U niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca
I nfo D oc 3 junio de 2009
1. "
e_Buah - Guía de Autoarchivo".
Universidad de Alcalá, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo
Resumen: e_Buah ( es el repositorio institucional de la Universidad de Alcalá. Su objetivo es permitir el acceso libre a la producción científica de la Universidad, así como garantizar la conservación de estos archivos digitales, aumentando la visibilidad de los contenidos generados por los miembros de la UAH. El Autoarchivo es el proceso por el que el autor deposita en e_Buah sus trabajos de investigación. Para ello el autor debe estar registrado en Mi e_Buah y solicitar autorización para enviar documentos a las colecciones de su interés.
2. Abad García, M. F., González Teruel, A., Martínez Catalán, C., and Giménez Martínez, F., "
Viabilidad de repositorios de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud en la Comunidad Valenciana".
El Profesional de la Información, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2008, pp. 165-173 .
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Medicina/Ciencias de la salud/Valencia
Resumen: Se estudian las condiciones de autoarchivo de 3.495 trabajos publicados en 109 revistas que recogen el 50% de la producción científica de la Comunidad Valenciana en biomedicina y ciencias de la salud difundida en las bases de datos ISI (período 2000-2004). Se analiza el autoarchivado desde la perspectiva de la viabilidad de implantación de repositorios institucionales y temáticos de acceso abierto. La información se ha obtenido de la base de datos Romeo disponible en la web Sherpa. Las condiciones de autoarchivo son favorables para la implantación de repositorios institucionales ya que el 56,8% de los trabajos sería depositable inmediatamente, cifra que ascendería al 72% al considerar los depositables tras un período de embargo, y al 87% al incluir los trabajos publicados en revistas accesibles a texto completo. La viabilidad para establecer un repositorio temático de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud de la Comunidad Valenciana es cuestionable debido a que la mayoría de las editoriales condicionan el permiso para el depósito de trabajos a la existencia de un mandato de las agencias estatales y/o autonómicas responsables de la financiación de la investigación, algo inexistente en este momento.
3. Abad García, M. F., González Teruel, A., Martínez Catalán, C., and Giménez Martínez, F., "
Viabilidad de repositorios de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud en la Comunidad Valenciana".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2008, pp.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales/Biomedicina/Valencia
Resumen: Se estudian las condiciones de autoarchivo de 3.495 trabajos publicados en 109 revistas que recogen el
50% de la producción científica de la Comunidad Valenciana en biomedicina y ciencias de la salud difundida en las bases de datos ISI (período 2000-2004). Se analiza el autoarchivado desde la perspectiva de la viabilidad de implantación de repositorios institucionales y temáticos de acceso abierto. La información se ha obtenido de la base de datos Romeo disponible en la web Sherpa. Las condiciones de autoarchivo son favorables para la implantación de repositorios institucionales ya que el 56,8% de los trabajos sería depositable inmediatamente, cifra que ascendería al 72% al considerar los depositables tras un período de embargo, y al 87% al incluir los trabajos publicados en revistas accesibles a texto completo. La viabilidad para establecer un repositorio temático de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud de la Comunidad Valenciana es cuestionable debido a que la mayoría de las editoriales condicionan el permiso para el depósito de trabajos a la existencia de un mandato de las agencias estatales y/o autonómicas responsables de la financiación de la investigación, algo inexistente en este momento.
4. Alonso Arévalo, J., Subirats i Coll, I., and Martínez Conde, M. L., "
Informe APEI sobre acceso abierto".
Informes APEI, Vol. 2, 2008, pp. 64.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: Informe sobre acceso abierto en el que se explica en que consiste el movimiento 'open access', las nuevas formas de comunicación científica, el funcionamiento de los repositorios y la situación del acceso abierto en España. Contenidos: 1: La edición electrónica (revistas electrónicas, comunicación científica). 2: Libre acceso a los resultados de la investigación (movimiento por el acceso abierto, propiedad intelectual). 3: La edición y el libre acceso (políticas editoriales, datos sobre acceso abierto). 4: Repositorios, recolectores y servicios (repositorios, autoarchivo, recolectores, revistas en acceso abierto). 5: Repositorios y recolectores en España (desarrollo de repositorios, iniciativas estatales). 6. Recursos de información (fuentes y bibliografia).
5. Alonso Peri, A., Galán Palacio, A., Penín González, P., Lavandera Fernández, R., and Roldán Rodríguez, J., "
La plataforma digital Repositorio Institucional de Asturias (RIA)".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Se expone la experiencia de la creación de la plataforma digital RIA (Repositorio Institucional de Asturias). Esta plataforma se enmarca en el movimiento por el acceso abierto, y constituye la primera iniciativa desarrollada en Asturias en este ámbito. Se describe el proyecto desde sus comienzos hasta su puesta en marcha, haciendo especial referencia a la metodología aplicada, los objetivos, los organismos participantes, los componentes del sistema y las políticas adoptadas en materia de acceso abierto por parte del Gobierno del Principado de Asturias.
6. Anglada i de Ferrer, L. M., "
Acceso abierto, autoarchivo, repositorios y declaración de Barcelona".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo
Resumen: Lo que hoy en día conocemos como Open Access (OA) o acceso abierto a la información científica se inició en el año 2001 con una carta que algunos prestigiosos investigadores dirigieron a sus colegas pidiéndoles que se negaran a publicar en revistas en las que no les concedieran el derecho a usar libremente sus artículos por lo menos en el plazo de seis meses después de su publicación. El movimiento se consolidó y se conoce actualmente como Public Library of Science y dio lugar a iniciativas tales como SPARC o PubMed Central, entre otras muchas, que han servido para consolidar alguna de las dos 'vías' que deben conducirnos al acceso abierto de la información científica: la vía verde (repositorios) o la dorada (revistas).
7. Anglada i de Ferrer, L. M., Reoyo Tudó, S., Cambras, J., and Vega, R. d. l., "
Los repositorios electrónicos cooperativos de la Biblioteca Digital de Cataluña".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Cataluña
Resumen: Entre 1998 y 1999, el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Cataluña (CBUC) creó una nueva línea de trabajo: la Biblioteca Digital de Cataluña (BDC). Ésta nació con la finalidad de contratar información electrónica interdisciplinar para la comunidad universitaria e investigadora de las bibliotecas miembro del Consorcio. Casi al mismo tiempo, esta línea de trabajo se amplió con la vertiente de la información propia generada por esta comunidad y se empezó a trabajar con la definición e implementación de repositorios electrónicos cooperativos. Estos últimos serán el objeto de este estudio. Se analiza su evolución, su estado actual, la estrategia para conseguir la inclusión de documentos (políticas institucionales, comités científicos, etc.), su contenedor (programas, tecnología usada, protocolos, etc.) y su contenido (estándares utilizados, derechos de autor, preservación, etc.). Por último se reflexiona sobre las ventajas, extraídas de la propia experiencia, de estos repositorios electrónicos cooperativos.
8. Arabito, S., "
La comunicazione scientifica nel ventunesimo secolo: Google e oltre".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Google/Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Il resoconto di un convegno tenutosi nel quadro di FEST - science and media fair, a Trieste, il 18 maggio 2007, con la partecipazione di Alberto Salarelli e Rob Tansley, Alma Swan e Leslie Carr e con Jens Vigen su temi legati alla comunicazione scientifica, all'accesso aperto e all'impatto della ricerca.
9. Awre, C. and Swan, A., "
Linking repositories: Scoping the development of cross-institutional user-oriented services".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 372-381.
Descriptores: Orientación a usuarios/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ The purpose of the linking repositories study was to conduct research to identify appropriate sustainable technical and organisational models to support the development of end-user oriented services across repositories. The work covered four overlapping strands: user and community requirements, roles and responsibilities, technical architecture and infrastructure, and business and management models.
10. Ayuso Sánchez, M. J., "
Las nuevas formas de transmisión de literatura gris: nuevos modelos de gestión y difusión del conocimiento científico".
Revista general de información y documentación, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2007, pp. 229-257.
Descriptores: Literatura gris/Gestión/Difusión/Conocimiento cientifico/Comunicación científica/EPrints/Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas /Copia electronica/Open Access
Resumen: Se revisan las interrelaciones entre comunicación científica, eprints y el acceso abierto a la literatura científica. Se muestran algunas iniciativas de alcance internacional en el ámbito de las colecciones digitales de información científica. Se analizan las principales diferencias entre eprint servers, revistas editadas exclusivamente a través de Internet y servicios de copias electrónicas de trabajos científicos. Se establecen las líneas maestras de la iniciativa Open Access. Para ilustrar estos aspectos se aportan algunos ejemplos significativos.
11. Baiget, T., "
Acceso abierto a la ciencia. Las redes de conocimiento en el Espacio Europeo de Investigación. ".
CALSI , 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior
Resumen: De vez en cuando resulta interesante y además muy útil levantar los ojos de nuestra tarea diaria y mirar la panorámica de nuestro entorno. Tomamos un 'mapa', nos situamos en él, hacemos benchmarkings para compararnos, y nos replanteamos cuál es nuestra misión, analizando si podemos mejorar las herramientas, si existen métodos mejores, sistemas de transporte, etc.
12. Bakker, T. A. and Banks, M. A., "
Scholarly communication initiatives at Georgetown University: lessons learned".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009, pp. 60-66.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Estados Unidos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Comunicación científica
Resumen: The paper aims to describe the launching of Georgetown University's Scholarly Communication Symposium Series in 2003, and ongoing efforts to raise faculty and librarian awareness of changes in the scholarly communication landscape.
13. Bankier, J.-G. and Perciali, I., "
The Institutional Repository Rediscovered: What Can a University Do for Open Access Publishing".
Serials Review, Vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, 2008, pp. 232.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Universities have always been one of the key players in open access publishing and have encountered the particular obstacle that faces this Green model of open access, namely, disappointing author uptake. Today, the university has a unique opportunity to reinvent and to reinvigorate the model of the institutional repository. This article explores what is not working about the way we talk about repositories to authors today and how can we better meet faculty needs. More than an archive, a repository can be a showcase that allows scholars to build attractive scholarly profiles, and a platform to publish original content in emerging open-access journals.
14. Banks, M. A. and Dellavalle, R., "
Emerging alternatives to the impact factor".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2008, pp. 167-173.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Gestión de la colección/Bibliotecas digitales/Factor de impacto
Resumen: This paper aims to document the proliferating range of alternatives to the impact factor that have arisen within the past five years, coincident with the increased prominence of open access publishing.
15. Barrueco, J. M., "
Medición del uso e impacto de documentos distribuidos a través de repositorios institucionales".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Impacto/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: Entre los retos que tienen planteados los repositorios institucionales está el demostrar y cuantificar con datos objetivos que los trabajos disponibles en abierto se citan y se utilizan más que el resto. Algunos repositorios están incluyendo análisis del uso de sus documentos. También existen proyectos a nivel internacional dedicados a la elaboración de índices de citas. De momento estas iniciativas son aisladas. Para obtener una evaluación precisa será necesario integrar los resultados procedentes de distintas instituciones y disciplinas tendentes a obtener indicadores globales que permitan la comparación entre autores, instituciones, etc. En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de arquitectura destinada a permitir la recopilación, distribución y agregación de los datos necesarios para llevar a cabo una medición del uso e impacto de los trabajos almacenados en repositorios institucionales.
16. Barrueco, J. M. and García Testal, C., "
Repositorios institucionales universitarios: evolución y perspectivas".
Jornadas Espa olas de Documentación, No. 11, 2009, pp. 99-108.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Espa a
Resumen: En el presente estudio hemos analizado los repositorios institucionales espa oles centrándonos en tres aspectos concretos: el volumen y crecimiento, la utilización de metadatos, la organización interna y la tipología documental que almacenan. De los resultados se pueden extraer una serie de recomendaciones para mejorar el servicio que se está prestando y alcanzar los objetivos que deben tener los repositorios.
17. Beall, J., "
Free Books: Loading Brief MARC Records for Open-Access Books in an Academic Library Catalog".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2009, pp. 452-463.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Libros electrónicos/MARC/Bibliotecas universitarias/Catálogos/Integracion de recursos
Resumen: Mbooks are open-access, digitized books freely available on the Internet. This article describes the Auraria Library's experience of loading brief MARC records for Mbooks into its online public access catalog and looks at some of the issues that arose from the record-loading project. Despite the low quality of the records, librarians in Auraria Library thought that loading them into the catalog was advantageous because of the rich content in the collection and because many of the records could be improved using the global update functionality in the catalog. Making the records available through the catalog, as opposed to merely linking to the entire collection from the Library's Web page, was considered to be valuable because of the aggregation a catalog provides and because the Mbooks collection helped fill gaps in the Library's physical collections. As more open-access, digitized books become available, libraries will need to plan and manage how best to provide access to them.
18. Bell, B., "
The West Beyond the West: BC Libraries, Archives, Museums and AlouetteCanada".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Museos/Archivos/Canadá
Resumen: Bell, Brian (2007) The West Beyond the West: BC Libraries, Archives, Museums and AlouetteCanada. Delivered at British Columbia Library Association Conference 2007: Beyond 20/20: Envisioning the Future, Burnaby, British Columbia (Canada). Presentation. AlouetteCanada provides a province-wide portal for BC public, academic, and special libraries to share their BC content and make it searchable online, and it will work with a variety of organizations to have the portal integrate with existing software applications. ALouette Canada has the power to become the first place users search for British Coulumbia's cumulative cultural history.
19. Bennett, M. J., "
Digital repository implementation: a toolbox for streamlined success".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 254-261.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Redes de bibliotecas
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to describe the tools and strategies that were employed by C/W MARS to successfully develop and implement the Digital Treasures digital repository.
20. Bevan, S. J., "
Developing an institutional repository: Cranfield QUEprints – a case study".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Planificación
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of the Institutional Repository at Cranfield University – Cranfield QUEprints ( Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes the methodologies involved in acquiring research output, and covers advocacy strategies, policies, and also provides data on cost and usage. Findings – The Cranfield QUEprints is a managed repository where the archiving is undertaken by library staff. This has proved to be a successful method of acquiring research outputs and increasing content. Selected methods of persuading academics to contribute to the IR, including personal contact, and marketing information, have also proved successful. Research limitations/implications – That the report is specific to an institution, but provides experiences that will be generally applicable. Originality/value – The paper provides reassurance that, when it comes to populating an institutional repository, an alternative method to self-archiving can be successful and cost-effective. It is hoped that the descriptions provided in the paper will provide encouragement to institutions currently without an IR that there are no insurmountable barriers to the development of such a system.
21. Bevilacqua, F., "
L'organizzazione dei depositi istituzionali DSpace in Italia. ".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2008, pp. 17-25.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Italia/Gestión/Recursos electrónicos/Cooperación bibliotecaria
Resumen: The purpose of this article is to discuss the results of a study on eighteen Italian institutional repositories (IRs) using DSpace technology. Documentation related to policy, organisation and management is analysed and compared, as well as the results of semi-structured interviews with eight IR managers. The aim is to understand if Italian IRs using DSpace are evolving towards services integrated into the culture and organisation of their institutions, and to explore the factors influencing this process. The IR efforts seem to have produced quite different results, but at present only a small number of repositories has gone beyond the pilot phase. The obstacles affecting a successful implementation seem to be insufficient funding and human resources, and lack of support from the institutions decision makers. A number of IR managers think that the objectives of their IR project have not been fully achieved and should be redefined. The paper concludes that needs assessment techniques, evaluation programs and a more flexible approach to implementation should help developers to create a service more respondent to the user community needs and characteristics. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
22. Bhaskar Mukherjee, "
Do open-access journals in library and information science have any scholarly impact? A bibliometric study of selected open-access journals using Google Scholar".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 3, 2009, pp. 581-594.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Bibliometría/Análisis comparado/Bibliotecas/Google
Resumen: Using 17 fully open-access journals published uninterruptedly during 2000 to 2004 in the field of library and information science, the present study investigates the impact of these open-access journals in terms of quantity of articles published, subject distribution of the articles, synchronous and diachronous impact factor, immediacy index, and journals' and authors' self-citation. The results indicate that during this 5-year publication period, there are as many as 1,636 articles published by these journals. At the same time, the articles have received a total of 8,591 Web citations during a 7-year citation period. Eight of 17 journals have received more than 100 citations. First Monday received the highest number of citations; however, the average number of citations per article was the highest in D-Lib Magazine. The value of the synchronous impact factor varies from 0.6989 to 1.0014 during 2002 to 2005, and the diachronous impact factor varies from 1.472 to 2.487 during 2000 to 2004. The range of the immediacy index varies between 0.0714 and 1.395. D-Lib Magazine has an immediacy index value above 0.5 in all the years whereas the immediacy index value varies from year to year for the other journals. When the citations of sample articles were analyzed according to source, it was found that 40.32% of the citations came from full-text articles, followed by 33.35% from journal articles. The percentage of journals' self-citation was only 6.04%.
23. Biancoa, S., Ellestadb, O.-H., and Ferreirac, P., "
Towards Open Access Publishing in High Energy Physics: Report of the SCOAP3 Working Party".
The SCOAP3 Working Party, 2007.
Descriptores: Física /Acceso abierto
Resumen: This Report concerns the implementation of a process initiated by CERN’s Director-General, Dr. Robert Aymar, today supported by leading actors from the particle physics community, and worked through in detail by members of an international Working Party. The initiative offers an opportunity for the cost-effective dissemination of high-quality research articles in particle physics, enabling use of the new technologies of e-Science across the literature of High Energy physics.
24. Björk, B.-C. and Hedlund, T., "
Two Scenarios for How Scholarly Publishers Could Change Their Business Model to Open Access".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009.;cc=jep;q1=3336451.0012.1%2A;rgn=main;view=text;idno=3336451.0012.102
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Edición/Edición electrónica/Editoriales institucionales
Resumen: The Internet has made possible the cost-effective dissemination of scientific journals in the form of electronic versions, usually in parallel with the printed versions. At the same time the electronic medium also makes possible totally new open access (OA) distribution models, funded by author charges, sponsorship, advertising, voluntary work, etc., where the end product is free in full text to the readers. Although more than 2,000 new OA journals have been founded in the last 15 years, the uptake of open access has been rather slow, with currently around 5% of all peer-reviewed articles published in OA journals. The slow growth can to a large extent be explained by the fact that open access has predominantly emerged via newly founded journals and startup publishers. Established journals and publishers have not had strong enough incentives to change their business models, and the commercial risks in doing so have been high. In this paper we outline and discuss two different scenarios for how scholarly publishers could change their operating model to open access. The first is based on an instantaneous change and the second on a gradual change. We propose a way to manage the gradual change by bundling traditional “big deal” licenses and author charges for opening access to individual articles.
25. Bohm, M. R., Stone, R. B., Simpson, T. W., and Steva, E. D., "
Introduction of a data schema: To support a design repository".
Computer-Aided Design, Vol. In Press, Accepted Manuscript, 2008, pp. 654.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Bohm,Matt R. ; Stone,Robert B. ; Simpson,Timothy W. ; Steva,Elizabeth D. Introduction of a data schema: To support a design repository
26. Boock, M. and Kunda, S., "
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Metadata Workflow at Oregon State University Libraries".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 297-308 .
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto/Tesis doctorales
Resumen: In July 2005, the Oregon State University Libraries began accepting electronic versions of student theses and dissertations into ScholarsArchive@OSU, the library's institutional repository. By January 2007, all Oregon State University graduate students were required to deposit their final research. This article compares past processes and workflows for print theses and dissertations with the present workflow for electronic. We provide the rationale for changes and review the cost- and time-savings produced. We describe the changing roles of students, technicians, and librarians in the metadata process as well as the value of students describing their own work.
27. Breytenbach, A. and Groenewald, R., "
The African Elephant: A digital collection of anatomical sketches as part of the University of Pretoria's Institutional Repository – a case study".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008, pp. 240-251.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Medicina/Gestión de la colección
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ Although several collections have been digitized and made available in the University of Pretoria's Institutional Repository, a pilot study has not been done to measure the project management and workflow. The collections available in the repository at the time of this project were all long-term projects. There was a need to identify a project small enough to conform to normal project management requirements to use as an example to establish the planning and workflow of future projects. The purpose of this study is to determine the outcome and quality of the final web-ready institutional repository product against specific digitization project goals.
28. Brody, T. C. L. G. Y. H. C. H. S. and Swan, A., "
Incentivizing the Open Access Research Web: Publication-Archiving, Data-Archiving and Scientometrics ".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Bibliometría/Impacto
Resumen: he research production cycle has three components: the conduct of the research itself (R), the data (D), and the peer-reviewed publication (P) of the findings. Open Access (OA) means free online access to the publications (P-OA), but OA can also be extended to the data (D-OA). The two hurdles for D-OA are that not all researchers want to make their data OA and that the online infrastructure for D-OA still needs additional functionality. In contrast, all researchers, without exception, do want to make their publications P-OA, and the online infrastructure for publication-archiving (a worldwide interoperable network of OAI-compliant Institutional Repositories [IRs]) already has all the requisite functionality for this. Yet because so far only about 15% of researchers are spontaneously self-archiving their publications today, their funders and institutions are beginning to mandate OA self-archiving in order to maximize the usage and impact of their research output. The adoption of these P-OA self-archiving mandates needs to be accelerated. Researchers’ careers and funding already depend on the impact (usage and citation) of their research. It has now been repeatedly demonstrated that making publications OA by self-archiving them in an OA IR dramatically enhances their research impact. Research metrics (e.g., download and citation counts) are increasingly being used to estimate and reward research impact, notably in the UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). But those metrics first need to be tested against human panel-based rankings in order to validate their predictive power.
29. Brody, T. C. L. H. S. a. S. A., "
Time to Convert to Metrics".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Bibliometría/Impacto
Resumen: The 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) will be a parallel metric and panel exercise. It is hence a natural testbed for validating candidate metrics against the panel rankings.If Eugene Garfield, the founder of the Institute for Scientific Information and the father of Scientometrics had come of age in the online era, he would have been developing Open Access Scientometrics at the University of Southampton
30. Brownlee, R., "
Research Data and Repository Metadata: Policy and Technical Issues at the University of Sydney Library".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 370-379 .
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The University of Sydney Library's repository contains research outputs primarily comprising traditional publication types. Many academics manage data collections within databases and spreadsheets using metadata dissimilar to the repository's Dublin Core schema. During 2007 and 2008 the author explored issues surrounding submission to the repository of a small range of research data collections and associated metadata. Native metadata structures were analyzed and mapped to DC and scripts translated, packaged and transferred collections. This article discusses metadata management and repository service levels and sustainability. It describes the Library's approach to defining service requirements and includes discussion of various metadata management options. It also describes related activities within the University of Sydney to develop eResearch services and to harmonize the roles and relationships of eResearch support service providers.1
31. Buehler, M. A. and Trauernicht, M. S., "
From digital library to institutional repository: a brief look at one library's path".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 382-394.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the initial transformation of one academic library's digital media library into the institutional repository (IR) of its entire academic organization.
32. Bueno-de-la-Fuente, G., Hernandez-Perez, T., Rodriguez-Mateos, D., Mendez-Rodriguez, E., and Martin-Galan, B., "
Study on the Use of Metadata for Digital Learning Objects in University Institutional Repositories (MODERI)".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 262-285.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto/Aprendizaje/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Metadata is a core issue for the creation of repositories. Different institutional repositories have chosen and use different metadata models, elements, and values for describing the range of digital objects they store. Thus, this article analyzes the current use of metadata describing those Learning Objects that some open higher educational institutions' repositories include in their collections. The goal of this work is to identify and analyze the different metadata models being used to describe educational features of those specific digital educational objects (such as audience, type of educational material, learning objectives, etc.).Also discussed is the concept and typology of Learning Objects (LO) through their use in University Repositories. We will also examine the usefulness of specifically describing those learning objects, setting them apart from other kinds of documents included in the repository, mainly scholarly publications and research results of the higher education institution.
33. Burk, l., Al-Digeil, M., Forest, D., and Whitney, J., "
New possibilities for metadata creation in an institutional repository context".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 403-410.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Metadatos
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to develop automated methods for creating metadata for documents in an institutional repository.
34. Burrows, T., "
Identity parade: building web portals about people".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 329-331.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/World Wide Web
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to look at the current state of initiatives to develop +óGé +ôpeople-centred+óGé - portals by repurposing name authority data from union catalogues and similar sources.
35. Caroline Drury, "
Building institutional repository infrastructure in regional Australia".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 395-402.
Descriptores: Wikis/Repositorios institucionales/Planificación/Australia
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to focus on the development of FOSTER, its anticipated use and outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – This paper reports on the RUBRIC project and the development of FOSTER. Findings – The FOSTER toolkit is not a static resource, and accordingly may never reach a fully “completed” state. As the area of institutional repositories continues to develop, and further generations of appropriate solutions emerge, the FOSTER concept and later, Toolkit, will also continue to develop. Originality/value – Provides a useful discussion on the development of FOSTER.
36. Carr, L. H. S. and Swan, A., "
A Longitudinal Study of the Practice of Self-Archiving. Working Paper . (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo /Acceso abierto
Resumen: This paper examines the practice of self-archiving and how it has changed over a period of almost two years in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton
37. Carr, L., "
Open Access to Science. ".
