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Etiquetado social

Competencias profesionales
niversidad de S alamanca
F acultad de Traducción y D ocumentación
B iblioteca

Etiquetado Social
 I nfo D oc 30 de septiembre de 2009

¿Qué es?

En las aplicaciones Web 2.0, ya se trate de blogs o de otras aplicaciones, se tienden a usar sistemas de categorización dinámicos no basados en lenguajes controlados, donde el usuario anota aquellos términos que pueden parecerle relevantes para ser localizadas por otros usuarios.

Etiquetado social, es uan forma de clasificación colaborativa por medio de etiquetas simples en un espacio de nombres planos, sin jerarquías ni relaciones de parentesco predeterminadas.

Una nube de etiquetas (TagClouds en inglés) es una representación visual de las etiquetas asignadas a un blog, web o base de datos; donde La importancia de una etiqueta se muestra con el tamaño de la fuente y/o color.

Se trata de una práctica que se produce en entornos de software social cuyos mejores exponentes son los sitios compartidos como en Flickr (fotos), Tagzania (lugares), flof (lugares) o 43 Things (deseos).

     1.     "'Facebook for Scientists.'".  Library & Information Update, Vol. 6, No. 12, 2007, pp. 4-4.

Descriptores: Etiquetado social/Facebook

Resumen: The article discusses a presentation on CiteULike, a free bibliographic tool for computer network users, from the 2007 Talis Insight Conference for librarians in Great Britain. The author explains that founder Richard Cameron presented his social tagging tool to conference delegates as a means for scientists to classify literature and articles for the purpose of sharing and identifying information relevant to their needs.

     2.     "General Instructions For Manually Tagging Formatted Bibliographies using the RefWorks Format.: Converting Access to EndNote, ProCite or Reference Manager".  University of Arizona , 2005.

Descriptores: Gestores de referencias bibliográficas/ProCite/EndNote/RefWorks/Reference Manager/Etiquetado social

Resumen: In order to import references that have been formatted into a bibliography the references will need to have tags added in order for RefWorks to read (import) the bibliography and parse the data particles into the correct reference types and fields.

     3.    Airchinnigh, M. M. a.,  " The Digital Exhibition and Keyimage Ontology".  Bilgi Dünyasi, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2008.

Descriptores: Flickr/Ontologías/Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The Age of Image predates and is currently contemporaneous with the Information Age. In our times the explosive expansion of Web 2.0 Social Space, typified by the phenomena of, Flickr, MySpace, YouTube..., and the concomitant emergence of folksonomy, present interesting challenges in the management of this information. One key process by which to accomplish this in Social Space, is the wedding of folksonomy (of the people) with ontology (of the machine). Such a wedding must necessarily be conducted in the shared physicality of the word, of language. In this respect, WordNet together with OWL, play the role of matchmaker. But the same Social Space also provides an opportunity for natural folksonomical tagging by digiFoto (key)image. The research harness for experimental keyimage tagging consists of Flickr as the main (digiFoto image) Social Space testbed and as the auxillary outreach secondary Social Space. Protégé Editor with OWL-DL provides the support for the bridge from keyimage to the formal ontology. The primary end user application domain is the keyimage tagging of paintings in an online art gallery

     4.    Al-Khalifa, H. S. and Davis, H. C.,  "FAsTA: A Folksonomy-Based Automatic Metadata Generator".  European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Folksonomies provide a free source of keywords describing web resources, however, these keywords are free form and unstructured. In this paper, we describe a novel tool that converts folksonomy tags into semantic metadata, and present a case study consisting of a framework for evaluating the usefulness of this metadata within the context of a particular eLearning application. The evaluation shows the number of ways in which the generated semantic metadata adds value to the raw folksonomy tags.

     5.    Al-Khalifa, H. S. and Davis, H. C.,  "Folksonomies versus Automatic Keyword Extraction: An Empirical Study".  IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2006, pp. 1646-3692.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Indización automática/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Semantic Metadata, which describes the meaning of documents, can be produced either manually or else semi-automatically using information extraction techniques. Manual techniques are expensive if they rely on skilled cataloguers, but a possible alternative is to make use of community produced annotations such as those collected in folksonomies. This paper reports on an experiment that we carried out to
validate the assumption that folksonomies contain higher semantic value than keywords extracted by machines. The experiment has been carried-out in two ways: subjectively, by asking a human indexer to evaluate the quality of the generated keywords from both systems; and automatically, by measuring the percentage of overlap between the folksonomy set and machine generated keywords set. The result of the experiment can be considered as evidence for the rich semantics of folksonomies, demonstrating that folksonomies used in the bookmarking service can be used in the process of generating semantic metadata to annotate web resources.

     6.    Al-Khalifa, H. and Davis, H.,  "Exploring the Value of Folksonomies for Creating Semantic Metadata".  International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2007, pp. 12-38.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Semántica /Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Finding good keywords to describe resources is an on-going problem: typically we select such words manually from a thesaurus of terms, or they are created using automatic keyword extraction techniques. Folksonomies are an increasingly well populated source of unstructured tags describing web resources. This paper explores the value of the folksonomy tags as potential source of keyword metadata by examining the relationship between folksonomies, community produced annotations, and keywords extracted by machines. The experiment has been carried-out in two ways: subjectively, by asking two human indexers to evaluate the quality of the generated keywords from both systems; and automatically, by measuring the percentage of overlap between the folksonomy set and machine generated keywords set. The results of this experiment show that the folksonomy tags agree more closely with the human generated keywords than those automatically generated. The results also showed that the trained indexers preferred the semantics of folksonomy tags compared to keywords extracted  automatically. These results can be considered as evidence for the strong relationship of folksonomies to the human indexer's mindset, demonstrating that folksonomies used in the bookmarking service are a potential source for generating semantic metadata to annotate web resources.

     7.    Al-Khalifa, H. and Davis, H.,  "FolksAnnotation: A Semantic Metadata Tool for Annotating Learning Resources Using Folksonomies and Domain Ontologies".  International IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Vol. 2, 2006, pp. 1-5.

Descriptores: Ontologías/Metadatos/Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: There are many resources on the Web which are suitable for educational purposes. Unfortunately the task of identifying suitable resources for a particular educational purpose is difficult as they have not typically been annotated with educational metadata. However, many resources have now been annotated in an unstructured manner within contemporary social bookmaking services. This paper describes a novel tool called ‘FolksAnnotation' that creates annotations with educational semantics from the bookmarking service, guided by appropriate domain ontologies.

     8.    Al-Khalifa, H. and Davis, H.,  "Measuring the Semantic Value of Folksonomies".  International IEEE Conference on Innovations in Information Technology, Vol. 2, 2006, pp. 1-5.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Medición/Evaluación/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Semantic Metadata, which describes the meaning of documents, can be produced either manually or else semi-automatically using information extraction techniques. Manual techniques are expensive if they rely on skilled cataloguers, but a possible alternative is to make use of community produced annotations such as those collected in folksonomies. This paper reports on an experiment that we carried out to validate the assumption that folksonomies carry more semantic value than keywords extracted by machines. The experiment has been carried-out in two ways: automatically, by measuring the percentage of overlap between the folksonomy set and machine generated keywords set; and subjectively, by asking a human indexer to evaluate the quality of the generated keywords from both systems. The result of the experiment can be considered as evidence for the rich semantics of folksonomies, demonstrating that folksonomies used in the bookmarking service can be used in the process of generating semantic metadata to annotate web resources.

     9.    Angeletou, S. , Sabou, M., Specia, L., and Motta, E.,  "Bridging the Gap Between Folksonomies and the Semantic Web: An Experience Report".  Workshop: Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web and Web 2.0, European Semantic Web Conference , Vol. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: While folksonomies allow tagging of similar resources with a variety of tags, their content retrieval mechanisms are severely hampered by being agnostic to the relations that exist between these tags. To overcome this limitation, several methods have been proposed to find groups of implicitly inter-related tags. We believe that content retrieval can be further improved by making the relations between tags explicit. In this paper we propose the semantic enrichment of folksonomy tags with explicit relations by harvesting the Semantic Web, i.e., dynamically selecting and combining relevant bits of knowledge from online ontologies. Our experimental results show that, while semantic enrichment needs to be aware of the particular characteristics of folksonomies and the Semantic Web, it is beneficial for both.

   10.    Angus, E., Thelwall, M., and Stuart, D.,  "General patterns of tag usage among university groups in Flickr".  Online Information Review, Vol. 32, No. 1, 2008, pp. 89-101.

Descriptores: Flickr/Fotografías/Etiquetado social/Comunidades virtuales

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this research is to investigate general patterns of tag usage and determines the usefulness of the tags used within university image groups to the wider Flickr community. There has been a significant rise in the use of Web 2.0 social network web sites and online applications in recent years. One of the most popular is Flickr, an online image management application. Design/methodology/approach - This study uses a webometric data collection, classification and informetric analysis. Findings - The results show that members of university image groups tend to tag in a manner that is of use to users of the system as a whole rather than merely for the tag creator. Originality/value - This paper gives a valuable insight into the tagging practices of image groups in Flickr.

   11.    Aquino, M. C.,  "A folksonomia como hipertexto potencializador de memória coletiva:. um estudo dos links e das tags no e no Flickr".  Liinc em Revista, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2008 .

Descriptores: Flickr/Folcsonomias/Hipertexto/Etiquetado social

Resumen: A comunicaç o mediada por computador no final dos anos 1990 reconfigura os padr es comunicacionais possibilitando a emerg ncia de um modelo de comunicaç o todos-todos. Atualmente, a web vive uma nova fase, edificada sob a cooperaç o. O hipertexto tem seus padr es reconfigurados e os internautas passam a n o somente emitir informaç es como também representá-las e recuperá-las através de ferramentas específicas. Oriundo de uma dissertaç o de mestrado defendida em 2008, este trabalho apresenta a folksonomia como um tipo de hipertexto e analisa como os processos hipertextuais de representaç o e recuperaç o de informaç o no e no Flickr potencializam a memória coletiva na web.

   12.    Aquino, M. C.,  "Hipertexto 2.0, folksonomia e memória coletiva: Um estudo das tags na organizaç o da web".  Revista da Associaç o Nacional dos Programas de Pós-Graduaç o em Comunicaç o, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Hipertexto/Web 2.0/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: A forma como os dados s o representados, organizados e recuperados na web é o centro da preocupaç o deste artigo. Partindo de um
histórico do hipertexto, observando suas novas práticas e buscando demonstrar as possibilidades de criaç o de uma memória coletiva em
determinados ambientes da web através da folksonomia, este trabalho se prop e a analisar estas novas formas de representaç o,  organizaç o e recuperaç o de informaç es na web no intuito de elucidar uma nova fase do hipertexto, na qual o ideal de coletividade originário da prática pode ent o se concretizar

   13.    Arakji, R., Benbunan-Fich, R., and Koufaris, M.,  "Exploring contributions of public resources in social bookmarking systems".  Decision Support Systems, Vol. In Press, Corrected Proof.

Descriptores: Etiquetado social/Web 2.0/Folcsonomias

Resumen: Our study examines whether users' contributions of public resources to social bookmarking sites are circumstantial (a side effect of bookmarking for oneself), or motivational (intentional bookmarking for others). We develop a research model based on these two explanations and test it using survey data from users of two bookmarking sites. Our results suggest that public contributions are mainly driven by intentional bookmarking of resources for other users. In addition, we found that users deliberately bookmark resources for others when they believe that their bookmarks are valuable to other users and when they perceive that other users are contributing as well.

   14.    Benvenuti, N.,  "Accesso all'informazione per codificazione o per condivisione? Le 'folksonomie'".  Interoperabilità delle biblioteche digitali, 2006 .

