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Documentos depositados en E-LIS en 2008

E-LIS España 2008
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Documentos depositados en E-LIS 2008
 I nfo D oc 23 de jumio de 2009

     1.     "Knowledge Management for Biomedical Literature: The Function of Text-Mining Technologies in Life-Science Research".  INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF TECNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT (IATED), 2008.

Descriptores: Knowledge Management (KM)

Resumen: Efficient information retrieval and extraction is a major challenge in life-science research. The Knowledge Management (KM) for biomedical literature aims to establish an environment, utilizing information technologies, to facilitate better acquisition, generation, codification, and transfer of knowledge. Knowledge Discovery in Text (KDT) is one of the goals in KM, so as to find hidden information in the literature by exploring the internal structure of knowledge network created by the textual information. Knowledge discovery could be major help in the discovery of indirect relationships, which might imply new scientific discoveries. Text-mining provides methods and technologies to retrieve and extract information contained in free-text automatically. Moreover, it enables analysis of large collections of unstructured documents for the purposes of extracting interesting and non-trivial patterns of knowledge. Biomedical text-mining is organized in stages classified into the following steps: identification of biological entities, identification of biological relations and classification of entity relations. Here, we discuss the challenges and function of biomedical text-mining in the KM for biomedical literature.

     2.     "Los archivos de empresas mineras en España".  ANABAD, 2008.

Descriptores: Archivos de empresa

Resumen: The article analyzes archivesÇs current situation of mining companies in Spain, as well as the bibliographical sources for its study. It emphasize the importance of the record management for the companies that are on active service and the role of the historical archives as industrial heritage.

     3.    Abad-Garcia, M.-F., González-Teruel, A., Martínez-Catalán, C., and Giménez-Martínez, F.,  "Viabilidad de repositorios de biomedicina y ciencias de la salud en la Comunidad Valenciana".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 165-173 .

Descriptores: Open access

Resumen: Self-archiving was studied in 3,495 papers in 109 core journals that published 50% of Valencia's scientific production in biomedical and health sciences included in the 2000-2004 ISI databases. The effectiveness of self-archiving is analyzed with respect to the feasibility of launching open access institutional and subject-specific repositories. Data were obtained from the Sherpa/Romeo database. Self-archiving is favourable for the implementation of institutional repositories because 56.8% of papers could be immediately deposited, a percentage that increases to 72% after a period of embargo and to 87% when papers published in full text journals are included. The feasibility of establishing biomedical and health science repositories for the Valencian Community is questionable, due to the fact that most publishers will not grant permission for inclusion in a repository unless mandated by the research funding agency, a practice lacking in our country at present.

     4.    Abadal, E.,  "Politiche open access e repositori istituzionali in Europa".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: institutional repositories

Resumen: The aim of this text is to describe a typology of intervention instruments which could be the base for an institutional policy for promoting open access. This typology has five main areas: establishment of technical infrastructures and services, information and dissemination actions, economic incentivation, institutional coordination, regulation (mandate), and inspection or control. Several instruments for each one of this areas and relevant international examples are indicated.

     5.    Abadal, E. and Codina, L.,  "La diversidad cultural en Google y los motores de búsqueda: una aproximación conceptual".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 191-198 .

Descriptores: Google

Resumen:  In various contexts, a concern has been expressed, both implicitly and explicitly, that search engines in general, and Google in particular, may be using some system that obscures certain cultural content or emphasizes the Anglo-Saxon perspective, to the detriment of other cultures and languages. To put it in other terms, we present an exclusively theoretical approach to the idea that intensive use of search engines, which is so common now, represents a threat to cultural diversity. First, with the goal of putting our study in context, we present two previous debates on the dilemma of protectionism vs. the free flow of cultural products, and then analyse the most relevant characteristics of search engines (with a focus on Google) to determine whether they constitute a credible threat to cultural and linguistic diversity on the Web.

     6.    Abadal, E. and Guallar, J.,  "Les hemeroteques digitals de la premsa catalana: anàlisi dels diaris catalans de més difusió".  COBDC, 2008.

Descriptores: Hemeroteques digitals

Resumen: The study analyses the level of development of the press archives of the 12 Catalan newspapers with the largest digital circulations, according to a set of indicators of general features (name, temporal coverage, etc.), the query system (operators, search by fields, help, etc.), presentation of results (document fields, formats, etc.) and other features (visibility, accessibility and cost). The study finds that the level of development of digital press archives is not homogeneous and there is an important inequality between media whose origin is the print format and those that are born in internet.

     7.    Abadal, E. and Rius Alcaraz, L.,  "Revistas científicas de las universidades españolas: acciones básicas para aumentar su difusión e impacto".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 242-262.

Descriptores: revistas científicas

Resumen: A description of the current situation of scholarly journals from Spanish universities with the aim of highlighting certain actions to improve their dissemination. First, quantitative data is offered regarding the university scientific journals that originate from journal directories (essentially, Cindoc, Ulrich?s and Latindex). It then sets out a set of seven basic lines of action to improve their dissemination and impact: content digitalisation, inclusion on portals, free access dissemination, creation of multilingual versions, communication of new features, audience measuring and inclusion in databases. Finally, reference is made to the main agents that may carry out this type of action.

     8.    Alonso Arévalo, J., Subirats Coll, I., and Martínez Conde, M. L.,  Informe APEI sobre acceso abierto, APEI, Asociación Profesional de Especialistas en Información (Spain) 2008.

Descriptores: Open access

Resumen: Report about open access where it is explained that the movement 'open access' is, the new forms of scientific communication, what is a repository and a haverster, and the state of the art of open access in Spain. Contents: 1: The electronic edition (e-journals, scientific communication). 2: Free access to research results (movement for open access, intellectual property). 3: The publishing and free access (editorial policies, data on open access). 4: Repositories, harversters and services (repositories, self-archive, harversters, open-access journals). 5: Repositories and haversters in Spain (the development of repositories, Government initiatives). 6. Information resources (information sources and bibliography).

     9.    Alonso-Cortina, L., Ceña-Cosials, M., and Codina-Vila, M.,  "Borsa de PFC de l'ETSEIB : un projecte col·laboratiu entre la Biblioteca i el seu centre".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Administrative computing

Resumen: In order to obtain a degree, the final step for the student at the Industrial Engineering School of Barcelona (ETSEIB) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) is the submission of his/her dissertation. Before implementing the ?Stock Exchange of Dissertations? the process of PFC was generally quite regulated and systematized, and with a good support of interaction through a web site, except in the initial part of the process, when the students have to choose the subject and the director for their future dissertation. Besides that, the academic staff did not have any tool to consult their current and past activity in this field. ETSEIB?s Library has created the ?Stock Exchange of Dissertations?, a system focused to manage the dissertation offers at the School in a very detailed and effective way.

   10.    Alonso Peri, A., Galán Palacio, A., Lavandera Fernández, R., Penín González, P., and Roldán Rodríguez, J.,  "La plataforma digital Repositorio Institucional de Asturias (RIA)".  Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad de Barcelona, 2008.

Descriptores: RIA

Resumen: This paper describes the experience of creating the Institutional Repository of Asturias (RIA) digital platform. This platform forms part of the open access movement, and constitutes the first initiative carried out in Asturias in this field. The project is described from its formative stages to the beginning of its operation. In particular, this paper highlights the method, the goals, the participating organisations, the components of the system and the open access policies adopted by the Government of the Principality of Asturias.

   11.    Arguimbau, L., Cervera, A., Latorre, R., Martí, M., and Guerrero, R.,  "El portal Meridià de l?observatori de la recerca (OR-IEC): anàlisi, promoció i difusió del coneixement científic català".  Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Innovació, Universitats i Empresa. Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca, 2009, pp. 78-103.

Descriptores: R&D&I

Resumen: The highly strategic research, development and innovation(R&D&I)cycle is fundamental to scientific knowledge and economic growth. For the cycle to function adequately, relevant R&D&I information has to be managed effectively. In recent years, the Institute of Catalan Studies (Institut d?Estudis Catalans, or IEC) has played an increasingly important role as a consultant to public bodies, primarily by preparing reports and expert opinions on strategic aspects of Catalan science policy. In 1995, the IEC was commissioned by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia (Generalitat) to produce the Reports de la Recerca a Catalunya (Catalan Research Reports), describing the state of Catalan research in specific knowledge fields. Two volumes have been published to date, covering the six-year period 1990-1995 (24 reports) and the seven-year period 1996-2002 (27 reports). In 2003, in order to support the work involved in producing the second volume, the IEC founded the Catalan Research Observatory. Since then, the Research Observatory has gradually compiled data on the R&D&I system from all the Catalan linguistic-cultural regions. In 2008 the web portal MERIDI+ was launched with the aim of serving as a useful and practical tool for a whole spectrum of users, ranging from researchers to interested members of the general public. Users are offered differing levels of access to the portal and its information, ranging from privileged access ?by special agreement? for institutions and bodies to basic access for the public. Rather than offer comparative analyses of bodies or researchers, MERIDI+ aims essentially to serve as a tool for transforming a large quantity of disperse and very different information on R&D&I activities in Catalonia into accessible knowledge.

   12.    Arias Coello, A. and Simón Martín, J.,  "Utilización de los estudios de opinión de usuarios para el rediseño de los servicios bibliotecarios universitarios".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 161-171.

Descriptores: European Higher Education Area

Resumen: The European Higher Education Area has revealed the need to change the teaching-learning process, and to adapt the librarian services to the new needs. In this context of change, the present communication tries to illustrate the importance of using the results of opinion surveys of library users to redesign the services offered in the library or to create new services adapted to their needs. As an example, we present the analysis of the opinion of students at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid about some aspects of the loan service and hours of libraries. The study was carried out in 2007, by means of the accomplishment of 2,208 personal interviews to students which were selected randomly among the different studies.

   13.    Arpide-Etxano, A.,  "Herramientas de la Web 2.0".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: web 2.0

Resumen: Introduction to the Web 2.0, some of this web tools and the usefulness of them. Focussed to non profit associations.

   14.    Arroyo Vázquez, N.,  "Bibliotecas públicas y sitios de redes sociales, ¿una cuestión de visibilidad?".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 285-299.

Descriptores: Social network sites

Resumen: Social network sites like MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn or Hi5 have increased their popularity worldwide over the last years, and some libraries and librarians have found some possibilities using them. On this communication those possibilities are explored from two perspectives: users-centered and professionals-centered. Main social network sites are studied, as well as their main features, and several best practices examples are analyzed in order to discover new chances for our public libraries.

   15.    Arroyo-Vázquez, N.,  "Fuentes de información en la web social en Biblioteconomía y Documentación".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009, pp. 87-96.

Descriptores: Web 2.0

Resumen: The rising of new services and tools on the web whose contents are added by the users has originated new information sources, with special features, offering us information never known before. In this paper main services on the social web are analysed from a documental perspective, as information sources they are. Their main characteristics, peculiarities, contents and utilities are here reported.

   16.    Arroyo Vázquez, N.,  "Web 2.0".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Web 2.0

Resumen: Review of the book by Antonio Fumero y Genís Roca 'Web 2.0'. Madrid: Fundación Orange, 2007.

   17.    Arroyo-Vázquez, N.,  "Web móvil y bibliotecas".  EPI SCP, 2009, pp. 129-136.

Descriptores: Web

Resumen: Mobility and access to web contents and services from any place having an Internet connection are both advantages of using mobile devices like mobile phones, PDAs, smartphones, ultra mobile PCs or ultra low cost PCs. But also new questions arise, mainly related to contents accessibility through that kind of devices: their characteristics, connections and the way people connect to the Internet in motion generate different requirements. Therefore we must question whether it is necessary to adapt web interfaces to such circumstances also in libraries, that find new possibilities to develop new services.

   18.    Aznar Lafont, D. and González Martín, R.,  "Integración de la exportación directa a RefWorks en el OPAC".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Refworks

Resumen: Powerpoint slides from a presentation at the 2th Conference of Spanish User Group of Refworks. We explain how to integrate in our OPAC (Millennium) a direct export button to Refworks in the University of Navarra Library. It?s based on the scripts from Brown University.

   19.    Aznar Lafont, D. and Gónzalez Martín, R.,  "El OPAC de la Universidad de Navarra: valor añadido en el registro bibliográfico e integración en otros ámbitos".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Amazon

Resumen:  Powerpoint slides from a presentation at the 7th Conference of Spanish User Group of Innovative (GEUIN). We explain how to integrate in our OPAC (Millennium) different applications in the bibliographic record screen for example book jackets from Amazon, a direct export button to Refworks, Sfx services, Google books Api, ?Cite me? from Worldcat and corrections in the bibliographic recod. Besides we explain how to integrate our OPAC in other sites like RSS feeds for the new acquisitions, Igoogle gadget, external form for the library webpage, LibX (a browser plugin for Firefox and Internet Explorer) and an application for Facebook.

   20.    Azorín-Millaruelo, C. and Sánchez-Suárez, J. A.,  "Alfabetización informacional en un entorno virtual. ¿Trabajamos juntos?".  Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 2009.

Descriptores: Alfabetización informacional

Resumen: The design of information literacy programs will be one of the fundamental cores of university libraries regarding the European Framework for Higher Education (EEES). The aim of the ALFIN policy will be for students to be able to continue their education throughout their lives, to promote electronic learning and digital literacy as well as to obtain more autonomy in the selection, assessment and transformation of information. Virtual information literacy requires a new professional profile that combines traditional knowledge with information about new technologies and teaching qualities. The development of new technologies such as learning management systems (Moodle, Sakai?), virtual classrooms (Webex, Adobe Connect), as well as Web 2.0 turn up as basic tools in the design of the future information literacy process.

   21.    Báez, J. M., Peset, F., Núñez, F., and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "CVN: normalización de los currículos científicos".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 213-220.

Descriptores: Gestión de la ciencia

Resumen: The more structured is a scientific system and the greater the degree of integration of its entities the more efficient is its management. Curricula vitae (CV) of researchers are documents that collect data on individuals, institutions and works, and seen as a whole, are a potential source of inside information about the scientific activity of a country. But if they are not stored properly it is not possible to use this knowledge to conduct studies on them. Moreover, the absence of a single standardized CV requires the researchers to fill in multiple versions along their professional practice. The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fecyt), together with the entities belonging to the Spanish system of science, technology and enterprises (Secte), have initiated the project Standard Curriculum Vitae. This article describes its operation and underlines the benefits of its implementation.

   22.    Baiget, J.,  "Escenarios del Conocimiento en la Organización".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Gestión del Conocimiento

Resumen: Knowledge Management in Organizations can be reviewed from a fields perspective, following the same criteria as per the individual subjects, this is: the relationship of both (individual Subject / Organization) with the 'Real World' and the 'Symbolic World' (documentation in general) that represents the former. In the Subject these fields are: To Experience, to Think, to Teach (meaning to 'show'), to Learn and tl Apply. Following a similar criteria, in the Organization these fields would be: Research, Innovation, Development -(R+I+D), Competitive Intelligence and Production.

   23.    Baiget, T.,  "La comunidad bibliotecaria y documental de IweTel".  Fundación Alonso Quijano, 2008, pp. 20-24.

Descriptores: Comunidad profesional

Resumen: After 15 years of operation, the author of this article, a founding member and administrator of IweTel, runs through the history of this e-mail list, its implementation, evolution and the current situation as the most stable channel of communication channel between the Spanish-speaking librarians and information specialists.

   24.    Baiget, T., Caballo, M., Ferrer-Sapena, A., Giménez-Toledo, E., Guallar, J., Orduña-Malea, E., Pérez-Agüera, J. R., Redondo, S., and Tosete, F.,  "DocuMenea: noticias frescas sobre documentación".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 609-611.

Descriptores: DocuMenea

Resumen: DocuMenea is introduced as a social web tool, based on Menéame's software, and focused in Librarianship, documentation and closed fields. A selection of most interesant news is offered with a social ranking based on user's votes.

   25.    Baiget, T., Ferrer-Sapena, A., Ontalba-Ruipérez, J.-A., Orduña-Malea, E., Peset, F., Rodríguez-Gairín, J.-M., and Subirats-Coll, I.,  "Normalización de la firma de autores por disciplina en repositorios catalanes: una aproximación estadística".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 638-640.

Descriptores: Recercat reas científicas

Resumen: An author's sign style standardization analysis per scientific area in RECERCAT repository is introduced. The goal is to ascertain their degree of awareness when it comes to sign in a so stable form over time, as best for their recovery in databases.

   26.    Barba Pérez, A. S.,  "Indicadores de calidad en la biblioteca pública".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Biblioteca Pública Municipal /Indicadores de calidad /Planificación bibliotecaria /Carta de servicios bibliotecarios

Resumen: The public library is a living and dynamic institution that should know to anticipate and respond to information needs, training and recreation of a society steeped in a changing cultural and technological development. The key to their success lies in being an essential for all citizens by providing quality services and proximity. Set and measure quality in the public library through proper planning librarian to medium term, and the development of effective mechanisms and tools for monitoring and evaluation. In this framework the letters of library service was set up as a useful tool to bring people in a transparent manner, this new form of management.

   27.    Barrionuevo-Almuzara, L.,  "Open Access: la información científica al alcance de la sociedad".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Open Access

Resumen: The concept of scholarly information and the importance of Open Access is analysed along with the importance that initiative is giving in the academic-scientific field and in society. The model of scholarly communication is studied, as well as, the concerns and problems that could arise. Two paths drive to Open Access: gold road, that suggests the publication of research in OA journals, and green road, whereby authors self archive their papers in repositories, which are other choices to traditional model of scientific dissemination.