CALSI , 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: Science is a system of acquiring knowledge based on the scientific method. For the purposes of this article, we will include engineering, arts and scholarship in general as being understood in the blanket term “science”. In other words “science” is the activity of researchers and scientists in universities and research institutions throughout Europe and the world, all of whom are concerned with novel insights and creating new knowledge.
38. Carr, L., "
Why the Web Never Took Off. In: Learning Societies Laboratory Semninar".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/world wide web/Internet/Redes científicas
Resumen: Many people think that the Web has revolutionised the lives of researchers and academics, but to a large extent it has failed. This seminar will demonstrate where it has fizzled out, explain some of the work that we are engaged in to fan the flames again and seek to re-ignite the explosive potential that the web architecture provides.
39. Carreño Mondéjar, J., "
DUGI: Implementación conjunta y conectada de un repositorio y un servidor de video a demanda".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Video/Protocolos de comunicaciones
Resumen: DUGI es actualmente un repositorio general con todo tipo de objetos, pero nació en 2004 con un objetivo central: digitalizar el fondo videográfico de la Càtedra Ferrater Mora de Pensament Contemporani. Este patrimonio, integrado por seminarios, conferencias y simposios, con participación de diferentes personalidades de la filosofía, del pensamiento y de ámbito interdisciplinario, era un legado del cual la Universidad quería facilitar su difusión. Todo este material inédito, por voluntad de la Cátedra, podría ser visionado pero no se creía conveniente que fuera objeto de descarga indiscriminada. Esta cuestión abocaba el material hacia un sistema servidor de vídeo. A su vez, si el proyecto lo lideraba la Biblioteca, era obvio que se necesitaba un sistema que garantizara el tratamiento profesional de los datos. Este documento describe el proceso de integración de un repositorio profesional y la integración en una parte de sus colecciones, de un servidor de vídeo a demanda.
40. Casals Parladé, J., Casas Escribano, M., Güell Guillén, C., and Pardo Carazo, J., "
Proyecto SIRI (Servicio de Recursos de Información para la docencia)".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Enseñanza/Gestión del conocimiento
Resumen: El actual panorama de adecuación al espacio universitario europeo y los retos que este nuevo escenario plantea a los docentes universitarios demanda a los Centros de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI) el desarrollo de nuevas iniciativas y servicios de apoyo que se ajusten a las necesidades de dichos usuarios. Desde el CRAI de la Universidad de Barcelona se impulsan proyectos de creación de colecciones digitales soportadas mediante el uso de repositorios digitales de acceso y participación de toda la comunidad. La implementación del Dipòsit Digital de la UB (repositorio institucional) permite ofrecer la infraestructura adecuada para gestionar todos aquellos recursos y materiales para la enseñanza generados por los propios docentes o por las unidades de apoyo que tienen a su disposición. De igual forma, la gestión de un gran número de documentos y recursos de información sobre la actividad docente mediante el uso del Dipòsit Digital de la UB sirve de base para la implementación de un servicio de información para la docencia.
41. Casals Parlodé, J., Güell Guillén, C., Cosas Escribano, M., and Pardo Carozo, J., "
Proyecto SIRI (Servicio de Recursos de Información para la docencia)".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, 2007, pp. 115-121.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: El actual panorama de adecuación al espacio universitario europeo y los retos que este nuevo escenario plantea a los docentes universitarios demando a los Centros de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI) el desarrollo de nuevas iniciativas y servicios de apoyo que se ajusten o las necesidades de dichos usuarios. Desde el CRAI de lo Universidad de Barcelona se impulsan proyectos de creación de colecciones digitales soportadas mediante el uso de repositorios digitales de acceso y participación de toda la comunidad. La implementación del Dipósit Digital de la UB (repositorio institucional) permite ofrecer la infraestructura adecuada para gestionar todos aquellos recursos y materiales para la enseñanza generados por los propios docentes o por las unidades de apoyo que tienen o su disposición. De igual formo, la gestión de un gran número de documentos y recursos de información sobre la actividad docente mediante el uso del Dipòsit Digital de la UB sirve de base para la implementación de un servicio de información paro la docencia. (A)
42. Cassella, M., "
Il ruolo del bibliotecario nei depositi istituzionali".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Autoarchivo
Resumen: Institutional Repositories are a new opportunity for scholarly communities. Notwithstanding rising awareness among authors of the benefits and the advantages of self-archiving in an Institutional Repository can be a complicated and burdensome task. The article aims to explore the role of the librarians (cataloguers, reference librarians, subject librarians, collection development librarians) in promoting and fostering authors’ self-archiving, before, during and
after the IR implementation. As a matter of fact librarians play an important role in determining the success of an IR. They plan collections, advocate, inform, support authors in archiving workflow, describe documents and digital objects, insert and control metadata and so on. In this way librarians move away from their traditional tasks. Into the digital environment, indeed, librarians take up new roles, challenges and opportunities, provided that they will be able to collaborate with different job positions and to understand the various needs of the different scholarly communities
43. Cassella, M., "
L'Open Access nelle scienze umane.".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 26, No. 10, 2008, pp. 40-49.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Humanidades/Italia/Derechos de autor/Investigación /Metodología
Resumen: Open Access discussion has dominated the STM field to date while in Arts and Humanities the scholarly approach to professional and intellectual practices has moved researchers away from Open Access ideas. In spite of this, Open Access is now a far full-grown movement and is suggesting new opportunities for scholars in Humanities. Author discusses such opportunities in relation to the Green and the Gold Road. Researchers in Humanities can profit from retaining copyright, from publishing most of their articles or monographs with university presses as Open Access resources, comparing themselves in an international arena. Open Access offers new distribution and publication channels to out-of-print works and to first books by young scholars in Humanities. New collaborative scholarly writing and innovative peer-review systems can also be experienced and developed. The case studies of Open Humanities Press, of the European project OAPEN and of the Italian publisher Polimetrica are examined in conclusion of the article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
44. Castro, P. d., "
Digital.CSIC: el desarrollo de un repositorio institucional científico en el CSIC".
Jornadas Espa olas de Documentación, No. 11, 2009, pp. 250-256.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: En un momento en el que empiezan a materializarse en Espa a políticas institucionales de impulso del acceso abierto a los resultados de la investigación financiada con fondos públicos, resulta particularmente oportuno conocer la evolución y el estado de desarrollo de las infraestructuras de archivo que habrán de dar soporte a dichas políticas. En el caso particular del CSIC, a o y medio después de la puesta en marcha del repositorio institucional del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Digital.CSIC,, su base de datos almacena ya más de 10.000 trabajos de investigación consultables a texto completo en acceso abierto. Digital.CSIC se encuentra así en pleno proceso de
consolidación como memoria digital institucional del CSIC, avanzando en su objetivo de albergar toda la producción científica de la institución en sus diversos formatos documentales. En esta presentación se pretende mostrar la evolución del proyecto Digital.CSIC desde sus inicios, con la doble intención de servir como estudio de caso del desarrollo de un repositorio institucional y de proponer un modelo para otras instituciones que deseen contar con su propio archivo de publicaciones en acceso abierto. En la presentación se examina también el estado de desarrollo actual de Digital.CSIC y sus retos futuros.
45. Cervone, F., "
Thinking outside the library box: Considerations in contextualizing digital repositories for the local environment".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2008, pp. 148-152.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ The purpose of this paper is to provide an introduction to the emerging concept of local contextualization in digital repositories.
46. Cervone, H. F., "
Applied digital library project management: Using Pareto analysis to determine task importance rankings".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 76-81.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Ranking /Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to define and describe Pareto analysis as a method for identifying and addressing the factors that have the most impact in a digital library project's success. Design/methodology/approach - Using theory and example, the author relates the use of Pareto analysis to the successful completion of a digital library project. Findings - Pareto analysis is useful to project managers and project teams alike as a means for identifying, prioritizing and addressing the factors that have the most impact in a digital library project. It is particularly useful to a web redesign team as a mechanism for prioritizing changes and improvements that need to be made to a web site. Originality/value - This paper fills a gap in the digital library project management literature by providing an overview of a useful tool in identifying and prioritizing the steps and factors in a project that most contribute to its success.
47. Cervone, H. F., "
Good project managers are “cluefull” rather than clueless".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008, pp. 199-203 .
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Conducta/Liderazgo
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the some of the more common behavioral missteps technology leaders make when managing projects.
48. Chantavaridou, E., "
Open access and institutional repositories in Greece: progress so far".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009, pp. 47-59.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Grecia
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to present the current situation regarding open access and institutional repositories (IRs) in Greece.
49. Chapman, J., Reynolds, D., and Shreeves, S., "
Repository Metadata: Approaches and Challenges".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 309-325.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Many institutional repositories have pursued a mixed metadata environment, relying on description by multiple workflows. Strategies may include metadata converted from other systems, metadata elicited from the document creator or manager, and metadata created by library or repository staff. Additional editing or proofing may or may not occur. The mixed environment brings challenges of creation, management, and access. In this article, repository efforts at three major universities are discussed. All three repositories run on the DSpace software package, and the opportunities and limitations of that system will be examined. The authors discuss local strategies in light of current thinking on metadata creation, user behavior, and the aggregation of heterogeneous metadata. The contrasts between the mission of each repository effort will show the importance of local customization, while the experience of all three institutions forms the basis for recommendations on strategies of benefit to a wide range of librarians and repository planners.
50. Charron, J., "
NRC Research Press : a pragmatic publisher".
Collections 2007 : Reinvigorating Collection Development and Management St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador (Canada)., 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica/Revistas eléctronicas
Resumen: Jason Charron, Director for CISTI's Business Affairs, explaining why NRC Research Press has taken a pragmatic approach, providing geographic or time based Open Access. The CLA Preconference took place at the INCO Centre (Memorial University of Newfoundland).
51. Chýla, R., "
What open source webpublishing software has the scientific community for e-journals?".
E-LIS , 2007.
Descriptores: Propiedad intelectual/Acceso abierto/Revistas científicas/Revistas electrónicas /Software libre
Resumen: Ch²la, Roman (2007) What open source webpublishing software has the scientific community for e-journals?. In Proceedings CASLIN 2007, Stupava (Slovak Republic). Nowadays a scientific community can use different electronic publishing systems for the e-journals (journal management systems). Open-source ones were developed solely for e-publications' management and now, in 2007, we can say three of them are of general use for e-journals: Digital Publishing System (DPubs), ePublishing toolkit (ePubTk), Open Journal System (OJS). There exists also different content management systems (CMS), yet those were not primarily built for e-journals and are usable only with a special publication module. Finally, the third option is to pay for a service of different publishers and providers with their own publication systems. This paper deals with comparison of the first two options: specialised systems for e-journals on one side and general CMS on the other side. With examples of open-source publication systems we want to compare their advantages and disadvantages, area of aplication, and their functions for the management of the e-journal publishing process.
52. Cochrane, T. and Callan, P., "
Making a difference: implementing the eprints mandate at QUT".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 262-268.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Australia/Mandato de autoarchivo/Autoarchivo
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to describe the impact of a university-wide deposit mandate on the self-archiving practices of academics and to show how a mandate can make a positive difference. The paper explains the genesis of the eprints mandate at QUT and outlines the response of the academics to the endorsement of the policy. The implementation of the mandate is then examined in detail, including discussion and evaluation of specific implementation strategies and practices. The experience of Queensland University of Technology suggests that a university-wide eprints mandate definitely increases the rate of self-archiving. Cultural and organisation change takes time, even with a mandate. Advocacy initiatives and implementation strategies have to be aligned with current skills and needs of the researchers. For a self-deposit system to be successful, the barriers need to be as low as possible. Institutional repository administrators should consider creating a scaffolded deposit system that is fast, intuitive and requires only basic technology skills. The efforts of early adopters should be recognised as publicly as possible. Evidence of success is the best form of persuasion.
53. Cockerill, M., "
Establishing a central open access fund".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009, pp. 43-46.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas universitarias/Financiación
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to provide detailed information on how the University of Nottingham established a central fund to pay for open access publication of research coming out of the university in direct response to mandates from research funders.
54. Codina, L. and Rovira, C., "
OpenOffice y el formato OpenDocument: funciones y compatibilidad".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008 , pp. 453-462.,1:105302,1&linkin=633699178115400201
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: Presentación de la suite ofimática OpenOffice y del formato ODF. Se describen las características principales de la suite y del formato ODF para documentos ofimáticos. Se argumenta la necesidad de adoptar aplicaciones open source y formatos abiertos. Se presenta un caso de utilización del formato ODF para transformar documentos en xhtml en el contexto de un aula digital. (A)
55. Cohen, S. and Schmidle, D., "
Creating a multipurpose digital institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 287-296.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Planificación
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to discuss DigitalCommons@ILR, a product of the Martin P. Catherwood Library and the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. This paper recounts the development of DigitalCommons@ILR and examines local policies and procedures. In addition, the paper addresses the issues of choosing a institutional repository platform, creating partnership with stakeholders, and addressing staffing needs. The paper finds that in less than two years from its inception, DigitalCommons@ILR was launched and is now providing access to nearly 2,000 documents, including access to an online journal. Partnerships and collaborations have been an essential component in the success of this product. The need for staff support to build and sustain this institutional repository was and remains vital.
56. Collins, L. M., Hussell, J. A. T., Hettinga, R. K., Powell, J. E., Mane, K. K., and Martinez, M. L. B., "
Information visualization and large-scale repositories".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2007.
Descriptores: Visualización/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Purpose -û To describe how information visualization can be used in the design of interface tools for large-scale repositories. Design/methodology/approach -û One challenge for designers in the context of large-scale repositories is to create interface tools that help users find specific information of interest. In order to be most effective, these tools need to leverage the cognitive characteristics of the target users. At the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the authors' target users are scientists and engineers who can be characterized as higher-order, analytical thinkers. In this paper, the authors describe a visualization tool they have created for making the authors' large-scale digital object repositories more usable for them: SearchGraph, which facilitates data set analysis by displaying search results in the form of a two- or three-dimensional interactive scatter plot. Findings -û Using SearchGraph, users can view a condensed, abstract visualization of search results. They can view the same dataset from multiple perspectives by manipulating several display, sort, and filter options. Doing so allows them to see different patterns in the dataset. For example, they can apply a logarithmic transformation in order to create more scatter in a dense cluster of data points or they can apply filters in order to focus on a specific subset of data points. Originality/value -û SearchGraph is a creative solution to the problem of how to design interface tools for large-scale repositories. It is particularly appropriate for the authors' target users, who are scientists and engineers. It extends the work of the first two authors on ActiveGraph, a read-write digital library visualization tool.
57. Collins, L. M., Hussell, J. A. T., Hettinga, R. K., Powell, J. E., Mane, K. K., and Martinez, M. L. B., "
Information visualization and large-scale repositories : Table of Contents".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2007.;jsessionid=2A3D450533587BF87738F9078DA6709C?containerType=Issue&containerId=25522
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Visualización/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Abstract: Purpose -û To describe how information visualization can be used in the design of interface tools for large-scale repositories. Design/methodology/approach -û One challenge for designers in the context of large-scale repositories is to create interface tools that help users find specific information of interest. In order to be most effective, these tools need to leverage the cognitive characteristics of the target users. At the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the authors' target users are scientists and engineers who can be characterized as higher-order, analytical thinkers. In this paper, the authors describe a visualization tool they have created for making the authors' large-scale digital object repositories more usable for them: SearchGraph, which facilitates data set analysis by displaying search results in the form of a two- or three-dimensional interactive scatter plot. Findings -û Using SearchGraph, users can view a condensed, abstract visualization of search results. They can view the same dataset from multiple perspectives by manipulating several display, sort, and filter options. Doing so allows them to see different patterns in the dataset. For example, they can apply a logarithmic transformation in order to create more scatter in a dense cluster of data points or they can apply filters in order to focus on a specific subset of data points. Originality/value -û SearchGraph is a creative solution to the problem of how to design interface tools for large-scale repositories. It is particularly appropriate for the authors' target users, who are scientists and engineers. It extends the work of the first two authors on ActiveGraph, a read-write digital library visualization tool.
58. Comunidades Europeas, "
El Espacio Europeo de Investigación: nuevas perspectivas (Texto pertinente a efectos del EEE) : Libro verde ".
Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, 2007.
Descriptores: Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior/Investigación/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Ahora que nos acercamos a la revisión del primer ciclo trienal de la estrategia renovada de Lisboa para el crecimiento y el empleo y al lanzamiento del segundo ciclo en 2008, es un buen momento para evaluar los progresos realizados y debatir las futuras orientaciones de uno de sus elementos fundamentales: el Espacio Europeo de Investigación (EEI). En un mundo cambiante caracterizado por la mundialización cada vez más rápida de la investigación y la tecnología y el surgimiento de nuevas potencias científicas y tecnológicas en especial China y la India, el Espacio Europeo de Investigación es más que nunca piedra angular de una sociedad europea del conocimiento, es decir, de una sociedad en la que la investigación, la educación, la formación y la innovación actúan con todo su potencial para cumplir las ambiciones económicas, sociales y medioambientales de la UE y las expectativas de sus ciudadanos.
59. Covey, D. T., "
Acquiring Copyright Permission to Digitize and Provide Open Access to Books ".
CLIR Reports, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Derechos de autor
Resumen: What are the stumbling blocks to digitization? Is copyright law a major barrier? Is it easier to negotiate with some types of publishers than with others? To what extent does the age of the material influence permission decisions? This report, by Denise Troll Covey, principal librarian for special projects at Carnegie Mellon University, responds to many of these questions. It begins with a brief, cogent overview of U.S. copyright laws, licensing practices, and technological developments in publishing that serve as the backdrop for the current environment. It then recounts in detail three efforts undertaken at Carnegie-Mellon University to secure copyright permission to digitize and provide open access to books with scholarly content.
60. Craig, I. D., Plume, A. M., McVeigh, M. E., Pringle, J., and Amin, M., "
Do open access articles have greater citation impact?: A critical review of the literature".
Journal of Informetrics , Vol. 1, No. 3, 2007, pp. 239-248.
Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Impacto/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The last few years have seen the emergence of several open access options in scholarly communication which can broadly be grouped into two areas referred to as `gold' and `green' open access (OA). In this article we review the literature examining the relationship between OA status and citation counts of scholarly articles. Early studies showed a correlation between the free online availability or OA status of articles and higher citation counts, and implied causality without due consideration of potential confounding factors. More recent investigations have dissected the nature of the relationship between article OA status and citations. Three non-exclusive postulates have been proposed to account for the observed citation differences between OA and non-OA articles: an open access postulate, a selection bias postulate, and an early view postulate. The most rigorous study to date (in condensed matter physics) showed that, after controlling for the early view postulate, the remaining difference in citation counts between OA and non-OA articles is explained by the selection bias postulate. No evidence was found to support the OA postulate per se; i.e. article OA status alone has little or no effect on citations. Further studies using a similarly rigorous approach are required to determine the generality of this finding.
61. Creppy, R., "
Archives ouvertes, archives institutionnelles et protocole français ".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2007 .
Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales/Francia
Resumen: Après avoir présenté le contexte européen des archives ouvertes, cet article fait le point sur l’état d’avancement du protocole français : signataires, approche, objectifs, axes stratégiques, travaux en cours sur la communication, la structure des métadonnées, l’interopérabilité et l’archivage pérenne, implication des établissements universitaires et questions à résoudre.
62. Davis, P. M., "
Author-choice open-access publishing in the biological and medical literature: A citation analysis".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 1, 2009, pp. 3.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas/Medicina/Análisis de citas
Resumen: In this article, we analyze the citations to articles published in 11 biological and medical journals from 2003 to 2007 that employ author-choice open-access models. Controlling for known explanatory predictors of citations, only 2 of the 11 journals show positive and significant open-access effects. Analyzing all journals together, we report a small but significant increase in article citations of 17%. In addition, there is strong evidence to suggest that the open-access advantage is declining by about 7% per year, from 32% in 2004 to 11% in 2007.
63. Davis, P. M., "
How the Media Frames 'Open Access'".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009.;cc=jep;q1=3336451.0012.1%2A;rgn=main;view=text;idno=3336451.0012.101
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Medios de comunicación/Prensa
Resumen: This paper will review the foundational concepts in media framing and apply them as a case study to the contentious debate over open access. The results of an analysis of editorials and letters published in major world newspapers illustrates that proponents of free access to the research literature have routinely framed their arguments in terms of transparency and accountability. In addition, proponents have been able to construct social action frames, a necessary component in creating social movements. Opponents, on the other hand, lack a central frame and have constructed complex and nuanced counterarguments about quality and sustainability of scientific publishing. While these counterarguments may be sound, they lack the simplicity and narrative structure of the proponents’ arguments.
64. Deana, D., "
Gli archivi ad accesso aperto e I'impatto delle pubblicazioni.".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008, pp. 9-16.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Impacto/Italia/Editores
Resumen: The author intends to demonstrate that the articles placed in the open access archives have usually better impact and how this advantage can be measured only by means of indicators based on the number of citations an article has collected. Different kinds of indicators appear less reliable. At the end of the article some applications, developed in order to measure the impact of articles published in open access archives, are described and evaluated.
65. Deana, D., "
Valutazione della ricerca e archivi istituzionali".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 25, No. 7, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: AIR, the Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca dell’Università degli studi di Milano (University of Milano’s Digital Archive of Research Materials), was created to meet different needs, above all to evaluate academic research. The present article illustrates the criteria used to choose the typology for bibliographic materials (“Article”, “Congress paper”, “Book chapter”, “Research report”, “Patent”, “Book”, “Map”, “Digital object”, “Serial editor, Member of a serial scientific board”, “Activity”) and the related metadata. To check the validity of these choices, metadata were compared with those from other similar initiatives and with bibliographic formats. In the end the article presents how the chosen application, DSpace, was personalized, especially with regard to the workflow and the online catalogue.
66. Delozier, E. P., "
The GNU/Linux desktop: an open access primer for libraries".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009, pp. 35-42.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Software libre
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ The purpose of this paper is to describe the GNU/Linux operating system, with special attention to its use as a desktop computing platform in libraries.
67. DOAJ, "
DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals".
DOAJ, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Publicaciones electronicas/Publicaciones electronicas/Revistas electrónicas /Directorios/Fuentes de información
Resumen: The Directory of Open Access Journals. This service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. We aim to cover all subjects and languages. There are now 2527 journals in the directory. Currently 753 journals are searchable at article level. As of today 125116 articles are included in the DOAJ service.
68. Doctor, G. and Ramachandran, S., "
Considerations for implementing an institutional repository at a business school in India".
International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2008, pp. 346-354.
Descriptores: DSpace/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/India/Economía/Comercio
Resumen: Various surveys are being conducted to rank business schools in India. They give importance to parameters like placements, brand value and intellectual capital. Intellectual capital of a business school is the sum of its human capital, structural capital and customer capital. The structural capital consists of the published scholarly material of its faculty and students. Use of technologies like institutional repositories for capturing the structural component of the intellectual capital and enabling knowledge sharing in Academic Institutions especially in developing countries like India are emerging. This paper explores creation of a pilot institutional repository at the Icfai Business School, Ahmedabad and discusses a survey conducted to ascertain different considerations for implementing an institutional repository, the current status and future scope
69. Doctor, G. and Ramachandran, S., "
Considerations for implementing an institutional repository at a business school in India".
International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 28, No. 5, 2008, pp. 346-354.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/India/Países en desarrollo/Comercio
Resumen: Various surveys are being conducted to rank business schools in India. They give importance to parameters like placements, brand value and intellectual capital. Intellectual capital of a business school is the sum of its human capital, structural capital and customer capital. The structural capital consists of the published scholarly material of its faculty and students. Use of technologies like institutional repositories for capturing the structural component of the intellectual capital and enabling knowledge sharing in Academic Institutions especially in developing countries like India are emerging. This paper explores creation of a pilot institutional repository at the Icfai Business School, Ahmedabad and discusses a survey conducted to ascertain different considerations for implementing an institutional repository, the current status and future scope.
70. Dorman, D., "
The potential of metasearching as an “open” service".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2008, pp. 58-67.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Metabuscadores/Bibliotecas/Recuperación de la información/Z39.50
Resumen: This paper has two objectives: to illustrate to non-technical librarians the elements that make up the process of metasearching and to discuss how the openness of each of those elements affects the quality and affordability of a metasearch service. The search flow is broken down into its primary component parts-user interface, interface software, metasearch middleware (search client and results processor), the various types of database connectors, database servers, metadata, and content. Diagrams and real world examples are used to illustrate the challenges faced by metasearch services and how those services could be improved by open source software, open standards and open access content. This paper finds that the lack of Z39.50/SRU-compliant database servers and rich metadata consistently encoded are the primary causes of the current functional problems of metasearch services; that wide use of open source metasearch software and widespread implementation of Z39.50/SRU-compliant database servers would significantly lower the cost of metasearch services.
71. Drury, C., "
Building institutional repository infrastructure in regional Australia".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 395-402.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Australia/Planificación
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to focus on the development of FOSTER, its anticipated use and outcomes. The FOSTER toolkit is not a static resource, and accordingly may never reach a fully “completed” state. As the area of institutional repositories continues to develop, and further generations of appropriate solutions emerge, the FOSTER concept and later, Toolkit, will also continue to develop. Provides a useful discussion on the development of FOSTER.