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Analysis of folksonomies as the expression of a web 2.0 architecture. Chances of dialogue between the typical library's codified languages and the active ones, of the web communities.

   15.    Bordignon, F. R. A.,  "Wikis: Hacía un modelo comunitario de preservación y socialización del conocimiento".  Simbiosis, Vol. 1, 4.

Descriptores: Wikis/Web social/Etiquetado social/Etiquetado social

Resumen: El software social está compuesto por una serie de herramientas que ayudan a formar y gestionar comunidades de usuarios o pares. Hablar de términos como folksonomias, bitácoras o blogs, sistemas de recomendación y entornos colaborativos de desarrollo es enfocar la atención en una nueva generación de software que tiene por característica la ruptura de la asimetría que caracterizó la relación anterior entre usuarios y generadores de contenidos. Las wikis son una de las primeras herramientas que pertenecen a la categoría software social. Este trabajo tiene por intención caracterizarlas y describir su estado de desarrollo, con la intención de promover su utilización en el ámbito de las bibliotecas públicas, como una herramienta que satisfaga de mejor forma las necesidades de información de los usuarios, y por otro lado, contribuya a preservar y mantener la memoria de parte de la humanidad.

   16.    Bordignon, F. R. A.,  "Wikis: Hacía un modelo comunitario de preservación y socialización del conocimiento".  Simbiosis, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2007.

Descriptores: Wikis/Web 2.0/Web social/Preservacion digital/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Spanish Abstract: El software social está compuesto por una serie de herramientas que ayudan a formar y gestionar comunidades de usuarios o pares.  Hablar de términos como folksonomias,  bitácoras o blogs, sistemas de recomendación y entornos colaborativos de desarrollo es enfocar la atención en una nueva generación de software que tiene por característica la ruptura de la asimetría que caracterizó la relación anterior entre usuarios y generadores de contenidos.

   17.    Bosch, M.,  "La indización asistida para el manejo de conocimiento en Entre la heurística y la hermenéutica: las competencias y actitud de los profesionales de la información para la web emergente"., 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Bibliotecas/Competencias profesionales/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Se reflexiona sobre las competencias y la actitud de los Profesionales de la Información necesarias para la web emergente. Se concentra en el aspecto epistemológico, se analizan los modos de produccción del conocimiento: el heurístico y el hermenéutico. Se indica que la heurística se apoya en principios fundantes con los cuales se realizan búsquedas que conduzcan a aciertos que permitan progresar en el conocimiento. La hermenéutica, se refiere a la circulación de significados sobre la base de interpretaciones parciales, individuales y sectoriales. Se analiza cómo se presentan estos enfoques en la web actual, indicando que la diferencia entre un internauta de la web primera y uno de la Web 2.0 no se encuentra tanto en las herramientas informáticas como en el modo innovativo de usarlas, aún con un conocimiento limitado. Se considera el tema del ordenamiento conceptual en la web emergente: taxonomías, ontologías, folksonomías. Finalmente se propone dar importancia a una actitud cooperativa y proactiva para impulsar la inteligencia colectiva. Esta actitud es útil para dar apoyo a una cultura libre a que estimule la construcción del conocimiento de una manera que valore el espirítu crítico, la trasparencia y la tolerancia.

   18.    Buffa, M. and Gandon, F.,  "SweetWiki: semantic web enabled technologies in Wiki".  Proceedings of the 2006 international symposium on Wikis , 2006 , pp. 69-78.

Descriptores: Flickr/Folcsonomias/Wikis/Web semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Wikis are social web sites enabling a potentially large number of participants to modify any page or create a new page using their web browser. As they grow, wikis suffer from a number of problems (anarchical structure, large number of pages, aging navigation paths, etc.). We believe that semantic wikis can improve navigation and search. In SweetWiki we investigate the use of semantic web technologies to support and ease the lifecycle of the wiki. The very model of wikis was declaratively described: an OWL schema captures concepts such as WikiWord, wiki page, forward and backward link, author, etc. This ontology is then exploited by an embedded semantic search engine (Corese). In addition, SweetWiki integrates a standard WYSIWYG editor (Kupu) that we extended to support semantic annotation following the 'social tagging' approach made popular by web sites such as When editing a page, the user can freely enter some  keywords in an AJAX-powered textfield and an auto-completio mechanism proposes existing keywords by issuing SPARQL queries to identify existing concepts with compatible labels. Thus tagging is both easy (keyword-like) and motivating (real time display of the number of related pages) and concepts are collected as in folksonomies. To maintain and reengineer the folksonomy, we reused a web-based editor available in the underlying semantic web server to edit semantic web ontologies and annotations. Unlike in other wikis, pages are stored directly in XHTML ready to be served and semantic annotations are embedded in the pages themselves using RDF/A. If someone sends or copy a page, the annotations follow it, and if an application crawls the wiki site it can extract the metadata and reuse them.

   19.    Cabezas-Clavijo, l., Torres Salinas, D., and Delgado López-Cozar, E.,  "Ciencia 2.0: catálogo de herramientas e implicaciones para la actividad investigadora".  Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2009, pp. 72-80.

Descriptores: Biblioteca 2.0/Investigación/Web 2 0/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Se introduce y analiza el concepto de Ciencia 2.0 a través de sus principales propiedades: la participación y la colaboración del usuario así como el libre intercambio de información por medio de aplicaciones web. Se detallan los tipos de aplicaciones que representan las funciones más destacadas de la web 2.0 para investigadores: redes de blogs, revistas con gestión de contenidos 2.0, gestores de referencias online y etiquetado social, open data y reutilización de la información, redes sociales y audio y vídeo-ciencia. Finalmente se discuten los principales factores que inciden en el uso de estas herramientas así como las implicaciones que la adopción generalizada de estos servicios y aplicaciones causarían en la tarea investigadora; The concept of Science 2.0 is introduced and analysed based on its principal characteristics: user participation and collaboration, as well as free information exchange by means of web applications. A categorisation of tools for main web 2.0 functionalities for scientists is detailed: blog networks, journals with 2.0 tools, online reference managers and social tagging, open data and information reutilisation, social networks, and audio and video-science. Main factors influencing the use of these tools are presented. Finally, the consequences for scientific activity of general adoption of these services and applications are discussed.

   20.    Catarino, M. E. and Baptista, A. A.,  "Folksonomia: um novo conceito para a organiza+ +úo dos recursos digitais na Web".  DataGramaZero : Revista de Ci ncia da Informaç o, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Apresenta um novo conceito para a organizaç o dos recursos digitais na Web: a folksonomia. Este novo conceito surge no contexto da Web 2.0 onde emergem novas formas de organizar e compartilhar os conteúdos disponíveis na Internet. Uma etiquetagem de recursos da Web na qual se podem destacar os seguintes fatores: a) é resultado de uma indexaç o livre do próprio usuário do recurso; b) objetiva a recuperaç o a posteriori da informaç o e c) é desenvolvida num ambiente aberto que possibilita o compartilhamento e, mesmo, em alguns casos, a sua construç o conjunta. Com base na literatura, o artigo descreve os diversos usos do termo folksonomia bem como outros conceitos a ele relacionados. Descreve também alguns serviços da Web que adotam a Folksonomia e menciona algumas vantagens e desvantagens na adoç o deste tipo de indexaç o colaborativa.

   21.    Cattuto, C., Schmitz, C., Baldassarri, A., Servedio, V. D. P., Loreto, V., Hotho, A., Grahl, M., and Stumme, G.,  "Network properties of folksonomies".  Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering., Vol. 20, No. 4, 2007, pp. 245-262.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Recuperación de la información /Etiquetado social

Resumen: Social resource sharing systems like YouTube and have acquired a large number of users within the last few years. They provide rich resources for data analysis, information retrieval, and knowledge discovery applications. A first step towards this end is to gain better insights into content and structure of these systems. In this paper, we will analyse the main network characteristics of two of the systems. We consider their underlying data structures - socalled folksonomies - as tri-partite hypergraphs, and adapt classical network measures like characteristic path length and clustering coefficient to them. Subsequently, we introduce a network of tag co-occurrence and investigate some of its statistical properties, focusing on correlations in node connectivity and pointing out features that reflect emergent semantics within the folksonomy. We show that simple statistical indicators unambiguously spot non-social behavior such as spam.

   22.    Cernea, D. A., Moral, E. d., and Labra, E.,  "SOAF: un sistema de indexado semántico de OA basado en las anotaciones colaborativas".  SPDECE, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Actualmente, la producción de OA (Objetos de Aprendizaje) y materiales educativos en formato digital, así como su almacenamiento en
repositorios cada vez más extensos, es una práctica generalizada en todas las instituciones dedicadas a la formación. Sin embargo, las herramientas de búsqueda y localización efectiva de dichos contenidos, en base a su etiquetado, todavía no poseen una gran consistencia. Este artículo propone una arquitectura para un sistema capaz de indexar semánticamente los OA de un repositorio, SOAF (Semántica de OA basada en Folksonomías), la cual combina las técnicas de extracción automática de información con las tecnologías de etiquetado colaborativo. De modo que, la meta-información de los OA, así obtenida, aporte el valor a adido derivado de la práctica de las comunidades de usuarios, capaces de compartir sus experiencias a través de anotaciones específicas que sirven para identificar cada OA y contribuyen a optimizar su reusabilidad en nuevos contextos de aprendizaje.

   23.    Cesanelli, E.,  "Classificare il dominio della comunicazione secondo la teoria dei livelli di integrazione ".  Universit degli Studi di Trieste. [Thesis], 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Clasificación/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Allo scopo di organizzare una raccolta di articoli web nell'ambito del dominio degli studi di comunicazione, sono stati presi in considerazione alcuni sistemi di organizzazione della conoscenza , dalle folksonomy alla Classificazione Decimale Universale (UDC), dalla seconda edizione della Classificazione Bibliografica di Bliss (BC2) sino al Broad System of Ordering (BSO). Particolare attenzione stata rivolta alla Classificazione dei Livelli di Integrazione (ILC), un sistema in via di sviluppo caratterizzato da un approccio interdisciplinare all'informazione. Tale sistema sembra sposarsi particolarmente bene con il dominio della comunicazione, dove sono coinvolti contemporaneamente diversi livelli di realt , come quelli dei segnali, delle societ , delle organizzazioni, delle culture e della conoscenza registrata. Viene illustrato lo sviluppo della teoria dei livelli di realt ad opera dei filosofi James Feibleman, Nicolai Hartmann ed altri, e la sua applicazione alla classificazione da parte del Classification Research Group. Infine, si procede con la costruzione e la discussione di una notazione ILC sperimentale applicata ad un campione di articoli inerenti la comunicazione di massa.

   24.    Chopin, K.,  "Finding communities: alternative viewpoints through weblogs and tagging".  Journal of Documentation, Vol. 64, No. 4, 2008, pp. 552-575 .

Descriptores: Internet /Clasificación /Tecnologías de la información/Búsquedas bibliográficas/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Purpose ? This paper aims to discuss and test the claim that user-based tagging allows for access to a wider variety of viewpoints than is found using other forms of online searching. Design/methodology/approach ? A general overview of the nature of weblogs and user-based tagging is given, along with other relevant concepts. A case is then analyzed where viewpoints towards a specific issue are searched for using both tag searching (Technorati) and general search engine searching (Google and Google Blog Search). Findings ? The claim to greater accessibility through user-based tagging is not overtly supported with these experiments. Further results for both general and tag-specific searching goes against some common assumptions about the types of content found on weblogs as opposed to more general web sites. Research limitations/implications ? User-based tagging is still not widespread enough to give conclusive data for analysis. As this changes, further research in this area, using a variety of search subjects, is warranted. Originality/value ? Although proponents of user-based tagging attribute many qualities to the practice, these qualities have not been properly documented or demonstrated. This paper partially rectifies this gap by testing one of the claims made, that of accessibility to alternate views, thus adding to the discussion on tagging for both researchers and other interested parties.

