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U niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca
 I nfo D oc 17 de junio de 2009

¿Que es?
Es una herramienta para gestionar enlaces entre diferentes recursos de información, proporciona con un sólo click todas las opciones de acceso que una Biblioteca tiene para un determinado recurso (revista, libro, artículo…)

Utiliza Open URL. La Open URL es una URL dinámica basada en el protocolo http. Permite elaborar una consulta desde un recurso que lanza contra el servidor de SFX
                       Manualillo de SFX para Torpes

     1.     "Alternativas de búsqueda directa en Metalib y SFX:".  BuGalicia, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: Alternativas de búsqueda directa en Metalib y SFX:

     2.     "CSU SFX MetaLib Resource Web site ".  Exlibris, 2009.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: SFX is all about linking. Students used to working on the Web expect to be able to easily link from one information resource to another.Although much of a library's collection is in electronic form, and is accessed via the Web, library information resources act independently from each other. For instance, when a student finds a journal article in an article database, she has to do another separate search in the catalog to see if the library has the journal in which the article is published.

     3.     "Ex-Libris gains marketing rights for SFX".  Biblio Tech Review, 2000.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: An interesting technology developed by University of Ghent in Belgium has been bought by Ex-Libris.  Along with other moves by integrated library system vendors - Innovative’s link and the Endeavor/Elsevier merger - this shows how the convergence of the sourcing and managing knowledge technologies are affecting the industry.  Press release from Ex Libris + Peter Evans summarises the key features of SFX and its implications

     4.     "Impleentación de Metalib y SFX en el SIBUC".   SIBUC, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: MetaLib es un portal de información para colecciones electrónicas de la biblioteca, que provee acceso a catálogos, bases de datos, libros y revistas electrónicas. Permite la búsqueda simultánea de información en diferentes recursos, sean impresos o electrónicos, locales o remotos.

     5.     "Metalib - SFX".  Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/MetaLib/Metabuscadores

Resumen: MetaLib es el portal de acceso a los recursos electrónicos de la Biblioteca Universitaria. Con MetaLib puedes realizar búsquedas simultáneas en varios recursos de información, personalizar tus recursos favoritos, crear alertas de novedades... . Para acceder, entra en MetaLib. Si quieres más información sobre MetaLib, pincha aquí.

     6.     "Online Tutorial - SFX Print Journal ".  Lakehead University Library, 2008.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Recursos electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso a la información/Hiperenlaces/Bases de datos / Revistas electrónicas/SFX

Resumen: Home page of Lakehead University Library. Use this page to access the Library Catalogue (Inukshuk), find journal articles, online reference ...

     7.     "Preguntas frecuentes de SFX".  Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: ¿Cómo puedo acceder a SFX desde fuera de la Universidad?¿Por qué algunas revistas presentan más de una opción para enlazar al texto completo? ¿Qué puedo hacer cuando el menú de SFX devuelve un mensaje de error de tipo "software error"?

     8.     "SFX más que un servidor de enlaces".  GreenData, 2009.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: SFX es una aplicación que no solo le permite integrar todos los componentes de su biblioteca digital mediante una tecnología de enlaces, sino que además le permite evaluar la calidad, la rentabilidad y el equilibrio de su colección de recursos-e. SFX dispone de una base de datos de recursos predefinidos mantenida y actualizada por Ex Libris, lo cual garantiza niveles óptimos de calidad y relevancia, y asegura la estabilidad y continuidad del producto. SFX dispone de una base de datos de recursos predefinidos mantenida y actualizada por Ex Libris, lo cual garantiza niveles óptimos de calidad y relevancia, y asegura la estabilidad y continuidad del producto.

     9.     "SFX: Overview  : The Keystone of the Library's Electronic Resource Infrastructure ".  Exlibris, 2009.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: SFX® is the most widely used link server and the linking solution of choice for over 1,500 libraries worldwide. SFX provides users with context-sensitive links to article full-text and other library-defined resources including the online public access catalog (OPAC) local holdings, preferred document-delivery suppliers, related Web-based resources and services, local information repositories, and a range of other services.

   10.     "Tutorial de SFX.".  Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2008.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Recursos electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso a la información/Hiperenlaces/Bases de datos / Revistas electrónicas/SFX

Resumen: Tutorial de SFX. Marzo de 2008. UAM Biblioteca y Archivo. Índice. 1. ¿Qué es SFX? 2. ¿Quién lo puede utilizar? 3. ¿Cómo identifico SFX?

