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Monográfico E-LIS
InfoDoc 19 junio de 2009

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Information about E-LIS in Spanish

     1.    Alonso Arévalo, J. and Barrueco Cruz, J. M.,  "Movimiento Open Access. Proyecto RcLIS : RePec, E-LIS, DoiS".  Biblioteca Virtual en Ciencias de la Salud, Vol. 1, 2006.

Descriptores: Repositorios institucionales/Fuentes de información/Ciencias de la salud/Acceso abierto

Resumen: Desde el mundo de la comunicación científico-técnica se esta trabajando en iniciativas que platean nuevas alternativas basadas en las posibilidades que ofrece el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al intercambio de información a través de la Red. En este marco se encuadra el proyecto RcLIS ( como una organización que surge para seleccionar, recoger, y difundir literatura del ámbito de las ciencias de la documentación y la informática Esta propuesta destaca el hecho de que se encuentra en consonancia con las tendencias internacionales de archivos abiertos de literatura científica. El proyecto se inicia en 1997 como una iniciativa de José Manuel Barrueco y Thomas Krichel
  • Su filosofía de basa en el trabajo voluntario de Bibliotecarios e informáticos. Actualmente tiene en marcha tres: proyectos: RePec, E-LIS, DoiS

     2.    Arencibia Jorge, R., Santillan-Aldana, J., and Subirats Coll, I.,  "Iniciativas de acceso abierto en Ciencias de la Información y Documentación : evolución y perspectivas de E-LIS".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2005, pp. 221-232.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto

Resumen: Access to scientific information in the last years has been one of the most complex, attractive and controversial subjects in our field. The present work collects the experience of E-LIS: Eprints for Library and Information Science [], an open archive specialized in these subjects and developed by an international group of specialists from January 2003. This international repository was created for the information professionals? community in order to give them the biggest digital library specialized in Information Science and freely available. The different open access archives currently existing, and their relation with E-LIS, are mentioned. The main characteristics of E-LIS are described, and the statistics obtained after two years of operation are analyzed. It is concluded that the utilization of E-LIS as information source and as a way of diffusion will contribute to the unification of librarians and information professionals and to the consolidation of the Information Sciences as a scientific discipline.

     3.    Arencibia Jorge, R., Santillán Aldana, J., and Subirats Coll, I.,  "Iniciativas de acceso abierto en Ciencias de la Información y Documentación. Evolución y perspectivas de E-LIS".  Revista Española de Documentación Científica, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2005.

Descriptores: Autoarchivo/Documentación/Ciencias de la información/Acceso abierto/Divulgación científica/Repositorios institucionales

Resumen: Para muchos especialistas, el acceso abierto a la literatura científica, específicamente a las publicaciones seriadas, ha de ser una meta a lograr en el ámbito académico, con vistas a facilitar el acceso a las fuentes de información y a las personas que la generan, así como contribuir a la disminución de la brecha tecnológica existente entre los países desarrollados y aquéllos que no logran, por falta de recursos, desarrollar políticas en ciencia y tecnología con éxito. Tanto físicos como psicólogos y numerosas instituciones universitarias han desarrollado estrategias alternativas en aras de lograr una divulgación más ráuida e inmediata HP »u piuuuccion cientmca, y garantizar un mayor impacto de la misma sobre sus correspondientes círculos o comunidades de especialistas afínes. Una de estas alternativas es la creación de archivos abiertos (libres de cualquier tipo de restricción), también conocidos como repositorios, donde los científicos, a través del denominado autoarchivo, self-ar-chiving (1), pueden depositar sus artículos incluso antes de su publicación, para que puedan ser difundidos con mayor rapidez y discutidos por la comunidad científica.