   25.    Christiaens, S.,  "Metadata Mechanisms: From Ontology to Folksonomy... and Back".  On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems, Vol. 4277, 2006, pp. 199.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Metadatos/Ontologías/Etiquetado social

Resumen: In this paper we give a brief overview of different metadata mechanisms (like ontologies and folksonomies) and how they relate to each other. We identify major strengths and weaknesses of these mechanisms. We claim that these mechanisms can be classified from restricted (e.g., ontology) to free (e.g., free text tagging). In our view, these mechanisms should not be used in isolation, but rather as complementary solutions, in a continuous process wherein the strong points of one increase the semantic depth of the other. We give an overview of early active research already going on in this direction and propose that methodologies to support this process be developed. We demonstrate a possible approach, in which we mix tagging, taxonomy and ontology.

   26.    Clark, J. R. ,  "The Internet Connection: Web 2.0, Flickr and Endless Possibilities".  Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2008, pp. 62-64.

Descriptores: Web 2.0/Flickr/Etiquetado social

Resumen: You have probably seen references to Web 2.0. Wikipedia's entry describes it as "a trend in World Wide Web technology and web design, a second generation of web-based communities and hosted services such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs and folksonomies which aim to facilitate creativity, collaboration and sharing among users." Certainly the past year has given us access to, or awareness of,many new ways of connecting, albeit not always in successful or meaningful ways. However, some key concepts have definite appeal for the behavioral and social sciences library community. It wasn't too long ago that resources and knowledge housed in libraries was static and self-contained.We might have online public access catalogs andWeb presences, but the rich cores of knowledge, particularly those thatwere unique, self-created, or transitional, had to remain within our facilities. Consequently, someone in Africa had to journey to our libraries (or use interlibrary loan, which provides limited access) in order to use such resources or fully appreciate an exhibit or program. In addition, rare or unidentified materials tended to remain out of the public eye or a mystery because of the challenges of location or reluctance on the part of a library to lend ephemeral and valuable items.

   27.    Diederich, J. and Iofciu, T.,   "Finding Communities of Practice from User Profiles Based On Folksonomies".  Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Building Technology Enhanced Learning solutions for Communities of Practice., 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: User profiles can be used to identify persons inside a community with similar interests. Folksonomy systems allow users to individually tag the objects of a common set (e.g., web pages). In this paper, we propose to create user profiles from the data available in such folksonomy systems by letting users specify the most relevant objects in the system. Instead of using the objects directly to represent the user profile, we propose to use the tags associated with the specified objects to build the user profile. We have designed a prototype for the research domain to use such tag-based profiles in finding persons with similar interests. The combination of tag-based profiles with standard recommender system technology has resulted in a new kind of recommender system to recommend related publications, keywords, and persons. Especially the latter is useful to find persons to potentially cooperate with and to monitor the community to be able to enhance
a user's current Community of Practice.

   28.    Dye, J.,  "Folksonomy: A game of high-tech(and high-stakes) tag.".  Econtent, Vol. 29, No. 3, 2006, pp. 38-43.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Should a robot dictate the terms of your search? In an age when whole lives are lived online via blogs, picture albums, dating, shopping lists digital content users are not only creating their content, they're building their own infrastructure for making it easier to find. The term folksonomy was coined in 2005 when information architect Thomas Vander Wal mashed up the words taxonomy and folk to name the growing phenomenon of users generating metadata by tagging pieces of digital information with their own searchable keywords. The process is simple enough: Users assign a name, or tag, to any image, article, blog, bookmark, or URL. Later, when they want to recall this content, they can search for its tag and find exactly what they're looking for. Applications, sites, and new uses for tags have been spreading like wildfire, so much so that major Internet commerce companies are starting to invest serious attention (and funds) in making these home-grown taxonomies part of their systems.

   29.    Emamy, K. and Cameron, R.,  "Citeulike: a researcher's social bookmarking service".  Ariadne, No. 51, 2007, pp. np.

Descriptores: Gestores de referencias bibliográficas/Indices de citas/Etiquetado social/Recuperación de información

Resumen: Describes Citeulike, a fusion of Web-based social bookmarking services and traditional bibliographic management tools. The article begins with a discussion of how Citeulike turns the linear 'gather, collect, share' process inherent in academic research into a circular 'gather, collect, share and network' process, enabling the sharing and discovery of academic literature and research papers. The basic functionality of the tool is simple: when a researcher sees a paper on the Web that interests them, they can click a button and have a link to it added to their personal library. Ultimately Citeulike works because it is useful to its users. It automates a repetitive bibliographic management task and it offers a complimentary alternative to search engines and databases of academic literature through socially mediated retrieval and discovery of papers. Adapted from the source document.

   30.    Esposito, V. ,  "Por qué los ciberbares se parecen al Bronx?".  Moebius, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Cibercafés/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Una de las preguntas que nos llevaron a tratar este tema, fue la incomprensión de ciertas conductas de los habitué de los cibercafés. Nos preguntábamos una y otra vez, porqué los cibers tiene ese aspecto, esa geografía cuasi marginal, ese talante de "aguantadero" o lugar de "rejunte" de patotas y callejeros. También nos cuestionábamos, si no era muy absurdo que la gente vaya a buscar a otra gente a este lugar... en el que seguro no está. Cómo era posible que los cibertranseúntes vayan a charlar y que no le hablen a nadie de su entorno? Qué ocurre que prefieren discutir sus ideas con los que están lejos y no con lo próximo que está a su alrededor? A nuestra ayuda vienen los conceptos de reciclaje y folksonomías.

   31.    Fernández Molina, J. C. and Peis, E.,  "Aplicación de tecnología OCR y SGML para proporcionar puntos de acceso adicionales a los registros de un OPAC".  Jornadas Andaluzas de Documentación, Vol. 1, 1997.

Descriptores: Catálogos automatizados/OPAC/SGML/Análisis documental/Análisis del contenido/OCR/Integracion de recursos/Enriquecimiento del catálogo/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Se presentan los resultados de una investigación, que consistió en un estudio de viabilidad del uso de tecnología escáner para capturar las páginas de contenido de monografías de carácter colectivo, extraer la información bibliográfica correspondiente a cada uno de sus trabajos integrantes y tratar esta información con un lenguaje normalizado para el etiquetado de documentos electrónicos como SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). De esta forma, estos datos pueden ser utilizados como información electrónica o bien ser volcados en un catálogo en línea (OPAC), proporcionando así puntos de acceso adicionales. Para ello, se ha dise ado un sistema piloto que permite comprobar los conceptos, demostrar su viabilidad y capacidad en lograr los objetivos propuestos, y capaz de desarrollar las tareas necesarias lo más automáticamente posible

   32.    Garrido, P. and Tramullas, J.,  "Semantic information stored in an extended denormalized database".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2006, pp. 485-489.

Descriptores: Web semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The research project, which we hereby detail, has been utterly dedicated to explain the birth and evolution of an information repository called XTMdb whose basic principles are bound to integrate complementary tagging languages such as: SKOS; MODS, Dublin Core and/or GILS with the paradigm of topic maps. Once the information processing was completed, we could test it by means of designing an efficient information retrieval process which, at the same time, allows the information resources description to be extended in real time. On the one hand, the main objective lies in obtaining greater expressivity, independence in relation to the tagging language, as well as improved searches since the search can be centred on the topic concept. On the other hand, certain aspects remain outstanding which can lead to interesting discussions such as: the topic maps paradigm can provide added value visual information, it helps make the development of a support system decision easy and soft-computing techniques can solve a considerable amount of problems in relation to the information retrieval process.

   33.    González Fdez Villavicencio, N.,  "Bibliotecas 2.0 en España (el camino recorrido)".  Boletín de la Asociación Andaluza de Bibliotecarios, Vol. 22, No. 86-87, 2007, pp. 29-46.

Descriptores: Biblioteca 2.0/Web social/Blogs/Wikis/RSS/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Situación actual de la implantación en bibliotecas españolas de las herramientas de la web social: blogs, wikis, sindicación por RSS, etiquetado social, comentarios de los usuarios... Los ejemplos (bibliotecas gallegas y vascas, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla, etc.) muestran que ya se ha recorrido un camino importante, aunque queda mucho para que la Biblioteca 2.0 sea una realidad en España.

   34.    González Fernández-Villavicencio, N.,  "Bibliotecas de Nueva Generación (Biblioteca 2.0)".  Tilde, Servicios Editoriales, 2007, pp. 75-89.

Descriptores: Etiquetado social/Web 2.0

Resumen: This article study the definition of 'Library 2.0' and describes implications for all types of libraries inside and outside Spain, with special attention to Seville University library. The paper focusses on the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging, RSS feeds, and mashups are changing how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access.

   35.    Gouvea, C., Loh, S., and Garcia, L. F. F.,  "Tags Coletivas: Analisando Padr+¦es de Uso para o Suporte a Sistemas de Folksonomia".  Simpósio Brasileiro de Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, Vol. 8, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Tags coletivas, as quais apresentam 62% a mais de presença. que as tags individuais. .... de padr es no uso de tags coletivas e a possível utilizaç o

   36.    Gruber, T.,  "Ontology of Folksonomy: A Mash-Up of Apples and Oranges".  Journal on Semantic Web & Information Systems., Vol. 3, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-11.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Ontologías/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Ontologies are enabling technology for the Semantic Web.  They are a means for people to state what they mean by the terms used in data that they might generate, share, or consume.  Folksonomies are an emergent phenomenon of the Social Web. They arise from data about how people associate terms with content that they generate, share, or consume.  Recently the two ideas have been put into opposition, as if they were right and left poles of a political spectrum.  This is a false dichotomy; they are more like apples and oranges. In fact, as the Semantic Web matures and the Social Web grows, there is increasing value in applying Semantic Web technologies to the data of the Social Web. This article is an attempt to clarify the distinct roles for ontologies and folksonomies, and previews some new work that applies the two ideas together - an ontology of folksonomy.

   37.    Guy, M.,  "Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags?".  D-Lib Magazine, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: In this article we look at what makes folksonomies work. We agree with the premise that tags are no replacement for formal systems, but we see this as being the core quality that makes folksonomy tagging so useful. We begin by looking at the issue of 'sloppy tags', a problem to which critics of folksonomies are keen to allude, and ask if there are ways the folksonomy community could offset such problems and create systems that are conducive to searching, sorting and classifying. We then go on to question this 'tidying up' approach and its underlying assumptions, highlighting issues surrounding removal of low-quality, redundant or nonsense metadata, and the potential risks of tidying too neatly and thereby losing the very openness that has made folksonomies so popular.

   38.    Guy, M. and Tonkin, E.,  "Folcsonomías y Tags: Como Lograr Un Tagging Efectivo".  Robin Good, No. 193, 2008, pp. 18.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Una  folcsonomía es un tipo de sistema de clasificación distribuida. Generalmente es creada por un grupo de individuos, típicamente los usuarios de recursos. Los usuarios agregan tags (etiquetas) a los ítems online, tales como imágenes, videos, marcadores y texto. Esos tags son entonces compartidos y algunas veces refinados.

   39.    Harnad, S., Carr, L., and Brody, T.,  "How and Why To Free All Refereed Research From Access- and Impact-Barriers Online, Now".  Libraries Webzine , No. 4, 2001.