   11.     "Using SFX (special effects)  to Link to Full-text Articles; A New Service from the Texas A&M Systems Libraries".  Palmer Memorial Library, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: SFX stands for Special Effects. lIt is a service which provides links from a citation in one database to the full text of that article in another. lIt is a time saver!

   12.    Bronsoiler, A.,  "MetaLib 4.0".  Reunión de Usuarios de Aleph y Metalib de Chile, Vol. 2.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: MetaLib y SFX. Representante de Ex. Representante de Ex Libris ... MetaLib y SFX: estado actual. Actualmente: más de 900 clientes en 37 países ...

   13.    Chaffin, N., Cullen, K., and Jaramillo, G. R.,  "Cross-Database Searching The Implementation of MetaLib".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 4, 2005.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Bases de datos/Búsquedas bibliográficas/SFX

Resumen: During 2003, the Colorado State University Libraries were involved in the implementation of the Ex Libris software MetaLib.
MetaLib is an extension to the Ex Libris SFX software that provides end-users the ability to simultaneously search across multiple databases. The article describes the process of implementing MetaLib, the technical and public service considerations, and the benefits derived fromMetaLib. It is a follow-up to a previous article on the implementation of SFX at Colorado State University Libraries.

   14.    Cochenour, D. and Jaramillo, G. R.,  "Access to E-Resources The Implementation of SFX".  Technical services quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2004.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Recursos electrónicos/Documentos electrónicos/Acceso a la información/Hiperenlaces/Bases de datos / Revistas electrónicas/SFX

Resumen: During 2002, the Colorado State University Libraries were involved in the implementation of the Ex Libris software SFX. Through SFX users can easily identify library resources in aggregated databases and e-journals in a seamless and user friendly environment. This article describes the process of implementing SFX, the technical and public service considerations, and the benefits derived from SFX. Through its implementation of the OpenURL standard, which allows for context-sensitive reference linking from a citation to a resource, SFX helps the users to easily locate information within an array of online electronic resources.

   15.    Corbett, L. E.,  "Serials - Review of the Literature 2000-2003".  Library Resources & Technical Services, Vol. 50, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Publicaciones seriadas/Bibliografía/Investigación/SFX

Resumen: The topic of electronic journals (e-journals) dominated the serials literature from 2000 to 2003. This review is limited to the events and issues within the broad topics Of cost, management, and archiving. Coverage of cost includes such initiatives as PEAK, JACC, BioMed Central, SPARC, open access, the 'Big Deal,' and 'going e-only. ' Librarians combated the continued price increase trend for journals, fueled in part by publisher mergers, with the economies found with bundled packages and consortial subscriptions. Serials management topics include usage statistics; core title lists; staffing needs; the 'A-Z list' and other services from such companies as Serials Solutions; 'deep linking'; link resolvers such as SFX; development of standards or guidelines, such as COUNTER and ERMI, tracking of license terms; vendor mergers; and the demise of integrated library systems and a subscription agent's bankruptcy. Librarians archived print volumes in storage facilities due to space shortages. Librarians and publishers struggled with electronic archiving concepts, discussing questions of who, where, and how. Projects such as LOCKSS tested potential solutions, but missing online content due to the Tasini court case and retractions posed more archiving difficulties. The serials literature captured much of the upheaval resulting from the rapid pace of changes, many linked to the advent of e-journals.

   16.    Cummings, J.  and Johnson, R.,  "The use and usability of SFX: context-sensitive reference linking ".  Library hi tech, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2003.

Descriptores: Recursos electrónicos/XML/Lenguajes de marcas/Hiperenlaces/Usabilidad/SFX

Resumen:  SFX is an XML-based product designed to inter-link electronic resources with other resources in context-sensitive manner. SFX was first developed at the University of Ghent by Herbert Van de Sompel and has been released as a commercial product by Ex Libris. Use statistics garnered from SFX's statistics module since the implementation in July of 2001 are discussed in the context of an academic research library environment. The results from usability testing conducted at Washington State University are reported. These usage statistics demonstrated a pattern of increasing use and exceptional use from FirstSearch databases. 

