Universidad de Salamanca
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
InfoDoc 24 de abril de 2008
1. "PVM: Parallel virtual machine: A users' guide and tutorial for networked parallel computing : By Al Geist, Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Weicheng Jiang, Robert Manchek and Vaidy Sunderam. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1994). 279 pages. $19.95". Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 30, No. 9, 1995 , pp. 122.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Redes de ordenadores
Resumen: Revision del libro: PVM: Parallel virtual machine: A users' guide and tutorial for networked parallel computing : By Al Geist, Adam Beguelin, Jack Dongarra, Weicheng Jiang, Robert Manchek and Vaidy Sunderam. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. (1994). 279 pages. $19.95
2. "Tutorial Google Reader passo-a-passo". Youtube, 2007.
Descriptores: RSS/Sindicación de contenidos/Google/Tutoriales
Resumen: Como usar o Google Reader no Firefox, passo-a-passo. Mais informaóes, assim como o tutorial completo, em portugu+¬s, v+í para: -- An illustrated tutorial on how to use Google Reader on Firefox.
3. Bailin, A. and Pe±a, A., "Online Library Tutorials, Narratives, and Scripts". The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2007, pp. 106-117.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: In this article, we examine some issues that relate to effective presentation in online library tutorials. In so doing, we look at the differences between paper and online media in order to highlight distinctive properties of online presentations of information. We argue that one way to handle the particular challenges online tutorials pose is to use the concept of a script as developed by Schank and Abelson. We discuss how the concept of scripts has been incorporated in an online library tutorial developed at the Newman Library, Baruch College.
4. Beile, P. M. and Boote, D. N., "Does the medium matter?: A comparison of a Web-based tutorial with face-to-face library instruction on education students' self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 1-2, 2004, pp. 57-68.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/World wide web/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: This study explored if students' library skills self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes varied based on instructional delivery mode. Groups consisted of an on-campus class with face-to-face instruction, an on-campus class with a Web-based library tutorial, and a Web-based class with a Web-based tutorial. Data were collected immediately prior to instruction and again 6 weeks after. Analysis indicated self-efficacy levels and learning outcomes significantly increased across all groups after instruction. Groups varied significantly on final self-efficacy levels, but not on final library skills scores. Results are discussed as they relate to the viability of Web-based tutorials for library instruction.
5. Bender, L. J. and Rosen, J. M., "Working Toward Scalable Instruction: Creating the RIO Tutorial at the University of Arizona Library". Research Strategies, Vol. 16, No. 4, 1998, pp. 315-325 .
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: To be considered literate in today's society, it is necessary to possess a set of information skills. Librarians are being called upon to help teach these skills in partnership with faculty. Expedient ways are being sought to facilitate this teaching, especially when institutions are dealing with increased enrollments. How, for example, do 7,000 entering freshmen become information literate? This article will relate the process used to design and create RIO (Research Instruction Online), a Web-based tutorial designed to address identified competencies that comprise required information skills.
6. Bigatti, P., "Insegnando ai docenti". Bollettino AIB, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1998.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Formación de usuarios/CD-ROM/Veterinaria/Medicina/Tutoriales
Resumen: En la primavera de 1998 se organizó en la Biblioteca Central de la Facultad de Medicina y Veterinaria de Turin una serie de tutoriales para la formación del usuario en el uso de repertorios bibliográficos en CD-ROM disponibles en la biblioteca. El curso se centraba de manera particular en el uso de VET-CD y de BEAST-CD que recogen gran parte de la literatura mundial de interés veterinario. el curso se dedicaba al personal docente de la Facultad en sentido amplio, se dirigia a investigadores, doctorandos...
7. Brazzeal, B., "Research guides as library instruction tools". Reference Services Review, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2006, pp. 358-367.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Normas/American Library Association
Resumen: Purpose ? The purpose of this study is to examine how guidelines for information literacy and library instruction can be incorporated into online research guides and provide examples from guides that have done this. Design/methodology/approach ? Online research guides in forestry were identified and examined using the ACRL's ?Information literacy competency standards for higher education? and guidelines for library instruction set forth in LaGuardia and Oka's Becoming a Library Teacher. Findings ? While some research guides simply provide unannotated links to online resources, others seek to engage the user by incorporating features that correspond directly to elements of a library instruction session. Originality/value ? The study presents practical ways in which online research guides can serve as library instruction tools.
8. Campal García, Ma. F., "Prácticas y experiencias de alfabetización informacional a través de tutoriales-web en las bibliotecas". Coloquio Internacional de Ciencias de la Documentación, Vol. 5, 2004.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales/World wide web/Alfabetización digital
Resumen: ¿Por qué un tutorial en las bibliotecas? Porque los tiempos están cambiando.Porque las bibliotecas deben cambiar para adaptarse a ellos. Porque lo que no ha cambiado es nuestra responsabilidad para ofrecer a nuestros usuarios formación y ayuda de calidad. Porque aunque no podemos ofrecer esa ayuda de forma real 24 horas al dia 365 dias al año, si podemos, y debemos, diseñar aplicaciones y sistemas de formación a distancia eficientes, dinámicas y atractivas, que favorezcan la teleformación. Porque Internet hace más fácil llegar a más gente, más veces y en menos tiempo y nos permite mostrar virtualmente a nuestros usuarios como usar la proia red Internet, las bibliotecas y la información. Por todo ello, estos tutoriales son algunos ejemplos y buenas prácticas de estas aplicaciones. No están todos los que son, pero sin duda, si son todos los que están, lo que es un acicate para que sigan siendo y estando.
9. Campal García, Ma. F., "Prácticas y experiencias de alfabetización informacional a través de tutoriales-web en las bibliotecas". Coloquio Internacional de Ciencias de la Documentación, Vol. 5, 2004.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Alfabetización digital/World wide web
Resumen: Por qué un tutorial en las bibliotecas? Porque los tiempos están cambiando. Porque las bibliotecas deben cambiar para adaptarse a ellos. Porque lo que no ha cambiado es nuestra responsabilidad para ofrecer a nuestros usuarios formación y ayuda de calidad. Porque aunque no podemos ofrecer esa ayuda de forma real 24 horas al dia 365 días al a o, si podemos, y debemos, dise ar aplicaciones y sistemas de formación a distancia eficientes, dinámicas y atractivas, que favorezcan la teleformación. Porque Internet hace más fácil llegar a más gente, más veces y en menos tiempo y nos permite mostrar virtualmente a nuestros usuarios como usar la propia red Internet, las bibliotecas y la información. Por todo ello, estos tutoriales son algunos ejemplos y buenas prácticas de estas aplicaciones. No están todos los que son, pero sin duda, si son todos los que están, lo que es unacicate para que sigan siendoy estando.
10. Campal García, Ma. F., González Palacios, L. A., Cebrián Domínguez, I., and Martín Martín, M. Á., "Cartilla práctica para un tutorial de uso en las bibliotecas públicas ". AABADOM, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2004.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas/Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales/Alfabetización digital
Resumen: Se propone una guía práctica para la planificación de acciones formativas virtuales y para el desarrollo de materiales auto-instructivos en la sede web de la biblioteca. Esta aplicación pretende ser un complemento a las actividades de formación que la biblioteca desarrolla de forma presencial y un sustituto para los que no tienen tiempo de asistir a esas actividades. La finalidad es la misma que la de cualquier otra actividad de alfabetización en el entorno bibliotecario, conseguir que los usuarios se conviertan en autónomos e independientes, tanto en el manejo de la biblioteca como de la información.
11. Carrey, E. A. and Kernohan, J. C., "Video-tutorial units in a biochemistry course for dental students". Biochemical Education, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1994, pp. 11.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Bioquímica/Ciencias de la salud
Resumen: The course aims to provide an introduction to Biochemistry for First Year Dental Students. It consists of lectures (on average 3
weekly) and a series of Video-tutorial Units. The latter take the place of 'traditional' laboratory practicals. Each Unit is available during a 2 week period and is taken in a supervised laboratory in a designated 2 hour timetable slot. A maximum of 17 students can be accommodated at one time, supervised by at least 2 staff members. A video-tape serves as a guide to the worksheet, which contains Learning Objectives, information, self-assessment questions, problems for solving, and directions for simple
practical exercises and displayed material; all is available outside the designated 2 hour periods for revision and private study purposes. In this way the Units are 'self-paced' in that the individual student has some choice in the matter of how much
time to spend on them. Revision and private study are guided by the Learning Objectives, specifying the knowledge and skills
that the student is expected to acquire from the Unit. Achievement of these objectives is then tested in individual oral
assessment. This promotes instant feedback to the student on his/her progress and exposes any weaknesses. Non-achievers
have an opportunity to rectify these weaknesses before re-taking the assessment.