   28.    Benito Martínez, E. and García García, I. M.,  "Fuentes digitales en la Red sobre historia de las obras públicas en España: una aproximación a su patrimonio documental = Digital resources on the internet about the history of public works in Spain: an approach to its documental heritage".  Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, 2008, pp. 53-64.

Descriptores: Public works

Resumen: From the professional experience of the authors, this article presents an analysis and selection of digital collections containing information on the history of Public Works in Spain, which can be mainly accessed in full-text on the Internet. It is outlined how free access resources have a long way to go in this specialized field, however, it is also noted that there is enormous potential in the historical archives of the Spanish Memory Institutions. It is concluded that both public and private Institutions and Organizations must promote cooperative projects to preserve and protect the historical memory of our public works.

   29.    Bustelo-Ruesta, C.,  "Documentos electrónicos: Reflexiones sobre las relaciones con la tecnología de los profesionales de la información. Parte I".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 142-146.

Descriptores: Tecnologías de la información

Resumen: The relationship between information technologies and information professionals is becoming more complex in an environment in which, for the first time, standards and legislation are ahead of implementation and there are many hidden commercial interests. One example is the workshop on open document formats organized by the EU. Confrontation between ODF (ISO 26300) and Microsoft?s attempt to convert Ooxml into an open format through ISO was widely debated, but there was little discussion about practical solutions. Adobe?s strategy, opening its formats when free applications are in use, has proved successful.

   30.    Bustelo-Ruesta, C.,  "Documentos electrónicos: Reflexiones sobre las relaciones con la tecnología de los profesionales de la información. Parte II".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 147-150.

Descriptores: Tecnologías de la información

Resumen: This is the second part of the analysis of the complex relationships between information technologies and information professionals in an environment in which, for the first time, standards and legislation are ahead of implementation. An example is the different interpretations on how to apply the Spanish ?Law on electronic access of citizens to public services? to electronic records management. The idea that digital signatures should be preserved indefinitely with the electronic records presents an unnecessary technological complexity, when other solutions exist.

   31.    Bustelo-Ruesta, C.,  "¿Sistemas de gestión de información y documentación certificados?".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 129-131.

Descriptores: Conformidad

Resumen: Analysis of the relationship between the need to demonstrate compliance and information and records management systems, and how the need can evolve to certification processes. The future development of ISO 15489 on records management and its opportunities and threats are described

   32.    Bustelo-Ruesta, C. and García-Morales Huidobro, E.,  "Administración electrónica y gestión documental. Consideraciones a la luz de la Ley para el Acceso Electrónico de los Ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 106-111.

Descriptores: E-administración

Resumen: Implementation of the e-government law guaranteeing Spanish citizens electronic access to public services (Ley para el Acceso Electrónico de los Ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos) will have great impact on public administration at every level. This law directly affects government records and document management, removing possible uncertainties about the validity of electronic records. Arguments are offered concerning the need for a document and records management system to support compliance with the law. As a practical tool, a list of questions is provided to help resolve records and document management issues when e-government procedures or business processes are implemented

   33.    Cabezas-Clavijo, l., Torres-Salinas, D., and Delgado-Lopez-Cozar, E.,  "Ciencia 2.0: catálogo de herramientas e implicaciones para la actividad investigadora".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 72-79.

Descriptores: Science 2.0

Resumen: The concept of Science 2.0 is introduced and analysed through their principal characteristics; user participation and colaboration as well as free information exchange by means of web applications. A categorisation of tools for main web 2.0 funcionalities for scientists is detailed; blogs networks; content management 2.0 journals; online reference managers and social tagging; open data and information reutilisation; social networks and audio and video-science. Main factors influencing the use of these tools are presented. Finally consequences that general adoption of these services and applications would cause in the scientific activity are discused.

   34.    Caldera-Serrano, J. and Sánchez-Jiménez, R.,  "Recuperación de secuencias de información audiovisual con rdf y smil".  EPI SCP, 2009, pp. 291-299.

Descriptores: TV archives

Resumen: Audiovisual sequence based retrieval using rdf and smil. In this article we present a proposal for sequence based audiovisual markup and retrieval which can be applied to information management in television. To achieve this we analyze and study audiovisual information on TV, and from this knowledge we generate a vocabulary for markup which might ease and improve information retrieval, providing direct access to sequences according to parameters such as distinguishing among visualized information and referenced information, which provides a working framework better adapted to the domain of audiovisual documentation.

   35.    Cócera Saló, D. and Llueca Fonollosa, C.,  "PADICAT: realitat i reptes de 3 anys de l'arxiu web de Catalunya".  Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya (COBDC), 2008, pp. 163-178.

Descriptores: Dipòsit digitals

Resumen: The PADICAT, project of the Library of Catalonia to archive the Catalan Web, works in three ways of performance (selective thematic captures, exhaustive captures, agreements with the producing agents), has obtained optimum results of implementation in the alliances from cooperation with 300 institutions and companies of Catalonia; in several thematic actions of selective captures; and in presence in international professional environments; also in several actions of capture systematized of digital resources published in Internet. Anyway, in the processes of exhaustive capture and especially in the search and visualization of the processed information we find the most evident lacks of a system that, all over the world, is not a consolidated reality. The National Library of Catalonia plots the foreseen actions in digital preservation of the web pages, as well as on to normalize that has to become an effective system of conservation of the digital heritage, which gives full guarantees to the producers of the digital resources of Catalonia.

   36.    Corullón Paredes, S.,  "Biblio-Polis : El blog de la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UCM".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 122-127.

Descriptores: Blogs

Resumen: History and description of the blog Biblio-Polis, prepared by the Library of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

   37.    Culebras Fernández, J., García de Lorenzo, A., Wanden-Berghe, C., Castiel, L. D., and Sanz-Valero, J.,  "¡Cuidado!, sus referencias bibliográficas pueden ser estudiadas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 85-88.

Descriptores: Bibliometría

Resumen: Reference to previous work represents a conceptual association of recognized scientific ideas that are beneficial for the citing author. I.e., a reference is an express recognition of an intellectual compromise towards a previous source of information. After all, advancement of science is supported by previous research. At present, the way to know and to measure the importance of a published item comes through its posterior citations, circumstance that obliges scientific journals to control the pertinence and relevance of the cited work. Therefore, when submitting a manuscript for consideration to a scientific journal, it must be beard in mind that the included references will be examined.

   38.    De la Cruz González-Cutre, I. and Saurin Parra, J.,  "Un viaje virtual por los Clubes de Lectura".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Blogs

Resumen: Nowadays, the importance of Internet in the librarian world cannot be denied. Each time the number of services offered by libraries in the web is bigger, and literacy promoting activities are one of the aspects which is suffering this increase. We have tried to analyze the presence in the web of book clubs in Spanish public libraries, with the aim of knowing how they are developping, and trying to know if at the present a virtual service can substitute a presencial one. This can seem in contradiction with the own nature of this activity, where a book is just a pretext to get in contact with other people. Taking all this into account, we have located and studied the web pages of public libraies, and we have found diferent realities: very active web pages and others with just testimonial information.

   39.    De Robbio, A. and Subirats Coll, I.,  "Berlin5 Open Access: Desde la práctica al impacto. Consecuencias de la diseminación del conocimiento".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Berlin5

Resumen: Berlin 5 Open Access: From Practice to Impact: Consequences of Knowledge Dissemination. Report of the conference

   40.    Delgado-Lopez-Cozar, E., Jiménez-Contreras, E., and Ruiz-Pérez, R.,  "España y los 25 grandes de la ciencia mundial en cifras (1992-2008)".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009, pp. 81-86.,_Evaristo_Jimenez_Contreras,_Rafael_Ruiz_Perez_Espanna_y_los_25_grandes_de_la_ciencia_mundial_en_cifras_1992-2008.pdf

Descriptores: Bibliometría /Análisis de citas /Publicación científica /Evaluación del rendimiento investigador /Thomson Scientific / /Essential Science Indicators /Countries /España /Bibliometrics /Citation Analysis /Scientific publication

Resumen: From the data given freely by Thomson Reuters in, production and citation rankings of the top 25 world science countries are presented. The development of Spain is discussed in detail.

   41.    Delgado-Lopez-Cozar, E. and Moneda Corrochano, M.,  "Las cifras de la enseñanza universitaria en Documentación en España: 2006".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 424-438.,_E;Moneda-Corrochano,_M_Las_cifras_de_la_ensennanza_universitaria_en_Documentacion_en_Espanna_2006.pdf

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía y Documentación

Resumen: A picture is presented of the state of library and information science university education in Spain. Statistical data is provided about both the number and type of university programs, describing existing institutions, degree levels and providing data on student enrolment and teachers.

   42.    Delgado-Lopez-Cozar, E., Ruiz-Pérez, R., and Jimenez-Contreras, E.,  "Complementos bibliométricos de Thomsom Scientific en la Web: buenos, bonitos y gratuitos".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 553-557.,_R;_Jimenez_Contreras,_E;_Delgado_Lopez-Cozar,_E_Complementos_bibliometricos_de_Thomsom_Scientific_en_la_Web;_buenos,_bonitos_y_gratuitos.pdf

Descriptores: Bibliometría

Resumen: The wide variety of bibliometric information resources offered for free by Thomson Scientific?s ScienceWatch. com are presented, and their major applications within scientific libraries are described.

   43.    Felip Vidal, L. and Orduña-Malea, E.,  "NextLib : un sistema de software basado en ontologías para la consulta automática de OPACs desde sedes web especializadas".  Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Universidad de Barcelona, 2008.

Descriptores: NextLib

Resumen: The numbers of functions of web browser add-ons are increasing. Such add-ons included the recently launched LibX. This tool enables interaction between libraries? online public access computers (OPAC) and the Web. This paper examines the limitations of this tool, in terms of the automatic detection of data and the automation of tasks. A system (NextLib) is proposed that can overcome these limitations by using a combination of different applications. This system is made up of a semantic database (LibX), a programme for automatically detecting data (Data Detector) and a learning by example (LBE) programme. The integration of these tools may allow greater interaction between the user and a website, and between a website and an OPAC.

   44.    Fernanda, P.,  "Nuevas técnicas de publicación científica. Tercera Jornada Medes-Lilly".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 463-467.

Descriptores: Web 2.0

Resumen: The proliferation of new communication technologies and the numerous websites that provide health information are a source of unimaginable new possibilities for improving health information and care due to their interactivity, ability to customize relationships with users, and ease of content publishing and updates. However, the particular sensitivity of health information for the health and lives of individuals may pose risks that must be foreseen and curbed. In its third edition, the Jornada Medes analyzes the evolution of the dissemination of scientific knowledge through new technologies. The meeting addressed the process of transforming the printed journal to the electronic one and the various ways in which this process happens. How new technologies are applied to complex editorial processess, and the respective advantages and disadvantages, were examined.

   45.    Fernández Marcial, V., Azevedo Pinto, M. M., and Silva, L.,  "Information literacy in Portugal: A perspective from European Higher Education Area".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: higher education

Resumen: This paper takes as general reference the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), whose creation endeavoured an educative approach of all European Union countries. A new educational model needs new skills. The informational skills constitute one of the most important requirements needed by university students in the information society context and they were effectively prioritized in the conception of the new educational models, consequently they should have an impact in the teaching-learning process. So, it is important to know and understand how these university students are prepared in terms of competences and skills, regarding the access, (re)production, use, and diffusion of the information gathered and applied in different contexts. It is also necessary to establish a connection between apprenticeship and the acquisition of informational skills prior to the university, during the university frequency period and at the end of the university degree. This configures a comprehensive approach that will consider the educational context, the student?s informational behaviour and his personal and social contexts and demands. In fact, those concerns and positioning are in the core of the ongoing research project that supports the present paper. It focuses on the issue of informational literacy in the actual Portuguese and European learning models and the determination of the competences contextually acquired and the intrinsic abilities to search and use (reference, assimilate and transform) any type of information. The informational behavior study in focus has two important aspects to consider: the education reforms introduced in the Portuguese pre-university schools; and the transformations introduced by the Bologna Process in the EHEA. This project also intents to contribute to the definition of a strategy that will support the effort of Portuguese universities on getting a good performance in the promotion of information competences. The theoretical-practical model that must be reached shows the importance of the information literacy theory which is clearly emphasized in this paper.

   46.    Ferrer-Sapena, A. and Guallar, J.,  "Sobre la sociedad red".  El Profesional de la Información, 2008, pp. 689-693.

Descriptores: Network society

Resumen: Chronicle of the course ?Network society: social changes, organizations and citizens? (Barcelona, October 2008). The topics covered were the state of development on the Network society, organizations, citizenry, communication and innovation.

   47.    Franganillo, J.,  "La carrera por la atención".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: sobrecarga informativa

Resumen: Information processing has been a critical element in all forms of social development but the current conditions of life, sharply technological, mean that the fact of creating, processing and transmitting information is today a source of productivity and power. Nowadays, people work in an environment of information competition: much of the information circulating is delivered in order to gain visibility. But attention is a precious and scarce commodity because everyone directs their attention according to personal priorities.

   48.    Franganillo, J.,  "La industria editorial frente al libro electrónico".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 416-417.

Descriptores: ebooks

Resumen:  Books, reading and the publishing industry are experiencing changes motivated by technological advancement. The content has been separated from the material and, therefore, the publishing industry has had to alter its logistic structure, based of physical distribution until recently. Print on demand and online bookstores are now meeting new needs: they have increased the possibilities of visibility and circulation of editorial production, and they have suppressed geographic and physical barriers.

   49.    Franganillo, J.,  "Necesidad de buenas prácticas en la redifusión de contenido digital".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 17-19.

Descriptores: content syndication

Resumen: Distributing news summaries by means of content syndication significantly improved access to current information, but has had only moderate acceptance despite optimistic predictions. Inadequate attention to good practice by many content producers have limited the usefulness of content syndication. In order for this redistribution method to become a truly beneficial tool, producers must develop best practice.

   50.    Frías-Castillo, A. and Rey-Martin, C.,  "La adaptación de contenidos en los servicios personalizados (SP) de información de actualidad de la prensa española en la red".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009, pp. 1001-1014.

Descriptores: Personalized services

Resumen: The analysis of personalized services (SP) from the Spanish media on the net, has shown that the adaptation of information content to the needs of the readership is symbolic. Shows the differences between adaptation and customization of content, are seen as different ways of designing the service or product. At the same time, have been analyzed the tools that web 2.0 offers to users to share information and the number of media that have integrated into their webs. Similarly, it has been proved by the results of a survey of users, such as the adaptation of content to users needs promotes and increases the interest in news devoting more time to read its. The prospective studies conducted show that in a future precedence services one to one or individual segmentation, where the power of decision and selection of information will happen at the hands of the offer, and not in demand to date, where the mass media offers news from one to many.

   51.    Gallo Rolanía, C. T., Domínguez Aroca, M. I., Labat Villalba, A. P., Pedrosa López, M. D., and Ramos Merino, J. L.,  "Plan de comunicación y marketing de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Alcalá".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 147-159.

Descriptores: Communications

Resumen: The design and development of a communications and marketing plan as a high-quality management tool presents as its first objective an ongoing process of improvement of the services that the University of Alcalá Library renders to its users and the promotion of its image in a new educative environment. To this aim, a working group has been created and the process has been carefully planified. This process consisted of environmental analysis and proposal of a set of improvement measures. The Communications and Marketing Plan, after being carefully revised and assessed, would be oriented to the promotion of services, the strengthening of social and interpersonal relationships, the suitable exploitation of the means available, i.e. closely linked to the allocation of budgetary and technological resources in order to be able to offer new actions and products. The Plan implementation will be incardinated with in the University of Alcalá 'Communications Plan' and the 'Library Strategic Plan 2008-2011'.

   52.    Gálvez, C.,  "Gene Ontology (GO) Annotation in Biomedical Literature".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Gene Ontology Annotation (GOA)

Resumen: In this paper, we propose an approach for doing Gene Ontology (GO) annotation on biomedical texts. The GO is an effort to create a controlled terminology for labelling gene functions in a more precise. Our system is based on the application of Parametrized Finite-State Graphs (P-FSG) for GO tagging. This process was implemented to the annotation of genes related with Alzehimer disease. This prototype is an undergoing work, in the future should be evaluated to verify its value

   53.    Gálvez, C.,  "Minería de textos: la nueva generación de análisis de literatura científica en biología molecular y genómica".  Departamento de Ciência da Informaç¦o, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brasil), 2008.

Descriptores: Biomedical Text-Mining

Resumen: Una vez descifrado la secuencia del genoma humano, el paradigma de investigación ha cambiado dando paso a la descripción de las funciones de los genes y a futuros avances en la lucha contra enfermedades. Este nuevo contexto ha despertado el interés de la Bioinformática, que combina métodos de las Ciencias de la Vida con las Ciencias de la Información haciendo posible el acceso a la gran cantidad de información biológica almacenada en las bases de datos, y de la Genómica, dedicada al estudio de las interacciones de los genes y su influencia en el desarrollo de enfermedades. En este contexto, la minería de textos surge como un instrumento emergente para el análisis de la literatura científica. Una tarea habitual de la minería de textos en Biología Molecular y Genómica es el reconocimiento de entidades biológicas, tales como genes, proteínas y enfermedades. El paso siguiente en el proceso de minería lo constituye la identificación entre entidades biológicas, tales como el tipo de interacción entre gengen, gen-enfermedad, gen-proteína, para interpretar funciones biológicas, o formular hipótesis de investigación. El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar el auge y las limitaciones la nueva generación de herramientas de análisis de la información en lenguaje natural, almacenada en bases de datos bibliográficas, como PubMed o MEDLINE.