Descriptores: Autoarchivo/Acceso a la documentación/Acceso a la información/Internet/Open Archives Initiative/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Researchers publish their findings in order to make an impact on research, not in order to sell their words. Access-tolls are barriers to research impact. Authors can now free their refereed research papers from all access tolls immediately by self-archiving them on-line in their own institution's Eprint Archives. Free software creates Archives compliant with the Open Archives Initiative metadata-tagging Protocol OAI 1.0. These distributed institutional Archives are interoperable and can hence be harvested into global 'virtual' archives, citation-linked and freely navigable by all. Self-archiving should enhance research productivity and impact as well as providing powerful new ways of monitoring and measuring it.

   40.    Hassan-Montero, Y. and Herrero-Solana, V.,  "Improving Tag-Clouds as Visual Information Retrieval Interfaces.".  International Conference on Multidisciplinary Information Sciences and Technologies., Vol. I, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Recuperación de la información /Etiquetado social

Resumen: Tagging-based systems enable users to categorize web resources by means of tags (freely chosen keywords), in order to re-finding these resources later. Tagging is implicitly also a social indexing process, since users share their tags and resources, constructing a social tag index, so-called folksonomy. At the same time of tagging-based system, has been popularised an interface model for visual information retrieval known as Tag-Cloud. In this model, the most frequently used tags are displayed in alphabetical order. This paper presents a novel approach to Tag-Cloud's tags selection, and proposes the use of clustering algorithms for visual layout, with the aim of improve browsing experience. The results suggest that presented approach reduces the semantic density of tag set, and improves the visual consistency of Tag-Cloud layout.

   41.    Hassan Montero, Y.,  "Indización Social y Recuperación de Información ".  No Solo Usabilidad, Vol. 5, 2006.

Descriptores: Indización/Aspecto social/Recuperación de la información/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Introducción y análisis de las características de los sistemas de tagging o etiquetado social, y sus ventajas y desventajas frente a otros modelos para la recuperación de información.

   42.    Hassan, Y.,  "Indización Social y Recuperación de Información".  No Solo Usabilidad, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Indización/Web social/Recursos de información/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Introducción y análisis de las características de los sistemas de tagging o etiquetado social, y sus ventajas y desventajas frente a otros modelos para la recuperación de información

   43.    Hendler, J. and Golbeck, J.,  "Metcalfe's law, Web 2.0, and the Semantic Web: Semantic Web and Web 2.0".  Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008, pp. 14-20.

Descriptores: Web 2.0/Web 2.0/Redes sociales/Web sémantica/Etiquetado social/Folcsonomias

Resumen: The power of the Web is enhanced through the network effect produced as resources link to each other with the value determined by Metcalfe's law. In Web 2.0 applications, much of that effect is delivered through social linkages realized via social networks online. Unfortunately, the associated semantics for Web 2.0 applications, delivered through tagging, is generally minimally hierarchical and sparsely linked. The Semantic Web suffers from the opposite problem. Semantic information, delivered through ontologies of varying amounts of expressivity, is linked to other terms (within or between resources) creating a link space in the semantic realm. However, the use of the Semantic Web has yet to fully realize the social schemes that provide the network of users. In this article, we discuss putting these together, with linked semantics coupled to linked social networks, to deliver a much greater effect.

   44.    Hooland, S. V.,  "Entre formalisation et déconstruction: état de l'art critique de l'application documentaire des ontologies et folksonomies dans le domaine de l'indexation du patrimoine culturel".  Colloque international du chapitre français de l'ISKO, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Indización/Patrimonio cultural/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Faciliter la recherche dans le patrimoine culturel numérique est un défi actuel pour les gestionnaires des musées, archives et biblioth ques. En formalisant l'aide d'ontologies les relations entre ressources culturelles, auteurs, lieux et dates de production, des nouvelles fonctionnalités de recherche pourraient émerger. Mais si le développement d'un thésaurus classique représente déj une opération complexe pour la plupart des instituts culturels, la création des ontologies pour le m me secteur ne risque-t-elle pas d' tre trop ambitieuse ? Indépendamment de ces développements largement académiques, une autre tendance dans la gestion de l'information numérique a émergé récemment, sous la forme du social tagging ou des folksonomies. Cette indexation libre a gagné une popularité énorme parmi les utilisateurs de blogs et de gestionnaires de signets. Depuis peu de temps, des prototypes de ce genre d'outils ont été également mis en place sur des sites de musées et de biblioth ques, dans le but de donner plus de pouvoir aux utilisateurs. Mais quelle est la valeur documentaire de ces outils ? Et est-ce que ces syst mes d'information offrent réellement une approche plus démocratique la gestion de l'information ?

   45.    Hotho, A., Jaschke, R., Schmitz, C., and Stumme, G.,  "Folkrank: A ranking algorithm for folksonomies".  Knowledge & Data Engineering Group, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Ranking/Algoritmos/Etiquetado social

Resumen: In social bookmark tools users are setting up lightweight conceptual structures called folksonomies. Currently, the information retrieval
support is limited. We present a formal model and a new search algorithm for folksonomies, called FolkRank, that exploits the structure of the folksonomy. The proposed algorithm is also applied to find communities within the folksonomy and is used to structure search results. All findings are demonstrated on a large scale dataset. A long version of this paper has been published at the European Semantic Web Conference 2006

   46.    Hotho, A., Jaschke, R., Schmitz, C., and Stumme, G.,  "Information Retrieval in Folksonomies: Search and Ranking".  Lecture notes in computer science., Vol. 4011, 2006, pp. 411.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Recuperación de la información /Etiquetado social

Resumen: Social bookmark tools are rapidly emerging on the Web. In such systems users are setting up lightweight conceptual structures called folksonomies. The reason for their immediate success is the fact that no specific skills are needed for participating. At the moment, however, there exists no foundational research for these systems. We present a formal model and a new search algorithm for
folksonomies, called FolkRank, that exploits the structure of the folksonomy. The proposed algorithm is also applied to find communities within the folksonomy and is used to structure search results. All findings are demonstrated on a large scale dataset.

   47.    Hunter, J.,  "Collaborative Semantic Tagging and Annotation Systems".  Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), Vol. 43, 2009, pp. 187-240.

Descriptores: Información/Web Semántica /Cooperación/Etiquetado social

Resumen: J.Hunter, "Collaborative Semantic Tagging and Annotation Systems ", chapter for "Annual Review of Information Science and Technology", American Society for Information Science

   48.    Jaschke, R., Marinho, L., Hotho, A., Schmidt-Thieme, L., and Stumme, G.,  "Tag Recommendations in Folksonomies".  Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence , Vol. 4702, 2007, pp. 506.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Normas/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Collaborative tagging systems allow users to assign keywords­so called "tags"­to resources. Tags are used for navigation, finding resources and serendipitous browsing and thus provide an immediate benefit for users. These systems usually include tag recommendation mechanisms easing the process of finding good tags for a resource, but also consolidating the tag vocabulary across users. In practice, however, only very basic recommendation strategies are applied. In this paper we present two tag recommendation algorithms: an adaptation of user-based collaborative filtering and a graph-based recommender built on top of FolkRank, an adaptation of the well-known PageRank algorithm that can cope with undirected triadic hyperedges. We evaluate and compare both algorithms on large-scale real life datasets and show that both provide better results than non-personalized baseline methods. Especially the graph-based recommender outperforms existing methods considerably

   49.    Juárez-Urquijo, F.,  "La web es divertida y la utilizo como me apetece: una introducción pedestre a la web social".  Espa a. Ministerio de Cultura, 2008, pp. 339-349.

Descriptores: Web 2.0/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The quality of access to Internet determines, increasingly, the quality of the process of information. In this paper the conditions of use of the technology that allow the library to have access to quality services are analyzed. Once overcome the technological barriers (acquisition, curve of learning) we believe necessary to win a last obstacle: the mental one. The library remains anchored in an analogical model of management that prevents its access to the Internet in competitive conditions. Three are the barriers to overcome: the ferrous control of the administration as for information, the obstacles to the utilization of the new tools for safety issues and the excessive weight that still we grant to the management of traditional paper materials in the library. The use of the main tools of the social web are revised and the innovations got in Muskiz's library giving a use not foreseen to social tagging, to microblogging, to chat and to the initial pages are described. To combine our traditional skills with the spirit and the tools of the web participative at the moment of managing the information of the library favors the innovation in the services that we offer, the application of new forms of management and makes a more fluid and immediate relation possible with the patrons.

   50.    Kim, H. L., Scerri, S., Breslin, J. G., Decker, S., and Kim, H. G.,  "The State of the Art in Tag Ontologies: A Semantic Model for Tagging and Folksonomies".  International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 2008, pp. 128.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Ontologías/Semántica /Etiquetado social

Resumen: There is a growing interest into how we represent and share tagging data in collaborative tagging systems. Conventional tags, meaning freely created tags that are not associated with a structured ontology, are not naturally suited for collaborative processes, due to linguistic and grammatical variations, as well as human typing errors. Additionally, tags reflect personal views of the world by individual users, and are not normalised for synonymy, morphology or any other mapping. Our view is that the conventional approach provides very limited semantic  value for collaboration. Moreover, in cases where there is some semantic value, automatically sharing semantics via computer manipulations is extremely problematic. This paper explores these problems by discussing approaches for collaborative tagging activities at a semantic level, and presenting conceptual models for collaborative tagging activities and folksonomies. We present criteria for the comparison of existing tag ontologies and discuss their strengths and weaknesses in relation to these criteria.

   51.    Kome, S. H.,  "Hierarchical Subject Relationships in Folksonomies".  School of Information and Library Science, 2005.

Descriptores: Flickr/Clasificación /Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The growth in digital resource repositories flickr and, mirrors the growth of Folksonomies to support resource classification and access. Despite this phenomenon, little is known about the effectiveness of folksonomy for retrieval and organization. Little is also known about their structure and the types of semantic relationships among folksonomy terms. This study analyzes folksonomy metadata for hierarchal semantic relationships via a content analysis of approximately 2000 folksonomy tags in over 600 individual entries. The terms were classified into groups and analyzed for hierarchical relationships. The results indicate that hierarchical relationships are part of Folksonomies. The conclusion briefly explores the potential value of thesauri for Folksonomy development, and the value of Folksonomies to thesauri developers

   52.    Lacerda, J. A. C. d. and Valente, P. G.,  "A emerg ncia em sistemas baseados em folksonomias.".  Estudos em Jornalismo e Mídia, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007, pp. 59-67.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: É cada vez mais crescente a utilizaç o, tanto por sites independentes quanto comerciais, da categorizaç o colaborativa de conteúdo por meio de palavras-chave livremente escolhidas pelos usuários (folksonomia). Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar essas ferramentas com base na Teoria Geral de Sistemas, principalmente na distinç o entre sistemas top-down e bottom-up. Para isso, s o avaliados os principais serviços existentes para gerenciamento de bookmarks, compartilhamento de fotografias e agendamento de eventos, bem como exemplos e oportunidades do uso de folksonomias no jornalismo. Ao comprovar a eficácia destes sistemas emergentes na difus o e captaç o de informaç o, espera-se contribuir para uma maior popularizaç o dessa prática no Brasil, incentivando novas aplicaç es deste modelo.

   53.    LE-DEUFF-Olivier,  "Folksonomies : Les usagers indexent le web".  Bulletin des biblioth ques de France, Vol. 51, No. 4, 2006.