12. Carrozzo, M. and Lacquaniti, F., "Virtual reality: a tutorial". Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Electromyography and Motor Control, Vol. 109, No. 1, 1998, pp. 1-9.
Descriptores: Realidad virtual/Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Virtual reality (VR) technology is complex and relies on multidisciplinary knowledge. VR applications are attracting an increasing interest among neuroscientists, in particular in the study of the human brain. Here we present a brief tutorial in which we address aspects of VR methodology that are most relevant to neurophysiology applications. After a brief survey of possible applications to neurophysiology, we discuss the following issues in VR: display technology, visual stimulus presentation techniques, visual spatial resolution and accuracy, devices for real-time interaction with the virtual environment and force-feedback.
13. Caspers, J. S., "Hands-on instruction across the miles: Using a web tutorial to teach the literature review research process". Research Strategies, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1998, pp. 187-197.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Educación a distancia
Resumen: A Web tutorial was developed by the author to approximate the experience of guided hands-on library instruction for distance learners The presentation of the literature review process as a linked series of problems to solve, suggested a systems thinking approach A diagram to provide both a conceptual overview of the library research process and a navigational tool for the tutorial was designed The author presents the development of the idea for the tutorial, describes its contents, and discusses its use with students
14. Char, B. W., Fee, G. J., Geddes, K. O., Gonnet, G. H., and Monagan, M. B., "A tutorial introduction to Maple". Journal of Symbolic Computation, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1986, pp. 179-200.
Descriptores: Algoritmos/Estadísticas/ Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: The Maple computer algebra system is described. Brief sample sessions show the user syntax and the mathematical power of the system for performing arithmetic, factoring, simplification, differentiation, integration, summation, solving algebraic equations, solving differential equations, series expansions, and matrix manipulations. Time and space statistics for each sample session show that the Maple system is very efficient in memory space utilisation, as well as in time. The Maple programming language is presented by describing the most commonly used features, using some non-trivial computations to illustrate the language features.
15. Chen, H.-L. and Williams, J. P., "Use of multi-modal media and tools in an online information literacy course: College students' attitudes and perceptions". The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2009, pp. 14-24.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: This project studies the use of multi-modal media objects in an online information literacy class. One hundred sixty-two undergraduate students answered seven surveys. Significant relationships are found among computer skills, teaching materials, communication tools and learning experience. Multi-modal media objects and communication tools are needed to strengthen course interactions and student engagement.
16. Churkovich, M. and Oughtred, C., "Can an online tutorial pass the test for library instruction? An evaluation and comparison of library skills instruction methods for first year students at Deakin University". AARL. Australian Academic & Research Libraries , Vol. 33, No. 1, 2002.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales
Resumen: An online, interactive tutorial, Smart Searcher, was introduced at Deakin University as part of the library's information skills program in late 2000. As liaison librarians responsible for library skills training we wanted to compare and evaluate this mode of instruction with our normal face-to-face delivery of library instruction. This study found that students with face-to-face instruction did, in fact, gain higher posttest mean scores than students completing the online tutorial. Also, students attending these library sessions felt more confident about their library skills than those in the online tutorial only session.
17. Coffield, D. and Shepherd, D., "Tutorial guide to Unix sockets for network communications". Computer Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1, 1987, pp. 21-29.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/TCP/IP/Unix
Resumen: This paper presents a tutorial on the socket interprocess communication facility provided with 4.2 BSD Unix systems; sockets allow distributed applications to be developed between Unix hosts over a network. The use of the necessary system calls and supporting library routines is explained and illustrated by development of a simple socket application that provides a datagram-based remote command execution facility.
18. Darnell, D. and Matyas, M., "Become a LEADER in developmental biology education! Tutorial: Submitting learning/teaching objects for the SDB digital library". Developmental Biology, Vol. 306, No. 1, 2007, pp. 311.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Biología/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Feel the need to seek more intelligent ways to bring important, useful concepts and accurate content in the field of Developmental Biology to your students? Why reinvent the wheel? SDB is creating a digital Library of Educational, Annotated DEvelopmental biology Resources (LEADER), developed by faculty for their own students that can be shared with other faculty and students worldwide. The LEADER is a peer reviewed, searchable database of effective teaching and learning materials that are linked to key words, notes on technical requirements, grade appropriateness, time commitment, pedagogy, related materials and sources. We hope that educators will find valuable ideas and resources in the Library to integrate into their teaching. To build the LEADER archive, we need every DB educator to submit the syllabi, active learning exercises, images, movies, assessments, exams, laboratories, lectures, projects, etc., that s/he has developed that are clearly promoting student learning. This workshop will walk you through the submission process and show you how your materials can become resources for others, and how you can benefit from the LEADER database in your classrooms. Or become a LEADER reviewer and see great new material first! SDB LEADER has been generously mentored by the developers of the American Physiological Society archive ( and both are members of the BiosciEdNet (BEN) cooperative which is administered by AAAS and a pathway into the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). Materials in LEADER will be available to everyone through BEN ( and NSDL (, both supported by NSF.
19. Dewald, N. H., "Transporting good library instruction practices into the web environment: An analysis of online tutorials". The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 25, No. 1, 1999 , pp. 26-31.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Internet
Resumen: Criteria for good library instruction practices were applied to Web-based tutorials selected by the ALA Library Instruction Round Table. Face-to-face instruction and the online environment do not always lend themselves to exact parallels, yet in some respects the traditional criteria can guide librarians in developing good online instruction.
20. Diel, E. M. and Flett, T. K., "The Role of Cooperation in Creating a Library Online Tutorial ". Reference librarian, Vol. 40, No. 83-84, 2003.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales/Internet/Cooperación bibliotecaria
Resumen: Reference librarians at St. Charles Community College discovered the benefits of cooperation when they began the process of creating an online library tutorial. In the fall of 1999, librarians realized that their walk-in library sessions were becoming ineffective due to poor attendance by students. The tours didn't fit into on-campus students' busy schedules, and failed to serve distance students at all. Two reference librarians decided to work together to create a web-based tutorial introducing students to library online resources. It was an informal process that started with information gathering on what tutorials exist, how they were developed and what type of software was used. After the librarians decided on the format and appropriate software, they brought together their creative and technical strengths to design an appealing and functional tutorial. To create a "virtual tour" of the library's physical layout, the librarians also collaborated with the Instructional Support Center, a group of educational technology specialists who are part of SCC's community college consortium. The tutorial was completed in only a year, partly because working in a small library allows for constant contact between the librarians, but also due to the efficiency of using cooperation. This successful collaborative project eventually won the Missouri Community College Association's 2001 Technology Innovation Award.
21. Donaldson, K. A., "Library Research Success: Designing an Online Tutorial to Teach Information Literacy Skills to First-Year Students". The Internet and Higher Education, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2000, pp. 237-251.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Estudiantes/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: This article reports on a collaborative effort recently undertaken between librarians and faculty at Toronto's Seneca College to develop and implement an online, interactive tutorial for first-year business students enrolled in the College's School of Business Management. The concept for this tutorial arose when library management was approached by the Acting Chair from the College's School of Business Management to partner with them in developing a library tutorial that would be incorporated into the curriculum of this newly created course, and that would accommodate its over 600 first-year students. Library management agreed, and proposed developing a self-paced online, interactive tutorial that would utilize current Web-based technology. The primary pedagogical goals were to increase student knowledge of library resources in general, and business resources in particular, and to increase levels of information literacy and basic research skills. With the help of the College's Centre for New Technology and the Centre for Professional Development, the result was a five-module tutorial entitled Library Research Success that, in addition to its main content, also incorporated hands-on exercises at the end of each module, live connections to the Library's Web site and electronic databases, as well as two assignments, which were submitted electronically to professors at the end of the tutorial by each student, and which composed 25 percent of their final mark. Feedback from both faculty and students has been overwhelmingly positive, and efforts are currently underway to adapt this tutorial to meet the needs of other student groups within Seneca College.