   17.    Flynn, A.,  "SuperSearching at UTS: Experience With a MetaLib/SFX Installation".  VALA - Libraries, Technology and the Future , 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: MetaLib and SFX were implemented at UTS Library in 2001. This paper traces UTS’ experience, from the initial search for solutions to problems of electronic information access, through to the launch of SuperSearch – UTS Library’s MetaLib/SFX system. Details of the various phases of the implementation are provided, including planning and preparation, the work of the implementation group, and the operationalisation for the ongoing management of the system. The paper concludes with mention of some related developments at UTS Library.

   18.    Gallagher, J., Bauer, K., and  Dollar, D. M.,  "Evidence-based librarianship: Utilizing data from all available sources to make judicious print cancellation decisions".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2005, pp. 169-179.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Biblioteconomía basada en la evidencia/Suscripciones/Cancelación de suscripciones/SFX

Resumen: As the cost of periodicals continues to rise, libraries must consider the value of titles currently acquired or subscribed to. At Yale University's Cushing/Whitney Medical Library (CWML), staff employed an evidence-based librarianship (EBL) approach that combined use data from several disparate sources to make the best decisions regarding the cancellation of specific journals' print format. These best-evidence sources include the following: a 3-month usage study of 1249 current unbound print journals; statistics about 3465 MEDLINE-indexed electronic journals accessed via ExLibris' linking tool SFX; statistics from the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and the American Association of Health Sciences Libraries; and various traditional library statistics.

   19.    Garcia Pau, V.,  "¿Cómo hacer DSpacedestino de SFX?".  Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib/DSpace/Acceso abierto

Resumen: ¿Cómo hacer DSpacedestino de SFX?

   20.    Hamblin, Y. and Stubbings, R.,  "The Implementation of MetaLib and SFX at Loughborough University Library A Case Study".  Loughborough University Library , 2003.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: This report is a case study of the implementation of MetaLib at the University Library at Loughborough. It was commissioned by JISC to inform the HE and FE community with a view to encouraging and enabling the further development of library-oriented portals. MetaLib is a commercially produced portal which provides a central access point to databases with the functionality to cross-search those databases. SFX complements MetaLib by linking directly to the full-text of e-journals to which the Library subscribes

   21.    Highsmith, A. L.,  "Migrating SFX to a new server".  Texas A&M University, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: old sfx server named; changed to; needed to figure out how to change name without invalidating all configurations at ...

   22.    Leg, M.,  "SFX".  GreenData.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: 1. ¿Qué es S·F·X? 2. La Knowledge Base 3. Otras herramientas 4. S·F·X para el usuario final

   23.    Liepa, S.,  "Statistics & MetaLib/SFX : Issues for Consortia. ".  AARLIN Team, 2008.

Descriptores: Estadísticas/Consorcios/SFX /Recursos electrónicos/Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: Distributed Processing & Stats •Shared IP Range & Stats •Multiple Instances & Stats •Oracle table sizing?

   24.    Livingston, J., Sanford, D., and Bretthauer, D.,  "A comparison of OpenURL link resolvers: The results of a University of Connecticut Libraries environmental scan".  Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, 2006, pp. 179-201.

Descriptores: OpenURL/SFX/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: Open URL link resolvers are emerging technological tools designed to increase use of library collections by automating the process of locating and accessing library holdings. This study examines the system architecture and capabilities of commercially available OpenURL link resolvers to assess viable options for the University of Connecticut Libraries. Data for the study, largely experiential feedback received from libraries employing OpenURL link resolvers, were gathered through a series of evaluative activities. These included a preliminary literature review, Web survey, follow-up e-mail survey, and on-site visits to libraries. Results were analyzed within the context of the University of Connecticut Libraries' resources and needs. Analysis revealed wide variation in library experiences with and perception of product functionality and performance, as well as requisite staff and financial investments.

   25.    Malo de Molina, T.,  "Sistemas para la integración e interconexión de recursos: : CrossRef y SFX.".  Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2009.

Descriptores: CrossRef /SFX/OpenURL/DOI (Digital Object Identifiers)

Resumen: Malo de Molina, Teresa. Sistemas para la interconexión e integración de recursos: CrossRef y SFX. En: (consultado: 15-02-2009).

   26.    Olmedo, G.,  "Que hay detras de la Biblioteca Virtual: Organización del trabajo en Metalib/SFX: ".  Jornadas Bibliotecas CSIC Teconologia para el usuario, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: En la ponencia trataré de exponer qué ha supuesto para la Unidad de Coordinación la puesta en marcha de la BV en cuanto a cambios en su organización interna, lo ilustraré mediante la exposición detallada de algunos ejemplos de procesos implicados en la gestión de la BV. Lo que más me interesa es discutir qué cambios  puede suponer la BV para la organización del conjunto de la Red.