72. Ennis, L. A., "
The access principle: The case for open access to research and scholarship.".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 9, 2007.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Acceso abierto/Acceso a la información/Comunicación científica
Resumen: The article reviews the book 'The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship,' by John Willinsky. The article reviews the book 'The Access Principle: The Case for Open Access to Research and Scholarship,' by John Willinsky.
73. EPrints, "
Self-Archiving FAQ".
EPrints, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Archivos abiertos/Derechos de autor/Autoarchivo
Resumen: Frequency ask questions on Open Access. What is self-archiving? What is the Open Archives Initiative (OAI)? What is OAI-compliance? What is an Eprint Archive? How can I or my institution create an Eprint Archive? How can an institution facilitate the filling of its Eprint Archives? What is the purpose of self-archiving? What is the difference between distributed and central self-archiving? What is the difference between institutional and central Eprint Archives? Who should self-archive? What is an Eprint? Why should one self-archive? What should be self-archived? Is self-archiving publication? What about copyright?
74. Esposito, J. J., "
Open Access 2.0: Access to Scholarly Publications Moves to a New Phase.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2008, pp. 3.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Investigación/Edición electrónica/Internet
Resumen: The article presents information on open access publishing, through which one can access scholarly publications. It is mentioned that in open access, the barriers to producing information are reduced due to the use of the Internet. It is stated that information that used to be scarce earlier has now become easy to produce and easy to disseminate. It is stated that the lower the barriers to production, the greater is the need for filtering. It is mentioned that the difference between traditional publishing and open access is that publishing is a service for readers, whereas open access is a service for authors.
75. Estivill, A., Abadal, E., Franganillo, J., Gascón, J., and Rodríguez Gairín, J. M., "
Uso de metadatos en depósitos institucionales españoles: una primera aproximación".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007. Descriptores: Metadatos/Repositorios institucionales/Archivos abiertos/España
Resumen: Presentación de los depósitos institucionales españoles y del uso que hacen de los metadatos. Se examinan los metadatos usados en la descripción de los recursos depositados y se deja constancia de las prácticas que pueden afectar la interoperabilidad entre depósitos.
76. Ferran Ferrer, N., "
El papel de las bibliotecas digitales en el acceso a los recursos educativos abiertos".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007. Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Bibliotecas digitales/Acceso abierto/Educación
Resumen: En esta comunicación se dan a conocer algunos de los principales aspectos relacionados con las bibliotecas y repositorios de recursos educativos digitales que se han destacado en el “OLCOS Roadmap 2012” sobre prácticas y recursos educativos abiertos y algunas de las reflexiones teóricas del proyecto PERSONAL. Se introduce al concepto “open access” y, en concreto, al movimiento de recursos educativos abiertos. Hasta el momento, la mayoría de instituciones educativas tienen los repositorios de contenidos educativos accesibles sólo a miembros de su comunidad educativa pero cada vez más participan en el proceso “open access” facilitando tipologías de aprendizaje nuevas. En este movimiento la gestión del aprendizaje tiende a migrar des de la institución educativa al estudiante y recibe de forma continuada contenidos educativos de diferentes proveedores. Es en este contexto que se dibujan los retos para el nuevo papel de las bibliotecas como garantes y facilitadoras de estos nuevos entornos de aprendizaje.
77. Ferran Ferrer, N. and Minguillón Alfonso, J., "
El papel de las bibliotecas digitales en el acceso a los recursos educativos abiertos".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, 2007, pp. 287-293.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Tutoriales/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: En esto comunicación se dan a conocer algunos de los principales aspectos relacionados con las bibliotecas y repositorios de recursos educativos digitales que se han destacado en el 'OLCOS Roadmap 2012' sobre prácticas y recursos educativos abiertos y algunas de las reflexiones teóricas del proyecto PERSONAL. Se introduce al concepto 'open access' y, en concreto, al movimiento de recursos educativos abiertos. Hasta el momento, lo mayoría de instituciones educativas tienen los repositorios de contenidos educativos accesibles sólo a miembros de su comunidad educativa pero cada vez más participan en el proceso 'open access' facilitando tipologías de aprendizaje nuevas. En este movimiento la gestión del aprendizaje tiende o migrar. des de la institución educativa al estudiante y recibe de forma continuada contenidos educativos de diferentes proveedores. Es en este contexto que se dibujan los retos para el nuevo papel de las bibliotecas como garantes y facilitadoras de estos nuevos entornos de aprendizaje. (A)
78. Foster, C., "
Foreword:Revisiting Open Access: Anything New in Four Years?".
Serials Review, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2008.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: Four years ago, Serials Review published a special issue on Open Access with volume 30, no. 4. At that time, the guest editor David Goodman invited articles from key, representative publishers, organizations, and individual researchers deeply involved in the Open Access movement. At that time, too, the landscape was shifting with mandates and controversies from government bodies, and no one was certain about the outcomes. The idea formed then that this topic should be revisited in a few years. As 2007 was drawing to a close, a press release came in an e-mail on December 19, 2007, about the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance moving Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (JCMR) to an open access publishing platform of BioMed Central instead of a traditional publishing model. This example is just one among many to indicate that the open access movement remains a mainstay of certain researchers, an opportunity of exploration for universities, and a chance to exchange lively remarks about nuances and shifts in scholarly communication, faculty research, and publishing models.
79. Foulonneau, M., "
Information redundancy across metadata collections: Special Issue on Heterogeneous and Distributed IR".
Information Processing & Management, Vol. 43, No. 3, 2007, pp. 740-751 .
Descriptores: Metadatos/Bibliotecas digitales/Acceso abierto/OAI-PMH
Resumen: Metadata records made available by content providers often lack the implicit information of their original use environment. Metadata aggregators therefore tend to emphasize completeness as a primary quality for shareable metadata. However, when adding implicit information to item-level records, data providers increase the redundancy of information contained in records from the same collection. The present paper reports on an effort to assess the extent and potential impact of information redundancy in metadata collections aggregated using the Open Archives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. The first experiment quantifies the resemblance of metadata records on a collection-by-collection basis across 176 metadata collections aggregated for the CIC metadata portal. A second experiment measures the tendency of items from the same collection to appear together in results lists generated for a set of user queries. Results of the analyses correlate and suggest that within some collections item-level metadata records are not sufficiently differentiated to support certain digital library functions well. Metadata collections have a distinct role when included in larger aggregations, and in that role a minimum level of descriptive granularity is required to support digital library functions implemented by service providers. The experiments suggest possible ways to deal simultaneously with metadata record completeness, consistency, and redundancy.
80. Fox, R., "
Culture byte by byte".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008, pp. 192-198.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas digitales/Imágenes/XML
Resumen: This column aims to explore a slice of digital art librarianship, examining some of the tools used in this field along with some examples of how institutions have tackled the ever-changing world of digital images.
81. Franganillo, J., "
Depósitos: un factor psicológico de desconfianza".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Aspecto psicológico/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Los depósitos no inspiran suficiente confianza. Y no hay motivos para esta desconfianza, excepto por un factor psicológico, visceral, semántico: la palabra repositorio. Antigua en castellano y recién incorporada al catalán, la palabra repositorio provoca una sensación negativa, involuntaria y seguramente inconsciente, que podría agregarse a los doce factores que apunta Alice Keefer (2007) para explicar la resistencia de muchos autores a incluir sus trabajos en los archivos institucionales conocidos como depósitos.
82. Frangoudes, K., Marugan-Pintos, B., and Pascual-Fernandez, J. J., "
From open access to co-governance and conservation: The case of women shellfish collectors in Galicia (Spain)".
Marine Policy, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008, pp. 223-232.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Galicia/Politica científica/Preservación digital
Resumen: Improving governability is an important objective in many fisheries and coastal areas. However, it may be difficult to modify the factors influencing this. Specifically, enhancing the capacity of user groups and civil society to cope with the tasks involved in co-governance situations may constitute a challenge, although the advantages in factors such as legitimacy and adaptability to local situations may reward the efforts. This paper attempts to analyze the process of transformation of on-foot shellfish gathering in Galicia, an activity that has traditionally been developed mainly by women in a regime similar to an open access regime. However, in recent decades this situation has changed, and nowadays many areas where this activity flourishes are in a situation of active co-governance, with a type of license system. Shellfisher organizations plan and control the exploitation with the support of the government, even using seeding techniques to regenerate areas that were previously degraded. Over the last decade, they have avoided overexploitation and have managed the marketing of the shellfish much better than ever before. We emphasize in the article that the role of the administration in this process has been decisive, investing in training and improving the organizations and the social dimension of the activity through different strategies. The empowerment of women has been an essential element in this process, which has also enhanced social valuation of the activity. This case may exemplify the possibilities open for progress in potential co-governing situations.
83. Franken, S., Savenije, B., and Smith, J., "
Utrecht University Repository: the evolution of the Igitur archive – a case-study".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 269-277.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Holanda
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to outline the development of the institutional repository of Utrecht University, the Igitur Archive. The Utrecht repository is unique for several reasons: it was started several years before the international repository movement began; the repository is combined with an e-publishing service, Igitur, Utrecht Publishing and Archiving Services; and because the repository is firmly embedded in the structural tasks of the university library. This case-study highlights the advantages and disadvantages of this particular situation.
84. Frías, J. A. and Travieso Rodríguez, C., "
Impacto e implicación de los autores en el acceso abierto a la investigación en información y documentación en España: estudio exploratorio".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Autoría/España
Resumen: El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el acceso abierto, su generalización y su impacto en el caso de la investigación en Documentación en España. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio, tomando datos del repositorio E-LIS y de la fuente de datos bibliométricos IN-RECS. Se identificaron aquellos artículos publicados durante el período 1991-2002 en revistas que no ofrecían acceso abierto y se comprobó si habían sido depositados en E-LIS, cotejando luego el impacto de esos artículos en función del número de citas recibidas. Por último, se observó qué porcentaje de los artículos más citados según esta fuente estaban disponibles en acceso abierto. Los resultados reflejan en el caso español y en nuestra disciplina un estadio aún incipiente del uso de los repositorios y el autoarchivo, lo que no permite establecer en ese periodo una correspondencia positiva directa entre acceso abierto e impacto de la investigación. (A)
85. Fry, J., Schroeder, R., and Besten, M. d., "
Open science in e-science: contingency or policy?".
Journal of documentation, Vol. 65, No. 1, 2009.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Purpose -û This paper seeks to discuss the question of -ôopenness-ö in e-Science. Design/methodology/approach -û The study is based on 12 in-depth interviews with principal investigators, project managers and developers involved in UK e-Science projects, together with supporting documentary evidence from project web sites. The approach was to explore the juxtaposition of research governance at the institutional level and local research practices at the project level. Interview questions focused on research inputs, software development processes, access to resources, project documentation, dissemination of outputs and by-products, licensing issues, and institutional contracts. Findings -û The findings suggest that, although there is a widely shared ethos of openness in everyday research practice, there are many uncertainties and yet-to-be resolved issues, despite strong policy imperatives towards openly shared resources. Research limitations/implications -û The paper concludes by observing a stratification of openness in practice and the need for more nuanced understanding of openness at the level of policy making. This research was based on interviews within a limited number of e-Science/Social Science projects and the intention is to address this in future work by scaling the study up to a survey that will reach the entire UK e-Science/Social Science community. Practical implications -û The fundamental challenge in resolving openness in practice and policy, and thereby moving towards a sustainable infrastructure for e-Science, is the coordination and integration of goals across e-Science efforts, rather than one of resolving IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) issues, which has been the central focus of openness debates thus far. Originality/value -û The question of openness has previously been posed on the macro-level of research policy, e.g. whether science as a whole can be characterized as open science, or in relation to the dissemination of published outputs, e.g. Open Access. Instead, a fine-grained perspective is taken focusing on individual research projects and the various facets of openness in practice.
86. Gértrudix Barrio, M., ¦lvarez, S., Galisteo, A., Gálvez de la Cuesta, M. d. C., and Gértrudix Barrio, F., "
Acciones de diseño y desarrollo de objetos educativos digitales: programas institucionales: Actions in the design and development of digital educational objects: institutional programmes".
RUSC. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2007 .
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Tutoriales
Resumen: Dentro del conjunto de acciones contempladas en el programa 'Internet en el Aula' para potenciar la implantación eficaz de las TIC en Educación, se halla toda una línea de trabajo cuya finalidad es poner a disposición de la comunidad educativa un catálogo amplio de objetos educativos digitales, disponibles a través de una red federada de repositorios que estarán accesibles a través de los portales educativos de las Comunidades Autónomas y el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Este artículo aborda el análisis de las estrategias seguidas, enfocadas a la reusabilidad, la portabilidad, la interoperabilidad, y el software educativo abierto; el comentario de las acciones en marcha, y el detalle de los planes de desarrollo, publicación y explotación de dichos contenidos. (A)
87. Giglia, E., "
Open Access: panorama e scenario futuro ".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 25, No. 9, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Futuro
Resumen: The International Conference “Berlin 5 – From Practice to impact. Consequences of knowledge dissemination”, held in Padua from September 19th to 21st, confirmed that Open Access is a clear concept, but a complex reality, as it is a matter of digital access, of economics sustainability, of quality, of infrastructures, of policies. Following the topics pointed out in the speeches, this contribute tries to match the Open Access strategies – self-archiving and publishing in OA journals – with the current or possible behaviours of the agents involved – authors, institutions, libraries, publishers, readers – in order to draw a framework of the works in progress and to outline viable pathways, given that each science is “a” science, and has its own communication tools
88. Giloux, M. and Mauger Perez, I., "
Le dispositif national d’archivage et de signalement des thèses électroniques".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales/Francia/Tesis doctorales/Fuentes de información
Resumen: Depuis la publication de l’arrêté du 7 août 2006 relatif aux modalités de dépôt, de signalement, de reproduction, de diffusion et de conservation des thèses ou des travaux présentés en soutenance en vue du doctorat, chaque établissement habilité à délivrer des diplômes de doctorat fait face à une alternative : pour le dépôt de la thèse, il doit choisir entre le support papier et la forme électronique.
89. Giunti, M. C., "
The pirate from Koenigsberg: why closed source software is not worth of copyright protection".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Software libre/Derechos de autor/Legislación
Resumen: Pievatolo, Maria Chiara (2007) The pirate from Koenigsberg: why closed source software is not worth of copyright protection. According to Kant, property applies only to touchable things, among which he includes the works of art. For the very principle of private property, a legitimate purchaser has the right to replicate and to share them without restrictions. Kant recognizes copyright only on written texts, by conceiving them as speeches that exclusively authorized spokespersons - the publishers - may convey to the public in the name of their authors. The rights of the authorized publishers, however, are justified only if they help the public to get the texts. In a Kantian environment, open source software would be worth of copyright protection, because it can be conceived as a speech meant to human beings. On the contrary, Kant would treat closed source programs as works of art, without according them copyright protection, because, as none is allowed to read and to understand them, they cannot be conceived as a speeches meant to the public. Closed source programs are like sealed books that no one is allowed to read: why do we keep on taking for granted that they are worth of copyright protection?
90. Gómez Dueñas, L. F., "
Repositorios documentales y la iniciativa de archivos abiertos en Latinoamérica".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Latinoamérica
Resumen: Hasta la fecha existen muy pocos estudios sobre la realidad de los repositorios documentales y bibliotecas digitales latinoamericanas, adicionalmente son muy escasos los estudios sobre la implantación de la iniciativa de archivos abiertos y el protocolo de recolección de metadatos OAI-PMH es estos mismos proyectos. El presente artículo presenta un estudio exploratorio en el que se expone un inventario detallado de los repositorios existentes en Latinoamérica, sus características principales, el software utilizado y el tipo de contenido presente, adicionalmente se presentan las principales iniciativas generadas en los países que más impulso le han dado al desarrollo de este tipo de proyectos.
91. Gonzalez Barahona, J. M., "
Las ventajas de la apertura ".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, pp. 5-7.,1,16;journal,5,61;homemainpublications,1,1 ;
Descriptores: Software libre/Acceso abierto
Resumen: One of the main consequences of publishing a program as libre (free, open source) software is that its source code is made available to anyone who wants to look at it. In addition, much other information on the development process is often easily accessible on the internet. Some of the consequences of 'opening up' the process of building libre software are discussed, briefly exploring how these open mechanisms could behave in other areas. Adapted from the source document.
92. Green, R., Dolphin, I., Awre, C., and Sherratt, R., "
The RepoMMan project: Automating workflow and metadata for an institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2 , 2007.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Flujos de información/Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on the work of the JISC-funded RepoMMan project, which is developing a tool that will allow users to interact with a Fedora-based institutional repository. The tool facilitates user interaction with the repository whilst developing content, using a browser interface, and will bring partial automation to the process of assigning metadata to objects, as they are made accessible to a wider audience. Design/methodology/approach – The development of the RepoMMan tool is user-needs-driven and the project team has conducted face-to-face interviews and an online survey with potential research users. The findings from these parallel approaches have provided an insight into the needs of this group. Similar work will be undertaken with potential users in the teaching and learning community, and in administration. The RepoMMan tool utilises BPEL to orchestrate a range of web services. Findings – Potential user needs are many and varied. The RepoMMan tool will be the basis for flexible user interaction with a repository during the development of materials; the web-service approach also allows for the development of a range of ways to access repository objects appropriate to the needs of the content. Originality/value – The results in this paper highlighted the potential value of a repository for general day-to-day purposes: the RepoMMan workflow tool is being designed to adapt to these purposes as required.
93. Greenberg, J., "
Theoretical Considerations of Lifecycle Modeling: An Analysis of the Dryad Repository Demonstrating Automatic Metadata Propagation, Inheritance, and Value System Adoption".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 380-402.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The Dryad repository is for data supporting published research in the field of evolutionary biology and related disciplines. Dryad development team members seek a theoretical framework to aid communication about metadata issues and plans. This article explores lifecycle modeling as a theoretical framework for understanding metadata in the repository environment. A background discussion reviews the importance of theory, the status of a metadata theory, and lifecycle concepts. An analysis draws examples from the Dryad repository demonstrating automatic propagation, metadata inheritance, and value system adoption, and reports results from a faceted term mapping experiment that included 12 vocabularies and approximately 600 terms. The article also reports selected key findings from a recent survey on the data-sharing attitudes and behaviors of nearly 400 evolutionary biologists. The results confirm the applicability of lifecycle modeling to Dryad's metadata infrastructure. The article concludes that lifecycle modeling provides a theoretical framework that can enhance our understanding of metadata, aid communication about the topic of metadata in the repository environment, and potentially help sustain robust repository development.
94. Greig, M. and Nixon, W. J., "
On the road to Enlighten-ment: Establishing an institutional repository service for the University of Glasgow".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 297-309.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Reino Unido
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to chart the development and growth of open access and institutional repositories at the University of Glasgow, Scotland from initial work in 2001 to the University's recently launched service, Enlighten. The University of Glasgow is a signatory to the Scottish Open Access Declaration and recently released a statement on Open Access.
95. Gómez, N. , Bustos Gonzalez, A., Santillan Aldana, J., and Arias, O., "
Open access indicators and information society: the Latin American case".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 82-92.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Latinoamérica/Indicadores
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to estimate open access penetration ratios through cross-analysis of existing social context and open access indicators in Latin America. Design/methodology/approach - The following parameters were used to characterize the chosen countries. On one hand, it takes social context indicators like digital opportunity index (DOI), GDP 2007 (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) (,3305,en_2649_201185_1_1_1_1_1,00.html), scientific output 2005, and investment in science and technology vs GDP 2004. On the other hand, it analyses open access indicators considering the two main open access strategies - the green and gold routes - and the existing legal framework. Findings - This paper discusses the evolution of DOI and compares with open access parameters (numbers of repositories, number of registries in repositories, DOAJ journals and number of creative commons licences) in the context of scientific information in developing countries in Latin America. Research limitations/implications - This paper is not an exhaustive survey and limits the comparison to the Latin American Countries, focalized in Brazil, Chile and Argentina. Originality/value - This paper gives an overview of the situation of three particular countries: Brazil, Chile and Argentina, and explains the position of these countries in the open access movement in Latin America.
96. Haider, J., "
Of the rich and the poor and other curious minds: on open access and GÇÿdevelopmentGÇÖ.".
Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 59, No. 4/5, 2007.
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica/Países en desarrollo/Brecha digital/Tecnologías de la información
Resumen: Purpose - The paper seeks to reconsider open access and its relation to issues of GÇÿdevelopmentGÇÖ by highlighting the ties the open access movement has with the hegemonic discourse of development and to question some of the assumptions about science and scientific communication upon which the open access debates are based. The paper also aims to bring out the conflict arising from the convergence of the hegemonic discourses of science and development with the contemporary discourse of openness. Design/methodology/approach - The paper takes the form of a critical reading of a range of published work on open access and the so-called GÇÿdeveloping worldGÇÖ as well as of various open access declarations. The argument is supported by insights from post-development studies. Findings - Open access is presented as an issue of moral concern beyond the narrow scope of scholarly communication. Claims are made based on hegemonic discourses that are positioned as a priori and universal. The construction of open access as an issue of unquestionable moral necessity also impedes the problematisation of its own heritage. Originality/value - This paper is intended to open up the view for open access's less obvious alliances and conflicting discursive ties and thus to initiate a politisation, which is necessary in order to further the debate in a more fruitful way.
97. Hajjem, C. and Harnad, S., "
Citation Advantage For OA Self-Archiving Is Independent of Journal Impact Factor, Article Age, and Number of Co-Authors. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo /Acceso abierto/Impacto/Impacto/Análisis de citas
Resumen: Eysenbach has suggested that the OA (Green) self-archiving advantage might just be an artifact of potential uncontrolled confounding factors such as article age (older articles may be both more cited and more likely to be self-archived), number of authors (articles with more authors might be more cited and more self-archived), subject matter (the subjects that are cited more, self-archive more), country (same thing), number of authors, citation counts of authors, etc. Chawki Hajjem (doctoral candidate, UQaM) had already shown that the OA advantage was present in all cases when articles were analysed separately by age, subject matter or country. He has now done a multiple regression analysis jointly testing (1) article age, (2) journal impact factor, (3) number of authors, and (4) OA self-archiving as separate factors for 442,750 articles in 576 (biomedical) journals across 11 years, and has shown that each of the four factors contributes an independent, statistically significant increment to the citation counts. The OA-self-archiving advantage remains a robust, independent factor. Having successfully responded to his challenge, we now challenge Eysenbach to demonstrate -- by testing a sufficiently broad and representative sample of journals at all levels of the journal quality, visibility and prestige hierarchy -- that his finding of a citation advantage for Gold OA (articles published OA on the high-profile website of the only journal he tested (PNAS) over Green OA articles in the same journal (self-archived on the author's website) was not just an artifact of having tested only one very high-profile journal.
98. Hajjem, C. and Harnad, S., "
The Open Access Citation Advantage: Quality Advantage Or Quality Bias? (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo /Acceso abierto/Impacto/Impacto/Análisis de citas
Resumen: Many studies have now reported the positive correlation between Open Access (OA) self-archiving and citation counts ('OA Advantage,' OAA). But does this OAA occur because (QB) authors are more likely to self-selectively self-archive articles that are more likely to be cited (self-selection 'Quality Bias': QB)? or because (QA) articles that are self-archived are more likely to be cited ('Quality Advantage': QA)? The probable answer is both. Three studies [by (i) Kurtz and co-workers in astrophysics, (ii) Moed in condensed matter physics, and (iii) Davis & Fromerth in mathematics] had reported the OAA to be due to QB [plus Early Advantage, EA, from self-archiving the preprint before publication, in (i) and (ii)] rather than QA. These three fields, however, (1) have less of a postprint access problem than most other fields and (i) and (ii) also happen to be among the minority of fields that (2) make heavy use of prepublication preprints. Chawki Hajjem has now analyzed preliminary evidence based on over 100,000 articles from multiple fields, comparing self-selected self-archiving with mandated self-archiving to estimate the contributions of QB and QA to the OAA. Both factors contribute, and the contribution of QA is greater.
99. Hajjem, C. and Harnad, S., "
The Self-Archiving Impact Advantage: Quality Advantage or Quality Bias? (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo /Acceso abierto
Resumen: In astrophysics, Kurtz found that articles that were self-archived by their authors in Arxiv were downloaded and cited twice as much as those that were not. He traced this enhanced citation impact to two factors: (1) Early Access (EA): The self-archived preprint was accessible earlier than the publisher's version (which is accessible to all research-active astrophysicists as soon as it is published, thanks to Kurtz's ADS system). (Hajjem, however, found that in other fields, which self-archive only published postprints and do have accessibility/affordability problems with the publisher's version, self-archived articles still have enhanced citation impact.) Kurtz's second factor was: (2) Quality Bias (QB), a selective tendency for higher quality articles to be preferentially self-archived by their authors, as inferred from the fact that the proportion of self-archived articles turns out to be higher among the more highly cited articles. (The very same finding is of course equally interpretable as (3) Quality Advantage (QA), a tendency for higher quality articles to benefit more than lower quality articles from being self-archived.) In condensed-matter physics, Moed has confirmed that the impact advantage occurs early (within 1-3 years of publication). After article-age is adjusted to reflect the date of deposit rather than the date of publication, the enhanced impact of self-archived articles is again interpretable as QB, with articles by more highly cited authors (based only on their non-archived articles) tending to be self-archived more. (But since the citation counts for authors and for their articles are correlated, one would expect much the same outcome from QA too.) The only way to test QA vs. QB is to compare the impact of self-selected self-archiving with mandated self-archiving (and no self-archiving). (The outcome is likely to be that both QA and QB contribute, along with EA, to the impact advantage.)