   54.    Gálvez, C.,  "Standardization of Terms Applying Finite-State Transducers (FST)".  School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) & Idea Group Inc. , 2009, pp. 102-112.

Descriptores: Finite-State Transduces

Resumen: This chapter presents the different standardization methods of terms at the two basic approaches, non-linguistic and linguistic techniques, and to justify the application of processes based on Finite-State Transducers (FST). Standardization of terms is the procedure of matching and grouping together variants of the same term that are semantically equivalent. A term variant is a text occurrence that is conceptually related to an original term and can be used to search for information in text database. The uniterm and multiterm variants can be considered equivalent units for the purposes of automatic indexing. This chapter describes the computational and linguistic base of the finite-state approach, with emphasis on the influence of the formal language theory in the standardization process of uniterms and multiterms. The lemmatization and the use of syntactic pattern-matching, through equivalence relations represented in FST, are emerging methods for the standardization of terms.

   55.    Gálvez, C. and Moya-Anegón, F.,  "Text-mining research in genomics".  International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS), 2008, pp. 277-283.

Descriptores: Text-Mining

Resumen: Biomedical text-mining have great promise to improve the usefulness of genomic researchers. The goal of text-mining is analyzed large collections of unstructured documents for the purposes of extracting interesting and non-trivial patterns of knowledge. The analysis of biomedical texts and available databases, such as Medline and PubMed, can help to interpret a phenomenon, to detect gene relations, or to establish comparisons among similar genes in different specific databases. All these processes are crucial for making sense of the immense quantity of genomic information. In genomics, text-mining research refers basically to the creation of literature networks of related biological entities. Text data represent the genomics knowledge base and can be mined for relationships, literature networks, and new discoveries by literature relational chaining. However, text-mining is an emerging field without a clear definition in the genomics. This work presents some applications of text-mining to genome-based research, such as the genomic term identification in curation processes, the formulation of hypotheses about disease, the visualization of biological relationships, or the life-science domain mapping.

   56.    García García, I. M.,  "Biblioteca del CEHOPU Juan García Hortelano".  Ministerio de Cultura de España, 2008, pp. 26-29.

Descriptores: Special libraries

Resumen: The library is named ?Juan García Hortelano?, in honour of this writer and CEHOPU contributor. It was created to serve the research and publications departments of the Centre. It is aimed at researchers and scholars of public works heritage. Its collection specialises in engineering history, town planning, technology and the environment. It also contains the Torroja Archive, the Carlos Fernández Casado Archive and graphic archive with more than twenty thousand images. Access is free. It offers on-site reference and the associated reference and library information services. It is included on the CEDEX libraries network, and you can consult items contained in the collective automated catalogue.

   57.    García Gómez, F. J.,  "Integrando a los mayores en la sociedad digital : propuestas desde la biblioteca pública".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Biblioteca Pública

Resumen: The group of older people is experiencing a dramatic increase in recent years due to various factors. In addition, the information society and its benefits are not reaching all to the extent expected. One of the groups that brought less integrated into the current technological moment is that of the elderly. Highlighting the work of the public library as a public institution and democratic values which promotes integration of the largest digital.

   58.    García, J. G.,  "Practice and academy, or working as learning: internship course at the Universitat de Barcelona LIS Faculty".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: internship

Resumen: In degrees related to technical professions, cooperation between university ?teaching its theoretical foundations? and professional world, is necessary to ensure that training is nor abstract neither unrealistic. Internship or placement programs give to students the chance to combine theory and practice in a subject, applying theoretical concepts to a work environment, and inducing new knowledge from practical activities. Students become actors and responsible for their learning. Professors and internship center advisors are other players involved in this process. To ensure its success, all three must believe firmly that internship programs are educational and learning processes. As an instance, the internship model at Universitat de Barcelona LIS Faculty is presented. It is based on good relations between centers and the Faculty. The current internship syllabus is explained, as well as some features of the new curriculum, adapted to ECTS. Located in the seventh semester (of eight), internship is directly linked to other subjects; so, students may take advantage from the stage educational value to enhance their performance in other subjects. The comprehensive nature of internship allows students developing their ability to associate ideas and concepts, analysis and synthesis. Student assessment also aims to be comprehensive, assessing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, through an evaluation shared by advisors and professors, with written and oral parts. Some problems detected in interns (misconception of the internship educational nature, bad written and oral expression) are useful to propose corrective elements in the new curriculum. Students also evaluate the development and quality of internships.

   59.    Gil-Solés, D.,  "Gunnar Asplund i la Biblioteca Pública d'Estocolm, entre la tradició i la modernitat".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Erik Gunnar Asplund

Resumen: Description of the Stockholm Public Library, designed by the architect Erik Gunnar Asplund, as well as new projects for expansion.

   60.    Gil-Solés, D.,  "Radiografia de l'Ebresfera : gener 2007 - gener 2008".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Blogs

Resumen: Statistics radiography about Ebresfera, the social community around blogs in Terres de l'Ebre, Catalonia, between January 2007 to January 2008.

   61.    Gil-Solés, D.,  "Radiografia de l'Ebresfera : gener 2007 - gener 2009".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Blogs

Resumen: Statistics radiography about Ebresfera, the social community around blogs in Terres de l'Ebre, Catalonia, between January 2007 to January 2009

   62.    Gil-Solés, D. and Ferré-Borràs, B.,  "Les biblioteques a internet: catàlegs i altres serveis d'informació".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: biblioteconomia

Resumen: Presentation of informative look of the OPACs and other digital resources of information in Catalonia in the area of the librarianship and the documentation.

   63.    Giménez-Toledo, E. and Román-Román, A.,  "Peer review and in-depth interviews with publishers as a means of assessing quality of research monographs".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Publishers assesment

Resumen: It has often been observed that evaluating scientific activity in the Humanities and in some of the Social Sciences needs to involve a study of monographs, as they are often the preferred mean of publication by scientists in these fields. As well as being the most frequently cited publication type, monographs are also the mean most often used to publish research findings. Thus, if they are not included in the evaluation process, a significant part of the scientific output is excluded, and the scientific activity undervalued. The purpose of this work in progress is to push forward the study of monographs to provide evaluators of research activities with a number of consistent scholar books quality indicators, through two different approaches: a survey of more than 200 researchers working in various fields and in-depth interviews with the editors responsible for selecting manuscripts at each of the best-regarded publishers.

   64.    Gómez Chova, L., Martí Belenguer, D., and Candel Torres, I.,  "Bio-Ontologies: A Knowledge Representation Resource in Bioinformatics".  International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2009.

Descriptores: Ontologies

Resumen: Bioinformatics manages the information that has been gathered in databases since the advent of the molecular biology technological revolution. The successful research is based in interpretations of that information that can be accessed and managed computationally, which is a dif?cult task. An attempt to solve that problem is to use ontologies. Ontologies are computational formalisations of the knowledge about a given domain, allowing computers to manage the information in a semantic level. In medical informatics, ontologies have been used for a longer period of time to produce controlled lexicons for coding schemes. Bio-ontologies define the basic terms and relations in biological domains and are being used among others, as community reference, as the basis for interoperability between systems, and for search, integration and exchange of biological data. The most successful ontologies applied in Bioinformatics are the ones in the Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) project. At the same time, the Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a official proposal for ontologies implementation in the semantic web. In this article, we review the current position in bio-ontologies. We review this trend and what benefits it might bring to ontologies and their use within biomedicine.

   65.    Gómez del Pulgar Rodríguez de Segovia, G.,  "Nueva propuesta de un modelo para la evaluación de las páginas web de la Administración General del Estado".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 59-73.

Descriptores: Central Public Administration

Resumen: The recent passage of the law 11/2007, about electronic access of citizens to public services, confirms the strong commitment of governments for the use of new technologies as an effective tool for communication with citizens, which is channelled, however, through institutional websites. This fact, together with the great technological advances in the Internet over the past ten years, justify a revision of paper presented at the VI Jornadas Españolas de Documentación (Valencia, 1998) entitled 'The Spanish Government on the Internet: an evaluation of their sites.' Here we propose a new model of evaluation in which parameters have been included to verify the introduction of the demands of new legislation and a scoring system that allows comparison with more reliable results for each Website.

   66.    Gómez-Hernandez, J.-A.,  "La función educativa de bibliotecas y bibliotecarios en el contexto de las tecnologías participativas de la web social".  Instituto de Ciência da Informaç¦o da UFBA, 2008.

Descriptores: Information litearcy

Resumen: We describe the possibilities of some cooperative tools of ?Web 2.0? for improving the educational role and function of libraries and librarian. In particular, blogs, wikis and social networks are considered ways to produce and publish information that contribute to acquire information literacy. We also explain how ?Web 2.0? modifies some practices and principles of librarianship, and because of these changes we consider that librarian should be educator in the Internet context, using a new Spanish word, 'entrenauta', with which we synthesized this proposed role.

   67.    Gómez-Hernández, J.-A.,   "Las metáforas del mundo de la información, y los bibliotecarios".  El profesional de la información, 2008, pp. 340-342.

Descriptores: Bibliotecarios

Resumen: This essay on librarians? roles uses some of the metaphors used to talk about books and the information world as its theoretical approach. The purpose is to justify the role of the librarian as beacon and specially as educator: to teach, to facilitate or to mediate in order to help people improve their information skills for life in the information world, become information literate, and live with other people, training them and still being among them. For that reason we invented a new Spanish word, ?entrenauta?, with which we synthesized this proposed role.

   68.    Gomez, M. and Carrillo, L.,  "La formación de herramientas de Ex-libris en la BNE: propuesta de un grupo de trabajo".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: EXPANIA

Resumen: Power-point presented at the 5th Expania Symposium (Ex-libris Users Group in Spain), held on 19-20 June 20, 2008 at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona about a session on training users on Ex-libris tools that had been conducted at the National Library of Spain. [EDnglish abstract] Power-point presentado en las 5as Jornadas de EXPANIA (Grupo de usuarios de Ex-libris en España), celebradas el 19 y 20 de Junio de 2008 en la Universidad Pompeu-Fabra de Barcelona, acerca de la formación de usuarios sobre herramientas de Ex-libris llevada a cabo en la Biblioteca Nacional de España.

   69.    González-Barahona, J. M.,  "Las ventajas de la apertura".  EPI SCP, 2008, pp. 5-7.

Descriptores: Software libre

Resumen: One of the main consequences of publishing a program as libre (free, open source) software is that its source code is made available to anyone who wants to look at it. In addition, much other information on the development process is often easily accessible on the internet. Some of the consequences of ?opening up? the process of building libre softwareare discussed, briefly exploring how these open mechanisms could behave in other areas.

   70.    González Pedraza, J. A.,  "La Compañía de Caminos de Hierro del Norte y las minas de carbón de Barruelo (1877-1941). Fuentes para su estudio en el Archivo de Hullera Vasco-Leonesa".  Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, 2008, pp. 176-196.

Descriptores: Archivo de Sociedad Anónima Hullera Vasco-Leonesa

Resumen: The Vasco-Leonesa Coalmine Company Archive, kept and managed by the Vasco-Leonesa Coalmine Foundation (La Robla, León) has a fundamental importance for studying coalmining in Spain and its role as the engine of Spanish industrial development. It includes, as one of its records groups, documents kept about mining activity in the Palencia coalfields of Barruelo and Orbó, from the first operations in 1838. In 1877, Crédito Mobiliario Español sold the mines to the Compañía de los Caminos de Hierro del Norte de España, which included them in the companyÇs organisatios chart in its Rolling Stock and Traction Service. Operating problems, a great amount of mine infrastructure work and rising salary costs led the company to decide to separate mine ownership from railway operations, forming Minas de Barruelo S.A. in 1922, whose only customer was the Railroad Company. This article analyses the records series researchers must consult to find out about these historical events, their external characteristics, the legislation used as the foundatios and the information they provide.

   71.    Granados, M.,  "Tratamiento de los metadatos de contenido en la Web Semántica o cuando la lógica se hace evidente".  Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2009, pp. 1043-1054.

Descriptores: Semantic Web

Resumen: This article propose a new application of content metadata to increase the relevante and precision in web searching. The controled vocabularies used is based in LCSH for indexing but used as descriptors, breaking the precoordinated strings and establishing their equivalence with the UDC. Many reasons are exposed to justify their use. Also there are many exemples to explain the LCSH as they are usually used and the way that this system works. This proposal is based in the characteristics of RDF and Dublin Core languages as structures elements of Semantic Web.

   72.    Granados, M. and Nicolau, A.,   "Improving subject searching in databases through a combination of descriptors and UDC".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Acces to information

Resumen: Problems with subject access to online catalogues and databases are not new. Studies on the use of OPACs have revealed two apparently endemic problems: on the one hand, the large number of searches with zero hits (failed searches) and on the other, the retrieval of an excessive amount of bibliographic records (information overload). In this paper we describe a new information retrieval technique based on the combination of descriptor weighting and the use of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) call numbers. The use of classification call numbers in order to search the catalogue has traditionally been very restricted. In most catalogues, call numbers are used only as topographical indicators and are not searchable. The new system described here makes much fuller use of them. The system is based on the hypothesis that a set of descriptors correspond to a UDC call number. Through the analysis of the frequency of distribution of descriptors and call numbers, we create a set of clusters that allow increasing precision and recall. At the same time, these clusters offer alternative search modes, making it possible to systematize the indexing process and increase its consistency. Here we present a case study of the use of the system with the ERIC database.

   73.    Grupo de Trabajo de Alfabetización Informacional del Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria, G. C.,  "Hacía la alfabetización informacional en las bibliotecas públicas españolas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Informationn literacy

Resumen: The report has two main parts: *The first one, a definition of information literacy and oher similar terms such us user training and digital literacy and describes the principles that justifies the information literacy plans in the public libraries *The second part describes what are the spanish public libaries doing in this matter.

   74.    Guallar, J.,  "Bases de dades d?informació d?agències de premsa. Efedata".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Journalism documentation

Resumen: Guide of Efedata, a press database from the Spanish news agency Efe. The guide is a part of the course 'The best digital information resources for journalism documentation' (Barcelona: Cobdc, 2009)

   75.    Guallar, J.,  "El web de prensa. Estado actual de los medios digitales en España".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Prensa digital

Resumen: This presentation aims to show the recent trends in mass media (newspapers) websites.

   76.    Guallar, J.,  "Prensa digital en 2007".  EPI SCP, 2008, pp. 102-108.

Descriptores: Digital media

Resumen: A review of the state of digital media in Spain in 2007, considering the following aspects: redesign, new newspapers, use of video services, participation services, and free access to digital archives.

   77.    Guallar, J.,  "Productes d?informació de premsa nacionals (1). My News".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Journalism documentation

Resumen: Guide to My News, a press database and a clipping service of Spanish newspapers. The guide is a part of the course 'The best digital information resources for journalism documentation' (Barcelona: Cobdc, 2009)

   78.    Guallar, J.,  "Productes d?informació de premsa nacionals (2). iMente".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Journalism documentation

Resumen: Guide of iMente, a Spanish clipping service and press database. The guide is a part of the course 'The best digital information resources for journalism documentation' (Barcelona: Cobdc, 2009)

   79.    Guallar, J. and Abadal, E.,  "Hemeroteca digital en la biblioteca pública".  EPI SCP, 2008, pp. 153-158 .

Descriptores: Digital press

Resumen: We describe the activities and concerns of public library professionals with respect to the digital press, beginning with comments made by librarians themselves in the forums of different editions of a virtual course organized by the Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Foundation, ?La hemeroteca digital? (the digital press). After general comments about the importance of improving users? utilization of digital press resources, various public library initiatives related to the acquisition, digitalization and dissemination of digital press are described. First, with respect to digital press acquisition,we emphasize the growing trend toward paid subscriptions. Secondly, recent digitalization experiments of interest are discussed. Finally, some dissemination examples of clipping services and web resource guides developed by public libraries are presented.

   80.    Guallar, J. and Redondo, S.,  "20 años de Doc6 : Entrevista a Adela d'Alòs-Moner".  EPI SCP, 2008, pp. 564-566.

Descriptores: entrevista

Resumen: Interview with Adela d'Alòs-Moner who is one of the founding partners of Doc6, a company created in 1988 and specialized in information management.

   81.    Herrera-Viedma, E., López-Gijón, J., Alonso, S., Vilchez Pardo, J., Herranz Navarra, F., and Avila, B.,   "Satisfacción de usuarios en las bibliotecas universitarias andaluzas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Evaluación de bibliotecas

Resumen: Nowadays, Administration and users are demanding quality in libraries services, so Academic Libraries are assuming now is the time to live it up that commitment. This situation has led to these libraries to take interest in knowing the level of satisfaction of users with library services. By request of several Academic Libraries, our group of research (SECABA) has realized studies of users' satisfaction. In the present paper we want to provide some of the results and conclusions that we have obtained. These results are very useful for decision making, benchmarking, library feedback and set up best practices for improving library services.

   82.    Herrera-Viedma, E., López-Gijón, J., and Avila, B.,  "Satisfacción de usuarios y calidad: El modelo LibQual y su aplicación en bibliotecas españolas e iberoamericanas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: LibQual

Resumen: With respect to the guarantee of quality that university libraries are assuming, one aspect that stands out is an interest in demonstrating feedback from their users. User studies of satisfaction are shown to be appropriate for measuring expectations and perceived values. Our research group (Secaba) has realized such studies of users? satisfaction in libraries in Mexico, Argentina and Spain by following the methodology of LibQual. In this paper we showcase both the model LibQual and the obtained results together with our own conclusions regarding the processes of benchmarking which serve to identify best practices.

