| Evaluation of Surrogate Endpoints Using Information-Theoretic Measure of Association Based on Havrda and Charvat Entropy Open Access | Pardo, M.C., Zhao, Q., Jin, H., Lu, Y. | |
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| Should we Help our Children with Homework? A Meta-Analysis Using PISA Data | Fernández-Alonso, R., Álvarez-Díaz, M., García-Crespo, F.J., Woitschach, P., Muñiz, J. | |
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| Numerical Solutions to Wave Propagation and Heat Transfer Non-Linear PDEs by Using a Meshless Method Open Access | Flores, J., García, Á., Negreanu, M., (...), Ureña, F., Vargas, A.M. | | | |
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| Axiomatization of the degree of Fitzpatrick, Pejsachowicz and Rabier Open Access | López-Gómez, J., Sampedro, J.C. | | | |
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| Quadratic algebras as commutants of algebraic Hamiltonians in the enveloping algebra of Schrödinger algebras Open Access | Campoamor-Stursberg, R., Marquette, I. | | | |
| On the convergence of controls and cost functionals in some optimal control heterogeneous problems when the homogenization process gives rise to some strange terms | Díaz, J.I., Podolskiy, A.V., Shaposhnikova, T.A. | | | |
| Sharp estimates for homogeneous semigroups in homogeneous spaces. Applications to PDEs and fractional diffusion in RN | Cholewa, J.W., Rodriguez-Bernal, A. | | | |
| Adversarial risk analysis: An overview Open Access | Banks, D., Gallego, V., Naveiro, R., Ríos Insua, D. | | | |