100. Hanauske, M., Bernius, S., and Dugall, B., "
Quantum game theory and open access publishing".
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 382, No. 2, 2007, pp. 650-664.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica
Resumen: The digital revolution of the information age and in particular the sweeping changes of scientific communication brought about by computing and novel communication technology, potentiate global, high grade scientific information for free. The arXiv, for example, is the leading scientific communication platform, mainly for mathematics and physics, where everyone in the world has free access on. While in some scientific disciplines the open access way is successfully realized, other disciplines (e.g. humanities and social sciences) dwell on the traditional path, even though many scientists belonging to these communities approve the open access principle. In this paper we try to explain these different publication patterns by using a game theoretical approach. Based on the assumption, that the main goal of scientists is the maximization of their reputation, we model different possible game settings, namely a zero sum game, the prisoners' dilemma case and a version of the stag hunt game, that show the dilemma of scientists belonging to 'non-open access communities'. From an individual perspective, they have no incentive to deviate from the Nash equilibrium of traditional publishing. By extending the model using the quantum game theory approach it can be shown, that if the strength of entanglement exceeds a certain value, the scientists will overcome the dilemma and terminate to publish only traditionally in all three settings.
101. Harnad, J., "
Clarifying Open Access: its implications for the research community (Letter)".
Cogprints, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo/Investigación
Resumen: A critique of the CERN proposal to convert particle physics journals from the user-institution-pays subscription model to an author-institution-pays model for the sake of Open Access (OA). OA can be achieved via author-institution self-archiving ('Green OA'); it does not require converting journals to OA publishing ('Gold OA'), which is likely to cost some researchers more at this time.
102. Harnad, S., "
Cure Gold Fever With Green Deposits. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo /Mandato de autoarchivo
Resumen: This is a reply to Matt Hodgkinson's posting in his journalology blog: (1) The Immediate-Deposit/Optional-Access (ID/OA) Mandate is a compromise deliberately designed to end deadlocks delaying the adoption of self-archiving mandates, by making publisher copyright policies or embargoes moot. It is not a substitute for OA but an accelerator toward OA. (2) There is no discovery problem with articles that have been deposited in OAI-compliant Institutional Repositories (IRs) . The discovery problem is with the articles that have not been deposited. (3) I don't criticise those who say Gold OA will lower publication costs. (I think it will too, eventually.) I criticise those who keep perseverating with Gold OA and costs while usage and impact continue to be lost and Green OA mandates (or ID/OA) can already put an immediate end to that loss, once and for all, right now. (4) CERN could have done a far greater service for other disciplines and for the growth of OA if it had put its weight and energy behind promoting its own own Green OA policy as a model worldwide, instead of diverting attention and energy to the needless and premature endgame of Gold OA within its own subfields. (5) Paying for Gold OA in a hybrid-Gold journal is indeed double-payment while subscriptions are still paying all publication costs. (6) I criticise depositing in CRs instead of depositing in Institutional Repositories (IRs), especially mandating deposit in CRs instead of in IRs. (7) I have no wish to vye for priority for the term 'open access'. I used 'free online access' for years without feeling any pressing need for a more formal term of art.
(8) Yes I (and no doubt others too, independently) mooted the notion of journals funded by means other than the subscription model (later to become Gold OA) in 1997 and even earlier (1994); but I never for a microsecond thought Gold OA would come before Green OA. And it hasn't; nor will it.
103. Harnad, S., "
Ethics of Open Access to Biomedical Research: Just a Special Case of Ethics of Open Access to Research.".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007 .
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Etica profesional/Biomedicina
Resumen: The ethical case for Open Access (OA) (free online access) to research findings is especially salient when it is public health that is being compromised by needless access restrictions. But the ethical imperative for OA is far more general: It applies to all scientific and scholarly research findings published in peer-reviewed journals. And peer-to-peer access is far more important than direct public access. Most research is funded to be conducted and published, by researchers, in order to be taken up, used, and built upon in further research and applications, again by researchers, for the benefit of the public that funded it -- not in order to generate revenue for the peer-reviewed journal publishing industry (nor even because there is a burning public desire to read [much of] it). Hence OA needs to be mandated for all research.
104. Harnad, S., "
The Green Road to Open Access: A Leveraged Transition ".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Mandato de autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas /Libre acceso
Resumen: What the research community needs, urgently, is free online access (Open Access, OA) to its own peer-reviewed research output. Researchers can provide that in two ways: by publishing their articles in OA journals (Gold OA) or by continuing to publish in non-OA journals and self-archiving their final peer-reviewed drafts in their own OA Institutional Repositories (Green OA). OA self-archiving, once it is mandated by research institutions and funders, can reliably generate 100% Green OA. Gold OA requires journals to convert to OA publishing (which is not in the hands of the research community) and it also requires the funds to cover the Gold OA publication costs. With 100% Green OA, the research community's access and impact problems are already solved. If and when 100% Green OA should cause significant cancellation pressure (no one knows whether or when that will happen, because OA Green grows anarchically, article by article, not journal by journal) then the cancellation pressure will cause cost-cutting, downsizing and eventually a leveraged transition to OA (Gold) publishing on the part of journals. As subscription revenues shrink, institutional windfall savings from cancellations grow. If and when journal subscriptions become unsustainable, per-article publishing costs will be low enough, and institutional savings will be high enough to cover them, because publishing will have downsized to just peer-review service provision alone, offloading text-generation onto authors and access-provision and archiving onto the global network of OA Institutional Repositories. Green OA will have leveraged a transition to Gold OA.
105. Harnad, S., "
How To Integrate University and Funder Open Access Mandates. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Mandato de autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Research funder open-access mandates (such as NIH's) and university open-access mandates (such as Harvard's) are complementary. There is a simple way to integrate them to make them synergistic and mutually reinforcing:
Universities' own Institutional Repositories (IRs) are the natural locus for the direct deposit of their own research output: Universities are the research providers and have a direct interest in archiving, monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and showcasing their own research assets -- as well as in maximizing their uptake, usage and impact. Both universities and funders should accordingly mandate deposit of all peer-reviewed final drafts (postprints), in each author's own university IR, immediately upon acceptance for publication, for institutional and funder record-keeping purposes. Access to that immediate postprint deposit in the author's university IR may be set immediately as Open Access if copyright conditions allow; otherwise access can be set as Closed Access, pending copyright negotiations or embargoes. All the rest of the conditions described by universities and funders should accordingly apply only to the timing and copyright conditions for setting open access to those deposits, not to the depositing itself, its locus or its timing. As a result, (1) there will be a common deposit locus for all research output worldwide; (2) university mandates will reinforce and monitor compliance with funder mandates; (3) funder mandates will reinforce university mandates; (4) legal details concerning open-access provision, copyright and embargoes will be applied independently of deposit itself, on a case by case basis, according to the conditions of each mandate; (5) opt-outs will apply only to copyright negotiations, not to deposit itself, nor its timing; and (6) any central OA repositories can then harvest the postprints from the authors' IRs under the agreed conditions at the agreed time, if they wish.
106. Harnad, S., "
Mandates and Metrics:How Open Repositories Enable Universities to Manage, Measure and Maximise their Research Assets".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2008.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales/Mandato de autoarchivo
Resumen: PPT presentation prepared for use in informing universities on open access self-archiving policy-making.
107. Harnad, S., "
No Need for Canadian PubMed Central: CIHR Should Mandate IR Deposit. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Pubmed/Canadá/Medicina/Acceso abierto
Resumen: What is needed for Canadian biomedical research output isn't yet another (this time Canadian) PubMed Central: What is needed is that all Canadian (and US and UK) biomedical research output (as well as all the output of all the other scientific and scholarly disciplines, worldwide) should be made Open Access (OA) for all users, webwide. And the way to accomplish that is for the institutions and funders of the researchers to mandate that they deposit each article, immediately upon acceptance for publication, into each author's own OA Institutional Repository (IR). That is the solution that will systematically scale up to cover all research, from all institutions, across all fields, across all countries -- not the creation, willy-nilly, of central repositories like PubMed Central to deposit it into directly. PubMed Central should instead be a central OAI harvester, harvesting the biomedical research output of all the (distributed, local) IRs. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) should think twice, and then lead, clear-headedly, instead of following, blindly, in this
108. Harnad, S., "
On 'Open Access' Publishers Who Oppose Open Access Self-Archiving Mandates. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo /Acceso abierto/Mandato de autoarchivo/Editores
Resumen: The online age has made powerful new benefits for research possible, but these benefits entail a profound conflict of interest between (1) what is best for the research journal publishing industry and (2) what is best for research, researchers, universities, research institutions, research funders, the vast research and development (R&D) industry, and the tax-paying public that funds the research. What is at stake is (1) a hypothetical risk of potential future losses in subscription revenue for publishers versus (2) actual, ongoing losses in current research impact for researchers. How this conflict of interest will have to be resolved is already clear: Research publishing is a service industry; it will have to adapt to what is best for research, and not vice versa. And what is best for research is Open Access (OA), provided through research funders and universities mandating the OA self-archiving of all their researchers' peer-reviewed research output. The conventional (non-OA) publishing industry's first commitment is of course to what is best for its own business interests, rather than to what is best for research and researchers; hence it is lobbying vigorously against the many OA self-archiving mandates that are currently being adopted, recommended and petitioned for by the research community worldwide. But what is especially disappointing, if not deplorable, is when 'OA' publishers take the very same stance against OA itself (by opposing OA self-archiving mandates) that non-OA publishers do. Conventional publisher opposition to OA will be viewed, historically, as having been a regrettable, counterproductive (and eventually countermanded) but comprehensible strategy, from a purely business standpoint. OA publisher opposition to OA, however, will be seen as having been self-deluded if not hypocritical. I close with a reply to Jan Velterop, of Springer's 'Open Choice': Jan opposes Green OA self-archiving mandates, because they would provide OA without paying the publisher extra for it. But all publishing costs are currently being paid for already: via subscriptions. So opposition to Green OA self-archiving mandates by a hybrid Gold 'Open Choice' Publisher sounds very much like wanting to have their cake and eat it too (even though that is precisely what they like to describe Green OA advocates as trying to do!).
109. Harnad, S., "
Open Access Scientometrics and the UK Research Assessment Exercise".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Bibliometría/Inglaterra
Resumen: Scientometric predictors of research performance need to be validated by showing that they have a high correlation with the external criterion they are trying to predict. The UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) -- together with the growing movement toward making the full-texts of research articles freely available on the web -- offer a unique opportunity to test and validate a wealth of old and new scientometric predictors, through multiple regression analysis: Publications, journal impact factors, citations, co-citations, citation chronometrics (age, growth, latency to peak, decay rate), hub/authority scores, h-index, prior funding, student counts, co-authorship scores, endogamy/exogamy, textual proximity, download/co-downloads and their chronometrics, etc. can all be tested and validated jointly, discipline by discipline, against their RAE panel rankings in the forthcoming parallel panel-based and metric RAE in 2008. The weights of each predictor can be calibrated to maximize the joint correlation with the rankings. Open Access Scientometrics will provide powerful new means of navigating, evaluating, predicting and analyzing the growing Open Access database, as well as powerful incentives for making it grow faster.
110. Harnad, S., "
Optimize the NIH Mandate Now: Deposit Institutionally, Harvest Centrally. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Mandato de autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Recolectores de metadatos/Interpolaridad
Resumen: On December 26 2007 a mandate to self-archive all NIH-funded research articles became US law. However, the benefits of Congress's wise decision to mandate deposit immediately upon acceptance for publication are lost if that deposit is required to be made directly in PubMed Central, rather than in each author's own Institutional Repository (and thence harvested to PubMed Central): With direct IR deposit, authors can use their own IR's 'email eprint request' button to fulfill would-be users' access needs during any embargo. And, most important of all, with direct IR deposit mandated by NIH, each of the world's universities and research institutions can go on to complement the NIH self-archiving mandate for the NIH-funded fraction of its research output with an institutional mandate to deposit the rest of its research output, likewise to be deposited in its own IR. This will systematically scale up to 100% OA.
111. Harnad, S., "
Promoting open access to research. The Hindu .".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica/Países en desarrollo
Resumen: There is no need for developing countries to wait for the developed countries to mandate Open Access (OA) self-archiving: They have more to gain because currently both their access and their impact is disproportionately low, relative to their actual and potential research productivity and influence. Lately there have been many abstract avowals of support for the Principle of OA, but what the world needs now is concrete commitments to its Practice. Under the guidance of India’s tireless OA advocate, Subbiah Arunachalam, there will be a two day workshop on research publication and OA at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore on November 2-3, at which the three most research-active developing countries – India, China and Brazil – will frame the “Bangalore Commitment”: a commitment to mandate OA self-archiving in their own respective countries and thereby set an example for emulation by the rest of the world
112. Harnad, S., "
Weaken the Harvard OA Mandate To Strengthen It. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Mandato de autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Harvard University has mandated Open Access. Some changes are recommended in the wording of the Harvard policy to increase its likelihood of success and to make it more suitable as a model for other universities. The current draft mandates more than necessary (not just deposit, but copyright retention). As a consequence it has an opt-out clause. The suggested change is to separate the two requirements: Immediate deposit of the refereed final draft (upon acceptance for publication) is mandatory, with no opt-out. Copyright retention is recommended, but with an opt-out option.
113. Harnad, S., "
Why Cornell's Institutional Repository Is Near-Empty. (Unpublished)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo /Mandato de autoarchivo
Resumen: Cornell University's Institutional Repository (IR) so far houses only a very small percentage of its own annual research output, even though this output is the target content for Open Access (OA) IRs. As such, Cornell's IR is no different from all other IRs worldwide except those that have already adopted a 'Green OA' deposit mandate. Alma Swan's international, multidisciplinary surveys have found that most researchers report they will not deposit without a mandate but will comply willingly if deposit is mandated by their institutions and/or their funders. Arthur Sale's comparative analyses of mandated and unmandated IRs have confirmed this in actual practise. Cornell's IR too has confirmed this with high deposit rates for the few subcollections that are mandated. IRs with Green OA mandates approach 100% OA within about 2 years. The worldwide baseline for unmandated self-archiving is about 15%. Davis & Connolly's 2007 D-Lib article takes no cognizance of this prior published information. It surveys a sample of Cornell researchers for their attitudes to self-archiving and finds the usual series of uninformed misunderstandings, already long-catalogued and answered in published FAQs. The article then draws some incorrect conclusions derived entirely from incorrect assumptions it first makes, among them the following: (1) The purpose of Green OA self-archiving is to compete with journals? (No, the purpose is to supplement subscription access by depositing the author's final draft online, free for all users who cannot access the subscription-based version.) (2) IRs should instead store the 'grey literature'? (No, OA's target content is peer-reviewed research.) (3) IRs are for preservation? (No, they are for research access-provision.) (4) Some disciplines may not benefit from Green OA self-archiving? (The only disciplines that would not benefit would be those that do not benefit from maximizing the usage and impact of their peer-reviewed journal article output.) The only thing Cornell needs to do if it wants its IR filled with Cornell's own research output is to mandate it.
114. Hawkins, ÿ. D. T., "
The 28th Charleston Conference: The Best of Times ... The Worst of Times".
Information Today, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2009, pp. 26.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Acceso abierto/Congresos
Resumen: The 28th Charleston Conference appropriately adapted this year's theme from Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities: 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.' Opening keynoter Derek Law, head of the Information Resources Directorate at Scotland's University of Strathclyde, challenged librarians to develop a strategic vision for dealing with the digital output of their organizations. Law said it's crucial to develop a vision of what everyone are trying to do, make judgments about what is worth keeping and what is worth commercializing, and build e-resource collections that contribute to today's virtual research environment. Print on demand (POD) is becoming well-established as a supply mechanism for books and journals. Some journal publishers are treating print as an optional extra. A conference on collection development and electronic information issues is sure to discuss open access.
115. Hernández Pérez, T., Rodríguez Mateos, D., and Bueno De la Fuente, G., "
Open access: el papel de las bibliotecas en los repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto".
Anales de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007, pp. 49-70.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: En España, como en muchos otros países, el número de repositorios institucionales ha ido creciendo paulatinamente en los últimos tres años. En febrero de 2007 estos repositorios contienen ya más de 30000 documentos en acceso abierto, es decir, disponibles a texto completo de forma gratuita, y con posibilidad de descarga, impresión o copia sin coste añadido. La práctica totalidad de estos repositorios están siendo gestionados por los servicios de biblioteca de las distintas instituciones que los albergan. Este artículo explica las razones de la crisis del modelo tradicional de comunicación científica, iniciado en la era de lo impreso y que se ha trasladado a la era digital, la alternativa que representa el modelo basado en el acceso abierto, y el importante papel que las bibliotecas pueden jugar, un reto y una oportunidad que no deben perder, en la construcción de colecciones digitales propias.
116. Hey, J. B. T. H. S. and Carr, L., "
PRESERV: Preservation Services for OAI-Compliant Repositories".
CERN workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), 2007.
Descriptores: Preservación digital/Libre acceso/OAI-PMH/Normalización/Recolectores de metadatos
Resumen: The OAI-PMH has become the de-facto standard for exposing metadata. In the PRESERV project we have explored new models for enabling thedigital preservation of and long-term access to content in Institutional Repositories (IRs).
We envision digital preservation being achieved through simple preservation services working with standards-based, interoperable repository software. As support for the OAI-PMH matures so repositories are providing more robust
mechanisms to access their content through OAI, e.g. community standards for using Dublin Core, support for METS or DIDL. Based on this, we have developed an exemplar File Format Profiling tool in the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR), utilizing OAI and PRONOM DROID. PRONOM-ROAR is a first step to preserving digital content through simplifying content file format management for IR Managers by providing file format profiles and alerts.
117. Hitchcock, S. B. T. H. J. a. C. L., "
Digital Preservation Service Provider Models for Institutional Repositories: Towards Distributed Services ".
DLib Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 5-6, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Digital preservation can encompass a range of activities, from simple replication and storage to more complex transformation, depending on the assessed value and risk to the target content. These activities require planning and, in most cases, begin with a need to know the technical format of the target content. In this case, the target is the content deposited in institutional repositories (IRs). The Preserv project [1] set out to investigate the use of The National Archives' (TNA) PRONOM-DROID service (PRONOM is the online registry of technical information; DROID is the downloadable file format identification tool) for file format identification on two pilot IRs using EPrints software, and instead produced format profiles (Preserv profiles) of over 200 repositories presented via the Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR). Thus a primary element of preservation planning has been shown to be possible based on a standard Web interface (OAI) and no formal arrangement between repository and provider. The implications of this go beyond the numbers towards a reconceptualisation of repository preservation service provider models. Repositories and providers can shape preservation services at different cost levels that could range from comprehensive 'black-box' preservation to pick-and-mix lightweight Web-based services that build on the common starting point, format identification. This article describes the evolution of a series of models that have informed progress towards this conception of flexible and distributed preservation services for IRs.
118. Hulse, B., Cheverie, J. F., and Dygert, C. T., "
ALADIN Research Commons: a consortial institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2 , 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Gestión de la colección/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the benefits and challenges of creating a shared institutional repository and to, describe the process by which a consortium was able to establish such a service. Design/methodology/approach – A case study is presented outlining the process through which the Washington Research Library Consortium selected and implemented the DSpace institutional repository software in a shared information technology environment. The issues confronted in dealing with a multi-institutional implementation are examined through both a detailed description of the implementation and a generalized description of the challenges the consortium faced. Findings – The paper finds that while a shared implementation of an institutional repository does present significant challenges that would not be present for a single institution, the collaborative approach also presents significant benefits in drawing on the breadth of expertise available among the Consortium and utilizing a shared information technology infrastructure. Originality/value – Institutional repositories have generally been implemented within the context of a single institution. An alternative model is described that draws on the experience and expertise of multiple institutions to achieve a common goal.
119. Huwe, T. K., "
Exploiting Synergies: Among Digital Repositories, Special Collections, and Online Communnity".
Online, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2009, pp. 14.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: There was a time when the Library of Congress and a couple of other leading research libraries were the principal developers of high-quality digital collections. Not now. Today, enterprising academic organizations, museums, and think tanks can take advantage of powerful open source development tools and get started digitizing. Digital collections gain vast new readerships when they appear online in structured and searchable formats. The fact that the excitement factor remains high spells opportunity for the profession. At the same time, the explosion of social networking software now enables repository managers to merge static repositories with Web 2.0 applications. Libraries have come a long way toward integrating special collections into their greater information ecologies of digital collections, web resources, and online conversations. Digital repositories now provide enterprising curators with another chance to get out in front of the curve. In order to be effective, librarians must focus not only on new technology, but they must also rediscover the potential for synergy that lies hidden in their special collections.
120. Hyun Hee Kim and Yong Ho Kim, "
Usability study of digital institutional repositories".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 6, 2008, pp. 863-881.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Usabilidad/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The purpose of this study is to provide suggestions that could be adapted to improve the usability of institutional repository systems, and to establish a usability evaluation framework, which could be used for heuristic evaluation or formal usability testing of institutional repositories. The study seeks to establishe a usability evaluation guideline based on a literature review. Design/methodology/approach – Using the evaluation criteria and 30 subjects, the research team administered two usability experiments, laboratory and remote usability tests, and conducted a focus group interview with four experts. Based on the usability evaluation and focus group interview results, the paper proposes ways to improve system usability by showing selected screenshots of the dCollection interface.
121. Jackson, M., Blackburn, J. D., and McDonald, R. H., "
Media Wiki Open-Source Software As Infrastructure for Electronic Resources Outreach.".
The Reference Librarian, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2007, pp. 19-36.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Acceso abierto/Software libre/Recursos electrónicos/Web 2.0/Wikis
Resumen: This article describes the bundling of MediaWiki into the electronic resource access strategy to enable custom content that supports online training and course-based information literacy objectives.
122. Jantz, R. C. and Wilson, M. C., "
Institutional Repositories: Faculty Deposits, Marketing, and the Reform of Scholarly Communication".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2008, pp. 186-195.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Marketing/Comunicación/Recuperación de la información
Resumen: This study explores faculty deposits in institutional repositories (IR) within selected disciplines and identifies the diverse navigational paths to IR sites from library Web site homepages. The statistical relationship between the development of an IR and the presence of a Web site dedicated to the reform of traditional scholarly communication is also explored. The implications for the development of institutional repositories are highlighted.
123. Jayakanth, F., Minj, F., Silva, U., and Jagirdar, S., "
ePrints@IISc: India's first and fastest growing institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2008, pp. 59-70.
Descriptores: Wikis/Wikis/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to share NCSI's experiences in using GNU software to create and maintain the open-access institutional repository of IISc, ePrints@IISc. Design/methodology/approach – The GNU is the first generic software for creating Open Access Initiative (OAI)-compliant repositories, which enables the researchers to self-archive their research publications thus facilitating open access to their publications. NCSI has been using this software since early 2002. Some amount of customization and value additions to the software are being done periodically by NCSI to meet the local requirements. In this paper, authors are sharing NCSI's experiences in using GNU software. Findings – GNU software is an excellent tool for creating and maintaining OAI-compliant repositories. The best thing about it is that it can be set up easily even by those who are not too knowledgeable about computers. New features are being introduced on a regular basis. Also, the technical support for the software from the developers and the user community has been very encouraging. Originality/value – Outlines the work and history of the Indian Institute of Science and the development of the open access movement.
124. Jessica Branco Colati , Robin Dean , and Keith Maull, "
Describing Digital Objects: A Tale of Compromise".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 326-369.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The Alliance Digital Repository (ADR) is a consortial digital repository service developed by Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (Alliance). This article details how a standard descriptive metadata policy for repository records developed, and how that policy is currently being implemented. All digital objects in the ADR are required to have MODS and OAI-Dublin Core metadata that conform to certain minimum requirements. To help members meet the requirements, Alliance staff and the ADR Metadata Working Group, using tools available in the Fedora/Fez repository environment, have developed a customized set of core ADR material type templates in XSD form.
125. Jingfeng Xia, "
Disciplinary repositories in the social sciences".
Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 59, No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: Ciencias sociales/Repertorios/Fuentes de información/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to review the development of disciplinary repositories in the social sciences. Design/methodology/approach – The concentration of this article is on a discussion of the operational styles of existing repositories. Findings – The paper argues that appropriate operational styles of digital repositories will change the culture of information exchange in the social science disciplines. It finds that many successful repositories have employed the strategy of decentralization in their operations. This model can efficiently and effectively reach individual scholars in broad areas. Originality/value – Most existing repositories in the social sciences have not gained ground in attracting scholars. They could learn from successful repositories to improve their own operational plans.
126. Joint Information Systems Committee, "
Economic Implications of Alternative Scholarly Publishing Models: Exploring the costs and benefits".