22. Downie, J. A., "Instruction design collaborations with government information specialists: Opening the conversation". Reference Services Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales/Diseño
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to foster discussion of the role of government information librarians in the design and implementation of information literacy instruction. Increased accessibility to government information through the internet is bringing all librarians into increased contact with government information, thereby becoming ad hoc documents librarians. Through collaboration with experts in government information, shared knowledge results in opportunities for richer and more comprehensive information literacy instruction. Design/methodology/approach - This review examines evidence of commonality and collaboration between librarians through content analysis of both general and specialized library publications. Findings - Collaboration is a common practice in library instruction to share workload and expertise, yet most literature on this practice focuses on librarian-faculty collaborative efforts. Limited evidence exists for collaboration between librarians and a severely limited body of literature exists when examining instructional design collaboration to include government information in information literacy instruction. Practical implications - Collaborative instruction proactively addresses resolving perceived barriers and expands instruction resource repertoires and shares workloads. Originality/value - Examination of the collaborative process between librarians is infrequent. This adds to the body of literature and increases awareness of additional resources in the provision of information literacy instruction.
23. Engles, R. W., "A tutorial on data-base organization". Annual Review in Automatic Programming, Vol. 7, No. Part 1, 1972, pp. 1.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: The purpose of this report is to clarify certain issues of data-base support. The main issues are data independence, security, integrity, search, and the integrated data base. The fist section of the report is an introduction, which includes datamanagement history, trends, and terminology. The second section presents a theory of operational data based on the notions of entity sets and data maps. The third section is an exposition of data-bank design, emphasizing structure, search, and maintenance. The fourth section shows why data independence
is a necessary feature of a viable data base system.
24. Eve Diel and Theresa Flett, "The Role of Cooperation in Creating a Library Online Tutorial". The Reference Librarian, Vol. 40, No. 83, 2004, pp. 175-182.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Cooperación bibliotecaria/Tutoriales
Resumen: Reference librarians at St. Charles Community College discovered the benefits of cooperation when they began the process of creating an online library tutorial. In the fall of 1999, librarians realized that their walk-in library sessions were becoming ineffective due to poor attendance by students. The tours didn't fit into on-campus students' busy schedules, and failed to serve distance students at all. Two reference librarians decided to work together to create a web-based tutorial introducing students to library online resources. It was an informal process that started with information gathering on what tutorials exist, how they were developed and what type of software was used. After the librarians decided on the format and appropriate software, they brought together their creative and technical strengths to design an appealing and functional tutorial. To create a ôvirtual tourö of the library's physical layout, the librarians also collaborated with the Instructional Support Center, a group of educational technology specialists who are part of SCC's community college consortium. The tutorial was completed in only a year, partly because working in a small library allows for constant contact between the librarians, but also due to the efficiency of using cooperation. This successful collaborative project eventually won the Missouri Community College Association's 2001 Technology Innovation Award.
25. Faw, B., "Pre-frontal executive committee for perception, working memory, attention, long-term memory, motor control, and thinking: A tutorial review". Consciousness and Cognition, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2003, pp. 83-139.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Psicología cognitiva
Resumen: As an explicit organizing metaphor, memory aid, and conceptual framework, the prefrontal cortex may be viewed as a five-member ‘Executive Committee,' as the prefrontal-control extensions of five sub-and-posterior-cortical systems: (1) the ‘Perceiver' (dominant-right-hemisphere ventral-lateral prefrontal cortexVL/PERC-PFC) is the frontal extension of the ventral perceptual stream (the VL/PERC system) which represents the world and self in object coordinates; (2) the ‘Verbalizer' (dominant-left-hemisphere ventral-lateral prefrontal cortex systemVL/VERB-PFC) is the frontal extension of the language stream (the VL/VERB system) which represents the world and self in language coordinates; (3) the ‘Motivator' (ventral/medial-orbital pre-frontal cortexVMO-PFC) is the frontal cortical extension of a subcortical extended-amygdala stream (the VMO system) which represents the world and self in motivational/emotional coordinates; (4) the ‘Attender' (dorsal-medial/anterior cingulateDM/AC-PFC) is the frontal cortical extension of a subcortical extended-hippocampal stream (the DM/AC system) which represents the world and self in spatiotemporal coordinates and directs attention to internal and external events; and (5) the ‘Coordinator' (the dorsolateral prefrontal cortexDL-PFC) is the frontal extension of the dorsal perceptual stream (the DL system) which represents the world and self in body- and eye-coordinates and controls willed action and working memory. This tutorial review examines the interacting roles of these five systems in perception, working memory, attention, long-term memory, motor control, and thinking.
26. Forys, V. and Magarrell, K. L., "A Race Against the Clock: Re-Tooling the Tutorial-What Happens When Your Library Gets a New Online Catalog? ". Technical services quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2003.
Descriptores: OPAC/Tutoriales/Catálogos automatizados
Resumen: What happens to your Web-based library tutorial when your university gets a new online catalog? In the spring of 2000, the Instructional Services staff at the University of Iowa Libraries got the chance to answer this question. The new online catalog was to be up and running by August. The task at hand: rewrite and redesign the existing tutorial to reflect the many changes that would be brought about by the new catalog, and do it in the face of a rapidly approaching deadline. Moreover, staff had to undertake this revision without being able to see the final catalog interface because it, too, was being constantly modified. This article outlines the steps of the revision process and examines the challenges and opportunities involved in re-tooling the tutorial.
27. Freeman, M., Syder, D., and Nicolson, R., "Bridging the Gap between theory and practice: A multimedia tutorial for students of voice therapy". Journal of Voice, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1996, pp. 292-298.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Multimedia/Voz
Resumen: A computer-based tutorial for speech and language therapy students is described in which a digitized video-recording of a diagnostic interview with a voice-disordered client was dynamically linked to an on-screen transcript window. A student-centered tutorial package, which provided guidance through questions, assessment tasks, and commentary from an experienced speech and language pathologist as well as the lecturer in voice disorder, was constructed. Evaluation of the tutorial as an aid to active learning, including feedback from students and supervising clinicians, is reported and the role of this type of program as a preparation for clinical practice is discussed.
28. García Gómez , J., "La formación de usuarios en la biblioteca pública virtual. Recursos y procedimientos en las bibliotecas públicas españolas". Anales de Documentación, Vol. 7, 2004.
Descriptores: España/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas públicas/Formación de usuarios/Servicios bibliotecarios/World wide web/Usuarios/Tutoriales
Resumen: Las bibliotecas públicas españolas cuentan con sedes Web en un nuevo entorno de trabajo digital. Estas bibliotecas están prestando ya sus servicios en sus sucursales virtuales. Nos interesa analizar la formación de usuarios en sus sedes Web. Revisamos y examinamos los recursos y servicios para la formación de usua-rios en estas bibliotecas públicas a través de la World Wide Web. En las conclusio-nes mostramos el nivel de desarrollo alcanzado por las mismas. Asimismo, aporta-mos algunas recomendaciones sobre el diseño de sedes Web de bibliotecas públicas enfocadas hacia la formación de usuarios.
29. Gómez Hernández, J. A., "Prácticas y experiencias de alfabetización informacional en universidades espa olas ". Congreso Internacional sobre Retos de la Alfabetización tecnológica en un mundo en red, Vol. 1, 2000.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Información/Bibliotecas universitarias/Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: La alfabetización informacional (AI) abarca el conjunto de competencias y destrezas necesarias para poder determinar qué información se necesita, saber acceder a ella, seleccionarla, usarla y comunicarla de modo adecuado. La AI, que incluye una buena alfabetización electrónica o tecnológica, junto a capacidades de comprensión y reelaboración de la información, es un componente fundamental de la capacidad investigadora y de resolución de problemas que todo universitario debe tener. A partir principalmente de la explicación de los componentes de la AI derivados de las Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education de ALA (2000), describiremos algunas de las experiencias más significativas que se están aplicando en Espa a, realizadas tanto por las bibliotecas universitarias, de modo presencial u mediante tutoriales web, o mediante de colaboración de bibliotecarios con docentes.