Descriptores: Indización/World-wide-web/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Les folksonomies (terme forge a partir de folk et de taxonomy) permettent aux internautes d'indexer des documents numeriques pour pouvoir plus aisement les retrouver grace a un systeme de mots-cles, les tags. Des debats agitent les specialistes du web autour des avantages et des inconvenients de ce systeme d'indexation par rapport aux vocabulaires controles elabores par les professionnels de l'information..

   54.    Lipczak, M.,  " Tag Recommendation for Folksonomies Oriented towards Individual Users".  ECML PKDD Discovery Challenge , 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Normas/Usuarios/Etiquetado social

Resumen:  Tagging has become a standard way of organizing information on the Web, particularly in folksonomies - data repositories freely created by communities of users. A few tags attached to each resource create a bridge between heterogeneous data and users accustomed to keyword-based search and browsing. To establish this connection, tagging requires users to manually define tags for each resource they enter to the system. This potentially time-consuming step can be eased by tag recommender systems, which propose terms that users may choose to use as tags. This paper suggests and evaluates potential sources of recommended tags, focusing on folksonomies oriented towards individual users. These suggestions are used to propose a three-step tag recommendation system. Basic tags are extracted from the resource title. In the next step, the set of potential recommendations is extended by related tags proposed by a lexicon based on co-occurrences of tags within resource's  posts. Finally, tags are filtered by the user's personomy - a set of tags previously used by the user.

   55.    Maness, J. M.,  "Library 2.0 theory: web 2.0 and its implications for libraries".  Webology, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2006, pp. np.

Descriptores: World Wide Web/Web 2.0/Biblioteca 2.0/Blogs/Wikis/RSS/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This article posits a definition and theory for 'Library 2.0'. It suggests that recent thinking describing the changing Web as 'Web 2.0' will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries, they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. The paper applies the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging, RSS feeds, and mashups might intimate changes in how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access. (Author abstract)

   56.    Maness, J. M.,  "Teoria da Biblioteca 2.0: Web 2.0 e suas implicacoes para as bibliotecas.".  Informacao & Sociedade: Estudos, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2007, pp. 44-55.

Descriptores: Web 2.0/Redes sociales/Biblioteca 2.0/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This article posits a definition and theory for 'Library 2.0'. It suggests that recent thinking describing the changing Web as 'Web 2.0' will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries, they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. The paper applies the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging, RSS feeds, and mashups might intimate changes in how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access. (Author abstract)

   57.    Maurissens, I. d.,  "Folksonomy : una classificazione sociale del web. Dal caos originario ai frutti della collaborazione".  IR-Innovazione e Ricerca, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The word 'folksonomy' is a neologism formed by "folks" and "taxonomy". The word folksonomy was invented by Thomas Vander Wal, information architect, during an online discussion. However its real creator was Joshua Schachter who designed ( in 2001 - that is the first web site that applied folksonomy in 2001 - developing a software able to manage his bookmarks with more than 20.000 links. Schachter (2004), 31 years-old, defines as "a social bookmark that allows to add favourite sites into your collection of links, to catalog them through keywords, and to share them not only with your browser or PC but also with others".

   58.    Medelyan, O.  and Legg, C.,  "Integrating Cyc and Wikipedia: Folksonomy meets rigorously defined common-sense".  Proceedings of the WIKI-AI: Wikipedia and AI Workshop at the AAAI, Vol. 8, 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Wikis/Wikipedia/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Integration of ontologies begins with establishing mappings between their concept entries. We map categories from the largest manually-built ontology, Cyc, onto Wikipedia articles describing corresponding concepts. Our method draws both on Wikipedia's rich but chaotic hyperlink structure and Cyc's carefully defined taxonomic and common-sense knowledge. On 9,333 manual alignments by one person, we achieve an F-measure of 90%; on 100 alignments by six human subjects the average agreement of the method with the subject is close to their agreement with each other. We cover 62.8% of Cyc categories relating to common-sense knowledge and discuss what further information might be added to Cyc given this substantial new alignment

   59.    Mendes, L. H., Quiñonez-Skinner, J., and Skaggs, D.,  "Subjecting the catalog to tagging".  Library Hi Tech , Vol. 27, No. 1, 2009, pp. 30-41.

Descriptores: Etiquetado social/Folcsonomias/Catálogos automatizados/Web 2.0

Resumen:  Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to present the implementation of LibraryThing for Libraries (LTFL) in an academic library and analysis of usage of LTFL data and their potential for resource discovery in the catalog. Design/methodology/approach - The paper reviews the literature on social tagging and incorporation of third-party user-generated metadata into the library catalog. It provides an assessment based on the analysis of total absolute usage figures and frequency of use of LTFL data. Findings - Based on the data available, usage of LTFL data in the catalog is low, but several possible contributing factors are identified. Originality/value - The paper contributes to the literature on the implementation of LTFL in an academic library and provides usage statistics on LTFL data. It also provides directions for future research about tagging in the catalog.

   60.    Mirzaee, V., Iverson, L., and Khan, S.,  "Tagging & utility: The effects of social tagging on a collaborative task ".  Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1-5.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Redes sociales/Indización/Web 2.0/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This poster describes an experiment which is being carried out to investigate the effects of integrating a social tagging model into an existing work-related/task-oriented application; a Web 2.0 case study repository and cross-case analysis application. In this study, we will focus on investigating the utility of the application as well as the users' behavioral patterns in an attempt to gain a better understanding of (1) how users utilize a tagging model to manage their personal and social information space, (2) the users' behavioral patterns as they classify, explore, retrieve, and share the information utilizing tagging models and how this differs from a non-social tagging model, (3) the impact of a social tagging model in the quality of the work produced.

   61.    Mitis-Stanzel, I.,  "Social Tagging in Bibliotheken".  University of Vienna (Austria). [Thesis], 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Methode des Social Tagging zur Erschließung von Bibliotheksbeständen. Social Tagging ist die Beschreibung von Ressourcen mittels frei wählbarer Schlagwörter - sogenannter Tags - durch die Benutzerinnen selbst. Der dabei entstehende Pool an Tags wird Folksonomy genannt. Neben einer genauen Analyse der Funktionsweisen von Folksonomies sowohl bei der Beschreibung von als auch bei der Suche nach Ressourcen, werden mögliche Funktionen von Social Tagging im Bibliotheksbereich dargestellt. Dabei wird klar, dass Folksonomies traditionellen Erschließungsmethoden in manchen Bereichen unterlegen sind, in anderen aber völlig neue Möglichkeiten bieten. Social Tagging kann die bibliothekarische Sacherschließung daher nicht ersetzen, ist aber eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu dieser. Dies beweisen auch die in dieser Arbeit beschriebenen Beispiele von öffentlichen und wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, die Social Tagging bereits einsetzen.

   62.    Moreiro González, J. A.,  "La representación de los contenidos digitales: de los tesauros automáticos a las folksonomías".  Actas Calsi, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Recuperación de la información /Tesauros/Digitalización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Reflexión sobre las dificultades que aparecen cuando se quieren explotar las potencialidades de los contenidos digitales y la respuesta dada por los lenguajes de representación documental. Desde la adaptación a los requerimientos de la información positivista se recorre el camino evolutivo de los lenguajes documentales hasta alcanzar las tendencias actuales condicionadas por la pretendida Web semántica. Se recorren las tendencias en la representación mediante lenguajes documentales al servicio de un concepto postmoderno de información, por un recorrido que parte de los tesauros como referente hasta alcanzar las ontologías como aspiración, pasando por los tesauros automáticos, los tesauros de verbos y los Topic Maps, sin olvidarse de la vigencia de los sistemas basados en palabras-clave en la Web, las folksonomías.

   63.    Moreiro González, J. A.,  "La representación de los contenidos digitales: de los tesauros automáticos a las folksonomías (Conferencia de clausura CALSI 2007). ".  CALSI , 2007.

Descriptores: Representación de la información. /Representación del conocimiento/Documentos electrónicos/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Reflexión sobre las dificultades que aparecen cuando se quieren explotar las potencialidades de los contenidos digitales y la respuesta dada por los lenguajes de representación documental. Desde la adaptación a los requerimientos de la información positivista se recorre el camino evolutivo de los lenguajes documentales hasta alcanzar las tendencias actuales condicionadas por la pretendida Web semántica. Se recorren las tendencias en la representación mediante lenguajes documentales al servicio de un concepto postmoderno de información, por un recorrido que parte de los tesauros como referente hasta alcanzar las ontologías como aspiración, pasando por los tesauros automáticos, los tesauros de verbos y los Topic Maps, sin olvidarse de la vigencia de los sistemas basados en palabras-clave en la Web, las folksonomías.

   64.    Nauman, M. and Hussain, F.,  "Using Personalized Web Search for Enhancing Common Sense and Folksonomy Based Intelligent Search Systems".  IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, 2007, pp. 1-6.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Motores de búsqueda/Inteligencia artificial/Etiquetado social

Resumen: A large part of the modern web is characterized by usergenerated content categorized using collaborative tagging or folksonomy. It becomes difficult to search for relevant content because of ambiguity in lexical representation of concepts and variances in preferences of users. With more and more services relying on tags for content categorization, it is important that search techniques evolve to better
suit the scenario. A promising approach towards solving these problems is to use machine common sense in conjunction with folksonomy.

   65.    Niwa, S., Doi, T., Hon'iden, S. I., and Hon'iden, S. I.,  "Web Page Recommender System Based on Folksonomy Mining".  Information Technology: New Generations, Vol. 47, No. 5, 2006, pp. 1382-1392.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/World Wide Web/Normas/Mineria de datos/Etiquetado social

Resumen: There have been many attempts to construct web page recommender systems using collaborative filtering. But the domains these systems can cover are very restricted because it is very difficult to assemble user preference data to web pages, and the number of web pages on the Internet is too large. In this paper, we propose the way to construct a new type of web page recommender system covering all over the
Internet, by using Folksonomy and Social Bookmark which are getting very popular in these days.

   66.    Noruzi, A.,  "Folksonomies- Why do we need controlled vocabulary?".  Webology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The Web consists of diverse information collections in terms of the type of content, context, format and quality. However, this diversity, as good as it is, often brings challenges for users in their web information seeking activities. The technologies such as wiki, blog, RSS, and folksonomy that build Web 2.0 present an opportunity to share knowledge and facilitate interactions between users and computers. One of the main challenges of Web 1.0 was that users were not engaged in information organization. Currently folksonomy-based systems (e.g., engage users in bookmarking and introducing their favorites.

   67.    Ohkura, T., Kiyota, Y., and Nakagawa, H.,  "Browsing system for weblog articles based on automated folksonomy".  Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics, at WWW, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Blogs/Indización automática/Etiquetado social

Resumen:  Folksonomy is a new manual classification scheme based on tagging efforts of users with freely chosen keywords. In folksonomy, a user puts an item (i.e. a photo, a book mark) on a server and shares it with other users. The owner and even the other users can attach tags to this item for their own classification, and they reflect many one's viewpoints. Since tags are chosen from users' vocabulary and contain
many one's viewpoints, classification results are easy to understand for ordinary users. As a result, folksonomy serves as an efficient browsing method, because users can grasp the essence of items by looking at the tags. Even though the scalability of folksonomy is much higher than the other manual classification schemes, the method cannot deal with tremendous number of items such as whole weblog articles
on the Internet.

   68.    Ohmukai, I., Hamasaki, M., and Takeda, H.,  "A Proposal of Community-based Folksonomy with RDF Metadata".  Workshop on End User Semantic Web Interaction, Held in conjunction with the Fourth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2005), 2005.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Metadatos/RDF/Etiquetado social

Resumen: In this paper we propose a social bookmark system using several metadata and personal network to construct a community-based ontology. Our system allows users to browse friends' bookmarks on his/her personal network. The user can map their own tags onto more than one tag from different friends so that they are linked to the user. The matchmaker-based recommendation and network expansion method will work efficiently because it is derived from personal interest and trust. We also design an RDF-based metadata framework to support the open and distributed model.

