U niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca
I nfo D oc 9 de junio de 2009
1. "
Dispelling myths about e-books with empirical evidence".
JISC, 2009.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/e-books
Resumen: Understanding the behaviours of users of e-books is essential in developing a sustainable and effective market that will provide users with the e-books they need for teaching and learning. During the last two years, the JISC national e-books observatory has collaborated with universities in the UK, gathering real time evidence on how course text e-books are actually used by students and teachers. The project commenced in 2007 with the licensing of 36 course text e-books for students on business management, media studies, engineering and medicine courses. These e-books were selected by the higher education community and made available free of charge to all users in UK higher education. 127 universities, 76% of all higher education, participated in the project and worked with JISC Collections and CIBER at University College London on the deep log analysis study.
2. "
How to Create Adobe PDF eBooks for Windows and Macintosh.".
Adobe, 2008.
Descriptores: E-books/PDF/Dise o gráfico
Resumen: If this guide is distributed with software that includes an end-user agreement, this guide, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Except as permitted by any such license, no part of this guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Please note that the content in this guide is protected under copyright law even if it is not distributed with software that includes an end-user license agreement.
3. "
Los editores ingleses fijan el precio de los e-books".
Delibros, Vol. 21, No. 224, 2008, pp. 22-23.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Precios/Libros/Comercio editorial
4. "
Springer eBook Collection Frequently Asked Questions for Library Administrators".
Springer, 2009.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos
Resumen: The Springer eBook Collection offers the first online book collection especially made for the requirements of researchers and scientists. The collection includes online access to more than 3,400 newly released Science, Technical and Medicine (STM) books each year. The Springer eBook collection will increase the rapidity of distribution of newly published research in a broad range of scientific disciplines. Available through SpringerLink’s IP-enabled eBook gateway, libraries can offer their patrons online access to the most valuable books instantly from multiple locations, including library, office, home or wherever they are working.
5. Alvite Díez, L. and Rodríguez Bravo, B., "
E-books in Spanish academic libraries".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2009, pp. 86-95.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/España/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – This study aims to explore the current presence of e-books in the collections of Spanish academic libraries, from the viewpoint of the contents on offer. Design/methodology/approach – Exploration of the library web sites was undertaken in order to gauge the level of presence of packages that distribute electronic books. In evaluating the extent of content available, the data recorded were compared with those derived from another research carried out in 2004. Similarly, an approximate indication of the topic areas with greatest representation was attempted, distinguishing multi-disciplinary suppliers from those specializing in one field. Findings – Out of the 50 existing universities 36 support the subscription of at least one collection of electronic books. The universities of the communities of Andalusia, Catalonia and Valencia are those that have reached a greater implementation of e-books. There is a considerable diversity – many universities have subscribed to collections specializing in literature and in the field of engineering. The main multi-disciplinary collections purchased by libraries are E-libro and NetLibrary. Practical implications – This is a sector that is definitely taking off in Spain and will require progressive acceptance on the part of the academic community. Librarians have the responsibility to aid their users in understanding the growing complexity of the information market and the increasing range of resources available for research. Originality/value – The research is a necessary approach to the integration of collections of e-books into Spanish public universities. Encouraging the use of monographs in electronic format takes on great importance, when it is borne in mind that e-books will have a crucial role in the new model for education advocated by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
6. Anderson, B., "
E-book Growth".
Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2009, pp. 74-76.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: E-books make up only a small percentage of the book market, an industry that currently totals nearly $25 billion in sales. E-book sales in 2007 increased 23.6% over 2006, rising to $67.2 million (Bowker Annual Library and Book Trade Almanac 2008, 544). E-books have become ubiquitous and are distributed through audio files, CDs, databases, and Web sites. They are read or listened to on a variety of devices, including personal computers, e-readers, iPhones, iPods, Blackberrys, and more. While e-book popularity is on the rise, there is a cultural resistance in the United States making e-books less popular when compared to other countries, such as China and Japan, where e-novels are popular and preferred (Nelson 2008)
7. Anglada, L., "
A propósito de libros electrónicos".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 414-415.
http://elprofesionaldelainformacion.metapress.com/app/home/issue.asp?referrer=parent&backto=journal,3,62;homemainpublications,1,1 ;
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Ergonomia
Resumen: The author comments on some aspects of electronic books: ergonomics, market models, languages, etc., which explain why there is still time for e-books to reach a wide acceptance. Adapted from the source document.
8. Anglada, L., "
A propósito de los libros-e".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 414-415.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Mercado editorial/Ergonomia
Resumen: El autor comenta algunos aspectos de los libros electrónicos: ergonomía, modelos de mercado, idiomas, etc., que explican por qué todavía falta para que tengan amplia aceptación. (A)
9. Appleton, L., "
Using electronic textbooks: promoting, placing and embedding ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Comercio editorial/Mercado editorial
Resumen: Purpose – The paper illustrates the experiences of both academic and support staff in the use of electronic books within a higher education setting. The case studies report upon practice at Edge Hill College of Higher Education, which has allowed for successful e-book development strategies to be employed in teaching and learning within the college. The paper will deal particularly with e-book marketing, implementation and evaluation strategies, as well as embedding e-books into virtual learning environments (VLEs). Design/methodology/approach – The paper reports upon two significant chapters within e-book development at the college. The first of these is an initial evaluative e-book research project, from which strategy and policy were formulated. The second part of the paper introduces case studies in which the findings of the initial research impact upon the embedding of e-books into teaching and learning and subsequently into the college's VLE. Findings – User evaluations provide qualitative analytic data into the benefits and disadvantages of using e-books in higher education teaching and learning activity. Research limitations/implications – The findings are limited to one particular higher education institution and specific curriculum areas within. Originality/value – The evaluative data, as well as particular e-book strategies identified, make the paper of value to those researching e-book usage and activity, in particular within online learning
10. Arms, W. Y., "
Cyberscholarship: High Performance Computing Meets Digital Libraries.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2008, pp. 1.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Edición electrónica/Recursos electrónicos/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: In April 2007, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the British Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) held an invitational workshop on data-driven science and data-driven scholarship, co-chaired by Ronald Larsen and William Arms, who jointly authored the final report. The report used the term cyberscholarship to describe new forms of research that become possible when high-performance computing meets digital libraries. [1] Elsewhere in this issue of the Journal of Electronic Publishing, Ronald Larsen describes the workshop and its conclusions. In this article, William Arms gives a personal view of the motivation behind the workshop and the roles of libraries and publishing in achieving its goals.
11. Armstrong, C. and Lonsdale, R., "
Challenges in managing e-books collections in UK academic libraries".
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 29, No. 1, 2005, pp. 33-50.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Gestión de la colección/Reino Unido/Adquisiciones
Resumen: This paper reports on research into issues surrounding the collection management of e-books in tertiary education libraries in the UK. Focus groups were conducted with university librarians representing three disciplinesbusiness and management; engineering; and health and medicine, and librarians in post-16 education. Semistructured interview schedules were employed, and the proceedings were recorded and transcribed. The research identified the types and levels of e-books required. The nature of bibliographical control and the selection, acquisition, modes of access, and issues surrounding the licensing of e-books were delineated. The study identified problems associated with these fields and confirmed the need for a national model licence.
12. Bailey, C. W. Jr., "
Evolution of an Electronic Book:The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2002.
Descriptores: Gestión de contenidos/Edición electrónica/Libros electrónicos/Bibliografía
Resumen: Charles W. Bailey, Jr. started The Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography in 1992. In the ensuing nine years he has amassed citations for over 1,400 articles, books, and other publications. Managing that content has been a challenge; his article covers the development and use of SEPB since its inception.
13. Bailey, T. P., "
Electronic Book Usage at a Master's Level I University: a Longitudinal Study".
Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2006.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: From 2000-2004, the Auburn University Montgomery Library measured electronic book usage. Electronic book usage increased while use of the printed collection decreased. Subject areas most used resembled those reported by larger institutions, supporting the idea that some subjects are amenable to electronic use regardless of institutional size and mission.
14. Barker, P., "
The future of books in an electronic era".
Congreso Panamericano de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (CRICS), Vol. 4, 1998.
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos
Resumen: Books form an important part of human culture. They can be used to document, entertain, inform and instruct. Conventional approaches to book production have involved either manual or mechanical binding of sheets of paper in order to form an organised, structured, composite entity. New publication media now offer many alternative approaches to the creation of books and the ways in which they can be disseminated and used. This paper therefore discusses the growing importance of electronic publication. It then uses a case study to illustrate the influence that online books and other forms of electronic document might have on conventional publishing processes.
15. Barker, P., "
Using e-books for knowledge management ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2004.
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/10.1108/02640470510582691 Descriptores: E-books/Gestión del conocimiento/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose – Aims to introduce the articles in the special issue which demonstrate the many important uses to which electronic books are now being put. Design/methodology/approach – The article combines narrative and analysis. Findings – Knowledge is one of those important “commodities” which we (as individuals, groups and communities) accumulate during the process of living. There is likely to be a growing demand for highly portable, dynamic electronic books that are able to supply data, information and knowledge “on demand”. The latest wireless, satellite and server technologies now make this possible.
16. Barker, P., "
Using e-books for knowledge management ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Gestión del conocimiento
Resumen: Purpose – Aims to introduce the articles in the special issue which demonstrate the many important uses to which electronic books are now being put. Design/methodology/approach – The article combines narrative and analysis. Findings – Knowledge is one of those important “commodities” which we (as individuals, groups and communities) accumulate during the process of living. There is likely to be a growing demand for highly portable, dynamic electronic books that are able to supply data, information and knowledge “on demand”. The latest wireless, satellite and server technologies now make this possible. Originality/value – Provides a brief overview of the e-book environment (for knowledge management).
17. Bastian-Dupleix, I., "
Édition : quels livres en ligne ?".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2004.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica
Resumen: L'euphorie qu'ont connue les entreprises liées aux nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication au tournant du XXIe siècle est retombée. Actuellement, l'offre marchande de livres numériques est très faible. Cependant, quelques secteurs connaissent un frémissement. L'auteur de l'article décrit les transformations à l'œuvre dans la chaîne du livre et rappelle les questions juridiques et économiques en débat. Elle évoque enfin les attentes suscitées par de nouveaux supports.
18. Baudo, V., "
Dalla Universita del Maryland un progetto di biblioteca digitale dedicata ai bambini. [From the University of Maryland a digital library venture devoted to children.]".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 24, No. 8, 2006.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas digitales/Niños/Libros electrónicos/Segunda lengua/Enseñanza de lenguas/World Wide Web/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Reports an interview with Ann Carlson Weeks, director for collection research/use at the International Children's Digital Library (ICDL) (
http://www.childrenslibrary.org/), a scheme by the University of Maryland to create a digital library of children's e-books. By 2008 the ICDL collection should total 10,000 books in nearly 100 languages and from many diverse cultures. The collection is available free via the Web. ICDL's researchers have developed an innovative OPAC and an interesting interface design, thanks to a methodology of cooperative inquiry between adults and children. Discusses ICDL copyright issues, the e-book readers used, financing, and other aspects. Original article in Italian. (Author abstract - amended)
19. Beall, J., "
Free Books: Loading Brief MARC Records for Open-Access Books in an Academic Library Catalog".
Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2009, pp. 452-463.
Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Libros electrónicos/MARC/Bibliotecas universitarias/Catálogos/Integracion de recursos
Resumen: Mbooks are open-access, digitized books freely available on the Internet. This article describes the Auraria Library's experience of loading brief MARC records for Mbooks into its online public access catalog and looks at some of the issues that arose from the record-loading project. Despite the low quality of the records, librarians in Auraria Library thought that loading them into the catalog was advantageous because of the rich content in the collection and because many of the records could be improved using the global update functionality in the catalog. Making the records available through the catalog, as opposed to merely linking to the entire collection from the Library's Web page, was considered to be valuable because of the aggregation a catalog provides and because the Mbooks collection helped fill gaps in the Library's physical collections. As more open-access, digitized books become available, libraries will need to plan and manage how best to provide access to them.
20. Bélisle, C. and Ducharme, C., "
Contrats de lecture".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2003.
Descriptores: Lectura/Animación a la lectura/Libros electrónicos/Préstamo/Tarificación de servicios
Resumen: Le livre électronique a suscité beaucoup d'espoirs et d'interrogations lorsqu'il est apparu sur le marché américain en 1998. À l'automne 2001, s'est mis en place dans cinq bibliothèques municipales de la région Rhône-Alpes un dispositif expérimental visant à étudier sur le terrain ce qu'il advenait des « contrats de lecture » avec ce nouveau support. L'article livre les résultats de cette enquête centrée sur les conditions de réception du livre électronique par les lecteurs et sur l'organisation des prêts par les bibliothécaires.
21. Bennett, L. and Landoni, M., "
E-books in academic libraries ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2004.
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/10.1108/02640470510582709 Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose – This paper provides an analysis of the current state-of-the-art in e-books, and attempts both to set the scene and provide reasons for their low uptake. Design/methodology/approach – The different approaches to e-books of academic librarians, authors, publishers and readers are considered, using the results of a recent survey commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee.
Findings – The findings of this study make it clear that those who know about e-books see them as potentially useful tools. However, a number of users of ICT resources are still unaware of e-books even when their academic libraries' e-book holdings is high. The lack of promotion from within the university, particularly from the academics, and to a certain extent from the librarians, is indeed a major reason for this knowledge gap. Practical implications – Publishers, e-book providers and aggregators, academics and intermediaries (i.e. librarians and information specialists) should concentrate on raising awareness of what is available and what are the advantages related to e-books for specific categories of users. At the same time e-book suppliers should make e-books easier to find and purchase. Crucially, both the research and commercial development communities have to address these major issues: definition of common bench marks for research to progress; user-centred design as a paradigm; better and stronger links with all stakeholders. Originality/value – This paper offers a stepping stone for all parties interested in moving forwards to achieve this common goal.
22. Bennett, L. and Landoni, M., "
E-books in academic libraries ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – This paper provides an analysis of the current state-of-the-art in e-books, and attempts both to set the scene and provide reasons for their low uptake. Design/methodology/approach – The different approaches to e-books of academic librarians, authors, publishers and readers are considered, using the results of a recent survey commissioned by the Joint Information Systems Committee. Findings – The findings of this study make it clear that those who know about e-books see them as potentially useful tools. However, a number of users of ICT resources are still unaware of e-books even when their academic libraries' e-book holdings is high. The lack of promotion from within the university, particularly from the academics, and to a certain extent from the librarians, is indeed a major reason for this knowledge gap. Practical implications – Publishers, e-book providers and aggregators, academics and intermediaries (i.e. librarians and information specialists) should concentrate on raising awareness of what is available and what are the advantages related to e-books for specific categories of users. At the same time e-book suppliers should make e-books easier to find and purchase. Crucially, both the research and commercial development communities have to address these major issues: definition of common bench marks for research to progress; user-centred design as a paradigm; better and stronger links with all stakeholders. Originality/value – This paper offers a stepping stone for all parties interested in moving forwards to achieve this common goal.
23. Berube, L., "
E-Books in Public Libraries: a Terminal or Termination Technology?".
Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Recursos electrónicos/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Libros electrónicos/Propiedad Intelectual /Bibliotecas públicas
Resumen: Purpose - Aims to present a background to the use of electronic resources, especially e-books, in public libraries, which appears to threaten some basic activities that define a reading culture dependent on the print book. Design/methodology/approach - There are initiatives afoot which are working to integrate e-books into the culture and process of resource-sharing. This paper reviews some of the issues with e-books, and specifically how the Co-East partnership proposes to contribute to the initiatives concerned with improving accessibility. Findings - It is important that public libraries do take that first step in implementing an e-books service and take care in its promotion. Their traditional role, after all, is providing the bridge between rights holders and the public and, with the advent of 'disruptive technology', this role is more crucial than ever. Originality/value - An important precedent for this project has been the findings from the Essex e-books project, and especially user feedback. Although no one was asking about e-books, users from all age groups were curious enough to participate in the project, and forthcoming in offering their opinion, much of it positive, about the reading experience and the mobile technology.
24. Borcha, M., "
E-book: una nueva forma de entender el libro".
Delibros, Vol. 21, No. 218, 2008, pp. 18-28.
Descriptores: Comercio editorial/Libros electrónicos
25. Bothmann, R., "
Cataloging Electronic Books".
Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 48, No. 1, 2004.
Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Libros electrónicos/Catalogación
Resumen: Papers on the cataloging of electronic resources have focused on electronic journals and Internet resources such as Web sites and not on electronic books. Electronic books are nonserial monographic resources accessed with a computer either directly or remotely. Rules and standards for cataloging electronic resources have changed and continue to change. This article discusses the electronic book as a unique manifestation and provides practical instruction on the application of current cataloging rules. The cataloging elements covered are control fields and variable data fields, including classification, uniform titles, title information, edition information, type and extent of the resource, publication and distribution information, physical description, series statements, notes, and subject analysis.
26. Bronshteyn, K., "
Using NetLibrary eBooks at the reference desk".
Reference Services Review, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2007, pp. 560-570.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Servicios de información bibliográfica
Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to encourage reference librarians to utilize eBooks to their advantage at the reference desk, for point of need and collection development purposes. Design/methodology/approach - An overview of eBook utility at the reference desk and strategies for dealing with their shortcomings are provided. The collection development and collection management of eBooks are also discussed. A survey of first-year college students provides a current projection of usage. Findings - The paper notes that eBooks are well-utilized by patrons in academic libraries and offer several conveniences. Practical implications - Reference librarians may find this information helpful in serving their on- and off-campus patrons. Originality/value - This paper outlines 'talking points' for the utilization, promotion, and collection development of eBooks.