30. Gómez Hernández, J. A. and Benito Morales, F., "De la formación de usuarios a la alfabetización informacional: propuestas para ense ar las habilidades de información". Scire, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2001.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Alfabetización digital /Servicios de Información/Bibliotecas escolares/Educación/Acceso a la información/Uso/Tutoriales
Resumen: Analizamos la evolución conceptual de un servicio de las unidades de información, la 'formación de usuarios', hacia los actuales modelos de 'alfabetización informacional'. Entendemos alfabetización informacional en dos sentidos: 1) desde el punto de vista de los usuarios, es el dominio de una serie de competencias o abííidades para obtener, evaluar, usar y comunicar la información a través de medios convencionales y electrónicos; 2) desde el punto de vista de las instituciones educativas y documentales, es el servicio y las actividades para lograr la ense anza-aprendizaje de los conceptos, procedimientos y actitudes relativos al acceso y uso de la información. Tras formular el concepto de 'alfabetización informacional' desarrollamos una serie de propuestas para la ense anza de habilidades de información, tanto desde el punto de vista del sistema educativo como desde los sistemas bibliotecarios y documentales, que han de colaborar en esta tarea. En el sistema educativo obligatorio, además de la potenciación del uso didáctico de las bibliotecas escolares, es necesaria la formación permanente del profesorado en materia de habilidades de información, y la conversión de la 'educación documental' en tema transversal o en materia optativa. En la educación superior hay que aprovechar las posibilidades de formación a través de tutoriales web para la capacitación en el acceso y uso de la información científica especializada; intensificar la cooperación con los docentes y regularizar la formación de usuarios integrándola en lo posible a través de asignaturas optativas o de libre configuración.
31. Holliday, W., Ericksen, S., Fagerheim, B., Morrison, R., and Shrode, F., "Instruction in a Virtual Environment: Assessing the Needs for an Online Tutorial.". Reference Librarian, Vol. 46, No. 95/96, 2006.
Descriptores: Enseñanza a distancia/Planificación/Necesidad de información/Servicios de referencia en línea/Bibliotecas universitarias/Conducta informacional/Tutoriales
Resumen: In 2002, librarians at the Utah State University (USU) Libraries were awarded a grant to develop online tutorials. The major design challenge was to create tutorials specific to USU resources and students, including distance learners, while also making them flexible so that other Utah colleges and universities can adapt them for their own needs. The tutorials also needed to address the information behavior of a new generation of students accustomed to using computers and the Internet. While recent studies have begun to address some gaps in our knowledge of the information behavior of the Web Generation. we conducted a needs assessment to help us create a tutorial that more accurately addresses the existing knowledge and behavior of undergraduates at USU. We used multiple methods to determine the learning needs of our audience and to provide guidance for the design process.
32. Illanas Duque , M. D. and Cabeza Llorca, A., "La biblioteca complutense y nuevos recursos para el aprendizaje en campus virtuales: experiencias en otras universidades.". Jornada Campus Virtual UCM: cómo integrar investigación y docencia en el CV-UCM, Vol. 2, 2005, pp. 233-235.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales/Alfabetización digital/Aprendizaje
Resumen: La renovación de los métodos de docencia universitaria y el impulso de la ense anza virtual, con un mayor peso del trabajo personal del alumno, pueden suponer una implicación sustancial de la labor de la biblioteca en apoyo de este proceso. Dentro de las posibles acciones y basándonos en iniciativas llevadas a cabo en otras universidades, proponemos la inclusión, dentro de las asignaturas virtuales, de tutoriales dirigidos a los alumnos para la elaboración y presentación de trabajos escritos, resúmenes y citas bibliográficas
33. Kaplan Jacobs, S., Rosenfeld, P., and Haber, J., "Information literacy as the foundation for evidence-based practice in graduate nursing education: a curriculum-integrated approach". Journal of Professional Nursing, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2003, pp. 320-328.
Descriptores: Enfermería/Práctica basada en la evidencia/Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: As part of a system-wide initiative to advance evidence-based practice among clinicians, graduate students, and educators, the New York University Division of Nursing embarked on a curricular initiative to integrate components of information literacy in all core courses of the master's program. Increasing competency in information literacy is the foundation for evidence-based practice and provides nursing professionals with the skills to be literate consumers of information in an electronic environment. Competency in information literacy includes an understanding of the architecture of information and the scholarly process; the ability to navigate among a variety of print and electronic tools to effectively access, search, and critically evaluate appropriate resources; synthesize accumulated information into an existing body of knowledge; communicate research results clearly and effectively; and appreciate the social issues and ethical concerns related to the provision, dissemination, and sharing of information. In collaboration with the New York University Division of Libraries' Health Sciences Librarian, instructional modules in information literacy relevant to each of the 5 core nursing master's courses were developed, complemented by a Web-based tutorial: The Web site is multifaceted, with fundamentals for the beginner, as well as more complex content for the advanced user. Course assignments were designed to promote specific competencies in information literacy and strategies for evaluating the strength of the evidence found. A survey of information literacy competencies, which assessed students' knowledge, misconceptions, and use of electronic information resources, was administered when students entered the program and at 1-year intervals thereafter.
34. Kendall, M., "Tackling student referencing errors through an online tutorial ". Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 57, No. 2, 2005.
Descriptores: Enseñanza a distancia/Tecnologías de la información/Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales
Resumen: To evaluate the impact of an interactive online tutorial aiming to improve student citing and referencing practice. Design/methodology/approach - Action research involving three cycles of activity: identification of the most frequently occurring errors made by new undergraduates and postgraduates following instruction in citing and reference practice given in the autumn of 2002; creation of the tutorial for use by the same students in spring 2003, with the quizzes contributing to a portfolio assessment for the undergraduates. Comparison of the students' performance before and after using the tutorial, monitoring through WebCT tracking facilities and usability tests with dyslexic students; adoption of the tutorial as the standard departmental practice, repeating the monitoring activities to compare the results with the previous year. Findings - The results of the first cycle of activity showed a high number of errors, despite the instruction received by students, and the need to start the tutorial at an unanticipated basic level. The students responded positively to the tutorial and some improvements in practice were identified, although the tracking facilities revealed limited use by some undergraduates. Comparison of the errors made in 2003-2004 with those of 2002-2003 showed improvements all round. Research limitations/implications - Some of the improvements may be accounted for by the change of practice part way through the previous academic year and other interventions. Originality/value - The methods used will inform others wishing to carry out and evaluate online learning initiatives. It shows a qualified success in the use of online learning for this purpose.
35. Kingma, B. and Keefe, S., "An Analysis of the Virtual Classroom: Does Size Matter? Do Residencies Make a Difference? Should You Hire That Instructional Designer?". Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 47, No. 2, 2006 .
Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Enseñanza a distancia/Tutoriales/Evaluación
Resumen: Using 2003-2004 data from the Syracuse University School of Information Studies distance education program, we use regression analysis to examine the impact of enrollment, faculty teaching experience, online faculty pedagogical training, and help from an instructional designer on student course evaluations. This paper shows that higher enrollments result in lower teaching evaluations in traditional classroom-based courses, while online courses maximize overall student satisfaction at a class size of 23-25 students.
36. Lechner, D. L., "Graduate student research instruction: Testing an interactive Web-based library tutorial for a health sciences database". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2005, pp. 469-481.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Ciencias de la salud
Resumen: Interactive electronic tutorials offer flexibility in delivering library instruction; however, questions linger regarding their effectiveness compared to traditional librarian-led classroom lectures. This study examines a tutorial introducing health science students to the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature database. Half the student sample completed the tutorial and half attended a parallel lecture. A pre/post-test instrument measured mastery of the material. While results varied by subject focus tested, students completing the tutorial demonstrated greater improvement in post-test scores than those attending the lecture.
37. Legg, M., "From question to answer: The genre of the problem-based learning tutorial at the University of Hong Kong". English for Specific Purposes, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007, pp. 344-367.
Descriptores: Inglés para fines específicos/Medicina/Tutoriales/Aprendizaje
Resumen: In 1997, the Medical Faculty at Hong Kong University adopted a predominantly problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum. At the same time, a sizeable PBL component was added to an already established English as a Second Language (ESL) Course for Medicine to help first-year students develop PBL discussion skills. However, it was felt that not enough was known about exactly how PBL tutorials were structured and what roles the students and tutors were playing and should be playing in order to implement an effective course. Seven first-year tutorials (around 12 hours of discourse) were video taped and transcribed. A genre analysis was done on all seven tutorials. The genre analysis identified a consistent structure in all the tutorials. Three compulsory stages were identified as well as three optional: Orientation Explication (Application) Investigation (Round Up) (Reflection). Also, two overall macro moves were identified, that of the Question and the Answer. It is recommended that all stages be made compulsory in the Medical Faculty and that these be presented to students in the ESL classroom and the linguistic features of each practiced in order to give students full access to the discourse and therefore their own learning opportunities.