   83.    Hidalgo Goyanes, P.,  "La formación de los gestores de contenidos periodísticos. Los documentalistas de televisión en el entorno digital".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 89-101.

Descriptores: training

Resumen: The growth and proliferation of media during the past century and the present, seems secure for now the demand for professionals in the journalistic documentation, called with increasing frequency and perhaps more accurate, 'information content managers?. The reform of the plans of study opens the possibility of modifying those discordant questions among the training of the professionals of the documentation, 'managers of content' and their employment prospects, according to the real demands of professional profiles in the labour market in Spain. The digitalization poses challenges for the information units in television and for the professionals working with them, who should obtain a new knowledge and should develop new aptitudes in a relatively short term, if they want to face up successfully the change of the professional role, which they will have to carry out in this new environment.

   84.    Jiménez-Contreras, E., Torres-Salinas, D., Bailón-Moreno, R., Ruiz-Baños, R., and Delgado-Lopez-Cozar, E.,  "Response Surface Methodology and its application in evaluating scientific activity".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 201-218.,_E;_Torres-Salinas,_D;_Bailon_Moreno,_R;_Ruiz_Bannos,_R;_Delgado_Lopez-Cozar,_E-Response_Surface_Methodology_and_its_application_in_evaluating_scientific_activity.pdf

Descriptores: Bibliometrics

Resumen: The possibilities of the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) has been explored within the ambit of Scientific Activity Analysis. The case of the system ?Departments of the Area of Health Sciences of the University of Navarre (Spain)? has been studied in relation to the system ?Scientific Community in the Health Sciences?, from the perspective of input/output models (factors/response). It is concluded that the RSM reveals the causal relationships between factors and responses through the construction of polynomial mathematical models.similarly, quasi-experimental designs are proposed, these ermitting scientific activity to be analysed with minimum effort and cost and high accuracy.

   85.    Jiménez Serrano, M. B., Gil Serra, M., and Leiva-Soto, F.,  "La colección fotográfica del Archivo de la Alhambra".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Archive of the Alhambra

Resumen: We present a reminder of the photographic collection that preserves the Archive of the Alhambra, grouping them according to the form of acquisition. In addition, we examine the processes of managing and disseminating the same, showing where the repository will include.

   86.    Juárez-Urquijo, F.,  "Tecnología, innovación y web social: el valor de la dimensión en la biblioteca pública. El caso de la biblioteca de Muskiz".  EPI,  2008, pp. 135-143.

Descriptores: Innovation

Resumen: The evolution of information technology and its relationship with libraries is reviewed, from the end of the twentieth century to the present, with a discussion of libaries? response to technological changes, especially the internet and the web. A case study focuses on a small public library in Muskiz (Bizkaia/Biscay province), and its use of the social web to offer new library services. Cheaper access to technology may shift the capacity for innovation, from centres that have resources to acquire and manage proprietary solutions to institutions that modify their products and processes using open web services. We describe how scale affects a library?s access to technology and positions it in technological discontinuity: in the 20th century, technology was on the side of larger structures but currently they are penalized.

   87.    Juárez-Urquijo, F.,  "La web es divertida y la utilizo como me apetece: una introducción pedestre a la web social".  España. Ministerio de Cultura, 2008, pp. 339-349.

Descriptores: Web 2.0

Resumen: The quality of access to Internet determines, increasingly, the quality of the process of information. In this paper the conditions of use of the technology that allow the library to have access to quality services are analyzed. Once overcome the technological barriers (acquisition, curve of learning) we believe necessary to win a last obstacle: the mental one. The library remains anchored in an analogical model of management that prevents its access to the Internet in competitive conditions. Three are the barriers to overcome: the ferrous control of the administration as for information, the obstacles to the utilization of the new tools for safety issues and the excessive weight that still we grant to the management of traditional paper materials in the library. The use of the main tools of the social web are revised and the innovations got in Muskiz's library giving a use not foreseen to social tagging, to microblogging, to chat and to the initial pages are described. To combine our traditional skills with the spirit and the tools of the web participative at the moment of managing the information of the library favors the innovation in the services that we offer, the application of new forms of management and makes a more fluid and immediate relation possible with the patrons.

   88.    Lara-Navarra, P. and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "Luis Collado, director de Búsqueda de Libros de Google".  El Profesional de la Información, 2008, pp. 451-453.

Descriptores: Google Books Search

Resumen: Luis Collado answers some questions about the program Google Book Search. He describes what it is and what it is not. His words reveal Google?s philosophy of universal access to information.

   89.    Leiva-Soto, F. and Jiménez Serrano, M. B.,  "El Archivo de la Alhambra: un gran desconocido".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Archivo de la Alhambra

Resumen: Brief introduction of the Archive of the Alhambra: A review is made to the institution's history and details the contents of its funds and collections, presenting a selection of outstanding papers. In addition, policies are distributed.

   90.    Llueca Fonollosa, C.,  "Les biblioteques públiques i les biblioteques escolars: estat de la situació i línies de futur".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 31-48.

Descriptores: Public libraries

Resumen: Description of the situation of public and school libraries in Catalonia and trends of future. The Catalan public libraries are articulated in nets, but they are still far away to give full access to their full information trough a unique platform. From the point of view of offering services, it is necessary to modify the behaviors of stagnation in the rendering of librarian services, in favour of increasing the quality of the classical services and at the same time to promote new services according to the phenomenon of the attention economy. Public libraries are shown as tools of integration of diverse public, and also as democratic impulse in all the spheres of the society. It is analyzed the present, necessarily gray, and the possible future of school libraries in Catalonia. Public and school libraries must help the new generations to becoming autonomous in the use of the information.

   91.    López de Quintana Sáenz, E.,  "De la intermediación a la anticipación: rutas alternativas en la documentación de la producción audiovisual".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 11-22.

Descriptores: Television archives

Resumen: The documentalist?s role of intermediation between the users and the archive in images searching seems to be undergoing a number of changes. This intermediation, based on a combination of the habits of the users in searching information and the lack of a user friendly orientation in many of the information management systems, contrasts with the general idea of accessibility conveyed by the new digital production systems. This paper analyses the consequences of these changes, and presents a new approach to the relation between documentalists and users based on the anticipation of their information needs, as an alternative to the traditional answer to question scheme. Some ongoing experiences in Antena 3 Television that follow this approach are also described.

   92.    López-Hernández, F.,  "El campus de la Universidad Carlos III en Second Life".  Taylor & Francis, 2008, pp. 657-661.

Descriptores: Metaverse

Resumen: Second Life is a three-dimensional virtual environment that many consider merely a game but has enormous possibilities for e-learning and communication. There are academic libraries that are trying to take advantage of it; the Universidad Carlos III Library is one of them. This paper presents its project, with which it expects to anticipate to that which very probably will be the future way of displaying information on the Internet: 3D Web.

   93.    Lorente, R.,  "Conservación - restauración: 49 calcos de las bóvedas de la Sala de los Reyes de Manuel Gómez-Moreno".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Alhambra

Resumen: Throughout the year 2008 there have been made the restoration of 49 layers (years 1498 to 1546) of the roofs of the Sala de los Reyes (Patio de los Leones) belonging to Archive Patronato de la Alhambra and the Generalife. This is an especially significant work from a historical and symbolic point of view, and very difficult because of their advanced state of deterioration. Details of the restoration work carried out on these layers are given. Still are pending to restore the calcos of the entire roof from the dome of the fountains, that will take place in the near future. to restore the lack of belonging

   94.    Maillard, N. and Rueda Ramírez, P.,  "Sevilla en el mercado tipográfico (siglos XV-XVIII): de papeles y relaciones".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: History of printing

Resumen: Brief history of printing in Seville (XV-XVIII).

   95.    Margaix Arnal, D.,  APEI, Asociación Profesional de Especialistas en Información (Spain)Informe APEI sobre web social, 2008.

Descriptores: Web 2.0

Resumen: Report about the social web, what type of services provides and how the web 2.0 can applies to libraries and information centres. Contents: 1: Web 2.0, social Web, Library 2.0. 2: Blogs: the most popular tool. 3: wikis: writing together. 4: Social Bookmarks: labelling the web. 5: Social references management: a tool for science 2.0. 6: The tools of social cataloguing: sharing readings. 7: The Web 2.0 and library catalogs: the social OPAC. 8: Geoaplications: labelling the world. 9: Syndication of contents: collecting and disseminating. 10: Share digital objects: creating participatory collections . 11: Personalized start pages: gathering the web. 12: Social Networks: representing our relations. 13: Promotion of social news: the community votes. 14: Now what?: Planning Services 2.0 in libraries. 15: Information Resources.

   96.    Margaix-Arnal, D.,  "El OPAC 2.0: Puerta de Acceso a los Contenidos de la Biblioteca".  Ministerio de Cultura (Spain), 2008, pp. 237-246.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas

Resumen: In this paper there becomes a study of the application of the technologies and the attitudes of the Web 2.0 to the bibliographical catalogues of libraries, which has been given in naming OPAC 2.0. For it there is realized a brief conceptualization of which it is the Web 2.0 and the technologies and attitudes that link themselves him. Later there is done a brief revision of the innovations that OPACs has emphasized throughout the time. A tour is realized by the principal OPACs that are implementing functionalities 2.0. Once checked the current offers and on the basis of the bibliography, the desirable functionalities are analyzed in an OPAC 2.0. The work finishes with an offer accompanied of images, of how it would be an OPAC 2.0

   97.    Margaix-Arnal, D.,  "Las bibliotecas universitarias y Facebook : cómo y por qué estar presentes".  El Profesional de la Información, 2008, pp. 589-601.

Descriptores: Sitios de redes sociales

Resumen: Over the past year, the popularity of social networking sites has seen tremendous growth in Spain. Because of these networks? everyday online ubiquity, the rising number of new users, and the integration of library applications, information professionals have taken a huge interest in social networking sites. This article analyzes the concept behind social networking sites, different types of these sites, the use of Facebook as an academic library, and the creation of Facebook pages as the best presence model for libraries. The final part of the article discusses how to create and promote a Facebook page and how to organize events on the web site.

   98.    Margaix-Arnal, D.,  "Las páginas de Facebook como modelo de presencia de las bibliotecas en redes sociales".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Facebook

Resumen: This poster defines the Facebook Page concept explaining its advantages and inconveniences. The main elements and the most important applications for libraries to build its digital identity are discussed using a page built for this work. The chosen applications are oriented to academic and special libraries.

   99.    Margaix-Arnal, D.,  "Lectura, Universidad y Recursos 2.0".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 83-88.

Descriptores: Acamic Libraries

Resumen: This article compiles the different initiatives that are done to promote the reading using the Web 2.0 tools, emphasizing the projects of Spanish Academic Libraries.

100.    Margaix-Arnal, D.,  "Nuevas herramientas para las bibliotecas digitales".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas digitales

Resumen: This document corresponds to the presentations of the course 'New Tools for the Digital Libraries ' given in Valencia in march 2008, with a duration of 17 hours. The course is constructed in five units: What is a digital library; Repositories and Open Access; Link Technologies; Federated Searches and Web 2.0. A overview of the uses and functionalities of all these technologies is given.

101.    Marquina-Arenas, J.,  "Entrevista a... 25 profesionales, 25 personas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: RecBib

Resumen:  Born in September 2008 'Entrevista a...' within RecBib - Recursos Bibliotecarios ( for the purpose of interviewing people dedicated to the field of librarianship, documentation and other related branches. In March 2009 we achieved the milestone of 25 interviews, with which we now know how the interviewees are like and how they deal with a wide range of current and relevant topics in the professional world. The purpose of these interviews is to approach the human side of them while asking about issues related to libraries, professionals, information technology.

102.    Marquina-Arenas, J.,  "Perspectivas profesionales de los diplomados y licenciados en Biblioteconomía y Documentación".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: RecBib

Resumen:  We describe the employment situation in Library and Information sciences, its future, and draw some conclusions. We have analyzed the offers posted on the RecBib website ?Recursos Bibliotecarios-, and given an idea of the future job offers in our field.

103.    Marti, M. C., DÇAgostino, M. J., Veiga de Cabo, J., and Sanz-Valero, J.,  "Alfabetización digital: un peldaño hacia la sociedad de la información".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 11-15.

Descriptores: Alfabetización digital

Resumen: Human beings tend to react to the words by their antonymous. The first thing that comes to the mind when speaking of literacy is in the illiterate. Unfortunately, this word has a very strong antonymous and with highly negative social and cultural implications. This is one of the great criticisms to the tendency to call ?literacy? to this ongoing renewal of the capacities of learning and communicating. In this article we agree with those thinkers who state that the word ?literacy?, meaning the ability to read and write, has gradually extended its scope of application in the digital era to move to mean the ability to use the information and communications technologies and to understand the information, whatever its format. We present literacy as a constant and permanent learning process which should continue during life so that people can be functional for their family life, for the society and for the organizations in which they work, in this new paradigm called ?Information Society?. Digital Literacy is the last step known in this escalation towards the Information Society. We are in the middle of a permanent process of transformation which compels us to rethink our relationship with reality and we must be prepared to act accordingly since time and availability and the access to information have become key elements of survival in this new Society.

104.    Martínez Carmona, M.,  "Integración de SFX y el Catálogo AbsysNet".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX

Resumen: [Spanish language abstract] En la Biblioteca Universitaria de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria se ha llevado a cabo el proceso de integración entre los programas SFX (servidor de enlaces) y AbsysNet (Sistema integrado de gestión de bibliotecas). Se realizó en tres fases que consistieron en la exportación desde SFX a ficheros XML de los títulos de revistas electrónicas a texto completo que forman parte de la colección de la Biblioteca, y la posterior importación de los mismos al Catálogo AbsysNet. De esta manera se consigue que el usuario tenga un único punto de acceso desde nuestro catálogo a todas las publicaciones periódicas tanto en formato impreso como online.

105.    Martínez, D., López Vivancos, M., and Rubèn, P.,  "LEER : proyectos y planes de lectura de las bibliotecas de la Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 99-105.

Descriptores: Academic libraries -- Planning

Resumen: In recent years, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Library has undertaken activities aimed at promoting reading among its users, who include students, lecturers, and administrative and service staff. The main aim is to offer a wide range of library collections and information resources to complement the resources and library services that support engineering, architecture and nautical studies degrees, and the UPC?s science and technology research areas and areas of interest. The Library?s strategic plans have led to resources being allocated for joint and local development of a wide range of activities to promote reading of both printed and electronic material. These activities include acquiring literary collections, creating web portals that provide easy access to a wealth of well-organised digital resources, and holding promotional events such as exhibitions and competitions. All of these activities have stimulated the reading habits of library users?who are mainly technical staff and students taking technical degrees?in other, not exclusively technical fields. The UPC Library conceives of the act of reading in an open and integrative way that embraces all literary genres, reading for education and work-related reading. In addition, the technology revolution has led to the expansion of the concept of reading to include all of the current and future new media. Technology is not destroying the habit of reading; reading has instead become the key to the information society. In this article, we briefly summarise the Library?s proposed objectives and its most significant projects. We also assess the results of these projects. Since its foundation, the main objective of the UPC Library has been to organise the scientific and technical information that its users need for their studies and research, and to make this information readily available. However, it is increasingly important for future engineers to acquire cross-disciplinary skills and abilities that are valid for life. It is essential to develop good reading habits, broad cultural knowledge and a critical spirit, in order to understand the environment. Libraries must be involved in the acquisition of these skills. Therefore, the activities discussed in this article, which are already underway, will continue in the coming years, and will be particularly important from 2010 onwards, when the new European Higher Education Area will come into effect.

106.    Martínez Garzón, V. M.,  "Evaluación de las web parlamentarias autonómicas españolas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: evaluación web

Resumen: The Spanish regional parliamentary web have been evaluated through a questionnaire including a set of web quality indicators based on the content, accesibility, visibility and usability of each web resource. The questionnaire was elaborated following different bibliographic sources and each web-page was analyzed obtaining a ranking for each one and comparing results through graphics. The results show the quality concerning each parliamentary web in 2007. It has been observed that the global quality is acceptable as well as they have different weak points to be solved, involving e-democracy.

107.    Martínez, J., Beumala, +., Codina-Vila, M., and +ñigo, R.,  "Estudi comparatiu de la publicació científica de la UPC i l'ETSETB vs. altres universitats".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Bibliometric studies

Resumen: The Telecommunication Engineering School of Barcelona (ETSETB) and its library, the Library President Gabriel Ferraté (BRGF), at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), have elaborated a bibliometric survey to analyze the indicators related to the technical publishing by the academic staff linked to ETSETB/UPC comparatively with other universities of reference at a national and European level. The studied thematic areas are the ones related to telecommunications and the electronic engineering. Indicators about the amount of institutional scientific production and about how much it has been cited are shown, offering data susceptible of analysis and reflection. Visibility and impact of the publications are also identified for each one of the institutions and on the whole.

108.    Martínez Olmo, M. d. P. and Pérez-Montes Salmerón, C. M.,  "La tecnología RFID aplicada a bibliotecas. La experiencia de la Biblioteca Tomás Navarro Tomás".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 75-88.

Descriptores: RFID

Resumen: The Tomás Navarro Tomás Library, created by the fusion of eight libraries of the Social Sciences and Humanities area in the CSIC, has implemented the RFID technology in the collection management and in the library services. This communication explanes the hardware and software needs, the implementation process and the first evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages appreciated during the last two years.