27. Bry, F. and Kraus, M., "
Perspectives for electronic books in the World Wide Web age ".
Electronic library, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2002.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Normas/Internet/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: While the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) is steadily expanding, electronic books (e-books) remain a niche market. In this article, it is first postulated that specialized contents and device independence can make Web-based e-books compete with paper prints; and that adaptive features that can be implemented by client-side computing are relevant for e-books, while more complex forms of adaptation requiring server-side computations are not. Then, enhancements of the WWW standards (specifically of XML, XHTML, of the style-sheet languages CSS and XSL, and of the linking language XLink) are proposed for a better support of client-side adaptation and device independent content modeling. Finally, advanced browsing functionalities desirable for e-books as well as their implementation in the WWW context are described
28. Burk, R., "
Apprivoiser le livre électronique".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2000.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Edición electrónica/Libros/Tecnologías de la información/Internet/Bibliotecas públicas
Resumen: Peu de bibliothèques publiques ont entrepris de cataloguer et de mettre en circulation des livres électroniques chargés sur des tablettes électroniques portables (e-books). Cet article décrit une expérience mise en place actuellement à la bibliothèque publique de l’Algonquin (Illinois, États-Unis), aussi bien du point de vue technique que de la réaction des bibliothécaires et des utilisateurs.
29. Burk, R., "
E-book devices and the marketplace: in search of customers ".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Revistas electrónicas /Distribuidores/Adquisiciones/Comercio editorial
Resumen: Since the introduction of the rocket e-book several years ago, e-books have promised to revolutionize the way we read. Corporate giants Microsoft and Adobe Systems have developed sophisticated e-book reader software that enhances the electronic reading experience. Hardware manufacturers such as Gemstar, Franklin, and Cytale continue to produce new reading devices. Yet despite the numerous advantages offered by various e-book readers and despite the widespread popularity of personal digital assistants (PDAs) and pocket PCs capable of reading electronic books, the e-book market has thus far failed to materialize. Aside from institutional purchases of netLibrary titles, sales figures for e-books have been disappointing, due in large part to digital rights management barriers that have adversely affected available content. Publishers, fearing Napster-like piracy of digital content, seem reluctant to develop a viable e-book business model whose success could undermine the traditional, paper-based publishing industry.
30. Calzado, M. R., "
El rapto de Europa".
Delibros, Vol. 18, No. 191, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros antiguos/Libros electrónicos/Internet/Google/Derechos de autor/Digitalización
Resumen: En diciembre del pasado año Google destapó la caja de los truenos cuando anunció 'a bombo y platillo' su intención de colgar en la red 15 millones de libros libres de derechos, un proyecto que llegaba respaldado por las grandes bibliotecas estadounidenses y británicas
31. Carlock, D. M. and Perry, A. M., "
Exploring faculty experiences with e".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2008, pp. 244-254-244 - 254.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose ? The purpose of this paper is to describe how, in the spring of 2007, Arizona State University Libraries held a focus group of selected faculty to discover their perceptions and use of electronic books (e-books) in their research and teaching. Design/methodology/approach ? The services of the Institute of Social Sciences Research were employed to recruit and moderate the focus group. Major themes explored were: use of e-books as textbooks; use of e-books for personal research; comparison between e-books and print; disciplinary differences in perceptions of e-books; and motivators for future use. Findings ? Overall, the focus group revealed that faculty had generally unsatisfactory experiences in using e-books in their research and teaching owing to the unreliability of access, lack of manipulability, and the steep learning curve of the various interfaces. However, most faculty agreed that e-books would be a very viable and useful alternative if these issues were resolved. Research limitations/implications ? The focus group consisted of only six faculty members and hence is not representative of faculty as a whole. A larger survey of a more diverse faculty population would greatly serve to clarify and expand upon the findings. Practical implications ? The implications for academic libraries include providing better outreach and training to faculty about the e-book platforms offered, provide better course support, and advocate to e-book vendors to consider faculty's teaching and research needs in their product development. Originality/value ? This is believed to be the first published study of faculty opinions and use of e-books utilizing focus group methodology and offers detailed information that would be useful for academic libraries and e-book vendors for evidence-based decisions.
32. Carlock, D. M. and Perry, A. M., "
Exploring faculty experiences with e-books: a focus group".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2008.
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/10.1108/07378830810880342 Descriptores: E-books/Documentación
Resumen: Purpose ¦- The purpose of this paper is to describe how, in the spring of 2007, Arizona State University Libraries held a focus group of selected faculty to discover their perceptions and use of electronic books (e-books) in their research and teaching. Design/methodology/approach ¦- The services of the Institute of Social Sciences Research were employed to recruit and moderate the focus group. Major themes explored were: use of e-books as textbooks; use of e-books for personal research; comparison between e-books and print; disciplinary differences in perceptions of e-books; and motivators for future use. Findings ¦- Overall, the focus group revealed that faculty had generally unsatisfactory experiences in using e-books in their research and teaching owing to the unreliability of access, lack of manipulability, and the steep learning curve of the various interfaces. However, most faculty agreed that e-books would be a very viable and useful alternative if these issues were resolved. Research limitations/implications ¦- The focus group consisted of only six faculty members and hence is not representative of faculty as a whole. A larger survey of a more diverse faculty population would greatly serve to clarify and expand upon the findings. Practical implications ¦- The implications for academic libraries include providing better outreach and training to faculty about the e-book platforms offered, provide better course support, and advocate to e-book vendors to consider faculty's teaching and research needs in their product development. Originality/value ¦- This is believed to be the first published study of faculty opinions and use of e-books utilizing focus group methodology and offers detailed information that would be useful for academic libraries and e-book vendors for evidence-based decisions.
33. Carrico, S. B., "
Online Book Selling at the Smathers Library Bookstore".
Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos
Resumen: In fall 2003, the Smathers Library Bookstore instituted a one-year pilot project selling surplus gift books online. This paper describes how the bookstore staff researched, prepared, and embarked on online book selling. It illustrates how the bookstore staff selected the online book selling agent, Alibris, as the web site utilized for their online selling, and provides details in the methodology of listing books for sale in the used book market. The paper presents the responses to questions asked of staff at two other libraries selling books online, and concludes with a summary of the online sales project.
34. Carter Williams, K. and Best, R., "
E-Book usage and the Choice outstanding academic book list: Is there a correlation?".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2006, pp. 474-478.
Descriptores: E-books/Estudio de usuarios/Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: In this study, the staff of the library at Auburn University at Montgomery analyzed circulation patterns for electronic books in the fields of Political Science, Public Administration and Law to see if favorable
Choice reviews can be used to predict usage of electronic books. A comparison of the circulations between print and electronic books was also conducted to determine whether the format of the books (print vs. electronic) had a discernible impact on circulation patterns.
35. Cassella, M. and Gargiulo, P., "
Il workflow delle risorse elettroniche remote. [Remote electronic resource workflow.]".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2006.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas universitarias/Gestión de la colección/Edición electrónica/Recursos electrónicos/Flujos de información
Resumen: Examines the problems related to the workflow of commercial electronic resources (e-journals, databases, e-books, reference works...), and the solutions adopted by academic libraries to cope with their digital collection handling. Discusses all the principal stages involved in the workflow process, namely: new resource selection and trial; the decision to purchase; licence negotiations; activating resource access; renewals; and final evaluation based on usage statistics. Also reviews the ERM systems solutions chosen by academic libraries to manage the electronic resources and their licences, and describes the aims and development of the Digital Library Federation's Electronic Resource Management Initiative (ERMI), launched in 2002, which has given rise to unprecedented cooperation and work synergy between librarians and commercial producers. Concludes by suggesting that services quality measurement and the strengthening of both internal and external cooperation will be key factors in the future role of academic libraries. Original article in Italian. (Author abstract - amended)
36. Celli, J., "
The New Books Project: a prototype for reinventing the Cataloguing-in-Publication program to meet the needs for publishers, libraries and readers in the 21st century".
IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 67, 2001.
Descriptores: Control bibliográfico/Documentos electrónicos/Libros electrónicos/Catalogación en publicación
Resumen: The New Books project is a Library of Congress Cataloging Directorate proposal intended to provide the library community and general public access to a rich source of information about soon-to-be-published and just-published books. In conjunction with another Cataloging Directorate proposal, known as the Library of Congress Partnership Program, New Books would enable readers to identify forthcoming books in the Library of Congress database and then readily request books of interest be purchased by their local library.
37. Chan, G. R. Y. C. and Lai, J. K., "
Shaping the strategy for e-books: A Hong Kong perspective".
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2005, pp. 205-219.
Descriptores: E-books/Estudio de usuarios/Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: The shift in the production of books to a combination of paper and electronic versions means that librarians need to carefully consider the economics of e-book models together with user preferences to acquire the appropriate balance of electronic resources versus the printed formats. This paper examines the business models of four e-book aggregators and the factors affecting collection development decisions, such as usefulness of contents, pricing structure, access model, retention policy, and functionalities. Results from the usage of netLibrary are included in the analysis to determine the extent to which e-books are needed to complement print collections.
38. Chandrakar, R., "
Digital object identifier system: an overview".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 24, No. 4, 2006.
Descriptores: E-books/Normalización/DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)
Resumen: Purpose ? This paper aims to describe the digital object identifier (DOI) system, an implementation of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives handle system, where a handle is designed to provide an efficient, extensible, and secured global name to an intellectual object. Design/methodology/approach ? Explains the overview of DOI system, its components with examples in addition to benefits of DOI to user communities. Findings ? The management of intellectual objects in a digital environment such as the internet, which is flooded with various kind of objects like research articles, e-books, electronic theses and dissertations etc. requires the existence of persistent, reliable identifiers for each distinguishable piece of content and associated services activated by these identifiers to manage access and other digital rights. The DOI is the essential part of the electronic publishing especially for the management and the access of the resources is concerned. The DOI system is the new technology developed for persistent identification and interoperable exchange of intellectual property on digital networks. Originality/value ? This paper offers a useful explanation of DOI and their implementation in simple way for the professionals.
39. Cheung, O. and Patrick, S., "
Unmediated Is the Message: Enhancements to Traditional Interlibrary Loan in a Canadian University".
Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2004.
Descriptores: Préstamo interbibliotecario/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: This paper discusses the implementation and delivery, at Ryerson University Library in Canada, of three consortially-facilitated, user-centered initiatives to enhance traditional interlibrary loan services. Through a collaborative purchase of approximately 4,000 NetLibrary ebooks, with the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) consortium and the Consortium of Ontario Libraries, the Library provides unmediated access to shared monographs. Ryerson's fully-subsidized document delivery service allows users to order journal articles directly from the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI Source) database.
40. Ching, S. H., Leung, M. W., Fidow, M., and Huang, K. L., "
Allocating costs in the business operation of library consortium: The case study of Super e-Book Consortium".
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 32, No. 2, 2008, pp. 97-103.
Descriptores: Consorcios/E-books/Adquisición cooperativa
Resumen: This study examines the
Super e-Book Consortium in Taiwan and Hong Kong by employing Activity Based Costing Method (ABC), which seeks to establish an activity and process analysis pattern for costing structure, and tries to find cost drivers for consortia business operation. The actual level of activities and the services provided by consortium have not been clearly identified. The service charges incurred for financing the consortium business operations are not commonly found in the expenditure category of their existing operating budgets. The key activities and relevant costs have been analyzed to provide a reference for pricing the service charges and as a benchmark for the future consortium operations in terms of cost reductions and efficiency improvements. A future inter-jurisdiction organizational business model is recommended based on key consortium operational activities and its changing environment.
41. Chowdhury, G. G., "
Digital Divide: How can digital libraries bridge the gap? ".
BIBText : Research Publications, 2004.
Descriptores: E-books/Brecha digital/Acceso a la información/Tecnologías de la información/Internet/Aspecto social/Bibliotecas públicas
Resumen: Recent developments in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have, while making our life easier, created a social divide that is known as the digital divide. Statistics show that there are significant disparities among the population in the developed and developing world in terms of the accessibility to, and use of, ICT. Research and development in digital libraries do not only require sophisticated ICT, they also call for huge investment in terms of money and intellectual resources. Developing countries are lagging behind in digital library research and development due to the digital divide, as well as due to the lack of appropriate resources required for research and development in digital libraries. As a result users in the developing world are being deprived of digital library services. This paper argues that some recent global digital library developments can be used by users in the developing countries, and thus digital libraries can play a significant role in bridging the gap. These developments include subject gateways, digital reference services, free access to e-journals and e-books in many areas, and e-print archives and free digital libraries. The paper ends with an action plan that may be used by library and information professionals in the developing countries, as well as developed countries, to exploit the benefits of these digital information resources and services, and thus to some extent can bridge the gap of digital divide.
42. Christie, A. and Kristick, L., "
Developing an Online Science Journal Collection: A Quick Tool for Assigning Priorities".
Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, No. 30, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Selección/Adquisiciones/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Revistas electrónicas
Resumen: Oregon State University Libraries are committed to increasing electronic access to information. The catalog, myriad databases, and a small collection of e-books are accessible over the Internet. OSU Libraries are now focusing attention on access to primary science journals. Using an existing library liaison network, we conducted an informal e-mail poll of science faculty. We asked them for lists of the 'top ten' journals that they would like to access electronically. These faculty lists have been compiled into an Excel spreadsheet for analysis. Other data added to the spreadsheet include the publisher, whether or not the Libraries have a current subscription (print or electronic), cost of the subscription, licensing conditions and the ISI impact factors and rankings. We are using this information to set priorities for the allocation of staff time and available funding to develop the online science journal collection.
43. Cobos Pérez, R. and Alamán, X., "
Creating e-books in a distributed and collaborative way ".
Electronic library, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2002.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Normas/Internet/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: This paper describes how groups of authors may create electronic books about the knowledge area of their interest by means of unsupervised collaborative work. For this task we propose a Web-based groupware system that allows building Web sites that can be considered as electronic books. In these Web sites we can find in a structured way the relevant knowledge about an area or topic. The system allows the creation of e-books in the Web, in an asynchronous and distributed way, and without the need of an editor for managing the task. This is possible through a knowledge crystallisation process supported by virtual communities of experts. Currently, there are several active e-books, which have been created by groups of students at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Examples include the operating systems e-book and the uncertain reasoning e-book and these are described.
44. Connaway, L. S., "
A Web-based electronic book (e-book) library: the netLibrary model ".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Edición electrónica/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Despite some skepticism about the adoption of electronic books (e-books) in libraries, there has been substantial growth in e-book acquisitions and usage. The e-book task force for the University of California digital library identified eight elements that are important to the evaluation of academic e-book usage. The elements are: content, software and hardware standards and protocols, digital rights management, access, archiving, privacy, the market and pricing, and enhancements and ideal e-book features. There are currently several e-book models available to libraries that can be assessed and described in relation to the above-mentioned elements or criteria. Using these elements, the netLibrary e-book model will be described.
45. Cornella, A., "
Novelas digitales e inmortalidad virtual ".
Quaderns Digitals, No. 11, 1999.
Descriptores: Digitalización/Editoriales/Novela/Edición electrónica/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Leiamos en El Pais, el pasado domingo 05/07/98, como esta llegando rapidamente al mercado el concepto de impresion de libros bajo demanda. La idea es que, mediante los sistemas de edicion e impresion mas modernos, puede imprimirse un libro en cuestion de minutos, de manera que ya puede pensarse en un inventario de libros no vendidos practicamente nulo. De hecho, se ha hablado mucho sobre este tema en los ultimos meses. Asi, por ejemplo, el articulo en portada de la siempre interesante revista Digital Publishing (
http://info.learned.co.uk/publications/dpt/index.htm) del mes de junio de 1998, trata justamente sobre el concepto 'Book in Time' que ha lanzado Xerox. La idea aqui es aqui aun mas potente, porque se propone un servicio de escaneado de originales que ahora estan en formato no digital, ideal para editoriales que quieran mantener en el mercado libros de los que ya no disponen de copias, de manera que un posible cliente puede disponer de su copia sin que la editorial tenga que hacer una tirada a la manera tradicional. Al parecer, el software detras del sistema es Publiotech, de ElectricPress.
46. Coyle, K., "
Stakeholders and standards in the e-book ecology: or, it's the economics, stupid! ".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Normas
Resumen: Standards are being developed in five primary areas of e-book development: e-book formats, digital audio formats, digital rights management languages, digital rights management systems, and distribution and promotion. Each of these standards has technological, economic and social aspects. This article describes some key e-books standards and discusses how these aspects are shaping the emerging e-book products.
47. Darnton, R., "
Old Books and E-Books".
European Review, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2007, pp. 165-170.
Descriptores: E-books
Resumen: The crisis in academic publishing has reached a point where young scholars in many fields of the humanities may no longer be able to communicate their research in the time-honoured manner that is, in the form of a traditional codex printed by a university press. Sooner or later, most monographs will probably have to be published on the Internet. What form will they take? Atentative answer to that question is provided by a sketch for an electronic book about publishing and the book trade in 18th-century France.
48. Deb, S., "
TERI Integrated Digital Library Initiative ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2006.
Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Motores de búsqueda/Documentos electrónicos/Libros electrónicos/Revistas electrónicas
Resumen: The paper seeks to describe the setting up of the Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Digital library, which provides better single window access for researchers to access the structured information from their desktop. The aim of this paper is to share the experience gained and invite comments and suggestions for further improvement. Design/methodology/approach – The paper describes a case study of TERI's Integrated Digital Library resources and digitization in detail and how the digital resources can be accessed through a single window. It also deals with basic problems and suggests practical solutions. Findings – The paper finds that TERI Integrated Digital Library has been created to provide access to all digital and digitized offline and online resources, online e-journals, electronic documents and virtual resources, and virtual libraries. The purpose of the integrated library is to provide a single window to researchers, through which they can access all the resources (both digitally born resources and digitized documents). Once users are able to access the Digital Library homepage, all the electronic resources are accessible using linkages with a single click, no matter whether they are available in a database or as a simple file in a virtual collection. A physical digital library has been created to address access to all the LAN connected systems that provide CD-ROM access and journals and books downloaded or purchased for all time free access to in-house users. Research limitations/implications – Integration has helped in saving researchers' valuable time. Library management has become easier and much more effective than was previously the case. Any additions to existing resources are announced by e-mail for user access. Future plans are to make the resources highly interoperable across platforms or applications, so that platforms should not be a problem. Once a search is initiated, the search engine from the main search window should be able to hand over the search to subsequent search windows for any given database (bibliographic and full text). Once a search is handed over to the subordinate search engines, it should be able to retrieve the items and display the retrieved items in the main window. Future libraries seem to have no escape from the integrated digital library approach other than to an integrated digital collection that will make all available resources accessible from a single window. Originality/value – This paper could be useful for small and medium special and research libraries who do not have enough funds to start with commercially available digital library software. This paper shows the way to start using Open Source Software, which is easy to use and has been used by the libraries with little effort
49. Dillon, D., "
E-books: the University of Texas experience, part 1".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Tecnologías de la información
Resumen: This article describes the e-book program of the University of Texas, surveys the state of the e-book market and e-book technology, provides e-book usage statistics for three different consortia, and offers guidelines for e-book acquisitions, as well as e-book issues to be considered. Relevant specification, standards, and working groups are explained, as are the future e-book plans of The University of Texas. The author concludes that e-books are to printed books, as television is to radio and movies: another format with its own strengths and weaknesses.
50. Dillon, D., "
E-books: the University of Texas experience, part 2 ".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Edición electrónica/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: This article follows-up on an earlier Library Hi Tech article on the e-book program at the University of Texas. It notes changes in usage that have occurred with the addition of e-book catalog records in the library online catalog, and changes in selection patterns as librarians have gained more experience with the e-book. It also surveys the current digital information environment, notes the increasing commodification of information, details the e-book efforts of the Association of American Publishers and examines potential future e-book directions.
51. Dodero, J. M., Aedo, I., and Díaz, P., "
Participative knowledge production of learning objects for e-books ".
Electronic library, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2002 .
Descriptores: E-books/Gestión del conocimiento/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: In a distributed learning environment, the development of learning objects is a participative task. We consider learning objects as knowledge pieces, which are subject to the management processes of acquisition, delivery, creation and production. A multiple-tier architecture for participative knowledge production tasks is introduced, where knowledge-producing agents are arranged into knowledge domains or marts, and a distributed interaction protocol is used to consolidate knowledge that is produced in a mart. Knowledge consolidated in a given mart can be in turn negotiated in higher-level foreign marts. The proposed architecture and protocol are applied to coordinate the authoring of open e-book packages as learning objects by a distributed group of authors.
52. Escobar Velázquez, L. E., "
Difusión de las colecciones del libro electrónico en la UNAM".
Información: producción, comunicación y servicios, Vol. 14, No. 58, 2004.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Difusión de la información/Gestión de la colección
Resumen: El mayor impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), está en los medios o continentes de la información –libros, revistas, y otros documentos- así como en las redes para transportar dicha información hasta el sitio donde la requiere el usuario final. Uno de los más grandes cambios que se pueden producir en el concepto que hasta ahora tenemos de las bibliotecas, es el uso de los libros electrónicos. La aparición de los libros electrónicos va a suponer un cambio más importante que la aparente introducción de un nuevo formato como soporte en la transmisión de conocimientos. Este radical cambio tiende a modificar comportamientos y hábitos sociales en el tan humano acto de leer y acceder a la cultura. La UNAM está trabajando para difundir este recurso, incorporando colecciones de libros electrónicos, promoviendo su uso y así lograr el impacto necesario para que los estudiantes, maestros, investigadores y público en general acepten y utilicen este nuevo recurso electrónico que les facilitará el aprendizaje, la búsqueda de información y aumentará el conocimiento de nuestros usuarios.
53. Falk, H., "
Electronic campuses ".
Electronic library, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2003 .
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Ordenadores portatiles
Resumen: Provides an overview of the technology being employed at some US colleges which is leading to the paperless campus. For example, the use of wireless networks to connect PCs and Internet displays in classrooms and laboratories that lack conventional network wiring, providing access to online libraries and other resources from laptop PCs and handheld devices. Looks at Web-based technology and its use by faculty and students, not only for information gathering, but also for tutoring services. Shows how live chat sessions with teachers are heavily over-subscribed. Looks at the use of e-books (4 million e-book units sold in 2000: predicted figure by 2005 - 140 million). Provides results of a study comparing print text books and e-text books, and from another study which show undergraduates spend only a third of their study time in the library and faculty members only 10 per cent. To counteract these trends, online library resources are being expanded for 200,000 students and faculty at seven academic institutions in a unified students' portal, with links to local online course materials and consultations with reference librarians.
54. Feng Bin and Qihao Miao, "
Electronic publications for Chinese public libraries: challenges and opportunities ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Edición electrónica/China/Bibliotecas jurídicas
Resumen: Purpose - Although a large number of Chinese libraries keep some sort of electronic publications, mainly formal publications on CD-ROM and online, the usage is quite different from one library to another. While the hardcopy business process is mature, the rules and regularities of electronic publications in libraries are under development; many business models are on a trial basis. This paper plans to investigate what and how many of these electronic materials should be bought and brought to the users, and how they are used, which are still embarrassing questions for librarians. Design/methodology/approach - The authors made an inquiry into the current status of formal electronic publications, including e-books and e-journals at the two major library groups: public and university libraries, as found out from the explanation of the gap by literature analysis and interview. Findings - Through the survey on a few leading libraries of China, we found the big usage gap of e-journals in public versus university libraries in China. The factors that cause the usage difference are that public libraries have diversified reader needs, lack of general-purpose e-publication, inferior skill in using e-publications, a charging service model of e-publications, less negotiating power and pricing. Originality/value - The authors believe that if the improvements outlined in the paper are introduced, then public libraries can lift their e-publication service to a higher standard, including extension of the subject scope, building of consortia, upgrading of the reading environment, and enhancing of the user training and service.
55. Fernández Abad, F. J., "
El uso beneficioso del libro impreso y del libro digital".
Documentación de las ciencias de la información, Vol. 30, 2007.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica
Resumen: Francisco Javier Fernández Abad. Localización: Documentación de las ciencias de la información, ISSN 0210-4210, Nº 30, 2007 , pags. 277-294
56. Fiorentini, B., "
Gli e-book entrano in biblioteca".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 24, No. 10, 2006.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bases de datos
Resumen: The e-book represents the new frontier of the modern libraries. The Library of the Catholic University of Piacenza, from years careful to the innovations that can carry new advantages for users, has planned to equip itself with some databases including numerous e-books. From academic year 2005-2006 users can access to a database with fifty electronic books about economic, legal and scientific matters. (Author abstract)
57. Franganillo, J., "
La industria editorial frente al libro electrónico".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 416-417.
Descriptores: Industria editorial/Libros electrónicos/Lectura/Evolución
Resumen: El libro, la lectura y la industria editorial están experimentando cambios motivados por el progreso tecnológico. Los contenidos se han desvinculado del soporte y, en consecuencia, la industria editorial ha necesitado transformar su estructura logística, basada hasta hace poco en la distribución física. La impresión digital y las librerías virtuales cubren nuevas necesidades: han aumentado las posibilidades de visibilidad y de difusión de la producción editorial, y han eliminado barreras geográficas y físicas. (A)
58. Fuente, P. d. l., Vegas, J., Arnáiz, R., and Fernández, A. M., "
Desarrollo de herramientas para el soporte de una biblioteca virtual: editor de libros y navegador? ".
Jornadas de Bibliotecas Digitales, Vol. 3, 2002.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica/Conservación
Resumen: El desarrollo de las bibliotecas digitales ha propiciado la posibilidad de acceso a un fondo, cada día más amplio, de información que de otro modo sería inaccesible o de difícil acceso para el público en general y, aún muchas veces, para los investigadores especializados. Desde el proyecto Gutenberg, han aparecido numerosas experiencias de bibliotecas digitales dedicadas a la difusión de fondos literarios pero, aunque todas ellas suministran un repertorio, más o menos extenso, de servicios que facilitan la localización y el acceso a los materiales depositados en ellas, en general, no proporcionan mecanismos que permitan la lectura activa y mecanismos de explotación de las posibilidades que el uso del hipertexto da a los textos en formato digital, como soporte de notas al pie, acceso a diccionarios, etc. El trabajo que se describe aquí es el desarrollo de un conjunto de herramientas informáticas que permitan la consecución de Bibliotecas Digitales con las funcionalidades antes citadas, tomando en algunas de ellas la referencia de la metáfora de libro, tanto en papel como digital. Como ejemplo de aplicación de las herramientas desarrolladas se ha tomado un libro del siglo XVI, que por la diversidad de su contenido ha permitido experimentar con las distintas variedades de presentación del texto en los libros.
59. Gall, J., "
Dispelling Five Myths About E-Books".
Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Some considered 2000 the year of the e-book, and due to the dot-com bust, that could have been the format’s high-water mark. However, the first quarter of 2004 saw the greatest number of e-book purchases ever with more than $3 million in sales. A 2002 consumer survey found that 67 percent of respondents wanted to read e-books; 62 percent wanted access to e-books through a library. Unfortunately, the large amount of information written on e-books has begun to develop myths around their use, functionality, and cost. The author suggests that these myths may interfere with the role of libraries in helping to determine the future of the medium and access to it. Rather than fixate on the pros and cons of current versions of e-book technology, it is important for librarians to stay engaged and help clarify the role of digital documents in the modern library
60. García Marco, F. J., "
El libro electrónico y digital en la ecología informacional: avances y retos".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 373-389.
Descriptores: Libros/Comercio editorial/Libros electrónicos/Conservación/Distribución
Resumen: Se analiza la problemática, el contexto y el concepto del libro electrónico; las tendencias actuales en el desarrollo del libro electrónico; las ventajas y desventajas competitivas frente al libro tradicional; y su impacto en la ecología de la producción, conservación y distribución del libro y en los diferentes agentes implicados, tanto en el mercado como en las bibliotecas. (A)
61. Garrod, P., "
E-Books: Are They the Interlibrary Lending Model of the Future?".
Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2004.
Descriptores: E-books/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica
Resumen: This article assesses the likely impact of e-books on interlibrary lending in the UK. It examines a range of factors that are likely to impact on the lending of e-books to other libraries, for example, digital rights management systems designed to protect copyright and publishers' profits, and the limited take-up of e-book services in UK libraries. It analyses the reasons behind this poor take-up including unsuitable pricing and delivery models and lack of appropriate content. The article also gauges current levels of demand for books requested via interlibrary loans, and questions whether books are different from documents in terms of copying and distribution, and what the likelihood is of e-books being able to satisfy interlibrary loan requests. A new hybrid model of interlending, aimed at solving the problem of lending e-books in academic libraries, is reviewed.
62. Garza, F. J., "
Ingenierías, Vol. 9, No. 32, 2006, pp. 3.
Descriptores: E-books
Resumen: FJE Garza, V Desventajas - Ingenierías, 2006 - ingenierias.uanl.mx
63. Garza, F., "
Interconectándose E-books".
Ciencia UANL, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2006, pp. 334.
Descriptores: E-books
Resumen: Los libros electrónicos son un concepto viejo que no termina de llegar. Las ideas básicas sobre libros electrónicos portátiles se remontan a finales de los a os 60, cuando Alan Kay, siendo estudiante de posgrado en Utah, introduce el concepto del Dynabook, una computadora portátil interactiva con pantalla plana y comunicación inalámbrica.
64. Gharbi, Z. and Deschatelets, G., "
Les livres électroniques dans le milieu universitaire : formes et usages".
Documentation et bibliothèques, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2002.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Comunicación científica
Resumen: L'article identifie les formes et les usages des livres électroniques dans les milieux universitaires. Les livres électroniques, dans cet article, touchent aux contenus destinés à être lus avec des appareils de lecture dédiés (ALD), ou aux contenus qui se consultent via un ordinateur personnel grâce à une interface de lecture dédiée, les livres numériques pour ordinateurs personnels (LNOP). Pour discerner la forme des livres électroniques dans les universités, nous proposons, en premier lieu, un tour d’horizon des principaux fournisseurs de contenus numériques universitaires (des LNOP), suivi d'une brève énumération des
bibliothèques universitaires mettant en circulation des ALD. En second lieu, nous identifions des projets d’évaluation et des expérimentations mettant à l'étude des livres électroniques (essentiellement des ALD), soit dans des bibliothèques universitaires ou dans des classes d'enseignement. En dernier lieu, nous présentons les résultats d'une enquête menée auprès des bibliothèques des universités québécoises. Cette enquête avait pour objectif de faire l'état de la question sur les livres électroniques dans le contexte universitaire québécois et d’appréhender leur avenir auprès du public étudiant.
65. Gottlieb, L. and Dilevko, J., "
Investigating How Individuals Conceptually and Physically Structure File Folders for Electronic Bookmarks: the Example of the Financial Services Industry".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 54, No. 2, 2003.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Gottlieb and Dilevko asked 15 graduate accounting and business management students to create electronic folders for 60 URLs and file bookmarks in the folders. Questionnaires tailored to each individual's work were then administered to determine the rationale for the decisions made both on folder scheme design and URL assignment. Any category, whether or not it contained URLs, or only sub-categories was counted as a folder. On the average 15.73 folders were created with a range from 6 to 31. Eight of the participants utilized superordinate folders containing primary folders with URLs. The average number of primary folders was 12.93 with a range of 6 to 24. Seven participants created sub-folders, i.e. folders containing both URLs and other primary folders. Subject categories differed widely as did assignment criteria. It appears that intended use and relevance to current projects was a strong influence.
66. Gregorio-Rodríguez, C., Llana-Díaz, L. F., Pareja-Flores, C., Martínez-Unanue, R., Velázquez-Iturbide, J. Á., and Palao-Gostanza, P., "
A system to generate electronic books on programming exercises ".
Electronic library, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2002.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Programación/Lenguajes de programación
Resumen: Electronic books offer a number of possibilities for innovation over paper books in certain fields. It is the case of programming exercises, which have a complex but well-established structure. We describe a system for the development of electronic books on programming exercises. A mark-up language, called eXercita, was designed to represent and manage programming exercises in a comprehensive manner. Several tools allow customizing exercises to the user's purposes, as well as selecting parts of individual exercises and subsets of the repository. As a consequence, the user can generate a custom electronic book, presented as a hierarchical Web site and implemented structured according to a given specified criterion. Based on the eXercita language, we have developed a large repository of exercises, as well as two books: an electronic book on the Web and a paper book containing a set of selected exercises.
67. Haarhoff, L. , "
Books from the past:an e-books project at Culturenet Cymru".
Program: Electronic Library & Information Systems, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2005, pp. 50-65.
Descriptores: E-books
Resumen: Purpose - To describe the open-source solution developed by Culturenet Cymru, for the Welsh Books Council, for presenting digitised books and other printed material online. Design/methodology/approach - The challenges faced in the implementation of a pilot e-book collection of nine out-of-print books is described. Findings - The adoption of a number of international standards for the presentation, coding, conversion, metadata and searching of texts have resulted in a working pilot project. Practical implications - It is hoped that many publicly funded bodies such as libraries and archives will make use of the system. A small collection of e-books may be of some use, but it is the ability to search for, and access, e-books across distributed collections which will provide real educational benefit. Originality/value - Culturenet Cymru hopes to play a role in co-ordinating the adoption of common standards for text digitisation in Wales.
68. Hamilton, B., "
Comparison of the different electronic versions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: a usability study ".
Electronic library, Vol. 21, No. 6, 2003.
http://ejournals.ebsco.com/direct.asp?ArticleID=LBTHB4GPRXPC30KTAMVA Descriptores: Enciclopedías/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Análisis comparados/Usabilidad
Resumen: Over the years, Encyclopaedia Britannica has undergone a number of revisions and has been provided in a number of formats other than print. The different electronic formats include a CD-ROM version, a subscription online version, a free online version that was recently changed to a subscription version, and a DVD-ROM version. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the different electronic versions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The objectives of this study were to find out if one of the electronic versions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica is easier to use than the others, to see if the users are satisfied with the information that they retrieved from each version, and to see if the users retrieve the same information from each version. Over one third (six) of 15 participants thought that britannica.com was the easiest to use. The main reason mentioned was the set-up of the initial results screen. Most of the participants felt that all of the databases answered the searches sufficiently and nine participants felt that britannica.com answered the searches the best. The main reason mentioned was the variety of information sources provided on the search results page (Encyclopaedia Britannica articles, magazine articles, Web sites, and books). Seven of the participants were satisfied with using all of the databases.
