The paper points out the need for change and development in library services.

   49.    Sommers, P. C.,  "The role of the library in a wired society - compete or withdraw: a business perspective  ".  The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Google/Australia/Sociedad de la información/Empresas/Planificación estratégica/Tecnologías de la información

Resumen: Purpose - The paper aims to extend remarks made during a keynote speech at the Australian Library and Information Association annual conference on the Gold Coast on 24 September 2004. The paper discusses the strategic imperatives for the players in the library world and asserts that they must compete or withdraw. Design/methodology/approach - Key trends towards a more connected society, more connected enterprises and connected objects and places are discussed. Several technology and process innovations are recommended as tactics to compete against the new players in the marketplace such as GoogleTM. These include software and hardware innovations for federated search, OpenURL resolvers, federated identity management, next generation interfaces and third party content integration. Findings - The author asserts that change in a changing world is possible and desirable. To not change and develop competitive strategies to differentiate library service offerings is to choose a slow decline and is, in reality, a choice to withdraw from the competition.
Originality/value - The paper points out the need for change and development in library services.

   50.    Sompel. Herbert Van de  and Beit-Arie, O.,  "Generalizing the OpenURL Framework beyond References to Scholarly Works The Bison-Futé Model ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 7-8, 2001.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Modelos organizativos/Hiperenlaces/World wide web

Resumen: This paper introduces the Bison-Futé model, a conceptual generalization of the OpenURL framework for open and context-sensitive reference linking in the web-based scholarly information environment. The Bison-Futé model is an abstract framework that identifies and defines components that are required to enable open and context-sensitive linking on the web in general. It is derived from experience gathered from the deployment of the OpenURL framework over the course of the past year. It is a generalization of the current OpenURL framework in several aspects. It aims to extend the scope of open and context-sensitive linking beyond web-based scholarly information. In addition, it offers a generalization of the manner in which referenced items -- as well as the context in which these items are referenced -- can be described for the specific purpose of open and context-sensitive linking.

   51.    Sompel, H. V. d. and Beit-Arie, O.,  "Open Linking in the Scholarly Information Environment Using the OpenURL Framework ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2001.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Modelos organizativos/ Hiperenlaces/World wide web

Resumen: This paper provides insights into the concepts underlying the OpenURL framework for open reference linking in the web-based scholarly information environment. The discussion starts by briefly reiterating the problems with reference linking that were initially described and later addressed as part of the SFX research. Some notions crucial to the understanding of the issues at stake are briefly described: extended service-links, closed and non-context-sensitive linking, open and context-sensitive linking. Then, the paper details the OpenURL framework and reports on its current deployment in the scholarly information environment. As an illustration of the penetration of the OpenURL framework, special attention is accorded to a prototype in which the OpenURL framework is integrated with the DOI/CrossRef linking solution.

   52.    Srivastava, S. and Taglienti, P.,  "E-journal Management: An Online Survey Evaluation".  Serials Review, Vol. 31, No. 1, 2005, pp. 28-38.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Gestión de la colección/Revistas electrónicas/Evaluación

Resumen: Providing access to a wealth of information is a fundamental role of the library. The proliferation of e-journals and aggregate databases has altered the nature of serials collections and the responsibilities of the librarian. To develop a complete perception of current e-journal management, the authors created a survey for small to medium-sized libraries. The survey notes the lack of a unified approach and suggests the need for standards in this area.

   53.    Vézina, K.,  "La technologie « OpenURL »: vers une intégration accrue des ressources et services documentaires".  Argus, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2003 .

Descriptores: OpenURL/Internet/Documentación/Documentos electrónicos

Resumen: De nos jours, les ressources documentaires électroniques aug-mentent en nombre et en coro-plexité tout en devenant de plus en plus hétérogénes. Lors d'une recherche docu-mentaire, les usagers sont done amenes á consulter de nombreuses bases de don-nées, chacune presentan! une interface de navigation différente avec des varia-tions au niveau de la technique d'inter-rogation. Non seulement ees derniers doivent-ils détenir les capacites néces-saires pour effectuer une recherche documentaire éclairée, mais ils doivent également pouvoir naviguer et sauter d'une interface á l'autre selon la ressource utilisée. Lors de ce processus, l'usager est done confronté á plusieurs possibilités de «rupture», c'est-á-dire des moments critiques oü la recherche peut étre abandonnée soit á cause d'un manque de connaissances, de temps ou d'énergie, soit á cause d'un sentiment d'impatience, d'impuissance, voire méme de frustration face á la complexité de la tache.

   54.    Wakimoto, J. C., Walker, D. S., and Dabbour, K. S.,  "The Myths and Realities of SFX in Academic Libraries".  Vol. 32, No. 2, 2006, pp. 127-136.

Descriptores: OpenURL/SFX/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: On the surface, SFX, utilizing the concept of context-sensitive linking among library resources, promises the ability to obtain full text effortlessly. This paper reports on the results of a three-fold study­online survey, focus group interviews, and sample testing analysis­to examine library end-user and librarian expectations and experiences using SFX.

   55.    Walker, J.,  "Open linking for libraries: the OpenURL framework".  New Library World, Vol. 102, No. 4-5, 2001 , pp. 127-134.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Bibliotecas digitales/ Sistemas abiertos

Resumen: Reports on the ground-breaking work by Herbert Van de Sompel while associated with Ghent University, Belgium, and at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which has led to the creation of an open linking framework for scholarly research. The open linking framework proposed by Van de Sompel puts libraries firmly in control, allowing them to determine the scope of their institution's interlinked research environment both in terms of extent and range of link services offered to their users. It places librarians in the "trail-blazers" profession, predicted by Vannevar Bush in 1945: they enthuse in the task of establishing useful links between resources. The creation of such an open linking environment requires the collaboration of all the stakeholders in the information industry; and underlying the success of this is an emerging standard, the OpenURL, now on a fast track path to acceptance by NISO. Van de Sompel's research work led to the development of the SFX server technology, which was demonstrated in operation at both the Ghent University and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Ex Libris subsequently purchased the SFX server technology from Ghent University in early 2000.

   56.    Wang, J.,  "Digital Object Identifiers and Their Use in Libraries".  Serials Review, Vol. 33, No. 3, 2007, pp. 161-164.

Descriptores: OpenURL/DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)/Bibliotecas

Resumen: Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) are persistent identifications that are assigned to any entity in order to manage intellectual content on digital networks. The DOI system has been managed by an open membership consortium, the International DOI Foundation (IDF), founded in 1998. Usage of the DOI system is cross-industry beyond academic publishing. This article provides an overview of what a DOI is; the structure of DOI; DOI registration agencies (RA); metadata associated with DOIs, and advantages for libraries.

   57.    Xie, Z., Van de Sompel, H., van Reenen, J., and Jord+ín, R.,  "A standard-based context sensitive service architecture for digital object dissemination".  Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-5.

Descriptores: OpenURL/OpenURL/Acceso abierto/Documentos electrónicos/Difusión de la información

Resumen: This paper describes a context sensitive service architecture for digital object dissemination based on OpenURL and MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA). This architecture entails representing service requests using the OpenURL ContextObjects and conveying the ContextObject Representations with the OpenURL Transport. The rich expressiveness of the Usage Environment Description (UED) tool defined in the MPEG-21 DIA standard can then be incorporated into the OpenURL ContextObject by means of OpenURL extensibility mechanism, and the MPEG-21 DIA adaptation engine can be used to construct highly customizable and adaptive context sensitive dissemination services for institutional repositories.

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