     4.    Baiget, T., Rodriguez Gairin, J., Peset, F., Subirats, I., and Ferrer Sapena, A.,  "Normalización de la información: la aportación de IraLIS".  Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2007, pp. 636-643.,1:105302,1&linkin=633389948150332500

Descriptores: Control de autoridades/Normalización/E-LIS

Resumen: La normalización de la información es imprescindible para transferirla, almacenarla y recuperarla. Afecta a todos los aspectos de su uso, y no sólo a los profesionales de su tratamiento. Este artículo aborda los aspectos más relevantes de la práctica profesional en este campo. Describe la solución implantada para nombres de autores españoles: IraLIS. Concluye insistiendo en la necesidad de que los autores científicos españoles se conciencien de que estas acciones mejoran la visibilidad de sus trabajos.

     5.    Baiget, T., Alonso Arévalo, J., Ferrer Sapena, A., and Peset., F.,  "Análisis de la presencia de Andalucía En E-LIS".  Jornadas Bibliotecarias de Andalucía, Vol. 15, 2009.

Descriptores: E-LIS/Documentación/Acceso abierto/Repositorios/Recolectores/Autores/Andalucía/Autoarchivo/Producción científica

Resumen: Se estudian los documentos depositados por autores andaluces en el repositorio E-LIS de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, y se obtienen ránquines de personas, instituciones y temas. Se compara la situación relativa de Andalucía con otras Comunidades Autónomas. Se obtienen conclusiones sobre cuáles son las provincias e instituciones en las que hay que incidir más para lograr aumentar el número de documentos andaluces en E-LIS y su impacto internacional.

     6.    Bassi, M. C., Subirats Coll, I., De Robbio, A., and Krichel, T.,  "E-LIS : E-prints in Library and Information Science".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2005.

Descriptores: E-LIS

Resumen: Established in 2003, E-LIS ( is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. 33 countries are involved and over 2,700 papers have been archived to date. It is freely accessible, aligned with the Open Access movement and is a voluntary enterprise. It uses GNU Eprints software, operates within the OAI framework and employs the JITA Classification Schema. Users can access full-text documents. It accepts published or unpublished documents in scientific or technical areas in any language and format; authors can self-archive and a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each document type and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines set by an international editorial committee and there are agreements with institutions and library associations in various countries. Its Copyright policies are recommended by the Romeo project. E-LIS is divided into editorial, technical and administrative groups. The editorial group focuses on metadata quality and guidelines. The technical group concentrates on software ? its implementation, enhancement, development and added value functionality. The Administrative group deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. New participants are always welcome.

     7.    De Robbio, A.,  "History and mission of E-LIS".  First Workshop on Eprints in Library and Information Science, Vol. 3, 2005.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/E-LIS/Biblioteconomía/Fuentes de información/Sindicación de contenidos/RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

Resumen: Established in 2003, E-LIS ( is an international Open Archive for Library and Information Science. It is freely accessible, aligned with Open Access movement and is a voluntary world wide enterprise. E-LIS contains over 2.700 documents and is the largest eprint archive in LIS. This presentation discusses the origins, history, the technical properties of the E-LIS system and organization of work in a world qwide dimension which is the factors we believe make E-LIS a success. All participants are volunteers who are motivated by sophisticated incentives, which include a system of national editors, the distribution of tasks within a small core team in addition to our experience with publishing procedures. E-LIS employs the JITA Classification Schema on two levels. It uses GNU Eprints software and is compatible with the OAI standards framework. The user may search and access full-text documents. Traditional LIS topics and all the disciplines relating to information science are covered. It employs the JITA Classification Schema at two levels. Any LIS scientific or technical finished document, published or unpublished, is accepted. It may be used by LIS communities in every country. Works can be deposited in any language and format; authors can self-archive; a proxy service supports depositors. Metadata are set for each one of 23 document types and are checked in accordance with editorial guidelines by an international editorial committee. Its copyright metadata policy is cited by the Romeo project. Submission policy is open to proposals from new partners and there are agreements with institutions and library associations of various countries. E-LIS is divided into three sections: editorial, technical and administrative. The editorial section is devoted to metadata quality and guidelines. The technical section concentrates on software - its implementation, enhancement and develoment and added value functionality and operates inside the OAI framework. The Administrative section deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community and its connection with other scientific communities. Among the added-value features are Para Tools for reference linking (which also provides a ‘seek' button that parses the citation and tries to find something in the archive or on the internet), automatic alerting for editors, full metadata display of metadata records, full-text search, browsing by user, counter in homepage and webalizer for statistics. Since last August we have implemented a new graphical look, with RSS feeds for new deposits and a completly new interface and layout more effective. The evolving academic discourse surrounding the concept of Open Access (OA) provided the underlying motivation for the establishment of E-LIS. The library and information world is highly integrated with the areas of computing science and technology and it was felt that the LIS discipline should set an example to other communities by providing a state-of-the-art model for the OA movement and digital libraries, particularly in relation to the open archive model, within which E-LIS is a disciplinary repository. The extension of the OA concept to LIS works and the dissemination of material within the LIS community will contribute to the development of an international LIS network; E-LIS is mutually beneficial.