   69.    Passant, A.,  "Using Ontologies to Strengthen Folksonomies and Enrich Information Retrieval in Weblogs".  International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Ontologías/Blogs/Etiquetado social

Resumen: While free-tagging classification is widely used in social software implementations and especially in weblogs, it raises various issues regarding information retrieval. In this paper, we describe an approach that mixes folksonomies and semantic web technologies in order to solve some of these problems, and to enrich information retrieval capabilities among blog posts. We first introduce the corporate context of the study and the issues we have faced that motivated our approach. Then, we argue how the use of domain ontologies combined with the SIOC vocabulary on the top of an existing folksonomy and weblogging platform offers a way to get rid of free-tagging classification flaws, and enhances information retrieval by suggesting related blog posts. Aside of the theoretical background, this paper also focuses on implementation. We present experimental results of this approach through the example of add-ons to a corporate blogging platform and the associated semantic web search engine, that extensively uses RDF and other semantic web technologies to find appropriate information and suggest related posts.

   70.    Passant, A., Laublet, P., and Sta, J.,  "Folksonomies, Ontologies and Corporate Blogging".  Google Video, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Ontologías/Blogs/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Folksonomies, Ontologies and Corporate Blogging - 13:00 - Oct 2, 2006. () Rate:. Alexandre Passant blogtalkreloaded blogtalk reloaded socialsoftware

   71.    Pavan, C.,  "Connotea: site para a comunicaç o científica e compartilhamento de informaç es na Internet".  Revista Digital de Biblioteconomia e Ci ncia da Informaç o, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2007, pp. 77-94.

Descriptores: Comunicación científica/Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: A Internet é reconhecidamente um terreno fecundo para as comunidades científicas, por sua rapidez, diversidade e possibilidades de novas formas de interaç o. O desenvolvimento de sites de social bookmarks, como o Connotea, permite aos pesquisadores gerenciar informaç es na Internet, organizando e compartilhando refer ncias com seus pares científicos. Analisa-se este site que possui um caráter social e se apresenta como um novo espaço informal para compartilhamento de informaç es, criaç o de grupos e construç o de bibliotecas próprias através do emprego de palavras-chave. Também, abordam-se os conceitos de comunidades científicas, social bookmarks e Folksonomia. Considera-se que o Connotea reproduz algumas tend ncias naturais das comunidades científicas e permite o intercâmbio entre as diferentes áreas do conhecimento

   72.    Peters, I. and Stock, W. G.,  "Folksonomy and Information Retrieval".  70th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 45, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: In Web 2.0 services 'prosumers' - producers and consumers - collaborate not only for the purpose of creating content, but to index these pieces of information as well. Folksonomies permit actors to describe documents with subject headings, 'tags', without regarding any rules. Apart from a lot of benefits folksonomies have many shortcomings (e.g., lack of precision). In order to solve some of the problems we propose interpreting tags as natural language terms. Accordingly, we can introduce methods of NLP to solve the tags' linguistic problems. Additionally we present criteria for tagged documents to create a ranking by relevance (tag distribution, collaboration and actor-based aspects). We would like to open the discussion concerning the following aspects: Which tag distributions seem to be characteristic for folksonomies and how can we use these distributions effectively in information retrieval? What are the problems of indexing by using tags, especially regarding indexing photos and videos? How may we use factors of collaborative indexing for relevance ranking?

   73.    Porter, J.,  "Folksonomies: A user-driven approach to organizing content".  User Interface Engineering, 2005.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Organizing content is one of the most difficult challenges facing design teams. In this article, Joshua Porter discusses a new strategy called folksonomies that may help alleviate those challenges by letting users organize content all by themselves.

   74.    Pérez Agüera, J. R.,  "Automatización de tesauros y su utilización en la web semántica".  Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), 2004.

Descriptores: Web semántica/Etiquetado social/Tesauros

Resumen: The article presents a basic proposal for the automation and use of thesauri for information retrieval in distributed environments, through web services based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) architecture. It begins by reviewing the proposals for descriptive tagging for thesauri coding that have appeared over the past four years. This is followed by a description of the basic architecture of a thesaurus implemented in Java. The article concludes by reviewing different communication and data exchange protocols, together with applications that can be used to implement this service. The text is accompanied by the computer application that has been developed.

   75.    Rafferty, P.  and Hidderley, R.,  "Flickr and Democratic Indexing: dialogic approaches to indexing.".  Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 59, No. 4/5, 2007.

Descriptores: Flickr/Catalogación/Indización/Bases de datos/Fotografías/Imágenes/WORLD Wide Web/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Purpose - The purpose of this paper is two-fold: to examine three models of subject indexing (i.e. expert-led indexing, author-generated indexing, and user-orientated indexing); and to compare and contrast two user-orientated indexing approaches (i.e. the theoretically-based Democratic Indexing project, and Flickr, a working system for describing photographs). Design/methodology/approach - The approach to examining Flickr and Democratic Indexing is evaluative. The limitations of Flickr are described and examples are provided. The Democratic Indexing approach, which the authors believe offers a method of marshalling a GÇ freeGÇÖ user-indexed archive to provide useful retrieval functions, is described. Findings - The examination of both Flickr and the Democratic Indexing approach suggests that, despite Shirky's claim of philosophical paradigm shifting for social tagging, there is a residing doubt amongst information professionals that self-organising systems can work without there being some element of control and some form of GÇ representative authorityGÇÖ. Originality/value - This paper contributes to the literature of user-based indexing and social tagging.

   76.    Rahwan, I.,  "Mass argumentation and the semantic web: Semantic Web and Web 2.0".  Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web , Vol. 6, No. 1, 2008, pp. 29-37.

Descriptores: Web 2.0/Web semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The World Wide Web (WWW) can be seen as an ideal platform for enhancing argumentative expression and communication, due to its ubiquity and openness. Much argumentation takes place on personal blogs and on unstructured or semi-structured discussion forums. Recently, an increasing number of Web 2.0 applications provide specific support for large-scale socially-contributed argumentative content. When compared with traditional methods of Web discourse, these tools enable better visualisation, navigation and analysis of the ‘state of the debate' by participants and, potentially, by automated tools. In this paper, I outline some potential benefits of Semantic Web techniques in supporting mass-scale, socially-contributed argument tagging. I also present some recent research in this direction.

   77.    Rodríguez Yunta, L.,  "Etiquetado libre frente a lenguajes documentales. Aportaciones en el ámbito de Biblioteconomía y Documentación".  Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2009, pp. 832-845.

Descriptores: Etiquetado social

Resumen: This communication analyzes the use of tagging on sites such as blogs, digging services and social bookmarkings, by library and information science professionals. The analysis results of this type of resources are compared with the terms included into a specialized thesaurus in this area. By this comparative study, the author systematizes which are the contributions of the free tagging in front of the traditional skills on content analysis. The thesauri can make good use of the folksonomies like a high quality source for updating and expanding the terminological scope. This aim must be considered a priority if a central role for thesauri in the full-text search systems is pretended in an immediate future.

   78.    Ros-Martín, M.,  "Folksonomías, marcado social y filtrado social de noticias".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This document is the materials published within 'Comunidad de prácticas: Web social para profesionales de la información' for the module 7 '?Folksonomías, marcado social y filtrado social de noticias' that prompted the SEDIC (Spanish Information Society and Scientific Documentation) from April 21 to June 18, 2008.

   79.    Ros-Martín, M.,  "Folksonomías, marcado social y filtrado social de noticias".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2008.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This document is the materials published within 'Comunidad de prácticas: Web social para profesionales de la información' for the module 7 '?Folksonomías, marcado social y filtrado social de noticias' that prompted the SEDIC (Spanish Information Society and Scientific Documentation) from April 21 to June 18, 2008. The folksonomies, the tagging started to look out into the most basic level of Web 2.0, blogs, and reach all subsequent developments. Therefore, despite that the agenda for this community of practice, social tagging appears in a second part, leaving as the first managing markers, I consider it necessary to introduce the concept of folksonomy first, since the services that we will see more forward using this concept to enrich the management of applications, and to foster their use, to enter into social bookmarking, and finally tackle the social information filtering.

   80.    Russell, T.,  "cloudalicious: folksonomy over time".  ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference , 2006, pp. 364.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Cloudalicious is an online visualization tool that has been designed to give insight into how -+tag clouds-+, or folksonomies, develop over time. A folksonomy is an organic system of text labels attributed to an object by the users of that object. The most common object so far to be the subject of this tagging has been the online bookmark. Stabilization of a URL's tag cloud over time is the clearest result of this type of visualization. Any diagonal movement on the graphs, indicative of a change in the tags being used to describe a URL, should garner further discussion.

   81.    Russell, T.,  "Contextual Authority Tagging: Cognitive Authority through Folksonomy".  INLS 302 - Gollop, Vol. 11, No. 16, 2005.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Contextual Authority Tagging is the use of folksonomies to discover and define cognitive authority through reputation within communities of users. Authority is granted by individual users to other individual users with regard to their perceived domains of knowledge via free text tags or labels. This allows discovery of at least two things, 1) which users in a group are authority figures on a certain topic area, and 2) what areas of expertise a particular user possesses. A basic proposal is laid out along with a few examples to foster communication and thought on this new distributed way to discover cognitive authority

   82.    Schmidt, S. and Stock, W. G.,  "Collective indexing of emotions in images. A study in emotional information retrieval".  Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Vol. 60, No. 5, 2009, pp. 863.

Descriptores: Recuperación de la información/Indización /Imágenes/Música/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Some documents provoke emotions in people viewing them. Will it be possible to describe emotions consistently and use this information in retrieval systems? We tested collective (statistically aggregated) emotion indexing using images as examples. Considering psychological results, basic emotions are anger, disgust, fear, happiness, and sadness. This study follows an approach developed by Lee and Neal (2007) for music emotion retrieval and applies scroll bars for tagging basic emotions and their intensities. A sample comprising 763 persons tagged emotions caused by images (retrieved from applying scroll bars and (linguistic) tags. Using SPSS, we performed descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. For more than half of the images, the test persons have clear emotion favorites. There are prototypical images for given emotions. The document-specific consistency of tagging using a scroll bar is, for some images, very high. Most of the (most commonly used) linguistic tags are on the basic level (in the sense of Rosch's basic level theory). The distributions of the linguistic tags in our examples follow an inverse power-law. Hence, it seems possible to apply collective image emotion tagging to image information systems and to present a new search option for basic emotions. This article is one of the first steps in the research area of emotional information retrieval (EmIR).

   83.    Schmitz, C., Hotho, A., Jaschke, R., and Stumme, G.,  "Mining association rules in folksonomies: Data Science and Classification: Proc. of the 10th IFCS Conf., Ljubljana, Slovenia, July".  Data Science and Classification , 2006, pp. 261-270.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Social bookmark tools are rapidly emerging on the Web. In such systems users are setting up lightweight conceptual structures called folksonomies. These systems provide currently relatively few structure. We discuss in this paper, how association rule mining can be adopted to analyze and structure folksonomies, and how the results can be used for ontology learning and supporting emergent semantics. We demonstrate our approach on a large scale dataset stemming from an online system.

   84.    Seoane Garcia, C.,  "Flexibilidad de las folksonomías".  EPI SCP, 2006, pp. 74-75.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Although the detractors of folksonomies and social bookmarking are many, these tools offer new possibilities to the information professional for classification, storing, sharing and recovering information.