38. Li, L. F., Leung, S., and Tam, G., "Promoting information literacy skills through web-based instruction: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library experience". Vol. 28, No. 8/9, 2007, pp. 531-539.
Descriptores: Alfabetización/Bibliotecarios/Tutoriales
Resumen: Purpose GÇô The purpose of this paper is to reflect on The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library's development of its web-based Information Literacy Tutorial and how it was incorporated into the mandatory Student IT Proficiency Test.
39. Li, X., "Designing an interactive Web tutorial with cross-browser dynamic HTML". Vol. 18, No. 4, 2000, pp. 369-382.
Descriptores: World Wide Web/HTML/Tutoriales
Resumen: Texas A&M University Libraries developed a Web-based training (WBT) application for LandView III, a federal depository CD-ROM publication using cross-browser dynamic HTML (DHTML) and other Web technologies. The interactive and self-paced tutorial demonstrates the major features of the CD-ROM and shows how to navigate the programs. The tutorial features dynamic HTML techniques, such as hiding, showing and moving layers; dragging objects; and windows-style drop-down menus. It also integrates interactive forms, common gateway interface (CGI), frames, and animated GIF images in the design of the WBT. After describing the design and implementation of the tutorial project, an evaluation of usage statistics and user feedback was conducted, as well as an assessment of its strengths and weaknesses, and a comparison of this tutorial with other common types of training methods. The present article describes an innovative approach for CD-ROM training using advanced Web technologies such as dynamic HTML, which can simulate and demonstrate the interactive use of the CD-ROM, as well as the actual search process of a database.
40. Mackey, T. P. and Ho, J., "Exploring the relationships between Web usability and students' perceived learning in Web-based multimedia (WBMM) tutorials". Computers & Education, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2008, pp. 386-409.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Usabilidad/World wide web
Resumen: The purpose of this case study is to better understand the relationships between Web usability and students' perceived learning in the design and implementation of Web-based multimedia (WBMM) tutorials in blended courses. Much of the current research in this area focuses on the use of multimedia as a replacement for classroom instruction rather than as a complement to teaching practices in courses that meet face-to-face. This study analyzed data collected from 41 undergraduate students who accessed a series of WBMM tutorials to learn Web design in an upper-level undergraduate information science course that combines both in-class and online instruction. We provide a descriptive analysis of student survey responses and apply Kendall's rank correlation coefficient to examine significant relationships (p < 0.05) between usability factors and students' perceived learning performance. We also explore the impact of WBMM on other aspects of the course, such as readings, email, office hours, and computer lab. Findings indicate that students responded favorably to most of the usability factors defined in this study and that course lectures and readings may have been enhanced by this virtual resource. In addition, we identified a significant correlation between usability factors of the WBMM tutorials and how students perceive their own learning. This study suggests that multimedia instruction is an effective approach to teaching Web design in blended learning environments that include both face-to-face and Web-based resources.
41. Manjula D. Sharma , Rosemary Millar , and Suman Seth, "Workshop tutorials: accommodating student-centred learning in large first year university physics courses". International Journal of Science Education, Vol. 21, No. 8, 1999 , pp. 839-853.
Descriptores: Física /Tutoriales
Resumen: In 1995, cooperative learning tutorials were introduced into large first year physics classes at the University of Sydney. This paper describes the effect of these cooperative learning tutorials, called Workshop Tutorials, on student learning from both a quantitative and qualitative point of view. It was found that students attending more than half the total number of tutorials scored significantly better over the year than those attending less than half. Student reaction was almost wholly positive, with particular mention made of the voluntary nature of the tutorials as well as the use of practical, 'hands on' demonstrations within the tutorials.
42. Margaretha van de Wiel , Nicolaas Schaper , Albert Scherpbier , Cees van der Vleuten , and Henny Boshuizen, "Students' Experiences With Real-Patient Tutorials in a Problem-Based Curriculum". Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1999, pp. 12-20.
Descriptores: Tutoriales
Resumen: Background: To bridge the gap between preclinical and clinical education that still exists in the problem-based medical school at Maastricht, tutorial groups in which clinicians guided and discussed students' interactions with real patients were introduced in the preclinical program. Purpose: To find out what students find instructive in these patient tutorial groups and how this should be interpreted in relation to the problem-based character of the curriculum. Methods: Two focus groups were composed of participants of the patient tutorial groups in 1996-1997.They discussed relevant issues in two sessions and approved reports of the outcomes. Results and Conclusions: Students found the real-patient contact in the tutorials very valuable. They had not practiced taking a history to formulate and test a differential diagnosis with patients before. Problem-based tutorials with written cases were said to frequently lack depth of discussion. Individual contacts with simulated patients were found to be important in testing one' s own knowledge and skills.
43. Marsha Forys and Kathy Magarrell, "A Race Against the Clock: Re-Tooling the Tutorial-What Happens When Your Library Gets a New Online Catalog?". Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2002, pp. 13-20.
Descriptores: Estudiantes/Catálogos automatizados/Tutoriales
Resumen: What happens to your Web-based library tutorial when your university gets a new online catalog? In the spring of 2000, the Instructional Services staff at the University of Iowa Libraries got the chance to answer this question. The new online catalog was to be up and running by August. The task at hand: rewrite and redesign the existing tutorial to reflect the many changes that would be brought about by the new catalog, and do it in the face of a rapidly approaching deadline. Moreover, staff had to undertake this revision without being able to see the final catalog interface because it, too, was being constantly modified. This article outlines the steps of the revision process and examines the challenges and opportunities involved in re-tooling the tutorial.
44. Mastromatteo, J., "Tutoriales animados y podcasts, recursos Web 2.0 para la Alfabetización Informacional (ALFIN)". Congreso Iberoamericano de Informática Educativa, Caracas (Venezuela), Vol. 9, 2008.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Web 2.0/Alfabetización digital
Resumen: Tutoriales animados y podcasts, recursos Web 2.0 para la Alfabetización. Informacional (ALFIN). Lic. Juan Daniel Machín Mastromatteo
45. McLaurin Smith, N. and Presser, P., "Embed with the Faculty: Legal Information Skills Online". The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005, pp. 247-262.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Información jurídica/Online Continuing Education
Resumen: This article evaluates the Legal Information Skills Tutorial (LIST), a successful multi-media online learning project at the University of Melbourne Law School based on the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) Information Literacy Standards. (Council of Australian University Librarians, Information Literacy Standards (2001) / (Accessed September 10, 2002)) Key success factors include interactivity, integration with core law content and collaboration between librarians, faculty, students and other stakeholders.
46. Ming-der Wu and Shih-chuan Chen, "Elementary schoolteachers' use of instructional materials on the web". The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2008, pp. 833-843.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Bibliotecas escolares/Alfabetización digital
Resumen: Studies have shown that schoolteachers are familiar with instructional materials on the web and integrate them into classroom teaching. In Taiwan, there are a number of online instructional materials, with the Learning Fueling Station being a leading web site. Using this popular site as an example, this study seeks to investigate how schoolteachers navigate online instructional materials and for what types of instructional materials they are looking.
47. Mizrachi, D. and Bedoya, J., "LITE Bites: broadcasting bite-sized library instruction". Reference Services Review, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Formación de usuarios/Multimedia/Tutoriales
Resumen: Purpose - This paper sets out to describe a successful collaboration between the UCLA Library and a campus-based student television production team to create and broadcast a series of short library commercials. Librarians provide content ideas and editorial oversight; the students write, act, produce and broadcast these 'Bites' on the Office of Residential Life cable television station. They are also converted to streaming video for access from the Library web page. Reactions and feedback on the clips from student focus groups provide valuable insight into the preferences and attitudes of the undergraduate population. This article also seeks to discuss library partnerships to produce videos and the use of visual media for marketing and instruction by public and academic libraries. Design/methodology/approach - An extensive literature review of previous academic and public library video and television projects discusses the benefits of collaboration, costs, and lessons learned. The case study of LITE Bites details its genesis, production procedure, feedback from student focus groups, and future directions. Findings - Library collaboration with the student production team is the key to the success of this project. The production team relishes the creative opportunity it presents them, and they learn about the library, its resources and services. Student viewers report that LITE Bites make the library seem friendlier and less intimidating. And the library is delighted by the successful cross-campus collaborations and positive publicity and marketing. Originality/value - This paper provides ideas and examples from this and other successful projects for other institutions considering ways of using television and other multi-media venues for library outreach and instruction.