109.    Martínez, V.,  "El documentalista audiovisual als serveis de documentació de les televisions locals".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: audiovisual information science

Resumen: The irruption of digital systems into the televisions has opened a new front for those audiovisual documentalists working on a television documentation centre. To the traditional tasks as cataloguing and storage, news tasks common to digital contents management have been added, such as metadata generation and management, or information flow control of servers and archives. This poster is based on the audiovisual documentalist figure on the local television, and it shows the environment where he has to develop his abilities and also the tasks and functions he has to do there.

110.    Melero, R., Abad-Garcia, M.-F., Abadal, E., Amat, C. B., Giménez-Martínez, F., Rodríguez-Gairín, J.-M., and Rodríguez, N.,  "Dulcinea : iniciativa para el análisis de los derechos de copyright y autoarchivo de revistas científicas españolas".  FESABID, 2009, pp. 117-121.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto

Resumen: Dulcinea is a portal which identifies policies of publishers and Spanish scientific journals with respect to copyright and self-archiving. Dulcinea follows analogously the model of Sherpa/Romeo. It is described data collection system, structure, functionality and user interface. There is also at the end a brief description of future works.

111.    Melero, R., López Medina, A., and prats, J.,  "Landscape of Open Access Institutional Repositories in Spain".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: open repositories

Resumen: The open access movement is an emerging issue in Spain, but it is becoming a familiar term within the scientific community. It has advanced in the past three or four years with more frequent initiatives related to repositories and open/free journals. The 246 registered signatories of the Berlin Declaration include 21 Spanish institutions, most of which signed it in 2006. The Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) and the Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR) have in their records 32 and 22 open access repositories from Spain, respectively, but these figures do not represent the real ones, since there are more that have not registered yet (see BUSCA REPOSITORIOS ), and others that are listed in those directories which are not repositories but journals or aggregators The oldest repository in Spain Tesis Doctorals en Xarxa (?Networked Doctoral Theses?) was created in year 2001, but most of the Spanish institutional repositories emerged at the end of 2004 or the beginning of 2005 (Melero, 2006). Nevertheless, there is evidence that more have been created and announced in recent months (Melero, 2007). These data do not correlate with the DRIVER I inventory study in which the response of the 12 invited (those registered at that time in OpenDOAR) was very low (3 answers). However, the international presence of our repositories, measured as participations in OA initiatives, is increasing as described below. Respect to Spanish forums, related to repositories and in general to the OA movement, at least there are 3 very active: the OS-Repositorios (= Open Science-Repositories), GUDE (Dspace Spanish users group) Open Access Madrimasd ( A. Lopez?s blog supported by Madrid Regional Government and ). The first two groups hold meetings and workshops periodically about hot topics related to repository issues. Based on OpenDOAR records, Dspace and ePrints are the software used most to implement repositories. Most Spanish repositories (78 %) are institutional, mainly created by universities. The commonest types of repositories are those archiving conference and workshop papers, theses and dissertations, and research papers (pre and post prints). The growth of Spanish repositories with time, from data provided by ROAR, seems to fall into three types: plateau, stairstep and steady growth. The clearest growth behaviour is the one of TDX, which has followed the steady pattern. The first model responds to repositories in which digital objects are deposited regularly along the time, the second and the third ones are those in which uploads are done by batches of different size at different intervals of time, as has been observed previously in other repositories (Davis and Connolly, 2007). In Spain there are different initiatives, at regional and national level, to develop services on top of the existing repositories. At the regional level, the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia and Madrid are the most active, because their respective territories account for most of the existing institutional repositories in Spain. The services are implemented through the Library Consortia of each Autonomous Community. The Autonomous Community of Madrid and the ?Consorcio Madroño? (Libraries of the public Universities of Madrid and UNED) have created a regional scientific portal, ?e-ciencia?, which gives free access to academic research output in the Region of Madrid from the 7 participant universities and the Spanish National Research Council. Currently the portal contains about 19.000 documents, 100% open access. The documents are mostly textual (except from a collection of about 8.000 audio/video documents from the UNED library) and only academic and scientific in scope. The portal offers a central search service but is also developing such other services as a regional citation service, metadata export, and statistics. The repositories have created sets by type of document and subject to offer; in the near future there will be thematic search engines and gateways. It also offers copyright issues advice to libraries and researchers. It has translated the ?licence to publish? from the Zwolle Project. The portal is also helping the participant institutions to work together with common standards; the participants? repositories are already working in compliance with the Driver guidelines. This project is strongly supported by the Government of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, that as a funding agency recommends strongly researchers it funds to self-archive in the Institutional repositories harvested by the portal. The Catalan Consortia, CBUC, from the Autonomous Community of Catalonia, works with a slightly different model: it has created two aggregating or inter-institutional repositories: ?Recercat?, a cooperative repository of digital documents, works as a common institutional repository for the universities in Catalonia that do not have their own local institutional repository and at the same time it harvests the content of the universities that do have their own institutional repository. It contains research literature from universities and researching centres of Catalonia, like preprints, communications in congress, research reports, working papers, university final projects, technical reports, etc. (2.778 documents). TDX is also a cooperative repository of theses from different universities of Spain (19 universities are currently participating, 5.240 thesis). Both repositories are 100% open access. At the national level the initiative is leaded by the Network of Academic and Research University Libraries of Spain, REBIUN. Co-funded by the Minister of Education, REBIUN has created the national open access research portal, ?Recolecta?, just released in February, 2008. The portal has been inspired by DareNet in the Netherlands, the information platform in Germany, and DRIVER. The portal wants to be not only the central access and dissemination point of Spanish research, but to give the development of institutional repositories in Spain a sense of a national endeavour, to make the diverse landscape of Spanish repositories a true infrastructure, and to increase capacity of influence in terms of open access policies. The portal will establish some recommendations in order to be harvested and some specifications to participate in the services which will be implemented; and these specifications will be based on the DRIVER guidelines and the DINI Certificate. For this reason, the project has translated both documents. At the same time, copyright issues remain a key problem for the success of the population of our repositories, and the portal will offer advice on the matter. It has translated the Sherpa/ROMEO interface.

112.    Mochón Bezares, G. and Sorli Rojo, n.,  "Tesauros Multidisciplinares en Internet".  CSIC, 2008, pp. 129-139 .

Descriptores: Internet

Resumen: This article contains some comments about the content and interfaces of free multidisciplinary thesauri availables on-line.

113.    Monistrol, R.,  "Pàgines web de museus a Europa: tendències en estructures i models".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Museums

Resumen: Before planning the design of a web site of a museum, they have to be been itself shed light on which their purpose is: the diffusion cultural and the identity from the museum. Moreover, we examine proposals of models and structures of web site museum (Dr. Sara Monaci and Museum&Web) and we propose three conceptual museum models in the WWW.

114.    Montobbio Martorell, I.,  "Biblioteca parlamentaria en constante transformación".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 1-29.

Descriptores: biblioteca parlamentaria

Resumen: The world is changing constantly and, with it, libraries and their services, too. Parliamentary libraries have not escaped from this constant, deep transformation. In this opportunity that the Basque Parlament* has given me, we will first examine some factors that have brought on this evolution; secondly, we will analyze how new technologies have influenced libraries; thirdly, we will explain in which direction parliamentary libraries are headed and, according to our criteria, how they should be, making special mention of the cooperation among all the libraries. Finally, in conclusion, we will make mention of the great challenges facing parliamentary libraries around the world in the XXI century. *This conference was held on 7-8 October in 2008 at the Basque Parliament

115.    Moreno Cámara, A. and Prieto-Gutiérrez, J.-J.,  "La Red de Bibliotecas del Instituto Cervantes : una visión actual".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 25-37.

Descriptores: Instituto Cervantes

Resumen: The Network of Libraries of Cervantes Institute, heiresses of the antique Spanish Houses and the Cultural Centres, distributed around of the different continents, has known to agglutinate and to be the impulse stated for the diffusion of the language and the Spanish and Hispano-American culture. The libraries, in direct collaboration with the Cervantes Institute, offer a daily and continuous service to the users who go to the Institute, for consult collections, loan, reproduction, specialized bibliographical information, access to data bases... etc. Currently they are one of the bastions that better represent to us outside and within our borders.

116.    Mosquera Arancibia, B. and Martínez Carmona, M.,  "Informe del Grupo de trabajo sobre SFX - Expania".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: SFX Expania

Resumen: Report of the Expania's SFX Working Group where the current situation is discussed, and the proposals for improving the 'Manualillo' (SFX online manual, developed jointly by the user group) are commented. Among the improvements there is the conversion of the Blog to a Wiki. It is also proposed, as a new work line, to analyze the Spanish electronic journals and to send them to Exlibris for their inclusion in the SFX KnowledgeBase.

117.    Muñoz Feliu, M. C. and Martínez Ortega, M. d. C.,  "Bibliotecas multiculturales en la Comunidad Valenciana (2004-2008)".  Ministerio de Cultura, 2008, pp. 405-412.

Descriptores: Public library

Resumen: Introduction: The public library of the twenty-first century must play a central role in integrating the immigrant population, especially in an area of strong immigration such as the Community of Valencia. Objectives: To analyze and evaluate the impact of library projects in the multicultural community in the period 2004-2008. Materials and Methods: We analyze investments, collections and services compared with other public libraries Valencia, other experiences of Spain (Andalucia) and some international standards. Results: Except in Gandia, the achievements are late and incomplete. Conclusions: Despite this, these libraries concentrate the bulk of the funds and useful services to the immigrant population in the Valencian Public Reading Network.

118.    Navarro Martín, E.,  "Informe del Grupo de Trabajo de Metalib".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Metalib

Resumen: Report of the Expania's Metalib Working Group which presents the Group, their objectives, activities performed, focusing in the inclusion of Spanish resources on the Central Knowledge Base (CKB) of Metalib, and which are future actions.

119.    Navarro Martín, E., Villanueva Baquedano, J. F., Aznar Lafont, D., and González Martín, R.,  "Alternativas de búsqueda directa en Metalib y SFX".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Metalib

Resumen: Powerpoint slides from a presentation at the 5th Conference of Expania (Spanish User Group of ExLibris Products). Users are confused with Metalib and they demand easy tools for search on e-resources. Universidad de Navarra presents three alternative ways to search in Metalib and SFX: web form, toolbar developed with LibX and gadget for iGoogle.

120.    Navarro Sastre, N.,  "Nuevos espacios virtuales para la difusión documental. La experiencia de INSPAI, el centro de la imagen de la Diputació de Girona, en Second Life".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 33-44.

Descriptores: Photographic documentation

Resumen: Inspai, the Image Centre of the Diputació de Girona, is a specialised public service that provides facilities and specific equipment dedicated to image (both fixed and moving images). The introduction and utilisation of the information and communication technologies in our society has brought about an increase in the number of users and has had an effect on and transformed the types of users and their relationship with the centres that manage information and documentation. As a result, virtual users have become more numerous and more important. The objective of this communication is to outline our experience based on an original initiative connected with this changed situation. The idea is to create a new virtual space at our centre in Second Life, a three-dimensional virtual world which has millions of people registered with it worldwide. The intention is to make available to the public (expert and non-expert alike) all information related with the spheres of action, services and resources, as well as the photographic and audiovisual fonds kept at the Image Centre.

121.    Navas-Fernández, M.,  "The Documentation Centre of the Catalan Data Protection Authority : Implementing information policies to obtain a successful library service = El Centro de Documentación de la Agencia Catalana de Protección de datos : Implementando políticas de información para obtener un servicio bibliotecario con éxito = Le centre de documentation de l'Autorité catalane de protection des données : L'implementation de politiques de l'information pour parvenir à un service de bibliothèque réussi = ????? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????? ?????????? : ????????? ?????????????? ???????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????????????? ????????????".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Agència Catalana de Protecció de Dades

Resumen: This paper focuses on the management of the Documentation Centre of the Catalan Data Protection Authority since its creation in 2004 until date. It describes the information policies followed to obtain a successful library service within the organisation. The main topics are the origin of the Documentation Centre, its definition and type, the problem of giving it a name, mission and functions, collection management, services, users, how to communicate, communication tools, strengthening actions and conclusions.

122.    Novoa García, B., Rodríguez Ortega, N., and Soto González, M.,  "El espacio europeo de educación superior: una oportunidad para una relación más estrecha entre biblioteca y docencia".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 183-193.

Descriptores: Higher Education European Space

Resumen: The adaptation of the Pontificia Comillas University of Madrid Library and its professional staff to the new concept of library, required by the new European guidelines can be mainly seen in the users' training area. In the context of the new EEES and the new degrees, during the last two academic years we have applied a new experience that goes beyond the basic training of users. This is about the active contribution and collaboration in the documentation subject in the Translation and Interpretation degree. This contribution has two clearly different axes, as it includes a programme with theoretical units and, the students have to present a bilingual lexicographic essay at the end. For the theoretical area, the librarians, as the specialists in this subject, we presented some subjects: information units, how to search and value the information, classifications and thesaurus. In the practical area, we guided them through the different sources of specialised information so that they could carry away the research for their essays. They were taught about the different supports and different sources, quality, open access, learning to find the information efficiently and appropriately, to choose it, to value it and to know how to use it in a legal and ethic manner. With this relation, not only we are contributing to the new concept of teaching focussed in the learning aspects, but we are also aiming to build the library as an active part of the University, directly linked with the degrees and the formation of teachers.

123.    Olmeda-Gómez, C., Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., and Moya-Anegon, F.,  "International research impact and scientific collaboration by universities from Catalonia : 2000-2004".  Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2008, pp. 591-611.

Descriptores: research outputs

Resumen: The objective of the study is the analysis of catalonian universities scientific production in the period 2000-2004. It has been calculated indicators by university about scientific activity, visibility, impact, power research, citation, selfcitation, regional and international collaboration. The empirical evidences show a stratified university system, without a clear specialization in their activities of research. The network of international collaboration by countries with Catalan universities has been drawn graphically. The universities as a whole prefer to collaborate with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Italy and obtain better visibility when they sign his works with authors in English language.

124.    Olmeda-Gómez, C., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., and Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A.,  "Estructura de las redes de colaboración científica entre las universidades españolas".  Francisco Javier García Marco, 2008, pp. 129-140.

Descriptores: Colaboración en investigación. Análisis de redes sociales. Proximidad. Estructura espacial. España. Universidades.

Resumen: Objetive: Bibliometric analysis of scientific research co authorship network from Spanish universities. Material and Methods: selection of documents from Science and Social Citation Index, from 2000 to 2004. The more important output data are analyzed applying social network analysis, and developing a bibliometric map that allows its visualization. Results: The Spanish intrasectorial university network itÇs compound by the interconnection of sub-network of regional scope Conclusions: The research collaboration network between the Spanish universities constitutes a great component with absence of alternative components and/or isolated nodes. Spanish university research networks are geographically localized.

125.    Olmeda-Gómez, C., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., and Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A.,  "Producción portuguesa en Biblioteconomía y Documentación. Web of Science, 1990-2005".  Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2008, pp. 703-711.

Descriptores: Biblioteconomía y Documentación

Resumen: An analysis about Library and Information Science from Portugal data contained in Web of Science online database from 1990-2005.We present bibliometric indicators about impact factor, main productive centers (University of Lisboa; New University of Lisboa; Technical University of Lisboa and Coimbra University), and also indicators about authors or international collaboration (University of Leeds and Sheffield).Bibliometric articles has never been cited by portuguese authors during the period.

126.    Olmeda-Gómez, C., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A., Guerrero-Bote, V. P., and Moya-Anegon, F.,  "Visualization of scientific co-authorship in Spanish universities : From regionalization to internationalization".  Emerald, 2009, pp. 83-100.

Descriptores: Co-authorship

Resumen: Purpose ? The purpose of this paper is to visualize the inter-university and international collaboration networks generated by Spanish universities based on the co-authorship of scientific articles. Design/methodology/approach ? The approach takes the form of formulation based on a bibliometric analysis of Spanish university production from 2000 to 2004 as contained in Web of Science databases, applying social network visualization techniques. The co-authorship data used were extracted with the total counting method from a database containing 100,710 papers. Findings ? Spanish inter-university collaboration patterns appear to be influenced by both geographic proximity and administrative and political affiliation. Inter-regional co-authorship encompasses regional sub-networks whose spatial scope conforms rather closely with Spanish geopolitical divisions. Papers involving international collaboration are written primarily with European Union and North and Latin American researchers. Greater visibility is attained with international co-authorship than with any other type of collaboration studied. Research limitations/implications ? Impact was measured in terms of journals rather than each individual paper. The co-authorship data were taken from the Web of Knowledge and were not compared with data from other databases. Practical implications ? The data obtained in the paper may provide guidance for public policy makers seeking to enhance and intensify the internationalization of scientific production in Spanish universities. Originality/value ? The Spanish university system is in the midst of profound structural change. This is the first paper to describe Spanish university collaboration networks using social network visualization techniques, covering an area not previously addressed. Paper type Research paper

127.    Olmeda-Gómez, C., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A., and Moya-Anegon, F.,  "Comparative analysis of university-government enterprise co-authorship networks in three scientific domains in the region of Madrid".  T.D. Wilson,  2008.