JISC, 2008.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Aspecto económico
Resumen: Los resultados de un estudio encargado por el Joint Information Systems Committee (CSAC) han llegado a la conclusión de que el hecho de compartir información científica, y la publicación en el modelo de acceso abierto reportarian millones de libras de ahorro para el sector de la enseñanza superior, y para la economía del Reino Unido en general. El informe reconoce que cualquier análisis de costos y beneficios de los modelos alternativos de publicación académica se enfrenta a controversias y retos considerables, y que los debates para superar las diferencias entre los actores implicados van a continuiar. Según este informe, los costes en información académica en Reino Unido han sido de 5 billones de libras en el año 2007. De ellos estima que 230 millones se han dedicado al modelo clásico de suscripción; 150 millones de libras en el modelo de suscripción OA, y 110 millones de libras para depositar por medio de autoarchivo. Concluyendo que hay diferencias sustanciales entre las distintas partes interesadas sobre la mejor manera de difundir la información científica, pero coinciden en que el modelo de acceso abierto no va a desaparecer.
127. Joki, S. M. E., "
PEPIA: a Norwegian collaborative effort for institutional repositories".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2 , 2007.
Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on Project for Electronic Publications and Institutional Archives (PEPIA), which is a government-sponsored Norwegian effort, to provide institutional repositories to multiple Norwegian universities, university colleges and other research institutions through a consortium managed by BIBSYS. Design/methodology/approach – Some aspects of the project are headlined to give a brief introduction to the PEPIA project and the problems associated with creating a consortium with multiple institutions on one software platform. Findings – The ongoing project PEPIA has shown that it is possible for multiple organizations to join forces and create a consortium to develop an institutional repository on one software platform. After an initial requirements specification phase it was found that most institutions have the same basic requirements, even though they may seem different. The requirements, besides basic registration and searching, are mostly centered on integration with library systems, research documentation systems, national OAI harvesters and preferably learning management systems. The experience with the freely available DSpace software is mostly good, but the work of integrating the software into an already existing software development platform and production environment was more complex than estimated. The user management mechanisms in DSpace is too simplistic but the development of a more advanced rule-based access mechanisms for collections has resulted in a lot easier management by users, and can further lower the operating costs for the members of the consortium. Originality/value – The paper provides an overview of the PEPIA project, which enables more and more institutions to see the benefits of working together towards better solutions.
128. Jones, R., "
Giving birth to next generation repositories".
International Journal of Information Management, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2007, pp. 154-158.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Interpolaridad/Software libre
Resumen: At a time when the ground work for Institutional Repositories has been done, and the focus in the field has shifted to higher things, we consider potentially the most significant of issues. Interoperability is a word that means many things, depending on who you ask, and most definitions are far from definitive. This article shows why Interoperability, in its many forms, is important, how it characterises the coming generation of repositories, in what ways it might be used, and even a little on how it is done. It also dares to speculate briefly on the future, and the incredible things we might achieve by working together. But it also reminds us that we do these things to improve the visibility and dissemination of scholarly work, and that this should always guide us.
129. Kaloyanova, S., Betti, G. L., Castellani, F., and Keizer, J., "
Achieving OAI PMH compliancy for CDS/ISIS databases".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2008.
Descriptores: CDS-ISIS /OAI-PMH/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose ? The main purpose of this paper is to present the work recently carried out by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with Associazione per la documentazione le biblioteche e gli archivi (DBA) in Italy to make web CDS/ISIS-based applications compliant with the OAI-PMH. CDS/ISIS is an Integrated Storage and Information Retrieval System of Unesco, which is widely used especially in Latin America and Africa. There are hundreds of CDS/ISIS-based application systems managing bibliographical reference, ensuring high quality content through the use of built-in authority files, data entry guidelines and validations. It also allows for metadata export in many different formats. Design/methodology/approach ? The methodology adopted included study, analysis and evaluation of three existing solutions for exposing metadata from the CDS/ISIS database repositories to the OAI framework. Findings ? The implementation did not include the development of automatic procedures for incremental harvesting from CDS/ISIS databases nor the normalization of the harvested data. However, a lot of experience in implementation of OAI was gained which will be useful for future development of non-CDS/ISIS systems. Research limitations/implications ? The research and development work demonstrates the importance and implications of this work for the whole CDS/ISIS community and specifically for the participating centres from the AGRIS network. Originality/value ? It proposes an open source, easily parametrizable plug-in tool, which can be adapted to expose metadata from a general structure CDS/ISIS database using the OAI-PMH protocol. This work assures that semantically rich metadata for agricultural science and research publications based on the ?AGRIS Application Profile? can be handled by the OAI protocol. This in turn allows for further creation of additional services based on the exchange of knowledge on agricultural science and technology publications world-wide.
130. Keefer, A., "
Los repositorios digitales universitarios y los autores".
Anales de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007, pp. 205-214.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo/Autores/Investigadores
Resumen: El movimiento de Open Access ofrece dos estrategias para llegar a la in-formación científica sin ningún obstáculo económico, técnico o legal: la publicación de artículos en revistas OA o el depósito de los trabajos por los autores en depósitos estables institucionales o temáticos. El artículo explora la implementación de la se-gunda “ruta” por parte de los autores pues es la que ofrece mayores posibilidades pa-ra alcanzar la OA a corto plazo. Pero requiere que desde los repositorios se haga una gran labor para informar a los autores de las ventajas del autoarchivo y de los proce-dimientos para depositar sus trabajos e, incluso, ayudarles a hacerlo, mediante la oferta de servicios y la realización de actividades promocionales.
131. Keefer Riva, A., "
Los repositorios digitales universitarios y los autores".
Anales de Documentación, No. 10, 2007, pp. 205-214.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: El movimiento de Open Access ofrece dos estrategias para llegar a la in-formación científica sin ningún obstáculo económico, técnico o legal: la publicación de artículos en revistas OA o el depósito de los trabajos por los autores en depósitos estables institucionales o temáticos. El artículo explora la implementación de la se-gunda ¿ruta¿ por parte de los autores pues es la que ofrece mayores posibilidades pa-ra alcanzar la OA a corto plazo. Pero requiere que desde los repositorios se haga una gran labor para informar a los autores de las ventajas del autoarchivo y de los proce-dimientos para depositar sus trabajos e, incluso, ayudarles a hacerlo, mediante la oferta de servicios y la realización de actividades promocionales
132. Kelly, J. C., "
Creating an institutional repository at a challenged institution".
OCLC Systems & Services , Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bibliotecas digitales/Diseño/Planificación
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to show how an institutional repository can be successfully created by university libraries with limited financial and technological resources. Design/methodology/approach – In this paper the library's experience creating an institutional repository despite financial and technological limitations is recounted. Findings – The paper finds that a serviceable repository may be created by focusing on its critical elements, and adapting existing resources, including a proprietary system currently used for other digital resources. Practical implications – The paper shows that librarians should not assume that open-source systems are the only vehicles for providing institutional repositories, or that such a service is necessarily beyond their capabilities. Originality/value – Academic libraries do not have to follow an involved, idealized process to create an institutional repository based upon open-source software. Systems already at hand, even if proprietary, may be adapted and real-world limitations surmounted to create such a resource
133. Kersting, A. and Pappenberger, K., "
Promoting open access in Germany as illustrated by a recent project at the Library of the University of Konstanz".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas universitarias/Alemania/Promoción
Resumen: Purpose - With the illustration of a best practice example for an implementation of open access in a scientific institution, the paper will be useful in fostering future open access projects. Design/methodology/approach - The paper starts with a brief overview of the existing situation of open access in Germany. The following report describes the results of a best practice example, added by the analysis of a survey on the position about open access by the scientists at the University of Konstanz. Findings - The dissemination of the advantages of open access publishing is fundamental for the success of implementing open access in a scientific institution. For the University of Konstanz, it is shown that elementary factors of success are an intensive cooperation with the head of the university and a vigorous approach to inform scholars about open access. Also, some more conditions are essential to present a persuasive service: The Library of the University of Konstanz offers an institutional repository as an open access publication platform and hosts open journal systems for open access journals. High-level support and consultation for open access publishing at all administrative levels is provided. The integration of the local activities into national and international initiatives and projects is pursued for example by the joint operation of the information platform Originality/value - The paper offers insights in one of the most innovative open access projects in Germany. The University of Konstanz belongs to the pioneers of the open access movement in Germany and is currently running a successful open access project.
134. Kingsley, D., "
Those who don't look don't find: disciplinary considerations in repository advocacy".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008, pp. 204-218.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: By describing some of the often-ignored aspects of repository advocacy, such as disciplinary differences and how these might affect the adoption of a particular institutional repository, this paper aims to offer practical guidance to repository managers and those responsible for open access and repository policy.
135. Koltzenburg, C., "
Check-listing digital objects in context".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008 , pp. 227-239.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to discuss phenomena in publishing that usually escape recognition. The aim of the research is to address exclusionary practices surrounding digital objects, including those in open access journals.
136. Kopak, R. and Chiang, C.-N., "
An interactive reading environment for online scholarly journals: The Open Journal Systems reading tools".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 114-124.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas/Comunicación científica/Edición electrónica
Resumen: Purpose -û The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of a set of reader-oriented tools developed as part of an open source journal production and access system. Design/methodology/approach -û The paper outlines key elements of the reading tools component of Open Journal Systems (OJS). A design rationale is provided, and related to the key elements of the system. The philosophy behind the development of the reading tools is described, and relevant published research in support of the design is presented. Findings -û OJS ( is a web-based, open source editing, management, and production application designed for publication of scholarly journals online. The reading tools developed for OJS are a useful addition to the feature set of OJS, providing journal readers with a richer reading environment, promote active reading, and increase the level of critical engagement with journal article content. Practical implications -û Readers may find that the tools described, as well as the larger system of which they are a part, could be usefully adopted in their own institutional context. Originality/value -û This paper provides an introduction to the design philosophy behind a reader-oriented set of tools that will be of interest to those engaged in online reading research, and information interaction design. It will also be of value to those interested in open access, as well as those interested in open source software development.
137. Kousha, K. and Thelwall, M., "
Google Scholar citations and Google Web/URL citations: A multi-discipline exploratory analysis".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 7, 2007.
Descriptores: Google/Citas bibliográficas/Análisis de citas/Acceso abierto/Science Citation Index
Resumen: We use a new data gathering method, ?Web/URL citation,? Web/URL and Google Scholar to compare traditional and Web-based citation patterns across multiple disciplines (biology, chemistry, physics, computing, sociology, economics, psychology, and education) based upon a sample of 1,650 articles from 108 open access (OA) journals published in 2001. A Web/URL citation of an online journal article is a Web mention of its title, URL, or both. For each discipline, except psychology, we found significant correlations between Thomson Scientific (formerly Thomson ISI, here: ISI) citations and both Google Scholar and Google Web/URL citations. Google Scholar citations correlated more highly with ISI citations than did Google Web/URL citations, indicating that the Web/URL method measures a broader type of citation phenomenon. Google Scholar citations were more numerous than ISI citations in computer science and the four social science disciplines, suggesting that Google Scholar is more comprehensive for social sciences and perhaps also when conference articles are valued and published online. We also found large disciplinary differences in the percentage overlap between ISI and Google Scholar citation sources. Finally, although we found many significant trends, there were also numerous exceptions, suggesting that replacing traditional citation sources with the Web or Google Scholar for research impact calculations would be problematic.
138. Kousha, K. and Thelwall, M., "
The Web impact of open access social science research".
Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2007, pp. 495-507.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Impacto/Ciencias sociales/World wide web/Análisis de citas/Social citation index
Resumen: For a long time, Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) journal citations have been widely used for research performance monitoring of the sciences. For the social sciences, however, the Social Sciences Citation Index® (SSCI®) can sometimes be insufficient. Broader types of publications (e.g., books and non-ISI journals) and informal scholarly indicators may also be needed. This article investigates whether the Web can help to fill this gap. The authors analyzed 1530 citations from Google™ to 492 research articles from 44 open access social science journals. The articles were published in 2001 in the fields of education, psychology, sociology, and economics. About 19% of the Web citations represented formal impact equivalent to journal citations, and 11% were more informal indicators of impact. The average was about 3 formal and 2 informal impact citations per article. Although the proportions of formal and informal online impact were similar in sociology, psychology, and education, economics showed six times more formal impact than informal impact. The results suggest that new types of citation information and informal scholarly indictors could be extracted from the Web for the social sciences. Since these form only a small proportion of the Web citations, however, Web citation counts should first be processed to remove irrelevant citations. This can be a time-consuming process unless automated.
139. Kraft, D. H., "
JASIST Open Access".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 9, 2008.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: JASIST Open Access. Editorial. As of January 2008, the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) will follow the green road open-access model, whereby authors publishing in the Journal are granted self-archival rights for preprints, with linking to the final article and to the online journal, as detailed next.
140. Krevit, L. and Crays, L., "
Herding cats: Designing DigitalCommons @ The Texas Medical Center, a multi-institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales/Ciencias de la salud/Medicina/Estados Unidos
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine a pilot program implemented by the Houston Academy of Medicine-Texas Medical Center Library and The University of Texas School of Nursing at Houston to design the multi-institutional repository for the Texas Medical Center. Design/methodology/approach – The steps involved in the program are outlined and the lessons learned from the implementation are analyzed. Findings – The success of the institutional repository depends on appropriate communication with faculty, a deep understanding of the publishing process, identifying appropriate partners, designing a flexible technology infrastructure, and engaging in active collaboration with key players. The Library is the logical center for this activity. Practical implications – The paper should assist libraries with the unique activities involved in creating a viable multi-institutional repository in a research-intense academic medical environment. Originality/value – This paper analyzes the challenges inherent in introducing institutional digital repositories to the academic medical community. Currently, institutional repositories are being developed in only a small percentage of the academic medical centers in the USA.
141. Kuang-hua Chen and Jieh Hsiang, "
The unique approach to institutional repository: Practice of National Taiwan University".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2009, pp. 204-221 .
Descriptores: Repositorios/Repositorios institucionales/Asia/Taiwan/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to present the practical and unique approach to construct an institutional repository (IR) at the National Taiwan University (NTU). In general, IR systems are used to preserve the research outputs of academic organizations. The preserved contents as a whole will demonstrate the achievements and influences of organizations. The NTU Repository (NTUR) project is the action which is the response of NTU Library to the converging and emerging issues. The system design of NTUR is based on a well-known open-source package, DSpace, but many of its functional modules are modified to fulfill the requirements of Chinese users. The content acquisition of NTUR is carried out by a machine-aided manual approach, which quickly accumulates the volume of registered digital objects in NTUR. With comparison to other IR systems, it is found that a content-rich system with the much friendlier user interface like NTUR could be constructed in an effective way. The post-processing for search results – which is very unique feature of NTUR – could be also implemented effectively
142. Kuhlen, R., "
Open access: un cambio de paradigma para la puesta a disposición pública del conocimiento. El desarrollo en Alemania".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 18, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Alemania
Resumen: User Define 1: Edición electrónica.
User Define 4: Español La principal característica de open access consiste en que el aprovechamiento del conocimiento procedente del ámbito de educación y ciencia, que ha sido hecho público y se ha producido con fondos públicos, es libre (también en el sentido de 'gratuito') para todo el mundo. En open access se distingue entre el principio gold (publicación en revistas de open access) y el principio green (publicaciones primarias y secundarias en archivos de Open access o en depósitos institucionales). Este artículo ofrece una sinopsis de las posiciones científico-políticas acerca de open access. Open access crea oportunidades para la autonomía informacional de los autores científicos, pero también constituye un reto para la libertad de la ciencia, ya que a los autores que trabajan en instituciones públicas probablemente ya no se les concederán los derechos de explotación de forma exclusiva. También se analiza el debate político y jurídico que se ha abierto en Alemania en torno a la actual enmienda del derecho de explotación. Finalmente se discutirán algunos de los nuevos modelos de negocio en entornos electrónicos que surgen de open access, y que también dejan margen a la industria editorial, siempre que se respete el principio fundamental de open access, es decir, el acceso libre y gratuito. (A)
143. Lacasta, J., Nogueras-Iso, J., Lopez-Pellicer, F., Muro-Medrano, P., and Zarazaga-Soria, F., "
Thmanager: an Open Source Tool for Creating and Visualizing Skos".
Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Visualización
Resumen: Thmanager: an Open Source Tool for Creating and Visualizing Skos
144. Lam, K.-T. and Chan, D. L. H., "
Building an institutional repository: sharing experiences at the HKUST Library".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 310-323.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Planificación
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ The purpose of this paper is to document Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's (HKUST's) experiences in developing its Institutional Repository and to highlight its programming developments in full-text linking and indexing, and cross institutional searching.
145. Laxminarsaiah, A. and Rajgoli, I. U., "
Building institutional repository: an overview".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 278-286.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Planificación/Dise o
Resumen: The main purpose of this paper is to describe how the ISRO HQ Institutional Repository (IR) idea emerged and what are the steps taken to implement and build the IR. The scope of the repository, which started with newspaper clippings, has been enhanced to accommodate research papers, speeches/lectures, office orders/memorandums, videos, annual reports and the in-house publications.
146. Lercher, A., "
A Survey of Attitudes About Digital Repositories Among Faculty at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 34, No. 5, 2008, pp. 408-415.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: This paper gives the result of a 2007 survey of faculty at eight academic departments at Louisiana State University, asking them about the usefulness for their needs of an extension of the scholarly communication system by digital repositories.
147. Lloyd, S., "
A Book Publisher's Manifesto for the Twenty-first Century: How Traditional Publishers Can Position Themselves in the Changing Media Flows of a Networked Era.".
Library Trends, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2008, pp. 30-42.
Descriptores: Industria editorial/Edición/Digitalización/Edición electrónica/Acceso abierto
Resumen: In this challenging call to arms, Sara Lloyd, head of digital publishing at the United Kingdom trade publishing house, Pan Macmillan, explores whether there will be a role for publishers in a digital future and discusses the radical changes in culture and approach publishers will need to make if they are to evolve quickly enough to embrace the change from a linear content creation and delivery chain in which a publisher's role is definitive and fixed, to a circular, networked, Web-based one. This is a broad-ranging piece including coverage of the creative directions in which content creation and delivery might develop, new ways in which publishers Will need to engage with authors, readers, and other distributors in the content creation chain and the interface between publishers and nontraditional competitors emerging in the digital marketplace.
148. López Medina, A. and Zorita Vicente, L., "
Las bibliotecas universitarias y la gestión de la información en el entorno digital: unas consideraciones para repositorios digitales".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: El objetivo de este documento es proponer a las bibliotecas universitarias una estrategia tecnológica para adaptarse a los cambios que se están produciendo en los ámbitos del aprendizaje y la investigación. Los principales cambios a los que nos vamos a referir son: la web es la nueva plataforma para la comunicación de la información, esta web está orientada no sólo a los humanos sino también a las máquinas y está potenciando el trabajo en red y en colaboración. Por otra parte, esta forma de trabajar está generando un nuevo concepto de unidad de información, modelada no sólo por la necesidad de representar nuevas formas de publicación (texto, data, simulaciones ) en las nuevas prácticas científicas, sino también por los cambios en la naturaleza de las herramientas de creación y los entornos en que se usan. Finalmente, cada vez más, los usuarios no sólo consumen información, sino que también quieren participar en su generación (blogs, wikis, youtube, slideshare...). Se describen las implicaciones que esos cambios están teniendo en el entorno de las bibliotecas universitarias: la importancia del e-learning, los CRAI y el nuevo modelo de comunicación y publicación científica y se indican algunas líneas de actuación para orientar la estrategia tecnológica de las bibliotecas a la luz de estas transformaciones: nuevo concepto de unidad de información, interoperabilidad, flexibilidad y arquitecturas abiertas.
149. Ma, J., Wang, Y., Zhu, Z., and Tang, R., "
An attempt of data exchange between the institutional repository and the information environment for the management of scientific research--ARP".
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, 2009.
Descriptores: DSpace/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: In the present paper an attempt of data exchange between the institutional repository based on DSpace and the Academy Resource Planning System (ARP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which is the information environment for management of scientific research in CAS, was described. It includes the development of a tool based on browser which imports data from EXCEL into DSpace and a tool which exports data from DSpace into EXCEL. Consequently, data can be exchanged between ARP and DSpace through EXCEL. In addition, the way to customize the input form and the display page according to different types of documents was introduced.
150. Mariño Gutiérrez, L., "
El modelo de publicación electrónica SciELO ".
Biblioteca Virtual en Ciencias de la Salud, Vol. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Fuentes de información/Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas /Latinoamérica/SciELO
Resumen: El modelo de publicación electrónica SciELO - SciELO España - Valores a Valores añadidos del modelo SciELO
Red SciELO
151. Markey, K., Soo Young Rieh, St. J. B., Kim, J., and Yakel, E., "
Census of Institutional Repositories in the United States: MIRACLE project research findings: February 2007".
Council on Library and Information Resources (Washington, D.C.), 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales/Archivos abiertos/Estados Unidos/Directorios
Resumen: The subject of institutional repositories commands great interest on campuses across the country, and for good reason. At the heart of higher education is the generation and dissemination of knowledge. It is only natural that campus leaders, witnessing the startling proliferation of new information made possible by digital technologies, are growing concerned about the stewardship of the knowledge assets produced in their institutions. For many academic leaders, institutional repositories seem an ideal tool to manage knowledge production and dissemination. There is a growing need for carefully gathered evidence that will help people learn about the growth and effectiveness of repositories.
152. Maron, N. L. and Smith, K. K., "
Current Models of Digital Scholarly Communication: Results of an Investigation Conducted by Ithaka Strategic Services for the Association of Research Libraries".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009.;cc=jep;q1=3336451.0012.1%2A;rgn=main;view=text;idno=3336451.0012.105
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Asociaciones profesionales/Comunicación científica/Modelos
Resumen: The networked digital environment has enabled the creation of many new kinds of works that are accessible to end users directly, and many of these resources have become essential tools for scholars conducting research, building scholarly networks, and disseminating their ideas and work. The decentralized distribution of these new model works can make it difficult to fully appreciate their scope and number, even for university librarians tasked with knowing about valuable resources across the disciplines. In the spring of 2008, ARL engaged Ithaka [2] to conduct an investigation into the range of online resources valued by scholars, paying special attention to those projects that are pushing beyond the boundaries of traditional formats and are considered innovative by the faculty who use them.
153. Martin Moyle, R. S. S. T., "
SHERPA-LEAP: A consortial model for the creation and support of academic institutional repositories".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales/Diseño/Planificación/Modelos organizativos/Modelos organizativos/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to introduce SHERPA-LEAP, a model for the consortial development, population and support of e-prints repositories. Design/methodology/approach – The organisational and technical structures of the consortium are described, including a brief summary of central and local resource responsibilities. Some positive and negative aspects of a consortial approach to institutional repository development, and of the SHERPA-LEAP model in particular, are identified. Outstanding issues and future plans for the consortium are outlined. Findings – SHERPA-LEAP is shown to be succeeding in its aims of developing and supporting e-prints repositories within the federal University of London. Some lessons learned from the SHERPA-LEAP approach are identified, but the SHERPA-LEAP consortial model is found to have been mostly beneficial to the participating institutions. In particular, the networking and experience-sharing opportunities which any consortial solution will facilitate are highly-valued by the SHERPA-LEAP partners.
Originality/value – The paper is intended to help to inform the decision making of institutions and consortia, which are considering consortial solutions to the establishment, and maintenance of institutional repositories.
154. Martínez, D., "
El proyecto de repositorio institucional UPCommons: acceso abierto al conocimiento de la UPC".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Las TIC y principalmente la red de Internet están modificando todo el sistema de aprendizaje e investigación de las universidades y centros de investigación del mundo. Los nuevos canales de comunicación y herramientas TIC no sólo son oportunidades extraordinarias para mejorar el aprendizaje y la investigación, sino que están transformando los diferentes productos, sistemas y protagonistas de la transmisión y comunicación científica hasta ahora conocidos y usados. Nuevas revistas y libros electrónicos y nuevos sistemas digitales de construcción del conocimiento están apareciendo en la nueva infoesfera del estudiante, profesor e investigador, que se convierten en autores, editores y consumidores a la vez. También, y con más fuerza, los organismos e instituciones públicas, de forma destacada las bibliotecas académicas, están potenciado como dominio público la creación, gestión y publicación digital, en texto completo y de acceso abierto a Internet, los contenidos y resultados científicos que son financiados con fondos públicos. En este artículo se hace un breve análisis de este entorno y se presenta de forma detallada el proyecto que la UPC ha iniciado en los últimos meses como respuesta a este nuevo contexto de oportunidades y necesidades. El proyecto UPCommons: acceso abierto al conocimiento de la UPC es un portal que da acceso a los diferentes repositorios institucionales que la universidad dispone para que los profesores e investigadores (autores) puedan publicar de forma libre sus trabajos y resultados científicos: revistas, pre-prints, tesis doctorales, proyectos de final de carrera, videos, imágenes, etc. Se presentan también dos servicios que complementan y dan soporte al proyecto...
155. Mayernik, M. S., Wallis, J. C., Borgman, C. L., and Pepe, A., "
Adding context to content: The CENS deployment center".
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-7.