69. Henry, E., Longstaff, R., and Kampen, D. V., "
Collection analysis outcomes in an academic library".
Collection Building, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2008.
Descriptores: E-books
Resumen: Purpose +éGÇô The intent of this article is to illustrate outcomes and results of a collection analysis done by a smaller academic library. Design/methodology/approach +éGÇô The collection was evaluated using an online analysis tool combined with a physical inventory of the collection. Findings +éGÇô Peer group comparisons revealed some of the problems with this particular collection were also widespread among the comparison libraries. The value of the e-book collection to patrons was clear: not only did e-books provide resources to remote students; they help compensate for shortfalls in the print collection. Practical implications +éGÇô The catalog more accurately reflects what is on the shelf and also what is reported to OCLC. Access to the collection has been improved and enhanced. Steps were taken to refocus the library's collection development procedures and management. The changes made have led to increased faculty involvement in selection and a more balanced, more comprehensive collection management plan. Originality/value +éGÇô For any library considering whether they can or should do an analysis, the article illustrates that the benefits are well worth the time and expense. The analysis had a positive impact on collection development and management.
70. Hernon, P., Hopper, R., Leach, M. R., Saunders, L. L., and Zhang, J., "
E-book Use by Students: Undergraduates in Economics, Literature, and Nursing".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2007, pp. 3-13.
Descriptores: Estudio de usuarios/E-books/Libros electrónicos/Economía/Enfermería/Evaluación
Resumen: Faculty and students in economics, literature, and medicine (including nursing) are frequent users of e-books. This study examines search behavior and use patterns of undergraduates majoring in the three subjects. The findings have particular relevance for publishers, vendors, content aggregators, classroom instructors, and librarians promoting the effective use of e-books
71. Herther, N. K., "
The e-book industry today: a bumpy road becomes an evolutionary path to market maturity ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2004.
http://www.emeraldinsight.com/10.1108/02640470510582727 Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Internet/Normalización
Resumen: Purpose – To provide a snapshot picture of the current e-book industry from the perspectives of various key individuals in the industry.
Design/methodology/approach – Over 20 interviews were conducted following an extensive review of the published literature and examination of product/technical information. Findings – The interviews revealed varying opinions on the current state of the industry and even on the definition of the e-book industry itself. Key issues identified include: standards, digital rights management, content availability, pricing, device/reader technology, integration and market development. Research limitations/implications – This industry is still relatively young, generally marking its beginnings in 2000; however, its early years have been marked by market hype, investor fallout and slow market development. Today's industry is at a pivotal point: can obstacles to maturity be overcome or will the industry be either subsumed by the larger consumer electronics or web-based industries? Practical implications – Information professionals may find these perspectives useful in framing their own applications of e-book technology in their planning for future technology, collections and services. Originality/value – The interviews, generally conducted with the understanding that comments and other key competitive information would remain unattributed, provide an insider's look at a technology and industry developing in a larger arena of rapid technological and market change.
72. Herther, N. K., "
The e-book industry today: a bumpy road becomes an evolutionary path to market maturity ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Edición electrónica/Editores/Comercio editorial/Industria editorial
Resumen: Purpose – To provide a snapshot picture of the current e-book industry from the perspectives of various key individuals in the industry.
Design/methodology/approach – Over 20 interviews were conducted following an extensive review of the published literature and examination of product/technical information. Findings – The interviews revealed varying opinions on the current state of the industry and even on the definition of the e-book industry itself. Key issues identified include: standards, digital rights management, content availability, pricing, device/reader technology, integration and market development. Research limitations/implications – This industry is still relatively young, generally marking its beginnings in 2000; however, its early years have been marked by market hype, investor fallout and slow market development. Today's industry is at a pivotal point: can obstacles to maturity be overcome or will the industry be either subsumed by the larger consumer electronics or web-based industries? Practical implications – Information professionals may find these perspectives useful in framing their own applications of e-book technology in their planning for future technology, collections and services. Originality/value – The interviews, generally conducted with the understanding that comments and other key competitive information would remain unattributed, provide an insider's look at a technology and industry developing in a larger arena of rapid technological and market change.
73. Heting Chu , "
Electronic books: viewpoints from users and potential users ".
Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2003.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Usuarios
Resumen: A questionnaire survey was distributed among 27 students at a library and information science school in the USA to find out what users and potential users think about e-books in this transition period, when the US economy has experienced downtime, and the e-book world cannot see profitability in its business as predicted. Among the 27 survey participants, a third of them have used e-books in the past, mostly reading computer-based e-books without special readers. 'Available around the clock' and 'searchable' are both chosen and ranked as the most important reasons. Those who have never used e-books mainly think that ebooks are 'hard to read and browse' or 'need special equipment'. However, about half of the non-users of e-books plan to examine some e-book titles in the future.
74. Hillesund, T. and Noring, J. E., "
Digital Libraries and the Need for a Universal Digital Publication Format.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2006, pp. 1.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas digitales/Libros electrónicos/Necesidades de información/Recursos electrónicos
Resumen: Reports have revealed low uses of e-books and other lengthy texts held in digital libraries. In this article we claim that one of the main reasons for the lack of interest is the current multitude of end-user text formats, some oriented towards print, others proprietary, and few optimized for sustained reading of text-intensive publications. We note IDPF's reluctance to develop a common digital publication format, discuss requirements for a universal, open-standard end-user format, and present the effort to establish such a format by the OpenReader Consortium. The main objective of the article is to examine the pros and cons of a universal, reader-oriented text format for different types of critical text editions and digital libraries.
75. Hyatt, S. and Connaway, L. S., "
Utilizing E-books to Enhance Digital Library Offerings".
Ariadne, No. 33, 2002.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/OCLC /Adquisiciones
Resumen: Shirley Hyatt and Lynn Silipigni Connaway describe the rationale and background of OCLC's acquisition of netLibrary, the information environment that is being pursued, and the resulting benefits that libraries may experience.
76. Igun, S. E., "
Implications for electronic publishing in libraries and information centres in Africa".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Africa/Edición electrónica/Países en desarrollo
Resumen: Purpose – To identify the challenges facing libraries and information centres in Africa in the establishment of electronic publishing.
Design/methodology/approach – Historical/literature survey and observation were carried out by the researcher in-depth. All literature surveyed showed that electronic publishing is still a new concept in Africa. Findings – Apart from the information source that can be obtained through the internet and downloaded online, the actual acquisition of electronic books is still not possible. At present the libraries and information centres in Africa must have to rely more on print publication than the electronic. Practical implications – Libraries and information centres in Africa must have to harness all available information resources, electronic/downloadable which are referred to as electronic aided publishing and print publishing to meet the growing users information needs. Libraries and information centres in Africa are advised to enter into networking with other libraries and information centres to prepare the environment for real electronic publishing in Africa. Originality/value – Provides information on some of the challenges facing libraries in Africa.
77. Jamali, H. R., Nicholas, D., and Rowlands, I., "
Scholarly e-books: the views of 16,000 academics: Results from the JISC National E-Book Observatory".
Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 61, No. 1, 2009, pp. 33-47.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas/Estudiantes/Inglaterra
Resumen: Purpose -û This study, a part of JISC-funded UK National E-Books Observatory, aims to find out about the perspective of students and academics, the main e-book users, on e-books. Design/methodology/approach -û The paper provides an analysis of two open-ended questions about e-books, contained in a UK national survey conducted between 18 January and 1 March 2008. The survey obtained a response from more than 20,000 academic staff and students; 16,000 free-text responses were obtained to these two questions. Findings -û The study discloses that convenience associated with online access along with searchability was the biggest advantage of e-books. The study shows a potential market for e-textbooks; however, e-books have yet to become more student-friendly by improving features such as printing and screenreading. Originality/value -û This is the biggest survey of its kind ever conducted and it improves one's knowledge of what the academic community thinks of e-books.
78. Jantz, R., "
E-Books and New Library Service Models: An Analysis of the Impact of E-Book Technology on Academic Libraries".
Information technology and libraries, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Impacto/Evaluación
Resumen: This article will analyze the implications of e-book technology on academic libraries. Although we are at a very early stage of e-book evolution, business models, standards, and supporting technology are under development that will dramatically affect libraries and librarians. Librarians and administrators therefore must understand thoroughly these trends in order to apply effectively the resulting innovations within their institutions. As Martrell states, '. . . librarians must begin to design an imaginative, easily identifiable space in cyberspace as the centrality of the library as a physical phenomenon slowly fades.'1 Improving library service by extrapolation from existing services, doing the same things faster and better, will provide incremental improvements but will not move us quickly to that 'identifiable space' of which Martrell writes.
79. Janz, R., "
E-Books and New Library Service Models: An Analysis of the Impact of E-Book Technology on Academic Libraries".
Information technology and libraries, Vol. 19, No. 2, 2000.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas universitarias/Documentos electrónicos/Impacto/Evaluación
Resumen: This article will analyze the implications of e-book technology on academic libraries. Although we are at a very early stage of e-book evolution, business models, standards, and supporting technology are under development that will dramatically affect libraries and librarians. Librarians and administrators therefore must understand thoroughly these trends in order to apply effectively the resulting innovations within their institutions. As Martrell states, '. . . librarians must begin to design an imaginative, easily identifiable space in cyberspace as the centrality of the library as a physical phenomenon slowly fades.'1 Improving library service by extrapolation from existing services, doing the same things faster and better, will provide incremental improvements but will not move us quickly to that 'identifiable space' of which Martrell writes.
80. Jonchère, L., "
Des livres électroniques pour les étudiants : Une action de l’Université numérique en Région Bretagne".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 52, No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: De février 2005 à décembre 2006, les services communs de documentation (SCD) de Bretagne ont uni leurs efforts autour d’un projet expérimental de mise en ligne d’ouvrages électroniques en langue française. Cette initiative commune des SCD de Rennes-I, Rennes-II, Bretagne-Sud (Vannes, Lorient), Bretagne occidentale (Brest, Quimper) et de l’institut universitaire de formation des maîtres de Bretagne, s’inscrivait dans le projet global d’Université numérique en Région Bretagne (UNRB) 1 soutenu par le ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche.
81. Jonchère, L., "
Livres électroniques en ligne et bibliothèques universitaires : situation aux États-Unis, projets en France".
Documentaliste-Sciences de l'information, Vol. 39, No. 4-5, 2002.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias/Estados Unidos/Francia/Bibliotecas digitales
Resumen: Depuis l’étude de fond que nous avons publiée fin 20001, le livre électronique a connu des fortunes diverses dont Livres Hebdo, par exemple, relate régulièrement les péripéties : réticences ou engouement des usagers, tentatives plus ou moins développées d’implantation en bibliothèque, fragilité des acteurs économiques, relative faiblesse de l’offre… Prolongeant et actualisant certains aspects de l’étude de Pierre Le Loarer, cet article se penche d’abord sur quelques aspects de l’offre de livre électronique en ligne et des usages dans les bibliothèques universitaires américaines. Puis sur deux projets français en cours de développement dans le secteur universitaire : Pelléas, projet pilote d’une architecture de bibliothèque électronique, et Manum, bibliothèque électronique de ressources à usage pédagogique.
82. Jonchère, L., "
Quel avenir pour le livre electronique dans les bibliotheques universitaires francaises?".
Documentaliste-Sciences de l'information, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas/Francia
Resumen: Le marche du livre electronique est en progression irreguliere mais constante. De nombreux projets d'experimentation ont vu le jour dans des bibliotheques, surtout aux Etats-Unis et en Grande-Bretagne, plus timidement en France. Cet article propose un point succinct sur le developpement de l'eBook debut 2005, sur sa position par rapport au livre imprime, sur les relations qui doivent s'etablir entre les editeurs et agregateurs de contenus et les bibliotheques dans le cadre d'experimentations actuellement en projet. La derniere partie etudie les perspectives et les conditions de l'introduction du livre electronique en France dans les bibliotheques universitaires.
83. Jones, L. M. and Fisher, P. A., "
Books in Active Retirement:Selection Issues for Remote Storage".
Technical services quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 1, 2004 .
Descriptores: Almacenamiento/Libros electrónicos/Selección/Adquisiciones
Resumen: The construction of a state-of-the-art remote storage facility in Denver, Colorado, provided the five participating libraries an
opportunity to winnow their overcrowded shelves. The development of effective and judicious selection criteria for this process was a key
consideration, as the decision to send materials off-site is not always a popular one with library users. This article describes the selection
criteria formulated and applied by the University of Denver’s Penrose Library. At the outset, books with imprint dates prior to 1960 that had not circulated in 20 years were prime candidates for storage. However, many other criteria had to be considered and applied in the
course of the selection process.
84. K.T. Anuradha and H.S. Usha, "
Use of e-books in an academic and research environment: A case study from the Indian Institute of Science".
Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2006, pp. 48-62.
Descriptores: E-books
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the use and usability of e-books from the perspectives of users in an academic and research environment. Design/methodology/approach – This study involved an e-mail questionnaire to survey researchers in the academic and research environment of the Indian Institute of Science regarding their use of e-books. Findings – The responses indicated that the students tend to use this new technology more often than faculty members and staff. Those who did use e-books mostly used reference and technical material. The highest response was from the Centre for Ecological Science, followed by the Supercomputer Education and Research Centre, and then the Department of Molecular Reproduction and Development and Genetics. The majority of the respondents have used computers for over five years for a variety of purposes including e-mail communication, internet browsing and text processing as well as for other advanced uses such as numerical computing and DNA sequence analysis. However, the use of e-books appears to be very low, indicating a requirement for creating awareness and user education about both software and hardware related to e-books. Only 37 of the 104 respondents had used the free trial offer from Kluwer and Edutech eBooks during July 2004. Originality/value – There has been no previous study reported which has investigated users' perspectives of e-books in an academic and research environment in India using a questionnaire method.
85. Kang, Y.-Y., Wang, M.-J. J., and Lin, R., "
Usability evaluation of E-books".
Displays, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2009, pp. 49-52.
Descriptores: E-books/Usabilidad
Resumen: The objective of this study is to evaluate the usability of electronic books (E-books). An experiment was designed to compare the differences between reading an E-book and a conventional book (C-book) with objective measures. Twenty junior college students, ages sixteen to eighteen, participated in the study. Response measures included reading performance and critical flicker fusion (CFF). The results indicate that reading an E-book causes significantly higher eye fatigue than reading a C-book. Reading a C-book generated a higher level of reading performance than reading an E-book. In addition, females demonstrated better reading performance than males in reading either book.
86. Kempf, K., "
Il Munchner Digitalisierungszentrum e lo stato dell'arte degli scanner automatici.".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 26, No. 8, 2008, pp. 39-45.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Alemania/Digitalización/Ferías del libro
Resumen: Scanning hardware and software have come of age. Increasingly sophisticated equipment are coming to the market offering improved productivity and functionalities. Among the newest contraptions now available are automatic bookscanners. The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich (BSB) has recently staged a show of four of the most advanced examples of such equipment by four manufacturers: 4DigitalBooks, Kirtas Technologies, Qidenus, and Treventus. The article describes how the bookscanners showcased in Munich perform their job and offers a roundup of their basic features. The MDZ (M++nchner Digitalisierungszentrum), which housed the event, is a state-of-the-art digitization centre attached to the BSB. It is equipped with a full range of scanners and has developed its own software with a view to streamline its operations. Today, thanks to continuous innovation and a dedicated team, the BSB can boast a total of 28.000 scanned books online.
87. Korat, O. and Shamir, A., "
The educational electronic book as a tool for supporting children's emergent literacy in low versus middle SES groups".
Computers & Education, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2008, pp. 110-124.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Ni os
Resumen: The effects of an educational electronic book (e-book) on 149 five- to six-year-old kindergarteners’ emergent literacy levels were researched in two SES groups: low (LSES) (79 children) vs. middle (MSES) (70 children). In each SES group, children were randomly assigned to four groups. Three groups were assigned to work individually in one of three e-book activity modes: “Read story only”, “Read with dictionary”, or “Read and play” during three similar activity sessions and the fourth group served as a control which received the regular program of the kindergarten. Pre- and post-intervention emergent literacy measures included word meaning, word recognition, and phonological awareness. Results show that word meaning of children from both middle and low SES improved following the educational e-book activity, regardless of mode. Second, LSES children’s emergent literacy levels showed relatively greater improvement rates than did those of the MSES children. Third, children in the “Read with dictionary” and “Read and play” activity modes showed more improvement in their emergent literacy levels than did those in the “Read story only” mode. Implications for future research and for education are discussed.
88. Krebs, C., "
Du livre electronique a l'encre electronique : Nouveau papier, nouveau livre ? : Permanence du papier".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2006.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica
Resumen: De nouveaux outils de lecture numerique sont apparus a la fin des annees 1990. Mais ils ne pouvaient rivaliser avec le papier et l'e-book fut un echec commercial. Emergerent alors d'autres pistes, telles que le papier et l'encre electroniques, qui sont enfin developpees aujourd'hui. Car le contexte a change: le numerique fait desormais partie de notre vie. Grace a Internet et au haut debit, les livres mis en ligne se multiplient..
89. Lackie, R. J., "
From Google Print to Google Book Search: the controversial initiative and its impact on other remarkable digitization projects".