     8.    De Robbio, A. and Subirats Coll, I.,  "E-LIS : an international open archive towards building open digital libraries".  CERN, 2005.

Descriptores: E-Prints in Library and Information Science/E-LIS/Repositorios disciplinares

Resumen: Established in 2003, E-LIS is an international open access archive related to librarianship, information science and technology, and related disciplines. It uses the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) protocol and tools to facilitate interoperability between repository servers. To date E-LIS is the biggest repository in library and information science and after only two years contains over 2200 papers. E-LIS is the first international e-server in this area, is part of the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and is organised, managed and maintained by an international team of librarians working on a voluntary basis. This paper describes the main characteristics (technical and organizational) of the archive and its configuration and customization, and discusses its policies, aims and mission. Its main focus, however, is on the E-LIS organizational model and on the strategic issues correlated with Open Access (OA). It also delineates some of the challenges and opportunities consequent on a global vision for the Library and Information Science (LIS) field which envisages papers coming from all over the world and which gives E-LIS the impetus and motivation to stimulate participation in the venture and to further develop international research activities. Finally, this paper also emphasises that the promotion of E-LIS further enhances the OA movement in general, so E-LIS can be regarded as a tool for the dissemination of the OA philosophy.

     9.    Gómez, N. D. and Santillan-Aldana, J.,  "Archivo E-LIS: La práctica del acceso abierto en manos de los bibliotecarios".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Documentación

Resumen: Introducción a la práctica de la iniciativa de archivos abiertos en el ámbito bibliotecario desde el proyecto E-LIS

   10.    Millet Fuster, M.,  "Tendencias actuales en comunicación científica y transferencia del conocimiento: E-LIS, E-prints in Library and Information Science".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007.

Descriptores: comunicación científica

Resumen: Introductory study on the Open Access Movement (OA), with a description of the international repository E-LIS, E-prints in Library and Information Science. The methodology has been the participant observation. Metadata quality is studied, with an approach to the authors? names treatment problem for the case of Spain in relation to self-archiving. In order to improve this question, some modifications in the E-LIS submission guidelines are proposed. First results of the collected information about OAI-PMH compliant initiatives in Spain and Latin America are presented for the future OA-LATINO reference web.

   11.    Morrison, H., Subirats Coll, I., Medeiros, N., and De Robbio, A.,  "E-LIS: the Open Archive for Library and information Science".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2007.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto

Resumen: E-LIS is an open access archive for library and information science. With over 5,800 documents as of June 2007 (over 5,000 in February 2007 when the archive was investigated in-depth), E-LIS is the world?s largest archive for LIS. Over half the documents in ELIS are peer-reviewed. E-LIS is particularly strong in English and Spanish language documents, but supports over 22 languages. With this multilingual support and a global team of volunteer editors, E-LIS has significant diversity in content, an advantage over traditional, english-based LIS resources. Not surprising, this tool designed by and for librarians features robust and userfriendly search options. Lack of phrase searching, and pointing to a cross-archiving searching tool no longer supported when much better options are available, are identified as areas for improvement.

   12.    Neefs, J.,  "Proust dans le temps de l'œuvre - Pour saluer la traduction d'Anne-Lisa Amadou".  Romansk Forum, No. 6, 1997.