Descriptores: Open Access/OAI-PMH/Metadatos/Difusión de la información
Resumen: Scientists and engineers working with embedded networked sensing systems in the environmental sciences are acquiring data at unprecedented rates. Scientific data do not emerge from a vacuum. There is considerable contextual information that surrounds the process of data acquisition that is critical to interpret and analyze data. Current techniques for data sharing involve considerable manual effort to prepare, describe, and transfer this contextual information along with the data itself. This paper reports on a study of the UCLA-based Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS), an interdisciplinary NSF research center that supports collaborations to develop and implement innovative wireless sensor networks. We report here on the development of the CENS Deployment Center, a database for CENS deployment information. The goals of the CENSDC are to facilitate better deployment organization, and to provide a central location for key information that describes the context of data capture. We also describe our plans within CENS to use a tri-partite approach to capture and share sensor data resources using technical recommendations currently being developed within the context of the Open Archive Initiative for Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE).
156. McGahey, S. L. and Cameron, I. T., "
A multi-model repository with manipulation and analysis tools: 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering ".
Computers & Chemical Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 8, 2007, pp. 919-930.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: This work provides an overall framework and tools that together substantially reduce the time and effort required to construct process models that are fit for purpose. These key factors are: (a) the efficient reuse of existing model information, (b) the development of a multi-model environment, and (c) the characterisation of models through appropriate model metrics. The paper concentrates on tools to improve current modelling practice, and describes a framework addressing ôModel Familiesö in which these tools can work together for greater productivity. A Model Family is a hierarchical collection of models which provide many different representations of the same system. These are collated in a manner which focuses on the similarities and differences between each model in the collection. The specific differences between individual models are recorded as model members. Activating a particular member sees it take dominance within its family of alternatives, becoming an active part of the model description. The use of families and members makes it possible to store a large number of models of the same system in the one computer document, encouraging information reuse, and allowing the development of advanced meta-modelling tools which can potentially deliver substantial reduction in model development times.
157. Medeiros, N., "
Crisis management".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revistas científicas/Precios/Gestión/Adquisiciones/Cancelación de suscripciones
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe the challenges presented by the global economic crisis. Design/methodology/approach - The paper focuses on effects as they pertain to the author's institution as well as the larger library community. Findings - The paper suggests libraries and library associations must develop new ways of performing business. Originality/value - The paper describes an initiative of the International Coalition of Library Consortia to work with publishers to contain costs, placing in context the challenges noted above.
158. Medeiros, N., "
ERMS implementation: navigating the wilderness".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2 , 2007.
Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe important considerations for commercial ERMS implementers. Design/methodology/approach – The paper outlines six areas that are critical to successful ERMS implementation. Findings – The paper finds that, although each of the six areas is important to consider, prior to ERMS implementation, staffing and workflows require the most forethought. Originality/value – Early-stage ERMS implementers, and those preparing for implementation, should find value in the suggestions described within the paper.
159. Medeiros, N., "
Harvard, NIH, and the balance of power in the open access debate".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2008, pp. 137-139 .
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ This paper seeks to highlight the recent open access initiatives of Harvard University and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The paper discusses opportunities and consequences of the recent initiatives. The paper finds that the NIH open access policy will make available tens of thousands of peer-reviewed articles per year. The Harvard open access initiative may be a harbinger of things to come at other US universities.
160. Medeiros, N., "
Smack down: copyright cases head to court (part 1)".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2008, pp. 189-191.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Derechos de autor/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: This paper aims to highlight two recent copyright controversies that have implications for academic institutions in the USA. The paper focuses on the copyright infringement case against Georgia State University, detailing aspects of the lawsuit as they are noted in the complaint.
161. Mele, S., "
Open access publishing in high-energy physics".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2009, pp. 20-34.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Física
Resumen: Purpose +óGé GÇ The purpose of this paper is to provide a description of the SCOAP3 model, aiming to achieve a transition of peer-reviewed literature of an entire field, high-energy physics to open access.
162. Melero, R., "
El paisaje de los repositorios institucionales open access en España".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/España
Resumen: El movimiento open access o de acceso abierto a la producción científica ha experimentado en los últimos años un avance significativo, a pesar de ser todavía un tema emergente en nuestro país. Ejemplo de ello son las 21 instituciones españolas que han firmado la Declaración de Berlín, de las cuales 16 son universidades. Con respecto a la presencia o registro en directorios internacionales, actualmente las cifras en The Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) y en Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) son respectivamente 32 y 23, no obstante existen repositorios de reciente creación o en fase de pruebas no contemplados en los mismos. Esta diferencia en número se debe a los criterios de inclusión y también a ciertos errores detectados en el directorio ROAR. Cronológicamente, el primero en crearse fue Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (TDX) creado en el año 2001, sin embargo la mayoría empiezan a emerger alrededor del año 2005. De acuerdo con los datos de estos directorios, el software más utilizado para el desarrollo de los mismos es DSpace y Eprints. La diversidad en tipos de contenidos es una característica común a los repositorios españoles, y entre los documentos más abundantes están tesis, tesinas y trabajos presentados a congresos, seguidos de artículos en revistas. El crecimiento de los repositorios en función del tiempo se ajusta a tres modelos, en unos más que en otros: el crecimiento en forma lineal, en forma escalonada y en forma de plato. El primero responde, como su nombre indica, a un crecimiento lineal constante con el tiempo, esto se ve claramente en el caso del repositorio TDX o de Treballs Acadèmics UPC. Los otros dos modelos responden al depósito por 'cargas' de diferente tamaño y a diferentes periodos de tiempo. Según sean estos saltos la forma será escalonada (cargas más frecuentes) como en el caso de RACO o de eprints Complutense o en forma de plato cuando la separación en el tiempo es mayor, como en el Repositorio de la Universidad Carlos
163. Melero, R., "
Revistas Digitales y Open Access. ".
CALSI , 2007.
Descriptores: Revistas científicas/Revistas electrónicas /Acceso abierto
Resumen: Existen ejemplos de revistas electrónica científicas open access (OA) desde la aparición de Internet, sin embargo con la Declaración de Budapest en la que define el significado OA y las revistas open access como una vía para alcanzarlo es cuando empiezan a identificarse revistas que ya lo eran y otras que surgen de nuevo, con modelos inexistentes en la época de las revistas en versión impresa. En esta ponencia se analizan, primero las causas que motivaron que el movimiento OA cobrara fuerza entre la comunidad científica y la repercusión que ha tenido en el acceso a las publicaciones. La tipología de revistas que responden a la definición de open access en la que se tienen en cuenta aspectos económicos y de derechos de copyright, y por último se exponen resumidamente algunas de las tendencias en cuanto a la publicación electrónica, que desde el punto de vista de la comunidad científica tienen que ver con la creación de entornos colaborativos, el intercambio y la reutilización de datos, entre otras y desde el punto de vista comercial por pasar de un modelo de proveedor de contenidos al de servicios, en el que la calidad y mejores precios hagan a las editoriales empresas más competitivas.
164. Melero, R. and Abad García, M. F., "
Revistas open access: características, modelos económicos y tendencias".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Revistas científicas/Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas
Resumen: User Define 1: Edición electrónica.
User Define 4: Español Existen ejemplos de revistas electrónica científicas de acceso abierto (open access, OA) desde la aparición de Internet, sin embargo con la Declaración de Budapest en la que se define el significado de OA y las revistas como una vía para alcanzarlo es cuando empiezan a identificarse revistas de acceso abierto que ya lo eran y a surgir otras con modelos inexistentes en la época de las revistas en versión impresa. En este trabajo se analizan, primero cómo el movimiento OA ha repercutido sobre las vías de comunicación y acceso a la producción científica y las consecuencias que ha tenido en la evolución del mercado editorial y los nuevos modelos de revistas basados no exclusivamente en el acceso por pago de suscripción. También se exponen resumidamente algunas de las tendencias en cuanto a la publicación electrónica, que desde el punto de vista de la comunidad científica tienen que ver con la creación de entornos colaborativos, el intercambio y la reutilización de datos, entre otras y desde el punto de vista comercial por pasar de un modelo de proveedor de contenidos al de servicios, en el que la calidad y mejores precios hagan a las editoriales empresas más competitivas.
165. Melero, R., Abad, M. F., Abadal, E., Amat, C. B., Giménez, F., Rodríguez Gairín, J. M., and Rodríguez, N., "
Dulcinea: iniciativa para el análisis de los derechos de copyright y Autoarchivo de revistas científicas espa olas".
Jornadas Espa olas de Documentación, No. 11, 2009, pp. 118-122.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Derechos de autor/Espa a/Autoarchivo
Resumen: Dulcinea es un portal que recoge los derechos de copyright y las condiciones de auto-archivo de revistas científicas espa olas. El modelo es análogo pero no idéntico al seguido por el proyecto Sherpa/Romeo, muy centrada en el ámbito anglosajón. Se describe el sistema de recogida de datos, la estructura, prestaciones y el sistema de consulta. Finalmente, se hace referencia a proyectos de futuro en esta misma línea.
166. Melero, R., Abadal, E., Abad, F., and Rodríguez-Gairín, J. M., "
Situación de los repositorios institucionales en España: informe 2009".
Grupo de investigación Acceso Abierto a la Ciencia, 2009.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/España/Estadísticas/Evaluación
Resumen: Situación de los repositorios institucionales en España: informe 2009. Grupo de investigación Acceso Abierto a la Ciencia. Este informe forma parte de la documentación generada por el proyecto: “El acceso abierto a la producción científica (open access) en España: análisis de la situación actual y presentación de políticas y estrategias para promover su desarrollo” Financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyectos coordinados CSO2008-05525-C02-01/SOCI y CSO2008-05525-C02-02/SOCI
167. Melero, R. and Barrionuevo Almuzara, L., "
Jornadas 'Proyección de los repositorios institucionales', Madrid, 10-12 diciembre 2008".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2009, pp. 104-106.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Congresos
Resumen: Melero, Reme; Barrionuevo, Leticia. “Jornadas ‘Proyección de los repositorios institucionales’” (Madrid, 10-12 diciembre
2008). El profesional de la información, 2009, enero-febrero, v. 18, n. 1, pp. 104-106.
168. Meneses Tello, F., "
Dimensiones cognitivas de la bibliografía".
Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología , Vol. 30, No. 1, 2008, pp. 107-134.
Descriptores: Bibliografía/Bibliología/Repositorios bibliográficos/Bibliometría/Documentación
Resumen: Se reflexiona en torno de siete esferas de la bibliografía: la técnico-metodológica, la histórica, la científica, la documental, la cuantitativa, la docente y la informativa. Cada una de ellas se construye bajo la perspectiva de diferentes puntos de vistas avalados por especialistas en la materia. Así, a lo largo del texto se analiza una serie de términos palabras con el fin de aclarar el panorama conceptual que se ha creado alrededor del campo de la bibliografía. Se pretende continuar con el debate acerca de las líneas divisorias de la bibliografía respecto a su significado y alcance cognitivo.
169. Mercer, H., Rosenblum, B., and Emmett, A., "
A multifaceted approach to promote a university repository: The University of Kansas' experience".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bibliotecas digitales/Preservación/Edición electrónica
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the history of KU ScholarWorks, the University of Kansas' institutional repository, and the various strategies used to promote and populate it. Design/methodology/approach – This paper describes how KU ScholarWorks came into being, and discusses the variety of activities employed to publicize the repository and encourage faculty to deposit their work. In addition, the paper discusses some of the concerns expressed by faculty members, and some of the obstacles encountered in getting them to use the repository. The paper concludes with some observations about KU's efforts, an assessment of the success of the program to date, and suggests some next steps the program may take. Findings – The paper found that KU ScholarWorks has relied on a “self-archiving” model, which requires regular communication with faculty and long-term community building. Repository content continues to grow at a steady pace, but uptake among faculty has been slow. In the absence of mandates requiring faculty to deposit work, organizations running institutional repositories must continue to aggressively pursue a variety of strategies to promote repositories to faculty and encourage them to deposit their scholarship. Originality/value – KU's experience will help other institutions develop institutional repositories by providing examples of marketing strategies, and by promoting a greater understanding of faculty behavior and concerns with regard to institutional repositories.
170. Michael Babinec and Holly Mercer, "
Introduction: Metadata and Open Access Repositories".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 209-212.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Michael Babinec, Holly Mercer . Introduction: Metadata and Open Access Repositories. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Volume 47, Numbers 3-4 (April 2009), pp. 209-212, < >
171. Miller, D. R., "
Principia Bibliographica? Balancing Principles, Practice, and Pragmatics in a Changing Digital Environment.".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 3/4 , 2007.
Descriptores: Catalogación/XML/Acceso abierto
Resumen: This article explores the emphasis on control in cataloging versus the chaos found on the Web. It delves into adversarial relationships between catalogers and technologists. It seeks commonalities and suggests that new alternatives addressing both perspectives might offer superior and more satisfying results. A series of examples juxtapose current practices, enrichment possibilities, and flaws in current digital solutions to suggest potential opportunities where catalogers might excel. Speculation on ways to promote cataloging principles and values via more direct participation in the unruly digital environment hints at a more promising future for our profession.
172. Morales, R. and Carmichael, P., "
Evaluación formativa de las redes de colaboración del Centro de Excelencia en Ense ñanza y Aprendizaje en Objetos de Aprendizaje (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects - RLO-CETL): la visión del primer año: Formative evaluation of collaboration networks within the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Reusable Learning Objects (RLO-CETL): first year perspective".
Red U. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Tutoriales
Resumen: El Centro de Excelencia en Enseñanza y Aprendizaje en Objetos de Aprendizaje es un proyecto de 5 años (2005-2010) con personal de 3 universidades inglesas (London Metropolitan University, Ca mbridge University y University of Nottingham) que colaboran en un programa de desarrollo, despliegue y evaluación de una serie de objetos de aprendizaje que se pueden almacenar en repositorios, se pueden aceder por la web, e integrarse en la enseñanza presencial. Una de las metas del RLO-CETL es facilitar procesos sostenibles y reproducibles que permitan la colaboración en el sector de la enseñanza universitaria, y por ello, como parte de la evaluación interna formativa del RLO -CETL, nos concierne analizar el carácter, limites y evolución del Centro, y cómo éste se desarrolla en relacción con los contextos, prioridades y estructuras individuales e institucionales. En esta artículo presentamos algunos resultados de la tarea de confeccionar 'mapas de redes' en la que 28 participantes del primer año (incluyendo profesores universitarios, tutores, estudiantes, tecnólogos, administradores, evaluadores y directores del RLO-CETL) representan y hablan sobre le red de personas con las que comunican. Hay aspectos de los mapas que indican como la red del RLO-CETL interacciona y se solapa con redes institucionales e individuales.
173. Morrow, A. and Mower, A., "
University Scholarly Knowledge Inventory System: A Workflow System for Institutional Repositories".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 286-296.
Descriptores: Flujos de información/Metadatos/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The University Scholarly Knowledge Inventory System (U-SKIS) provides workspace for institutional repository staff. U-SKIS tracks files, communications, and publishers' archiving policies to determine what may be added to a repository. A team at the University of Utah developed the system as part of a strategy to gather previously published peer-reviewed articles. As campus outreach programs developed, coordinators quickly amassed thousands of journal articles requiring copyright research and permission. This article describes the creation of U-SKIS, addresses the educational role U-SKIS plays in the scholarly communication arena, and explores the implications of implementing scalable workflow systems for other digital collections.
174. Mukherjee, B., "
Evaluating E-Contents Beyond Impact Factor - A Pilot Study Selected Open Access Journals In Library And Information Science.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2007, pp. 5.
Descriptores: Revisión científica/Edición electrónica/Acceso abierto/Hipertexto/Factor de impacto/Documentacion/Evaluación/Indices de citas/Revistas electrónicas
Resumen: Scholarly communication through Open Access (OA) journals has become a global phenomenon. This article reports on a study that measures the value of OA journals based on citation counts (ISI's Journal Impact Factor). It compares three highly ranked commercial electronic journals to five OA electronic journals. The non-OA journals are MIS Quarterly, Journal of American Medication Informatics Association, and Annual Review of Information Science and Technology; the five OA journals are Ariadne, D-Lib Magazine, First Monday, Information Research, and Information Technology and Disabilities. The criteria are established by ten major databases: Thompson's ISI, American Psychological Association's PsycInfo, Latin American and Canadian Health Science's LILCS, National Medical Library's MEDLINE, Scientific Electronic Library's SciELO, The IOWA Guide, CSA's LISA, EBSCO's LISTA, H.W. Wilson's Library Literature and Information Science, and R.R. Bowker's Ulrich International Periodical Directory. These basic criteria are categorized under 11 broad issues: availability, authority and review policy, scope and coverage, exhaustiveness of articles, page format, availability of hyperlinks, currency, updating policy, search facility, and other miscellaneous issues. Ten years' growth of Library and Information Science (LIS) OA journals has been measured by counting articles manually. During the last ten years the highest number of articles was published by First Monday, followed by D-Lib Magazine and Ariadne; the average number of articles per issue reported in Ariadne ranks first.
175. Mukherjee, B., "
The hyperlinking pattern of open-access journals in library and information science: A cited citing reference study".
Library & Information Science Research, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2009, pp. 113-125.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Documentacion/Revistas electrónicas/Análisis de citas/Investigación
Resumen: Using 17 open-access journals published without interruption between 2000 and 2004 in the field of library and information science, this study compares the pattern of cited/citing hyperlinked references of Web-based scholarly electronic articles under various citation ranges in terms of language, file format, source and top-level domain. While the patterns of cited references were manually examined by counting the live hyperlinked-cited references, the patterns of citing references were examined by using the cited by tag in Google Scholar. The analysis indicates that although language, top-level domain, and file format of citations did not differ significantly for articles under different citation ranges, sources of citation differed significantly for articles in different citation ranges. Articles with fewer citations mostly cite less-scholarly sources such as Web pages, whereas articles with a higher number of citations mostly cite scholarly sources such as journal articles, etc. The findings suggest that 8 out of 17 OA journals in LIS have significant research impact in the scholarly communication process.
176. Myall, C. and Chambers, S., "
Copy Cataloging for Print and Video Monographs in Two Academic Libraries: A Case Study of Editing Required for Accuracy and Completeness.".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 3/4, 2007.
Descriptores: Catalogación/Recuperación de la información/XML/DVD/Normas/Video/XML/Acceso abierto
Resumen: This article, presents the results of a case study of editing required on OCLC bibliographic records for print monographs and video/DVD monographs during a three-month test at two mid-sized academic libraries. First, the authors reviewed the literature of cataloging/catalog quality and consider the problems this literature presents in terms of creating meaningful and measurable standards of 'quality.' Next, they define 'quality' for the purposes of the case study and describe case-study procedures for determining and comparing extent of editing required for records to meet comparable standards. They then present results indicating that records for print monographs acquired at the two institutions usually required little or no editing (many of these records were U.S. national-level records), while records for video/DVD monographs required considerably more editing (U.S. national-level records for this category of acquisition were not available). Finally, the article proposes establishment of a cooperative program to create U.S. national-level bibliographic records for videorecordings/DVDs as a means of reducing redundant institution-level editing and ensuring availability of comparable records across formats.
177. Nicholas, D., Huntington, P., and Jamali, H. R., "
Open access in context: a user study".
Journal of Documentation, Vol. 63, No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this research is to examine the impact on usage of the journal Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) moving to an open access model. A major objective was to examine the impact of open access in the context of other initiatives that have improved accessibility to scholarly journals. The study also aims to demonstrate the potential of deep log analysis for monitoring change in usage over time. Design/methodology/approach – Data were gathered from the logs for the period 2003-June 2005 and analysed using deep log methods. The data were analysed to provide the following information on use: type of item viewed; usage over time; usage for individual journal issues; usage per type of article; age of article. Usage analyses were further examined with regard to the following user characteristics: subscriber/non-subscriber; referrer link employed, organisational affiliation; geographical location. Findings – The analysis showed that the rise in use of NAR over the survey period (140 per cent) could largely be attributed to the opening up of the site to search engines and that the move to OA had a relatively small influence on driving usage up further (less than 10 per cent). Originality/value – The study for the first time thoroughly analyses the usage data of a significant experimental open access journal and reveals the huge impact of search engines on driving up usage.
178. Nichols, D., Paynter, G., Chan, C.-H., Bainbridge, D., Mckay, D., Twidale, M., and Blandford, A., "
Experiences in Deploying Metadata Analysis Tools for Institutional Repositories".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47 , No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 229-248.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Current institutional repository software provides few tools to help metadata librarians understand and analyze their collections. In this article, we compare and contrast metadata analysis tools that were developed simultaneously, but independently, at two New Zealand institutions during a period of national investment in research repositories: the Metadata Analysis Tool (MAT) at The University of Waikato, and the Kiwi Research Information Service (KRIS) at the National Library of New Zealand. The tools have many similarities: they are convenient, online, on-demand services that harvest metadata using OAI-PMH; they were developed in response to feedback from repository administrators; and they both help pinpoint specific metadata errors as well as generating summary statistics. They also have significant differences: one is a dedicated tool wheres the other is part of a wider access tool; one gives a holistic view of the metadata whereas the other looks for specific problems; one seeks patterns in the data values whereas the other checks that those values conform to metadata standards. Both tools work in a complementary manner to existing Web-based administration tools. We have observed that discovery and correction of metadata errors can be quickly achieved by switching Web browser views from the analysis tool to the repository interface, and back. We summarize the findings from both tools' deployment into a checklist of requirements for metadata analysis tools.
179. Nichols, D. M., Paynter, G. W., Chan, C.-H., Bainbridge, D., McKay, D., Twidale, M. B., and Blandford, A., "
Metadata tools for institutional repositories".
OECD Observer, No. 257, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Metadatos
Resumen: Libraries are set to become more important than ever.
180. Nigel Stanger, G. M., "
EPrints makes its mark".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales/Gestión de la colección/Preservación/Almacenamiento
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of the paper is to report on the impact and cost/benefit of implementing three EPrints digital repositories at the University of Otago, and to encourage others to follow suit. Design/methodology/approach – Three repositories were successfully implemented at the University of Otago using existing commodity hardware and free open source software. The first pilot repository was implemented within ten days, and is now a fully functional system that is being championed for institutional-wide use by the University Library. The other two repositories emerged from different community needs. One is academic, concerned with collecting and researching indigenous content; the other is designed to preserve and manage collective memory and heritage content for a small rural community. Findings – The paper shows that digital repositories can be established quickly and effectively with surprisingly few resources; readily incorporate any kind of extant digital content, or non-digital material that is converted to electronic form; meet multifarious needs, from academic institutions seeking to enhance research visibility and impact, to individuals and small communities collecting and preserving their unique memory and heritage records; and establish connectivity with the global community from the moment they go live. Practical implications – The technology and global support community have matured to a state where a fully-featured repository can be quickly and easily implemented. Originality/value – This paper describes the short history, development and impact of the first live repositories of their kind in New Zealand. Their utility and implications for the unique communities that have given rise to them are also explored, by way of encouraging others to take up the digital challenge.
181. Norris, M., Oppenheim, C., and Rowland, F., "
The citation advantage of open-access articles".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 12, 2008, pp. 1963-1972.
Descriptores: Análisis de citas/Bibliometría/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Four subjects?-?ecology, applied mathematics, sociology, and economics?-?were selected to assess whether there is a citation advantage between journal articles that have an open-access (OA) version on the Internet compared to those articles that are exclusively toll access (TA). Citations were counted using the Web of Science, and the OA status of articles was determined by searching OAIster, OpenDOAR, Google, and Google Scholar. Of a sample of 4,633 articles examined, 2,280 (49%) were OA and had a mean citation count of 9.04 whereas the mean for TA articles was 5.76. There appears to be a clear citation advantage for those articles that are OA as opposed to those that are TA. This advantage, however, varies between disciplines, with sociology having the highest citation advantage, but the lowest number of OA articles, from the sample taken, and ecology having the highest individual citation count for OA articles, but the smallest citation advantage. Tests of correlation or association between OA status and a number of variables were generally found to weak or inconsistent. The cause of this citation advantage has not been determined.
182. Open Archives Initiative , "
Implementation Guidelines for the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting".
Open Archives Initiative , 2007.
Descriptores: OAI-PMH/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Archivos abiertos/Metadatos/Software libre
Resumen: These guidelines are a supplement to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Version 2.0 and are intended to be read in conjunction with that specification. It is anticipated that the guidelines will be added to or updated while the protocol specification remains unchanged. To facilitate this, the guidelines are separated out into a set of documents for which this document is a table of contents.
183. Open Archives Initiative , "
Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting ".
Open Archives Initiative , 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Recursos electrónicos/Acceso abierto/Archivos abiertos/Metadatos/Software libre
Resumen: The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. OAI has its roots in the open access and institutional repository movements. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. Over time, however, the work of OAI has expanded to promote broad access to digital resources for eScholarship, eLearning, and eScience.
184. Organ, M. and Mandl, H., "
Outsourcing open access: Digital Commons at the University of Wollongong, Australia".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 353-362.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Externalizacion de servicios/Australia
Resumen: The purpose of this article is to outline the experiences of an Australian university in selecting a proprietary solution for its open access digital repository requirements. An overview is presented of the environment leading up to the decision to select Digital Commons over an open source software solution. The paper also outlines subsequent experiences during a one-year period in operating the outsourced solution. Outsourcing is an appropriate digital repository option for higher education institutions when costs are considered and compared with open source solutions, and especially when on-site IT support is limited. Outsourcing allows local staff to concentrate on liaison with faculty in promoting and populating the repository. A useful resource for those considering the use of proprietary or open source software for their institutional repository.