Descriptores: coauthorship networks

Resumen: Introduction: In an economy geared to innovation and competitiveness in research and development activities, inter-relationships between the university, private enterprise and government are of considerable interest. Networking constitutes a priority strategy to attain this strategic objective and a tool in knowledge-based economies. Method: Drawing from a full inventory of co-authored scientific articles, collaborating networks are defined and analysed with the social network analysis method, using Pajek software and graphed with the Kamada-Kawai algorithm for visualization. Analysis: Scientific production involving intraregional collaboration in the Madrid region is analysed across three subject categories. The data used were taken from the Web of Science for the years 1995-2003. The main indicators of social networking obtained were: density average degree, normalized degree and degree centralization, betweenness centralization, closeness centralization and clustering coefficient. Results: Networking led to a moderate rise in the number of links and participating actors, with more Spanish companies and multi-national subsidiaries in the second period. The largest number of links was recorded for public universities located in the Community of Madrid. Conclusions: The data resulting from the social network analysis conducted provided insight into the structural characteristics of the networks generated and their evolution. The visualization methodology used proved to be highly informative for identifying not only the main actors, but clusters and components as well. The analysis afforded a useful perspective for understanding the dynamics of collaborating networks.

128.    Olmeda-Gómez, C., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A., and Moya-Anegon, F.,  "Colegios visibles: estructuras de coparticipación en tribunales de tesis doctorales de biblioteconomía y documentación en España".  El Profesional de la Información, 2009, pp. 41-49.

Descriptores: Academic scientific networks

Resumen: The results of a study of social networking by professors? co-memberships in library and information science PhD juries between 1993 and 2006 are presented. Degree reduction and k-core methods are used to extract sub-networks and a Ward?s hierarchical cluster analysis is performed. The resulting network identifies five classes, whose members are actors occupying similar social positions, and at the same time different mechanisms, based mainly in similarity and physical proximity, are proposed from the interpretative point of view.

129.    Orduña-Malea, E., Guallar, J., and Baiget, T.,  "El Grupo ThinkEPI: un think tank en información y documentación".  Fesabid, 2009, pp. 123-137.

Descriptores: Library and Infomation Science

Resumen: We present the main features, goals, publishing system and debating procedure of the Spanish think tank on Library and Information Science ThinkEPI Group (Information Strategy and Prospective). We analyse its scientific output, author's productivity, comments received, subject coverage and its web site audience.

130.    Ortega, J. L., Aguillo, I. F., Cothey, V., and Scharnhorst, A.,  "Maps of the academic web in the European Higher Education Area - an exploration of visual web indicators".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 295-308.

Descriptores: Webometrics

Resumen: This paper shows maps of the web presence of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) on the level of universities using hyperlinks and analyses the topology of the European academic network. Its purpose is to combine methods from Social Network Analysis (SNA) and cybermetric techniques in order to ask for tendencies of integration of the European universities visible in their web presence and the role of different universities in the process of the emergence of an European Research Area. We find as a main result that the European network is set up by the aggregation of well-defined national networks, whereby the German and British networks are dominant. The national networks are connected to each other through outstanding national universities in each country.

131.    Ortega, J. L. and Aguillo, I. F.,  "World Class Universities on the Web : A network graph view of".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: WWW

Resumen: 1 Introduction World University Ranking on the Web ( is one of the most important ranking about higher education performance, and, concretely, the principal according to the web dimension of these academic institutions. Its principal wisdom is to cover a large amount of universities which are not present in similar educational rankings. This property allows us to develop a visual picture of the outstanding universities around the World, studying their relationships and their position in a structural dimension. 2 Objectives The purpose of this communication is to present a visual display of the 1,000 most important universities in the World according to the ranking of This map intends to show the topological characteristics of this kind of networks and to describe how the relationships among universities of different countries and continents are. 3 Methods We have selected the first 1,000 high education institutions from the World University Ranking on the Web. A link matrix among this set of universities was built, extracting the data from Yahoo! Search in February 2008. The following queries were used to obtain the links from the university domain (A) to the university domain (B): site:{university domain (A)} linkdomain:{university domain (B)} and the total number of pages indexed in the university domain (A): site: {university domain (A)} Several variables have been used in order to add information about the network configuration. Nodes size shows the volume of web pages that each university makes available on the Web. Colours represent the nationality of each high education organization. Arc size shows the frequency of links between two university domains. We have used Pajek 1.02 to visualise the network. We have selected a cut-off of more than 50 links to improve the network visualization. We have also used the Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm to lay out the network because is the fastest energizing large networks [de NOOY, MRVAR and BATAGELJ, 2005]. 4 Results Figure 1 shows the obtained graph from the 1,000 high education institutions. Firstly, we can appreciate that each university is linked with the universities of its own country. Thus, we can visually detect homogeneous national groups such as Germany (red), UK (green light) or Japan (orange) [ORTEGA, AGUILLO, COTHEY and SCHARHORST, 2008]. However, we can also see that there is countries that do not constitute a compact group such as France (dark blue), Canada (white) and other countries with a small set of universities as Netherlands (dark red). The graph also shows linguistic [THELWALL, TANG and PRICE, 2003] and geographical relationships [THELWALL, 2002]. The European countries are located in the right side of the picture, while the left side is mainly taken up by Asian and American ones. We can also observe that the size is related with the link attraction, because the large universities are located in the core of the network. Nevertheless, we detect countries, concretely Asian ones (China, Japan and Taiwan), with large universities that are far from the core. We suppose that may be caused by a low development of English pages by these countries [VAUGHAN and THELWALL, 2004].

132.    Ovalle-Perandones, M.-A., Perianes-Rodríguez, A., and Olmeda-Gómez, C.,  "La cooperación internacional de las universidades españolas vista con indicadores de producción científica".  Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), 2008.

Descriptores: Cooperación universitaria internacional

Resumen: Universities, research institutes as reference in which it generates new knowledge, they are active agents in the processes of international cooperation. The study characterized the international scientific cooperation of the Spanish universities developed from 2000 to 2004. The data for the analysis of the co-authorship of scientific publications of these international centers, are collected by the company Thomson Reuters, through its Web of Science platform, with an own methodology of the theory of social networks. The results of this characterization are shown using six representations heliocentric (a representation for the countries with which most papers have been signed on cooperation, in which all countries are grouped into nine regions and four performances that match four regions: Latin America , Africa, Middle East and Asia). This type of representation is most suitable for integrating into a single image data of the relationship, the volume of scientific production in international collaboration of the countries involved in the process, the visibility achieved by this collaboration with a benchmark of their value and half of the membership of countries in different regions.

133.    Palafox, M.,  "El Archivo Institucional E-Prints Complutense al servicio de la difusión y preservación de la investigación de la UCM".  ANABAD, 2008, pp. 1-26.

Descriptores: Institutional Repositories

Resumen: The Complutense University has made a durable commitment with the principles of the Open Access movement. the University signed the Berlin Declaration on 2006 with the CRUMA universities. In this field the Complutense Library has developed some actions in two areas, the digitization of the library bibliographic heritage and the dissemination and diffusion of the UCM scientific outputs. With this aim the Complutense library has developped the institutional repository E-Prints Complutense. This paper collects information about the implementation of the repository.

134.    Palafox, M. and Acebes, R.,  "El Proyecto de colaboración de la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid con Google Búsqueda de Libros".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009, pp. 282-289.

Descriptores: Massive digitization projects

Resumen: The agreement between Complutense University and Google has allowed a large-scale digitization project of the complutense collections out of copyright. From 2008, thousands of books in the public domain have free access with an Internet connection and from 2009 it is possible to access from the Complutense Library Catalogue. The document describes the digitization project steps and the activities carried out during the process.

135.    Peis, E., Morales del Castillo, J. M., and Delgado López, J. A.,  "Sistemas de Recomendación Semánticos. Un análisis del estado de la cuestión".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Sistemas de recomendación semánticos

Resumen: Analysis of the state of Semantic Recommender Systems and classification criteria for recommender systems.

136.    Penadés de la Cruz, H. and Botías Camacho, R.,  "La biblioteca universitaria que quería ser una biblioteca pública".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: marketing

Resumen: Chronicle of the bibliographic exhibitions developed in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Library (Colmenarejo Campus) with the support of a commented readings library blog ( with the aim of promoting amongst the university students reading habits and the use of extracurricular materials from this library.

137.    Pérez Iglesias, J.,  "Leer en la universidad: encuentros y desencuentros bibliotecarios".  TILDE Servicios editoriales, 2008, pp. 64-68.

Descriptores: Reading

Resumen: This article is about the need of that university libraries get involve in the task of extending the habit of reading among users. The principal activities of the university, the research and the education, have to see with the reading. It is necessary that the future professional have a more wide vision of the world than that of their own speciality.

138.    Pérez Iglesias, J.,  "¿Qué podemos ofrecer los bibliotecarios a los niños y jóvenes? O cómo las necesidades no tienen nada que ver con el tamaño de las personas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Niños

Resumen: This communication is about the professional librarians that are need to attend to the services destined for children and young people. The libraries must rethink their services for children and young people. It is necessary to know the changes that are taking place(produced) in the current society to be able to attend to this sector. ' Native digital ' are a challenge for the libraries of the 21st century.

139.    Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Olmeda-Gómez, C., and Moya-Anegon, F.,  "Introducción al análisis de redes".  El Profesional de la Información, 2008, pp. 664-669.

Descriptores: Library and information science

Resumen: Despite its long existence and international acceptance, network theory and analysis is a practically unknown approach in Documentation, both theoretically and methodologically speaking. Fortunately, this trend is changing, inasmuch as network theory and analysis may mean a quantitative and qualitative leap forward in the representation and analysis of the structure of all types of scientific domains, whether geographic, thematic or institutional. The extraordinary advances that have taken place in recent years in the study and analysis of complex networks have been made possible by a number of parallel developments. First of all, with computerized data acquisition and handling, large databases can bemanaged, leading to the emergence of different real network topologies. Secondly, the increase in computing power has made it possible to explore networks with millions of nodes. Thirdly, there is the slow but sure breakdown of boundaries between disciplines. This can be seen by researchers because of their ability to access and use databases that facilitate an understanding of the generic properties of complex networks.

140.    Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Olmeda-Gómez, C., and Moya-Anegón, F.,  "Detecting Research Groups in Coauthorship Networks".  Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft, 2008.

Descriptores: Scientific Collaboration

Resumen: From the perspective of Library Science and Information Science, little research has yet been conducted on scientific networking and its possible uses in ascertaining the composition of research groups, the differences in associations between specialities or departments, and the different policies that may be followed in this regard, depending on the institution or the domain analyzed. Traditionally, most studies on scientific collaboration have been geared to analyzing output, be it international or domestic, of a given scientific discipline or a research institution. Studies on smaller units such as departments or research groups are less common. This work focuses on a specific facet of scientific communication networks, namely scientific co-authorship networks, based on the premise that scientific communication is the essence of research, and research is only known as such when it has been analyzed and accepted by the scientific community, which gives it the status of a social activity. The use of the term ?scientific communication?, therefore, means deliberately limiting considerations on communication to a specific group of individuals (authors directly involved in the creation of original research work): those engaging in a well-defined activity and having very specific objectives. The main objective of this work is to identify, characterize and interpret research groups in Carlos III University of Madrid using empirical analysis, through the examination and visualization of scientific networking based on co-authorship papers. The findings obtained will contribute to a better understanding of network dynamics and of how they affect network topology and the internal structure of links among such research groups, and by extension, how they affect the higher-level administrative units of which they form a part. To this end, this work will try to achieve two specific objectives: on one hand, to model and characterize co-authorship networks by calculating indicators of the properties of nodes and links that describe sizes and neighbourhoods in subgraphs, as well as to obtain comprehensive measurements that statistically characterize the structure of network interconnections as a whole. On the other hand, to create specialized network-based visualizations, including diagrams of nodes and links, that can be used as interfaces to retrieve information. These interfaces provide data on the element matrices and on the values of their attributes in a clear, easily understood, explanatory and interactive way. They facilitate an understanding of the structural context represented, transmitting detailed information to the user about a variety of aspects relating to scientific collaboration and its evolution over time, such as administrative position, gender, speciality areas of research and the internal and external association patterns among authors.

141.    Perianes-Rodríguez, A., Olmeda-Gómez, C., and Moya-Anegón, F.,  "Hybrid Indicators based on Scientific Collaboration to Quantify and Qualify Individual Research Outputs".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 397-399.

Descriptores: Scientific collaboration

Resumen: Governmental initiatives around scientific policy have progressively raised collaboration to priority status. In this context, a need has arisen to broaden the traditional approach to the analysis and study of research results by descending to the group or even the individual scale and supplementing the output-, productivity?, visibility- and impact-based focus with new measures that emphasize collaboration from the vantage of structural analysis. To this end, the present paper proposes new hybrid indicators for the analysis and evaluation of individual research results, popularity and prestige, that combine bibliometric and structural aspects. A case study was conducted of the nine most productive departments in Carlos III University of Madrid. The findings showed hybridization to be a tool sensitive to traditional indicators, but also to the new demands of modern science as a self-organized system of interaction among individuals, furnishing information on researchers' environments and the behaviour and attitudes adopted within those environments.

142.    Peset, F.,  "E-LIS: una comunidad internacional de profesionales".  EPI, 2008, pp. 118-118.

Descriptores: E-LIS

Resumen: This article reviews the results of E-LIS Meeting: enhancing de access to LIS literature, Valencia, 13-14th November, 2007.

143.    Peset, F.,  "Scientific publishing in the European research area".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 120-120.

Descriptores: Scientific publishing

Resumen: This article reviews the publication of the European Commision Conference Scientific publishing in the European research area: access, dissemination and preservation in the digital age: Conference, Brussels, 15-16 February 2007. And specially the spanish participation.

144.    Peset, F. and Baiget, T.,  "Catalogación sí, pero, ¿cómo? ".  El profesional de la información, EPI SCP, 2008, pp. 55-56.

Descriptores: Descripción de documentos

Resumen: A paradigm shift is taking place in cataloguing codes. After the massive success of simple information retrieval systems like Google, some cataloguers are calling for a simplification of document descriptions. Coyle and Hillmann criticize the AACR update because of the excessive weight given to library traditions in the work that is underway.

145.    Peset, F. and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "E-LIS : Central repository on Library and Information Science".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Repositories

Resumen: E-LIS is an international open archive for the Library and Information Science fields, established in 2003. With over 8,600 documents as of November is an international open archive for the Library and Information Science fields, established in 2003. With over 8,600 documents as of November 2008, E-LIS is the world?s largest archive for LIS. Over half the documents in E-LIS are peer-reviewed. With support for 22 languages and a volunteer editorial team from over 40 countries, E-LIS is an outstanding example of global cooperation, which is reflected in one of the strengths of LIS. Over half the documents in E-LIS are peer-reviewed. With support for 22 languages and a volunteer editorial team from over 40 countries, E-LIS is an outstanding example of global cooperation, which is reflected in one of the strengths of E-LIS, the diversity of its content.

146.    Peset, F. and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "Implantación de la Open Archives Initiative en España".  Information Research, 2008.

Descriptores: Open Archives Initiative

Resumen: Introduction. The article approaches the situation in Spain of actions related to the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), used for the harvesting and diffusion of metadata for documents. The type of digital libraries, under this protocol, is experiencing worldwide development with institutional repositories developed mainly by academic organizations. Method. International inventories have been consulted and have contrasted the data through two types of surveys. Analysis. Studying the state of implantation of OAI-PMH in Spain. Conclusions. The situation in 2006 was encouraging in terms of number of projects, but less so in terms of the amount of stored data. It is necessary to remedy the omissions and errors in the official international registers and measures are required in Spain for coordination to enable profitable investments. Finally, the lack of studies such as presented here hinders the understanding of this area and therefore the application of indicators to assess the dissemination of science through open archives.

147.    Peset, F. and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "IRALIS: International Registry for Authors - Links to Identify Scientists Benefits for Spanish scholars and academia".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Iralis

Resumen:  The standardization of authors? names is very important for exhaustive retrieval in databases and repositories. Using IraLIS, authors are able to carry out thorough searches of their works. IRALIS has a database whose registers are generated by the authors themselves filling in a simple form with their ?standardized? name and their older variants. A multisearch engine retrieves the author?s records in Google, Google Scholar, OAIster, Recolecta and other databases.

148.    Peset, F., Ferrer-Sapena, A., and Baiget, T.,  "Impact of OAI protocol in Spain, Portugal and Latin America".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Digital Libraries

Resumen: This poster studies the current state of the development of OAI repositories in Spain, Portugal and Latin America with two objectives: -First, to provide a map of the status of all kinds of initiatives OAI; -Second, deepening the search for indicators to measure the data distribution efficiency. Spain, Portugal and Latin America are united by historical, cultural and linguistic ties which make possible to carry out a unique study about OAI. There are relationships between the professional communities which go beyond the simple geographical proximity. Nevertheless the fact that there is no record of the OAI projects it Latin America makes it quite difficult to locate them and to evaluate the open access movement penetration in these geographical areas.

149.    Peset, F., Ferrer-Sapena, A., and Baiget, T.,  "Evolución social y networking en la comunidad biblio-documental".  EPI SCP, 2008, pp. 623-631.

Descriptores: Networking

Resumen: Our society is increasingly interconnected through multiple types of networks, and humankind is changing their habits accordingly, adapting to the use of new technologies. We explore the psycho-social characteristics that determine people?s behavior through the communication channels. We discuss some structures of networking in the field of Library and Information Science: mailing lists directories, etc. We conclude that the work of the information professional fits perfectly in the current wave 2.0 of information sharing.

150.    Peset, F., Moreno-Nuñez, M. T., and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "Indicadores de rendimiento para acciones de acceso abierto".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: respositories

Resumen: Study of the situation of the provaiders of information in order to evaluate the performance of the investments effected in initiatives that expire with OAI-PMH. They appear statistical information on distribution of contents and the situation and growth of the projects from 2006, year in which we begin to compile the information and compares with reports of other places.