Descriptores: Literatura francesa/Traducción literaria/Francés

Resumen: La puissance des œuvres tient aux multiples accueils qui leur sont faits; et leur traduction est évidemment la forme d'existence la plus complexe qui peut leur être accordée, la plus ambiguë peut-être, mais la plus convaincante aussi. Car c'est ainsi qu'elles participent à cette grande histoire non écrite de la littérature dont parlait Ingeborg Bachmann, où séjournent ensemble les œuvres lointaines et où les écrivains se répondent les uns aux autres. Invention et transmission font un même mouvement, d'œuvre à œuvre, de langue à langue.

   13.    Peset, F.,  "E-Lis: una comunidad internacional de profesionales".  Profesional de la información, El, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2008, pp. 119-119.

Descriptores: E-LIS/Acceso abierto/Repositorios disciplinares/Bibliotecarios

Resumen:  Dado que E-LIS es un proyecto sobradamente conocido, ahora con más de 7.000 documentos a texto completo, con  cuatro millones de visitas anuales y picos mensuales de 21.000, no insistiré en su importancia para nuestro sector...

   14.    Peset, F. and Ferrer-Sapena, A.,  "E-LIS : Central repository on Library and Information Science".  Online Information , 2008.

Descriptores: Repositorios disciplinares/Documentación

Resumen: E-LIS is an international open archive for the Library and Information Science fields, established in 2003. With over 8,600 documents as of November is an international open archive for the Library and Information Science fields, established in 2003. With over 8,600 documents as of November 2008, E-LIS is the world?s largest archive for LIS. Over half the documents in E-LIS are peer-reviewed. With support for 22 languages and a volunteer editorial team from over 40 countries, E-LIS is an outstanding example of global cooperation, which is reflected in one of the strengths of LIS. Over half the documents in E-LIS are peer-reviewed. With support for 22 languages and a volunteer editorial team from over 40 countries, E-LIS is an outstanding example of global cooperation, which is reflected in one of the strengths of E-LIS, the diversity of its content.

   15.    Peset Mancebo, F., Subirats Coll, I., Barrueco Cruz, J. M., and Noverges Doménech, N.,  "Políticas editoriales en la documentación española e implantación de E-LIS (E-Prints in Library and Information Science)".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2003.

Descriptores: Comunicación científica

Resumen: The communication's objective is to establish a network of collaboration between the authors of scientific works of information science, through the implantation of a computer science tool, Eprints. It raises the problematic of the scientific communication in electronic surroundings, starting off of the premise of which the university is source of quality knowledge. But we are in a system in which that one that produces information, is also that consumes it and the payment.

   16.    Sánchez Villegas, M. A.,  "Iniciativas de acceso abierto y perspectivas de E-LIS en México".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2006.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Mexico/Latinoamérica

Resumen: Se describen los principales proyectos de acceso abierto en México. Se hace mención de la escena bibliotecaria y cómo se ha contribuido para incorporar un mayor número de documentos a E-LIS, igualmente se describen las acciones y caminos a tomar en la difusión del acceso abierto y en especial de E-LIS en México.

   17.    Santillan Aldana, J.,  "The open access movement and the library world seen from the experience of the E-LIS project".  OCLC Systems & Services, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2009, pp. 135-147.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/E-LIS/Documentación

Resumen: Purpose -û The purpose of this paper is to describe the information about the E-prints project in Librarianship and Information Science (E-LIS) experience. Design/methodology/approach -û Descriptive method with informative scope. Findings -û E-LIS had generated a new international view of the intellectual production in Library and Information Sciences (LIS) that include information professionals from emergent and developing countries. Practical implications -û Contribute to understand the real dimension of the intellectual production in LIS. Originality/value -û This paper is of special interest for LIS research.

   18.    Santillán, J.,  "Un proyecto de archivos y mentes abiertas; la aventura de E-LIS - E-PRINTS in Library and Information Science ".  TK, No. 18, 2006.