185. Packer, A. L., "
Repositorios en Ciencias de la Salud SciELO – lecciones aprendidas".
Biblioteca Virtual en Ciencias de la Salud, Vol. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Ciencias de la salud/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Repositorios en Ciencias de la Salud. SciELO. Los repositorios de acceso abierto surgen como tecnologia/medio/herramienta/solución en la producción del flujo de información científica -comunicación científica y técnica que pasa a ser realizada en la web a partir de los años 90 son parte integral del movimiento de acceso abierto
186. Paola, D. C. a. E. P. a. A. E., "
Conference Institutional archives for research: experiences and projects in Open Access Istituto Superiore di Sanità Rome, 30 November - 1 December 2006 ".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The Congress was organised into four sessions: 1) Open Access (OA) and authors: support from the international community; 2) OA in Italy: knowledge and tools to write and search; 3) institutional policies for OA; 4) opportunities and services to develop OA. It was aimed at achieving the following objectives: a) make authors of biomedical publications aware of the benefits of depositing research material in digital open archives and publishing in OA peer-reviewed journals; b) outline the impact of the OA publishing model on the assessment of research output; c) enhance the adoption of policies encouraging the OA paradigm; d) promote cooperation between research institutions in Italy and abroad to share resources and experiences on institutional repositories. A useful introductory bibliography on the OA publishing model in the biomedical field is included in the Appendix.
187. Park, J.-R., "
Metadata Quality in Digital Repositories: A Survey of the Current State of the Art".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 213-228.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto/Calidad
Resumen: This study presents the current state of research and practice on metadata quality through focus on the functional perspective on metadata quality, measurement, and evaluation criteria coupled with mechanisms for improving metadata quality. Quality metadata reflect the degree to which the metadata in question perform the core bibliographic functions of discovery, use, provenance, currency, authentication, and administration. The functional perspective is closely tied to the criteria and measurements used for assessing metadata quality. Accuracy, completeness, and consistency are the most common criteria used in measuring metadata quality in the literature. Guidelines embedded within a Web form or template perform a valuable function in improving the quality of the metadata. Results of the study indicate a pressing need for the building of a common data model that is interoperable across digital repositories.
188. Patra, C., "
Digital repository in ceramics: a metadata study".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2008, pp. 561-581.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Repositorios bibliográficos
Resumen: This paper seeks to study the metadata requirements for setting up a digital repository in ceramics resources that would provide researchers and ceramic art professionals with access to the information as per their requirements.
189. Perry, C. M., "
Archiving of publicly funded research data: A survey of Canadian researchers: Digital Government Information and Libraries: Shifting Paradigms or Predictable Partnerships".
Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 25 , No. 1, 2008, pp. 133-148.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Canadá/Política bibliotecaria/Política científica
Resumen: During the 2004–2005 fiscal year, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) awarded $252,654,341.97 in grant money to 6,958 research initiatives submitted by Canadian researchers working in academic settings. The results of these initiatives are reported in published papers, books, articles, and other forums. A question of concern is how much of the data being produced in the course of this research is being archived? What are the attitudes and concerns of the researchers themselves towards ensuring their work is preserved for the future? Results indicate that Canadian researchers in the humanities and social sciences actively share data. On the whole they are supportive of initiatives to preserve data but have thus far not systematically ensured preservation of their research materials. Researchers expressed concern over issues of confidentiality in providing access to their research data. Further dialogue is needed between researchers and other stakeholders to overcome impediments pertaining to preservation and access to research data on a national scale.
190. Peset, F., "
E-Lis: una comunidad internacional de profesionales".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, pp. 119-119.
Descriptores: E-LIS/Profesionales de la información/Archivos abiertos/Acceso abierto/Repositorios disciplinares
Resumen: Dado que E-LIS es un proyecto sobradamente conocido, ahora con más de 7.000 documentos a texto completo, con cuatro millones de visitas anuales y picos mensuales de 21.000, no insistiré en su importancia para nuestro sector...
191. Peset, F., "
Scientific publishing in the European research area".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, pp. 120-121.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica/Europa/Investigación
Resumen: Cabe destacar dos aspectos de la conferencia. Lo primero que me resultó sorprendente fue la orientación de la mayoría de intervenciones –que pueden verse desarrolladas en el texto completo del libro de actashacia el Acceso Abierto, cuando en realidad el título de la conferencia se refería a la publicación científica en general.
192. Piorun, M. E., Palmer, M. E., and Comes, J., "
Challenges and lessons learned: moving from image database to institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2 , 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales/Ciencias de la salud/Gestión de la colección/Imágenes
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to chronicle the Lamar Soutter Library's effort to build an educational image database, and how the project developed into an institutional repository. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is divided into three phases and highlights the organizational, political, technological and resource issues that are unique to a specialized library with a medium-sized staff, lacking the resources of a traditional university campus. The case concludes with a list of barriers and facilitators to success and a summary of lessons learned. Findings – The paper finds that a library with limited staff, funding, and systems development resources can initiate and support an institutional repository. Facilitators of success include clear lines of authority, a strong champion, and the appropriate technology for the project. Originality/value – This paper serves as an example to libraries that are in the beginning phases of developing an institutional repository by discussing the barriers to and facilitators of success.
193. R¢yneberg, E., "
Publicación electrónica y depósitos institucionales: uso de software libre: ".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 197, 2007.
Descriptores: Software libre/Edición electrónica/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: En Noruega es creciente el interés por los depósitos institucionales y de acceso abierto. El 2005, diversas bibliotecas universitarias y de investigación se reunieron para plantear una suma de esfuerzos en el ámbito de los depósitos institucionales. De la reunión resultó el proyecto Pepia, con BIBSYS como empresa asociada en lo que al software se refiere. El grupo de trabajo decidió utilizar el sistema libre DSpace como plataforma informática. La instalación estándar del DSpace se ejecuta en un contenedor Tomcat, un servidor de miniaplicaciones. Como BIBSYS no usa aquel contenedor, se tuvo que configurar el DSpace para que se ejecutase correctamente en nuestro servidor. Además, se detectaron diversos problemas en el momento de integrar la estructura de desarrollo del DSpace en nuestro entorno integrado de desarrollo. Por otra parte, se tuvo que crear un proceso de montaje nuevo que pudiese trabajar con más de treinta aplicaciones a partir de un único código fuente. Estos cambios representaron una inversión de tiempo suplementaria, pero eran necesarios si se quería disponer de un entorno de trabajo eficiente. La versión completa del DSpace tiene muchas más funcionalidades que las que requiere un depósito institucional. Sin embargo, hubo que modificar algunas de estas funcionalidades, especialmente el sistema de gestión de usuarios. El sistema DSpace es complejo, pero la comunidad activa que tiene por detrás presta la ayuda necesaria. La versión beta del BIBSYS Brage, que es el nombre del resultado del proyecto Pepia, se lanzó el diciembre de 2006. Esperamos poder continuar desarrollando y confiamos que se convertirá en un gran sistema para el consorcio. (A)
194. Radovanovic, D., "
Open knowledge and education at the new level of web paradigm".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Redes sociales/Acceso abierto/World wide web
Resumen: As www, and now web 2.0 is growing by the second, it gives us new possibilities of pedagogical forms, and the main following outcomes: resources, implementation, usage, practice. We will re-evaluate and examine new forms of social networking - theoretical and practical knowledge in academia and science: from implemetation of web roots practice, listservs, eBoards, eZines (alternative art and education forms –then), the usage of eResources in academia, education profession to the wider audience: using larger online open archives, Consortias, digital libraries, repositories, to online social networking applications, science and education blogs.
195. Rentier, B., "
Open Access to Scientific Documentation. Making deposit of publications in institutional electronic repositories a mandate for all researchers. ".
CALSI , 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios disciplinares/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Investigadores/Autoarchivo
Resumen: Open access to scientific documentation is one of the most fundamental issues in our knowledge society in as much as it moulds progress in science and technologies, as well as in the global scientific community. Nevertheless, today the world of research finds itself in a situation, which is paradoxical at the very least.
196. Reoyo, S., Anglada i de Ferrer, L. M., Cambras, J., and Vega Sivera, R. d. l., "
Los dépositos cooperativos de la Biblioteca Digital de Cataluña: tipología, procesos y software".
Boletín de la ANABAD, Vol. 57, No. 4, 2007, pp. 23-34.
Descriptores: Consorcios/Repositorios institucionales/Cataluña/Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Cataluña
Resumen: Desde 1999 el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Cataluña (CBUC) ha creado una nueva línea de trabajo, junto con el Centro de Supercomputación de Cataluña (CESCA), para promocionar la investigación que se lleva a cabo en Cataluña y al mismo tiempo contribuir al movimiento mundial de depositar la producción académica y de investigación en la red de forma abierta. Este movimiento mundial, que recibe el nombre de Open Access, ha sido puesto en marcha con la finalidad de crear alternativas al paradigma de pagar por tener acceso
a la información que se ha elaborado, muy a menudo, con financiación y recursos públicos. Esta nueva línea de trabajo son los depósitos institucionales.
197. Rieger, O. Y., "
Opening Up Institutional Repositories: Social Construction of Innovation in Scholarly Communication.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2008, pp. 4.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Comunicación científica/Bibliotecas digitales/Redes sociales
Resumen: This paper focuses on institutional repositories as a case study to examine the design of a new scholarly communication technology from a social constructivist perspective. Institutional repositories are online databases of scholarly materials such as articles, reports, datasets to enable and foster sharing, discovery, and archiving of scholarly resources produced at a given institution. As a scholarly communication mode, institutional repositories represent a particularly interesting case to examine as they incorporate both normative and ideological agendas and illustrate how technical products embody social goals and power relationships. Although the analysis is based on institutional repositories, the theoretical approach is relevant to various information and communication technology development efforts aiming to introduce new tools in support of scholarly communication. The paper?(tm)s discussion draws from the social construction of technology theory, actor-network theory, and the socio-technical interactions networks model. Such a social constructivist framework provides an effective method for uncovering multiple perspectives that frame the design and appropriation of institutional repositories.
198. Robinson, M., Jones, S., and Hubbard, B., "
Driver: supporting institutional repositories in Europe".
Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Europa
Resumen: The current system of academic publication developed as a means to disseminate the findings of research. However, this system can hamper the very process it was set up to serve, with access to articles being limited by publishers to only those who can afford to subscribe. Open access digital repositories allow the traditional publishing model to co-exist with the needs of authors and their readers, as well as with the demands of research funders for research impact and hence, value for money. Subject to copyright, authors can deposit copies of their finished articles in open access repositories, in addition to publishing them in research journals.
199. Rodríguez Bravo, B., "
Los repositorios de información, guardianes de la memoria digital".
Anales de Documentación, Vol. 10, 2007, pp. 361-374 .
Descriptores: Archivos/Bibliotecas/Dcumentos electrónicos/Información digital/Repositorios bibliográficos/Preservacion digital
Resumen: Se estudia el papel de los archivos como guardianes de la memoria digital y productores de información web. Se aborda el reto que los repositorios digitales constituyen en la conservación de los recursos digitales, dando un repaso a los modelos y principales proyectos desarrollados, principalmente en el entorno de las Bibliotecas Nacionales.
200. Rodríguez Gairín, J. M. and Sulé Duesa, A., "
DSpace: un manual específico para gestores de la información y la documentación".
BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 20, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Software libre
Resumen: DSpace es uno de los programas de código abierto preferidos por las instituciones académicas para gestionar repositorios de ficheros (textuales, audio, vídeo, etc.), facilitando su depósito, organizándolos en comunidades, asignándoles metadatos y permitiendo su difusión en recolectores o agregadores. El manual que aquí presentamos no es el típico manual genérico sobre su funcionamiento (cómo se consulta, cómo se depositan documentos, cómo se revisan, etc.), sino uno de específico para gestores de la información y la documentación, centrado en aquellas funciones del programa que se encuentran más directamente relacionadas con nuestra profesión (esquema de metadatos, vocabularios controlados, interfaces de consulta, herramientas de difusión, estadísticas, etc.). (A)
201. Rodríguez Gallardo, A., "
Acceso abierto y bibliotecas académicas".
Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecología, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2008, pp. 93-104.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas académicas/Revistas científicas/Comunicación científica/Adquisición cooperativa/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Las bibliotecas académicas han sido las más afectadas por el continuo aumento en los precios de las revistas científicas y académicas. Mientras los editores especulaban con los precios de las suscripciones, algunas bibliotecas universitarias se vieron forzadas a recortar la adquisición de monografías, o a sacrificar algunos otros servicios, para mantener las suscripciones que requerían sus usuarios. Otras bibliotecas hicieron frente a las condiciones del mercado mediante programas de adquisición cooperativa, consorcios e incluso a través de convenios de préstamo interbibliotecario. Esta situación fue evaluada desde diversas perspectivas tanto por las bibliotecas como por las universidades a las que éstas pertenecían y se llegó a la conclusión de que además de las implicaciones económicas, la comunicación científica se veía seriamente amenazada por los actuales modelos de comercialización de la información. En respuesta surgieron distintas declaraciones o iniciativas que fundamentan el llamado acceso abierto a la información científica y académica. En este documento se hace una introducción al tema a través de los aspectos comunes a las iniciativas que se han generado sobre la publicación de libre acceso.
202. Rodríguez Bravo, B. and Alvite Díez, M. L., "
E-science and open access repositories in Spain".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 363-371.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Espa a
Resumen: The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of science repositories in the development of e-science. It aims to provide an overview of the open access collections currently operating in Spain.
203. Rovira, C., Marcos, M. C., and Codina, L., "
Repositorios de publicaciones digitales de libre acceso en Europa: análisis y valoración de la accesibilidad, posicionamiento web y calidad del código: Digital repositories of open access publications in Europe: analysis and assessment of accessibility, web positioning and source code quality".
El Profesional de la Información, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2007, pp. 24-38.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Europa/Posicionamiento
Resumen: Se presenta el resultado de un estudio de los sitios web de 230 repositorios de publicaciones digitales de libre acceso de 16 países europeos. Se analiza hasta qué punto cumplen con algunas de las características que podrían hacer de ellos sitios web de calidad más allá de los aspectos de contenido, cuya calidad se da por supuesto o, al menos, no es objeto de análisis en esta ocasión. El objetivo es comprobar si los sitios web directamente vinculados con el compromiso del libre acceso a la información satisfacen criterios de accesibilidad, posicionamiento y calidad del código web, es decir, en este último caso observación de los estándares abiertos. Por tanto, se estudia una serie de elementos que afectan directamente a la accesibilidad, el posicionamiento web y la calidad del código fuente. Entre los resultados obtenidos cabe destacar que la accesibilidad debe mejorarse, el código html solamente es aceptable y el posicionamiento es bueno. Es decir, se observan malas prácticas que no deberían darse en sitios cuyo objetivo es facilitar, precisamente, el libre acceso a la información.
204. Royster, P., "
The institutional repository at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln: Its first year of operations".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Archivos abiertos/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide a short history of the first year of operation of an institutional repository (IR) at a midwestern state university. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is anecdotal, reviewing aims, rationales, and strategies, and offering advice and some counter-intuitive lessons. Findings – The paper finds that voluntary self-archiving by faculty or campus publishers is exceptional or rare, but there are other ways of populating an IR with valuable content. IR's should seek original material, including new dissertations, as well as previously published articles. IR's should offer a variety of services to make faculty participation as effortless as possible. IR's can increase usage by efforts directed at publicizing their resources and offerings. Research limitations/implications – The paper concerns one institution, but the challenges faced are common to all new university institutional repositories. Originality/value – This paper is a useful source of information for those considering, planning, or operating an institutional repository.
205. Royster, P., "
Publishing Original Content in an Institutional Repository".
Serials Review, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2008, pp. 27-30.
Descriptores: Tesis doctorales/Prepublicaciones/Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Institutional repositories (IRs) have been developed and promoted primarily as a means to re-publish scholarly content previously published elsewhereusually in journals, festschriften, or collections of articles. This essay discusses the use of IRs as the originating publisher of materials not previously published elsewhere and assesses their potential use as a viable “first resort” for scholarly publication and an already existing alternative to traditional commercial or university presses.
206. Sabou, M. and Pan, J., "
Towards semantically enhanced Web service repositories: Software Engineering and the Semantic Web".
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2007, pp. 142-150.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Ontologías/Web semántica
Resumen: The success of the Web services technology has brought topics as software reuse and discovery once again on the agenda of software engineers. While there are several efforts towards automating Web service discovery and composition, many developers still search for services via online Web service repositories and then combine them manually. However, from our analysis of these online repositories, it yields that, unlike traditional software libraries, they rely on little metadata to support service discovery. We believe that the major cause is the difficulty of automatically deriving metadata that would describe rapidly changing Web service collections. In this paper, we discuss the major shortcomings of state of the art Web service repositories and as a solution, we report on ongoing work and ideas on how to use techniques developed in the context of the Semantic Web (ontology learning, matching, metadata based presentation) to improve the current situation.
207. Salo, D., "
Name Authority Control in Institutional Repositories".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly , Vol. 47, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 249-261.
Descriptores: Metadatos/Acceso abierto/Control de autoridades/Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: Neither the standards nor the software underlying institutional repositories anticipated performing name authority control on widely disparate metadata from highly unreliable sources. Without it, though, both machines and humans are stymied in their efforts to access and aggregate information by author. Many organizations are awakening to the problems and possibilities of name authority control, but without better coordination, their efforts will only confuse matters further. Local heuristics-based name-disambiguation software may help those repository managers who can implement it. For the time being, however, most repository managers can only control their own name lists as best they can after deposit while they advocate for better systems and services.
208. Sánchez García de las Bayonas, S., "
Repercusión de la publicación científica electrónica de acceso abierto en los presupuestos y en el acceso a la información científica en las bibliotecas universitarias españolas".
Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2007.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/España/Acceso abierto/Impacto
Resumen: Análisis de la repercusión en los presupuestos destinados a la inversión en el acceso a información científica electrónica de los Servicios de Biblioteca de las universidades españolas, así como del acceso de los investigadores a dicha información gracias a la aparición del Movimiento de Acceso Abierto a la literatura científica electrónica. Se muestran comparaciones con el modelo tradicional basado en la suscripción de los recursos de información electrónicos por parte de los Servicios de Biblioteca.Los datos se han extraído de las memorias, páginas web oficiales y Anuarios REBIUN, siendo comparados entre universidades y entre Servicios de Biblioteca. Los resultados muestran como los presupuestos siguen aumentando aunque a un nivel más lento de lo recomendado. No se produce un ahorro en el dinero invertido sino una mayor eficiencia del mismo, así como un aumento de los recursos en abierto disponibles para los usuarios sin que aún existan medios para poder medir o valorar el impacto en ellos.Las publicaciones científicas electrónicas en acceso abierto se muestran como el recurso de información científica con mayor perspectiva de crecimiento y presencia en los Servicios de Biblioteca de las universidades contribuyendo al cambio de paradigma en la comunicación científica. Los Servicios de Biblioteca representan un papel muy importante en este contexto siendo los intermediarios entre los productores y los usuarios finales de los recursos de información en abierto.
209. Sánchez Tarragó, N., "
Las políticas nacionales e institucionales de autoarchivo dentro del Movimiento Open Access".
Jornada nacional de Bibliotecas Médicas Cubanas, 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Mandato de autoarchivo
Resumen: El Movimiento de Acceso Abierto a la Información (Movimiento Open Access) se basa en dos estrategias fundamentales para garantizar el acceso y diseminación sin restricciones económicas y legales de la información científico-técnica: las revistas Open access y los repositorios temáticos e institucionales open access. Estos repositorios se sustentan fundamentalmente en que los propios autores depositen sus trabajos (autoarchivo). Varios estudios han demostrado que los artículos bajo régimen open access reciben el doble de citas, pero solo el 15% de ellos son espontáneamente autoarchivados. Otros estudios demuestran que cerca del 95% de los autores están dispuestos a cumplir con el autoarchivo si hubiese alguna política o disposición al respecto. Por tanto, la existencia de políticas institucionales o nacionales que compulsen a los autores a efectuar el autoarchivo de sus trabajos constituye un medio para lograr maximizar el impacto de la investigación a través del acceso abierto. Este trabajo reseña la situación actual de las políticas institucionales y nacionales más relevantes que favorecen el auto-archivo. Se enuncia la importancia de la formulación de políticas de este tipo para Cuba.
210. Santillan Aldana, J., "
The open access movement and the library world seen from the experience of the E-LIS project".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 135-147.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/E-LIS/Documentación
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to describe the information about the E-prints project in Librarianship and Information Science (E-LIS) experience. Design/methodology/approach - Descriptive method with informative scope. Findings - E-LIS had generated a new international view of the intellectual production in Library and Information Sciences (LIS) that include information professionals from emergent and developing countries. Practical implications - Contribute to understand the real dimension of the intellectual production in LIS. Originality/value - This paper is of special interest for LIS research.
211. Sicilia Urbán, M. n., "
Más allá de los contenidos: compartiendo el diseño de los recursos educativos abiertos: Beyond content: sharing the design of open educational resources".
RUSC. Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Tutoriales
Resumen: El concepto de recurso educativo abierto (open educational resource, OER) habitualmente se asocia con contenidos abiertos compartidos en repositorios públicos. No obstante, el proceso de diseño instruccional o diseño para el aprendizaje que da lugar a los materiales finales que utilizan los aprendices es un proceso intelectual del que caben compartir más elementos que los resultados finales. Entre los elementos adicionales que cabe compartir están las técnicas de diseño utilizadas, la estructura de actividades resultantes, presuposiciones del diseño y muchos otros elementos que pueden exponer de manera abierta no solo el resultado final, sino detalles valiosos sobre el paso de la teoría y la experiencia a la práctica. El presente artículo sintetiza el estado actual de los lenguajes y técnicas que permiten la compartición abierta del diseño educativo, terminando con el esbozo de una posible hoja de ruta para una traslación del énfasis de los contenidos al diseño como pieza clave del paradigma abierto en la educación. También se presenta la idea (especulativa) del diseño para el aprendizaje basado en la evidencia, como materialización abierta de la compartición de conocimiento sobre el diseño y sobre los resultados de la experiencia y la investigación educativa. En ese tipo de paradigma, la apertura del diseño jugaría el papel clave de proporcionar las mejores evidencias contrastables para un meta-análisis de mayor alcance.
212. Simeoni, F., Yakici, M., Neely, S., and Crestani, F., "
Metadata harvesting for content-based distributed information retrieval".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 1, 2008, pp. 12-24.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Metadatos/OAI-PMH/Recolectores de metadatos
Resumen: We propose an approach to content-based Distributed Information Retrieval based on the periodic and incremental centralization of full-content indices of widely dispersed and autonomously managed document sources. Inspired by the success of the Open Archive Initiative's (OAI) Protocol for metadata harvesting, the approach occupies middle ground between content crawling and distributed retrieval. As in crawling, some data move toward the retrieval process, but it is statistics about the content rather than content itself; this grants more efficient use of network resources and wider scope of application. As in distributed retrieval, some processing is distributed along with the data, but it is indexing rather than retrieval; this reduces the costs of content provision while promoting the simplicity, effectiveness, and responsiveness of retrieval. Overall, we argue that the approach retains the good properties of centralized retrieval without renouncing to cost-effective, large-scale resource pooling. We discuss the requirements associated with the approach and identify two strategies to deploy it on top of the OAI infrastructure. In particular, we define a minimal extension of the OAI protocol which supports the coordinated harvesting of full-content indices and descriptive metadata for content resources. Finally, we report on the implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype service for multimodel content-based retrieval of distributed file collections.
213. Smith, K., "
Institutional Repositories and E-Journal Archiving: What Are We Learning?".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Autoarchivo/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The article reviews the book 'Institutional Repositories and E-Journal Archiving: What Are We Learning? ,' by Kathlin Smith.
214. Smith, P. L. I., "
Where IR you?: Using “open access” to extend the reach and richness of faculty research within a university".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2008, pp. 174-184.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas universitarias/Usuarios
Resumen: This paper aims to clarify the relationship between researcher, digital librarian, and cataloger supporting collection building in institutional repository (IR). It also aims to propose modeling the collaborative process and outline why and how cooperative partnership is important throughout the IR content building process. The study seeks to contribute to the body of knowledge of IR collection building by including a faculty-centered approach and level of data curation aspects than is normally found in IR content building literature.
215. Sotudeh, H. and Horri, A., "
Tracking open access journals evolution: Some considerations in open access data collection validation.".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 11, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revistas electrónicas /Acceso a la información/Gestión de la colección
Resumen: This article examines the evolution of a collection of open access journals (OAJs,) indexed by the Science Citation Index (SCI; Thomson Scientific Philadelphia, PA) against four validity criteria including a free, immediate, full and constant access policy for at least 5 years. Few journals are found to be wrongly identified as OAJ or to have a dubious access policy. Some delayed journals evolved into gold OA; however, these are scarce compared to the number of journals that withdrew from gold OA to be an embargoed or a partially OAJ. A majority of the journals meet three of the criteria as they provide free and immediate access to their entire contents. Although a lot are found to follow a constant policy, a large number has an OA lifetime shorter than 5 years, due to the high frequency of newly launched or newly converted journals. That is the major factor affecting the validity of the collection. Only half of the collection meets all the requirements.