The Reference Librarian, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2008, pp. 35-53.
Descriptores: Digitalización/Google/Libros electrónicos/Motores de búsqueda
Resumen: Google's initiative to scan and add book content into its search engine has resulted in much praise and protest. Changing its digitization project's name from Google Print to Google Book Search and adding information to its site did not keep Google out of copyright court. However, publicity surrounding this project has spawned renewed interest in book digitization projects, with collaborative efforts quickly growing. This article will look at Book Search's history, highlight how it has been altered along with its name, and point out other interesting book digitization projects that Book Search has spawned or recently brought into the limelight, such as those associated with the Internet Archive.
90. Ladrón de Guevara, I., "
Bridges towards reading digital texts: ideas on how to cross them".
IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2003.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Lectura/CD-ROM
Resumen: Banco del Libro is an institution dedicated to reading promotion activities since 40 years ago. During this time, we have faced the challenge of supporting real relationships with the communities that make use of our services, in order to benefit them in an effective way: understanding their needs and interests with regards to books and reading, making research for them, informing ourselves, offering training opportunities, showing them new perspectives and standpoints on the act of reading, supporting and enriching their initiatives and experiences. A little over three years ago, for instance, after understanding that the targeted population was beginning to read a new type of media –the digital one-, our institution contemplated the study and disclosure of digital formats such as the CD-ROM and web sites. The creation of training and recreational workshops, work projects in schools, librarian services and other communities began with the conception and sustained work of the evaluation committee and the selection of digital formats for children and youngsters. In short, a new and unpostponable goal has been defined: the creation of a digital readers’ network. In this paper, we review our experience and present the strategies we have carried out, as ideas on how to cross the bridges that take from paper to bits.
91. Ladrón de Guevara, I., "
Puentes hacia la lectura de textos digitales: ideas para cruzarlos".
IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2002.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Promoción del libro
Resumen: El Banco del Libro es una institución dedicada a la promoción de la lectura desde hace 40 años. Durante todo este tiempo, hemos tenido que afrontar el reto de sostener vínculos reales con las comunidades que aprovechan nuestros servicios, para beneficiarlas efectivamente: comprender sus necesidades e intereses sobre los libros y la lectura, investigar para ellas, documentarnos, ofrecerles oportunidades de formación, mostrarles nuevos puntos de vista y posiciones sobre el acto de leer, apoyarlos y enriquecer sus iniciativas y experiencias. Desde hace poco más de tres años, por ejemplo, tras la comprensión de que la población atendida comenzaba a leer también un nuevo tipo de medios -los digitales-, nuestra institución viene contemplando el estudio y la divulgación del uso de formatos electrónicos como CD-Rom’s y sitios web. Con la creación y trabajo sostenido del comité de evaluación y selección de formatos digitales para niños y jóvenes, comenzaron también a concebirse talleres formativos y recreativos, proyectos de trabajo en escuelas, servicios bibliotecarios y otras comunidades. En pocas palabras, se ha definido una nueva e impostergable meta institucional: la conformación de redes de lectores digitales. En esta ponencia, resumimos nuestra experiencia y presentamos las estrategias que hemos puesto en práctica, como ideas para cruzar los puentes que llevan del papel a los bits.
92. Ladrón de Guevara, I., "
Puentes hacia la lectura de textos digitales: ideas para cruzarlos".
IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 68, 2003.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Lectura/CD-ROM
Resumen: El Banco del Libro es una institución dedicada a la promoción de la lectura desde hace 40 años. Durante todo este tiempo, hemos tenido que afrontar el reto de sostener vínculos reales con las comunidades que aprovechan nuestros servicios, para beneficiarlas efectivamente: comprender sus necesidades e intereses sobre los libros y la lectura, investigar para ellas, documentarnos, ofrecerles oportunidades de formación, mostrarles nuevos puntos de vista y posiciones sobre el acto de leer, apoyarlos y enriquecer sus iniciativas y experiencias. Desde hace poco más de tres años, por ejemplo, tras la comprensión de que la población atendida comenzaba a leer también un nuevo tipo de medios -los digitales-, nuestra institución viene contemplando el estudio y la divulgación del uso de formatos electrónicos como CD-Rom’s y sitios web. Con la creación y trabajo sostenido del comité de evaluación y selección de formatos digitales para niños y jóvenes, comenzaron también a concebirse talleres formativos y recreativos, proyectos de trabajo en escuelas, servicios bibliotecarios y otras comunidades. En pocas palabras, se ha definido una nueva e impostergable meta institucional: la conformación de redes de lectores digitales. En esta ponencia, resumimos nuestra experiencia y presentamos las estrategias que hemos puesto en práctica, como ideas para cruzar los puentes que llevan del papel a los bits.
93. Landoni, M., Wilson, R., and Gibb, F., "
From the Visual book to the WEB book: the importance of design".
Electronic library, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2000.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/World wide web/Edición electrónica
Resumen: This paper presents the results of two studies into electronic book production. The Visual book study explored the importance of the visual component of the book metaphor for the production of more effective electronic books, while the WEB book study took the findings of the Visual book and applied them to the production of books for publication on the World Wide Web (WWW). Both studies started from an assessment of which kinds of paper book are more suitable for translation into electronic form. Both also identified publications which are meant to be used for reference rather than those which are read sequentially, and usually in their entirety. This group includes scientific publications and textbooks which were both used as the target group for the Visual book and the WEB book experiments. In this paper we discuss the results of the two studies and how they could influence the design and production of more effective electronic books.
94. Landoni, M. and Hanlon, G., "
E-book reading groups: interacting with e-books in public libraries".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 25, No. 5, 2007.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas públicas/Listas de discusión
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to describe an experiment in introducing fiction e-books in two reading groups run by a public library. Design/methodology/approach – A user study involving two reading groups run over a period of three months. Electronic versions of titles of interest to each group were given out to each participant on Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Readers were then asked to fill in a satisfaction questionnaire and discuss their experience with the rest of their group. Findings – Readers were not too negative about using a new tool/gadget like the PDA but they did not see any advantage in reading an electronic version of the selected book. Research limitations/implications – It was realised quite earlier on that the target readers were emotionally so attached to physical books to feel as if they were betraying them when reading them electronically. A different sample of users more inclined to use technology and more open to different publishing models would have possibly provided a better insight. Originality/value – The group reading approach introduced a social side to the adoption of e-books and it was hoped that that would have made a difference. It was also one of the first attempts to look into the use of fiction e-books in public libraries as opposed to an already existing number of studies looking into e-books and their use in education and academic libraries. As such it can benefit both publishers and librarians.
95. Lara Navarra, P., Gros Salvat, B., and Almirall, M., "
Diseño de libros para dispositivos de tinta electrónica".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 390-395.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Mercado editorial/Evolución
Resumen: Las tecnologías multiplataforma y multicanal permiten la movilidad de la información, cosa que tiene una incidencia directa sobre la evolución del libro electrónico. El cambio viene dado por la aparición de una nueva generación de dispositivos de tinta electrónica, así como por los propios modelos de gestión de la información. En el presente trabajo se revisa el concepto de libro electrónico y se presentan las características básicas de los dispositivos que se pueden encontrar en el mercado, para a continuación exponer los elementos necesarios para la ejecución de proyectos de producción de obras para dispositivos de tinta electrónica. (A)
96. Larrañaga Rubio, J., "
El mercado del ebook en España: un análisis económico".
Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información, Vol. 31, 2008, pp. 183-209.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Libros Industria y comercio/Lectura/Análisis económicos
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la situación económica del libro electrónico español y sus posibilidades en un próximo futuro. Para ello se exponen los principales problemas del mercado editorial en España del libro físico y como puede ayudar el ebook a reducirlos. El análisis se complementa con un estudio de la situación del mercado de los libros electrónicos en varios países.
97. Levasseur, D., "
Regard sur les livres électroniques (e-books)".
Argus, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Ce dossier propose un portrait actualisé du livre électronique (e-book). Après clarification du concept, quelques sources publiques et commerciales d'œuvres numériques diffusées sur le Web sont introduites. On s'attarde sur le fournisseur netLibrary, un acteur principal de l'industrie avec qui plusieurs consortiums de bibliothèques font affaire. Sont ensuite présentés les logiciels de lecture spécialisés et les appareils dédiés (bouquineurs) conçus spécialement pour améliorer le confort de lecture. On s'interroge sur la viabilité des bouquineurs à l'heure des ordinateurs de poche multifonctions, et on mesure l'impact des livres électroniques sur le monde de l'édition où des systèmes sont proposés pour éviter le piratage, protéger les droits d'auteurs et contrôler les usages. Malheureusement, l'emploi de technologies propriétaires diminue une offre de contenus déjà peu étoffée. On fonde beaucoup d'espoir sur la norme OEB (Open Electronic Book) pour autoriser la lecture des livrels sur n'importe quel support. Enfin, l'intégration du livre numérique dans les bibliothèques est commentée et on termine par quelques mots sur l'invention de l'encre électronique.
98. Littman, J. and Connaway, L. S., "
A Circulation Analysis of Print Books and E-Books in an Academic Research Library".
Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 48, No. 4, 2004.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros/Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: In order for collection development librarians to justify the adoption of electronic books (e-books), they need to determine if e-books satisfy the information needs of patrons. One method to determine this is to measure e-book usage. This study compared the usage of 7,880 titles that were available in both print and e-book format at the Duke University Libraries. Although the results of this study cannot be generalized, it does provide information on the use of e-books in one academic research library and implications for e-book collection development.
99. Longo, B., "
Il solstizio dell'innovazione in biblioteca. [The solstice of library innovation.]".
Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 24, No. 8, 2006.
Descriptores: Bibliotecarios/Bibliotecas digitales/Libros electrónicos/Conceptos teóricos/Sociedad de la información
Resumen: The author is an IT consultant and trainer. Argues that the challenges facing librarians in the information society have recently shifted in focus from the technological side of innovation to the social and anthropological aspects. In Italy especially, feelings of distrust and pessimism about their digital future have become common among librarians. The result is a crisis in the ideas, projects and concrete initiatives needed to manage innovation. The key question is how library organizational culture can adapt to, and cope with, the creation of digital libraries. This current situation can be defined as 'the solstice of library innovation', since it is just at this moment in the millennary history of libraries that the widest gap is seen between li brarian practices/attitudes and the technological advances that lead to huge social changes. Outlines, with the use of summary diagrams, a chronology of the information society in relation to libraries, for each decade from the 1960s to the present, suggesting that the sense of separation between Italian professional library culture and the information society agenda may be justified, because librarians for years postponed joining the digital bandwagon, being more worried about other problems such as universal bibliographic control. Since 2000,however, actions by authorities like UNESCO, IFLA and OCLC have led to librarian initiatives more closely attuned to the new dimension of the information society. Original article in Italian. (Author abstract - amended)
100. López Suárez, M. and Larrañaga Rubio, J., "
El E-BOOK: Aspectos culturales y socioeconómicos del sistema editorial online ".
Documentación de las ciencias de la información, Vol. 28, 2005.
http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistasBUC/portal/modules.php?name=Revistas2_Historico&id=DCIN&num=DCIN050511 http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistasBUC/portal/abrir.php?url=http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistas/inf/02104210/articulos/DCIN0505110257A.PDF
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Edición electrónica/Editores
Resumen: Se analiza la interacción de las nuevas tecnologías en el mundo de la edición. Se aportan diversas consideraciones sobre el e-Book, para llegar a establecer que no puede ajustarse en modo absoluto o indiscriminado a la definición de libro impreso trasladado a forma digital, pues el e-Book, sus características y los aspectos socioeconómicos que se relacionan con el mismo, sitúan este producto cultural en un universo mucho más complejo
101. Madhusudhan, M., "
Use of UGC".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2008 , pp. 369-386-369 - 386.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose ? This paper focuses on the use of UGC-Infonet e-journals by research scholars and students. The main aim is to identify the needs and requirements of users in general and to know the use of UGC-Infonet Library and Information Science e-journals in the University of Delhi by research scholars and students of DLIS in particular. Design/methodology/approach ? A survey was conducted through a questionnaire circulated among 40 research scholars (PhD and MPhil) and 28 students (MLISc) studying in the DLIS, University of Delhi, Delhi, for the academic year 2006-07. The response rate was 94 per cent. Findings ? The study shows that e-journals perform an increasingly important role in research at DLIS. Not only current e-journals are required, but research scholars and students need to be provided the use of significant electronic back runs as well. There is an ever increasing demand for subscriptions of more e-journal titles in LIS. There appears to be some need for academics to be provided with training in using e-journals. The area where the greatest need for training is around managing references. Research limitations/implications ? The study geographical area was restricted to research scholars and students of the DLIS, University of Delhi, Delhi. Originality/value ? The paper highlights the importance of e-journals in research at DLIS, University of Delhi.
102. Martín Bernal, I., "
De Gutenberg a Gunetberg ".
Palimpsepto, No. 1, 1999.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Librerías/Internet/Edición electrónica/Amazon.com
Resumen: Hoy en día los libros electrónicos (e-books) se nos muestran como un recurso lo bastante fiable coma para integrarse en las tiendas de informática de ocio de Norteamérica con un precio aproximado de 499 dólares (unas 70.000 pesetas). Por otro lado, la aparición de varias librerías virtuales con Amazon a la cabeza ofrecen catálogos de millones de libros que pueden competir ventajosamente con cualquier establecimiento convencional (dado que el precio de un ejemplar se reduce en casi dos tercios), aunque por ahora se limiten a expender volúmenes al uso, sumando un punto más a mi favor (o al nuestro), querido lector. La posibilidad de un trato directo entre el autor y el lector conllevaría un cambio bastante profundo en la manera de leer y de entender el negocio de la edición, almacenamiento y difusión. Demos tiempo al tiempo.
103. Martín González, J. C. and Pivetta, E., "
Factores clave en el proceso de adquisición de libros electrónicos".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 408-413 .
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Industria editorial/Selección/Adquisiciones
Resumen: Tras la implantación de las colecciones de revistas electrónicas en las bibliotecas académicas, el siguiente paso es la ampliación de las colecciones de monografías con nuevos materiales en formato digital. La industria editorial internacional ofrece los contenidos de sus monografías en formato digital. En el presente artículo se revisan los factores clave atener en cuenta en la fase de selección y adquisición de libros electrónicos así como la oferta editorial internacional existente en la actualidad. Así mismo se muestra una comparativa de los agregadores de libros electrónicos con mayor presencia en España. (A)
104. Maynard, S. and Cheyne, E., "
Can electronic textbooks help children to learn? ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Niños/Documentos electrónicos/Aprendizaje/Ordenadores portatiles
Resumen: Purpose – This paper investigates the potential electronic textbooks (e-textbooks) have to augment the learning and education of children.
Design/methodology/approach – The study consisted of a total of 60 pupils, split into five groups of 12 participants (six boys and six girls). Each of the five groups were in turn split into two sub-groups of six (three boys and three girls): one sub-group used the printed textbook, while the other used a CD-ROM on a laptop computer. The pupils completed a group test and an individual multiple choice test on information found in the textbooks. Findings – The study showed that the e-textbook was widely accepted by the participants, and motivated group participation. Those using the e-textbook achieved significantly higher test results on average in the group test. Higher (but not significant) average results were achieved by e-textbook users in the individual test. Research limitations/implications – An acknowledged limitation of the study is that the textbooks used for the study were not identical in content. They were equivalent according to subject and recommended age range, but did not contain specifically the same information. Further studies would benefit from making use of an electronic version which is identical, or more similar, to a printed textbook. It would also be worthwhile to investigate the effects of long-term use once the novelty value of the electronic book has subsided. Originality/value – The paper aims to fill the gap in the original literature on the subject of how children relate to and learn from electronic textbooks. The research is of particular interest to teachers, librarians and parents.
105. McClelland, R. J. and Hawkins, N., "
Perspectives on the use and development of a broad range of e-books in higher education and their use in supporting virtual learning environments ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2006.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Enseñanza a distancia
Resumen: The paper aims to examine the problems, tensions, contrasts and complementarities surrounding the use of e-books in developing learning environments for students in UK higher education. Design/methodology/approach – The authors use four case studies and a questionnaire to highlight developments. Findings – It was found that users want some features of paper books to be preserved in the electronic medium, while also preferring electronic text to be written in a scannable style. Originality/value – The authors suggest some recommendations for successful design based on an analysis of all experimental data and suggests that hand-held devices and web site use in universities is probably secure for at least the next five years.
106. McFall, R., "
Electronic textbooks that transform how textbooks are used ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: Purpose – This paper's goals are to motivate the design of an electronic textbook that seeks to transform how textbooks are used inside and outside the classroom. In particular, it seeks to show that merely creating an electronic form of an existing paper textbook is not a sufficiently motivating condition for instructors and students to move from paper to electronic textbooks, and doing so misses much of the opportunities presented by electronic media to enhance learning from textbooks. Design/methodology/approach – An electronic textbook application running on Microsoft's TabletPC operating system was implemented and used as the primary text in three offerings of an Introductory Computer Science course, with one section used as a control group. Student learning was assessed via course examinations and overall grades, and student perceptions and use of the textbook were assessed via surveys. Findings – No significant differences in student learning or textbook usage were observed between students using the electronic and paper versions of the textbook. The surveys indicated a generally neutral reaction to the electronic textbook. Research limitations/implications – The number of students used to evaluate the electronic textbook's effectiveness was small, and the text was not evaluated in multiple types of courses. Practical implications – Instructors often teach and assess students in such a way that reading the text is not required for success. If instructors continue to assign textbooks, a way must be found to motivate their use and improve the way students use them. Originality/value – This paper gives guidance to those seeking to design and implement electronic books in an educational setting.