Descriptores: Portales/Documentación/Bases de datos/Investigación/Acceso abierto

Resumen: E-LIS, Eprints in Library and Information Science <> es un proyecto nacido en el 2003 con el propósito de ofrecer un repositorio para los documentos especializados en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información de libre disposición y uso en Internet. Surge como producto del proyecto Research in Computing, Library and Information Science (RCLIS) y la base de datos Documents in Information Science (DoIS); promovido por el Ministerio Español de Cultura y alojado en los servidores del Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA) en Italia.

   19.    Subirats Coll, I.,  "E-LIS, un archivo abierto para la Biblioteconomía y Documentación".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2004.

Descriptores: Ciencias de la Información

Resumen: E-LIS (E-prints in library and information science) is an open archive on library and information science. It is an international digital library since January 2003, with the goal of promoting the open access philosophy within LIS community.

   20.    Subirats Coll, I.,  "Managing the expansion of E-LIS".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2005.

Descriptores: E-Prints in Library and Information Science/E-LIS/Repositorios disciplinares

Resumen: E-LIS is divided into three sections: administrative, editorial and technical. A discussion list for each section provides the basis for action. The administrative section deals with strategic issues including the future direction of the initiative, its policies and their impact on the user community, and its connection with other scientific communities. The editorial section is devoted to metadata quality and guidelines. The technical section concentrates on the software - its implementation, enhancement, development, added-value functionality, and its operation within the OAI framework. These sections provide the over-arching structure within which the methods and procedures followed by E-LIS staff are established, maintained and developed. The core of the organisational model is the administrative section which also has responsibility for determining the international and future vision of the archive, keeping in mind an understanding of national and international needs. In some countries, librarians want to create national archives for LIS instead of inserting papers into an established international archive, such as E-LIS. This is understandable because there are many technical difficulties associated with the use of different languages, alphabets, and non-alphabetic languages and with the consequent problems of input, output and the sorting of data and author names. E-LIS co-operates with each country individually to decide the best solution to the technical and non-technical barriers so that international visibility can be promoted whilst national interests are served. One idea, currently being debated, is to create a service provider with a harvester to gather national metadata from the national LIS archives and which could be part of the RCLIS infrastructure. All work performed by the editorial section is developed by the editorial staff from discussion on a mailing list. Topics include metadata issues, guidelines for cataloguing, promotion of E-LIS and OA in general, and questions which arise from international co-operation. The principal editorial aim is to reflect the best practices of librarianship in each country by inviting the top scholars in the discipline to contribute to E-LIS. Therefore, the choice of editor for a particular country is crucial as they must be thoroughly conversant with the debates and personalities involved in the LIS disciplines in their country and they must also have the dynamism to promote E-LIS and the commitment, talent and patience for organising people, events and documents. Again, it must be stressed that this activity is currently done on an entirely voluntary basis, but it is evident that it has been of immense benefit to the LIS discipline as a whole. International co-operation can facilitate debate on current issues on many levels and provides the editors, on a personal level, with new professional experiences and expertise. The entirely voluntary character of E-LIS must again be stressed, as it gives a particular connotation to this support system which facilitates co-operation, promotes consensus, forms of expression and the identities of OAI group members, and nurtures relationships between different actors and countries in this wide, international community. E-LIS is confident of its progressive and comprehensive nature in technical matters and content, and particularly in the internationality of its vision and philosophy, and in its attempt to enhance and improve professionalism within the discipline. However, it is not lacking challenges, particularly concerning its budget and the resources needed for a more incisive performance, and as grants and other sources of funding are elusive, the success of E-LIS is largely based on the voluntary efforts of its members.

   21.    Subirats Coll, I., Arencibia Jorge, R., and De Robbio, A.,  "E-prints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS) : la tecnología al servicio de la bibliotecología y las ciencias de la información".  Acimed, 2004.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto

Resumen: The present work aims to diffuse the E-LIS service inside the cuban libraries communities. E-prints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) is the largest open archive in Library and Information Science. Its purpose is to make the full text of scientific documents visible, accessible, searchable and useable by any potential user with access to the Internet. Furthermore this service aims to support specialists, technicians and students who wish to publish or otherwise make their papers, published or not, available world-wide.