151.    Pimienta, D., Gómez-Hernandez, J.-A., Ortoll-Espinet, E., Selgas-Gutierrez, J., Pasadas-Ureña, C., Pinto-Molina, M., Sonntag, G., Benito-Morales, F., Monereo-Font, C., and Celaya, J.,  Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense (Spain)Brecha digital y nuevas alfabetizaciones: El papel de las bibliotecas, 2008.

Descriptores: Digital Divide

Resumen: We analyze social, technological, informational and cultural dimensions of digital divide, in order to explain the social role of libraries to compensate these forms of exclusion and to help people to improve its use of information

152.    Piñeiro, V. and González, B.,  "Alternativas de búsqueda directa en SFX: SFX como motor / proveedor de búsqueda en IExplorer o Firefox".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Metalib

Resumen: PowerPoint slides from a presentation at the 5th Conference of Expania (Spanish User Group of ExLibris Products). Search alternatives in SFX trough the search-engine of Internet Explorer or Firefox.

153.    Plataforma para la creación del Colegio de Archiveros, B. y. D. d. M. P.,  "El futuro del profesional de la información en la Comunidad de Madrid: propuesta de la Plataforma para el colegio de archiveros, bibliotecarios y documentalistas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 317-323.

Descriptores: Professional colleges

Resumen: Since March 2007, a group of information professionals from the autonomous region of Madrid has been working voluntarily and independently on the creation of a professional college for archivists, librarians and information scientists. However, it is necessary to present a bill at the region?s Parliament to be finally approved into law. This action developed as a reaction against the lack of an official organism to regularise this profession. The professional college will be in charge of representing and defending the profession and maintaining the relations with central and regional governments, the private sector, other professional colleges and universities.

154.    Policarpo Andrés, A.,  "La gestión de la información legislativa y parlamentaria en la Comunidad Valenciana. Un estudio interinstitucional (1983-2007)".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Documentación legislativa

Resumen: Valencian Community legislative documentation, from its prelegislative origin until its publication, is disseminated through Internet public and free available databases that are managed by Valencia Government institutions. It has been evaluated the content of the information systems obtaining indicators of the overlapping, the cover and the functions of the query interfaces, with the aim of knowing if it?s offered to the citizens a simple access to the law sources and a complete and updated information in order to guarantee the constitutional principle of juridical security. Finally it has been identified the documental processing of prelegislative documentation, parliamentary textual and audiovisual documentation and legislative documentation from the different information systems for its dissemination through the net.

155.    Prado Martínez, M. n. d.,   "Los archivos de empresa y el reglamento de desarrollo de la Ley orgánica 15/1999".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Archivos de empresa

Resumen: The communication is divided into two parts. The first analyzes the functions of the company?s archives, its context, and the situation in which they find themselves. The second part is devoted to the legislation on company?s archives, analyzing in depth the Royal Decree 1720/2007, which approves the regulation of development of the organic law 15/1999

156.    Prieto Gutiérrez, J. J.,  "Proceso e Información Especializada en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de CC Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

Resumen: The librarian dedicated at processing and specialized bibliographic information in the Graduate School of Economics and Management Library in the Complutense University of Madrid must execute and manage the politics of collections and processing, the activities about information literacy and bibliographical information, handle the electronic resources of the Collage degree in Economics and Management and in the University of way that the access to all the resources of information is agile and efficient for the development of the investigation, teaching and the study and collaborate in technical commissions and work groups. The bet by the construction of the European Higher Education Space requires new strategies of transformation in all the services and functions of the library, which turn around the CRAI.

157.    Pulgar Vernalte, F. and Marcos Maciá, S.,  "Capturing the Basque Web".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Wwb archive

Resumen: Launched in 2007 by the Basque Government Department of Culture and the Basque Government IT services company, the Basque web capture project joins forces with European and international initiatives to harvest and conserve the online digital heritage. Projects launched in the mid-90s both by national libraries and private organisations and which have given an enormous boost to the development of tools and directives for conservation of the born digital heritage. In this document, we describe the setting in motion of Ondarenet (, an information system permitting collection, conservation and distribution of the Basque web. The software used for this project is the Toolkit proposed by the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC). Used by most existing similar international initiatives, these open-source tools are relatively easy to install and maintain (Heritrix, NutchWAX, WebCurator and Wayback). This is an ambitious project which, like all historical archives, harnesses documents and creates collections for their custody with a view to the preservation of a country?s historical memory, a memory in this case presented in the shape of collections consisting of born-digital resources.

158.    Pulgar Vernalte, F. and Marcos Maciá, S.,  "Ondarenet: el archivo del patrimonio digital vasco".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 23-32.

Descriptores: Digital repositories

Resumen: The aim of this writing is to present the recovery, preservation and diffusion project of the digital Basque patrimony that the Culture Department of the Basque Government has been working on since 2007. It is a project with strategic views, implemented on open code tools, as suggested by The International Internet Preservation Consortium. Next, the main steps carried out to implement the web ONDARE.NET will be described, such as the definition and scope of the project , the main goals and strategies and the necessary means to succesfully carry out such an ambitious project.

159.    Ribes-Llopes, I. and Calatrava-Barrio, E.,  "RiuNet. El Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Repositorio institucional

Resumen: Presentación RiuNet, el Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Hay que destacar su integración en PoliBuscador, la biblioteca digital de la UPV, y en PoliformaT, la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje. RiuNet presentation as Institutional Repository of the University. It must be pointed up the high level of integration with PoliBuscador, the digital library portal of the UPV, and with PoliformaT, the plataform of virtual learning

160.    Ribes-Llopes, I. and Torres Peris, M. J.,  "Integración de RiuNet (DSpace)en PoliBuscador (MetaLib) y en PoliformaT (Sakai)".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: RiuNet

Resumen:  Integration of RiuNet (DSpace) in PoliBuscador (MetaLib) and PoliformaT (Sakai)

161.    Ribes-Llopes, I., Torres Peris, M. J., and García Pau, V.,  "Integrating the UPV Institutional Repository (RiuNet - DSpace) in the Courseware Management System (PoliformaT - Sakai) via the Digital Library Portal (PoliBuscador - MetaLib)".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: DSpace

Resumen:  This presentation deals on process of integration of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) institutional repository in the e-contents scenario. RiuNet, the institutional repository, has been developed in DSpace (manakin). It has been integrated in the Metalib portal called PoliBuscador. Thanks to this configuration RiuNet can be searchable from PoliformaT, the Courseware Management System of the UPV developed in Sakai. This communication presents problems, decisions and steps taken by Library UPV, in other to configure RiuNet as a metasearch-able resource in MetaLib and as a target in SFX.

162.    Rodríguez-Bravo, B., Alvite-Díez, M.-L., and Barrionuevo-Almuzara, L.,  "Revistas españolas con impacto: una alternativa en el área de Humanidades".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Accessibility

Resumen: Survey of the group of high-impact scientific Spanish journals about History, Art, Philology and Geography, so as to provide researchers with sources where to publish and get coverage and visibility for their studies among the scientific community. The journals? sample, which is the review?s focus, has been extracted from the five lists of the most important periodic Spanish publications according to two criteria: its impact index must be above 0 and their presence in the five lists. The first aspect to be analyzed is the presence of this group of journals in ISI?s database from two points of view: indexed journals by the ISI and journals comprised in the Journal Citation Reports. The second factor is the occurrence or not of these journals in specific and relevant directories and their occurrence in national and international databases, considered by the ANECA as a quality reference in their subjects. Besides, full-text journals? presence is assessed in Dialnet and other open access platforms. The advantages of open access for scientific progress and for democratization of scientific literature will be articulated.

163.    Rodríguez i Gairín, J. M. and Sulé Duesa, A.,  "DSpace: un manual específico para gestores de la información y la documentación".  Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació. Universitat de Barcelona, 2008.

Descriptores: DSpace

Resumen:  DSpace is one of the popular open code programs preferred by academic institutions for managing repositories of files in any format - text, audio, video, etc. It stores the files, organizing them in communities, assigning metadata to them and allowing their redistribution to harvesters or aggregators. The manual we present here is not a standard document describing how the program works (i.e. how it can be consulted, how documents are stored, or how they are reviewed) but a specific tool for information and documentation managers, focusing on the functions of the program that are most relevant to our profession (metadata schemes, controlled vocabularies, consultation interfaces, dissemination tools, statistics, and so on).

164.    Rodríguez i Gairín, J. M., Sulé Duesa, A., and Russo Gallo, P.,  "A Virtual Exhibition of Open Source Software for Libraries".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: virtual laboratory

Resumen: Frequently the choice of a library management program is conditioned by social, economic and/or political factors that result in the selection of a system that is not altogether suitable for the library?s needs, characteristics and functions. Open source software is quickly becoming a preferred solution, owing to the freedom to copy, modify and distribute it and the freedom from contracts, as well as for greater opportunities for interoperability with other applications. These new trends regarding open source software in libraries are also reflected in LIS studies, as evidenced by the different courses addressing automated programs, repository management, including the Linux/GNU operating system, among others. The combination of the needs of the centres and the new trends for open source software is the focus of a virtual laboratory for the use of open source software for library applications. It was the result of a project, whose aim was to make a useful contribution to the library community, that was carried out by a group of professors of the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona, together with a group of students, members of a Working Group on Open Source Software for Information Professionals, of the Professional Library Association of Catalonia.

165.    Rodríguez Sorroche, C.,  "Análisis de la situación actual de las bibliotecas públicas en Andalucía".  Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, 2008, pp. 11-33.

Descriptores: Bibliotecas públicas

Resumen: At that time, this paper that now is published it?s made in order to be supporting reference to develop the 1st Librarians Services Plan of Andalusia (2008-2011). Here, the main indicators that reflect the present reality of the public libraries in our region are described and analyzed in broad strokes.

166.    Rodríguez Vela, C. and Ruiz Esteban, Y.,  "Nueva organización de la información referida a publicaciones oficiales: el sistema de gesión 'SICOPO'".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 131-145 .

Descriptores: Official publication

Resumen: The culture of the Information Society pervades unquestionablily our professional proposals and performances. They could not elude official publications of Central Administration and their management. The increasing demand of transparency necessarily entails a new scheme of information organization about publishing activity. The current technological resources enable new ways of working, leading to new information resources and, therefore, to opening of information sources for citizens. The confluence of domestic demand (managers) and external one (users), together with the transparency requirement, forms a new organizational model based on information and communication technologies; SICOPO is built on this model. In order to represent the change in the new information organization of official publications it is necessary to remember that what was considered at the moment ?grey literature? in the traditional bibliography is available on the Web at this moment.

167.    Rodríguez Yunta, L.,  "Etiquetado libre frente a lenguajes documentales. Aportaciones en el ámbito de Biblioteconomía y Documentación".  Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2009, pp. 832-845.

Descriptores: Free tagging

Resumen: This communication analyzes the use of tagging on sites such as blogs, digging services and social bookmarkings, by library and information science professionals. The analysis results of this type of resources are compared with the terms included into a specialized thesaurus in this area. By this comparative study, the author systematizes which are the contributions of the free tagging in front of the traditional skills on content analysis. The thesauri can make good use of the folksonomies like a high quality source for updating and expanding the terminological scope. This aim must be considered a priority if a central role for thesauri in the full-text search systems is pretended in an immediate future.

168.    Ros-Martin, M.,  "Biblioblogosfera - Comunidad virtual distribuida de bibliotecarios y documentalistas".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: blogs

Resumen: An introduction to the concept of 'Blog' is included then deepen what is a Biblioblog, features and to give a vision of the generic status and history of Spanish Biblioblogosphere.

169.    Ros-Martín, M.,  "Folksonomías, marcado social y filtrado social de noticias".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: folksonomías

Resumen: PLEASE NOTE: This document is the materials published within 'Comunidad de prácticas: Web social para profesionales de la información' for the module 7 '?Folksonomías, marcado social y filtrado social de noticias' that prompted the SEDIC (Spanish Information Society and Scientific Documentation) from April 21 to June 18, 2008. The folksonomies, the tagging started to look out into the most basic level of Web 2.0, blogs, and reach all subsequent developments. Therefore, despite that the agenda for this community of practice, social tagging appears in a second part, leaving as the first managing markers, I consider it necessary to introduce the concept of folksonomy first, since the services that we will see more forward using this concept to enrich the management of applications, and to foster their use, to enter into social bookmarking, and finally tackle the social information filtering.

170.    Rovira, C.,  "Visibilitat dels llocs webs culturals de Catalunya".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Visibility

Resumen: Study on the visibility of the Web sites of Museum of Catalonia

171.    Rovira, C., Codina, L., and Marcos, M.-C.,  "Cómo contratar un servicio de posicionamiento web".  EPI SCP, 2009, pp. 229-236.

Descriptores: Service hiring

Resumen: A set of recommendations are presented that are intended to be useful for the externalization of a SEO service. The recommendations are articulated around four phases: (1) initial information acquisition, (2) information contrast, (3) hiring, (4) monitoring. The main characteristics of black hat SEO practices, or bad practices in SEO, are presented.

172.    Rovira, C., Codina, L., Marcos, M. C., and Pedraza, R.,  Information Science. Communication Dept. Pompeu Fabra University. IDECMáster Online en Buscadores: Selección de Unidades didácticas 2007-2008,  2008.

Descriptores: Search engines

Resumen: Six topics related to search engines and web positioning such as: -- Structure and functions of a search engine -- The life cycle of a web campaign positioning -- Fundamentals of Marketing in search engines -- Technological monitoring and competitive intelligence for SEO-SEM -- Search engines and presentation of results in group -- Looking for maps are available in a unique document (82 pages) that presents and discusses the above items, presents proposals for activities and facilitates references, resources and basic bibliography of each item. The document (pdf) has been edited and published by the authors themselves licensed under Creative Commons, in turn Teachers in the Online Master Search Engines and SEO.

173.    Rueda Ramírez, P. and Fernández Chaves, M.,  "El terremoto como noticia: relaciones de sucesos y otros textos del temblor de 1680".  Universidad Complutense, 2008, pp. 581-604.

Descriptores: Earthquakes

Resumen: A particular event like the 1680Çs earthquake shaked widely newsÇspreading, and in cities like Malaga, Granada and Seville were published some news pamphlets relating what had happened. Nowadays the interest for these news pamphlets has been increasing, and in these paper we try to study them using a perspective related with cultural history and printed communication. We have pieced together the production of these printed material (by shaping a catalog of the texts related to the earthquake), trying to arrange the printed production series with the aim of detecting newÇs circulation and its possible impact in readers.

174.    San José Montano, B.,  "Habilidades en recursos de información electrónica en pediatría".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: revistas electrónicas

Resumen: The development of the healthcare, teaching and research activities of a pediatrician involves a continuous learning of information skills. Health sciences libraries have been transformed by the digital world development, becoming mediators and suppliers among information and its users. They are adapting their contents for the new electronic formats and are converting their services into virtual ones. Pediatricians use different kind of information resources to solve their information needs in their jobs. These have been transformed by electronic gateways, turning into very active resources and being continuously updated. They also make the access to other services or other information sources related to the founded subject easier. The resources currently used are reviewed by us: electronic books, databases and electronic journals.

175.    Seoane Garcia, C. and Barrero Robledo, V.,  "La evolución de los servicios de referencia digitales en la Web 2.0".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: biblioteca 2.0

Resumen: Analysis and historical overview of the reference services that have evolved into web services that take advantage of knowledge of the community. The basic principles of the so-called Web 2.0: continuous improvement and use of collective intelligence,can help to develop the library 2.0 and above all one of the most important services of the library: the reference service

176.    Serra Serra, J.,  "L'avaluació dels documents electrònics".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Electronic records

Resumen: Presentation about electronic records avaluation and keeping for Escola Superior d'Arxivística i Gestió de Documents (ESAGED) - 2009.

177.    Serra Serra, J.,  "El projecte InterPARES".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: documents electrònics

Resumen: This presentation describes the origins of the InterPARES international project, the development and achievements of its two first phases (IP1 and IP2), the products created and the future prospects for InterPARES 3.

178.    Serrano Mascaraque, E. and Pedrosa López, M. D.,  "Situación actual en el acceso a la información web de las personas con discapacidad visual en España".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 173-182.

Descriptores: Disabled people

Resumen: The suppression of barriers and of obstacles of all types, such as infrastructures, social and cultural, constitutes a subject of public interest and a preoccupation that has been shaped (sometimes by legal imperative) to adapt infrastructures and services so that these are accessible to all citizens in society; being thus obtained to reach one of the more important constitutional rights, the equality of opportunities. For some time, the world of computer science also has had to begin its particular adaptation to be able to be accessible to people with incapacities. In order to improve the accessibility of information to people with disabilities it is important to know the different types of disabled people, the numbers of disabled population in Spain (general and visual) and the percentage corresponding of this population with access to Internet. It is also important to know the difficulties, of physical or technical nature, that manly prevent their access to Internet, in order to find solutions that facilitate the accessibility to the information systems with a minimum or practically null cost; by means of a systematic study of those cases of use in which the blind people find the majors difficulties. Regarding the above, our work focus on the blind population, trying to contribute with the information of the state of the art, essential for the development of later suitable implementations, in order to facilitate the implantation and adoption of the specifications of accessibility to the code developers.

179.    Serrat-Brustenga, M. and Sunyer-Lázaro, S.,  "El Centro de Recursos para el Aprendizaje y la Investigación (CRAI) en permanente transformación: servicios y recursos para el nuevo usuario 2.0".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 117-130.