48. Montague, R.-A. and Pluzhenskaia, M., "Web-based Information Science Education (WISE): Collaboration to Explore and Expand Quality in LIS Online Education.". Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2007 .
Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Enseñanza a distancia/World Wide Web/Tutoriales
Resumen: This article provides an overview of the Web-based Information Science Education (WISE) consortium of 13 schools, including the emergence of WISE, three elements of the model (quality metrics, faculty development, and course share), and approaches to assessment. Results from preliminary data collection and analysis of student experiences in consortial courses are presented. Findings reveal students are generally satisfied with online education experiences both within the consortium and in other online education contexts; however, specific student concerns are identified relating to lack of course organization and interaction. Incorporation of results into a cycle of continuous improvement in WISE is discussed. Findings provide new insights and potential for application to achieve better practices across the spectrum of library and information science (LIS) education.
49. Nancy W. Noe and Barbara A. Bishop, "Assessing Auburn University Library's Tiger Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT)". Reference Services Review, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2005, pp. 173-187.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: Purpose - During Spring semester 2001, Auburn University Libraries launched the Tiger Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT), based on the Texas Information Literacy Tutorial, designed by librarians at the University of Texas at Austin. This work assesses the effectiveness of the tutorial. Design/methodology/approach - In-depth analysis of data collected over three semesters is presented. Findings - Following the Texas model, Auburn's TILT is comprised of three modules, covering searching, selecting, and evaluating information resources. Overall student perceptions of the tutorial, including technology difficulties, is reviewed; and students' personal views of their own research skills are discussed. The online information tutorial was viewed as effective, with the data indicating a need for additional study and improvement. Value - As advances are made in computer-aided and hypermedia-aided instruction, the tutorial will continue to evolve as a learning tool.
50. Nancy W. Noe and Barbara A. Bishop, "Assessing Auburn University Library's Tiger Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT)". Reference Services Review, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2005, pp. 173-187.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Alfabetización digital
51. Noe, N. W. and Bishop, B. A., "Assessing Auburn University Library's Tiger Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT)". Vol. 33, No. 2, 2005, pp. 173-187.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/World Wide Web/Alfabetización/Tutoriales
Resumen: Purpose GÇô During Spring semester 2001, Auburn University Libraries launched the Tiger Information Literacy Tutorial (TILT), based on the Texas Information Literacy Tutorial, designed by librarians at the University of Texas at Austin. This work assesses the effectiveness of the tutorial.
52. Pasch, G., "La biblioteca digital soporte de la educación a distancia". Bibliotecas Digitales, 2001, pp. 151-158.
Descriptores: E-learning/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: El presente trabajo resume las experiencias de la autora como instructora en la Universidad de Texas, específicamente, aspectos relacionados con la adaptación de su curso Information in Cyberspace para ser ofrecido a través del World Wide Web. Se describen los orígenes del curso y su implementación, poniendo énfasis en las lecciones aprendidas durante la creación de los materiales (páginas web, tutoriales en streaming video, un sistema ad-hoc de evaluación, etc) y en los aspectos de propiedad intelectual. La autora se ala la importancia de definir a tiempo un contrato que delimite las responsabilidades y los derechos de las partes interesadas. Finalmente,
se delinea el posible rol que la biblioteca central del campus podría tomar apoyando a otros instructores que emprenden proyectos similares
53. Phillips, L. and Kearley, J., "TIP: tutorial for information power and campus-wide information literacy". Vol. 31, No. 4, 2003, pp. 351-358.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Educación a distancia/Recuperación de la información /Internet/Tutoriales
Resumen: The University of Wyoming Libraries has implemented an interactive Web tutorial focused on the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards. Since its inception, approximately 3,000 students have used TIP: tutorial for information power. At this point it is appropriate to pause and reflect on our experience. Have we met our original objectives? Was TIP worth the time, effort, and expense required to develop a Web tutorial? Has it had an impact on information literacy on our campus?
54. Pinillo León, A. L. and Cañedo Andalia, R., "El MeSH: una herramienta clave para la búsqueda de información en la base de datos Medline ". ACIMED, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2005.
Descriptores: Bases de datos/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Lenguajes documentales/Tutoriales/Medline
Resumen: Con el propósito de mostrar las ventajas que ofrece realizar una búsqueda en la base de datos Medline, mediante las facilidades que presenta el MeSH, su vocabulario controlado, se procedió a elaborar un tutorial, dirigido fundamentalmente a los profesionales de la salud, que enseñara paso a paso cómo construir el mapa estratégico y ejecutar una búsqueda con niveles adecuados de precisión en dicha base de datos. El MeSH constituye la herramienta lingüística por excelencia para realizar búsquedas bibliográficas de alta calidad en Medline.
55. Reece, G. J. , "Critical thinking and cognitive transfer: Implications for the development of online information literacy tutorials". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2005, pp. 482-493.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: The definitions of information literacy make it clear that it is concerned with higher-order thinking skills. This article surveys the literature on critical thinking and extrapolates pedagogical requirements for fostering the development and use of higher-order thinking skills. It then considers these requirements in relation to the development of computer-assisted instructional tools, such as Web-based information literacy tutorials. Needs for further collaboration are discussed.
56. Reece, G. J. , "Critical thinking and cognitive transfer: Implications for the development of online information literacy tutorials". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2005, pp. 482-493.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Psicología cognitiva
Resumen: The definitions of information literacy make it clear that it is concerned with higher-order thinking skills. This article surveys the literature on critical thinking and extrapolates pedagogical requirements for fostering the development and use of higher-order thinking skills. It then considers these requirements in relation to the development of computer-assisted instructional tools, such as Web-based information literacy tutorials. Needs for further collaboration are discussed.
57. Romero, C., Ventura, S., and García, E., "Data mining in course management systems: Moodle case study and tutorial". Computers & Education, Vol. 51, No. 1, 2008, pp. 368-384.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Mineria de datos/E-learning
Resumen: Educational data mining is an emerging discipline, concerned with developing methods for exploring the unique types of data that come from the educational context. This work is a survey of the specific application of data mining in learning management systems and a case study tutorial with the Moodle system. Our objective is to introduce it both theoretically and practically to all users interested in this new research area, and in particular to online instructors and e-learning administrators. We describe the full process for mining e-learning data step by step as well as how to apply the main data mining techniques used, such as statistics, visualization, classification, clustering and association rule mining of Moodle data. We have used free data mining tools so that any user can immediately begin to apply data mining without having to purchase a commercial tool or program a specific personalized tool.
58. Sastre Miralles, N., "Productos y servicios para la formación de usuarios de bibliotecas universitarias: el uso de bases de datos en entornos Web". Jornadas Espa olas de Documentación, Vol. 7, 2000.
Descriptores: Bases de datos/Internet/Bibliotecas universitarias/Formación de usuarios/Tutoriales
Resumen: Las bibliotecas universitarias, como sistemas de información, han sido pioneras en la incorporación de Internet a su ámbito de trabajo con el fin de mejorar y aumentar la oferta de sus servicios, y por tanto de satisfacer mejor las necesidades de sus usuarios. Uno de los servicios que ha mejorado con estas nuevas tecnologías ha sido el de la formación de usuarios en el uso y manejo de Bases de Datos (BD), el cual se ha desarrollado fundamentalmente mediante unos tutoriales webs en forma de guías y manuales.
59. Schaik, P. v., Barker, P., and Famakinwa, O., "Potential roles for performance support tools within library systems". Vol. 24, No. 3, 2006, pp. 347-365.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Tutoriales/Cuadros de clasificación
Resumen: Purpose GÇô The aim of the research was to design and evaluate a prototype electronic performance support system (EPSS) for libraries.
60. Schmitz, D. M. and Hinchliffe, L. J., "Global News VILLAGE: A case study explication of targeted tutorial development". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2005, pp. 162-170.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: The Global News VILLAGE (Virtual Information Literacy Learning and Growing Environment) is an online tutorial developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to help undergraduates learn how to use the library to find current information about global events and issues. Supporting the interdisciplinary Global Studies curriculum, the tutorial invites the learner to think critically about the products and practices of journalism. Through an introduction to concepts central to media literacy and information literacy, learners are provided with frameworks for understanding some of the political and economic factors that shape the news and are guided through the process of dissecting news stories to understand the perspective from which the stories frame events and issues.