   22.    Subirats Coll, I., Arencibia Jorge, R., and Robbio, A. d.,  "Eprints for Library and Information Science (E-LIS): La tecnología al servicio de la investigación en Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información".  ACIMED, Vol. 12, No. 6, 2004.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto/Biblioteconomía/Documentación

Resumen: Con el presente trabajo, se pretende difundir el servicio Eprints in Library and Information Science (E-LIS) entre los bibliotecarios de Cuba. E-LIS es el mayor archivo de acceso abierto sobre Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información. Su propósito es hacer visible, accesible y recuperable el texto completo de los documentos científicos sobre la especialidad para cualquier usuario potencial con acceso a Internet. Además, con este servicio, especialistas, técnicos y estudiantes, pueden difundir a la comunidad científica internacional sus ponencias y trabajos científicos, estén publicados o no, para fomentar el intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias entre ellos.

   23.    Subirats Coll, I., Baiget, T., Ferrer-Sapena, A., Peset, F., and Rodríguez-Gairín, J.-M.,  "Collaboration Between IRALIS and E-LIS : Improving the Visibility of Author's Names in the Open Access World".  E-LIS: E-Prints in Library and Information Science, 2009.

Descriptores: Acceso abierto

Resumen: The problem of the inconsistencies in the authors' signatures has been around for many years, but its significance is increasing due to the great number of people publishing research studies and papers. It is clear that that this is important to always sign in the same way. In the case of the Spanish names, the problem is increased since * there are more choices and * English is the principal language of scientific communication, both in the production (articles, communications, reports), distribution (databases, repositories, browsers) and in the industry as a whole (Publishing houses, compilers, intermediaries, portals etc.). The producers of databases follow a standard worldwide model of signature which is used not only by the Anglo-Saxons, but also by many other countries (Nordic, Slavic, Italian...). Even the Portuguese, when they have compound names and surnames, put the surname of the father at the end. Another thing to bear in mind in the recovery of works by author's name is that the distributors of databases index the author field only 'as a phrase' and not by separate words as in the rest of the fields, or by both at the same time as in the describers. Thus, for example, if the author Antonia Ferrer Sapena appears in the reverse index of authors as AU=Ferrer-Sapena, A., she can never be located searching for AU=Sapena. The IraLIS project has been thought up above all for Spanish-speaking countries, which is where the largest number of ambiguities appears due to the length of the signatures and the fact that the surname considered to be the main one does not appear at the end. Nevertheless, whilst perhaps not being so serious, problems in the identification of authors arise in all languages (even in the Anglo-Saxon countries) for which reason any person may introduce their details. IraLIS aims to be universal, for which invites Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, etc., authors to introduce their names transliterated into English in IraLIS, given that the correct interpretation of their names is also frequently conflictive. Anybody who studies and/or works in any aspect of science may register in IraLIS. Whether they have already published works, or are planning to do so in the future, they can (and should) open a file in IraLIS. The sooner they adopt an iralis signature, the fewer problems they will encounter in the future localizing of their works. We would like to present the details and the first results of the collaboration between IraLIS and E-LIS established in 2008. E-LIS is the largest international Open Archive for Library and Information Science established in 2003 with over 9,000 papers and with more than 5500 users. One of the last improvements in E-LIS is to link to IraLIS so when typing in the names of the authors during upload of documents, a dropdown menu shows the IraLIS registered names. The menu is updated automatically every night to collect the new iralized names. To deposit documents in E-LIS it is not required to register in IraLIS, but it is highly advisable to do it in order to standardize the signature and to be able to recover all the personal bibliography without further trouble. IraLIS: E-LIS:

Julio Alonso Arévalo
Universidad de Salamanca.
Facultad de Traducción y Documentación
Dirección: Francisco Vitoria 6-16
37008 Salamanca
País: ES - España
Teléfono: +34-923 294 580
Fax: +34-923 294 582

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