107. Mcgrath, M., "
Interlending and Document Supply: a Review of the Recent Literature".
Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2004.
Descriptores: E-books/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Derechos de autor/Precios/Documentos electrónicos/Motores de búsqueda/Derechos de autor/Documentos electrónicos
Resumen: Reviews 156 journals and some electronic lists and newsletters for issues relevant to interlending and document supply. The review deals with: scholarly communication, copyright, the British Library; e-books, remote document supply, site licensing, search engines, open access, e-journal usage and institutional repositories.
108. McLuckie, A., "
E-books in an academic library: implementation at the ETH Library, Zurich ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Purpose – To provide some insight into the phenomenon of e-books and their potential application in general, and to describe how the ETH-Bibliothek, an academic library, has integrated web-based e-books into its collection. Design/methodology/approach – The concept of e-books was examined and the success (or failure) of their integration into library collections evaluated. How web-based e-books have been integrated into the ETH-Bibliothek's collection was evaluated, as there were different formats and pricing models for e-books. Other important issues relevant to e-books were considered, such as usage statistics, how to discover new e-books for integration into a collection, and whether web-based e-books are likely to be applied successfully in acdemic libraries. Findings – The implementation of e-books at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule) in Zurich is described, and information is provided on publishers or aggregators through which the ETH has subscribed to e-books, different formats and pricing models for e-books and usage statistics. How the number of e-books to which an institution subscribes can be increased, is described, together with the benefits of e-books in the academic environment, which will in all likelihood ensure the ongoing future of web-based e-books. Originality/value – The paper provides introductory information on e-books in general and on their suitability to an academic library in particular.
109. Merlo Vega, J. A. and Sorli Rojo, A., "
Bibliotecas Digitales (I): colecciones de libros de acceso público".
Revista española de documentación científica, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2000.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas digitales/Internet/Documentos electrónicos/Directorios
Resumen: El concepto de biblioteca digital es empleado en la actualidad con diversas acepciones, siempre relacionadas con el acceso a documentos en formato electrónico por medio de redes de comunicación. En este sentido, bibliotecas digitales, virtuales o electrónicas son términos que se utilizan indiferentemente para referirse a realidades similares: sistemas de acceso a documentos electrónicos desde portales específicos. A pesar de que la terminología tardará en asentarse es conveniente delimitar el concepto de biblioteca digital y, para ello, son plenamente válidas las definiciones aportadas por la biblioteconomía para referirse al objeto de estudio de su ciencia, es decir, a la biblioteca. Así, empleando una de las definiciones comúnmente utilizadas para describir el concepto de biblioteca, y adecuándola a los nuevos tipos de documentos y sistemas de acceso a la información, es posible definir 'biblioteca digital' como una colección de documentos electrópicos convenientemente organizada y dispuesta para su uso. Colección, organización y difusión son los tres aspectos básicos que distinguen a las bibliotecas. En el caso de las bibliotecas digitales el marco es el mismo, ya que se trata de formar colecciones de documentos electrónicos, organizarlas con criterios biblioteconómicos y ponerlas a disposición de los usuarios a quienes pueda interesar.
110. Meyyappan, N., Chowdhury, G. G., and Foo, S., "
Use of a digital work environment prototype to create a use centred university digital library".
Journal of information science, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas universitarias/Bibliotecas digitales/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: An architecture of a prototype digital work environment (DWE), desigaed to lead users of an academic community to file required information resources based on their tasks, is proposed. The important aspects of the DWE include the identification of information resources available in the acad-emic environment, the various categories of users and file tasks associated with each category of users. Digital infor-mation resources include fiill-text articles, databases, fileses and dissertations, e-journals, e-books, multimedia data-bases, etc. Ofiler information resources, e.g. university caurse calendars, university statutes, course registration information, filesis and dissertation guidelines, style guides, etc, are also needed by users of an academic community.
111. Millán, J. A., "
El polimorfo libro electrónico".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 369-371.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Propiedad intelectual/Mercado editorial
Resumen: Repaso de las características más relevantes de los libros electrónicos, en sus dos acepciones: como aparatos de lectura y como contenidos. Se describen ventajas e inconvenientes, funciones, propiedad intelectual, aceptación, mercado... La disparidad de formatos, dispositivos y precios, y la inexistencia de una base social importante de uso de un dispositivo dedicado sólo a la lectura hacen que el libro-e sea todavía un producto incierto. (A)
112. Moneoliva, E., Pérez Ortiz, C., and Repiso, R., "
Lectores de documentos electrónicos".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008 , pp. 396-402.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Difusión de la información
Resumen: Se repasa la evolución histórica de los dispositivos lectores de documentos electrónicos (EReaders), y se describen las tecnologías del llamado papel electrónico. Se analizan el Gyricon, las pantallas electroforéticas y las que utilizan el principio de electro humedecimiento. Se presenta la variedad de formatos de archivo compatibles con los distintos dispositivos, así como los problemas que generan. Se describen los principales modelos disponibles en el mercado y sus prestaciones, y se invita a la reflexión sobre su uso y efectividad, la difusión de documentos, así como sobre las expectativas creadas por los e-lectores que, a día de hoy, ya hacen posible la lectura ágil y cómoda de documentos electrónicos. (A)
113. Morineau, T., Blanche, C., Tobin, L., and Guqguen, N., "
The emergence of the contextual role of the e-book in cognitive processes through an ecological and functional analysis".
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Vol. 62, No. 3, 2005, pp. 329-348.
Descriptores: E-books/Conducta/Psicología cognitiva
Resumen: An electronic book is a new means of presenting text, allowing downloading of documents and multiple readings on a portable computer. On the basis of an ecological and functional analysis of paper and electronic books with the Abstraction Hierarchy method, we tested the ability of a mobile e-book device to be an external memory trigger, assisting the recall of information content through its presence as a contextual index. In contrast to the classical experimental approach for research on reading and comprehension, we consider screen and paper as relevant cognitive tools per se. Specifically, we compare a book on a pocket computer and a paper book. Hypothesising that the physical reading support could serve as a contextual cue for memory, we experimented with groups of participants who could or could not see the support during recall. We measured the reading time, and the material later recalled was classified according to its cognitive nature. After recall, participants had to assess the sensory–motor properties of the reading support with the Osgood semantic differential and to note the humour level of the text. Results show that the e-book presence hinders recall of assimilated information whilst the presence of the paper support tends to facilitate it. Finally, we observed some correlation between sensory–motor assessment of the support and certain aspects of text cognitive processing: humour scoring, reading time and recall performance. These results lead us to conclude there is a critical relation between the sensory–motor experience of the support and the cognitive processing of the text content. This relationship might explain the positive or negative contextual effect of the support on recall performance.
114. Moyo, L. M., "
Electronic libraries and the emergence of new service paradigms ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2004.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas digitales/Libros electrónicos/Revistas electrónicas
Resumen: Enabling technologies have led to the transformation of library services from traditional services incorporating card catalogs, printed books and periodicals, bibliographic instruction, in-person/face-to-face reference, to new services and delivery modes incorporating: electronic collections, such as e-books, e-journals and databases; virtual reference services, and other online services. Innovation of new services that are peculiar to the online/Web environment is the trend in modern electronic libraries. During the last decade, many libraries, particularly those serving academic communities, have witnessed the emergence of new service paradigms in areas of information access and delivery, reference, instruction, technology facility and support to patrons. Libraries continue to harness new technologies to offer services in innovative ways to meet the changing needs of their patrons. This paper explores some of these emerging service paradigms in electronic libraries. The concept of 'service paradigm' in this paper is used to refer to predominant service patterns.
115. Muñoz de Solano y Palacios, B., "
El libro impreso ¿un clásico desplazado por el libro electrónico?".
Documentación de las ciencias de la información, Vol. 24, 2001.
http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistasBUC/portal/modules.php?name=Revistas2_Historico&id=DCIN&num=DCIN050511 http://www.ucm.es/BUCM/revistasBUC/portal/modules.php?name=Revistas2_Historico&id=DCIN&num=DCIN040411 Descriptores: Libros/Libros electrónicos/Edición/Edición electrónica
Resumen: El libro electrónico, e-book, plantea hoy nuevas perspectivas laborales y de uso, tanto a bibliotecarios, como a libreros, editores, autores, impresores, distribuidores y lectores, en general. La flexibilidad que permite la edición electrónica, la rapidez con que se edita, y la desmaterialización de las obras son algunas ventajas atribuibles al libro en formato digital. Sin embargo, el paso al nuevo soporte no está exento de problemas, como pueden ser la piratería y la preservación de los derechos de autor, la creación de verdaderas bibliotecas y librerías virtuales, la modificación de los circuitos de venta en Internet, o el hipotético enfrentamiento entre el libro impreso y el libro electrónico.
116. Nicholas, D., Rowlands, I., Clark, D., Huntington, P., Jamali, H. R., and Ollé, C., "
UK scholarly e".
Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 60, No. 4, 2008, pp. 311-334.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Estudiantes/Estudio de usuarios
Resumen: Purpose ? This JISC funded UK National E-Books Observatory study is a benchmarking survey of e-book usage and perceptions in more than 120 participating universities. The paper aims to present the results that investigated: use of e-books in general (methods of obtaining e-books, reasons for using, viewing/reading behaviour in connection with e-books); use of e-books provided by the library; use of JISC collection texts (use and awareness); use of the library and print material in general. Design/methodology/approach ? The study is based on an online survey which was conducted between 18 January and 1 March 2008, over which period 22,437 full or partial responses were received. Findings ? The study shows that e-book penetration is very strong (61.8 per cent of all students are already using them in connection with their scholarly work, as teachers or students), so the e-book revolution has already happened but clearly it has some way to go. Originality/value ? The paper presents the results of the biggest survey of its kind ever conducted, which represents a huge advance in one's knowledge of e-book use on a national scale.
117. Noruzi, A., "
Webotherapy: reading web resources for problem solving".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: E-books/World wide web/Ciencias de la salud/Divulgación/Aspecto social/Aspecto psicológico
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to indicate that when webotherapy is applied, it can be of benefit to clients in giving them insight into their problems, resulting in a change of behavior. Design/methodology/approach – Webotherapy, which can be conducted with individuals or groups, refers to the use of web resources or other online reading material (e.g. e-books, e-journals) to assist clients (especially children and young adults) in their healing process. It may be defined as the use of web resources to help others gain additional insight and to help them cope with everyday life. Most people have probably read web resources to determine how others have approached a delicate issue. Findings – This paper suggests that webotherapy is a potentially powerful method for psychologists, librarians, schoolteachers and counselors to use on many levels. It begins with a brief review of the history of webotherapy, continues with a discussion of some approaches to webotherapy (developmental, clinical, and interactive), then addresses the four basic stages of webotherapy (identification, selection, presentation, and follow-up), and finally discusses the benefits and limitations of webotherapy. Originality/value – The paper discusses webotherapy and offers a review of literature on related fields.
118. Ormes, S., "
It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) or How I learned to stop worrying and love the e-book:".
Ariadne, No. 26 , 2000.
Descriptores: E-books/Documentos electrónicos/Comercio editorial/Edición electrónica
Resumen: For years we’ve dreamed of the paperless office and foretold the death of the printed book, but my desk stubbornly remains cluttered with paper, my home full of books and my bag weighed down with reports. But finally these electronic dreams seem to be about to come true - e-books have arrived and are available at a Web site near you.
119. Patez, A. and Pascal, S., "
Bibliothèque et lecture en mobilité ".
Bulletin des bibliothèques de France, Vol. 49, No. 6, 2004.
Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Préstamo/Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas universitarias
Resumen: Depuis 2001, la bibliothèque Landowski de Boulogne-Billancourt mène sur le thème de la lecture en mobilité une action de terrain qui l'a conduite à mettre en place un service de prêt de livres numériques téléchargeables sur tablettes électroniques dédiées. En 2003, ce service a été étendu à d'autres types de terminaux mobiles, assistants numériques et ordinateurs personnels. Un encadré de Pascal Schmitt expose l'expérience de prêt de livres électroniques mise en place en mai 2004 à l'Université de Bourgogne.
120. Pérez Arranz, F., "
El uso cotidiano de los libros electrónicos".
Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol. 16, No. 65, 2001.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Sociedad de la información
Resumen: La aparición de los Libros Electrónicos va a suponer un cambio más importante que la aparente introducción de un nuevo formato como soporte en la transmisión de conocimientos. Este radical cambio tiende a modificar comportamientos y hábitos sociales en el tan humano acto de leer y acceder a la cultura. El concepto de libro tradicional no había cambiado desde el codex medieval, así como la manera en que interactuamos con él. Las bibliotecas, como principales intermediarias entre la cultura y la sociedad, cambiarán algunos de sus servicios en la adopción de este formato electrónico.
121. Pérez Arranz, F. and Moscoso, P., "
El libro electrónico y su incidencia en las bibliotecas universitarias y científicas españolas".
Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 30, No. 3, 2007.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos/España
Resumen: El libro electrónico es un recurso valioso para los usuarios de las bibliotecas universitarias y científicas. La evolución a la que se halla sujeto influye en la delimitación de su concepto y desarrollo, lo que queda patente a lo largo de la bibliografía al respecto. En este artículo se analizan su concepto y características, así como su incidencia y evolución en las colecciones de las bibliotecas científicas y académicas españolas. Se reflexiona, además, sobre los cambios que motivan la integración y el acceso a libros electrónicos.
122. Peter Just, "
Electronic books in the USA - their numbers and development and a comparison to Germany".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 25, No. 1, 2007.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Estados Unidos/Alemania/Edición electrónica
Resumen: Purpose - While there are frequently quoted articles about the revenue in e-books over the last two years there is no regular statistical information about the amount of e-books being published. This article attempts to fill this gap. Design/methodology/approach - The paper states the total number of commercially available English-speaking e-books in the US-market and reviews the growth of the publishing-activities over the last 20 years. Finally, the paper sets the growth of the publishing activities in the e-book-market in relation to the developments in the hardcover-market. The data about the English-speaking publications was obtained from the book trade directory Global Books In Print Online. The data about the German-speaking publications was gathered from the author's own survey. Findings - There are at least 115,000 commercial English-speaking e-book-editions offered in the US-market. There is an increase of an average of 20 per cent a year in the production of e-books over the last 20 years. In relation to the total amount of hardcover-editions the total number of e-book-titles run up to 9 per cent. In comparison to Germany the USA is at the forefront of the e-book-market. About 5,000 German-speaking e-book-titles were published, which runs up to 1 per cent of the total amount of hardcover editions. Originality/value - The low number of e-books published is one of the central problems of the e-book-market. As there is no other data available yet this article provides the reader with the information needed to assess the situation.
123. Peters, T. A., "
Gutterdämmerüng (twilight of the gutter margins): e-books and libraries".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Edición electrónica/Propiedad intelectual/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Several aspects of the e-book revolution are reviewed, as well as sorne related issues eonfronting libraries. Regardless of format, texts and textbearing devices have relationships of mutual dependence, and readers simultaneously experience bofil. The dominant relationship between texts and text-bearing devices is shifting from static to dynamie. The e-book revolution is more about new distribution systems for content, new digital rights management systems, and perhaps an unwitting or inehoate power struggle among the principal interested parties, filan it is about the design and diffusion of dedicated reading devices. The e-book revolution opens up possibilities for new and improved post-retrieval processing of texts, defined as anything a person can do with a text afrer it has been retrieved. Librarians need to reassert -especially to the fledgling e-book industry - file enduring principie of libraries as a social good. The two biggest challenges facing libraries are how to make file transition to an era dominated by dynamic relationships between texts and text-bearing devices, and how to foster and facilitate robust and complex post-retrieval processing of texts.
124. Poe, M., "
Note to Self: Print Monograph Dead; Invent New Publishing Model".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2002.
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Marshall Poe wrote a monograph on the Duma Ranks, the Russian elite of the seventeenth century. He knew that no more than 200 people would read it, ever. So he published it himself, electronically. In this JEP article he tells how anyone can do the same. Self publishing is, of course, the ultimate content management.
125. Quint, B., "
Planning Ahead for All the Readers on Your Gift List".
Information Today, Vol. 25, No. 11, 2008, pp. 7.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Just think how nice it would be to make books yourself in libraries or bookstores or copy services or schools or wherever. And the books wouldn't have to be identical copies of the PDF files stored in the giant repositories. Once you download a PDF, you could alter it to suit your tastes and needs or the tastes and needs of the gift recipient. Books have become the hot new thing in Web content. Some libraries have gone into a cooperative arrangement, aka the Internet Archive, with the Open Content Alliance. This effort requires libraries to pay for the digitization, but the libraries then have more to say in the dispersion of the content.
126. Qunqing, H., "
Reading outside the library: how has the Internet affected reading in China".
IFLA Council and General Conference, No. 69, 2003.