61. Schmitz, D. M. and Hinchliffe, L. J., "Global News VILLAGE: A case study explication of targeted tutorial development". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2005, pp. 162-170.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Estudio
Resumen: The Global News VILLAGE (Virtual Information Literacy Learning and Growing Environment) is an online tutorial developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to help undergraduates learn how to use the library to find current information about global events and issues. Supporting the interdisciplinary Global Studies curriculum, the tutorial invites the learner to think critically about the products and practices of journalism. Through an introduction to concepts central to media literacy and information literacy, learners are provided with frameworks for understanding some of the political and economic factors that shape the news and are guided through the process of dissecting news stories to understand the perspective from which the stories frame events and issues.
62. Sharpe, J. F., Eaton, D. L., and Marcus, C. B., "Digital toxicology education tools: education, training, case studies, and tutorials". Toxicology, Vol. 157, No. 1-2, 2001, pp. 141-152.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas/Ciencias de la salud
Resumen: This review presents a brief and non-comprehensive overview of a representative sampling of some of the broad array of toxicology-related learning, tutorial and information resources now becoming widely available to educators, health professionals, students and the general public in digital media and/or via the Internet. A broad variety of useful learning and reference resources in the general fields of toxicology and the environmental health sciences is provided to introduce the reader to the diverse types of information currently available. The sources and Internet links contained in this review will hopefully constitute a useful resource of basic toxicology information that should be readily accessible to most if not all readers.
63. Silver, S. L. and Nickel, L. T., "Are online tutorials effective? A comparison of online and classroom library instruction methods". Research Strategies, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2005, pp. 389-396.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Librarians are conducting instruction sessions outside the traditional classroom setting using online tutorials with increasing frequency. Online tutorials seem like an obvious solution to meet the growing need for instruction to users in a time when resources are shrinking. Can librarians effectively teach library skills using an online tutorial? Approximately 300 students enrolled in an undergraduate psychology course at the University of South Florida Tampa Campus attended either a library research class or completed an online tutorial as part of their coursework. Participants were given a post-test and were surveyed about their confidence levels and preferred method of library instruction. Analysis of the test scores indicated that there was no significant difference in the learning outcomes between in-person and online library instruction. The majority of students indicated a preference for online instruction over classroom instruction. A rise in confidence levels was noted across both groups.
64. Smith, C. H., "Meta-Assessment of Online Research Guides Usage.". Reference Librarian, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: Tutoriales/Guías/Bibliotecas universitarias/Usuarios/Internet/Servicios de referencia en línea
Resumen: A practicable approach to meta-assessment is reported involving the use of online research guides as an outreach tool at Western Kentucky University. A series of such guides has been produced that cover each department on campus; this approach lends its way to assessment efforts by identifying discrete and quantifiable target populations across campus. A multiple-regression model is used to predict usage rates on the basis of surrogates for size of potential usership, and variations in quality and size of the guides themselves. The 'badness of fit' of the regression model can be used to suggest ways of improving the outreach effort. as the residuals left from the analysis arguably identify related lapses in coverage or promotion. If carried out on an annual basis, the approach provides an almost ideal services assessment tool, since various measures can be taken to improve those guides that during each period are identified as 'underachievers.'
65. Smith, N. M. and Presser, P., "Embed With the Faculty: Legal Information Skills Online". Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2005.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Tutoriales/Derecho
Resumen: This article evaluates the Legal Information Skills Tutorial (LIST), a successful multi-media online learning project at the University of Melbourne Law School based on the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) Information Literacy Standards. (Council of Australian University Librarians, Information Literacy Standards (2001) http://www.caul/. (Accessed September 10, 2002)) Key success factors include interactivity, integration with core law content and collaboration between librarians, faculty, students and other stakeholders.
66. Somerville, M. M., Lampert, L. D. D. K. S. H. S., and Schader, B., "Toward large scale assessment of information and communication technology literacy: Implementation considerations for the ETS ICT literacy instrument". Reference Services Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tecnologías de la información/Tutoriales
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance to those contemplating or preparing to administer a large scale information literacy assessment such as the ETS ICT assessment instrument. The case studies and literature review provide real life examples of how to consider implementing the ETS ICT instrument with special attention to issues such as collaboration, timing, marketing, budgeting, and developing a strategy that includes a discussion of how testing results will inform campus information literacy curriculum development and programming. Design/methodology/approach - The planning and implementation by two California State University campuses that administrated beta test versions of the ETS ICT assessment instrument are documented. Background about ICT and guidance for future administrations of large scale assessments on university and college campuses are discussed. Findings - The paper provides background information, techniques and guidance for academic librarians contemplating future administrations and usages of large scale assessments of student information and communication technology skills, like the ETS ICT assessment. Examples of necessary planning stages and collaboration are provided as well as a discussion of the value of large scale assessments for students, campuses and information literacy programs. Practical implications - This paper offers guidance for academic librarians and libraries interested in assessing their information literacy programs and/or working within their university to conduct a large scale assessment of student ICT literacy skills using the ETS ICT assessment instrument. Originality/value - The strategies and ideas presented in this paper will help inform other academic libraries and librarians faced with administrating and implementing a large scale assessment instrument such as the ETS ICT instrument.
67. Somoza Fernández, M., "Avaluació dels tutorials de PubMed i Eric". BiD : Biblioteconomía y Documentació, No. 9, 2002.
Descriptores: Evaluación/Bases de datos/Tutoriales
Resumen: La societat de la informació ofereix noves vies d'experimentació en el camp dels materials formatius. D'una banda, les tecnologies de la informació proporcionen maneres més interactives i adients de presentar el material i, de l'altra, apareixen nous conceptes en el camp de la formació i de l'educació, com ara la necessitat d'una formació continuada, la concepció de nous entorns educatius virtuals i, en definitiva, la necessitat d'elaborar nous materials didàctics que s'adaptin a aquestes situacions.
68. Somoza-Fernández, M. and Abadal, E., "Analysis of web-based tutorials created by academic libraries". The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 35, No. 2, 2009, pp. 126-131.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: This paper aims to analyse the characteristics of tutorials created by academic libraries. It evaluates a sample of 180 tutorials by applying thirty basic indicators referring to general characteristics, content, teaching methodology, usability and technology. The general conclusion is that most of the tutorials are at an early stage of development.
69. Stefanie Dennis and Kelly Broughton, "FALCON: an interactive library instruction tutorial". Reference Services Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2000, pp. 31-38.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: Bowling Green State University Jerome Library's Web tutorial, FALCON, models a standard library instructional session on the use of the library's Web-based catalog. Tutorials can be particularly helpful in reaching large numbers of students. The degree of interactivity and the design of a tutorial are dependent on the goals of its creators and the intended audience of the product. Several features make FALCON unique. It is interactive, self-contained and focuses on a single resource. Interactivity is accomplished without scripts or forms. The tutorial's self-containment, achieved with a complex system of files and without a live catalog connection, enables users to learn how to search the catalog at their own pace, at a time or place of their choosing and without the threat of venturing into cyberspace. Future enhancements to the tutorial will include assessment and evaluation materials.
70. Stephens, D. , "Virtual tutorials". Trends in Cell Biology, Vol. 11, No. 9, 2001, pp. 364.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Biología
Resumen: The Internet is now the routine first point of access for information. A new initiative sets out to make searching for this information clearer and easier by providing a directed framework to use. The Resource Discovery Network (RDN) Virtual Training Suite was launched in May this year by Michael Wills, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Education and Technology, and Sir John Kingman, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bristol, UK. Individual tutorials, including ‘Internet Bioresearcher', written by Stuart Wilson of BIOME, University of Nottingham, UK, are linked to key resources in the relevant fields and are given by specialist ‘tour guides' from research institutions, libraries and universities across the UK. Navigation through the site is particularly simple, with a user ‘links basket' to accumulate particularly useful links during the tutorial and a glossary of useful technical terms. Print-optimized versions of the pages are also available for downloading. The scheme is a collaborative effort between 30 UK universities and aims to provide basic information skills to students, lecturers and researchers throughout the UK. The RDN Virtual Training Suite is at: D.S.