   27.    Olmedo, G., Bautista, T., Román, J., and Ríos, Y.,  "De acá para allá: Facilitando la navegación entre recursos mediante un servidor de enlaces".  Jornadas Españolas de Documentación, No. 11, 2009, pp. 276.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/SFX

Resumen: Tras varios años de uso por parte de la Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC, el servidor de enlaces SFX se ha convertido en una herramienta central en la organización de los accesos a la colección de revistas electrónicas y en la provisión de servicios de valor añadido que surgen de relacionar recursos impresos y recursos electrónicos de varios tipos entre sí. En este póster se expone cómo está organizado el acceso a los recursos electrónicos en el CSIC y el papel que juega SFX en esta organización y se analizan los datos de uso de SFX en el CSIC.

   28.    Olmedo Granados, G.,  "Integración PAPI/Metalib/SFX en la biblioteca virtual del CSIC".  Jornadas Técnicas RedIris, 2005.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib

Resumen: Se presenta la integración desarrollada en el CSIC entre la aplicación de acceso off-campus Papi, el servidor de enlaces SFX y el portal de recursos Metalib, detallando como se ha configurado la comunicación entre las tres aplicaciones. Ponencia presentada en las Jornadas Técnicas RedIris 2005 (Logrono, 24-28 Octubre 2005)

   29.    Pelizzari, E.,  "Il context-sensitive linking alla prova degli utenti. [Context-sensitive linking as tested by users.]".  Biblioteche Oggi, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2006.

Descriptores: SFX/Bibliotecas universitarias/Estudio de usuarios/Recursos de información

Resumen: With the introduction in 2001 of SFX technology, libraries can now offer a context-sensitive linking method for researching their resources and collections, enabling the final user to obtain the 'appropriate copy' of desired information. Investigates the use of SFX (renamed SIRIO, or Information Services and Online Resources) at the University of Brescia's three libraries -- Economics/Law, Engineering and Medicine -- from January to April 2006. Analysis of about 11250 SIRIO-SFX queries over this period showed, inter alia, that 75% of them requested clickthrough to other menu services. The Library of Medicine had the highest ratio of query to clickthrough (84%), and at the three libraries overall the highest such ratio was for the link to full-text do cuments (85%), followed by access to local printed catalogues (55%), with demand for interlibrary services at only 12%. Quite striking was, firstly, the high rate of non-use (25%) of any type of service by users who had pressed the SIRIO-SFX button; and, secondly, the lack of interest shown by users in most of the 14 clickthrough services available. Suggests possible explanations for the research results. Original article in Italian. (Author abstract - amended)

   30.    Pennanen, J. and Salminen, L.,  "MetaLib/SFX and Public Libraries".  National Library of Finland, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Metalib/Bibliotecas publicas/Consorcios

Resumen: Jukka Pennanen & Leena Salminen The National Library of Finland 3.9.06 IGeLU Stockholm, Sweden 3 sectors using MetaLib/SFX: university, polytechnic and public libraries ...

   31.    Rey Pinzón, L. G.,  "Nuevas formas de acceder a la información".  La biblioteca en la sociedad del conocimiento, 2009.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión/Acceso abierto

Resumen: La biblioteca en la sociedad del conocimiento. Crsos de Extensión Universitaria Lanzarote. del 13 al 17 de abril de 2009). Explicar la problemática existente en la búsqueda de información y las posibles soluciones. Las citas a referencias electrónicas son cada vez más abundantes, pero con frecuencia son poco estables. Hay estudios que demuestran que pasados sólo dos años, el 13% de las citas de los artículos están inactivas. Esto nos lleva a tener que generar métodos de identificación permanente y crear sistemas que permitan la interconexión y la integración de recursos.

   32.    Ribes LLopes, I.,  "Gestión de contenidos en PoliBuscador, el portal de acceso a la Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia".  Jornadas de Gestión de la Información: Vol. 8, 2006.