Descriptores: E-books/Lectura/Habitos lectores /China/Internet
Resumen: There are already more than 20.83 million host computers and 59.10 million Internet users in China. Most of them get access to the Internet at home, office or school, and few at the library. Their needs for e-books or science and education are among what they inquired mostly through the Internet. It has been predicated that a lot of reading is done outside the library. How the Internet has been used to encourage reading in China? This paper looks at three noticeable ways starting from the news online, digital journals and e-books, of which the printed editions are the main categories of traditional publications. It is also pointed out here that what would improve reading further, and how traditional publishing and libraries have been affected.
127. Ramaiah, C. K., "
An overview of electronic books: a bibliography ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2004.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliografías/Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose is to bring together all bibliographic references of the published literature on electronic books (e-books) and related technologies in one source so that it will save time for others in conducting literature searches and reviewing the developments. Design/methodology/approach – The information included in this bibliography is collected systematically from all the published sources in the world such as journal articles, conference papers, conference proceedings, books, reports and PhD theses on e-books until the last quarter of 2004. Mainly it covers e-books, e-books publishing, the impact of e-books on different types of users, e-book publishing techniques and trends, e-book user interfaces and other technologies related to e-publications. Findings – As computer usage continues to grow exponentially, the desire of users to use electronic publications (e-publications) has also increased tremendously. This has led to the publication of materials in electronic form as e-publications on both CD-ROMs and web. The e-book is one of the several forms of e-publications and its popularity has been growing steadily for the past decade. Originality/value – This bibliography will be useful to all researchers conducting research in any areas related to e-books and e-book publishing.
128. Ramaiah, C. K., "
An overview of electronic books: a bibliography ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose – The purpose is to bring together all bibliographic references of the published literature on electronic books (e-books) and related technologies in one source so that it will save time for others in conducting literature searches and reviewing the developments. Design/methodology/approach – The information included in this bibliography is collected systematically from all the published sources in the world such as journal articles, conference papers, conference proceedings, books, reports and PhD theses on e-books until the last quarter of 2004. Mainly it covers e-books, e-books publishing, the impact of e-books on different types of users, e-book publishing techniques and trends, e-book user interfaces and other technologies related to e-publications. Findings – As computer usage continues to grow exponentially, the desire of users to use electronic publications (e-publications) has also increased tremendously. This has led to the publication of materials in electronic form as e-publications on both CD-ROMs and web. The e-book is one of the several forms of e-publications and its popularity has been growing steadily for the past decade. Originality/value – This bibliography will be useful to all researchers conducting research in any areas related to e-books and e-book publishing.
129. Ravid, G., Kalman, Y. M., and Rafaeli, S., "
Wikibooks in higher education: Empowerment through online distributed collaboration: Including the Special Issue: Internet Empowerment".
Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2008 , pp. 1913-1928.
Descriptores: E-books/Wiki/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: In this case study, wiki technology was applied to the development of an introductory academic textbook on information systems. While the development, production and distribution of traditional textbooks are influenced by commercial interests, the wikitextbook was developed collaboratively by faculty and by students, and was made available online free of charge. After about two years of activity, the wikitextbook accumulated 564 sub-chapters, co-authored by undergraduate and graduate students in more than 20 classes offered by seven academic departments across three Israeli universities. We discuss the potential of wikitextbooks as vehicles of empowerment to students, teachers, and the discipline. This type of collaborative online technology intimates an influence on the status-quo in academic education in favor of less empowered stakeholders. However, caution is advised in drawing premature conclusions from results reported here. The implementation of wikitextbook should be augmented by a careful study of cultural, societal, behavioral and pedagogic variables.
130. Ravid, G., Kalman, Y. M., and Rafaeli, S., "
Wikibooks in higher education: Empowerment through online distributed collaboration: Including the Special Issue: Internet Empowerment".
Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2008, pp. 1913-1928.
Descriptores: E-books/Wiki/s
Resumen: In this case study, wiki technology was applied to the development of an introductory academic textbook on information systems. While the development, production and distribution of traditional textbooks are influenced by commercial interests, the wikitextbook was developed collaboratively by faculty and by students, and was made available online free of charge. After about two years of activity, the wikitextbook accumulated 564 sub-chapters, co-authored by undergraduate and graduate students in more than 20 classes offered by seven academic departments across three Israeli universities. We discuss the potential of wikitextbooks as vehicles of empowerment to students, teachers, and the discipline. This type of collaborative online technology intimates an influence on the status-quo in academic education in favor of less empowered stakeholders. However, caution is advised in drawing premature conclusions from results reported here. The implementation of wikitextbook should be augmented by a careful study of cultural, societal, behavioral and pedagogic variables.
131. Ravid, G., Kalman, Y. M., and Rafaeli, S., "
Wikibooks in higher education: Empowerment through online distributed collaboration: Including the Special Issue: Internet Empowerment".
Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 24, No. 5, 2008, pp. 1913-1928.
Descriptores: E-books/Wikis
Resumen: In this case study, wiki technology was applied to the development of an introductory academic textbook on information systems. While the development, production and distribution of traditional textbooks are influenced by commercial interests, the wikitextbook was developed collaboratively by faculty and by students, and was made available online free of charge. After about two years of activity, the wikitextbook accumulated 564 sub-chapters, co-authored by undergraduate and graduate students in more than 20 classes offered by seven academic departments across three Israeli universities. We discuss the potential of wikitextbooks as vehicles of empowerment to students, teachers, and the discipline. This type of collaborative online technology intimates an influence on the status-quo in academic education in favor of less empowered stakeholders. However, caution is advised in drawing premature conclusions from results reported here. The implementation of wikitextbook should be augmented by a careful study of cultural, societal, behavioral and pedagogic variables
132. Revelli, C., "
A proposito dei libri elettronici Idee e opinioni a confronto sulle prospettive degli e-book nelle abitudini di lettura e nella pratica delle biblioteche".
Biblioteche oggi , Vol. 20, No. 6, 2002.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecas
Resumen: Le prospettive dell’editoria elettronica vanno ben al di là dell’aspetto tecnologico, fino a considerare un vero e proprio cambiamento nel concetto stesso di pubblicazione, come già avvertiva Robin P. Peek in un numero del “Journal of the American Society for Information Science” (Dec. 1994) dedicato a Perspectives on electronic publishing. Nel suo intervento (Where is publishing going? A perspective on change, p. 730-736) l’autore avvertiva che oltre all’aspetto tecnologico è da considerare quello sociale: come si potrà dare un prodotto di qualità e quale ne sarà l’accesso? Che cosa desidera il pubblico e quanto è disposto a pagare?
133. Ribera Turró, M. and Moese, S., "
Daisy: un libro digital abierto, multimodal y accesible".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2008, pp. 403-407.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Imágenes/Videos/Accesibilidad
Resumen: Se presenta el formato de libro multimedia Daisy que permite integrar texto, sonido, imágenes y vídeo de forma sincronizada y con una navegación avanzada por el texto y el audio que lo hace altamente usable para lecturas en digital. También se presenta su componente principal DTBook xml, disposición estructurada del texto que permite generar formatos alternativos. El artículo detalla las diferencias de Daisy respecto a otros audiolibros, los dispositivos de lectura existentes y su adopción en el mercado y en la enseñanza. Si se abaratan los costes de los aparatos lectores y se soluciona la gestión de derechos digitales, tiene muchas posibilidades de convertirse en estrella para editar libros digitales. (A)
134. Rodríguez Illera, J. L., "
El libro electrónico".
Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2003.
http://elprofesionaldelainformacion.metapress.com/(j50ltv55nlwsbvu11bndbgmb)/app/home/journal.asp?referrer=parent&backto=homemainpublications,1,1 ;
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: 'Libro electrónico' Es una expresión que ha tenido fortuna y ha pasado a ser un sustantivo habitual, especialmente en su versión anglosajona de una sola palabra: el ebook. El núcleo de la expresión reside en cómo determinados textos electrónicos se configuran siguiendo metáfora visual y organizativa de los libros no electrónicos, impresos en papel, simplemente los libros.
135. Rodríguez, J. C., "
Todos los libros del mundo en la pantalla".
Delibros, Vol. 21, No. 228, 2009, pp. 40-43.
Descriptores: Comercio editorial/Libros electrónicos
136. Roncaglia, G., "
Libri elettronici: problemi e prospettive".
Bollettino AIB, Vol. 41, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: L'uso dell'espressione 'libro elettronico', o del più diffuso anglismo e-book, è tutt'altro che univoco, e le definizioni proposte non sono prive di aspetti problematici. Il tentativo di definizione probabilmente più rigoroso è quello fornito dal documento A framework for the epublishing ecology, redatto dall'Open eBook Forum (un organismo del quale ci occuperemo estesamente in seguito).
137. Rowlands, I. and Nicholas, D., "
Understanding Information Behaviour: How Do Students and Faculty Find Books?".
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2008, pp. 3-15.
Descriptores: E-books/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Estudiantes/Profesores
Resumen: Faculty and students at University College London (UCL) were polled online in November 2006 as part of a wider investigation into the impact of e-books in UK higher education. One of the survey questions probed the strategies that members of the academic community use to identify the conventional printed books that they need for work, study, or leisure. This article reports on a quasi-experimental statistical investigation of the survey findings for this single question. Multivariate data analysis suggests that book discovery is very highly structured, with gender, subject discipline, and academic status offering powerful predictors of certain underlying behavioural strategies. A model of book discovery strategies is developed and this is used to help segment the survey population into those with high or low levels of dependence on formal library systems or nonlibrary-based solutions. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of the practical implications of these findings for librarians, publishers, and booksellers.
138. Rowlands, I., Nicholas, D., Jamali, H. R., and Huntington, P., "
What do faculty and students really think about e-books?".
Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 59 , No. 6, 2007.
Descriptores: E-books/Profesores/Estudiantes/Libros electrónicos/Conducta informacional/Encuestas
Resumen: The purpose of this article is to report on a large-scale survey that was carried out to assess academic users' awareness, perceptions and existing levels of use of e-books. The survey also seeks to find out about the purposes to which electronic books were put, and to obtain an understanding of the most effective library marketing and communication channels. Design/methodology/approach – An e-mail invitation to participate in the survey was distributed to all UCL staff and students (approximately 27,000) in November 2006, and 1,818 completions were received, an effective response rate of at least 6.7 per cent. Statistical analyses were carried out on the data using Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Findings – The survey findings point to various ways in which user uptake and acceptance of e-books may be encouraged. Book discovery behaviour, a key issue for publishers and librarians in both print and electronic environments, emerges as a critical focus for service delivery and enhancement.
Originality/value – The survey is part of an action research project, CIBER's SuperBook, that will further investigate the issues raised in this initial benchmarking survey using deep log analysis and qualitative methods. The paper partly fills the gap in the literature on e-books which has mainly focused on usage and not the users.
139. Sanchez, E., Fatout, L., Howser, A., and Vance, C., "
Cleanup of NetLibrary Cataloging Records: A Methodical Front-End Process.".
Technical Services Quarterly, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2006.
Descriptores: Documentos electrónicos/Catalogación/Libros electrónicos/Procesos técnicos
Resumen: Electronic resources and ebooks in particular, have become a very important source of information for library patrons. When our library was given access to more than 20,000 ebooks, we were faced with bibliographic records of unknown quality. To provide high-quality records in a timely manner, we identified as many potential problems as we could, worked with reference staff to create the best PAC displays, and created efficient record-editing methods to address these issues prior to loading the records in our database. This article documents that process and describes the MarcEdit, Word, and Excel strategies used to methodically correct and improve these records. It also offers practical solutions and procedures for database maintenance and quality control for NetLibrary or any outsourced cataloging records. The future of ebooks and other related cataloging issues, including authority control, are also discussed as points that remain to be addressed.
140. Sandler, M., Armstrong, K., and Nardini, B., "
Market Formation for E-Books: Diffusion, Confusion or Delusion?".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2007, pp. 1.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Mercado editorial/Comercio editorial
Resumen: The article discusses the factors influencing the adoption of electronic journals and books. It is emphasized that the slow uptake of electronic books is not about product development, but the development of the market that needs to accept the product. It highlights three studies that suggest users not to fully embrace the electronic books as a replacement for the print. It is presented that the electronic books will succeed through a number of key constituencies including users, libraries and electronic books sellers.
141. Sawyer, S. K., "
Electronic books: their definition, usage and role in libraries".
LIBRES: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2003.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Usabilidad
Resumen: This review examines the literature to establish a definition of electronic books and discovers this is currently related more to hardware and software (viewing technology) than content. It also reports the potential advantages and disadvantages of this format compared to print. It outlines what is currently known about the use of different types of electronic books by users, examining who the most likely users are, detailing what studies reveal about the use and usability of electronic books and the features users want; as well as what factors are inhibiting their use. Additionally the review details what is known about the opportunities and issues arising from the inclusion of electronic books in library collections. It addresses questions regarding the existing models for the use of e-books in libraries, what studies reveal about the realities of their use and what strategies and policies need to be adopted by libraries for their implementation. Finally it examines the degree of take-up of e-books by individuals and libraries and what trends and predictions for the future are emerging with respect to viewing technology, content and role in libraries.
142. Shiao-Feng Su , "
Desirable search features of web-based scholarly e-book systems ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Búsquedas/Interfaces/Internet
Resumen: Purpose – To examine what search capabilities are desirable in web-based scholarly e-book systems. Design/methodology/approach – To present the author's opinion and interpretation about what search capabilities are desirable in web-based scholarly e-book systems through investigating studies of information seeking behavior and exploring current multimedia and hypertext techniques. Findings – The findings are several desirable browsing and known-item search features of web-based scholarly e-book systems. Originality/value – The author's suggestion on the implementation of a dedicated, user-oriented and user-friendly interface, which includes the search features recommended in this paper to unleash the power of multimedia and hyperlinks.
143. Simpson, B., Lundgren, J., and Barr, T., "
Linking Print and Electronic Books: One Approach.".
Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2007, pp. 146-152.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica/Catalogación/Bibliotecas digitales/FRBR
Resumen: Library catalog searchers expect to retrieve information for all resources in the catalog that matches their search strategy. They expect keyword searching to retrieve a rich array of resources. In an effort to enhance service to users, the University of Florida Smathers Libraries acquired table of contents data to enrich bibliographic records for print books with publication dates from 1990 to the present. Many of these books have also been acquired in electronic format. Because the record for the same book in electronic format did not include the enhancements, catalog users were likely to retrieve the catalog record for the print version only and remain unaware of the availability of the electronic version. The authors, using insights from discussions surrounding the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) initiative, developed a method for serving users more effectively by linking these records to leverage the enhancements for both versions (two manifestations) of the same title.
144. Siriginidi Subba Rao , "
Electronic books: their integration into library and information centers ".
The Electronic Library, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2005.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Bibliotecas híbridas/Gestión de la colección/Integracion de recursos
Resumen: Purpose – To highlight the salient features of e-books, challenges that arise in integrating e-books into library and information centers (LICs), e-books business models and licensing, and future of e-books. Design/methodology/approach – Discusses the emergence of e-books and a comprehensive definition for them. Lists various implementations of e-books, their advantages and disadvantages in LICs and compares select e-book reader hardware and software with their specifications, requirements and characteristics. Findings – Examines several issues to integrate e-books into LICs to find workable solutions based on identification, selection, circulation, maintenance, quality assurance, pricing, fair use, standards and interoperability, business models and licensing. Research limitations/implications – E-books are a new convergence of various traditional works and functions based on the application of new information technology. Practical implications – The issues causing concerns to users and LICs can be sought by collaborating with industry to ensure LICs play a continuous role in communication information and act as repositories of knowledge, for the benefit of society. Originality/value – This paper offers practical solutions for LICs in integrating e-books in their collection.
145. Slater, R., "
E-books or print books, "big deals" or local selections--What gets more use?".
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. In Press, Corrected Proof.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Adquisiciones
Resumen: This paper tracks the use of several hundred books at Oakland University that were made available both in print and electronically. This study attempts to determine if there are discernable differences in usage based on format. It also examines usage to determine if collections of books that were locally selected exhibit different usage than those purchased through a consortium. The author concludes that locally selected collections receive greater usage than consortially selected collections. Furthermore, the author finds that usage of a particular title in one format does not correlate to usage of that title in the other, but that there is a relationship between the formats when you compare aggregate circulations/accesses of books based within NetLibrary subject areas.
146. Snowhill, L., "
E-books and Their Future in Academic Libraries : An Overview ".
D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 7-8, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Bibliotecas digitales/Bibliotecas universitarias/Documentos electrónicos
Resumen: The University of California's California Digital Library (CDL) formed an Ebook Task Force in August 2000 to evaluate academic libraries' experiences with electronic books (e-books), investigate the e-book market, and develop operating guidelines, principles and potential strategies for further exploration of the use of e-books at the University of California (UC). This article, based on the findings and recommendations of the Task Force Report [1], briefly summarizes task force findings, and outlines issues and recommendations for making e-books viable over the long term in the academic environment, based on the long-term goals of building strong research collections and providing high level services and collections to its users.
147. Sprague, N. and Hunter, B., "
Assessing e-books: Taking a closer look at e-book statistics".
Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 32, No. 3-4, 2008, pp. 150-157.
Descriptores: E-books/Estudio de usuarios/Uso/Estadísticas/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: In 2008 the University of Idaho Library conducted an in-depth analysis of our three major electronic book providers. Using spreadsheet and database applications, bibliographic data from our ILS was combined with usage statistics obtained from each platform. This technique produced a master sheet that allowed us to do subject analysis by LC classification, discover e-books that were not cataloged in our OPAC, and identify e-books supplied by more than one provider. The usage statistics show relatively low use across both subject areas and platforms. The discussion includes an analysis of subscription costs and recommendations for the reporting of e-book statistics.