Descriptores: CRAI

Resumen: As a result of the higher education transformation, libraries are gradually changing into Learning Centres (LC). So that this change could be possible, more resources to fit the new European degree structure are needed. Besides, to bring new ideas is essential to really satisfy students, researchers and administration staff prospects. All of them have new demands and show a new informational behaviour. From now on, both services and library resources must be managed from the informational user?s needs approach more than from a sheer traditional librarian approach. Then, it is relevant to consider building LC from the user?s perspective and be ready to innovate with him. It is the time to look for collaborations within the University and to develop effective communication with library users. The library of the 21st century is no more a static service but à la carte service (just in time and just for me) and the focus must be in raising quality while applying technology and all new digital tools. This article aims at bringing ideas for the evolution of libraries into more flexible services for our new user?s rhythms. LC are alive centres, always on the move, with permanent and specific services within an integrated environment. Experiences of 2.0 libraries from different countries are described; also innovative ideas to develop information literacy skills and tips for a ubiquitous and flexible LC are suggested.

180.    Sola-Martínez, M.-J.,  "Creación de la Biblioteca del Centro de Formación de Personas Adultas CFA Can Serra : Proyecto común con el profesorado".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009, pp. 197-202.

Descriptores: biblioteca escolar

Resumen: This text is born with the desire to introduce two little studied and widely acknowledged within the so-called school libraries: Centros de Formación de personas Adultas (CFA), specify from l?Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), and the work done during the creation of the CFA Can Serra school library. So, on the one hand, tt explains, in a summary form, the characteristics of the center (the profile of the students, which provides its services, etc.); and on the other hand, the process of building its library during the months of February-June 2008 through the established objectives and the actions taken. The current situation and the SWOT analysis carried out and the conclusions that are reached so far are at the end of this document.

181.    Subirats Coll, I., Baiget, T., Ferrer-Sapena, A., Peset, F., and Rodríguez-Gairín, J.-M.,  "Collaboration Between IRALIS and E-LIS : Improving the Visibility of Author's Names in the Open Access World".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: open access archive

Resumen: The problem of the inconsistencies in the authors' signatures has been around for many years, but its significance is increasing due to the great number of people publishing research studies and papers. It is clear that that this is important to always sign in the same way. In the case of the Spanish names, the problem is increased since * there are more choices and * English is the principal language of scientific communication, both in the production (articles, communications, reports), distribution (databases, repositories, browsers) and in the industry as a whole (Publishing houses, compilers, intermediaries, portals etc.). The producers of databases follow a standard worldwide model of signature which is used not only by the Anglo-Saxons, but also by many other countries (Nordic, Slavic, Italian...). Even the Portuguese, when they have compound names and surnames, put the surname of the father at the end. Another thing to bear in mind in the recovery of works by author's name is that the distributors of databases index the author field only 'as a phrase' and not by separate words as in the rest of the fields, or by both at the same time as in the describers. Thus, for example, if the author Antonia Ferrer Sapena appears in the reverse index of authors as AU=Ferrer-Sapena, A., she can never be located searching for AU=Sapena. The IraLIS project has been thought up above all for Spanish-speaking countries, which is where the largest number of ambiguities appears due to the length of the signatures and the fact that the surname considered to be the main one does not appear at the end. Nevertheless, whilst perhaps not being so serious, problems in the identification of authors arise in all languages (even in the Anglo-Saxon countries) for which reason any person may introduce their details. IraLIS aims to be universal, for which invites Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, etc., authors to introduce their names transliterated into English in IraLIS, given that the correct interpretation of their names is also frequently conflictive. Anybody who studies and/or works in any aspect of science may register in IraLIS. Whether they have already published works, or are planning to do so in the future, they can (and should) open a file in IraLIS. The sooner they adopt an iralis signature, the fewer problems they will encounter in the future localizing of their works. We would like to present the details and the first results of the collaboration between IraLIS and E-LIS established in 2008. E-LIS is the largest international Open Archive for Library and Information Science established in 2003 with over 9,000 papers and with more than 5500 users. One of the last improvements in E-LIS is to link to IraLIS so when typing in the names of the authors during upload of documents, a dropdown menu shows the IraLIS registered names. The menu is updated automatically every night to collect the new iralized names. To deposit documents in E-LIS it is not required to register in IraLIS, but it is highly advisable to do it in order to standardize the signature and to be able to recover all the personal bibliography without further trouble. IraLIS: E-LIS:

182.    Subirats Coll, I., De Robbio, A., Peset, F., and Tajoli, Z.,  "The International Effort Towards the Creation of an International Repository for Library and Information Science: Breaking Barriers in the Access to Scientific Research".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: open access archive

Resumen: Established in 2003, E-LIS ( is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS). Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee and there are agreements with institutions and library associations in various countries. In few years, E-LIS has been established as the largest international open repository in the field of library and information science. Searching or browsing E-LIS is a kind of multilingual, multicultural experience, an example of what could be accomplished through open access archives to bring the peoples of the world together. Because librarians are so involved in open access advocacy, E-LIS is a key to encouraging open access for all repositories, by giving librarians the experience they need to speak with confidence when talking with researchers and open access archives, and the experience to provide the best possible assistance to self-archiving faculty. The mission of E-LIS is to remain international and world-wide: a place where people from all over the world can deposit their documents and contribute to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge: ? to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries; ? not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in LIS discipline for the building of a world Library and Information Science archive; ? to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement. The development of an international LIS network has been stimulated by the extension of the Open Access concept to LIS works and facilitated by the dissemination of material within the LIS community. These are some of the reasons for the success of E-LIS as an organizational model, which has been developed within a framework in compliance with OAI, and, exactly for this reason, it can be regarded as a tool for disseminating the OA philosophy. The invisibility of scholarship from countries so-called developing countries, such as African countries or India, was regarded as a fait accompli in the pre-Internet era. Nowadays, the discussion concerning the digital divide, scholars from these countries may disseminate their work via the networked services of digital repositories, such as E-LIS. Thanks to these projects, authors who contribute to an e-print archive are participating in a global effort by universities, researchers, libraries, publishers, editors, and readers to redefine the mechanisms of scholarly research. This e-print archive makes LIS research more visible, available, and relevant, which in turn increases its visibility, status, and public value. In E-LIS papers from 82 countries are currently deposited in 36 languages: Afrikaans, Basque, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Kannada, Malay, Malayalam, Maori, Nepali, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Sinhala, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.

183.    Subirats Coll, I., De Robbio, A., and Tajoli, Z.,  "Library and Information Science Open Access: a review of the last six years in an international multilingual environment".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: open access archive

Resumen: E-LIS ( is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science (LIS) established in 2003. Over 9,000 papers have been archived to date. E-LIS has grown to include a team of volunteer editors from 60 countries and support for 22 languages. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee. In few years, E-LIS has been established as the largest international open repository in the field of library and information science. Searching or browsing E-LIS is a kind of multilingual, multicultural experience, an example of what could be accomplished through open access archives to bring the people of the world together. Because librarians are so involved in open access advocacy, E-LIS is a key to encouraging open access for all repositories, by giving librarians the experience they need to speak with confidence when talking with researchers and open access archives, and the experience to provide the best possible assistance to self-archiving faculty. The mission of E-LIS is to remain international and world-wide: a place where people from all over the world can deposit their documents and contribute to the world-wide dissemination of knowledge: - to improve knowledge of the building and management of open archives working practically in the field within the framework of Open Digital Libraries; - not only to promote open archives in various disciplinary environments, but also to create a valid and credible model in LIS discipline for the building of a world Library and Information Science archive; - to establish a base for communal work between librarians information technology professionals, and to enhance the Open Access movement. In the presentation we would like to expose the following topics: 1. the main characteristics of the E-LIS platform; 2. the specific customizations that have been taken place during the last years; 3. how E-LIS deals with the multilinguality and differents scripts; 4. how E-LIS manages an editorial team with more than 60 people; 5. the issues during the migration from Eprints 2 to Eprints 3; 6. Interaction ways with end users; 7. Future developments and agreements with other partners.

184.    Torres-Salinas, D.,  "Investigar en documentación como salida laboral: guía mínima y experiencia profesional".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Investigación

Resumen: Slides presented at the I Jornadas about Career Opportunities for Graduates in Audiovisual Communication and Documentation. Its aim is to introduce graduate students into the world of research in the field of information science.

185.    Torres-Salinas, D. and Cabezas-Clavijo, l.,  "Los blogs como nuevo de comunicación científica".  Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), 2008, pp. 773-781.

Descriptores: Blogs

Resumen: We present a descriptive study about the current status of science blogs. We study different aspects of the possible hanges that science blogs introduce in scientific communication. First, the study offers a definition of science blogs and exposes some utilities for the world of science. One of these possibilities is the use of science blogs as a new publication channel; in this context we discuss the position of scientific journals in this new situation. To conclude we describe the different communities that bloggers use for communication. As an illustration we present the current situation of LIS science blogs.

186.    Torres-Salinas, D., Delgado-Lopez-Cozar, E., and Jimenez-Contreras, E.,  "Análisis de la producción de la Universidad de Navarra en revistas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades empleando rankings de revistas españolas y la Web of Science".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008, pp. 22-39.,_D;_Delgado_Lopez-Cozar,_E;_Jimenez-Contreras,_E_Analisis_de_la_produccion_de_la_Universidad_de_Navarra_en_revistas_de_Ciencias_Sociales_y_Humanidades_empleando_rankings_de_revistas_espannolas_y_la_Web_of_Sci

Descriptores: Bibliometric Indicators

Resumen: This paper reports a bibliometric analysis of the output of the Faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Navarra, as recorded by publications in scholarly journals over the period 1999-2005. Information for the analysis was gathered from Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and from the Spanish +ndice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales (IN-RECS), +ndice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Jurídicas (IN-REJS) and Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (RESH). The aim of this work was to determine the adequacy of these ranking systems as bibliometric tools for describing the output in Spanish journals of a university. The results show the University of Navarra published 7281 documents during the studied period, 1908 (26 %) of which were articles in journals. Just over 39 % of the latter were published in Spanish scientifi c journals, and 12 % in Web of Science journals. The coverage of the ranking systems varies per faculty: the IN-RECJ best covered articles published by the Law faculty; IN-RECS best represented production from Communication and Economics faculties; and RESH best covered production from Humanities faculties. Some 43 % of the studied articles recorded by IN-RECS were published in the fi rst quartile of journals covered by the index; this fi gure was 42 % with respect to RESH, and 12 % with respect to JCR. Spanish national ranking systems are therefore useful as a complement to bibliometric information provided via the Web of Science and JCR.

187.    Torres-Salinas, D., Jiménez-Contreras, E., Delgado Lopez-Cózar, E., and Rafael, R.-P.,  "Análisis de la producción científica en Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad de Navarra empleando diferentes rankings de revistas: In-Recs, In-Recj, Resh y JCR".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Bibliometria

Resumen: A bibliometric analysis of the scientific production of the faculties of Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Navarra in journals during the period 1999-2005 have been made. We used as information source the Journal Citation Reports and different rankings of Spanish journals: +ndice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales (In-Recs), +ndice de Impacto de las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Jurídicas (In-Rejs) and Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (Resh). The aim is to study the adequacy of these Spanish rankings as a tool for describing the production in scientific journals at university aggregation level. Regarding the results, the University of Navarre published 7281 documents, 26% of them were articles in journals. Just above 39% were published in Spanish scientific journals, and 12% in Web of Science journals. The coverage of the production of the different faculties varies between Spanish rankings. In-Recj is optimal for Law, In-Recs for Communication and Economics and Resh for Humanities. We studied also the documents in the first quartile of the rankings. In In-Recs 43% of the articles were published in the first quartile, in Resh was 42% and 12% in JCR. We conclude that the national rankings are useful as a complement of the Web of Science and JCR.

188.    Torres-Salinas, D. and Moed, H. F.,  "Analysis is a useful tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Library catalogs

Resumen: This paper explores the use of Library Catalog Analysis (LCA), defined as the application of bibliometric or informetric techniques to a set of library online catalogs, to describe quantitatively a scientific-scholarly field on the basis of published book titles. It focuses on its value as a tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities, especially its cognitive structures, main book publishers and the research performance of its actors. The paper proposes an analogy model between traditional citation analysis of journal articles and library catalog analysis of book titles. It presents the outcomes of an exploratory study of book titles in Economics included in 42 academic library catalogs from 7 countries. It describes the process of data collection and cleaning, and applies a series of indicators. It illustrates how LCA can be fruitfully used to assess book production and research performance. It discusses a number of issues that should be addressed in follow-up studies and concludes that LCA of published book titles can be developed into a powerful and useful tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities.

189.    Torres-Salinas, D. and Moed, H. F.,  "El análisis de los catálogos de las bibliotecas como herramienta para determinar las visibilidad de las editoriales : el caso de la economía".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Catalogos de bibliotecas

Resumen: This paper explores the use of Library Catalog Analysis (LCA), defined as the application of bibliometric or informetric techniques to a set of library online catalogs, to describe quantitatively a scientific-scholarly field on the basis of published book titles. It focuses on its value as a tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities, especially its cognitive structures, main book publishers and the research performance of its actors. The paper proposes an analogy model between traditional citation analysis of journal articles and library catalog analysis of book titles. It presents the outcomes of an exploratory study of book titles in Economics included in 42 academic library catalogs from 7 countries. It describes the process of data collection and cleaning, and applies a series of indicators. It illustrates how LCA can be fruitfully used to assess book production and research performance at the level of publishers. It discusses a number of issues that should be addressed in follow-up studies and concludes that LCA of published book titles can be developed into a powerful and useful tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities.

190.    Torres-Salinas, D. and Moed, H. F.,  "Library Catalog Analysis as a tool in studies of social sciences and humanities: An exploratory study of published book titles in Economics".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009, pp. 9-26.

Descriptores: Library catalogs

Resumen: This paper explores the use of Library Catalog Analysis (LCA), defined as the application of bibliometric or informetric techniques to a set of library online catalogs, to describe quantitatively a scientific-scholarly field on the basis of published book titles. It focuses on its value as a tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities, especially its cognitive structures, main book publishers and the performance of its actors. The paper proposes an analogy model between traditional citation analysis of journal articles and library catalog analysis of book titles. It presents the outcomes of an exploratory study of book titles in Economics included in 42 academic library catalogs from 7 countries. It describes the process of data collection and cleaning, and applies a series of indicators and thematic mapping techniques. It illustrates how LCA can be fruitfully used to assess book production and research performance at the level of an individual researcher, a research department, an entire country and a book publisher. It discusses a number of issues that should be addressed in follow-up studies and concludes that LCA of published book titles can be developed into a powerful and useful tool in studies of Social Sciences and Humanities.

191.    Torres-Santo-Domingo, N.,  "Coranes de la época medieval. A propósito de un fragmento de un mushaf de caligrafía magrebí del siglo XIII".  Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2009.

Descriptores: Arabic manuscripts

Resumen: Description of some pages of a rare Arabic Andalusian Maghribi manuscript kept in the Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla, de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. In vellum.

192.    Tramullas, J.,  "Gestión documental con plataformas wiki".  IDICT, 2008.

Descriptores: wiki

Resumen: This work revises the wiki concept and definition, a kind of collaboration management information tool. The work explains how the tool works and its technical features, and it proposes a planning and development built-in method for digital information services based on wiki.

193.    Tramullas, J.,  "Tendencias en documentación digital".  ANABAD, 2008, pp. 39-48.

Descriptores: Información digital

Resumen: This paper revises new tendences on digital information for next years. Dicotomies between different document concepts, user behavior on social networks and other subjects are discused. This paper revises too the integration and disintegration flows that affects to the information proffesional.

194.    Vicente Hernández, L.,  "Cultura de código abierto : desarrollo del portal del Ateneu Barcelonès con el gestor de contenidos OpenCms".  SEDIC, 2008, pp. 45-58.

Descriptores: Free software

Resumen: OpenCms is an open source website content management system, based on Java and XML technology, distributed by the company Alkacon Software under license LGPL. Although other open source management systems that allow more speed of execution, like Drupal or Joomla, based on PHP, OpenCms is a good solution to develop complex applications, like in the Barcelona Athenaeum?s website < >, that integrates three subsites -general, library and creative writing programme. The wide range of possibilities that OpenCms allows in the development of website projects is explained: integral management of the subsites, management of users, templates and workflow, usability, scalability, content publishing and syndication.

195.    Vives-Gràcia, J.,  "El Sistema Bibliotecari de Catalunya: una perspectiva en construcció".  Col·legi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, 2008, pp. 14-29.

Descriptores: Sistema Bibliotecari de Catalunya

Resumen: Since fifteen years have now passed since the approval of Law 4/1993 of the Library System of Catalonia, it is a good time to examine the current status of its implementation. 2007 was also the final year of the Agreement for the Improvement and Modernisation of the Library System of Catalonia covering the period 2004-2007. Therefore, this article analyses the main aspects for the achievement of a fortified Library System in Catalonia that offers services on a national level and is capable of resolving the information access needs of the citizenry. The article acknowledges the long tradition of advocacy of our profession, thanks to which notable progress has been made, even though much remains to be done in certain areas (union catalogues, national lending services or digital strategy). Also described in the text are the unequal speed, status and degree of library development among the different library networks differences often conditioned by the lack of political will and frequently, too, by the lack of technical will. The article concludes by presenting the major lines of action for improving library services in Catalonia being undertaken by the General Direction of Cultural Cooperation of the Generalitat?s Department of Culture and Mass Communication.


Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Dirección: Francisco Vitoria 6-16
37008 Salamanca
País: ES - España
Teléfono: +34-923 294 580
Fax: +34-923 294 582

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