Descriptores: SFX /Recursos electrónicos/ Gestión

Resumen: PoliBuscador es el portal de acceso a la Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Construido sobre MetaLib y SFX (ExLibris)

   33.    Soderdhal, P. A.,  "Implementing the SFX Link Server at the University of Iowa".  Information technology and libraries, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2003.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/Estados Unidos/Bases de datos /Suscripciones/Revistas electrónicas

Resumen: In January 2002, the University of Iowa Libraries introduced its link server—linking related content from one information provider to another—using Ex Libris SFX software. Three basic services appeared on day 1 of the link server’s implementation: (1) citation reference linking to full-text electronic journal articles; (2) linking to holdings in the local catalog; and (3) persistent linking to an electronic reference service. The system is now integrated with more than seventy-five licensed databases and includes links to more than 16,000 full-text journal subscriptions. New developments beyond citation reference linking include links to Journal Citation Reports, Ulrichsweb, and interlibrary loan. This article describes the planning and initial implementation process of the SFX server.

   34.    Sompel, H. V. d. and Beit-Arie, O.,  "Open Linking in the Scholarly Information Environment Using the OpenURL Framework ".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2001.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Modelos organizativos/Hiperenlaces/World wide web

Resumen: This paper provides insights into the concepts underlying the OpenURL framework for open reference linking in the web-based scholarly information environment. The discussion starts by briefly reiterating the problems with reference linking that were initially described and later addressed as part of the SFX research. Some notions crucial to the understanding of the issues at stake are briefly described: extended service-links, closed and non-context-sensitive linking, open and context-sensitive linking. Then, the paper details the OpenURL framework and reports on its current deployment in the scholarly information environment. As an illustration of the penetration of the OpenURL framework, special attention is accorded to a prototype in which the OpenURL framework is integrated with the DOI/CrossRef linking solution.

   35.    Wakimoto, J. C., Walker, D. S., and Dabbour, K. S.,  "The Myths and Realities of Sfx in Academic Libraries".  Journal of Academic Librarianship, Vol. 32 , No. 2, 2006.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas universitarias/SFX/Recursos electrónicos/Hiperenlaces

Resumen: On the surface, SFX, utilizing the concept of context-sensitive linking among library resources, promises the ability to obtain full text effortlessly. This paper reports on the results of a three-fold study-online survey, focus group interviews, and sample testing analysis-to examine library end-user and librarian expectations and experiences using SFX.

   36.    Wakimoto, J. C., Walker, D. S., and Dabbour, K. S.,  "The Myths and Realities of SFX in Academic Libraries".  Vol. 32, No. 2, 2006, pp. 127-136.

Descriptores: OpenURL/SFX/Bibliotecas universitarias

Resumen: On the surface, SFX, utilizing the concept of context-sensitive linking among library resources, promises the ability to obtain full text effortlessly. This paper reports on the results of a three-fold study—online survey, focus group interviews, and sample testing analysis—to examine library end-user and librarian expectations and experiences using SFX.

   37.    Walker, J.,  "Linking is as easy as SFX".  Library Association Record, Vol. 103, No. 12, 2001.

Descriptores: World wide web/Hiperenlaces

Resumen: Jenny Walker explains how linking technology can overcome the frustrating problem of 'dead' or inappropriate links. Linking is as pervasive as the web. Web users all recognise that clicking on hyperlinked text in a document will cause a link to be made to another document - or another section of the same document. Such links have revolutionised our world. When reading an online news article, we are now able to hyperlink to background reading, previous reporting on the subject, information about the news location, the current weather conditions there, and so on. Such links, which are intended to aid navigation and thereby enrich our experience, are embedded in the source document at the time of creation, either by the creator of the document, or by automated means.

   38.    Walker, J.,  "Open linking for libraries: the OpenURL framework".  New Library World, Vol. 102, No. 4-5, 2001, pp. 127-134.

Descriptores: OpenURL/Bibliotecas digitales/Sistemas abiertos

Resumen: Reports on the ground-breaking work by Herbert Van de Sompel while associated with Ghent University, Belgium, and at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, which has led to the creation of an open linking framework for scholarly research. The open linking framework proposed by Van de Sompel puts libraries firmly in control, allowing them to determine the scope of their institution’s interlinked research environment both in terms of extent and range of link services offered to their users. It places librarians in the “trail-blazers” profession, predicted by Vannevar Bush in 1945: they enthuse in the task of establishing useful links between resources. The creation of such an open linking environment requires the collaboration of all the stakeholders in the information industry; and underlying the success of this is an emerging standard, the OpenURL, now on a fast track path to acceptance by NISO. Van de Sompel’s research work led to the development of the SFX server technology, which was demonstrated in operation at both the Ghent University and the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Ex Libris subsequently purchased the SFX server technology from Ghent University in early 2000.


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