148. Stvilia, B., Gasser, L., Twidale, M. B., and Smith, L. C., "
A framework for information quality assessment.".
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 58, No. 12, 2007.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Evaluación/Calidad/Enciclopedias/Obras de referencia/DUBLIN Core/Taxonomía/Fuentes de información
Resumen: One cannot manage information quality (IQ) without first being able to measure it meaningfully and establishing a causal connection between the source of IQ change, the IQ problem types, the types of activities affected, and their implications. In this article we propose a general IQ assessment framework. In contrast to context-specific IQ assessment models, which usually focus on a few variables determined by local needs, our framework consists of comprehensive typologies of IQ problems, related activities, and a taxonomy of IQ dimensions organized in a systematic way based on sound theories and practices. The framework can be used as a knowledge resource and as a guide for developing IQ measurement models for many different settings. The framework was validated and refined by developing specific IQ measurement models for two large-scale collections of two large classes of information objects: Simple Dublin Core records and online encyclopedia articles.
149. Subba Rao, S., "
Electronic books: a review and evaluation ".
Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2003.
http://ejournals.ebsco.com/direct.asp?ArticleID=Y284CX1448C7MH5ER7D1 Descriptores: E-books/Edición electrónica/Libros electrónicos/Evaluación
Resumen: This paper discusses the genesis of e-books and derives a comprehensive definition from various definitions reported for them. It lists the various types of e-books with their characteristics and the major players in the market. It also highlights the pros and cons of e-books, and compares select e-book reader hardware and software with their specifications, requirements and characteristics. The impact of e-books on the publishing industry, on libraries and librarians, and digital rights management is discussed. The author concludes that e-books are rapidly becoming a viable alternative and provide growing advantages over the traditional medium.
150. Subdirección General de Promoción del Libro, l. L. y. l. L. E., "
El libro y las nuevas tecnologías. El libro electrónico".
Ministerio de Cultura, 2004.
Descriptores: Edición/España/Comercio editorial/L/Libros electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos
Resumen: El libro y las nuevas tecnologías. El libro electrónico. / Subdirección General del Promoción del Libro, la Lectura y las Letras Españolas
151. Tabakov, S. , Roberts, V. C., Jonsson, B.-A., Ljungberg, M., Lewis, C. A., Wirestam, R., Strand, S.-E., Lamm, I.-L., Milano, F., Simmons, A., Deane, C., Goss, D., Aitken, V., Noel, A., Giraud, J.-Y., Sherriff, S., Smith, P., Clarke, G., Almqvist, M., and Jansson, T., "
Development of educational image databases and e-books for medical physics training: e-Learning in Medical Engineering and Physics".
Medical Engineering & Physics , Vol. 27, No. 7, 2005, pp. 591-598.
Descriptores: Medicina /Bases de datos/E-books/Libros electrónicos /Aprendizaje
Resumen: Medical physics education and training requires the use of extensive imaging material and specific explanations. These requirements provide an excellent background for application of e-Learning. The EU projects Consortia EMERALD and EMIT developed five volumes of such materials, now used in 65 countries. EMERALD developed e-Learning materials in three areas of medical physics (X-ray diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy). EMIT developed e-Learning materials in two further areas: ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. This paper describes the development of these e-Learning materials (consisting of e-books and educational image databases). The e-books include tasks helping studying of various equipment and methods. The text of these PDF e-books is hyperlinked with respective images. The e-books are used through the readers’ own Internet browser. Each Image Database (IDB) includes a browser, which displays hundreds of images of equipment, block diagrams and graphs, image quality examples, artefacts, etc. Both the e-books and IDB are engraved on five separate CD-ROMs. Demo of these materials can be taken from
152. Terry, A. A., "
Electronic ink technologies: showing the way to a brighter future".
Library hi tech, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Edición electrónica/Futuro
Resumen: Electronic ink and reusable electronic paper technology are painting their way out of R&D labs and into the world of signage, e-books, and other hand-held devices. This paper examines the evolving technology, the companies leading the efforts, and the possible applications and implications for publishing and academia. It offers some insights on market speculation from members of the professional and academic publishing community, industry analysts and venture capitalists. The paper concludes by making a few observations on current and future technological trends and their impact on the higher education market and society.
153. Titel, V., "
The Digital Book: A Medial Revolution without a New Medium ".
D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 10, 2003.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Can a book that doesn't come from comprehensibly materialized textual means still be considered a book? What happens when, in the form of an electronic publication on the World Wide Web, a typical book-type volume is designed to be networked and includes multi-media? As the physical object itself disappears, one of the conditions required for the existence of book science faces extinction. Is the Internetor rather the World Wide Web contained in ita medium that opposes the book? In the context of discussions regarding media competition, this idea is becoming widespread. Infinitely more exciting, though, is that we are experiencing an information technology revolution and, in fact, a medial revolution without a new medium.
154. Torres Vargas, G. A., "
El libro en la era electrónica".
Biblioteca Universitaria: Revista de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas de la UNAM, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2003.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Edición electrónica
Resumen: Este artículo es una reflexión en torno al libro electrónico, con la finalidad de exponer de qué manera este soporte de información afectará a la biblioteca académica.
155. Tripathi, M. and Jeevan, V. K. J., "
E-book Subscription in a Distance Education Institution: A Case of Indira Gandhi National Open University, India".
Serials Review, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2008, pp. 104-114.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Adquisiciones/Suscripciones/Ense anza a distancia/e-Learning/India/Países en desarrollo/Recursos electrónicos
Resumen: The present study details e-book subscriptions at Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) Library, New Delhi, India, and describes the various publishers and aggregators of e-books, collections, pricing models, access, functionality, and other important features of various packages. It highlights the challenges to overcome in stabilizing e-book solutions for academic libraries, especially libraries operating for the benefit of off-campus learners. The study considers the elements and strategies of e-book collection development and access which must be adopted by academic libraries, especially for distance education facilities.
156. Vassiliou, M. and Rowley, J., "
Progressing the definition of ?e".
Library Hi Tech, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2008, pp. 355-368-355 - 368.
Descriptores: E-books/Digital libraries
Resumen: Purpose ? This paper aims to propose a definition for the concept ?e-book? on the basis of an analysis of existing definitions. The e-book marketplace is growing rapidly and the potential impact of e-books on publishers, librarian and users is increasing in significance. Yet, there is agreement that despite a few widely accepted definitions there is no consensus on the definition of the term e-book, and, further that consensus on the definition would be beneficial for both researchers and practitioners. Design/methodology/approach ? This paper starts with a brief overview of the developments in e-books, covering technologies, marketplaces, and the attractions and challenges associated with e-books for users and libraries. It then reports on a content analysis of existing definitions of e-book. A collection of definitions was compiled through an exhaustive literature review. Content analysis was performed to identify the frequency of occurrence of key words and phrases across these definitions. Findings ? There is a consensus that definitions of e-book should include reference to: the digital or electronic nature of e-books, analogy to printed book, some indication of the content of e-books, and some allusion to e-book technologies. We propose a two-part definition that embraces these themes, but also reflects the in-use features of the e-book. Conclusions and recommendations make proposals for further discussion on the concept of e-book and, more widely, into the publication, acquisition and use of e-books. Originality/value ? In the rapidly developing e-book marketplace it is essential to have agreement on the definition of e-book, and furthermore, such a definition needs to reflect both the persistent characteristics of e-books, and their dynamic and developing nature.
157. Warren, J. W., "
Innovation and the Future of e-Books".
International Journal of the Book, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/e-books
Resumen: The technological development and cultural acceptance of e-books today parallels the state of the printed book in the 15th century. E-books are increasingly available from a variety of distributors and retailers, and work on a myriad of devices, but the majority remain simply digitized versions of print books. Some devices or platforms include such tools as word definitions, highlighting, and note taking, but many of these tools simply mimic what students and researchers have traditionally done with printed texts. This paper examines three examples of innovative e-books in order to illustrate the potential and pitfalls of electronic publications. The first is a history e-text that includes 1,700 primary-source documents such as Presidential memos, reports, and even audio and video clipslinked from footnotes, providing a treasure trove of research material to readers. The second is a novella in hypertext form. The third example examines digital textbooks
that include multimedia, assessment, and other digital tools. Each of these cases demonstrates creative approaches, business models, and methods of review that point to the enhanced, interactive, interlinked future of the e-book. Keywords: e-Books, Information Society, Electronic Texts, Innovation, Hypertext, Open Access, Digital Publishing, Enhanced E-books, Interactive, e-Learning, e-Scholarship
158. Whalley, B. , "
e-Books for the future: here but hiding?".
Ariadne, No. 49, 2006, pp. np.
Descriptores: World Wide Web/E-books/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Outlines some developments in e-book technologies for education and links them to existing ways of presenting textbook information, covering: hardware; books, magazines and scholarly monographs; Reusable Educational Objects (REOs); digital asset repositories and management systems; personal learning environments; Wikipedia and "portal Wikis; publishers and textbooks; the nature of future textbooks; Wiki-books. The developments suggested in the article are available now and e-texts could easily be integrated with comprehensive, although expensive, learning tools such as Tegrity's "Campus. Digital, reusable assets will also become increasingly common and their integration into learning environments, together with some form of e-book (or wikibook), offers a better student experience than conventional teaching practices with textbooks. (Quotes from original text)
159. Williams, K. C. and Best, R., "
E-Book Usage and the Choice Outstanding Academic Book List: Is There a Correlation?".
Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2006.
Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: in this study, the staff of the library at Auburn University at Montgomery analyzed circulation patterns for electronic books in the fields of Political Science, Public Administration and Law to see if favorable Choice reviews can be used to predict usage of electronic books. A comparison of the circulations between print and electronic books was also conducted to determine whether the format of the books (print vs. electronic) had a discernible impact on circulation patterns.
160. Wilson, R., "
E-books for students: EBONI".
Ariadne, No. 27, 2001.
Descriptores: E-books/Internet/Publicaciones periódicas/Bibliotecas/Revistas electrónicas
Resumen: Electronic journals are playing an increasing role in the education of students. The ARL Directory of Scholarly Electronic Journals lists nearly 4,000 peer-reviewed journal titles and 4,600 conferences available electronically, and many academic libraries now subscribe to ejournal services such as those provided by MCB Emerald, Omnifile and ingentaJournals.
161. Wilson, R., "
Evolution of Portable Electronic Books".
Ariadne, No. 29, 2001.
Descriptores: Documentos archivísticos/Libros electrónicos/Amazon.com
Resumen: Ruth Wilson charts the development of portable electronic book hardware, from the first generation models in the 1980s to the range of handheld devices available today. Many months after reading and hearing about their introduction in the US, portable electronic books are now becoming available in the UK. Franklin’s eBookMan is available online from bestbuy.com and amazon.com and from some high street retailers, the goReader is available for purchase via their Web site, a variety of ebook reading software can be downloaded to PDAs for free via the Internet, and some Pocket PCs are being sold pre-installed with Microsoft Reader.
162. Wilson, R., Landoni, M., and Gibb, F., "
A user-centred approach to e-book design".
Electronic library, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2002.
Descriptores: E-books/Libros electrónicos/Diseño/Evaluación /Edición electrónica
Resumen: This paper considers the Electronic Books ON-screen Interface (EBONI) Project's research into the importance of the user when designing electronic textbooks. The results of the Visual Book and the WEB Book experiments, which explored design aspects of e-books and provide a backdrop to EBONI's research, are presented. EBONI's methodology and evaluations, involving over 200 students, lecturers and researchers in UK Higher Education, are described, and the findings discussed. It is proposed that, while aspects of paper books such as tables of contents, indexes and typography should be retained, books delivered electronically should also adapt to fit the new medium through use of hypertext, search engines and multimedia. In terms of the design of e-book hardware, issues such as size and weight, display technology and functionality are of primary importance to users. These findings have been presented to creators of educational digital content in the form of a set of Electronic Textbook Design Guidelines.
163. Wilson, R., Landoni, M., and Gibb, F., "
The WEB Book experiments in electronic textbook design".
Journal of Documentation, Vol. 59, No. 4, 2003.
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Diseño/Evaluación/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: This paper describes a series of three evaluations of electronic textbooks on the Web, which focused on assessing how appearance and design can affect users' sense of engagement and directness with the material. The EBONI Project's methodology for evaluating electronic textbooks is outlined and each experiment is described, together with an analysis of results. Finally, some recommendations for successful design are suggested, based on an analysis of all experimental data. These recommendations underline the main findings of the evaluations: that users want some features of paper books to be preserved in the electronic medium, while also preferring electronic text to be written in a scannable style.
164. Woods, B. and Ireland, M., "
eBook Loans: an e-twist on a classic interlending service".
Interlending & Document Supply, Vol. 36, No. 2, 2008.
Descriptores: E-books/Préstamo interbibliotecario/Libros electrónicos
Resumen: Purpose -û In April 2007, the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI), in collaboration with Ingram MyiLibrary, launched the eBook Loan Service. The paper describes the management of challenges associated with the project as well as the background and context of the aims to eBook Loan Service model. Conclusions and future activities by the partners with regard to e-book lending are discussed. Design/methodology/approach -û The paper addresses two main topics: how the eBook Loan Service model was developed, the challenges and risks, the outcomes and benefits; and to evaluate whether a project stretching across boundaries of geography and time as well as between public and commercial partners can be managed successfully. Through a literature review, the context of the e-book lending model for libraries is addressed, as well as the challenges of virtual project management. Findings -û The challenges and risks associated with implementing the new service were resolved and the project was a success. Originality/value -û The new service delivered by this project underlines the richness of new ideas emerging in the library community to improve access to scholarly literature in the digital age. With this model of affordable short-term access to scholarly e-books, libraries will be in a better position to serve the just-in-time needs of users in the electronic environment and end-users will have better access.
165. Wright, F., "
How Can 575 Comic Books Weigh Under an Ounce?: Comic Book Collecting in the Digital Age.".
Journal of Electronic Publishing, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2008, pp. 2.
Descriptores: Edición electrónica/Comic/Libros electrónicos/Video
Resumen: Once a quest that often took years of visits to flea markets, garage sales, used bookstores, and the local comics shop, collecting an entire run of a comic book title may become as easy as downloading a file from the Internet. With the advent of DVD-ROMs published by Graphic Imaging Technology and other companies collecting decades of such titles as The Amazing Spider-Man and The Fantastic Four on a single DVD, comic book collectors and general readers may be more and more tempted to read on screen in the future. This paper explores the possible consequences for the comic book collecting hobby and the comics industry as a subculture traditionally based in print begins to mutate in the digital age. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]. Copyright of Journal of Electronic Publishing is the property of University of Michigan and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
166. Wu, H.-C., Lee, C.-L., and Lin, C.-T., "
Ergonomic evaluation of three popular Chinese e-book displays for prolonged reading".
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, Vol. 37, No. 9-10, 2007, pp. 761-770.
Descriptores: E-books/Evaluación/Satisfacción de usuarios/Ergonomia/China
Resumen: This research has highlighted the importance of the prolonged reading of e-book displays, and three popular e-book displays including a personal digital assistant (PDA), an e-book reader (Reader), and a notebook computer (NB) were evaluated in ergonomic perspective. Twenty-two university students (11 males and 11 females) participated in the formal experiment. They performed three 100-min reading trials with a different display for each trial. Visual fatigue, reading performance, and subjective satisfaction were collected at the end of each trial. The results are as follows: first, visual fatigue was significantly greater when subjects read from the PDA compared with the other two displays. Second, reading speed and accuracy rate were not significantly different among the three displays. Third, female subjects tended to have better reading performance than male subjects did. Finally, the subjects preferred the NB to the other two displays, because the NB had the highest satisfaction ratings in text legibility, luminance contrast, and screen size. Furthermore, some recommendations were provided to select or design an adequate e-book display for prolonged reading.
167. Yáñez, J. A., "
El libro electrónico, nueva herramienta para el aprendizaje (estado actual y perspectiva)".
Biblioteca Universitaria: Revista de la Dirección General de Bibliotecas de la UNAM, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2004.
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/Bibliotecarios
Resumen: Se describe la trayectoria evolutiva y prospectiva del libro electrónico, relatando de manera ejecutiva y sinóptica las etapas de este soporte, que promete coexistir en el futuro mediato, y a largo plazo, con la versión impresa. El escrito aporta experiencias y reflexiones desde la óptica del bibliotecario como profesional de la información.
168. Yeon-Hee Park, "
A Consortium Study of Academic E-books: E-books Business Models of University Libraries in Korea ".
IFLA Annual Conference, 2006 .
Descriptores: Libros electrónicos/e-books/Adquisición cooperativa/Consorcios/Bibliotecas universitarias/Korea
Resumen: E-books became known as one of prominent electronic resources in competitive information age. In year 2000 Korean public libraries started to serve e-books and university libraries followed them. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Korean consortium models generally and introduce how Korea Education & Research Information Service (KERIS) manages the e-book consortium effectively in the Korean perspective. There are 2 types of e-book consortium models that KERIS is handling. One is the subscription model and the other is the purchasing model that consortium members make a new collection every year they share. Both sharing and purchasing options are quite cost-effective for Korean universities since they try to balance the digital and paper collection. The business model for e-books in Korean universities was quite successive and fit into conservative collection management in Korea for academic use.
Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
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