   85.    Seoane Garcia, C.,  "Flexibilidad de las folksonomías".  Anuario Thinkepi , 2007, pp. 74-75.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: La información en formato electrónico hizo posible hace ya más de 30 a os un cambio de mentalidad en la clasificación y recuperación de la información. Al contrario de lo que oc rre con el papel en donde un libro, revista, etc., sólo puede ser ubicado físicamente en un solo estante, la documentación electrónica posee el don de la ubicuidad, lo cual se aprovecha para una mejor recuperación de la información.El usuario no tiene que deducir en qué estante se habrá almacenado un documento, no hay jerarquía, y las 5 ó 6 etiquetastags con las que un usuario describe un documento, facilitan que sea recuperado por otros usuarios.

   86.    Seoane Garcia, C.,  "Flexibilidad de las folksonomías".  El profesional de la información, EPI SCP, 2007 , pp. 74-75.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Although the detractors of folksonomies and social bookmarking are many, these tools offer new possibilities to the information professional for classification, storing, sharing and recovering information.

   87.    Serrano Cobos, J.,  "Pasado, presente y futuro de la Web 2.0 en servicios de información digital".  BiD: textos universitaris de biblioteconomia i documentació, No. 17, 2006.

Descriptores: Web 2.0/Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Bibliotecas/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Se explica el concepto Web 2.0, sus orígenes e implicaciones en el cambio de rumbo de Internet a partir del a o 2000. Se destacan algunas tecnologías y tendencias inscritas en el marco de la Web 2.0, como Rich Internet Applications (RIA), XML, Ajax, Microformatos, sindicación y agregación de contenidos en RSS/ RDF, weblogs, wikis, arquitectura de información colaborativa mediante tags y folksonomías -el marketing colaborativo, entre otras-. Asimismo, se desgranan algunas posibilidades de futuro en torno a la Web 2.0, su posible evolución hacia la Web 3.0 e incluso hacia la Web semántica

   88.    Shen, K. and Wu, L.,  "Folksonomy as a Complex Network"., 2005.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Redes científicas/Recuperación de la información/ Etiquetado social

Resumen:  Folksonomy is an emerging technology that works to classify the information over WWW through tagging the bookmarks, photos or other web-based contents. It is understood to be organized by every user while not limited to the authors of the contents and the professional editors. This study surveyed the folksonomy as a complex network. The result indicates that the network, which is composed of the tags from the folksonomy, displays both properties of small world and scale-free. However, the statistics only shows a local and static slice of the vast body of folksonomy which is still evolving.

   89.    Sinclair and Cardew-Hall, M.,  "The folksonomy tag cloud: when is it useful?".  Journal of Information Science, Vol. 34, No. 1, 2008, pp. 15.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The weighted list, known popularly as a ‘tag cloud', has appeared on many popular folksonomy-based websites. Flickr, Delicious, Technorati and many others have all featured a tag cloud at some point in their history. However, it is unclear whether the tag cloud is actually useful as an aid to finding information. We conducted an experiment, giving participants the option of using a tag cloud or a traditional search interface to answer various questions. We found that where the information-seeking task required specific information, participants preferred the search interface. Conversely, where the information-seeking task was more general, participants preferred the tag cloud. While the tag cloud is not without value, it is not sufficient as the sole means of navigation for a folksonomy-based dataset.

   90.    Specia, L. and Motta, E.,  "Integrating Folksonomies with the Semantic Web".  The Semantic Web: Research and Applications, Vol. 4519, 2007, pp. 624.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: While tags in collaborative tagging systems serve primarily an indexing purpose, facilitating search and navigation of resources, the use of the same tags by more than one individual can yield a collective classification schema. We present an approach for making explicit the semantics behind the tag space in social tagging systems, so that this collaborative organization can emerge in the form of groups of concepts and partial ontologies. This is achieved by using a combination of shallow pre-processing strategies and statistical techniques together with knowledge provided by ontologies available on the semantic web. Preliminary results on the and Flickr tag sets show that the approach is very promising: it generates clusters with highly related tags corresponding to concepts in ontologies and meaningful relationships among subsets of these tags can be identified.

   91.    Spiteri, L. F.,  "Structure and form of folksonomy tags: The road to the public library catalogue".  Webology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2007, pp. 41.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Bibliotecas publicas/Catálogos/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Folksonomies have the potential to add much value to public library catalogues by enabling clients to: store, maintain, and organize items of interest in the catalogue using their own tags. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the tags that constitute folksonomies are structured. Tags were acquired over a thirty-day period from the daily tag logs of three folksonomy sites,, Furl, and Technorati. The tags were evaluated against section 6 (choice and form of terms) of the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) guidelines for the construction of controlled vocabularies. This evaluation revealed that the folksonomy tags correspond closely to the NISO guidelines that pertain to the types of concepts expressed by the tags, the predominance of single tags, the predominance of nouns, and the use of recognized spelling. Potential problem areas in the structure of the tags pertain to the inconsistent use of the singular and plural form of count nouns, and the incidence of ambiguous tags in the form of homographs and unqualified abbreviations or acronyms. Should library catalogues decide to incorporate folksonomies, they could provide clear guidelines to address these noted weaknesses, as well as links to external dictionaries and references sources such as Wikipedia to help clients disambiguate homographs and to determine if the full or abbreviated forms of tags would be preferable.

   92.    Spiteri, L.,  "The Structure and Form of Folksonomy Tags: the Road to the Public Library Catalog".  Information Technology and Libraries, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2007.

Descriptores: Catálogos/Bibliotecas públicas/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The Structure and Form of Folksonomy Tags: the Road to the Public Library Catalog

   93.    Steele, T.,  "The new cooperative cataloging".  Library Hi Tech, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2009, pp. 68-77.

Descriptores: Catálogos automatizados/Cooperación/Web 2.0/Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Purpose - This paper aims to examine the social phenomenon known as tagging and its use in libraries' online catalogs, discussing folksonomies, social bookmarking, and tagging web sites. The paper also seeks to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a controlled vocabulary such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings, and how tagging can assist the LCSH in information retrieval. LibraryThing and the University of Pennsylvania's PennTags are examined. Design/methodology/approach - Review of recent literature in print and online, as well as browsing Library OPACs using tagging, was the basis for the paper. Findings - The paper concludes that access to information is the main purpose of cataloging, and use of both traditional methods of cataloging as well as interactive methods such as tagging is a valid method for reaching library users of the future. Originality/value - The paper lists many problems and concerns of which to be aware, if a library should choose to adopt tagging for their catalog. It looks at the options of using outside web sites to provide the tags as well as creating tagging systems on the library's web site itself. The focus of the paper is how libraries can use tagging, as opposed to the phenomenon of tagging itself, as well as a discussion of how tagging compares with controlled vocabularies.

   94.    Sturtz, D. N.,  "Communal Categorization: The Folksonomy".  INFO622: Content Representation, Vol. 16, 2004 .

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: A recent flurry of discussion in the information architecture community has revolved around a concept being called, among other things, "social classification," "ethnoclassification," and "folksonomies2." While it is clearly a popular phenomenon, it is not immediately apparent what use, if any, these organizational schemes are, and what their potential benefits might be. This paper will define the term, present current instances of folksonomies in use, discuss some potential benefits of folksonomies and suggest some directions for future research.

   95.    Szekely, B. and Torres, E.,  "Ranking Bookmarks and Bistros: Intelligent Community and Folksonomy Development".  Bibsonomy, 2005.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Online communities are an important forum for people to share information on the internet. Historically, online communities have been centered around free-text sharing and simple user rating systems. With the shadow of the Semantic Web looming behind many new innovations on the internet today, online communities are beginning to adopt semantic techniques such as tagging and folksonomies as a vehicle for the sharing and classification of information. is a prototype online community that uses tagging to provide an innovative restaurant rating mechanism 

   96.    Tonkin, E.,  "Folksonomies: The Fall and Rise of Plain-text Tagging".  Ariadne, No. 47, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Despite the stability of many key technologies underlying today's Internet, venerable workhorses such as TCP/IP and HTTP, the rise of new candidate specifications frequently leads to a sort of collaborative manic depression. Every now and then, a new idea comes along and sparks a wave of interest, the first stage in the Internet hype cycle. Transformed with the addition of a series of relatively content-free conceptual buzzwords, the fragile idea is transmitted between and within communities until disillusionment sets in, when the terminology becomes an out-of-date reminder of a slightly embarrassing era that tomorrow's computer industry professionals will laugh about over a pint of beer. Eventually, the idea is retrieved, repackaged in a less sensational envelope, and filed for later use. This phenomenon is graphically represented as the Gartner hype cycle

   97.    Tonkin, E.,  "Folksonomies: The Fall and Rise of Plain-text Tagging ".  Ariadne, No. 47, 2006.

Descriptores: Metadatos/Clasificación /Internet/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Emma Tonkin suggests that rising new ideas are often on their second circuit - and none the worse for that.

   98.    Tottie, G. and Hoffmann, S.,  "Tag Questions in English".  Journal of English Linguistics, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2009, pp. 130-161.

Descriptores: Inglés/Etiquetado social/Procesamiento del lenguaje/Siglo 16

Resumen: This study charts the early history of canonical tag questions in English (e.g., It is cold, isn't it?) focusing on the sixteenth century and using drama texts as a source. By means of semi-automated retrieval from computerized sources, 136 instances were collected. They were then analyzed in context to ascertain polarity, choice of operator and subject, meter and authorship, and especially pragmatic functions. Even at this early stage, tag questions had functions beyond asking for confirmation, such as expressing speaker attitude, challenging an interlocutor, or issuing directives. Cautious comparisons are made with Present-day English conversational use. The importance of modal verbs and do-support for the emergence of canonical tag questions is discussed, but it is argued that the rise of not as the sole sentence negator in English is the most important single factor in the emergence of canonical tag questions.

   99.    Tractores, P.,  "Entregable D.3.3. Estado del arte y propuesta de técnicas para la. integración de ontologías y folksonomías".  Proyecto "Morfeo-MyMobileWeb", 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Ontologías/Etiquetado social

Resumen: El primer objetivo de este documento es definir con precisión y analizar con detenimiento tanto las ontologías como las folksonomías, sus características comunes y diferenciadoras. Dado su carácter complementario, se estudia también el problema de cómo lograr su integración a fin de evitar su exclusividad, dando pie a nuevas posibilidades en la descripción y recuperación de contenidos.

100.    Tramullas, J. and Garrido, P.,  "Weblogs Content Classification Tools: performance evaluation".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2006, pp. 532-536.

Descriptores: Blogs/Evaluación/Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Nowadays, weblogs or blogs are important tools for personal or workgroup websites publication. These tools give the necessary performances to create, edit, evaluate, publish and file digital contents, in the framework of a standarized workflow, and for managing the digital information life cycle. Nevertheless, these tools must be complemented with existence of technical funcionalities necessary to get a correct implantation and use. The aim of the work is to assess the way in which weblogs implement the technical solutions necessary to utilize correctly classification tools. The evaluation took into account let to extract a collection of conclusions of great interest to analize the state of art of the content classification tools integration and the weblogs management systems. As a general conclusion, it can be assured that the current generation of weblogs management systems do not offer all the desired performances for the classical classification tools, offering also a very heterogeneous scene.