71. Steven J. Bell, "Stop IAKT syndrome with student live search demos". Reference Services Review, Vol. 35, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: Estudiantes/Tutoriales/Alfabetización digital
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to share a classroom teaching technique and pedagogical style that can alleviate difficulties encountered during information literacy instruction sessions when students think they already know everything the librarian instructor plans to cover in the session. Ignoring this situation can result in a poor teaching and learning experience for all. Design/methodology/approach - This is a case study in which the author describes how to effectively involve students as active participants in search demonstrations during instruction sessions. It provides both a pedagogical rationale for this practice and practical examples of how it is accomplished. Findings - Though inviting students to conduct live searches in an instruction session is somewhat risky, the author concludes that engaging students by having them demonstrate online searches is of greater interest to their peers and contributes to a more powerful learning experience. Practical implications - This paper provides clear examples of how to effectively engage students in live online search demonstrations, including handling problematic situations in which students may be uncooperative. The key implication is that instruction sessions can improve when the instructor relinquishes some control to the students. Originality/value - While some research recommends active learning techniques to reduce student boredom in library instruction sessions, a literature search indicates that no previous articles discuss IAKT Syndrome. Instruction librarians will find value in learning about the promise and pitfalls of inviting students to demonstrate searches during their sessions, and how it can promote a better, more engaging learning experience.
72. Thompson, "EndNote Web 2 Basics - Download the tutorials in MP4". Thompson, 2008.
Descriptores: Gestores de referencias bibliográficas/EndNote/Tutoriales
Resumen: Download the tutorials in MP4 or Windows Media Player format below for off-line viewing.
73. Thompson, "EndNote Web 2 Basics - Download the tutorials in MP4 Spanish". Thompson, 2008.
Descriptores: Gestores de referencias bibliográficas/EndNote/Tutoriales
Resumen: Download the tutorials in MP4 or Windows Media Player format below for off-line viewing. Download the tutorials in MP4 Spanish
74. Thompson, "EndNote Web 2 Basics - View Online Tutorials ". Thompson, 2008.
Descriptores: Gestores de referencias bibliográficas/EndNote/Tutoriales
Resumen: Classes are live, not prerecorded, so you can ask questions just as you would in-person. Classes are free of charge. Webinar dates vary from month to month. Webinar sizes are limited and reservations are required. Requires an Internet connection, telephone, and Web browser.
75. Thonus, T., "Acquaintanceship, familiarity, and coordinated laughter in writing tutorials". Linguistics and Education, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2008, pp. 333-350.
Descriptores: Tutoriales
Resumen: This study compared the frequency, structure, and purposes of laughter in writing tutorials between 46 acquainted and unacquainted tutor-student pairs. Of particular interest were instances of shared, or coordinated laughter, which took the form of sequenced, simultaneous, and extended laughter. Familiarity, viewed as a continuum, was also investigated with reference to coordinated laughter. Results showed that coordinated laughter was indeed more frequent in acquainted-pair interactions, and in those interactions where both tutor and student moved beyond laughter as a way of mitigating face threat to a resource in developing familiarity. Implications are suggested for future research on acquaintanceship, familiarity, and laughter in educational settings.
76. Torricella Morales, R. G., "Aplicación de la mapificación conceptual en la creación de bases de datos temáticas especializadas: estudio de caso". Info: Congreso Internacional de Información, Vol. 5, 2004.
Descriptores: Bases de datos /Gestión del conocimiento/EndNote/Gestores de referencias bibliográficas/Tutoriales
Resumen: El Ministerio de Educación Superior se ha propuesto, como parte de su estrategia de informatización, "Transformar cualitativamente los procesos sustantivos de la Educación Superior mediante el empleo de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC)..." (véase: Una de las acciones planificadas para esta estrategia es la estructuración de Bases de Datos Temáticas que respalden los Programas de las Disciplinas Académicas, los Proyectos de Investigación y los Programas de doctorado y maestrías, (Bases de Datos 3P) . El presente trabajo, a partir del estudio de caso de la temática: "Evaluación Sensorial de los Alimentos", desarrolla, aplica y propone procedimientos de trabajo para la creación de Bases Temáticas Especializadas, las cuales constituyen la piedra angular para la posterior creación y consolidación de las comunidades científicas especializadas. Se empleó el manejador de referencias bibliográficas EndNote para la conformación de las Bases de Datos Temáticas y la herramienta RefViz para la creación de los mapas conceptuales. Se obtuvo un mapa conceptual a partir de las más de 18 mil referencias bibliográficas descargadas de la base de datos FSTA con un alcance temporal desde 1990 hasta el a o 2000, a partir del cual se elaboró la Base de Datos Temática sobre Evaluación Sensorial de los Alimentos.
77. Trail, M. A. , Gutierrez, C., and Lechner, D., "Reconsidering a Traditional Instruction Technique: Reassessing the Print Workbook". The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 6, 2006 , pp. 632-640.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales
Resumen: The authors used pre- and post-testing to determine if print workbooks helped to improve information literacy skills in 175 college freshmen. The results of the study demonstrate that workbooks remain a useful tool for academic libraries lacking resources or expertise to develop and maintain online tutorials.
78. Veldof, J. and Beavers, K., "Going mental: Tackling mental models for the online library tutorial". Research Strategies, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2001, pp. 3-20.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Tutoriales/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Online instructional design is a relatively new field for librarians. Many librarians have taken on the challenge of creating online library tutorials without the benefit of formal education and training in the field. Librarians can learn much from research in system design, human-computer interaction, and applied psychology, as it relates to the creation of online learning systems. Researchers in these areas believe that people approach online learning systems by making use of a conceptualor mentalmodel of the system. Designers' mental models influence the way they create learning systems; students' mental models affect the way they interact with and learn from the system. This article compares and contrasts the mental models of librarians and students as they relate to online library tutorials. These mental models are examined through a review of existing library tutorials, usability studies on various library tutorials, and student interviews about the research and writing process. Analysis of these models demonstrates how undergraduates' mental models vary, often significantly, from the mental models of the librarians who design the online library tutorials. Interpretations of this analysis identify ways in which to design a tutorial for more effective instruction aimed at the undergraduate.
79. Vives-Gràcia, J., "Formación en el uso de la información en las bibliotecas de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya". Boletín de la ANABAD, Vol. 54, No. 1, 2004, pp. 363.
Descriptores: Alfabetización digital/Bibliotecas universitarias/Tutoriales/Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Resumen: La renovación de los métodos de docencia universitaria y el impulso de la enseñanza virtual, con un mayorpeso del trabajo personal del alumno, pueden suponer una implicación sustancial de la labor de la biblio-teca en apoyo de este proceso. Dentro de las posibles acciones y basándonos en iniciativas llevadas a caboen otras universidades, proponemos la inclusión, dentro de las asignaturas virtuales, de tutoriales dirigidosa los alumnos para la elaboración y presentación de trabajos escritos, resúmenes y citas bibliográficas
80. Whitley, K. M., "Instruction on the Web: Authoring Tutorials in HTML". Untangling the Web, 1996.
Descriptores: Formación de usuarios/Internet/World wide web/Tutoriales
Resumen: One impact of the world wide web has been to level the playing field to a certain extent for publishing information by putting authoring and displaying tools in the hands of just about anyone who wants to play. At UCSD Science & Engineering Library, we have taken advantage of the web's instructional possibilities by filling a need to reach users at their own workstations with help materials. HTML provides an almost ideal vehicle for teaching methods that require visual impact, that take advantage of the hypertext nature of the web, and that can be used remotely.
81. Yukawa, J., "Factors Influencing Online Communication Style in LIS Problem-Based Learning.". Journal of Education for Library & Information, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: Documentación/Enseñanza/Enseñanza a distancia/World Wide Web/Tutoriales/Aprendizaje
Resumen: Using Clark's theory of common ground as a heuristic device, this article systematically examines the responses of two significantly different LIS students to the resources for communication afforded by Web-based collaborative software. Social factors such as professional background, prior experience and relationships, learning style preference, and learning environment are also discussed. The communication occurred during an intensive, one-semester online action research course. The findings indicate that the factors influencing online communication styles are complex and multi- dimensional. Further research and deeper analyses of how technological and social factors interact to influence communication effectiveness are needed to support the development of innovative, flexible, and responsive technology-supported learning environments to meet the needs of growing numbers of LIS distance learners.
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