216. Sturges, P., "
The internet and Academic freedom".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Internet/Propiedad intelectual/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Sturges, Paul (1999) The internet and Academic freedom. In Proceedings 8th Panhellenic conference of Academic libraries, pp. 113-126, Rhodes (GR). The principle of academic freedom is central to the true functioning of the university, It asserts the right of scholars and teachers to communicate their ideas and research results, free of interference on political or other grounds unconnected with the quality of what they might say. This includes the freedom to choose and pursue iines of investigation on academic grounds alone. The principle therefore implies the need for information services and resources for the academic community to be free of intervention on non-academic grounds. Academic librarians have recognized this need and have defended their role as providers of open and uncensored document collections and access to other resources. The internet, as a means of obtaining a great range and quantity of information worldwide, is potentially crucial to the practice of academic freedom. However» for libraries as providers of access to the Internet and librarians as intermediaries searching the World Wide Web (WWW) on behalf of their users there are issues to be addressed. The Internet is a largely unregulated communication and information medium. It gives access to material including some which is allegedly harmful (pornography, hate speech, etc.), is unendorsed as to quality and accuracy, is of doubtful provenance and ownership, or may indeed have been created in a spirit of mischief. It also permits communication that may or may not be secure, could be used for harmful purposes and might contain misinformation. There is pressure for control of the Internet from commerce, interest groups of various kinds, and governments. The academic library is a key forum for the negotiation and resolution of these difficulties and contradictions. It is important that this is done with both a strong vision of the value of the internet and an appropriate respect for academic freedom.
217. Suber, P., "
Open Access in 2007.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Revisiones
Resumen: The article reviews the book 'Open Access in 2007,' by Peter Suber.
218. Suber, P., "
Open Access in 2008".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009.;cc=jep;q1=3336451.0012.1%2A;rgn=main;view=text;idno=3336451.0012.104
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: A staggering amount of energy was poured into implementing open access (OA) in 2008. This is an attempt to show its depth and breadth, while admitting that the full story can’t be captured in one article. There’s a lot of detail here, but it’s selective and I’ve tried to present just the highlights of 2008 in nine categories, with a 10th section for highlights of the highlights. To keep it within bounds, I’ve omitted some sections I’ve formerly included, such as open education, open access for public-sector information, and the universe of wikis. As always, apologies to the many projects I couldn’t include
219. Subirats Coll, I., "
El Movimiento Open Access: Concepto e historia".
Biblioteca Virtual en Ciencias de la Salud, Vol. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: …¿Qué tenemos que saber sobre el Acceso Abierto a la Información?... El contexto: El aumento del precio de las revistas científicas – Influencia negativamente el factor de impacto entre la comunidad científica. La propiedad intelectual
220. Swan, A., "
The business of digital repositories. (In Press)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales
Resumen: This chapter is aimed at those who are involved in planning, setting up and running a digital repository for an institution or community. It covers making a business case, costs, staffing requirements, managing growth and change and other sustainability issues. A number of repository case studies across Europe were used to derive data to inform the study.
221. Swan, A., "
El acceso abierto y el progreso de la ciencia.".
Análisis madri+d , 2008.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: El poder para transformar la comunicación científica puede estar al alcance de la mano de cualquier investigador Hay por ahí un viejo dicho sobre alguien que pregunta por el camino para llegar a cierto sitio, y a quien se responde que sería mejor no salir desde donde uno está. Ésta es una buena forma de enmarcar algunos pensamientos acerca de si nuestro sistema actual de comunicación académica ayuda al progreso de la ciencia, o de si se interpone en su camino.
222. Swan, A., "
Open Access and the progress of science".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Comunicación científica
Resumen: Swan, A. (2007) Open Access and the progress of science. American Scientist, 95 (3). ISSN 0003-0996
223. Swan, A., "
Open Access for Indian Scholarship".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Patrimonio bibliográfico
Resumen: India’s scholarship has ancient roots and a glorious heritage. Over the last few decades in particular, due to the way the scholarly communication system overall has developed in that time, India’s academic output has suffered from low visibility and poor dissemination. At the moment, global visibility is good for Indian articles that are published in the best ‘western’ journals and in Indian journals indexed by the major abstracting/indexing services, such as ISI’s Web of Science. Moreover, for Indian articles deposited in open access collections in India or those that are co-authored with scientists in other parts of the world who have deposited them in Open Access repositories outside the continent, visibility is maximal. This still leaves a lot of Indian output– most of it in fact – virtually invisible to the rest of the world. India’s investment–intellectual, effort and cash–can never hope to gain a good return this way. The article focuses on how open access can help resolve the problems of maximising the visibility, and thus the uptake and use, of Indian research outputs. The mechanisms to provide open access to scholarly communications, impediments to Open Access in India, and how self archiving can provide a boost to open access movement has been highlighted in this document. The author argues that it is important to emphasise that only mandatory policies work well. Policies that just encourage or even request authors to make their work Open Access do not result in a sizeable level of compliance.
224. Swan, A. and Brown, S., "
Researcher awareness and access to open access content through libraries: A study for the JISC Scholarly Communications Group. (In Press)".
ECS EPrints Repository, 2007.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Bibliotecas/Comunicación científica
Resumen: A study was carried out into: the extent of library support and promotion of Open Access provision, initiatives and activities in UK universities; researchers' awareness of Open Access issues; how effectively researchers are learning about Open Access via their library. Whilst most libraries have information, sometimes extensive, about Open Access on their websites this is not always easy to find, let alone obvious. Libraries carry out a range of educational activities about scholarly communication issues, including Open Access, but they are not very effective in getting messages to researchers or changing their behaviour. Researchers are in the main still poorly informed on the issues and, where they have learned about Open Access, have done so by word of mouth, by familiarity with the physics arXiv, from their grant-awarding body (usually the Wellcome Trust) or from their use of Open Access publishers such as PLoS and BMC. Nonetheless, researchers say that the library is the natural place to turn for information on communication issues, though most seem not to be actively examining the opportunities available to them in this regard.
225. Swan, A. and carr, L., "
Institutions, their repositories and the Web.".
Serials Review, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2008.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/world wide web
Resumen: It will soon be rare for research-based institutions not to have a digital repository. The main reason for a repository is to maximise the visibility of the institution’s research outputs (provide Open Access), yet few contain a representative proportion of the research produced by their institutions. Repositories form one part of the institution’s web platform. An explicit, mandatory policy on the use of the repository for collecting outputs is needed in every institution so that the full research record is collected. Once full, a repository is a tool that enables senior management in research institutions to collate and assess research, to market their institution, to facilitate new forms of scholarship and to enable the tools that will produce new knowledge.
226. The Open Citation Project , "
The effect of open access and downloads ('hits') on citation impact: a bibliography of studies".
The Open Citation Project , 2007.
Descriptores: Autoarchivo/Acceso abierto/Impacto/Indices de citas
Resumen: Despite significant growth in the number of research papers available through open access, principally through author self-archiving in institutional archives, it is estimated that only c. 20% of the number of papers published annually are open access. It is up to the authors of papers to change this. Why might open access be of benefit to authors? One universally important factor for all authors is impact, typically measured by the number of times a paper is cited (some older studies have estimated monetary returns to authors from article publication via the role citations play in determining salaries). Recent studies have begun to show that open access increases impact. More studies and more substantial investigations are needed to confirm the effect, although a simple example demonstrates the effect.
227. Tiropanis, T. and Kanellopoulos, D., "
A schema-based P2P network to enable publish-subscribe for multimedia content in open hypermedia systems ".
International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2008, pp. 21-43.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/P2P/Multimedia
Resumen: Open Hypermedia Systems (OHS) aim to provide efficient dissemination, adaptation and integration of hyperlinked multimedia resources. Content available in Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks could add significant value to OHS provided that challenges for efficient discovery and prompt delivery of rich and up-to-date content are successfully addressed. This paper proposes an architecture that enables the operation of OHS over a P2P overlay network of OHS servers based on semantic annotation of (a) peer OHS servers and of (b) multimedia resources that can be obtained through the link services of the OHS. The architecture provides efficient resource discovery. Semantic query-based subscriptions over this P2P network can enable access to up-to-date content, while caching at certain peers enables prompt delivery of multimedia content. Advanced query resolution techniques are employed to match different parts of subscription queries (subqueries). These subscriptions can be shared among different interested peers, thus increasing the efficiency of multimedia content dissemination.
228. Torres-Reyes, J. A., "
El Profesional de la Informaci£n como facilitador del libre acceso a la informaci£n".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Bibliotecarios/Documentalistas/Acceso a la información/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Torres-Reyes, Josq Antonio (2002) El Profesional de la Informaci£n como facilitador del libre acceso a la informaci£n. In Proceedings Foros de Consulta Popular Sobre el Derecho al Acceso a la Informaci£n, Monterrey, Nuevo Le£n (Mexico). La Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública, es muy loable en su esencia democratizadora, de la cual no se abunda en este trabajo, sino que se analiza la importancia de la función del Profesional de la Información como organizador y asesor en la búsqueda y obtención de información. Se analiza la relación entre democracia y las bibliotecas com una relación simbiótica, sería imposible tener una sin la otra. La democracia reviste poder supremo en la gente. Las bibliotecas hacen que la democracia trabaje a través del suministro para el acceso de información de manera que los ciudadanos pueden tomar decisiones necesarias para autogobernarse. Las bibliotecas ponen a disponibilidad de todos el conocimiento y las ideas, sin importar edad, raza, credo, género o posición. Las bibliotecas proveen la información que promueve el debate civil y fomenta la buena vecindad.
229. Torres Vargas, G. A. and Zurita Sánchez, J. M., "
Software libre y libre acceso a la información: ¿Hacia un ciberespacio público?".
Documentación de las ciencias de la información, Vol. 30, 2007.
Descriptores: Software libre/Acceso a la información/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Georgina Araceli Torres Vargas, Juan Manuel Zurita Sánchez Localización: Documentación de las ciencias de la información, ISSN 0210-4210, Nº 30, 2007 , pags. 135-148
230. Torres Vargas, G. A. and Zurita Sánchez, J. M., "
Software libre y libre acceso a la información: ¿Hacia un ciberespacio público?: Free software and free access to the information: toward a public cyberespace?".
Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, Vol. 30, 2007, pp. 135-148.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Software libre
Resumen: En el contexto del libre acceso a la información y la democratización del conocimiento, el presente artículo se enfoca en describir el estado actual de algunas propuestas relacionadas con la cooperación y el intercambio mundial de información surgidas a partir del siglo XX, pero sobre todo en el movimiento del software libre, fenómeno que se perfila como un modelo de desarrollo informacional acorde con los movimientos culturales de nuestros días y cuyos principios �se augura� pueden llegar a ser la base para la creación de un ciberespacio público, apoyado en servicios de información a bajo costo y repositorios digitales de alcance mundial.
231. Tsakonas, G. and Papatheodorou, C., "
Exploring usefulness and usability in the evaluation of open access digital libraries".
Information Processing & Management, Vol. In Press, Corrected Proof, 2007, pp. 507.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Evaluación/Usabilidad/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Advances in the publishing world have emerged new models of digital library development. Open access publishing modes are expanding their presence and realize the digital library idea in various means. While user-centered evaluation of digital libraries has drawn considerable attention during the last years, these systems are currently viewed from the publishing, economic and scientometric perspectives. The present study explores the concepts of usefulness and usability in the evaluation of an e-print archive. The results demonstrate that several attributes of usefulness, such as the level and the relevance of information, and usability, such as easiness of use and learnability, as well as functionalities commonly met in these systems, affect user interaction and satisfaction.
232. Vega Sivera, R. d. l., "
Software libre en repositorios de e-información".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, pp. 49-55 .
Descriptores: Repositorios disciplinares/Acceso abierto/Software libre/Investigación/Recolectores de metadatos
Resumen: Las bibliotecas universitarias no sólo gestionan aquellos recursos electrónicos generados por editoriales comerciales, sino que también, y cada vez más, documentos fruto de actividades docentes e investigadoras de sus propias instituciones. Es función de las bibliotecas difundir estos materiales en forma electrónica, pasando previamente por las fases de almacenamiento y organización, así como garantizar su preservación. La forma de hacerlo es mediante los repositorios de e-información. En este artículo se pretende dar una rápida visión de los diferentes programas de software libre para el desarrollo de repositorios, centrándose en aquellos que se han usado para la elaboración de depósitos cooperativos catalanes. También se repasan algunas características deseables de estos sistemas, como son el uso de estándares abiertos de comunicación entre repositorios, las estrategias de preservación de los contenidos digitales y las comunidades de usuarios.
233. Vercelli, A., "
Creative Commons y la Profunidad del Copyright. Enredando(enero).".
E-LIS, 2007.
Descriptores: Derechos de autor/Creative Commons/Acceso abierto
Resumen: Descripción del proyecto Creative Commons como un intento de promover un ethos basado en la posibilidad de compartir con el vecino (tal como lo viene afirmando Richard Stallman desde hace varios años), en la educación pública y en la interactividad creativa. Se sintetizan los tipos de licencias CC, y su relación con el copyright.
234. Voinea, L. and Telea, A., "
Visual data mining and analysis of software repositories".
Computers & Graphics, Vol. 31, No. 3, 2007, pp. 410-428.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Mineria de datos/Programas informáticos
Resumen: In this article we describe an ongoing effort to integrate information visualization techniques into the process of configuration management for software systems. Our focus is to help software engineers manage the evolution of large and complex software systems by offering them effective and efficient ways to query and assess system properties using visual techniques. To this end, we combine several techniques from different domains, as follows. First, we construct an infrastructure that allows generic querying and data mining of different types of software repositories such as CVS and Subversion. Using this infrastructure, we construct several models of the software source code evolution at different levels of detail, ranging from project and package up to function and code line. Second, we describe a set of views that allow examining the code evolution models at different levels of detail and from different perspectives. We detail three views: the file view shows changes at line level across many versions of a single, or a few, files. The project view shows changes at file level across entire software projects. The decomposition view shows changes at subsystem level across entire projects. We illustrate how the proposed techniques, which we implemented in a fully operational toolset, have been used to answer non-trivial questions on several real-world, industry-size software projects. Our work is at the crossroads of applied software engineering (SE) and information visualization, as our toolset aims to tightly integrate the methods promoted by the InfoVis field into the SE practice.
235. Walker, S. R., "
Bioline International: A case study in open access and its usage for enhancement of research distribution for scientific research from developing countries".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 125-134.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Países en desarrollo
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to examine the growth and changes in Bioline International (BI), a non-profit scholarly publications aggregator, distributor, publisher, and publishing assistance service founded in 1993 and operated by scientists and librarians who have a strong commitment to the principles of open access (OA) and to broad distribution, by electronic means, of scientific information. Design/methodology/approach - The paper presents a case study of BI. Findings - BI has changed considerably since its early days. Initially, it largely consisted of e-mailed versions of printed peer-reviewed scientific journals from developing countries; these versions were generally e-mailed as ASCII text and could lack figures and graphics. But much has changed, both due to technological capabilities and due to policy changes. BI has increasingly moved toward inclusion of e-only journals, and has itself tried its hand at publishing a small selection of highly specialized, fully online journals, with OA portions. In January 2004, it converted its entire web site to OA (formerly, some portions were restricted). It has been enabled to become a pure OA provider of scholarly information through a model of grant support and partnerships with other institutions, including many international institutes and foundations and the University of Toronto. Originality/value - BI success is provides an unusual and successful model for strong support for OA to scholarly research and scientific information, especially from developing countries. It also provides a model of flexibility and adaptability, with minimal resources, and demonstrates the possibilities which emerge from truly broad-based collaborations, across multiple countries, and between large and small societies, academe, and non-governmental organizations.
236. Waters, D., "
Open Access Publishing and the Emerging Infrastructure for 21st-Century Scholarship.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto
Resumen: The article reviews the book 'Open Access Publishing and the Emerging Infrastructure for 21st-Century Scholarship ,' by Donald Waters.
237. Willinsky, J., "
Toward the Design of an Open Monograph Press".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009.;cc=jep;q1=3336451.0012.1%2A;rgn=main;view=text;idno=3336451.0012.103
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Planificación
Resumen: This paper reviews and addresses the critical issues currently confronting monograph publishing as a matter of reduced opportunities for scholars to pursue book-length projects. In response, it proposes an alternative approach to monograph publishing based on a modular design for an online system that would foster, manage, and publish monographs in digital and print forms using open source software developments, drawn from journal publishing, and social networking technologies that might contribute to not only to the sustainability of monograph publishing but to the quality of the resulting books.
238. Wise, M., Spiro, L., Henry, G., and Byrd, S., "
Expanding roles for the institutional repository".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2007.
Descriptores: XML/Sistema de Información Geográfica/Repositorios institucionales/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Purpose – Rice University has adopted the DSpace platform for its institutional repository, but has pushed the traditional limits of how that is defined. To accommodate a wider range of scholarship that includes digitized multimedia source materials integrated with educational modules and geospatial resources, the technical infrastructure of DSpace has been enriched. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the developments and decisions required to support this range of scholarship beyond born-digital scholarly pre-prints and reports.
Design/methodology/approach – This paper presents the Travelers in the Middle East Archive (TIMEA), a digital archive that makes use of DSpace to preserve and present images and texts, as a case study in using DSpace as both a repository and archive framework. TIMEA integrates two additional systems for presenting digital content, Connexions, which focuses on educational modules, and ArcIMS, which makes available dynamic GIS (Geographic Information Systems) maps. Findings – Although DSpace was originally intended to be an “institutional repository” for born-digital materials such as scholarly reports, it can also serve as an archive for digitized items such as XML-encoded texts and digital images. However, making DSpace work as a digital archive for TIMEA has required customization, including building-in XML support, working with DSpace's flat metadata structure, implementing a customized, XML-driven user interface using Manakin, and performing additional programming to integrate functionality for GIS and educational modules. Practical implications – The practical implications of using DSpace as both institutional repository and digital archive have required a number of modifications, including additional functional software development, reworking the metadata structure, redefining repository policies, format access modifications, and customizing the look and feel of the repository. Originality/value – The discussion in this paper, of the challenges and decisions inherent in using an institutional repository with a digital archive will assist other institutions working to integrate resources as will the portal structure to facilitate harvesting from multiple relevant repositories and direct users to digital resources independent of their native repositories. Likewise, enhancements to DSpace, such as support for XML document presentation, are contributions to the institutional repository community.
239. Xia, J., "
Assessment of Self-archiving in Institutional Repositories: Across Disciplines".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2007 , pp. 647-654.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Mandato de autoarchivo
Resumen: This research examined self-archiving practices by four disciplines in seven institutional repositories. By checking each individual item for its metadata and deposition status, the research found that a disciplinary culture is not obviously presented. Rather, self-archiving is regulated by a liaison system and a mandate policy.
240. Xia, J., "
A Comparison of Subject and Institutional Repositories in Self-archiving Practices".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2008, pp. 489-495.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Repositorios institucionales/Autoarchivo/Análisis comparado/Encabezamientos de materia/Descriptores
Resumen: The disciplinary culture theory presumes that if a scholar has been familiar with self-archiving through an existing subject-based repository, this scholar will be more enthusiastic about contributing his/her research to an institutional repository than one who has not had the experience. To test the theory, this article examines self-archiving practices of a group of physicists in both a subject repository and an institutional repository. It does not find a correlation between a disciplinary culture and self-archiving practices.
241. Xia, J. and Sun, L., "
Factors to Assess Self-Archiving in Institutional Repositories".
Serials Review, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2007, pp. 73-80.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo
Resumen: This paper proposes a group of factors that may be used to assess the success of open access self-archiving. It concentrates on self-archiving in institutional repositories. The authors emphasize the importance of examining content materials, particularly the availability of full text versus abstracts and the deposits archived by authors versus by others.
242. Xia, J. and Sun, L., "
Assessment of Self-Archiving in Institutional Repositories: Depositorship and Full-Text Availability".
Serials Review, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2007, pp. 14-21.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Autoarchivo
Resumen: This research evaluates the success of open access self-archiving in several well-known institutional repositories. Two assessment factors have been applied to examine the current practice of self-archiving: depositorship and the availability of full text. This research discovers that the rate of author self-archiving is low and that the majority of documents have been deposited by a librarian or administrative staff. Similarly, the rate of full-text availability is relatively low, except for Australian repositories. By identifying different practices of self-archiving, repository managers can create new strategies for the operation of their repositories and the development of archiving policies.
243. Xie, Z., Van de Sompel, H., van Reenen, J., and Jord+ín, R., "
A standard-based context sensitive service architecture for digital object dissemination".
Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-5.
Descriptores: OpenURL/OpenURL/Acceso abierto/Documentos electrónicos/Difusión de la información
Resumen: This paper describes a context sensitive service architecture for digital object dissemination based on OpenURL and MPEG-21 Digital Item Adaptation (DIA). This architecture entails representing service requests using the OpenURL ContextObjects and conveying the ContextObject Representations with the OpenURL Transport. The rich expressiveness of the Usage Environment Description (UED) tool defined in the MPEG-21 DIA standard can then be incorporated into the OpenURL ContextObject by means of OpenURL extensibility mechanism, and the MPEG-21 DIA adaptation engine can be used to construct highly customizable and adaptive context sensitive dissemination services for institutional repositories.
244. Yakel, E., "
Digital curation ".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2007, pp. 335-340.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto/Gestión/Preservacion digital
Resumen: The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of development and recent focus on digital curation and ties it to larger cyberinfrastructure initiatives. Digital curation is the active involvement of information professionals in the management, including the preservation, of digital data for future use. While there have been people doing different aspects of data curation and digital preservation for decades, recent events have brought a number of ideas, organizations, and individuals together to focus more intently on digital curation. Reports in the US by the National Science Foundation and the American Council of Learned Societies and in the UK by Dr Liz Lyon of UKOLN have pointed out the aspects of digital curation which need to be in place to ensure that digital objects can be maintained, preserved, and remain available for future use. These reports along with increased research focus at conferences and the emergence of new educational programs have led to the emergence of digital curation and made digital curators a new entry into the information professions. Increasingly, digital curation is becoming an umbrella concept that includes digital preservation, data curation, electronic records management, and digital asset management.
245. Yong Ho Kim and Hyun Hee Kim, "
Development and validation of evaluation indicators for a consortium of institutional repositories: A case study of dcollection".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 59, No. 8, 2008, pp. 1282-1294.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Indicadores/Evaluación
Resumen: This study develops evaluation indicators for a consortium of Korean institutional repositories called ôdCollectionö and validates the indicators against actual data from the participants of this consortium. The literature review reveals a conceptual framework for institutional repository IR evaluation with four categories and 19 items. In developing the initial framework, equal amounts of emphasis are put on the assessments of procedural achievement and actual performance to pinpoint the procedural weaknesses of each IR and to determine its customized solution. A Delphi method of three rounds with the help of IR librarians reveals a converging tendency pertaining to the measures of importance ascribed to the categories and items. Through a focusgroup interview with middle to toplevel managers, 39 indicators derived from 19 items are identified as possessing relevancy, measurability, data availability, and differentiability. Validation of evaluation indicators employs actual evaluation data from 32 university IRs. Factor analysis shows a simpler structural pattern containing 12 factors than that of the structural pattern of the conceptual framework that contains 19 items. Correlation analysis using the factor scores identifies six key factors: Registration Rate, Archiving, Resource Allocation, System Performance, Multifunctionality, and Use Rate. The results from regression analyses suggest that two different approaches can be employed to promote the Use Rate factor. In the contentoriented approach, the Registration Rate factor is crucial while in the policyoriented approach the Archiving factor assumes this role; however, the System Performance factor plays a mediating role for the key factors, thus forming a contingency for either approach.
246. Young, P., "
Open access dissemination challenges: a case study".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Difusión
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to explore dissemination, broadly considered, of an open access (OA) database as part of a librarian-faculty collaboration currently in progress. Design/methodology/approach - Dissemination of an online database by librarians is broadly considered, including metadata optimization for multiple access points and user notification methods. Findings - Librarians address OA dissemination challenges by investigating search engine optimization and seeking new opportunities for dissemination on the web. Differences in library metadata formats inhibit metadata optimization and need resolution. Research limitations/implications - The collaboration is in progress and many of the ideas and conclusions listed have not been implemented. Practical implications - Libraries should consider their role in scholarly publishing, develop workflows to enable it, and extend their efforts to the web. Originality/value - This paper contributes to the scant literature on dissemination by libraries, and discusses dissemination challenges encountered by a non-peer reviewed, dynamic scholarly resource.
247. Zhang, S. L., "
The flavors of open access".
OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2007, pp. 229-234.
Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Acceso abierto
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to present various aspects of open access that are being discussed and debated in recent years. The paper briefly reviews the flavors such as open access definitions, open access initiatives, platforms for open access, and players in the open access movement. The paper finds that, while the debates on open access continue, there is no doubt that librarians can play an important role to help achieve faster and wider dissemination of research discoveries and new knowledge of which they have been disseminators and keepers for centuries. The paper finds that, while the debates on open access continue, there is no doubt that librarians can play an important role to help achieve faster and wider dissemination of research discoveries and new knowledge of which they have been disseminators and keepers for centuries.
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