101.    Trant, J.,  "Exploring the potential for social tagging and folksonomy in art museums: Proof of concept".  Archives & Museum Informatics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2006, pp. 83-105.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Archivos/Museología/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Documentation of art museum collections has been traditionally written by and for art historians. To make art museum collections broadly accessible, and to enable art museums to engage their communities, means of access need to reflect the perspectives of other groups and communities. Social Tagging (the collective assignment of keywords to resources) and its resulting Folksonomy (the assemblage of  oncepts expressed in such a cooperatively developed system of classification) offer ways for art museums to engage with their communities and to understand what users of on-line museum collections see as important. Proof of Concept studies at The Metropolitan Museum of Art  compared terms assigned by trained cataloguers and untrained cataloguers to existing museum documentation, and explored the potential for social tagging to improve access to museum collections.

102.    Trant, J.,  "Social classification and folksonomy in art museums: Early data from the steve. museum tagger prototype".  ASIST-CR Social Classification Workshop, 2006.

Descriptores: Clasificación /Web social/Folcsonomias/Archivos/Museología/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The collections of art museums have been assembled over hundreds of years and described, organized and classified according to traditions of art historical research and discourse. Art museums, in their role as curators and interpreters of the cultural record, have developed standards for the description of works of art (such as the Categories for the Description of Works of Art, CDWA) that emphasize the physical nature of art as artefact, the authorial role of the creator, the temporal and cultural context of creation and ownership, and the scholarly significance of the work over time. Collections managers have recorded conservation, exhibition, loan and publication history, along with significant volumes of internal documentation of acquisition and storage, that support the custody and care of artefacts of significant cultural value. But the systems of documentation and classification that support the professional discourse of art history and the management of museum collections have failed to represent the interests, perspectives or passions of those who visit [use?] museum collections, both on-site and online. As museums move to reflect the breadth of their audiences and the diversity of their perspectives, so must museum documentation change to reflect concerns other than the traditionally art historical and museological. Social tagging offers a direct way for museums to learn what museum-goers see in works of art, what they judge as significant and where they find or make meaning. Wi thin the steve collaboration(, a group of art museums is collectively exploring the role of social tagging and studying the resulting folksonomy (Bearman & Trant, 2005; Chun, Cherry, Hiwiller, Trant, & Wyman, 2006; Trant & Wyman, 2006). Analysis of terms collected in the prototype steve tagger suggests that social tagging of art museum objects can in fact augment museum documentation with unique access points not found in traditional cataloguing. Terms collected through social tagging tools are being compared to museum documentation, to establish the actual contributions made by na ve users to the accessibility of art museum collections and to see if social classification provides a way to bridge the semantic gap between art historians and art museums' publics.

103.    Trant, J. and Wyman, B.,  "Investigating social tagging and folksonomy in art museums with steve. museum: Collaborative Web Tagging ".  Workshop at WWW, 2006. Investigating social tagging and folksonomy in art museums with steve. museum

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Museología/Archivos/Web social/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Tagging has proven attractive to art museums as a means of enhancing access to on-line collections. The research project studied tagging and the relationship of the resulting folksonomy to professionally created museum documentation. A variety of research questions were proposed, and methods for answering them explored. Works of art were assembled to be tagged, a tagger was deployed, and tagging encouraged. A folksonomy of 36,981 terms was gathered, comprising 11,944 terms in 31,031 term/work pairs. The analysis of the tagging of these works - and the assembled folksonomy - is reported here, and further work described.

104.    Van Damme, C., Hepp, M., and Siorpaes, K.,  "FolksOntology: An Integrated Approach for Turning Folksonomies into Ontologies".  Bridging the Gep between Semantic Web and Web 2.0 , Vol. 2, 2007.

Descriptores: Flickr/Folcsonomias/Ontologías/Etiquetado social

Resumen: We can observe that the amount of non-toy domain ontologies is still very limited for many areas of interest. In contrast, folksonomies are widely in use for (1) tagging Web pages (e.g., (2) annotating pictures (e.g. flickr), or (3) classifying scholarly publications (e.g. bibsonomy). However, such folksonomies cannot offer the expressivity of ontologies, and the respective tags often lack a context-independent and intersubjective definition of meaning. Also, folksonomies and other unsupervised vocabularies frequently suffer from inconsistencies and redundancies. In this paper, we argue that the social interaction manifested in folksonomies and in their usage should be
exploited for building and maintaining ontologies. Then, we sketch a comprehensive approach for deriving ontologies from folksonomies by integrating multiple resources and techniques. In detail, we suggest combining (1) the statistical analysis of folksonomies, associated usage data, and their implicit social networks, (2) online lexical resources like dictionaries, Wordnet, Google and Wikipedia, (3) ontologies and Semantic Web resources, (4) ontology mapping and matching approaches, and (5) functionality that helps  human actors in achieving and maintaining consensus over ontology element suggestions resulting from the preceding steps.

105.    Veres, C.,  "The Language of Folksonomies: What Tags Reveal About User Classification".  Natural Language Processing and Information Systems, Vol. 3999, 2006, pp. 58.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Clasificación /Etiquetado social

Resumen: Folksonomies are classification schemes that emerge from the collective actions of users who tag resources with an unrestricted set of key terms. There has been a flurry of activity in this domain recently with a number of high profile web sites and search engines adopting the practice. They have sparked a great deal of excitement and debate in the popular and technical literature, accompanied by a number of analyses of the statistical properties of tagging behavior. However, none has addressed the deep nature of folksonomies. What is the nature of a tag? Where does it come from? How is it related to a resource? In this paper we present a study in which the linguistic properties of folksonomies reveal them to contain, on the one hand, tags that are similar to standard categories in taxonomies. But on the other hand, they contain additional tags to describe class properties. The implications of the findings for the relationship between folksonomy and ontology are discussed.

106.    Voss, J.,  "Collaborative thesaurus tagging the Wikipedia way"., 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Wikis/Wikipedia/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This paper explores the system of categories that is used to classify articles in Wikipedia. It is compared to collaborative tagging systems like and to hierarchical classification like the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). Specifics and commonalitiess of these systems of subject indexing are exposed. Analysis of structural and statistical properties (descriptors per record, records per descriptor, descriptor levels) shows that the category system of Wikimedia is a thesaurus that combines collaborative tagging and hierarchical subject indexing in a special way.

107.    Voss, J.,  "Tagging, Folksonomy & Co-Renaissance of Manual Indexing?"., 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This paper gives an overview of current trends in manual indexing on the Web. Along with a general rise of user generated content there are more and more tagging systems that allow users to annotate digital resources with tags (keywords) and share their annotations with other users. Tagging is frequently seen in contrast to traditional knowledge organization systems or as something completely new. This paper shows that tagging should better be seen as a popular form of manual indexing on the Web. Difference between controlled and free indexing
blurs with sufficient feedback mechanisms. A revised typology of tagging systems is presented that includes different user roles and knowledge organization systems with hierarchical relationships and vocabulary control. A detailed bibliography of current research in collaborative tagging is included.

108.    Voß, J.,  "Tagging, Folksonomy & Co - Renaissance of Manual Indexing?".  International Symposium for Information Science, Vol. 10, 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web social/Indización/Etiquetado social

Resumen: This paper gives an overview of current trends in manual indexing on the Web. Along with a general rise of user generated content there are more and more tagging systems that allow users to annotate digital resources with tags (keywords) and share their annotations with other users. Tagging is frequently seen in contrast to traditional knowledge organization systems or as something completely new. This paper shows that tagging should better be seen as a popular form of manual indexing on the Web. Difference between controlled and free indexing
blurs with sufficient feedback mechanisms. A revised typology of tagging systems is presented that includes different user roles and knowledge organization systems with hierarchical relationships and vocabulary control. A detailed bibliography of current research in collaborative tagging is included.

109.    Wu, H., Zubair, M., and Maly, K.,  "Harvesting social knowledge from folksonomies".  Conference on Hypertext and hypermedia , Vol. 7, 2006, pp. 111-114 .

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Recolectores de metadatos/Web social/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Folksonomies are classification schemes that emerge from the collective actions of users who tag resources with an unrestricted set of key terms. There has been a flurry of activity in this domain recently with a number of high profile web sites and search engines adopting the practice. They have sparked a great deal of excitement and debate in the popular and technical literature, accompanied by a number of analyses of the statistical properties of tagging behavior. However, none has addressed the deep nature of folksonomies. What is the nature of a tag? Where does it come from? How is it related to a resource? In this paper we present a study in which the linguistic properties of folksonomies reveal them to contain, on the one hand, tags that are similar to standard categories in taxonomies. But on the other hand, they contain additional tags to describe class properties. The implications of the findings for the relationship between folksonomy and ontology are discussed.

110.    Xu, Z., Fu, Y., Mao, J., and Su, D.,  "Towards the semantic web: Collaborative tag suggestions: Collaborative Web Tagging  May".  Workshop at WWW, 2006.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Web 2.0/Web semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Content organization over the Internet went through several interesting phases of evolution: from structured directories to unstructured Web search engines and more recently, to tagging as a way for aggregating information, a step towards the semantic web vision. Tagging allows ranking and data organization to directly utilize inputs from end users, enabling machine processing of Web content. Since tags are created by individual users in a free form, one important problem facing tagging is to identify most appropriate tags, while eliminating noise and spam. For this purpose, we define a set of general criteria for a good tagging system. These criteria include high coverage of multiple facets to ensure good recall, least effort to reduce the cost involved in browsing, and high popularity to ensure tag quality. We propose a collaborative tag suggestion algorithm using these criteria to spot high-quality tags. The proposed algorithm employs a goodness measure for tags derived from collective user authorities to combat spam. The goodness measure is iteratively adjusted by a reward-penalty algorithm, which also incorporates other sources of tags, e.g., ontent-based auto-generated tags. Our experiments based on My Web 2.0 show that the algorithm is effective.

111.    Yeung, C. M. A., Gibbins, N., and Shadbolt, N.,  "Understanding the semantics of ambiguous tags in folksonomies".  Workshop on Emergent Semantics and Ontology Evolution (ESOE2007), 2007.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Semántica/Etiquetado social

Resumen: The use of tags to describe Web resources in a collaborative manner has experienced rising popularity among Web users in recent years. The product of such activity is given the name folksonomy, which can be considered as a scheme of organizing information in the users' own way. In this paper, we present a possible way to analyze the tripartite graphs - graphs involving users, tags and resources - of folksonomies and discuss how these elements acquire their meanings through their associations with other elements, a process we call mutual contextualization. In particular, we demonstrate how different meanings of ambiguous tags can be discovered through such analysis of the tripartite graph by studying the tag sf. We also discuss how the result can be used as a basis to better understand the nature of folksonomies.

112.    Zhang, L., Wu, X., and Yu, Y.,  "Emergent Semantics from Folksonomies: A Quantitative Study".  Journal on Data Semantics , Vol. 4090, 2006, pp. 168-186.

Descriptores: Folcsonomias/Etiquetado social

Resumen: Defining and using ontology to annotate web resources with semantic markups is generally perceived as the primary way to implement the vision of the Semantic Web. The ontology provides a shared and machine understandable semantics for web resources that agents and applications can utilize. This top-down approach (in the sense that an ontology is defined first on top of existing web resources and then used later to markup them), however, has a high barrier to entry and is difficult to scale up. In this paper, we investigate using a bottom-up approach for semantically annotating web resources as supported by the now widely popular social bookmarks services on the web where users can annotate and categorize web resources using "tags" freely choosen by the user without any pre-existing global semantic model. This kind of informal social categories is coined as "folksonomies". We show how global semantics can be statistically inferred from the folksonomies to semantically annotate the web resources. The global semantic model also disambiguate the tags and group synonymous tags together. Finally, we show that there indeed are hierarchical relations among the emerged concepts in the folksonomy and it is plausible to further identify them if we use more advanced probabilistic models.



Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
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Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Dirección: Francisco Vitoria 6-16
37008 Salamanca
País: ES - España
Teléfono: +34-923 294 580
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